Susie's musings

On Advent

It’s time to move forward. Last week one morning I woke up thinking about Alexei Nevalny, locked in a Russian prison in Siberia because he dared to speak out against the corruption and injustice of the Russian government. He ran for President of Russia. The last guy that did that died of poisoning. Nevalny survived poisoning, but barely lives in a Siberia prison.

I should be thanking God we can speak out in America. I wish we would speak, not in ugliness, carping and criticising, but pointing out the problems and helping to come up with solutions. This morning I woke up reciting a poem about peace. I’ve forgotten the words already, they are lost in the dream, but the feeling is still with me. Lately I’ve been waking feeling the rocks of the streets of Northern Gaza under my feet. I heard yesterday that the streets are so bad with shooting and bombing that the people who are supposed to be evacuating are cowering in their houses. It’s too dangerous and awful to go outside so the people are not evacuating. Gaza is a story of sadness all in itself isn’t it? Let’s see. If I hide a terrorist under my house or under our hospital in the basement, should I expect to be bombed? Well, maybe. Our world is filled with crying children and dying babies. And so I change my view and I look… up. And I look for Advent.

In November, the Catholic Christian prays for the dead. For people who have lost loved ones, November is a special time. We put the names of our loved ones on the altar, and we offer Mass and prayer for the “holy souls.” We pray for the mercy and the loving kindness of Jesus to save the souls of our loved ones as he promises “in the words written in red.” We pray for peace in bereaved hearts. My sister died last month, and my Mother died in November a few years ago, so I pray they are at peace with my sister who died when I was two, and with my grandmothers. Peace. I pray with my friends in church. We pray and we put our hands on our hearts and we believe Jesus is taking care of our loved ones. Jesus is in our hearts. Well! Today I ask if it is OK to skip forward to Advent. I’m tired of death and dying. I’m so done with war and exploding rocks and gunfire. I bow my head and I pray for peace, but quite honestly, I can’t see the solution. In the past, and now again, we put the whole sad situation into the laps of the UN. Well that isn’t working is it? It hasn’t worked in the past and it isn’t working now. Countries are fighting like my sister and I fought 70 years ago about who gets the little rocking chair for our dolls. My mother took a photo of us both holding onto that rocking chair, and the look on our faces is pure “MINE… you get away!!!” If looks could kill, Donna and I would be in Gaza, fighting over belief and land. So I ask, “Lord God, could we fast forward to the end of November; to the feast day of Christ the King; to the celebration of Advent when we look forward with candles to light the way of the Lord? Come Lord Jesus. We need you because we just can’t solve these problems ourselves. Come Lord Jesus.” … “OK. I’ll wait.”

Susie's musings

On Hate and Taking Sides

I woke up this morning thinking about Alexei Navalny who is imprisoned in Siberia because he ran against the Russian government on a freedom ticket. While Navalny is imprisoned, and in danger of death, the people of Russia are silent. Do the Russian people believe anyone who runs against the Putin government is a criminal? Do they know what a dark fearful world they live in? Do they know how evil it is to hate the one who speaks what they don’t know, and to hate what they are told is evil? Do they know that their silence kills the good? Are we Americans bound to go the same way: hating what we don’t like or understand? Is our dark, carping, critical rhetoric as damaging as the rhetoric that keeps Navalny in prison?

What if I hate what a person does, or what he says and seems to support? I must fall on my face before God and ask “where are you in this? Is any of this Holy Spirit inspired?” I must be sure that what I hate, God would hate also. Maybe it’s best to pray for God’s will and pray that I’m not taking a human side in this battle we are in.

Susie's musings

On Being at Peace

While repotting plants for the March Garden Club sale, I fall back on my heels and I think of what I have to do this week: find a substitute lector because we are going on a trip for Thanksgiving and on another trip to a cousin’s wedding, confirm a dinner date, make an appointment with a doctor, refill a prescription. This is a normal list of things to do. If you are like me, and you make lists, they might resemble mine. So: what’s on your list?

I’ll bet what’s not on your list is: forage for food and milk for the baby, find water for the family, wash and bandage filthy, infected wounds, find missing and possibly tortured family, find a way out of the hell of your country in a vicious war, avoid falling bombs and swinging machetes. These are tough times. Our government-issued danger list is colored bright orange moving toward red. Terrorism is a word close to people’s tongues. We worry what will happen in our neighborhoods and on our college campuses. I crouch now; my face is bent to the ground under the weight of the dead and mutilated in Israel, Palestine, and Africa … Dead children and men, mutilated mothers, missing family… and I wail once again: “Lord! God! Creator-Father, … Enough!” God answers, and yes, God answers, even though we hardly hear him; “I am here. Look up. See? Wait.” I look up. I shake my head. “Are you sure, God? What about the people stumbling around in bloody rubble? Mothers. Babies. What about the mutilations? This isn’t barbaric times, Lord. This is 2023!” “It isn’t your time,” He answers, “It is my Father’s time. It is the Creator’s time.” I thank God I have been taught about faith. I thank God our priest prays so faithfully for us, every day. Otherwise what would this Creator-Father look like but some mean one-eyed monster. Many believe that he doesn’t see or care. Many don’t believe in our Father-God. They wave bundles of sage to clear the air and chant mystic mumbled words in strange languages. Jesus reminds me, “Pray for the unbelievers. Bring them home. Go out and get them; you do the work. Pray. Wait. Don’t you know that the souls of the just are in the hands of God? Don’t you know that I will raise you up on the last day?” “Yes.” I say. “Yes.”

Susie's musings

A Modest Proposal

In 1729, Jonathan Swift wrote a proposal for solving a big problem of poverty and starvation of poor people in Ireland. His friends were aghast that he would suggest roasting young babies and small children to provide food for the starving and money for the parents who bear the delicious meat. Yes. He wrote that! I studied this essay as an example of satire. Today, I am thinking of a modest proposal for Gaza and I’m wondering why since the original partition took place, no one has come up with a solution. I hope we would recognize the need for a solution, but not eating small children.

In 1947, the United Nations drew lines to create a state for Israel and a state for the Palestinians who lived on the land that we call Israel. Today 2 million people are crammed onto an area the size of Washington DC… crammed into what one writer has called, “an open air prison.” When I pilgrimaged to the Holy Land in 1990 and 1991 I could not travel freely, and our Arab guide could not travel from Bethlehem into Jerusalem. I thought it was odd, but I was “an innocent” as many of us are. In the Gaza, 2 million people are on a piece of land totally separated from the West Bank which used to be called Trans Jordan. They are angry that they can’t get out of tall walls and gates. They can’t get to medical care in Jerusalem. They have nothing in the tiny enclave called “The Gaza Strip.”

So why don’t they move? Because no one wants them. Egypt and Jordan have denied passage. So we must rub our foreheads and woof a giant “Wow!” Their own Arab people won’t take them in. There must be a place over there in the West Bank bordering Jordan, Egypt or Lebanon for these people to settle. It will take a lot of money to rebuild a city for 2 million. Let these people live!!!!

Susie's musings

The Future for “The Holy Land”

My friend who helps me write and edit my work, Mike, asks “With so much violence and hatred, why do American citizens move to live in Israel ‘on purpose'”?   I answer with my own family story. My father wore out a record with songs by Irish lyric Tenor John McCormack who crooned a tune, “Sure, a little bit of heaven fell from out the sky one day, And it nestled in the ocean in a spot so far away And when the angels found it, sure it looked so sweet and fair They said suppose we leave it, for it looks so peaceful there…” My father, a first generation American, cherished the dream of “returning to Ireland.” He planted that idea in me and I did go and I loved it… “this is my homeland, I whispered in Shannon airport.” For my father, Ireland was heaven. To go there was the dream of his life. For the Jews who have survived for centuries reading the Old Testament stories of God’s promising them the land, Israel is “their country.”  They died for Israel with the word “Israel” on their lips. … Palestinians always lived there… farmers, many in tents, wandering to find grass for their herds.  For Jews, Israel is “the Biblical Holy Land.” The Old Testament tells the story of how God promised the land to Abraham and his descendants. While the Jews were in exile in Babylon and then later dispersed by the Romans who colonized the land (the dispersion called the Jewish diaspora) Jewish prayer was, “Next year in Jerusalem.” Jews wait in Jerusalem for their savior. “According to the Midrash, the earthly Jerusalem is the place where God will arrive even before reaching the heavenly Jerusalem. As the Midrash imagines God saying, ‘I will not come into the city of Jerusalem that is above until I first come into the city of Jerusalem that is below.’” (Dasee Berkowitz 2013) “By the rivers of Babylon, there we wept as we remembered Zion.” (Psalm 137)   The dream to return to Israel survived the Babylonian exile, the Russian Pograms, and the German Killing camps. For centuries, with Jews dispersed over Russia, Europe, and the regions of old mesopotamia, the Ottoman Turks controlled a great part of the middle East until the end of WWI when the Turks (some of modern day Turkey, Egypt, and much of what is southern Russia), who supported Germany, lost to mostly British fighters.  Some “countries” (Palestine has never been considered a country) gained independence in 1922 after WWI. Governing of the remnants (Palestine) passed to the League of Nations, and the League turned the governing of the Jews and Arabs remaining in Palestine over to Britain because Britain previously had control of or defeated the Turks in Egypt, Persia, India, Afganistan, Trans Jordan, the Sinai and more. There was no provision for the future of Palestine. Arabs were shepherds, they roamed the land, and many never set up “governments,” rather they were ruled for centuries by Sultans and kings who didn’t develop governments like the west did. With the British “Mandate,” attempts to set up a government with an Arab majority were soundly rejected and finally on May 14, 1948, as Britian pulled out, David Ben Gurian led the declaration of Israel’s independence. Jews declared Israel their homeland and the fighting began.

The Jews from concentration camps and from various hiding places in Europe traveled “home” towards Zion / Israel…Meanwhile the Temple mount has gone back and forth between Jews and Arabs: The Temple originally built by Solomon in 957BC and rebuilt under patronage of King Cyrus in 515BC was destroyed in 70 AD.  The Rock was taken by Arabs (Mohammed went to heaven from the rock in 691AD) and retaken by Jews in 1967. When I went to Jerusalem we were allowed to tour the holy site which was guarded by Jewish soldiers. Jews will not go any further than the western wall of the temple which is sacred to Jews. Meanwhile…. Jesus celebrated Jewish feasts in the Jewish Temple, and he was crucified, buried, and Resurrected in Jerusalem (actually outside the wall as crucifixions took place outside the Jerusalem walls). Queen Helena of Greece, Mother of Constantine, found the sites of the crucifixion and burial and built churches over them.  Those churches are shared by the Christian church as beloved sites in the life and death of Jesus. We also travel on pilgrimage to Nazareth and other sites written about in the Gospels.

So now, my dear Mike, why live in Jerusalem? Why Live in Israel? Each faith will answer according to their belief:  for me, I cherish the weeks I spent in the Holy Land… Because Jesus lived there. His blood was shed there.  Walking the streets of Jerusalem is the same for me as walking down the aisle of a church. Jesus walks here. This fervor is over 5000 years deep for Jews who will tell you Abraham walked up Mount Moriah with his son Issac. It is 2000 years deep for Christians.  Fight for Jerusalem? Yes. And Pray for Jerusalem. House of Peace. Peace in your heart Mike. 

Susie's musings

On Complaining to God

Our church, Saint James, had a day of prayer yesterday for 24 hours. I went at 4pm to 5pm, and I went again at 7am until 9am this morning. I sat down and looked at God and I started to tell him everything that is wrong in this world that I worry and weep about… Then I zeroed in on who is fighting… mess of Kings, Shieks, Ayatollahs, old military men turned government leaders. Old men and women who hate each other. .. I was shouting at God because a mess of old mean, woman-hating men are fighting. Emphasis on mean and old. Then I realized. He knows. He knows. “They” have been killing for thousands of years in their meanness. I went back in my Bible to Cain and Abel, Babel, the Caanites and the Jebusites, David and Goliath, the Assyrians who dispersed Israel, and the ones who killed Jesus… they hated, and they killed him. Why would they be in power? I slid to a halt, and practically scrubbed the pages of John’s Prologue for my answer. Oh. He knows. He knows. Well then… and I proceeded to beg for my family. My sister who died away from the church.  My sister’s children who have rejected me. And I realized… He knows. He knows. Then, “me”. “Wait,” he said. But Lord, Bring me peace. Peace so I can love. Bring me peace so I can just Love.   So I put down my pen and I waited. Like he said. I just wait on the Lord.   

You God are Creator, Lover, Inspirer, Breath of Life (Ruah). If I could just touch the tassel on his cloak, the hem of his garment… if I could just touch his feet. I reach out my heart to him.

