Susie's musings

neurosurgery – an art not a science – November 8

Our friend Karen wisely advised me why the neurosurgeons don’t know why Chuck is having seizures and why his case is unusual, unique and well just uncommon… neurology is an art. Today was an amazing day where baby steps seemed like leaps. Chuck saw me across a 30 foot space, I waved at him and he waved back. He blew an air kiss at Diane. He reached out for Rick’s hand and held it. He kind of grinned at Rob and reached out his hand for a University of Miami pin Rob gave to him. He nods "no" his wife’s name is not Pam, "yes" his wife’s name is Sue. He’s coming along. Now of course our contrary Chuck slept through Physical Therapy (who wants to run and jog when he can take a nap instead???? Chuck!) He slept through the neurosurgeon’s 6PM visit, utterly unconcerned that the high priest of surgery was evaluating him. Shake your head here and say "that’s Chuck." His brain must be healing because he’s himself more and more. He sleeps because they are medicating him trying to get his brain to quiet down after being abused by being squeezed under the hematoma. His heart beat, blood pressure, pulse, all vital signs are normal and he has always breathed on his own… The bilateral thalamic infarcs are confusing the neurologists. unusual, unique and well just uncommon…. I guess that’s it. We wait and we pray.