Susie's musings

heading home "a day early"

Dear gentle readers. I slept all night and woke up to turn on TV (EWTN Mass) but TV cable isn’t working. Room smells bad… hotel is having "a problem" with sewer…. "OK! I’m out of here" I announced to Chuck who is gamely packing ALL OUR STUFF. This was supposed to be a month on the road so we have cold weather gear, shoes for hiking, etc etc. I packed my small suitcase "for the road" with undies, capris, tee shirts, socks and my bag of medicine. And I’m ready to go. East. USA Today reports awful flooding in mid west. Iowa and Missouri flooding "looks like an ocean … so we have to plan this eastward trek to be able to ford the Mississippi river. So sad for the nation. Whole towns inundated. Pray today for our mid west breathern. Pray for Susie… I’m holding my own against the diarreah caused by antibiotics. Eating beautiful yogurts and my align. Let me get home angels… I’ll let you know where we are as we travel!!! We will take it easy as we don’t want blood clots from sitting in the car. What an adventure. God bless us. Leaving Kingman, Arizona. Angels: Come!