Susie's musings

Not leaping and bounding but strong

Hi my dear friends. Chuck was visited by many experts today who all tested him… poor Chuck. He just falls asleep and the door opens… "Hi Chuck I’m Tiffany, lift your right arm!!! Good, now the left…" etc etc. Physical therapy got him out of bed, stand, walked him to the chair and proceeded to test his arms and legs. Will take him for a walk down the hall tomorrow!!!! Occupational therapy had him drink, chew up a baby aspirin and brush his teeth. All OK. Dr from physical therapy examined him and said he is strong… will need speech therapy. And how many times did I tell him to shoosh because he is so loud! OK OK I will be so happy to hear him postulating again! Neurologist thinks he is progressing nicely for someone who had his brain beaten up – asked Chuck a question that scared me: "Chuck who is in the room?" You know you can fake a lot and I gulped and held my breath… "Debby, Dave,,(he hesitated as if he knew I was holding my breath),, and Sue" big whoof of air from me. Neurologist also had him repeat "it is a sunny day." which he did. Today he did not sleep through these sessions, but I’m validating every person who ever said you can’t get any sleep in the hospital!!! I left him sitting in a chair like a king. Peter Skipp is coming in to help him eat his dinner. Tomorrow is another big day. Our God is an awesome God! Happy Veteran’s Day to all our vets. Love Susie