Susie's musings

Come on birdies 🐦

My friend Kathie, next door neighbor, won’t move to a place where she can’t SEE the beautiful birds! Right now, out here in the dock 🏠 house I am hearing some very interesting twittering from the East. Several birds talking. And behind me to the west… Several chirpers. A flock of something just flew by going east… But so far I don’t think they have noticed the bird feeder. The eastern sky is glowing pink cotton. It will be another beautiful day!

Today is the first day I read in new church. We were so busy yesterday with emptying clothing boxes and sorting tee shirts and working with Xfinity to automate our bill that I forgot a Sacristan meeting. I’m in training to work at the altar, but missing a meeting while in training isn’t the nicest thing! Mea Culpa! The people at the church are all wonderful. Yesterday at Adoration they were singing a special office and I went looking for a book and a lady came from the back to hand me one! Our pastor is very friendly, he smiles and talks to people after Mass, yet he is very serious when he says Mass. As it should be (in my opinion).

It is still here at sunrise. Yesterday Chuck hung 3 wind chimes, but not a sound this morning except birds!!! God bless us!