“The Jews” were an angry bunch. (John 1:19). As religious leaders, the Pharisees and Saducees did not do their jobs of taking care of the people. They hated and they encouraged hatred (of Samaritans for example) and of heritics. To the leaders, Jesus was a heritic, and he was to be hated. They killed Jesus and his followers to wipe them out, and still a small remnant of the children of God persisted. The situation didn’t and hasn’t changed.

So, I looked up at God and I said, “So how must I act? Wait, huh?” He said “Yes.” Wait on the Lord. Be the remnant; the small remnant of the children of God. Persist. Love, and make straight the way of the Lord.

I returned to church in the morning. I looked at the Lord. You, Lord know, and you love. I believe that. Now who are the people who today live in that narrow strip of land where the Philistines of Goliath lived? Starving, shivering, thirsty, sick, frightened. Their babies crying or dead too. … Do they know what the governments are doing? Could I escape if I were with them, or would I just shiver in fear next to them in what’s left of my home or in a blood-spattered street. Waiting… for the next barrage of missiles. I look to God, our Creator, and he answers me. “Wait.” Do the little bit that I can do. Ruth picked up bits of wheat left after the harvesters finished. A little bit for Naomi. A small insignificant action. Pick up the scraps and make a king. (For Ruth is the Grandmother of David). Pick up the scraps. Give the scraps to God, and make them work. No pushing! But… “It’s not your business,” says the Lord. “Just teach what is.” God is. In the beginning was the Word. Darkness was there and he did not eradicate it. Wait. I thank you Lord that you brought me to the church. To the Cross. To wait. There is nothing that I can do except to love. If the thing is within my venue then I may speak, but speak and let it go. God takes in the children that we destroy, but this is not my pain to bear. I am to love and to have hope. And to wait. God bless us.

Susie's musings

The Bucket List – 2

Mount Rushmore! WOW!. As we walked up a lot of stairs in Mount Rushmore National Park, I looked up to see, George Washington! Then his 3 companions appear next to him. Carved out of granite, the 4 presidents govern over the Black Hills. The carving of Washington is amazing and very clear. The others are more rugged. I don’t think Washington wanted to govern… He was a general like Eisenhower. “Let me move people to win,” he might have said… And so today, let us all look up to George Washington and let us be inspired to win, and to prosper. We aren’t going to shut down… but we aren’t winning either. Let us love with wisdom! Let us love one another.

After we saw Mount Rushmore we drove to Crazy Horse. It isn’t finished as only one man carved for many years, and now the foundation he set up at the behest of the Native people, will not let the Federal Government help. Crazy Horse is all carved by the people of America. It’s taking a while… but it’s American people working on it. If only we spent so much fervor on our cities. Clean up the streets. Rebuild the burned buildings. Fill the churches. Take care of the babies and young women who think they can’t take care of babies. God touch us with wisdom to help others.

We have finished the bucket list items! Next on the schedule was to visit two friends whom we have known (all her life Rebecca Skipp) and Kyla Gehm (a dear friend whom we exchanged houses with in Clear Lake Iowa and Big Pine Key.) Kyla helped Chuck get over his confusion about his head injury by describing her own head injury and listening to him describe his fears and confusion. In their weakness, they helped each other. This year, Kyla is alone having lost her husband a few years ago. She cares for her daughter and her mother, and I hoped to see her and bask in her beautiful courage! BUT… we are going home.I started coughing a little on this trip. I remember I coughed some in Tucson in air conditioned rooms… Lately, in the wind of the monuments where the temperature was down in the low 40s, I coughed a lot. It finally hit with a vengence this last Friday… I coughed all day until Chuck looked at me with a little tilt to his head and said, “do I have to take you to the emergency room?” “NO!” I said, “I’ll be OK.” Well I do sound a little like I did when I went into the hospital with pneumonia in Kingman, Arizona. That night, as I lay uncomfortably coughing, I said, “I want to go home. OH NO!!!!” Many people said I wouldn’t last 4 months! I’m tired out, but we have seen so much. So I turned to Chuck, and I said, “You won’t like this, but I want to go home.” “OK!” said Chuck. Just that. It’s frightening to get sick. We don’t want it, but, as much as we try to be healthy, our bodies have some irregularities, some weaknesses, that are going to get us. So we are going home. I can see the Finget Lakes of New York another time… We will drive gently and look out at America. We will be inspired by the Great Missouri River and the Great Mississippi River as we cross over from West to East. I’ll be back home early! I’ll be able to help the Garden Club and the church ladies as soon as the coughing stops! All is well. Let us now turn and work on our government. Let us be kind to one another. Be sure you are registered to vote. Get out there and say what you want. Let your politicians know if you want Ukraine supported. Pray. Ask God to help us. Love this our country and love our neighbor. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Bucket List

Every time Chuck and I do new amazing things, he says, “check that off your bucket list!” And I repeat to him… “I don’t have a bucket list.”

What do I yearn for? *To be an influencer. *To encourage and teach reading and thinking. *To laugh out loud.

Chuck’s wish: That I would get dressed so I could go for a walk to Craft Local … a bar (across the street from our hotel) with music and craft beers. This wish was said from under the covers we both plowed under after a late lunch and 5 hours on Montana roads. Chuck’s needs are simple. He never had a bucket list. He did what was in front of him, and he did things to make me happy.

Four years ago Chuck tried to show me the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park after a Panama Canal Cruise, but I got pneumonia, landed in the hospital in Kingman Arizona, and scared the willies out of the doctors by presenting with an ascending aortic aneyrysm. “Go home!” the emergency room doctor said! “Get to a BIG hospital where you can be treated by a thoracic surgeon.” “What’s that?” I asked, coughing, hard. Here we are four years later, fulfilling Chuck’s list of getting me to the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone, but adding so much more!!!! We have added seeing Las Cruces, New Mexico (a wonderful small town near the border, artsy, mural strewn walls, festivals, a small Spanish village with a beautiful church.) The Tucson desert and the Biosphere where astronauts trained for a space station stay of 2 years. Tombstone (home of Val Kilmer and Kurt Russell)! Bisbee, a tiny copper mining town with great red pits of abandoned copper mines. Bisbee is home to the old “Copper Queen Hotel” which features in “Desert Heat” by J.A. Jance. I picked up the book in a quaint artsy book store in Bisbee…. It is a series about a murdered sheriff’s wife (the sheriff is murdered, the wife will solve it)… anyhow… we were there, and the story meanders between Bisbee and Tombstone. Never thought that I’d go there! “Been there, done that!” and it was wonderful. But I never thought about the four lovely towns before planning this trip. What am I? boring???? not a dreamer?

On this trip we remembered my Assumption student whom we haven’t seen in over 45 years… So I facebooked her and she answered with an address in a tiny town near Missoula, Montana. The little meander to Cathy’s house led us up to the Glacier National Park!!!! We did not do the edges of the 10,000 foot high mountains as edges scare me!!!! We drove around the park and it was wonderful. We are now headed for Mount Rushmore and the Bad Lands!!! more later.

I guess what I want is to know what you want to do? Have you thought about it? Done it? I am sad that I haven’t been an influencer. I was not able to give my nieces and nephews the kind of education and dreams I had… We were all too spread out, and I didn’t get along too well with my Sister, their mother, who is gone now. She passed away while we were on this trip. Without being too pushy, I help where I can with love. That’s all we can do, isn’t it. Pray and Love. God bless us; God help us to see his grandeur!

Susie's musings

Day 40. The power of water

Everyone knows that water is scarce in America and everywhere now. Countries are failing due to desert incursion and Florida is experiencing salt water incursion. With more people moving in, who knows when Florida will get giant holes from soil erosion from underneath and salt water incursion? I realize this is rather grim to start with while I sit on the banks of a mighty river that has been dammed 5 times to provide electric power for a great deal of Montana. The Great River, the Missouri, flows out of the mountains of Glacier National Park. From the west she flows, dammed 5 times here in Great Falls alone, she flows into the Mississippi. The town we are currently visiting, Great Falls, marks in her history the words of the Missouri’s greetings to Lewis and Clark… Lewis said, “the river is too big, we have to find a way around it!” It is big and the land around it is glorious and huge. Today we drove out to the 5th dam and the land stretched out all around us – wheat fields for miles! As we drove, I wrote: “Wheat fields. How big! Plowed fields, stubble fields. Light brown for as far as I can see, and blue sky! Wind blowing cool in 83 degree mild heat. Open the windows and let the wind in!” “I wonder what this land was like 150 years ago before people dammed this river. It looks to me like another case of glacier water gouging out giant crevasses that now are filled with the Missouri river and those brilliant wheat fields. Were the roads horse tracks?”

I have to share my glee at driving through the beauties of America. For my friends who have never left home, or who weren’t blessed to be able to drive through Glacier National Park for example, I would like to describe America. On Sunday we left Stevensville, near Missoula Montana where I visited my student from Assumption Academy. We hugged goodbye and promised to keep reading and to keep singing! Then we entered Glacier National Park where … well, I can’t keep from singing! “O! my goodness! The rugged landscape is raggedy/aggedy. (There isn’t a word for it!!!! ) Awesome, beautiful, rugged, high mountains. All this used to belong to the Native Americans. They lived on the land, thanking their God… Then, the tiny United States bought the land from Louisiana. Yes, the Louisiana Purchase. And the Americans moved in. Now, the Continental Divide is just is a line between America and … America. We took it. Every Native American monument I see hurts my heart. O what we did. There isn’t any reparation and I’m not suggesting it. All I suggest is that we look at at our great land, and we try to keep her beautiful. She belongs to no one except to her God, our God who created. Be loving to our land, and Thank God.

Susie's musings

Sunday! 24 Sept… cold again!

I never knew cold until I traveled to Europe after Chuck and I travelled to Europe with friends from Barry University in Miami. I might have known cold before I was 2, but after that it was sandy beaches and palm trees in Miami! I remember sitting in my underpants in the sand, my little toes curled up and the water of the beach curling up and getting me wet! Hot, hurricanes, green grass. But wait! This trip has taken us through the sandy deserts of I-10 Texas to the deepest reaches of the Grand Canyon in her rosy splendor. The Grand Canyon is a massive, big crevasse that was carved (a long time ago… 14 million years ago?) by receeding water. The area is now water starved. Visitors are begged not to use too much water and not to touch the water in the toilets! Recycle is the name of the game. Our Grand Canyon 5 day visit rewarded us with many amazing rosy and golden views, art work painted on the rims, music played in the Shrine of the Arts… It was wonderful! Then we drove north to Kenab and the amazing Peek a boo canyon! Narrow pink sandstone is still carved by waters that rush through the canyon after a heavy rain. Tree trunks stick in the canyon walls, bourne into the canyon and stuck in the roof. “They’ll be gone after the next rain,” confidently said our guide. I’m looking up at a dark tree trunk stuck in the rust colored colored ceiling. “Wow!” I repeat, taking a clue from my Grand Canyon vocabulary. Mountains, 5500 feet deep canyons, pink rocks, rosy and golden rocks abound in the Grand Canyon area. Head north!

As we travel north, I imagine the woman out on the prairie. She gets out of that covered wagon and stretches out in the deep grass surrounded by nothing but grass, wind, and sun. Maybe a herd of Bison wanders by, their grand furry coats rustling with the wind. The woman is alone with her thoughts. Will Cather imagined the woman’s words and wrote them down in her novels. At the Grand Canyon, the flautist at the concert read from a Willa Cather novel… Imagine what the woman speaks!

As we drive north to Yellowstone, a green river accompanies us and fishermen in small open boats cast their lines into the muddy, cold rainy afternoon. Houses dot the hillsides and cows hang out on the sides of the hills. Old Faithful hisses and roars and gets us wet! The tetons touch the clouds. We sleep in a tiny cabin in the woods near giant Yellowstone Lake. We wrinkle our noses at the stink of sulfer at the mud volcanos and geysers, and we drive on, accompanied by Bison walking along the road with us! Leaving Yellow stone, we enter Montana, land of snow-topped mountains, and we drive along tiny country roads to visit my Assumption student Cathy Sholtens in a sweet farm area in western Montana. We start at the beginning when I taught the Assumption girls in 1974, and we come forward to the beautiful home Cathy and wife Becky have built. Two very happy black dogs stretch at our feet and welcome ear scratches. The girls help us plan the drive north to Glacier National Park. The journey continues.

Susie's musings

Day 34… Beautiful country

In Kenab, north of the Beautiful Grand Canyon, we decided to see a Canyon called Peek-a-boo in Kenab. It is amazing… Multi colored rocks starting with pink and orange and multi layering into white… Like the Grand Canyon it was carved by water. The earth in this area was covered by water that went away with great force. Oh how I wished I had paid attention in science and geology to see this happen!!! Our guide showed us fish and snail fossils in the limestone! He showed us water marks and Earth Quake lines!!! I brought out 3 colored rocks. We decided to get ahead of a storm that is possibly coming with snow… We are headed for the great Park Yellowstone which is a giant bubbling future volcano. We are going to go see the Badlands!

