A prayer in the church at Saint Mere Eglise begins … "Our Lady of Peace, in this place where so many people have given their lives for freedom and human dignity…" In the church where American soldiers died and one hung from the bell tower while his soldier companions were slaughtered below him… in this place of fighting and death, the French people have placed a mile marker. Zero. From this place… peace begins. Each mile from there is marked as this is the first place the Allies liberated. As we drove around Normandy the announcer kept referring to Saving Private Ryan and The Longest Day. So those two movies really paid homage truly to D Day and the events that ended the war in Europe. While we fight with politics and greed we must remember that these men fought for freedom and peace. I was very affected by seeing and walking on Omaha Beach and the American Cemetary and I hope all of us will go to visit our soldiers. I read some markers and found Walter Baker and other names that are so close to family that I felt the brotherhood… So many men from a generation and then we went and did it again in Viet Nam and now the middle east (Afganistan). Thank God I got to make this trip. I would definitely return. In Brugges, Belgium the weather was grand. The town is lovely and peaceful. Someone said, since weather has been recorded; this is the nicest day of weather recorded! Still need light scarf and jacket as I am a Miami flower… We headed out and towards Harwich, England at 9:30pm and woke up to a somewhat cloudy day… with a little headache. Perhaps 2 Belgium beers, chocolate and several glasses of wine at Vintages made that headache!!!! Saving Private Ryan might become Saving Susie’s brain if this Vintages thing continues…. My dears, as of last night we had covered 5132 nautical miles. This ship is now empty except for about 250 who are "continuing" on the Baltic cruise. I need to go get my sail and sign card updated. Paid the last bill and will start a new bill. need coffee and will take a little walk outside to see if the rental car is near by where the ship will dock again in twelve days. Eventually (in twelve days) we will have to pack up and get off for good… but for now we are looking forward to swimming every day, walking on the upper deck, visiting Baltic countries, and doing new things… We have been invited to lunch at the Chops Grille at noon so … moving on I salute you my friends and family and wish you blessings and beauty. God bless you.
This is our Latitude/Longitude this Saturday morning… interesting, and we are headed for 0 degrees W. I remember studying latitude and longitude in school… So every day we look at the map and see our numbers and where we are. We will "land" at Cherbourg, France at 2pm and begin our tour to the beaches at Normandy at 2:15. We will travel through the first town that the allies liberated (we needed to take the road to keep the Germans from getting to the beaches when they found out they were being invaded). We have received our passports and passed through English immigration already and we still have France and Belgium on this leg of the tour. At 8:30 am there was little wind (8 mph), 55 degrees air temp. and 4796 nautical miles traveled so far. Blue sky! I’m off to the pool for bouncing exercise! Happy Saturday and God bless you and God bless our American soldiers.
Cork, Ireland
We waited so long for land to come.. and yesterday was another day of high seas and waves. Gray and dismal. At 4:23am I woke up dreaming about finding the McCarthys of my family in Cork. It was dark, but still. No knocking and rolling. Thinking about the lovely Partick McCarthy with the blue-teal eyes whom I met this trip who told me McCarthys came from Cork, I thought… we are arrived in my family home! I peeked out the curtain and stepped outside! It was not windy, a little rainy, and in the dark I could see lights like shore lights. Chuck came out to make sure I hadn’t fallen in, and then we slept until 8am. We went outside again to an iffy sky. cloudy, air temp 57 degrees. The TV from the bridge announced we have traveled 4532 nautical miles. After breakfast we stepped outside and found it a little breezy. caught the train to Cork at 10:30 and walked up to the English Market and found The Mutton Inn and the mural I’ve been waiting to see on Prince Street. An Irish gentleman invited us into the pub and proceeded to buy us Guinness and bitter shandies…. at 2:30 I advised we have to go. I went into the English market and bought a foot long sausage in a bun for Chuck and two short bread sweetie wonders for me using my store of Euros. I wrote the young man’s name and email and will send him a photo and of course invited him to Miami. Full of sausage, sweet tarts, guinness, and bitter shandies… we came back to the ship and watched Irish dancers in the theater. It’s time to leave port… Tonight at 6pm we will do "face to face" with immigration authorities and get our passports back. Off to clean up and get ready for more fun and games (wine and dinner). From Cork with Love… God bless you!
wearing green!
A young lady at our table wanted green to wear to the piano bar because tomorrow is Ireland so I lent her my favorite green jacket! Sarah it’s the one you found for me and I wear every day! Hope I get it back!!! Green tonight while we hope hope it will clear up for Cork, Ireland. It is currently 52 degrees and windy rough and foggy at sea. Giant waves have broken windows and actually done some damage to stacks of liquor, perfumes, and dishes… The pools are emptied and the decks are closed off for walking. The ship is creaking and making noises. A bit of claustrophobia abounds and the Thriller dance lessons are in the Centrum where angels used to sing… I’ll write how we did as we are planning to take a train into Cork from the port of Cobh where the Brilliance docks… Wish us luck using our Euros to buy train tickets and beer! Headed for the piano bar with Chuck where a red headed Irish lady will sing… God bless you.
