Susie's musings

On the Road Again

Some people say I don’t write about Chuck enough… I know everyone loves Chuck better than they love me because Chuck will stay up late watching movies and drinking Scotch, and I’m usually yawning and trailing off to bed at 9:30. What amazes me is how some of you are then up again and perky at 7am with Chuck … What is this? I’ve always been the one hiding up in the tree with a book. So… I packed my paints and too many books, and I’m jumping into the van to "travel America" with Chuck.

If we ever get out of here…… Chuck is still packing. Can anyone ever imagine us actually thinking we could take the motorcycle????? We did take the motorcycle on a trip once, and we will again. Next year. This year I guess our excuse is we have to take some gifts and communications gear to Tennessee… So! Say a little prayer for our overloaded van tootling along the turnpikes of America. I will try to write on the web site…. God bless America! Susie.