Susie's musings

Mother and ducklings come a running!

5 ducklings have made me their second Mum… their own Mum might be one I used to feed when she was part of the 21 duckling group who were watched over by 3 ladies (I called them the mama and the aunties…). I go out to hang laundry or even to sit in the chair nearest the door and there they are … looking at me! They open their little beaks in silence because these muskovy ducks that have bred here at the lake can’t quack (good thing as there are a lot of them). Beaks open they squeak at me if I am hanging laundry or ignoring them….. Squeak! I look down and there they are! "OK…. just a minute" as if they could understand me! and I go get bread or crackers! Rejoice in the beauties of the kingdom of God.

The lake is quiet and beautiful today and we sit in the "Florida Room" and try to think of someplace fun to take English friends… Miami Beach has been in the Miami Herald headlines as pools of Zika mosquitoes are found and new rounds of mosquito spraying is in effect. We can go get sprayed with deet… or we can go to Coconut Grove and eat at Monties and look at the ocean. Or float around on the pontoon boat… so many options for fun. Me? I’m still sick with the cold and I sound like maybe I should go to bed… or to the emergency room. I should research pneumonia symptoms, but I can breathe just fine… So I’ll say: God bless you! Have a blessed September 11 weekend and pray for victims and survivors alike. Rejoice, for God is with us.