Susie's musings

simple and small

I’m not getting my inspiration from the news! So you have to hear where I do get my inspiration! Todays readings in church were from 2 Kings 5 and Luke 4: about the prophet Elisha who cured a Syrian and Jesus who couldn’t cure in his own home town…. If the people don’t believe – well there isn’t going to be many miracles… Meanwhile… The Syrian leper who went to Elisha the prophet thought it was darn rude of Elisha not to come out and give a big party and accept the gifts he brought to the prophet… Elisha only sent word: "Go wash in the Jordan 7 times". "That’s all? you won’t even give me a big greeting – you just tell me to step in and out of that dirty mud-filled river 7 times? I want more!" The leper’s expectations were high and he was full of himself. Sometimes we think we know best! And it isn’t the way the prophet is telling me…He’s just a regular ordinary prophet. Where is the guy in charge? I am so smart. So the Leper’s servants tell him… "you would do it if he told you something extraordinary! If it were big and loud… If there were some ceremony. So go do it. Test the prophet." What if I pretend I believe? So he went out to the Jordan and washed 7 times and lo he was clean of the leprosy! There isn’t going to be fire and smoke! There isn’t going to be big ceremony. Miracles can’t be done for the big, loud and proud… Just listen and move when that still small voice whispers. Put out your hand and take the dew drop and the small bit of light. Blaise Pascal said if we "act" we just might get to our death and find out the whole salvation by Jesus message was real. If we don’t act, and the message is real, we lose. Choose life! God bless you.