Susie's musings

5.0 or bust!

I don’t have a fit bit but I do have an app on my phone that counts my steps and miles and today I determined to get over the 10,000 step mark and … I did!!! 11039 steps – 4.8 miles. Finished at a run in the rain! I’m still on the Juice Plus program with 2 smoothies a day and gluten, caffeine and dairy free. Free of fatigue. Free of lassitude. Yesterday I was revved!!!! I shopped and prepared a dinner for 8 – worked all day long just preparing … At the very end of the day I ate chicken, veggies and fruit while my guests noshed on ham and chicken, sweet and white potatoes with butter and sour cream, veggies, rolls with butter, ice cream and fruit. I did have 3 glasses of prosecco, and I also drank a lot of water. I have to research gluten and dairy free and make sure I’m getting all I need for an old lady. Although I feel really good and along with the smoothies we take 6 capsules of fruit and vegetable based supplements. In the past, if I prepped for a party like that, I’d be exhausted by 4pm and want a nap and maybe lay down but be too tired to sleep. That nap reflex is also not in tune with our circadian rhythms….. Recently a sleep psychologist explained that I was crawling into bed, tired, but body wasn’t ready for sleep. I had to set a routine and stick to it. It’s working…. I get into bed … IF I am sleepy… at 1030 pm and get up at 7am. That is working. Sometimes I’m wide awake at 10:30 pm so I sit up reading. All seems well. OK! Today is Sunday and I hope you all had a good holy day and spent some time with the Lord. God bless you.