I pray for our country as I watch the questioning of Merrick Garland…. My mind is on our natural wonders… but my heart is troubled by politically charged rhetoric. Our country is embroiled in jumping, rambling threats, and yelling… incensed by political anger. I pray that we settle down. Ask a question and wait for an answer. Get answers and believe what people say. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Day 28… A Large Wonder

Today we will move into the Grand Canyon. We will stay for 4 days while artists paint the beauty of the reds, oranges, browns, yellows and every color in between. This country of ours has amazing beauties, and the Grand Canyon IS AMAZING!!! but there is little water to sustain… We have driven through a lot of barren land… Any water there is, is buried underground. To me, the Colorado River, from a helicopter, looked small and sandy…. The helicopter guide/pilot said, “when the rains come, it will swell up and become blue and green again…” As we drove across Texas and New Mexico, I complained in my heart about the dry wasteland. I had hoped I would see cattle… but no!!! Just dirt. So if anyone says, “we have plenty,” we need to realize that, what we have left, must be husbanded. Remember the dust bowls… It could happen again.

I don’t see much news, but I am talking to Europeans who tell me that, if they look east, the war Russia is waging isn’t going to end soon. War to them, and it shouldn’t be, is like a fact of life. Pray, the big bear Russia stops thinking they can just “take.” We don’t talk about the internal war in the United States, but on my mind is a government shut down… I’ve heard about that and an impeachment on snippets and bits of news I hear. Please… Let’s build bridges and improve the highways! The interstate entering Texas from the east (I -10) is absolutely horrible… I do not think that is what Eisenhower meant when he established the interstate road system. Let’s stop fighting and get to work… together. My dears, after weeping over September 11, let us build America with love!!! God bless us!

Susie's musings

Sept 10… Getting ready…

We are runnin’ down the road, standing on corners… There’s a flat bed ford with a girl!!!! Well no girl at this time, but there was when Jackson Brown and Glen Frey wrote “Take it Easy” in 1971 and released it in 1972. Yes! We are in Winslow Arizona, a small part of route 66 is under our feet, and we’ve taken pictures of every mural in town! A beautiful 9-11 Memorial waits for a ceremony tomorrow. We are staying in town for that.

Chuck and I visited the 9-11 memorial yesterday in Winslow, Arizona. We stood in the shade under a lone tree and talked to a parks ranger and a corrections officer. As we talked of “where we were at 9:01 am on September 11”, corrections inmates had volunteered to replace some flags of the countries of the people killed in 9-11. Previously it was all American flags, but there were people of many origins killed in the atrocities of 9-11. Flags fill in squares representing the two towers, the Pentagon, the field at Somerset County, Pa where flight 93 crashed… Chuck and I have visited the field of flight 93. There was a pregnant lady killed, so her unborn baby is a 9-11 angel also. Pray that hating and killing stop. Pray that the killing “stops with me”. When I see someone of whom I don’t approve due to his progressive evil attitudes, or his conservative evil attitudes, or his religious belief, let me remember he is my brother. He is made by God; child of God. If he’s gone astray, well there was a time I went astray also. Did that make me evil? I pray not.

Last night we watched the University of Miami play football. YES! Football has begun! A UM player, Kam Kinchens, was hit and lay still on the ground. The entire stadium stood. I read this morning that he is OK. A hair’s breadth harder hit or twist might have had horrible results. After the trauma… he will be OK! Despite football rivalries; despite bad things that might have been done to us by certain schools, despite our grievances, I pray we love. Just enjoy the game! Try to teach good. God bless us! Have a good weekend dear friends.

Susie's musings

Day 16: On having angels

This Sunday morning Chuck and I were up at 5am to get ready to drive friends Rick and Penny down to Tucson airport. When we got back to the hotel, I met with a convention person who was holding two presents that I won yesterday, and then Chuck and I sat down in the lobby to have coffee. Chuck said, “What time am I taking you to Mass?” I said, “not going…” I examined the computer for a Mass after 9am but couldn’t find a nearby church or a 9am Mass. Why, that was not acceptable! so Chuck said, “Tim, can you help us?” The guy who parks cars and is a wonderful source of what’s what and where, was passing by. He slid into a chair next to us and asked, “What can I do for you?” “We need a Catholic Mass,” Chuck said, do you know of any nearby? “Of course!” Tim volunteered, I’m Irish Catholic from birth!” He whipped out his cell and found St Elizabeth Ann Seton, “Not too far from here. Mass at 9am.” I was astounded. They were not on my search. Chuck bundled me into the truck and I walked in to another beautiful church. “Angels?” you ask? Referring to the title…

Every day, we are surrounded by angels. They are whisking around, trying to help us. If we don’t believe in them, or don’t want to do the right thing, the angels can’t help us. Is Tim an angel? No, but he’s letting his angels guide him to help me.

Speaking of helping others… the first reading today is from the Book of Jeremiah (chapter 20). God chose Jeremiah to preach when he was very young. “Oh no, not me,” he said to God, “I’m too young. Nope, can’t.” Sound familiar? The Lord wouldn’t take no, and delivered a “You-Me small-Great” type speech, and the Lord sent Jeremiah off to preach. But his own people couldn’t stand his words, and they ended up throwing him in a well, and, according to some commentators, his own people killed him. The message of the Book of Jeremiah is that we must do what God asks. Speak out! Speak of the love of God. How will the little ones know if we don’t speak? We must spark the love of God in people with words of love. Now, I have a friend who once told me, “All you talk about is, ‘love love love!'” I was shocked at his words because, what else is there in Jesus’ teaching? He didn’t turn on his killers who gave him horrible injury. “Father, forgive them.” “Love one another.” I usually try to let Jesus do the talking. A few days ago, the Gospel talked about Jesus really letting the Pharisees have it…”You hypocrities! Taking all the good, and not teaching the little ones.” Our priest today ended with some amazing words, “Let your lips, stained with the love of Christ (the Eucharist you receive here) speak God’s words.” “Lord of all gentleness… give us Peace in our hearts.” Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Jimmy Buffett and our youth

Yesterday in the lobby of our hotel in Tucson, a woman dressed in a beautiful Native American Jacket played a big wooden wind instrument. Plaintive music filled the lobby. I was drawn to her Native American Spirit!  She was beautiful! Later, a man took over the piano and played Navy songs!  “Anchors away, my boys!!!”  We have a great heritage. Let us thank God for our lives here in America. Let us not say our country is evil and dying as some people do, let us not hate… rather let us take care of each other no matter what political beliefs are. Rather, let us use the power within us to save and bolster our country, with Love. 

I was brought up in Miami… I lived my young married years in the Keys… Big Pine Key … We spent a lot of time in Key West surrounded with Jimmy Buffett music. My friends and I sang Keys music and loved Jimmy. Today he is “another one gone…” Let us rock to the music and believe in the magic and beauty of God’s beautiful creation… He was only 76 at his death. When I hear of a death like this… I say, “He was young!” When I say this, people look at me… gray and scar-faced and they think, “What does she know about young?” Maybe it is the young at heart years we lived. While my boyfriend was in the Navy, on a submarine, “deterring war”, I was engaged in reading literature and loving California dreamin’, flowers, protests of the Viet Nam war, oh dear! We lived through assassinations that scarred our hearts… and we had to survive.  Now I beg and pray that people love and try to be happy.  Today I tell sailors how proud I am of them, how much I love their patriotism, and how much I love our country.  God bless us. Lift up your hearts and say… God job America. Thank God.

Susie's musings

Day 15! The Tucson Desert

From my patio here in Tucson I see cactus, sand, and orange flowers. I was worried the other day coming across lower Texas and New Mexico that all I would see is brown dirt… and I’m getting used to it. Today we will visit the Sonoran desert. Two days ago we saw the “bone fields” where unused airplanes are preserved in the desert dryness, but I saw rust on those beautiful old planes. Yesterday we went to a presentation of a new memorial that is still in the building/planning stage… The USS Phoenix will be preserved in downtown Phoenix as a memorial to Cold War submariners. The Phoenix was commissioned in 1981 and taken out of service in 1998. She has been cut into parts… and her parts are already rusting. The memorial presenter said: the goal of the memorial is to teach the youth of America about the Cold War when we tried to deter and prevent nuclear war. He said: “we did our job!” submarines patrolled the deep and stayed in hiding. The goal of the submarine secrecy was to keep “the Soviets” from knowing where we were so they wouldn’t “start anything.” A lot happened towards keeping the peace during the Cold War: NATO was founded, the Berlin Air life, the Cuban missile crisis, The Warsaw pact. Our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps grew. We held off war “with the Soviets.” But can we continue? The submarine parts are rusting from the inside out… Even the dry desert can’t preserve “things” from rusting….

Can we hold off war in a time when nature is rusting our memorials from the inside out? I am one person smiling and talking, praying for peace while war rages in many hearts. Real hate rages as “the right” calls the “left” “evil,” and the right… remains silent to some extent. I put the words in quotes because, to me, the words do not represent reality. Rather the words are labels. I think we are all human beings, children of God. Trying our best in very small ways to preserve peace. May the Peace of the Risen Christ be with us today. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Test of Photo in Post

This is a test of creating a post with a picture.

At the beginning of a new paragraph, Type / and then select Image. Then click on Upload. Find the photo on the computer. Either double click on its filename, or single click then click on Open. Wait until the spinning wheel stops while the file is being uploaded from the computer to the blog server. When the spinning wheel stops and the picture shows up clear in the post, you’re done. To add more text below the picture, click on the + below the right corner of the picture and select Paragraph. To add another picture, click on + and choose Image. Click on Publish to make the post live. Have fun. Once you’re done learning how to do this, on the right side of the vertical menu, next to Visibility, click on Public. Click the circle next to Private. A pop-up will ask if you want to Privately publish the post, click on OK. Now you and I can still see it (because we’re Administrators) but the public won’t see it. Have fun.

Sue and Chuck, December 23, 2017
Susie's musings

Day 10 Giving the little ones a hand up

I guess this sounds silly, but I do love to play with little kids in church… Today, in a beautiful small basilica in Las Cruces, New Mexico, a family of pregnant mom, dad, young girl (about 8 years old?) and 3 boys (maybe 8 to 2 years old) moved in next to me at church. For some people this might have been a reason to move, but for me it was an “oh my gosh how cute” moment, and “oh my goodness, she’s pregnant again?” I moved my large new straw hat with flowers that Chuck bought for me at the market to give room to mom, and one little boy instantly took an interest in the flowers on the hat. I showed him the flowers stitched into the straw and then proceeded to pay attention to the readings. As the homily was winding down, I handed my journal and pen over to the little guy and showed him I meant it is OK for him to draw on it. He proceeded to draw a big careful circle, another circle… a few things that looked like feet…. not sure. I figure him at about 4 and he had amazing control of that pen. I took the journal back and wrote “Beautiful” and his mom wrote, “a tractor by Max.” A tractor? OK so the boys are farmer’s children? Good big round tractor. Children just need to be played with. Meanwhile… this reminds me of the need to care for little ones… On 3 separate days, I have rescued 2 small beatles and a small spider from the pool I was swimming in. The beatles and the spider were sitting stunned in the water in front of me, and, wondering if I might get bitten, I scooped them up and walked over to the edge of the pool. Dump them on the pool deck and say, “shoo, you are OK!” The spider was the funniest. He lay still and then he began shaking out his legs, one, two, three, etc. Finally, all dry, he made his first jiggly step, and he was off. Just a little hand up from a bigger friend is all the little ones need. I’m off to the pool now. It’s a sunny day in Las Cruces. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Day 8… Something new?

I was just writing to a friend that I can’t believe we will be out on the road for 4 months!!!! Today we left Fort Stockton, Tx and drove west through flat, brown, dusty, barren land… no cows, no planted fields… and landed 4 hours later in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The land in Texas is flat, and then suddenly El Paso raises her head with expressway interchanges! We saw amazing tight expressways like this in San Antonio also… Actually Interstate 10 is the old trail between San Antonio and El Paso with Forts along the way (like Fort Stockton and Fort Davis) to provide protection for travelers and settlers. So we drove… OUT of Texas and into New Mexico. The hotel is somewhat old but the rooms are large and there is a pool! We drove around Las Cruces looking for a lunch place on a map we got from the front desk. Everything on the menu had green chiles! “Ah”, I thought, “Patience… there must be something without chiles.” There was: mac and cheese with grilled sirloin. OK can do. The air conditioning quit on the way back to the hotel! There is a Chevy dealership next door to the hotel so we unpacked into our room and off Chuck went to the dealership. Today is Friday… maybe it will be finished tomorrow (Saturday). One learns patience on vacation! Tomorrow will take a lot of patience!

