Susie's musings

Paint colors and the Presidency

At a little before 3am Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump and said something like.. "OK you got it… good luck" and then he made a speech and suggested that America will be great again… he will do good things like rebuild the infrastructure which Barack Obama promised 8 years ago… And a lot of other things that presidents elect say. A news man said, he can promise all he wants, but the way the founding fathers built the Constitution, power resides in Congress and that’s a spending issue, and Congress isn’t going to spend any money. Something to the tune of another 4 years of dead lock. And our bridges will continue to crumble. Interesting that the music playing in the background of Donald’s grand exit from the stage was the Stones’ "You can’t always get what you want … But you can try sometimes and you get what you need… " Fr Frank Pavone, founder of Priests for Life has expressed hope that a Trump presidency might bring us closer to the ending of abortion… the killing of unborn children. That’s a real hope, and that doesn’t cost anything but love. Let’s pray that we all step forward in the next 4 years and give a hand to making America great again… God bless America

Meanwhile I’ve got walls covered with paint splashes trying to choose a paint color to brighten up our house while Chuck is off hunting. I’ve cleaned out the library closet as I threatened to do….. and have a lot of stuff piled on the library floor. Now what to do with the "stuff…" I’m telling you, stuff sure takes up space. And Jackets! Who needs so many? Winter is a comin’ on, but my dear, who needs all these winter jackets? God bless you this autumn… and thank heaven the speeches and ads are over.