Susie's musings

Anticipation! How sweet the anticipation of freedom!

Today at the 3:00 meeting actually held at 3:45, the rehab team said Chuck has got a few deficits…. but there’s no reason for him to sleep at the rehab hospital any more, he can walk and talk, eat and eliminate, shower and live at home!!!! he can come to outpatient rehab to continue to tweak the recovery. I had my hand on the suitcase, but believe it or not… there’s paperwork to be done. Of the most importance is the doctor’s orders and other "sign offs." Chuck himself is excited to go home and I am very excited. I have to move slow and be quiet because he is still recovering! He said, "good thing we built that bathroom with a walk in shower and a bench." He showered himself tonight "in anticipation." This Thanksgiving we can say "thanks be to God for blessings" and we know a true miracle. I will keep you posted and I thank so many of our friends who were with us through this and have pledged to be with us until "the man is back" grumbling because he has lists of things to do, grumbling because he has to jog, etc… what else? Love to you this time of Thanksgiving. I’ll continue to blog especially tomorrow. God’s Angels have cleared many boulders out of the way, and I am sure tomorrow will go smoothly. Until tomorrow evening…. say a little prayer for Karen Skipp’s Mom who went into the hospital with pneumonia in Orlando. Karen is worried. God bless Karen, her Mom, and her family. Love to you all my readers, Sue