Susie's musings

Day 7! Hanging out in a small town

How many of us have the chance to just “hang out, relax, and enjoy each other’s company.” Chuck and I drove into Stockton and I did an evaluation of where we are and when we are due in Tucson… “We have time!” I mused… We need to find a place to “wait”. The hotel we found has a nice pool, good breakfast, clean rooms… the “town” is quaint with a Catholic church with daily Mass, 2 barbeque restaurants, … and 3 saloons! Oh boy! Last night, we found an old time saloon with barrels holding up a lovely bar. We drank a Texas-made wine and enjoyed it. Chuck enjoyed a big fat Texas cigar! We decided to enjoy one more day before getting back on I10 and heading for Las Cruces.

At daily Mass the priest looked around before starting, he leaned over the altar and pointed at me! “Hello,” he said. “You are visiting, yes? Welcome! Tell us about yourself.” I stood up and introduced myself, “Sue Peabody, Lake Placid Florida, grateful you are having daily Mass! Moving on to Tucson!” They clapped!!! It’s the second time I’ve been welcomed at church with applause. Church goers welcome new friends! Jesus is waiting for us. He is even holding dinner for us! And… We get a daily totally non-political message. Yesterday, the Gospel reading was about the farmer who paid his workers, whether they started at 9am or at 5pm… the same wage. Some of the early workers complained, “but we worked a long time and those guys only worked one hour!” The priest left the podium and walked to the pews, “God’s justice is different from ours! Are we envious and jealous? Accept the new faith Jesus offers… Give up old ways. Throw away old idols. Those who have been Baptized early in life struggle to “stay clean”, but late bloomers don’t have to struggle! Sometimes they get baptized and then they die, “hired at the last minute.” God gives the gift of heaven to his children all the same! even those hired at the last minute.” Stop grumbling and “Thank God.”

Finally, my friends! Entering a church is a lot like entering a room and “choosing your spot.” I sat to the left, but I was in an air conditioning draft so I moved to the right side … In the seat back with the prayerbooks was a small slip of paper. I picked it up and it read: “Let my gardens speak for me when I am gone. Let them speak in colored whispers of all the beauty I have seen, and felt, and lived. Let them speak of my seasons of growth (watered by Emmaus retreats) and seasons of abundance. Let the fragrant blooms speak of my life and its greatest lesson: that the beauty we make never dies.” God bless us!

Susie's musings

Day three. Saying, “Thank You” to God!

Sunday morning on the road can be a challenge because… it’s the Lord’s day and Church is an obligation. I woke up early thinking about 9am Mass down in Pascagoula at St Peter the Apostle church, but I’m also aware of the need to drive ‘all day’, and who is driving. When I arrived at breakfast at 7:30, Chuck almost fell off his chair. Then he said, “Since we are getting such an early start, why don’t you go to 9am Mass and we will leave from there?” Isn’t the intervention of the Holy Spirit wonderful? When I entered that wonderful little church, I stood in the back and said, “Thank you Jesus!” For what? for getting me up at 7:00am? For being here? For an early 9am Mass? For this sweet church? For Chuck willing to “wait” while I go to Mass?

When has the Holy Spirit made things happen for you? You would like something to happen, but it’s a real “ask” of your partner to change a schedule, a destination, an anything… These “asks” can be hard for us, and we don’t think we can do it, but the Holy Spirit just intercedes. The little church in Pascugula was beautiful. I’ll bet 20 people greeted me. Visitors were asked to stand up and introduce themselves, and then the church family clapped and said welcome! People came to me after Mass and asked me to join this or that group! Very touching! “Thank you, but I’m westward bound!” Ask the Holy Spirit to help you on your journey!!! and say, “thank you God!”

Susie's musings

Day 2 of The Great American Peabody Adventure

Today we traveled 333 miles west in under 5 hours. Right after Tallahassee I started looking for “a place to stop” and I settled on Pascagoula. Ever get a taste for seafood? Well, this is the place! When we checked into the hotel we asked where we should go for seafood… “Bozos” was the answer! We ate enough shrimp, oysters, crabs, clams, and oysters to feed a large family! Now there is shrimp in our little refrigerator and I’m offering to make a shrimp sandwich for Chuck’s lunch. So goes day 2!!! I swam in a HOT pool under the equally HOT sun! I plan to find a Catholic church with an early Mass to go to before we take off west tomorrow. This is a lot easier than the wagon trains had it! God bless our fore families who made this trip on foot, horseback and wagon. Thank God they did it! Sleep well dear reader!

Susie's musings

Choose your spot

Day One of the Great American Peabody Adventure and what a fun time we have had so far! 302 miles in a little over 4 1/2 hours and we landed in Madison, Florida on Interstate 10. Standing at the check-in counter, I craned my neck to spot it! Yes! The pool! 95 degrees on the thermometer and a big blue pool. Hurry, hurry to the beautiful room! Change into my bathing suit and out the door to the pool. No hesitating here… Ah! a giant outdoor bathtub. It was actually cooler than 95 degrees I guess. I walked down the steps into the water, scanned the blueness, and I headed for the deep end and the shade. As I wallowed against the wall in about a foot of shade, with my back to the sun and a water jet caressing my lower back in 5 feet of cool water, it came to me what I did when I entered the pool. I scanned for depth and shade. I thought about what some of us do when we enter a new room: Do you seek the back wall and put your back to it, where you can see the door? Do you seek an air conditioning vent, or steer clear of all vents? Do you seek a quiet spot or a noisy spot? I thought about some of us always in the same place at church… Do you seek the right or left? Front or back? Do you stand and see where the A/C is blowing? For me, at St. James, it is to the right facing the altar about the 3rd row back. Since I got to Saint James, I have moved from the left side to the right. I think I can hear better over there…. What does it mean?

After my little pool exercising, we went into town and ate the Friday night special fish buffet at O’Neals. Ah! Catholics have a sway… how many fish fries are on Friday? There was a table with about 10 very happy ladies right behind us! (Chuck said, “it’s the Garden club”). I mean those ladies were laughing and telling stories and both waiters talked with them about “grandma!” Madison is a small town where everybody knows your grandma so you better behave!!!! Oh my goodness… After a plate full of grits, corn, sweet potato, ribs and chicken (oops I skipped the fish)… I headed for the cobblers. I missed the banana pudding. As we left, I nearly dragged Chuck back, as I shouted, “they have banana pudding!” Chuck rushed me out, pulling his ball cap lower on his face (big city boy style)…. We are now ready to finish our first day in our room with wine and a movie. It’s early yet… God bless us and you. Celebrate your happy day!!!

Susie's musings

In honor of Janet

I have been honored to know some really good people in my life and Janet is one lady I’m thinking is having a good time with God right now! Janet’s family home was in the house next door to our house in Miami at Westwood Lake long before I moved in. She married and moved not far from her family home, but she returned often to swim with her children in the lake behind our houses. Janet was pregnant with one of her children at the same time her mother and her sister were pregnant. The 3 pregnant ladies played in the lake where Janet’s brother and I later played and had long talks as adults. It’s a kooky story, but my friend Mike is one of those “late pregnancies” that surprised everybody! When Chuck and I moved into the house next door, Janet had already lost her husband, Whitey, and she had moved away. Whenever I saw Janet we had such wonderful, funny, happy conversations about “the past.” Life was good, and we had nothing to complain about. I never heard a negative word from Janet. God blessed her with a sunny, beautiful personality. Janet passed away recently at age 84 after a battle with Alzheimers that saddened all of us. To watch the light slowly go out on a happy life is a slow, lingering grief. God blessed Janet with a quiet death this week.

Janet’s short life makes me wonder: What is a life well lived? It is a life spent thinking things before us are good things. Flowers are meant to be treasured and sniffed, not trampled. Clouds are meant to be clapped over, because clapping keeps the rain away. Puppies are to be cuddled, and children are to be read to. Mean-spirited people are to be shivered at and given to God. People are to seen as God’s children. All of the people, even the ones we disagree with so strongly, are God’s creations. Thank you Janet for teaching me to clap!

Susie's musings

“Where’s Susie?” Preparing for a trip

This is the beginning of a four month Odyssey around the United States! Celebrating the interstate road system, we will begin at almost the beginning of Interstate 10 in Lake City, Fla and travel across the bottom of the US to Tucson. This first part of our trip will be a relaxing drive across country. I hope to find good hotels every 270 to 300 miles, relax in a warm pool, eat a good meal, and sleep in a clean bed every night. Repeat. I think our whole first leg will be in desert country, ending in Arizona which I always think of as “Arid Zone.” Chuck and I are not looking forward to the heat, but our goal is a submarine convention in a large (cool) hotel in Tucson. I have warned our friends that they will not see us for 4 months! That’s a long time to be gone from home, but this trip can’t end until we witness a cousin’s wedding in Springfield, Massachusetts on December 9, 2023. We can’t get homesick and go home before December 9 because we have the wedding! So stick with me… I’ll describe the United States as I have gleefully described what we have seen before on our trips. So… sign in occasionally for this wild, “Where’s Susie?” trip.

Susie's musings

Taxes and such

I am sitting at the dining room table that is covered, not with plates for a lovely tea, but with paper that will help me to put the last year together for Chuck to begin to “do our taxes.” In the past, the job was much more complicated. We had 4 rental houses and jobs, now, we are “retired” with only one rental house and mortages paid to us. All I have to do is go through the expenses and list everything we spent to see how Chuck and Uncle Sam are going to communicate. This time of reckoning also involves reckoning the checkbook… With Chuck as the master financial guru in this family, my checkbooks must balance. So I sit down about this time and spend a few hours…. finding the “offs”. So I want to know… how come 6 + 7 doesn’t equal 9? pooey!

I have been coming into a new way to argue lately. It involves asking someone… “just who are those democrats you want to eliminate? Is it 50% of the population? Isn’t that the same thinking Hitler and Stalin used to eliminate Jews, Cossacks, Muslims?” A friend actually argued, “well, it isn’t 50%; there are independents.” Wow. I’m just saying… And another person said, “those people who moved to Florida for lower taxes, but speak out against DiSantis…. they should leave!!!” So… I ask, “who are they…’those people’?” All of them? Whoever they are. Isaiah wrote in chapter 58: “the Lord will answer if you call for help, and he will say: ‘Here I am! If you remove from your midst opression, false accusation and malicious speech… then light shall rise for you in the darkness.'” I’m all for the light folks! I choose light. So I’m a little voice occasionally asking… “do you really want to eliminate anyone like in the past?” God bless us!

Susie's musings

On Football

Good morning dear gentle readers! Today I remember Waaaaay back to the Team of the 1980s. The University of Miami. Bernie Kosar, redshirt freshman, took over the team when Jim Kelly separated his shoulder. Howard Schnellenberger and Jimmy Johnson made us National Champions. Miami went on to win 5 National Football Championships and put many young men into the National football leagues. Chuck and I went to New York to watch Miami play the first game of the season in Giants stadium. I saw Schnellenberger and Jim Kelly standing near a team bus, and I ran up and hugged Jim Kelly!!! Those were the days my friends! We werecrazed fans! My girl friend Bonnie and I still text all the way through UM football games, and now, last night, I texted through another football game with young men jousting for a National Championship, but it was Paula I texted with, our young man is Patrick Mahomes, and the men were young, but I am not. Oh dear. Oh well, memory is fun. Enjoy!

Susie's musings

On being back again

My dear readers! It has been almost a year since I wrote! Have you heard of a broken heart? I think I lost “it” when on January 6 the United States Capitol was stormed and some of my “friends” said that it was unfair that people were being arrested for the attack and the breaking and violence January 6 represented. It was heart breaking, and to this day I have to leave meetings when people say they “can’t wait for a regime change so the innocent attackers can get out of jail.” Then on 24 February, Russia attacked Ukraine and it was more than my heart could bear. Today finally I can write. …

It’s almost Valentines Day, and I’m moved to pray for Babies. My friend, Sandy Rosch (Treasurer of the Garden Club), has a very sick grand baby. He had a hurting ear… it developed into a BIG ear infection that has gone to the brain. He has had a surgery to open up the ear canal, drain the infection, and remove blood clots  His 5 doctors are working to determine what the infection is and treat it appropriately. Little Leo James Rosch is 2 years old.  Sandy reports that her daughter in law hasn’t eaten since the baby became seriously ill. I was with Sandy as she made and received phone calls and spoke with her son out in Arizona. This was a pain right in front of me that led me straight to prayer. I thought, my friends have been there. You have had sick babies. Like my mother, some of you have lost babies. You know what it is to cling to the cloak of Jesus as you lay on the floor weeping. “If only I could touch the hem of his garment.”  Lord, I pray, bless babies who are in trauma and in exile. Bless babies in the rubble of this world, Ukraine, Syria, Turkey. God bless the babies. 

