This is the beginning of a four month Odyssey around the United States! Celebrating the interstate road system, we will begin at almost the beginning of Interstate 10 in Lake City, Fla and travel across the bottom of the US to Tucson. This first part of our trip will be a relaxing drive across country. I hope to find good hotels every 270 to 300 miles, relax in a warm pool, eat a good meal, and sleep in a clean bed every night. Repeat. I think our whole first leg will be in desert country, ending in Arizona which I always think of as “Arid Zone.” Chuck and I are not looking forward to the heat, but our goal is a submarine convention in a large (cool) hotel in Tucson. I have warned our friends that they will not see us for 4 months! That’s a long time to be gone from home, but this trip can’t end until we witness a cousin’s wedding in Springfield, Massachusetts on December 9, 2023. We can’t get homesick and go home before December 9 because we have the wedding! So stick with me… I’ll describe the United States as I have gleefully described what we have seen before on our trips. So… sign in occasionally for this wild, “Where’s Susie?” trip.