Susie's musings

Dunking a cell phone in water… doesn’t work

In the past, I have drowned 2 cell phones in red wine. You would think I have learned my lesson. Well, yesterday I was waiting for a phone call from friend Linda with important information as to when and where we are going to dinner…. and I wanted to take a shower after a long sweaty day cleaning out the downstairs of our big Keys rental house…. I was also washing out a little sleeveless top I love to wear when I work. Can you see the picture? With blouse soaking in the sink I put the cell phone on the soap dish and got into the shower. When the phone rang…. the phone jiggled and did a little dance as if with joy! "Linda is calling" jiggle jiggle right into the bowl of water. Darn…. I grabbed it on the 3rd ring, but, alas, too late. i rushed it up to our local Radio Shack and they took it all apart, wrung it out and handed it back to me with advice: "Bury it in kittie litter for 24 hours"… It isn’t 24 hours yet and I gaze fondly and foolishly at that little bag full of kittie litter and my cell phone. I hope strongly that it will be OK… I’ve felt it’s loss so strongly today! I was late getting back from church with errands and wanted to call Chuck to tell him I’m OK. Nope. I needed to call about changing our address on a retirement plan that sent our tax info to the PO Box. Nope. Of course I can’t play "word chums" with cousins and friend Debbie. I usually go to the game on commercials when we look at the news. I borrowed Chuck’s phone to make the necessary phone calls but he hung over me like a hawk, mumbling "Don’t put that down!!!!!" I guess I have a reputation for drowning cell phones. So if you have missed getting a text from me (and I do love to text) i’m so sorry.

We have enjoyed our stay here on Big Pine Key, although Chuck had to work awfully hard… His father set up a wonderful work room downstairs, and then when we closed up Aunt Trudy’s house we took all her hardware into the big house workroom, and over the years we accumulated a ton of stuff that men accumulate in workrooms. When we moved to Miami I complained mightily about the 57 knives, 7 colanders, 50 frying pans, mass quantities of measuring cups and tupperware… etc etc… but I have been able to cull through and give stuff away. Chuck on the other hand has just added more to his Miami stores. We now have filled here in the Keys a large trailer full of stuff and bins and I shudder to imagine where all that stuff is going to go in Miami. First, I’ll bet, it will be loaded into our back room in Miami and I will grumble and jiggle until it is all dispatched either to the garbage or to new shelving units (from the downstairs here in the keys). Where those shelving units will go is another story. How do people get along without 6 sheds? And where can we put a 7th? You keep living a good life. Be kind and love one another! God bless you.