In the Gospel of St. Mark (7:31), Jesus healed a deaf and speechless man: What did Jesus say when he looked up to heaven and he groaned? Was it a prayer to his father?  Was it… “Father, heal this little one. I love him. Let him be healed so he can hear your word, and then speak it?”  I pray, Let us all be healed. Let us hear the word which that God spoke in Genesis 3, “I do not expect you to know what I consider good or evil…  You don’t need to know…  Just Love. Listen (let your ears be opened and listen). We can not know what is evil. We cannot judge.”  Listen to God tell us “Love.” Ask God to clear out our infection, our deafness, our confusion… Lord let us be OPEN! “Ephphatha!”

Susie's musings

What’s Good about Good Friday?

The original Good Friday was awful. A man was beaten horribly, spat upon; a circle of thorns thrust into his scalp. Forced after the beating and torture to carry a cross up a hill to Golgatha, outside the city walls where criminals wer hanged, nailed or tied up, to stay there for days. To be the example to others not to “do the same thing.” But what evil crime did he commit? He loved us.

Susie's musings

Living in times we did not choose

My dear gentle listeners. Many have questioned my desire to attend daily Mass, and quite honestly! I enjoy the time with Jesus! Well today was no exception! I was blessed to hear our visiting priest Monsignor Mark’s homily. At a certain point I wanted to "rewind to hear it again!!!!" But all we have are my measly notes, taken as he spoke. He spoke about John 8:21 and Numbers 21 wherein the serpant was raised on a stake to save sinning Hebrews, and Jesus said he too would be lifted up to save sinners. The church links these two readings just before Easter to point out the intimate connection between the Old Testament and the fulfillment by Jesus. Monsignor spoke of a man who opposed war in Nazi Germany and died for his resistance. Dietrich Bonhoeffer died by hanging in a German prison camp. He answered the Jewish questioning, "Where is God?" by pointing to a young man being hanged by Germans… "he is here." Where we find Jesus is not pleasant to look at. But Catholics look at the Crucifix. Jesus affixed to the Cross in often bloody fashion. Where we see suffering and innocence killed by sinners who kill innocence, there we find God. Then Monsignor Mark quoted a prayer Pope Frances recently prayed, composed by Archbishop Domenico Battaglia of Naples:

Lord Jesus, born under the bombs of Kyiv, have mercy on us.

Lord Jesus, dead in the arms of a mother in Kharkiv, have mercy on us.

Lord Jesus, in the 20-year-olds sent to the frontline, have mercy on us.

Lord Jesus, who continues to see hands armed with weapons under the shadow of the cross, forgive us, Lord.

Forgive us if, not content with the nails with which we pierced your hand, we continue to drink from the blood of the dead torn apart by weapons.

Forgive us if these hands that you had created to protect have been turned into instruments of death.

Forgive us, Lord, if we continue to kill our brother. If we continue like Cain to take the stones from our field to kill Abel.

Forgive us if we go out of our way to justify cruelty, if, in our pain, we legitimize the cruelty of our actions. Forgive us the war, Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, we implore you to stop the hand of Cain, enlighten our conscience, let not our will be done, do not abandon us to our own doing. Stop us, Lord, stop us, and when you have stopped the hand of Cain, take care of him also. He is our brother.

O Lord, stop the violence. Stop us, Lord. Amen.

Copyright © 2022 Catholic News Service, Inc. All rights reserved.

During these weeks before Easter we are encouraged to think about our beliefs and feelings about what we choose and what we do. We read in the Book of Jeremiah that Jeremiah was thrown into a deep dry well to die because he wouldn’t worship false gods…. in Daniel a dictator threw Hebrews into a furnace when they refused evil ways; a lady named Susanna would rather die than give in to lusty old men. …Daniel and Jeremiah summarize: "It is better for me to fall into a pit without guilt than to serve false gods."

During Lent, we are asked to think about our false Gods: hedonism, disbelief of Scripture, immorality, love of money, to the exclusion of helping others. Is it better to give up false gods than to sin before God? It is better to become Fire! May you realize the Holy Spirit is working very hard to get you to listen to Him! He is the Spirit of God and he wants your trust. Sunday is Palm Sunday! We still have time! God bless us!

Susie's musings

It begins with rudeness…

It begins with rudeness, criticism, labeling, and disrespect, and it grows into meanness because it is unchecked. It is the kind of behavior where we speak exactly whatever we are thinking without checking our conscience at the door. It is behavior that clearly shows our disrespect and it hurts. What can we do to stop behavior that hurts for it does hurt? We can speak up. We can say, "that hurts." We can ask the speaker to check his or her words. Last evening, a friend made several disparaging remarks and quoted me some "facts" about the compentency of the President of the United States, whom he calls, "your president." What? not our President? I said, "that is not polite!" To me, as I said it, my answer sounds weak… What is polite? It is having the "good manners" to show respect… That seems to be gone from our culture that has turned to distinct labeling, saying, "you are a "XXX" and I am not, therefore, because I think "XXX" is crap, I can be rude." We hurt those who disagree with us, and the most I can come up with is "that is not polite"?

I cringe at the words because I’m not made up to criticize , in public, anyway. Oh I’ve had some awful thoughts, but it’s between me and my conscience, and I apologize a lot to God because the Bible tells me that God loves his creation and I’m sitting here saying, "OH God how can you love "X" person?"

So I pray and tell my friends, we have a vote every 4 years. I remind my friends "We the people" wrote the original words. And that includes me. I take on the responsibility for the sins we have committed and for the glories we have accomplished because I am an American. We the people wrote the words and fought for the freedoms we have that are backed by old fashioned values. Over the years, "We the people" have done some awful things, like slavery and assassinations; neglect of the poor, abortion, and I take that on as mine too because I am an American. Yes we did that, now let’s clean up our act. Pull together, Quote Peace. Quote Love. How many people believe in God and that God loves them? "He lifts infants to his cheeks and bends down to feed them" (Hosea 11.4). He has our name written on his hands (Isaiah 49:16)… He is so close… I hope a lot and I hope that people like me realize what is it like for God to love our hearts and our lips when ugliness pours out of our hearts and lips? Is it acceptable to insult and injure? Does God like to be near my lips and heart when insult and injury reside there? I apologize to my Lord for the words and thoughts that pour out of our minds, lips, and hearts. While the Lord’s lips are on my cheeks am I offering him clean lips and clean heart? God bless us.

Susie's musings

Rescued by Ruby

Listen my dears! If you want to feel, I mean really FEEL, for 2 hours and then… feel really good… watch a new film called "Rescued by Ruby." It’s on Netflix. Made for 2022. I don’t have Netflix, but I watched it at my niece’s with her sweet husband Fred and her 2 rescue dogs, Finn and Zeke. What a heart-filled film!

I spent about 10 days with my sister Sarah, niece Jennie and her husband Fred, and 2 dogs, Finn and Zeke. What fun we had. I started painting on canvas again, and I felt "on vacation" and free. It’s the "I don’t have to make my bed if I don’t want to" kind of feeling we get when we stay in a hotel! Sarah and I sat outside every afternoon and shared memories of our lives… When the 2020 election was at its height I asked my sister her political leanings. In 2019, I am sure many of us were questioning who we would vote for. Sarah asked me who I would rather listen to and see if a big tragic event took place. Would I want to see bluster and ranting? or would I be comforted by a fatherly figure assuring me there are plans in place to protect us; that we have a fine military force trained and in place to protect us. I felt as I watched President Biden speak to the troops, that an astute fatherly figure is taking care of me.

President Biden spoke to the American troops in Poland on Friday March 25. The troops, "82nd Airborne" are serving the US in the NATO force. President Biden told the gathered men and women that they are (paraphrase): "The finest fighting force in the history of the world. This generation will make a difference between Democracy and our democratic values and Autocracy and their totalitarian ways. We are at a crossroads! We have a sacred obligation to equipping those we send to war and taking care of their families." … The world is looking to the United Staes for Peace. I say "the world" and maybe it is "the Western World" who looks to the US for peace. We didn’t do too well in Afganistan… or VietNam… or Iraq. We can’t change everyone, but we can make a difference for those for whom English is their second language and many of them have relatives in the United States. In the church we are dedicating Russia and the Ukraine to our Blessed Mother, Mary. We ask Mary to pray for the fighting forces and for peace. Ukraine is claiming they have knocked Russians back, but Russia is claiming they have bombed fuel and ammunition caches. Each side is fighting: Ukraine fighting for their lives, and Russia fighting for a border on the water. Russia is landlocked except for the frozen reaches of the North sea… Let us hope Ukraine can hold on to their border on the Black Sea. Lord, Let the Russian soldiers lay down their weapons and "see" "this is an unjust conflict." God bless us.

Susie's musings

Music soothes the soul…

Happy Sunday morning dear gentle readers!!!  Today we make a lot of prayer about our European friends: My prayer is not for death… but it is for knocking a bad guy off his horse… I think as soon as the world kicks Putin’s butt out of Ukraine,  Ukraine will need all kinds of experts in rebuilding! It is an opportunity for out of work Americans to volunteer to rebuild.  So I’m waiting for the news that Putin’s butt got kicked!!!  I hope God thinks that is a good prayer! St Michael knock him off his high horse and into a pit of mud.  OOOOO Putin, all muddy and stuck.

Today CBS Sunday morning celebrated comedy (Sandra Bullock) and music. Oh what fun both can be. The music made my soul soar. I wish I could sit at the piano and make trills and pounding crescendos!!! If you play a musical instrument, go and play! or make cookies! Enjoy a beautiful musical day and pray for Ukraine and our sick friends who need comfort and courage. Amen.  Have a sunny Sunday!!!!

Susie's musings

Words lie heavy

Hello dear listeners. I can’t find a Biblical or Poetic quote for "Words lie heavy on my heart," but I didn’t make up the phrase either. My mind is full of desire to speak out to Putin… but what can I say? What can we say? "Stop it you big bully. Or…." "Or what?" he snears as he turns on me with dead eyes… Yesterday we pondered "What can we do?" I have wondered that for a few years as I wish I could make a difference and stop the "talk and name calling" that our country has descended into. I am called various names that I find offensive as I don’t call myself anything except, "Child of God." But others want to label. Others say, "You are Woke, Karen," (Whatever that means!)… or "You are liberal." Again, whatever that means. Today I am awake, thank God after a long night of talking to myself and making up stories in my head. I try not to do that, using phrases a sleep therapist once said, "This isn’t happening NOW!… Go to sleep!" But the story telling in my mind all just continues. We are supposed to get up and read or write when this happens, and my sister Sarah said, "Didn’t you pray?" Unfortunately I did not… I did however make up some plans I would like to send to our President for how to stop the war in Ukraine… Again, Sarah tells me, "I don’t make plans for others." Oh dear, what’s a fellow to do?

Yesterday and today in Mass, the readings were very clear: A rich man whom the Lord punished for his selfishness wants a drop of water from a man he ignored. "Just a drop." "No," says Abraham. "God sent the prophets to give you water, and you rejected it. You did not help anyone when you were alive; you rejected the laws of the prophets." We sputter, "But, we miss seeing the poor and the suffering; we are too busy ‘getting and spending.’ We have agendas, things to do, rules of politics." Whatever… (see Jeremiah 17 and Luke 16). "But they are not the rules and things of God." says Jesus. A lot of people don’t believe in the future because we can’t see (beyond our noses.) Today we read the story of Joseph thrown into a dry well and then sold down into slavery into Egypt by his brothers. "That’s a terrible story," my sister says. "Yes it is an awful story," I ruminate. It’s exactly what man has done since Cain and Abel. Wow we are a loathsome bunch. How does a human being dare to enslave and mutilate other human beings? And believe me, we mutilate with knives and our tongues both equally. Every day we listen to the Good News (Gospel) say, "love one another; pray for your enemies."… about Joseph, "You (Joseph’s brothers) meant your actions for evil, but God turned it into Good. You reject the cornerstone, but God turns it into good." Look out and up! The blue sky, maybe no flower buds yet! but the promise of flower buds, and Thank God!

Susie's musings

"What’s a fella to do?"

My step father Jack Harlan used to ask this question when we girls, daughters of Jack’s beloved second wife Grace, would ask…. "Jack, what do you think…?" He was so concerned about not hurting our feelings and not stepping on any toes. We are three sisters of great difference, all carrying our differences and our hurts and joys on our shirt sleeves. We would go to Jack for guidance, and he would look to Mom as if to say, "I don’t want to get into any trouble here!" It’s almost laughable, how cute that was….

