Susie's musings

Taxes and such

I am sitting at the dining room table that is covered, not with plates for a lovely tea, but with paper that will help me to put the last year together for Chuck to begin to “do our taxes.” In the past, the job was much more complicated. We had 4 rental houses and jobs, now, we are “retired” with only one rental house and mortages paid to us. All I have to do is go through the expenses and list everything we spent to see how Chuck and Uncle Sam are going to communicate. This time of reckoning also involves reckoning the checkbook… With Chuck as the master financial guru in this family, my checkbooks must balance. So I sit down about this time and spend a few hours…. finding the “offs”. So I want to know… how come 6 + 7 doesn’t equal 9? pooey!

I have been coming into a new way to argue lately. It involves asking someone… “just who are those democrats you want to eliminate? Is it 50% of the population? Isn’t that the same thinking Hitler and Stalin used to eliminate Jews, Cossacks, Muslims?” A friend actually argued, “well, it isn’t 50%; there are independents.” Wow. I’m just saying… And another person said, “those people who moved to Florida for lower taxes, but speak out against DiSantis…. they should leave!!!” So… I ask, “who are they…’those people’?” All of them? Whoever they are. Isaiah wrote in chapter 58: “the Lord will answer if you call for help, and he will say: ‘Here I am! If you remove from your midst opression, false accusation and malicious speech… then light shall rise for you in the darkness.'” I’m all for the light folks! I choose light. So I’m a little voice occasionally asking… “do you really want to eliminate anyone like in the past?” God bless us!

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