Susie's musings


Happy New Year to all our friends and family. First let me tell you that this sunset-loving, backyard sage has been thinking a lot about angels. I thank the angels who have lifted me up. I am sure we’ve talked about angels lately… God sends them to announce (Gabriel), to fight for us (Michael), and to guide us (Raphael). These are the big guys, the Archangels, but there are minions of small ones who stand by and blow on us a warm breath (these are manifested in the hugs, kisses, and prayers we get as we struggle with our troubles.)

I’ve been struggling with what I considered to be loss, but it’s not loss, it’s just change, and God’s hand is on our Chuck. I have said to God, "You made Chuck, you have plans for him, and I trust you."  But I’m human, and I try to take the reins in my hands. Imagine wanting what we want, and pushing to get it. That only tires us out, gives us a headache, causes us not to focus on what’s really important –  love and trust. Trudy said she wouldn’t take the antibiotic she needs because it makes her sick, so I got all bothered thinking the infection would set in… but I also told her, she’s in charge and I can’t force her. So the untaken pills sat. Today the doctor said Trudy’s toe is fine and she doesn’t have to take the antibiotic any more.    For a second I was … and I can’t put a name on what I felt (useless, wrong???) Now wait! Where did my belief in the angels and God’s taking care of his child go?  OK so enough said. We can’t control anything much. We can’t make healing happen. We do our best and we can love. And we can let go and let God. That sounds like a New Year’s Resolution dear friends and family.

About Chuck:  He’s walking alone now… imagine my"fear" at letting him go off alone. He put sneakers on when I was going over to bandage "the toe" and he walked 2 1/2 miles. Imagine how nervous I’ll be when he first drives?  I expect his friend Dave to take him out for the first time… partners in the car for 20 years ought to count for something. He gave me a big smile this morning. Believe it or not… he’s been a little stiff and expressionless (comes with brain injury)… that big smile was a big gift. God bless you. Sue Â