Susie's musings

Lying about; healing

Chuck took me for a walk around the pool; he pointed out the mountains and the blue sky. People I talked to in the hospital love this town (Kingman, Az). I took 2 naps today, ate a wonderful frozen yogurt (our little room refridgerator froze the yogurt). Chuck mixed it with strawberry yogurt from breakfast. YUM. Also ate a hamburger, also yum. We are talking soup for dinner. I wish there was a Panera bread but there isn’t. But there is a Cracker Barrell which makes nice soup. Watching hallmark movies!!! Watched EWTN Rosary and Mass this morning before my first nap! All will be well. We are staying here one more day all day Wednesday. We will leave headed east Thursday morning. Love you all. Take care of selves and pray for healing for those you love.

Susie's musings

Sprung from the clink

I guess doctor felt they had everything under control so I am out on the streets of Kingman (actually very cozy in our hotel room) with a bag of drugs and we will be leaving Kingman, Az on Wednesday morning! This has been a very interesting adventure so far. We will have fun on the road and I’ll try to find something great to write about. God bless you!!! Thank God.

Susie's musings

Ready to go home!!!

Doctor likes way blood counts look. Oxygen is back up to normal. Coughing, but doctor says that might have become bronchitis. I will be dismissed today with antibiotics, some nasal stuff, lots of yogurt and juice. We will stay overnight in Kingman and head out tomorrow. Chuck feels confident we can take it easy and be home in 6 days. OK!!! So I’m sprung and glad to get the IV out. (As a matter of fact, with the last IV antibiotic, the vein sprung a leak and medicine started to infiltrate. Then arm swelled up. Ick). Got that IV out!!! OK ready for a shower and the final paperwork. Love you gentle readers!!! God bless us.

Susie's musings

End of first hospital day.

I was ecstatic with taking a long hot shower using my own soap!!! I watched EWTN all morning and prayed 2 Rosaries, watched Sunday Mass twice, and watched an Irish concert from Ireland! That’s because I was awake from 2 on to 5 when the Mass comes on out here in Pacific time. With several oxygen treatments, IV antibiotics, good food, doctors changing drugs to meet this challenge… and even though coughing continues…. I think I’m improving. I don’t think doctors have decided what exactly we are fighting so I might just head home without a fight and visit my favorite Miami specialists. I’ll take all records including CT scan with me when we go home. Watching a Hallmark movie before sleep!!! I was just offered another shower. Oh Joy!!! Chuck was invited back to the American Legion for Nascar afternoon!! God bless you as we put Sunday and St Patrick’s day to bed. Sleep well! God bless brother in law George!

Susie's musings

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Hi good gentle readers! I did an overnight in hospital and "true to what’s said" you can’t sleep in hospital." I watched a great movie about a basketball player from Richmond high school who won all the school records (20 years ago) comes back to coach the team. Black school, drugs and gang violence, 50% graduation rate, and that is expected and accepted. Basketball is All these kids have or will ever have (accepted). But this coach is brought on to change that. Coach is played by Samuel L. Jackson Coach Carter who tries to make student-athletes, boys into men. Good job. Tried to sleep at 10, but just too restless, was nudged awake by coughing at 2, joined by nurse and aid, got hot tea with honey and an oxygen treatment. Found EWTN and found Rosary and morning Mass at 5am. Back to sleep and awakened at 7 to meet new day nurse (Dennis, a traveling nurse from Pensacola Beach, transitioned to Faith!) My goal today is breakfast ( I ordered a cheese omlet, apple sauce, yogurt and herbal tea with honey from Dave in room service. Then get a shower, walk around, sit in chair. Read, watch TV. Doctors are still trying to zero in on cause of pneumonia. Nasal swab came back negative for MRSA. I am so glad I came here though. I don’t think lying in bed at home or hotel I would have stopped coughing or healed. Chuck enjoyed car festival and went to the American Legion for St Patrick’s dinner! He can’t find the camera. I could smack him for that as now I’ll have to come back to Kingman at street festival time. Oh darn; Road Trip!!! Well. Dears it’s time to enjoy St Patrick’s Day! Please pray for my brother in law George who was in our wedding. Very sweet man, very sick, might be facing his last days. Good bless you George! You are my first brother! God bless us! Ta ta for now! Susie on Adventure.

