Today, like many others this month of June… The sky turned a gray green and glowered. While I was in the grocery store shopping for fruit and milk, the store started to shake and sounded like hammers on the roof. I glanced out and saw sheets of rain and a flood in the parking lot. More shopping. That’s usually when I buy the BOGOs…. Don’t need peanut butter, but it’s a BOGO, so will get it "for the trip". etc etc. When I was finished buying my non-list items… the rain had stopped. I carried my bounty home and we waited. Sure enough … just now I looked out and up because the air seemed green-gray and this giant gray green cloud threatened from the East. and , yes, you guessed it, the floods again began. I didn’t get crackers, so if we flood, we’ll be licking peanut butter off our fingers. Hope your summer is sunny and not too hot! God bless you!
First let me thank our Lord for all of our continuing health. Even though I "sound" like I have a horrible lung disease… i don’t. I caught a cold and arrived at Dennis and Laura’s coughing. Dennis did not have surgery… actually the first opinion doctor stirred up trouble because he did not want to do surgery and after Dennis and Laura got the concurrence of general practice, urologist and a second surgeon to operate, first opinion doctor stirred up trouble. As I listened to telephone conversations, I prayed for a peaceful solution. It is absolutely awful to get a cancer diagnosis, "Yes you have cancer," but surgery denied. So Chuck and I left on Friday and I’ve been suffering from a cold since. I sit and read and watch TV. It has been raining like a son of a gun so I can’t go outside in the sunshine too much. It’s amazing how a cold as we call it really infects and deflates spirits. We don’t have a resolution in Dennis’ case… So let us continue to pray for our kin and loved ones who have gotten cancer diagnosis and pray for healing and peace. God bless you.
Peabodys good dog watchers
We have traveled to North Port Florida to baby sit cousins Dennis and Laura’s dogs while Dennis has prostate surgery on Friday. It is hot here in North Port… We arrived alive after crossing the Everglades and are going out for Dennis’ ‘last meal’:… Surgery will be on Friday. SALPF Dennis on Friday (Say a Little Prayer For Dennis). God bless you!!!
Memorial Day
Pray God bless America today. Think about what Jesus would say today: "Have peace in your heart. Keep faith in your heart that our Father has a plan for mankind, and it is eternal life". I walked about the cemetery at Woodlawn Park on 8th street while waiting for a Memorial ceremony to begin, and I read tombstones of WWI and Korea and Vietnam veterans, and I pray they are "on eternal patrol". Wouldn’t it be amazing to meet St. Michael? Let us pray today for peace in our hearts that only Jesus can give. Peace in our hearts that leads to loving behavior. Let others be peaceful too. God bless us.
Mama Gone!
Just like that! Around 6pm yesterday I rescued a sick chick who was laying down and couldn’t walk. Chick was ocvered with flies…. I brushed all the flies off, wrapped chick in a rag and carried chick to Kathie the animal whisperer, my neighbor. She is feeding the little chick.. Between 7 and 8 pm while we were out on the lake…. Mama and the chicks took off for parts safer? unknown? witness protection? She actually left 7 eggs and all the broken eggs that her chicks hatched out of so I put 6 eggs back on the nest and one that was broken into… I threw that one and all the fragments away. During the night the eggs disappeared. SSSSSSnakes? iguanas? who knows. Maybe they even hatched … donnnno. Today I think I saw Mama with 15 babies down on our boat ramp sipping water. Kathie names the ducks, birds, iguanas. To me they all look alike. So I wish you well good Mama duck. What an adventure for us!!!!
Back to normal in 90 degree heat. I can barely move outside. Hope your spring is a little more temperate. We are praying today for 28 Coptic Christians martyred just south of Cairo Egypt today, and for the young people killed in Manchester. The church is praying for a cessation of the attack on Christianity and we ask the Lord to crush the head of the serpent who persecutes and martyrs Christians. God bless you.
9 babies "out and wanting to play". Mama still sitting on eggs and the wind blowing. It’s hilarious!!! Thank God. God bless you.
Lucky 13
Mike went to feed Dolores the duck and he says he counted 13 babies!!!! The winds are blowing bad out there, but she is all fluffed up and covering everybody including some still unhatched eggs. What a victory and with all the hoopla of her leaving the nest for fear of the visiting dogs!!! Thank you benevolent God who takes care of his little ones. I remember after Hurricane Andrew, we were all standing outside the Gables house looking at the destruction of the trees. Tree branches were 10 feet high covering the streets…. and we heard chirping… a bird had huddled under a torn up bush up against the house in the storm. A little headache and chirping again. God bless us.
Duck babies
Today about 6 babies hatched… and tonight mama has to defend the babies and the rest of the eggs against a high wind coming in from the south. Right now she has all her feathers gathered over the nest and her back to the wind fending off a storm coming in from the south directly against the back of my house. Elation over babies has been replaced by worries about the babies in the storm. Isn’t this the way life is? God bless us as we fight against the elements and defend the young ones. God bless us.
Let us pray…
On the terror in Manchester England: My dear British friends who are so much our family, we are praying for the children and families of Manchester England. We are so baffled by the evil that strikes out at children. We can only lean back on the chest of our Lord who promised he loves little children. He loves the peaceful. He loves his own. Draw strength that eternal life belongs to us the ones baptized in Christ. God bless you my dear friends.
In 1886, Pope Leo X111 wrote this prayer to be prayed daily: "Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls."
On September 11, I left work and went into my parish church and prayed. I realized that my anger wouldn’t help. Only this prayer to St Michael the warrior angel whose job it is to protect heaven and the souls that are to go to heaven. We all have angels, and angels surrounded the ones who were hurt and killed last night. We must be at peace over the souls that were lost. We must pray, and I for one, support the combined efforts of heavenly powers and NATO forces aligned with the forces of the Middle Eastern people who hate terror to wipe out the scourge that is ISIS. God bless us.
Martin babies!
This morning I was hanging a few things on the clothesline and I heard a very noisy Martin chirping above me in the Martin house. "She or He" was sitting on the corner of the house chirping very loudly and behind him or her were two tiny birds with their mouths wide open! "Feed me!!!" their tiny chirps sounded! Yesterday a mama duck marched her 6 babies past our Mama duck … tiny yellow chicks picking in the grass at my door… waiting to be fed. I certainly hope our mama gets some duckies soon. I hope and pray the nest isn’t full of non-viable eggs. That would be really awful, and we would have to let the mama duck take care of that problem. Whatever they do in the wild. Well, today is a day of putting photos in albums. It’s time to do that as we are going to launch into another round of visiting everybody and traveling great distances (we plan to visit Laura and Dennis to help take care of dogs while Dennis is having surgery… Pray for Dennis’ health and safety). And we will be visiting my sister Sarah who is having an art show in June in Neptune Beach! So I better be ready to take more pictures!!! Happy spring! God bless you.