In a much more serious way, our world is watching an awful, serious destruction of the cities of an independent country who declared their freedom in 1991 from the communist Supreme Soviet. "You go brothers." Ukraine has been invaded (2014) and lands taken by Russia. Now again, bombings create great holes where cities and hospitals used to be. We watch pregnant women holding their bellies with tears running down mud covered faces, and we hear about a mother and child dead after doctors try to save them in a torn up hospital. What are we to do? Rush in there and start a battle we can’t back down from or possibly finish except at great expense between giants with nuclear weapons? There are actually world laws against us fighting in Ukraine. What are we to do? The hornet’s nest has been hit by the little boys and the hornets are circling and their buzzing is like yelling. Other countries seem to have caught the negative energy as India and Pakistan, China and Taiwan bicker and make noises with nuclear weapons… Next we will hear of more ugliness and destruction in Africa. Our own country is divided and infighting about … well you know. Never has a Presidential election been debated for over a year and 1/2 after election day; never has the past president created such animosity against the current leader; never has a country been so split… well yes it has and that ended (or it didn’t end) in a bloody civil war. My dears. What’s a fella to do?

What is all this except frail ephemeral life in a world that is only meant to be ours for a few years before we go to the permanance and beauty of heaven. Do some research on heaven in Scripture. Pull the book off the shelf and do a litte reading in the New Testament. Read the words of Jesus. Pray we change our hearts. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Where did the year go?

It’s January already? Where have we (I) been? I think I love best the weeks before Christmas when we sing and dance with yearning for the beauty of a birth that means new life and salvation in what is right now… a time of angst. Angst: It’s hard to ignore the red color on maps where Covid lives and reigns screwing up lives and filling hospital beds… It’s hard to ignore the Russians standing on the Ukraine border. The Russians have been known to sneak in and start the fight before… Pray for peace in Ukraine…. and…scary Chinese and Koreans leaning out over the Pacific making a giant dark shadow. I read that we actually went on alert in California when a missile went up last week. I live in a very small town where an occasional siren makes us all look up. Do you say a prayer when an ambulance goes by? It was something my mother used to say… "That is someone who needs a prayer." Do we remember to pray for others in need? An airplane going over is usually a signal that someone is approacing or leaving the tiny airport over by the golf course! Noises in the neighborhood might mean 2 squirrles or two blue cranes are dancing on the roof! We watched the other day an amazing feat of nature when a great blue crane ate a large fish he caught off our dock. That’s life here in the orange groves!!! If we can keep our attention on the water and the grass then we can tap our fear down over what is happening in the big world!!! I find my peace in church, in talking happily with neighbors, and in keeping my home gardens nice. I have joined the garden club here in Lake Placid and we beautify a small garden at the intersection of Main and Interlake! Keep on keeping on. Let us read good books, poetry and positive. Let us remember our Creator wants us to be happy. Let us pray for those in need (friend Lois from our lake is in rehab after a broken hip.) God bless the aching hips and knees of our friends. God bless us and bring us peace in our hearts.

Susie's musings

I heard the bells on Christmas day

During the Civil War, guns were heard in our city streets. Brothers and fathers died in our towns. Disease abounded (Washington made his men get vaccinated!). People died fighting in a Civil War that made no sense. Does War make sense? Christmas came… Henry Wadsworth Longfellow heard the bells and wrote a poem… As he wrote … he bowed his head in pain…

And in despair I bowed my head;
“There is no peace on earth,” I said;
“For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men.”

The words of the poem are a statement of faith that we cannot live without. On Monday night I gave a talk at church on the 4 last things. The first of the 4 is death. We are all facing death that is followed by meetings with Christ and the review of the "choices" we made in life. What follows our meeting with Christ is Heaven or the cleansing of Purgatory then Heaven. Or Hell if we totally rejected God. … The last thing is Final Judgment. We have been taught that Christ is merciful. He wants us to have faith and join him in the "Afterlife." When I despair that life stinks because people fight and say awful things. Because people hate. Because people kill. Because 15 year old boys pick up their father’s automatic weapons and go to school… When I despair…. If I dwell on this and call it reality, then I can descend into darkness. Matthew Arnold gazed at the Dover channel and wrote.. in "Dover Beach" that "The Sea is calm tonight," but the end is awful as he describes a beast slouching to Bethlehem to be born. WWI was on the horizon and Englanders knew that.

Let us spend some time in church. A lot of time in church… Even just sitting quietly and not saying anything can help us get closer to our Creator God. He wouldn’t have done all this beautiful work (flowers, clouds, small birds, puppies, babies) if he didn’t mean for us to enjoy them. If he didn’t mean for us to protect his creation. Let us lift our heads. Let us ring bells and light lights. My house is decorated and the yard sports lights and we cleaned up the weeds! Come to a house that embraces Joy! Come to my "Circle of Joy!" Let mine be a house that embraces Hope. God bless us and keep us safe in a world that seems to be crumbling. Let us listem to the still small voice of God and let us shout "Peace on Earth, Good will toward Men!!!" God bless us.

Susie's musings

Many hours of debate

It’s been a while since I wrote. That doesn’t mean you and I haven’t been debating… Sometimes i think I have my back to the wall and I can only say… "this is what I believe and I can’t handle the arguments!" One was the political argument at election time, one is vaccination, one is the existence of God, one (big) is abortion, one is starving children, and one is the behavior of priests and people in charge… In all cases, I recognize these are hot points with 2 sides… Each of us has solid opinions and we believe what we believe and cannot be pursuaded otherwise. But we must continue the conversation… What happened to us that we are not able to be persuaded to change our minds in situations where compromise won’t work? When did "What would Jesus do?" leave our mentality?

Should billionaires contribute 2% of their wealth to help starving children? Should abusers be jailed? Is abortion the killing a human being? These are huge questions and we need to think long and hard about them as we near the end of our lives. God bless us!!!

Susie's musings

O. K. Kiddo… Time to get going and make a choice

At the beginning of the Covid lock downs we joked about sitting around in our pajamas… I am in the crowd that didn’t go back out as soon as Florida said, "It’s OK!!! Go out!" I remained isolated with Chuck for almost a year. I didn’t go to church for a year! The first time I went to church with mask on, in April 2021, I was freaked out with being around people! I have been going daily ever since, with a short stint of yoga taking the place of Mass. Sometimes we have to choose… and I chose Mass over yoga due to my need to talk with Jesus there in church and to pray the Mass. I miss yoga as it is great stretching. OH! so great stretching and breathing. Now, with 30 pounds too many on me, and both knees swollen and in great pain… I’m starting a diet that includes "no drinking." I became a ""it’s 5 o’clock; time for wine" wino. I was drinking too much after 5 o’clock and eating ice cream sometimes twice a day, and eating too much on my plate. Anxiety does these things to me… My choice: daily Mass, walking every day (as soon as I get my knees back – I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday.) Let’s see: No wine, diet, No sweets, No bread or pasta or white potatoes (you know the ritual.) Get the weight off the knees. Keep praying. Let’s see what good that does!

It’s a choice to stop drinking, to remain positive. It’s a choice not to say anything awful. Not to complain. It’s my choice. And I have to add in No worrying. My friend and I are reading the Bible! I read with my friend Kathy for two years in a row, we read the Bible twice! But now I’m reading from a different perspective. My friend asks hard questions like "Why is God vicious?" I wince when he asks questions like that and I patiently say, "God is not vicious, weather and nature can be vicious". In the very old days, 4000 years ago, People had to explain natural phenomena like floods, fires, earthquakes, famines, rampant diseases… add some you think of. Every civilization has flood stories and they were oral until writing was invented. "Back then," 4000 years ago, the stories were oral. When it thundered when I was a little girl, we used to look up and say, "The gods are bowling." Zeus threw lightening strikes. Mother Earth holds up the rain when she is angry. They weren’t such peaceful gods!!! So I gently remind my friend that in the Bible, written by man and inspired by God, God or priests of God are trying to tame a people who are accustomed to sacrificing virgins and babies to get a rainfall and good crops. "Here let’s give Mother Nature a choice virgin…" Today is not nearly as uncivilized is it? Oh yes it is! Men and women are mean. They shout evil stuff. I get sad when I hear the ugly things about the President or Vice President. I try not to get engaged except to say, "I have one vote… otherwise there’s not much I can do about the border, the Covid, etc…" Like that. Try to be at peace in our hearts. Try to keep ugly words in until I find some weeds… and then spit the ugliness out onto weeds. Maybe our venom would kill weeds…. Hmmmmm. God bless us. Angels with us. Peace in our hearts.

Susie's musings

It’s what we do…

My friend wrote a separate email to me to thank me for offering to help her with sending out group emails. "Of course, I’ll help," I thought and I wrote back to her, "It’s what we do." I’ve said this to people in the past, and within the last year, I’ve gotten some push back. I’ve also said, "We don’t do that," when the argument came to lying, breaking into the Capitol building and spitting on things, or being mean in government like we are being mean in the past year… I might say, "Americans are better than that; Americans don’t do that." What I am expressing is what I think are ingrained values, norms, even ‘institutions’. When I was a small child I think I was taught "this is what we do, this is polite, this is the rule." And we obeyed. When I became a teenager, and I began to sneak around…. it was accompanied with my own guilt and (I was misbehaving due to personal anger against parents). My girlfriends who knew about my sneaking called it "Irish guilt or Catholic guilt." And we laughingly said, "Susie, you need to go to confession….. "

Sometimes when I’m alone, I leave CNN on … one time I watched Sully Sullivan land a plane on the Hudson. Another time, I watched a plane fly into the World Trade Center… So if alone, CNN plays in the background. So guess what an announcer said today…. "The previous administration was precedent shattering;" "the end of shame," ignoring subpoenas indicates "basic norms are being shattered." It went on, but this was enough. Shattering precedent and norms, ignoring institutions and law? And, so what? Ignore the legalities. Run out the clock.

At the very end of a football game the quarterback can "end the game" by taking a knee 4 times and running something like 2 minutes off the clock. It happened in the last Buccaneers football game. The Bucs scraped out a 2 point lead, but there was plenty of time for the opposition to score if that "knee rule or knee precident" wasn’t in place. So the great quarterback Brady, very capapable of playing, took 4 knees. "He ran out the clock and ended the game". Is this the way we play life now? If we delay long enough… We will run out the clock and the other guy won’t get a chance to play? Time to get back to paperwork my friends, and let the world play in the background. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Walking Again!

With Autumn comes cooler mornings! The temperature doesn’t get to 90 until noon. So now I rush off to morning Mass and pray for all my friends. Jack Harlan used to add a SALPF (say a little prayer for) addendum to his monthly letter and I think it is wonderful to dedicate prayer to someone. Recently cousin Carol’s daughter Jenee was sick with Covid, but I hear Jenee will be cleared for work next week so she has not sunk into bad illness. Thank God!!!! A neighbor told me of two young people (in their 50s) who caught Covid and died recently so we are still fighting the demon pandemic. SALPF those who are fighting vaccination. Let them decide to take on this protective cloak of vaccine. That’s the way I believe. Give me a cloke that protects me, and I’m putting it on. OH! And I am walking again with neighbors who wait for me. I invite them to Mass…. I am not doing Yoga as that is offered at the same time as Mass.

Amidst polarization of our society, lost friends with whom we cannot agree, dissention, anger, we are sure the world is ending. But it probably isn’t. Jesus invites us to settle into his lap like a child on its mother’s lap… Relax and settle our souls in peace. In church I can either gaze up at the Cross, at a stained glass picture of the Last Supper, or at a beautiful statue of Mary. This last Sunday I looked at Jesus serving bread to his disciples. I looked at the face of Jesus, calm, and beautiful. His blessed hands offer bread and wine which he turns into his body and blood for us. He prays in John 15 through 17 so beautifully for us, "Father… I have loved them." In his last moments on earth, he knows he is going to be beaten, derided, betrayed, hung up with nails in his feet and hands to die naked before a jeering crowd. He knows what horrors await him. He knows his own people will allow the horrors out of their own weakness, yet he turns his beautiful face to his Father and he prays for us, his betrayers who turn our faces away. My friend weeps for the awful things our generation does to children, women, migrants. He weeps for the hungry, the enslaved, the homeless. My friend despairs and asks, "Where is God?" My answer of, "He is with us" doesn’t satisfy the weeping heart. Jesus wants us to put our head down on his chest and have full faith. Who knows what luxuries await the bedraggled migrant orphans when they enter Paradise? We certainly can’t fathom the Glory! This place is earth. It’s pretty in a lot of places and pretty awful in a lot of other places, but it’s only earth. God blessed the earth, but we damaged it…. If we would just try to do good. Be kind. Each one of us. A priest told a story: A man fed a robber one night and his friend said, "What are you feeding that creep for?" "If I am kind to him and keep him fed, eventually he will respond. I must have hope he will respond." Get their attention. Feed them. Love them. Pray they will respond. If not to you, then to someone. I might not see the leper I feed healed, but I have hope he will be healed in heaven. I can’t change the world. I can only change myself. Climbing up, lifting my little arms, I ask, "Lift me up, Lord! Teach me to Love!" Thank God.

