Susie's musings

Chuck’s first day of rehab

Was exhausting! he had an "event" and the rehab doctor wanted him checked out so back to Baptist. A day of tests revealed… nothing. I talked with the neurologist today who said Chuck is healing nicely…. Again what caused the seizures and the "event" doctors don’t know. it is the neurology is an art and not a science thing…. one more test today and he goes back to rehab – today if we can move the test taking and the review along. Dave is with him and I am home to nap. …. Ah! Sleep that knits the ravelled sleeve of care! (Shakespeare Macbeth) All systems are healthy, and we need to continue the work of rehab and prayer. Thank you so much for caring. Please wait to see him if you were considering visit as he needs rest for a few days. Love Sue