Susie's musings

Life and getting better

My nurse Honey Lyn just ordered dinner for me from the room service menu: chicken noodle soup, Mac and cheese, roast beef, roasted vegetables and two waters. I went to the ER at about 1015am. Had blood work, chest x-ray, CT scan as there is fuzzy area on lungs. CT reveals something like "after flu pneumonia." Doctors are now trying to identify the particular infection, staff maybe, tested with a sinus swab. Tonight I have the luxury of oxygen breathing treatments every 4 hours! I don’t care at this point about lack of sleep! I wasn’t getting better. Doctors (I’ve seen 3 doctors so far…) Doctors say, I failed outpatient treatment! Doctor agrees stay in until nice and clear, probably 2 days. Chuck got extra time on the room so I might get up to the Grand Canyon sky walk!!! Wow. Panama Canal and the Grand Canyon with a road trip and Sirius XM playing "Prime Country". It doesn’t get much better than that. I’m not talking on the phone as my voice is totally gone. I can talk on text and email. I have a beautiful, clean, single room with a window! God is good. I’ve been praying for help to our Blessed Mother and I know she sent in a few extra angels! Thank God and go help someone!!! Love you. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Going for a cough diagnosis!!!

Hi dear gentle readers. I noticed in my last note that I wrote "going west" It seems from Miami everthing we do is "go west." Well this will be a "go east" type of trip. But with a short detour. Like the time of hurricane Irma I’ve been coughing for 2 weeks and it’s time to get a diagnosis! Last diagnosis was reflux and the feeling of sickness caused me not to eat so I also lost my gall bladder. Did you know if you lose a lot of weight quickly you can hurt your gall bladder? So today after a night of coughing and feeling sick because of it, I’m going to check myself into the Kingman hospital for diagnostic tests. I’ll have all reports sent to Miami and will try real hard not to go through this again!!! Chuck won’t leave me to go to antique cars and art festival. I’m fine!!! OK dear readers. Please pray for Susie, quick recovery. Pray thanks to St Patrick Patron saint of Ireland. Have a wonderful St Patricks day celebrtion. I’ll keep blogging as I slog through this! God bless you.

Susie's musings

At Home, in Kingman Arizona!

Hello dear gentle readers. I’m propped up in bed in the Quality Inn in Kingman Arizona. I have my… "Do not disturb; I’m watching Hallmark Movies" socks on… But I don’t think I get the Hallmark channel; but I do get EWTN which means I get Catholic Mass !!! That’s a cause for Praise! I found the weather channel and it seems, our little area of Arizona will get good weather this weekend then we go west, probably driving across the south to avoid the storms predicted there (for example; tornados in Kentucky) As we headed across I 40 from Barstow I was lulled into closing my eyes and relaxing. Then I saw a sign for Kingman and I glanced out and there were all kinds of advertisements and invitations to Kingman! The gray brown hills turned into reddish and bright. Signs promised the wonders of Kingman and as we drove into town we were welcomed by a really pretty place with a "Welcome to Kingman – Route 66" sign. It just gets better. The Quality Inn gave us a suite because they say they honor their frequent travelers. They have all kinds of Route 66 and old movies memorabelia AND a laundry on site in case Chuck wants to wash a few things. I am SO SORRY I am missing this… I can only send Chuck out to go to the places I circled to go like the skywalk and the restaurant there on the southern rim of the Grand Canyon. I can only ask my younger readers to, for sure, make my dream your dream!!!! Make it a dream trip!!! In a sence we might have had to head south anyway as the storm that hit Denver is called a "gut punch; Bomb Cyclone" Pressure dropped so strongly the winds were hurricane force. So, I don’t think winter is, in any way, near over. I’ll send Chuck out on adventures and let you know how he does. For now he is hovering…. Go OUT, Chuck!!! Everybody be safe during the bad weather and Praise God and pray for those who are sick… "Ta Ta for now, TTFN, said Winnie the Poo. "

Susie's musings

Heading home

Well dear readers. I guess I’m just wimpy! I breathed someone’s cough and it settled in. I visited ship’s medical facility twice and then again in Barstow California. " Oh please don’t let me go into the hospital in This Place."
Oh show me the way to go home ! Got x-ray results today and it’s not a "go to the hospital right now, but it is a go to bed right soon." We were heading for Kingman and will head home Sunday. I want Chuck to hang out with the military guys we met on the last cruise .. at the Kingman antique cars and art festival, me rest a lot and watch TV. . Drive home? About 6 days? God bless you friends. Be well!

Susie's musings

San Diego rental car!!!

My dear readers if you had seen me in the past few days you might have believed I am coming home right now! I never got over the flu cough. Nights are pounding coughing spells. I have codein and that might be why I’ve lost all appetite and voice. I am a silent sad little creature! Lady on phone on this bench is talking about Denver being shut down . We probably will head east … God bless you today! Barstow California today and Kingman Arizona for 4 or 5 days!