Susie's musings

Honoring a Submariner

Fred Richards joined the Navy at the age of 15 (lying about his age). He wanted to be a submariner. Who wants THAT …? An underwater target. Doomed to sink to the bottom. Lost. And so it happens in war. And we honor the brave and we might whisper behind our hand… (foolish). If on a surface ship and hit by munitions… You could jump off. If a submarine is wounded, she just sinks to the bottom. Davy Jones’ Locker. Fred talked of being taken into submarine service and qualifying… Then transferred and on her next mission the boat he qualified on was sunk. His buddies, gone. Yet Fred continued to serve, with passion and honor. He loved service. He loved God, and in fact he served at two churches because he believed so much in worship of God. He and his wife went to Catholic church and served there, and they went to a local (beautiful) Methodist Church and they served there too! God bless our friend Fred who was double dipping! He had his Methodist minister and his Catholic priest blessing him today! Let us all go serve the Lord like a humble submariner did! God bless you Fred. God bless our troops and sailors today. Patriots Day.