Susie's musings

Leaping and bounding right out of the hospital!

Chuck has been poked and prodded, kicked in the head and pummeled, stuck and beaten, sleep deprived, and subjected to a million tests, but he has won the first round. Today I came home early to take a nap (ha!) and Charlie Paparelli called to patiently tell me (amidst my frantic squeals of concern) that the doctors met and say Chuck is medically stable; he is ready for intensive and aggressive rehab. "Got a pencil? Call this place." I was stunned – pencil? write?" Like a deer stalled in the headlights of an oncoming car. So Charlie called the place to say I was on my way (With Debby my loyal support sister driving). The Admissions Director is a friend and ministry sister of mine at St Timothy church!!! It was one of those "Sue!" … "Zely!" (big hug) moments. She took me around the facility – oh my gosh you can see yourself in the shiny floors. He gets a nice room with a window view and there is another bed for someone to stay there (Little does Charlie Paparelli know but I’m thinking he should stay with Chuck the first night!) Kathy and I can stay home and watch a movie and eat pop corn while Charlie gets Chuck settled in. Rehab will be about 6 hours per day. The brain is an amazing creature. It’s like being hit hard on the head. he’s dazed… and he has to work back the brain function, let the swelling go down. But doctors think he will make a full recovery. Praise God in all his wonders my dears because no mortal could ever have orchestrated this storm in any finer manner. Stay with us as we walk this road. keep praying. Love Sue