Susie's musings

Flight of the Butterflies

Good morning dear gentle readers! Today is a day when I focus not outside, and not even inside on my soul, but on the floors and window sills. It is flight of the butterflies Thursday because we have house guests coming on Friday. I woke up with a mission…. First a bath and clean the bathtub. I don’t do any kneel on the floor and scrub routine, rather I fill it and get in. Then the cleaning can be done while my feet soak!. Bugs begone. Have you ever noticed that flying knats love the bathtub? Out damned bugs! Clean the window sill like it’s always been that way, dry me, and come out all victorious to watch morning Mass! Today is Thursday and our weather is a bit cloudy with a massive amount of rain headed up the Gulf of Mexico towards New Orleans. We have a flood watch here and I see the Mississippi River is full and at flood stage… potential flooding everywhere from too much rain. What are you doing Mother Nature? Pray today for peace and do a little bit of scrubbing. Be calm and joyful. God bless us!!!! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

We don’t do this here

I haven’t heard this spoken yet, but it would be great to be able to repeat it all over the United States. "We don’t get another chance to fix this," said the Governor of Minnesota. We must change. Let us look at practices and rules for regulating behavior in all levels of government. Let us raise expectations for kindness. If we must, let us take off the guns. What if police took off their gun belts and walked into cities and towns? Walk in… In the very old days, police wore a billy club and walked in town. Even then, police beat up citizens. "We don’t do that here." Repeat those words twelve times a day if you have to. Repeat the words of God in Jesus Christ, "Love your neighbor."

Let us meet with and thank police and soldiers. Let us change the way we see police and soldiers. Military is supposed to protect us from outside attack, and to preserve our lives and country from outside attack. The police is another matter. The role of police is to protect people and property in our towns and cities. We have rules, and the police job is to protect the rules. What sparked George Floyd’s death and the subsequent rioting is the alleged passing of a counterfeit $20 bill. A store clerk called 911 and said a big guy who was acting drunk took cigarettes and paid with a counterfeit bill. "Oh by the way, he’s black and he’s big; 6 1/2 feet tall". Police responded, and I think we can be certain that angry words were shouted. After that, it looks like Floyd was put into a police car and he wriggled out. At that point, Police had to contain the situation and get the accused person out of the area to the police station. What happened next seems to most of us as something we don’t do. Keep saying that, "We don’t do that here." Make this happen. Take off your guns. Close your mouths if violent hateful words are about to come out. Put fear in your back pocket and sit on it. Pray for peace and a calm, old fashioned America. Fly the flag and know what it stands for. God bless us. Angels with us.

( 1045 am Wednesday) Coral Gables Police Chief just said about dominating police presence: "We don’t do that". He is police chief who initiated meeting of police leaders who knelt on the steps of Coral Gables Police station on Friday. God bless them! We do this here.

Susie's musings

Tear gas and rubber bullets are the answer to bring peace

What if you call the family of George Floyd to offer condonence, but you don’t let them talk and you march to a church that is locked and stand in front for a photo op, but you didn’t call the ministers to alert them you are coming? How right is all this? I feel certain some of my friends are happy as clams that he went to church and lifted a Bible. But please Google this…. Please google, "US Bishop ‘outraged’ by Trump’s church visit." The steps of the church were full of church priests and seminarians and medical aid workers giving out water and snacks. Yes a part of the basement was burned last night, but that can be replaced church leaders later reported. … The aid workers were astounded when they saw people running toward them, being herded away from the site by tear gas and rubber bullets. They had no warning to clear away which we would do (clear away) if someone said we have to clear the area because the President is coming. He lifted a Bible, and someone asked, "Is that your Bible?" and he answered, "It’s a Bible."… This led me to wonder… I’m leaving my home and going to church… I pick up my journal and my Magnificat (my daily prayer and Mass book). Christians going to Church pick up their Bible. Let me ask you: You are at home and headed out to stand in front of a church (to pray for peace?). Where is your Bible? I know where the Bible my Mother gave me is. I would probably grab that one. I know where the 3 Bibles are that Charlie and Kathy Paparelli gave me. I know where my Emmaus Bible is. All precious and given to me at times in my life when my Christian life was growing in Grace. Is it my Bible? "Yes"… Or no, if I don’t have mine…. "It is a friend’s Bible." About our faith and when we go back to church… Our Bishop for my county here in Florida has determined our rules for when we can go to church. He is opening the churches gradually. The Federal government can not tell us or me when to go to church. That is my call and my Bishop’s call. "Liquor stores are open and abortion clinics are open." Well that’s not my call. They belong to the state. Please look at the areas where Trump is tromping. Remember he ordered churches open for Easter, but he played 2 rounds of golf on Easter. He’s stomping in the wrong area!

From ABC news account: "Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde issued a response to the president’s visit to the church, "The President just used a Bible and one of the churches of my diocese as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything that our church stands for. To do so, he sanctioned the use of tear gas by police officers in riot gear to clear the church yard. I am outraged." end of quote. Please my friends, call him what he is, a Bully. (A dictator?). We have had this trouble before. White people have horribly killed black people…. and have gotten away with it and neighborhoods were burned. We don’t seem to have a solution. Chuck says when he road "shotgun" in the Miami McDuffie riots in 1980, the shotgun was cocked and ready to shoot. He could have been one of those who shot a human being…. He said, he saw movement near a building, he readied himself to shoot and a National Guardsman stepped out. That shot gun could have ended my husband’s peace forever if he had used it….

Copied from Google: "Bishop at DC church outraged by Trump visit:" "’I just can’t believe what my eyes have seen’ And Greg Brewer, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, tweeted that he was “shaken watching protestors in Lafayette Park gassed and cleared so that the President of the United States can do a photo op in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church holding a Bible.”

“This is blasphemy in real time,” Brewer said on Twitter. Today’s Gospel is from Mark 12:13. Jesus said we must render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and render to God what is God’s … We are bound by moral truth and we submit to God, our freedom and our human dignity are God-given, but some would take away the dignity and freedom. Recognize civil authority as Jesus had to recognize the Roman government, but we are bound to preserve human dignity…. to develop the Garden. What’s most important? God and the family, and our world. God be with us. Angels with us.

Trump plans to visit St John Paul II National Shrine today. It is 11am. Pray for peace. God bless us. Angels with us.