Susie's musings

Grace poured out.

Elijah ran away from the curses Queen Jezebel poured out. He asked God to take him up, but he couldn’t hear God (too much noise). Elijah just automatically assumed he would starve himself to death. "Run!!! Get away from the evil and die. Maybe then I’ll be OK." Physically and emotionally exhausted from the unstopping, ugly actions of the Queen and her consorts, Elijah ran!. But an angel gave him bread and water and told him "Get up and Go!!!" Oh darn. Gotta get up and go. Angel says so. When he got to Horeb… He finally found… peace. (A still small voice).

God doesn’t fail. He pours out Peace and Grace. There are many references to this in the Old and New Testaments. Think about a giant pitcher full of grace being poured out over the earth. God started pouring Grace out at the beginning when the Holy Spirit Graced the waters. And God doesn’t stop pouring. But what if we are not open? What if we are closed and shuttered against goodness being poured out on us. We are bitter, angry, defensive, protecting ourselves from "being hurt." We look out of our shuttered selves and we see… anger, shouting, muggings, killings, abortions,… We shake our heads and close the shutter. If I sit in church and look around, some of the people have said ugly things about what they believe vs what I believe. They have shaken me to the core with their mean spirited comments about the Pope and the President about whom I was taught to be respectful. Respect seems to have gone by the wayside, but not for me.  I have answered people with my "peaceful" thoughts and I get rejected. I get called names and I get labeled. I say "Don’t label me anything except ‘Child of God.’" But still it hurts. I get depressed and I hide. But that is when I block off the Grace pouring out. God needs me out and open. He needs me to "Raise up my heart… Open your hearts," Jesus says. In the Gospel, Jesus says to the Pharisees, "Moses had to make laws because of your hard heartedness, but here is the REAL law. Love One Another."  My friend, Yes, the world is crazy right now, but there is peace. I find it at the Altar in a Catholic church. You have to find it too. Let us continue our friendship and talking to each other. Let us open our hearts to each other. Let us accept the Grace being poured out. God bless us. OH Wait!!! He does! He has been pouring out that overflowing pitcher of "living water" since Creation!!! Thank You Jesus!

Susie's musings

Celebrating the firey ones

Associated with light, ardor, and purity, the Seraphim (the firey ones) are honored in the church today. Let us celebrate and thank God for Michael, the great soldier of God, Gabriel, the messenger, and Raphael, sent by God to guide us. Raphael takes our hand and guides. He is right "here." All we have to do is say "Yes." Think about what ardor is: Have you felt "extreme vigorous passion" lately? Or has our life settled into quiet acceptance of "what is happening"? Those who are "out there" screaming and yelling about how awful things are with hoardes attacking the borders, not getting vaccinated so the rest of us suffer and have expenses with them when they get sick finally, those who claim we are headed right for socialism…. They have ardor, they yell loudly, but their noise is not filled with purity and light… it’s filled with darkness, anger, and hate. I look into the shouting, sneering faces in the news articles, and I shudder at what I see. Then I turn to look at the Cross. I don’t see any of that anger in His face. I see love. Ardor for the Right and Beautiful, is Pure, is passion filled with love and the heat of our desire to get closer to God who makes things right. We might not see the righting. In the book of Daniel (chapter 10), Daniel is praying for help… He is mourning and fasting because the world situation is very grim. Then "One (a man) dressed in linen with a belt of fine gold… His body like chrysolite (or topaz, fine yellow), his face shone like lightening" comes. The angel’s message: "Daniel, beloved" "For 21 days ‘the Prince of Persia’ stood in my way… Michael is busy fighting him now." Is the "One" Jesus? Is he Gabriel? We don’t know. But the message is… when things are really bad, and it seems our church itself is in grave danger, we must ask God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, for help. He will send help! We might not see the final end of battle, the "win", but our faith tells us it is coming. It’s time to continue our prayer. Pray for my niece Jennie who has a sick husband and 2 children. Jennie is sick with Covid. Heal her lord and let her get back to work. What a load we carry Lord. God bless us. Let us know Lord, Angels are with us.

Susie's musings

Ask a priest

When I am confronted with a situation where I want to speak out, I often do… speak out and thereby I have lost at least 3 friends with whom I no longer speak comfortably. I have indicated their ideas and speeches are crap. oops… I said that didn’t I? A lady at church gave me two publications and said, "read this!!! it’s powerful!" I read 1 1/2 pages and threw it down in disgust. Anti government forcing churches closed, Anti vax, anti kindness…. Snide remarks about lies and fraud. And lots of Bible quotes. I wanted to wash my hands after handling it. I have to give it back. What do I say, for we must not stand still. This lady kneels in the front row at daily Mass. She wears an American flag scarf every day. What a hypocrite!!!!! Wow! Tell us how you feel Susie!

I advise people who I feel are speaking mean spirited words to go speak to either a doctor or a priest and ask them what the expert thinks. Priests and doctors are supposed to speak with wisdom. And so I trust them. I too probably should ask a priest what he thinks I should say because she asked already if I read the papers and would I give them back. …. What would you do here? We must speak out at our own risk. God bless us.

Susie's musings

It’s gonna get us all

Or… we’re all gonna get it. Yes that is the dredded Covid I’m talking about. We entertained 4 friends out on the dock. All vaccinated, and the talk turned to Covid. And the fact that it’s going to become a never gonna go away virus … So what we have to do is remain vigilent. In church this morning the lector’s head was full. I could hear his clogged sinus’ as he read, the lady who leads us in song said her voice was going, and as I sat there, isolated in my seat rows from everyone, I heard coughing. Good grief. I believe the 3 I heard are unvaccinated. One lady is back from a 2 week isolation with covid. She’s still sick. Walks slow, looks tired. My mother, who hugged everyone, would be very sad. Mother hugged! No more hugging Mom. No touching. ACK!!!

Yesterday I tried (again) to get a friend to accept vaccination. She said she won’t get it because it has baby parts in it. No! Well lets see; back in the 70s there was a "line of code" that was made from fetal tissue. The line is so small that it isn’t used, and certainly no more exists. The Pope asks people to get vaccinated. It’s not a sin for us to get a vaccine to save ourselves (whether or not it was developed in the 70s with fetal tissue.) The Pope would like us to save ourselves. I talked to a priest yesterday about this and he said his answer to "them… the naysayers" is "Shut up!" I was reminded of Biden who got so frustrated he said to Trump, "Just shut up!" So with that dispensation, I will get the booster when my time comes. Just like we line up for the flu shot and get our Publix $10 gift card, I’ll be lined up for the booster.

Jesus asked us (in Mark chapter 9) to accept and take care of the little one. Little is innocent, needy, and hungry for love and learning. When we take care of the little ones, we are little too. St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta told the world to take care of the little ones. So, we first have to identify the little ones. I think we have 14,000 of them sleeping on our border…. sneaking in when they can. And we are afraid of them that they will take over. My parents both talked about how their parents left home for a better life in America. Of all 4 of my grandparents, 2 spoke No English, and they came for a better life. My Italian grandfather swept floors at the steel mill. My Italian grandmother had 9 babies and took care of people in the neighborhood, probably inspiring my Mother to go to nursing school. What the immigrants willingly do is the cheap work. Have times changed? Mother Teresa addressed the US President and his leadership: “If we remember that God loves us, and that we can love others as He loves us, then America can become a sign of peace for the world. From here, a sign of care for the weakest of the weak — the unborn child — must go out to the world. If you become a burning light of justice and peace in the world, then really you will be true to what the founders of this country stood for. God bless you!” The topic of this paragraph is babies, but what about the people of the world who are starving? We can’t take them all in. Although we do have a lot of land, but we need to help out of our wealth. What can we do other than complain loudly about "the rabble at the border"? How can we help the weakest of the weak ? St Mother Teresa is dead, and have we changed at her words? What can we do? God bless us.

Susie's musings

The wooden beam in my eye

On September 10, in Mass we read Jesus say, "Do not criticize because it would be the blind leading the blind…" because I would be complaining about a person with a splinter in his eye and I have a wooden beam in my eye. Get the beam removed from my eye first, then lead the other man to prayer. (Luke 6:39)… I try not to criticize, and when politics rears his ugly head, I try not to become engaged and I repeat, "We have a vote." I try not to become engaged because I will only get angry, which is a sin in itself. It is not peace. Just that. I can’t go to the border and make things different. i can’t make people get the Vaccine. I can only secure and soften my heart. I can only pray for compassion. I can only pour out my tears as the sinful woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears. I can only pray for the injured. And I can vote. This morning we had a Communion service with Consecrated hosts from the Tabernacle. Our leader read a beautiful homily from "The Word Among us." I took notes: Based on 1 Timothy, based on disputes, We don’t have to give in to disputing. Rather we can follow Jesus’ example when he was accosted. Reveal the Father’s heart, Full of Love. Let Jesus’ holiness sweep aside negative rivalry. Eyes fixed on Christ, let us be encouraging. Bring Jesus’ Light into every situation. Bring the Light of Jesus and his Presence into all my life. Stop the negativity. pray. We are children of God. Do I believe God is "in charge?" God bless us.

Susie's musings

What is "the light?"

“When you pray, you only have to ask for two things: You should ask for the light to see the will of God, and you have to ask for the courage to be able to do the will of God.” Father Al, a priest born in Washington DC, dedicated his vocation to establishing homes where poor children receive care. He worked hard to establish homes in South Korea, the Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil and Honduras. Father Al died of ALS in 1992, but his homes, and the convents he established, live on. Father Al saw "the light" as that which illuminates our lives so we don’t stumble around tripping over our own weakness. I’ve often gotten into trouble with people by quoting, "We don’t need new laws. We need to ‘do the right thing.’" And people who oppose what "I say" is "the right thing" tell me… "what is right for me is relative."

Right is relative? I don’t think so. Is love relative? Is it OK to kill? Well, some people think so or our prisons wouldn’t be full. I watch the commercials about saving abused puppies, and I am so sad about caged, hurting animals who look out of those so sad eyes at us. They are beaten, starved and caged. Our cousin has rescued 2 cute little dogs who are really damaged from being abused. She changed her life to "save them." … I watch the commercials and I always say, "What about the babies we kill with abortion?" Here I am with my face out in the wind because many people believe abortion is a woman’s right. If only the "mother" could see those innocent little eyes… She wouldn’t consider abortion. She would do the right thing. But we aren’t supporting that are we? Go back to Father Al and what he did. He built homes for the poor children. We have to take care of the children. It’s the right thing.

I am not in support of the new abortion law in Texas. I don’t want to force people to love or to do the right thing… That’s not right. Can you imagine being afraid that your neighbor will turn you in for a reward because you "broke the law?" Let us pray for God’s light and love to shine in all hearts. It is shining in our nearly empty churches… Go and find the light of God and "Do the right thing." God bless us.

Susie's musings

Being part of the solution

In the old days we tried to be part of the solution… But it goes back far into recorded history that there are always "nay sayers" who are only complaining and criticizing. The Pope came out on Sunday and asked people not to criticize… Rather stand and ask for light. Ask for reduction of darkness. Ask for a purging of fear, judgment, anger, and anxiety. Ask for a clean heart. (read Psalm 51: "A pure heart create in me O Lord.") We all have darkness. We all fear being hurt, but if I am encouraged and built up, I forget that I am afraid! In Psalm 27, the poet says, "I gaze on the loveliness of the Lord." When we look out we see smoke, floods, broken houses, messes in the street, and did I mention angry people? We ask, "what is wrong with this world?" and then we start to point, name, and criticize. Wait!!! We who walk the earth are all in the same boat! The waves crash around us and we are all seasick! We are all "on troubled waters." St Paul wrote to his churches, "You are children of the light. You can face anything that comes along if you grab the Lord’s hand." Now look out and think, "We are not at war any more. No more IEDs." Let this go. Stand up like a small child. Lift your arms to the sky and take it in! Grace is being poured out all over you!!! Listen: What others do is not my concern… My relationship with my Creator is my only concern. Keep singing and reaching for the sky and ask God to take care of the others! God bless us!

