Susie's musings

End of cruising for now…

3453 nautical miles from Harwich to Harwich round trip. St Petersburg was supposed to be the highlight, but I think the experience at Stockholm Sweden with cousins was amazing! And we saw a Palace and the changing of the guard, but on a much more personal level!!!! And missing Skagen was sad as I love the little sea fish villages… I wanted to walk Chuck out to the "edge" and see the North Sea meet the Baltic. Maybe someday one of you or your children can do that and take a photo we can see. My photos from the ship will be very foggy. We will be let off the ship about 8:45am and trundle all the luggage to the rental car place and begin the long trek north. Our friends Liz and Nick weren’t expecting us until Sunday.. Let’s see how flexible we all can be! Not only do I invite myself but I give the wrong date! Ah isn’t it wonderful knowing Susie Peabody! Sun is half shining and it is 50 degrees. Enjoy the beginning of summer! God bless you!