A little bit of sunshine!
Good morning! A puzzle has been under construction for 3 days in the Scooner walkway. No single person worked on it, rather various people at various times. At first it was a lot of colorful pieces all spread out and gradually it took form and I’m sure there were some changes as "I don’t think that piece fits there, but it goes over here…" Jesus said to his disciples, "I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth." (John 16:12) So we piece together the pieces begging for wisdom! Yesterday in Bible study, a lady started a debate over the humanity of Jesus when we read in Philippians that Jesus took on the form of man (2: 1-11), and I thought of the early church fathers discussions of "what are we to make of the pieces we have? what are we to believe?" and today we ask, "what is my faith?" Of course church councils decreed that Jesus is true (wholly) God and true (wholly) man. Not easily understood by us is it? Not an easy concept for me – human, grumpy, mean at times to realize God is in my heart! My heart is God’s heart! He really gets down and dirty with us!
So… After Mass this morning, while waiting for Chuck to wake up, I was out on the balcony writing this in my bathrobe and freezing! Looking out and trying to figure what direction I was looking trying to see if east is brighter… If we are driving Northeast, the sun would be "up front" (very nautical terminology) I think I’m slightly aft and looking north and celebrating "It’s not raining!" I think I can bundle enough to get in a 2 mile walk before the 1pm pool bouncing with the ladies in the Solarium. But first wake up Chuck for breakfast of eggs benedict and smoked salmon (burp). Captain is on and making a summary… 52 degrees…. 712 miles to Cork! in 2500 meters water depth… Tomorrow is the last sea day before we pull into Cork, Ireland, Cherbourg, France (Normandy invasion beaches), Bruges, Belgium and then…. on Monday, Harwich England where we will stay on board and go on to the Scandinavian countries. Chuck said we don’t need a balcony this trip as it is chilly and windy, but I think we need to hang out and watch docking in our pajamas!!! God bless you and keep you nice and warm.
Zoomba and cousins
Well normally I sing of angels in the Centrum, but today I’m a little early at the pc and there is a Zoomba class downstairs in the Centrum. WOW! A very muscelled cute guy is leading the group and it makes me want to do Zoomba, but I’m all dressed for dinner and going to spend an hour in the wine bar in the company of Patrick and Leona McCarthy "cousins from Cork." Well maybe cousins. Patrick says all McCarthys come from the Cork area and not from Dublin where my father said our Grand Daddy Michael came from… I guess my story of "an Irishman on the run" doesn’t hold water any more. Today I did almost everything on the schedule I had circled. Mass, Bible study, and a talk on stress and how to avoid the killing nature of stress. (Stress pours adrenaline and cortisol into the blood which eventually kills us if we don’t run or fight which used to serve cave men but today only kills our heart and blood vessels..) and yes I know that, and I’ve been told not to worry so much and not to have so much angst. So we are supposed to do Yoga breathing and think… take the power away from our fear and out of our reaction to "attack"… rather than stress out, respond with reason: Say things like "I’m stressed: breathe; go walk; move the big muscles, drink water (to wash out the adrenaline and cortisol)." Tend to whoever is in trouble (that is what women do) and deal with life when it’s hard without killing ourselves. Try to write a list of the 5 most important things I want in life that I can use to evaluate my life at the moment of death… One lady said I will ask if I was a good person… I think I will ask Did I love you enough Mary and Jesus? My mother firmly believed Mary would meet her, so what did you say to Mary Mom?
Two final things on the list were an art lecture, but I missed that as the stress talk went long, and the pool which I went to and bounced. No outdoor walking today as it is a nasty weather day – grey and wet!" Off to meet cousins. Toodles. God bless you.
Angels singing in the Centrum
My goodness what beautiful music emanates from 2 violins and a piano! I came here to the pc at 3pm and I thought… "I hear angels!" And so I caution everyone who says "the computers are slow!" to "listen to the music!!!! peace be with you." "Yeah lady what are you smokin’" they look back at me. Today is a 50% day. I planned to go to daily Mass, origami, a talk, a walk and then go into the solarioum pool at 1pm. I refuse to go less than 50%, but I did miss Mass and origami with sleeping in… yawn, I grabbed coffee and headed for the talk called Perception isn’t Reality… about how we form perceptions and how we can change how we perceive … Chuck and I say "Perception IS Reality." But what we need to know is that perception is MY reality. When we "go up against" another person who does not agree with us, we really need to realize their perspective, their focal point, what they automatically didn’t see, or what they saw into something, what story they made up from what they saw, what motive they attributed to the story they saw and realize I did all that too! I try so hard especially on a long cruise like this to be positive and not to read any negatives into people’s actions or events… If someone is angry or grumpy I have to wonder what has happened to them that makes them feel crowded, chilly, nauseated, sad… and there is a lot! I suggest just go take several Advils and maybe a nap!
