Susie's musings

"only 2 1/2 miles today"

I think it’s interesting that as a former slug, I think walking "only 2 1/2 miles" is not enough. I for one am proud of myself!!! I went with friend Diane today to put down a deposit for a respite care bed for Dot, Diane’s Mom, for 3 months when Dick and Diane go on a long motorcycle/camping holiday. It’s really impossible for Dot to get around in their camper any more, let alone getting up into the camper… Dot is a beautiful 95 years old. My Mom loved to travel, but at the end she couldn’t stay in a room alone and she really needed someone to stay with her. Age in the 90s is precarious as our bones get achy and won’t do what we need and oxygen is scarce… I’m doing a lot right now and will continue as long as possible. You too!!!

Yesterday after working in the garden I was hungry at 4pm. Normally I’m not hungry even for dinner. So I drank water and waited until the magic 6pm hour. But my coach, Julia, the wonder Mom of 2 small ones under 3, tells me i have to eat!!! The program we are on, Juice Plus with the smoothies, extra protein, nuts and beans, and veggies veggies veggies fruits fruits fruits revs up our metabolism and makes our bellies rumble for more food. I’m happy. So today when I was hungry again Julia gave me a recipe for little peanut butter balls that you keep in the freezer and eat when the hungries hit (who ever heard of a "diet" "allowing" peanut butter, oatmeal, and honey????). I was in a hurry, and I wanted my snack "right now" so I could get outside and paint a chair, so I short circuited her recipe and spread some honey and oatmeal on 1/2 a banana and ate that. Julia will shake her head at her renegade friend. I put the other 1/2 banana in the freezer for tonight’s smoothie. All’s well here at cruise central. I’m off to make salad and a smoothie. Stay kind. God bless you.