Susie's musings

Rehab 101.5

It’s Saturday afternoon and Chuck and I spent our first night together in a week. He was in his hospital bed at the rehab center, and I was across the room in my little cot. (George, think Mother Teresa cot…. but it will do for now.) I thanked God for every breath or snort he made as he slept from 9pm to 4am (take a little break for a potty stop) and then from 4 to 6. How amazing it is to have a partner that we begin to take advantage of (I think there is another way to say this but I’m not firing on all cylinders myself!) …. wanting him to be quiet when he sleeps and then almost losing him. I feel sad for those who have lost this partner; I understand your sadness and I send you a loving hug. Chuck ate breakfast and the rehab people started evaluating. I don’t have their report, but he saw OT, PT and speech therapist. He has been surrounded with Dave and Debby and Charlie and Kathy while I was sent home for a nap…. haven’t wanted to sleep yet. I took a photo of Charlie and Dave on my sofa sipping a beer watching the University of Miami football game. Hey! who’s with "the kid?" Chuck is in good hands and I’ll be back there with him tonight and Sunday night when he should be oriented and ready for full day of rehab on Monday! maybe even rehab on Sunday. If you visit go slow as he has a little cognitive confusion… Brain has to get firing again. It’s a little like getting hit up the side of the head by a 2 x 4. His brain is stunned and trying to get his bearings. God bless you for continuing prayer, and God bless our Chuck.