Speaking of naps, our little English friend Emily had her baby named Oliver (no middle name yet) Hardstaff! Em: I vote for Charles or William – good strong names!) Emily and Oliver and big brother Henry were out in the garden in short sleeves in a photo in Facebook so Maybe it will be lovely weather when we finally get off the ship in England!! We are rocking and rolling here in the middle of the Atlantic and it’s chilly, but I’m holding out for sunshine!
Today after the talk on perception, I missed walking as I promised to meet 2 new lady friends at the Solarioum at 1pm. So realizing I have to kick a lot in the pool to make up for missing a 2 mile walk… I got into the pool and the ladies came and then more! We float and kick and talk as the waves batter us around. In the pool were folks from Augusta Georgia, Boot Hill Kansas, San Antonio Texas, Bridport England and … some others. What fun to share about our towns! After tea and a panini and a hot shower, here I am… I ask for prayer today for my friends Linda and Marj both of whom are undergoing testing for potential cancers. I pray for their peace of mind as doctors poke and prod… Both are wonderful sweet ladies and you all know others who need prayer for people who are besieged by life’s ills and inequities. As you read this, ask angels to hold the ladies and to hold your friends and you too against the cold of the unknown. Hold us towards the light of hope and faith. God bless you! Sue
Rockin’ across the Atlantic
Chuck agrees the boat is rocking more today as the waves are hitting us sidesways. The "wave" pool has been emptied as it was flooding the deck… Darn. Yesterday was fun in the wave pool… The pool would nearly empty then fill in and we would be swept back and forth. I’m in turtle neck tee today and will put on a jacket to walk on the jogging path… It’s a little brrrry. and I think it will be burrrryier in Ireland (first stop: Cork, Ireland). Went to Sunday Mass then had breakfast in the dining room with 4 people from New York who shared their "where were you on Sept 11?" stories. While we were in front of televisions they talked of the smoke and friends lost… One man actually cried as he talked about his son who was shipped off to a school on Staten Island to protect the children and he couldn’t find his little son … I went to painting class where a group of ladies complained about disembarking ships. One needs to move away quickly from groups like that as they seem to wallow in misery. Just get up and get away. I’m always smiling and wishing people a great day! Travel can be uncomfortable and we just have to overlook the inconveniences (like favorite wave pool being emptied) and have a good time. Today the art show is "figures of women." Curvacious women decorate the walls of the gallery. Lovely! Have a wonderful Sunday and Mother’s Day. God bless you.
sunshine, 2 violins, and a piano
What more could one expect of in a dream? We had a very wonderful breakfast in the dining room. I entered thinking, "I could have eggs benedict," but it’s not on the menu. So here comes Christian our waiter of the day with the special… eggs benedict with salmon… "Oh my!" our table mates said, laughing! "You wanted eggs benedict didn’t you?" Well yes, with grits please. Piggy that I am give me what I want with grits. OH boy was it good. Chuck and I regaled the table with stories of how we travel. We make an end city or a plan and call everyone on the route and say, "Will you be home this date, and can we come stay with you?" Most people say they would love to see us, but some try to duck out, and then I reschedule until I bully them into taking us in sometime!!!! Some of you reading this will laugh here. I really love visiting you all and it keeps us posted as it’s hard to pray for people we never see!!!! We were sitting with an English couple who live near Nottingham but wouldn’t give us their address (for fear we’ll write and want to visit?). We talked about visiting the New Forest and Sidmouth. I’ve talked with several English people who love the walks on the Sidmouth shore (it’s on the south coast where we will stay our last few days before sailing back to New York. ). Before breakfast I went to daily Mass and after breakfast I went to Bible study. This is like being at home! Then I walked 2 miles on the upper deck in the WIND! On one side of the ship I could see the big screen with a Kevin Kostner movie I think it is McClaren (or something like that) it is the name of a school in New Mexico. Look it up as it looked good. I passed the movie screen 12 times on my circling of the deck and every time Kevin Kostner looked good! I then went to get Chuck and we went up to the Solarium where I went into the pool which was like a wave ride at Disney!!! giant waves as the ship is moving up and down back and forth a little. Now, all showered, we will read and then I’ll go in search of a painting to copy and a glass of wine to drink before dinner. Ah!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend! God bless you!
Heading out into the middle
The sea today was calm as glass. Not a wave in sight which means very smooth sailing, but tomorrow is supposed to be gray and cloudy. It doesn’t really matter as there is art, painting, Bible study, jewelry making, and naps inside. I must get out and walk… and I write gym and walk on the daily compass. Chuck said he will think about it. We’ve settled into a routine of meeting up occasionally and then spending the evening together listening to the young Englishman sing Irish songs in the King and Country Pub. Today I was hungry about 4pm and rather than a nice piece of cheese which I would do at home, I had an English scone with cream and strawberries and I snagged a big chocolate chip cookie on the way to paint a Thomas Kincade painting. I need to work on my bridges.. and soon I’ll need to work on my waistline!!! If I don’t write, do not worry, the daily compass warned that we might have spotty satellite coverage for a few days as we are "in the middle of the Atlantic" on a northwest path from Norfolk to Cork Ireland. Have a wonderful weekend. God bless you! Sue