Good morning gentle readers! In the past few weeks the readings at church have been about Masters leaving stewards in charge and asking the stewards to take care of things and bear fruit! I always remember this time of year how many films there are by documentarians who show us the dust and fumes spent into the atmosphere which tries to absorb and clean our dust and dirt… How we spew gasoline and diesel fumes into the neighborhoods… How we cut down trees that can breathe in our filth and give us good oxygen back. I remember the stories of stewards who are given "talents"… one invests and gives the master back 10 times! One buries his talent and gives back the Master only the barest minimum. I remember especially the stewards left in charge of the vineyard who do not donate anything to the poor (as is directed in the Pentateuch) and who kill those the Master send to collect the fruit. What mean spirited greedy creeps they are. I think we all know these stories. And I think we know what we are supposed to do! I’m following the Sacristan around at St James so I can volunteer on days when someone can’t be there to serve! I also sang in the choir but I still have a froggy throat from cold I am mostly over…. Also I will serve on Fridays as Eucharisti Minister (St James offers Body and Blood in Communion. What a blessing.) Also as a good steward I must put out the bird feeder and give the birdies some "more" so they in turn will sing to me!!!!
Chuck and I are about 1/2 way through getting the inside of the house unboxed and put away. We agree we have to ditch some clothes and we eagerly await the electrician Brian who will move an electrical outlet so we can move one hutch into place and put "dining room" pretties into the hutch!!! Believe it or not, my socks have not turned up yet! I have about 2 "master bedroom boxes" to unload yet; surely socks willl turn up!!! From Lake Placid we send our greetings and we wish you God blessings! Boat’s not here yet, but soon we will be able to give boat rides!!!!!