July 23. Beware of the back of the closet…. This morning while Mom still slept I opened the linen closet and started on “the ground floor.” In my opinion… boxes at the back of the closet that have dust on them are to go into the “rummage sale/toss” pile. Except for treasured photos and letters. They get kept and moved… “for later.” I soon filled the hallway with items of interest – some I couldn’t identify what they are. I had started on a little storage cabinet in the kitchen when I heard a gasp from the hallway! “Oh my! oh dear! what is this junk???!!!! Ohhhhhh I have a lot of junk!” Mom exclaimed and sank into a chair and wimpered… “What are we going to do with all this stuff?” “Good Morning! Mom!” I cheerily countered as I rushed at her with a cup of coffee! “It’s not junk, it’s just stuff you don’t use any more!” (“Do we need artificial respiration here?” I secretly wondered!!!!) Mom said, “I need my pills.” Mom always takes her pills first thing in the morning before she drinks her coffee. No problem! As she doled out the tiny pink, yellow and purple life-savers, Mom said, “It’s over whelming… what am I gong to do with all this stuff?” “You are going to read the paper and we will make decisions later,” I murmured. So continues the saga of “Moving Mom…” How do you pack a lifetime into boxes? I think it is a gift to be able to do this, but to some it might be something else…