The other day I was scrambling around the house picking up stuff and laying down stuff… moving piles to accommodate other newer piles… losing stuff and searching for stuff. I bought a hinged frame for my sister Annette’s pictures (my sister passed away when she was 7 and I was 1 1/2 and I have her two photos.) When Chuck helped me remove her photos to replace some broken glass, we found photos of my grandmother and grandfather behind Annette’s pictures. Wow! My mother must have put Annette’s pictures there to keep the little one’s memory alive and I guess back in 1949 there wasn’t money to buy another frame so Annette went on top of grandparents. So anyhow the other day I bought a new hinged frame and went looking for Annette’s pictures that I had marked "Annette" and put on top of a pile of papers on top of the file cabinets. But I moved one of the file cabinets out a few weeks ago. OH NO!!!! The pictures are gone!!! But I have an angel on my shoulder who directed me to where I moved "the stack of papers"… into a closet up on a shelf. Like I said… moving stacks, files, and stuff is what I do!!! As I fussed about the house trying to keep things organized, making beds, washing the kitchen, and dusting to get ready for company, I said to myself, "you need to stop for reflection. You don’t stop to reflect!!!!" And well, that’s obvious since I haven’t touched this blog since late November after the elections. Maybe the elections shut me up because every time I want to talk to people about it I get into trouble… either I’m right and it’s awful, or I’m wrong and it’s awful. No matter what way we think these days… life in the next 4 years is scary. I must run off to the airport to pick up first load of cousins Barbara and Kenneth. I’m going to promise to write daily!!!! Merry Christmas. May you find Christ in your hearts and call him, "Son of God, Emmanuel". God bless you!