Susie's musings

Can’t erase a memory

When I was debating who I was going to vote for… Not liking either choice… my sister advised me of my choices. Now let me tell you, my sister is a wise Crone! She’s "been there; done that." A divorced, single mother of 3 children, often criticized for her ways of bringing up her children. Often criticized for the life she led as an artist who loves the beautiful deserts of New Mexico. She sent me to Abiquiu, the home of artist Georgia O’Keeffe and I realized why Sarah loves the countryside! I know how much Sarah wanted to live out her life in New Mexico, but she chose to be near her family in Jacksonville. Anyhow my wise Crone of a sister talked to me about the Presidency. "Who do you want to see speaking to you from "the Oval office" when bad things happen? Whose calm voice and gentle demeanor will soothe you?" Sarah asked. Well this certainly has been the week for that voice. I saw our President lower his head when the reporter Doocy hammered him. I too have lowered my head and backed off from hammering voices in the past year. But that head lowering wasn’t power presidency, and I wish he hadn’t done that. He wanted to say, "Shut up!" like he did say to Trump at a debate, but he was criticized for that too, and actually he is a gentle man. So he probably prayed, "Shut up!" …. Now I shake my head with, what? sorrow? I’m not sure what I feel. I strongly pray for our safety here in the United States and I support the drone strikes that we have retaliated with when we were hit at Kabul airport. As if to say, "this is what we are going to do… we will strike back, so stop it!" Today the bodies of 13 military men and women were brought back to Dover Air Force base and recieved with high honor while New Orleans braces for a big hit from a hurricane packing winds up to 150mph. The images are so sad and frightening.

In church this past week we have been reading from St Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. He wrote, (I’m paraphrasing) "We are family. We pray together for our protectors. We pray for those we don’t know and don’t love. … We pray for those who are far from God…. Let us no longer offend God." … "Love one another… aspire to live a tranquil life; to mind your own affairs." Let us eliminate negativity. It’s like snail slime. The negativity is voiced and then it stays behind even after the snail creeps off. Rather say the name of Jesus as in "O my Jesus… forgive us…" For those who think you don’t have to repent or say, "I didn’t sin." What do you think our lack of prayer is? Think about asking God our Creator to help us to Love. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Pin the Tail on the donkey

Look at the silly donkey without a tail! Quick! look! Then suddenly you can’t see. Someone has tied a scarf around your head, covering your eyes. You are now blinded. You are tossed around in circles. It’s dizzying as you pass from hand to hand. There is laughing and lots of noise. Then strong hands on your shoulders stop the spinning and something is placed in your hands, "Here, pin the tail on the donkey. In the right place." You bluster, "But I can’t see the donkey! How do I know where his tail goes?" People are laughing and hooting and hollering. The noise is deafening! You move forward and they laugh. You turn right and they laugh louder…. Left? They laugh and jeer: "You are no where near him! You can’t do it!!!" This is frightening. A thought fills your mind: "I can’t do the right thing because I am relying on my own strength and I’m blind! I can’t find the donkey, let alone put his tail in the right place!"

There are other games like this. Remember the pinata! Again, you are blindfolded and tossed around. Then a big heavy stick is placed in your hands. "Hit the pinata! Get us our candy!" You would love to get the candy, but "where is the darn thing?" … Sound familiar? Blind, we can’t see where we are going. We reach out to stick that pin or to hit that bundle of candy, but we miss the mark. Our senses are all screwed up because we miss the vital sense of sight. We’ve been tossed and turned and blindfolded. Dizzy, we can’t see the target. Depending on our own strength we are useless.

Scripture is filled with people who make promises to God and then forget… They turn back to their ways of worship of their old gods. Are we like this? What are our gods today? Greed! What is enough Money? Power. What is enough power? If my pursuit is wealth and power will I want to "do what I believe in and let no one stand in my way?" Will I resort to cancellation of those who restrict me? In a sense, God restricts us. He says, "You will love and honor the Lord your God first, and then you will love and honor your neighbor." Putting God and my neighbor first puts me third. But what about my desire and dreams for power and wealth? Rather than a Baldacci or a Catherine Coulter book, pick up Scripture and read Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges and Samuel. Count how many times the words are repeated: "But Israel turned away from God and back to their own gods." Finally, Israel gets tired of being beaten up by their neighbors and asks Samuel to find them a good strong king! He will defend us!!!! And God, always loving and caring for his people, says, "don’t argue with them Samuel. Give them what they want, but warn them first: … Warn them solemnly and inform them of the rights of the king who will rule them…. He will take your sons and assign them to his chariots… soldiers… he will set them to his plowing, his harvesting… He will use your daughters… He will take the best of your fields…. You will complain against the king whom you have chosen, but on that day the Lord will not answer you." (1 Samuel 8: 8-18) It’s there. Read it. But, our eyes are blinded; we can’t see it and we are relying on our own strength.

In church, we are asked to pray for America… I think it’s not the right prayer. In humility, the tax collector prayed, "O Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner." (Luke 18:13) God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Praying much

Hi dear readers! It’s horrifying to turn on the television, but we have to to check on our fellows… Cousins in Connecticut are directly in the way of Henri. They are used to snow and heavy rain, but now throw in the high winds and rain of a hurricane. Bummer. Pray Henri goes East, out to sea, fast… Trouble is, it’s not turning away from the NE US.

Meanwhile in Afganistan, the Burkah’s are aired out and I just read an amazing article you might read to better understand why we must pray. Afganistan hasn’t been "free" for a long time… 1980 to 2000 war which the Taliban promised to end…. Their law is harsh for women who must stay inside the house except when escorted by a male. The article is about Shukriya Barakzai who woke up sick and dizzy but couldn’t go to the doctor because her husband was at work. She shaved her daughter’s head to look like a male escort, and she walked into Kabul "escorted by the child" to see a doctor… on the way to a pharmacy she was accosted by Taliban moral police and beaten with a rubber hose for breaking moral law. Taliban is out to shame and punish those who break the moral law. You can find the article on "The Taliban’s return is catastrophic for women" in The I will never suggest we need to go back into war to save these people. I ask God to help them. It’s something we tried… Help people who can’t help themselves. But we haven’t been successful. I remember watching helicopters trying to get frantic people out of Vietnam…. That war didn’t work did it? God bless us. We can financially support the veterans who are trying to help get people out…. The Twenty Year War co-author Dan Blakley spoke today about trying to help the evacuees. I asked yesterday… What are we going to do? Be charitable. Pray. Be charitable. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Moved by passion

Yesterday I was moved by passion to write about something that has been ticking in my mind since my friend asked me a question that I couldn’t answer. He quoted Scripture which I believe is God-inspired. He showed me passages and he used the words, "it is sin." I was shocked as I think I and many people have become lax in calling actions "sin." If indifference is a sin, especially when in regard to God, then my Mother would send me to confession as she did one time up in Cleveland. I am (always have been) stubborn, and don’t take kindly to being called a sinner. It is good sometimes to realize what we are, and what we will tolerate. I’ll get off this topic now and move onto Sharia.

It’s on our television and news feedss 24×7 if we tune in to it: Afganistan is "lost." After 20 years of American fighting to establish a protectorate, the Taliban is back in spades and in control. And so the word Sharia Law is often being repeated by women. Apparently Islamic civil law is interpreted from the Kuran (Quran) the Islamic sacred book, believed to be the word of God as dictated to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel and written down in Arabic. Muhammed was illiterate. He recited what the angel said and others memorized it. It was all written down after Muhammed’s death around 700 AD. Kuran is regarded as Islamic civil Law. Koran dictates Islamic Criminal law. Women bear the brunt of that law as they are forced to cover their faces and stay inside… A raped woman is a criminal and she can be killed. She can be beaten if she is caught going to the grocery store without a male relative. What is that all about? Are women genetically sinners or does the sight of a woman cause men to sin? Oh poor weak men. Oh poor down trodden women. It would be as if we were governed by the first 5 books of the Old Testament… "An Eye for an Eye…. If your right hand sins, cut it off, etc." Scary to us isn’t it? However do people govern by religious law? Today in Mass we read that the Pharisees tested Jesus, asking him "What is the greatest Law?" Guess what it is? "Love God." "What’s the second greatest law?" "Love your neighbor." (Matthew 22: 34-40). Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this were all we needed rather than all we have? God bless us.

Susie's musings

Famous last words…

"We made an agreement?" … The Old Testament is packed full of incidents of the Broken Covenant. Israel would bow down and pray, and then turn against God’s Law… again and again. …. Our prayers are full of "I believe in You my God, Creator…" but then what happens? Do people know they can’t keep a covenant? What makes us so vulnerable to "the way the wind blows." A Catholic priest, or a devout Catholic, or some others, will tell you unequivocably, "It is the devil." He’s right here always whispering what he calls "the Truth."

"So", my stepfather Jack would say, "What are we gonna do?" And I ask, "How do we keep the Covenant?" I guess the first thing is to know exactly what the Covenant is. "I am the Lord your God…. I will care for you, defend you against the enemy. Stay here with me." Jesus said, "I will take you home with me." So, how do I get there? Readings in Mass this week are from Judges. After following God and the Arc out of the desert, the people said, "We want to be like other people and have a King." "Oh boy," God said, "No you don’t… Kings will tax you, take your young men into the military, take your best land…" And so, we hurtled into the future of 2021 and … We have rejected most of what Scripture says for our own kings of wealth and power. We certainly have forgotten what our "Forefathers pledged." This is God’s country. What’s the latest thing we have done? Hanging LBGQT Gay Pride flag under the American flag at American Embassies? Yes that was even approved by our State Department and the President. Where does sin and breaking the Covenant end? Recently a very good friend asked me what I thought about transgender and gay, and I said, "I don’t know…. I am indifferent." Yesterday, I faced a very frantic friend at church who told me about flying the Gay Pride flag at the embassies (It was a few embassies and it was only in June, Gay Pride month. After patting my hand, she said, "We have to get to work!" … "Wow!" I have been wondering ever since, "What’s the work? and Where does it end?" I am conceerned with the kids who are changing sex because they don’t "feel" what they were born as. This goes in the face of God and our teaching: "We are made in the Image of God our Creator." But what if I don’t like what I am? I take a knife and drugs to myself. When and how do we stand up and seek the Truth again? In Matthew 22, a King invites people to the Wedding Feast for his son, but they reject him and go elsewhere. He has the ones who reject him killed, and he holds the Feast anyway, but he feeds the poor and street people. What is that Feast, and am I invited? Will I go? Yes, I am invited! Will I go or will I go my own way? God bless us.

Susie's musings

Dusting off the Burkas

I made such a stink to my friend who is unvaccinated and got Covid, really bad Covid, followed by pneumonia. I made such a stink that she begged someone else to stop talking vaccination, but she copied me too. What’s the problem I want to ask? Do you WANT to get sicker than we might if we are vaccinated? But I promised not to lay it on so thick…. But most people I know and go to Mass with and hang with are vaccinated (2 shots). I can carry the virus, but the unvaccinated can carry the virus too and it will get them worse than it will get me. I pray to God He move their hearts to protect themselves and us too.

So about the Burkas. I am sick at heart and sick in my belly about the 20 years of freedom the women of Afganistan just lost. It’s really so sad that their government couldn’t hold up. On May 14, 1948 Britain announced the end of the "British Mandate" over Palestine, and at midnight, Israel declared independence and the shooting started. Israel fought two very hard wars, waging war with the help of the US for sure, but in 1948 and in 1967, Israel beat back the Palestineans. So what does this have to do with Afganistan? Israel fought for freedom from hard Moslem rule and won. Afganistanian laid down the minute the Americans moved out. Afganistan women won freedoms they can’t have under strict Moslem rule. What if I couldn’t go to school after age 10? I worked hard at small jobs in the UM offices and cafeteria, and I studied many midnights and got two degrees beyond the bachelors just because I could and because I loved literature. The business degree I didn’t really care about, but AT&T paid for it. I could and so I did. Have you seen the Afgan women doing yoga? the women Olympic athletes …. They struggled to do athletics and cover their bodies. How free we are, and how free they were under the "American protection." It’s gone now and I fear for the women. Taliban need men children. Who do you think will be the mothers? Fear for the women. Pray for the women. God bless us.

Susie's musings

At War?

To begin, Chuck and I have remained unscathed throughout the pandemic and the financial crises that have plagued the past year and 1/2. Amazing it is so long that this country has been at war. First it was politics. Lost friends dot the landscape as people can no longer talk without getting cut and bruised. Rather walk away? Might be a wise choice rather than suffer continual hurt. I and my friend Karla both have wonderful walking friends we can talk all about stuff and get positive reinforcement for our thoughts. Amidst the turmoil of political discord we have "Pandemic". Should be written in capital letters as, "it’s not going away…" and might be the final scathing of our nation and the world. People downright fight over vaccination and fraudulent "facts". Remember Pilot asked, "What is truth?" just before he allowed Jesus to be crucified. Will that happen here?

I remain steadfast on what is the truth. God made me (fashioned me in my mother’s womb) and I am a good person because God doesn’t make junk! I have been adamant with friends on vaccination, on the fact that we can vote every 2 years, and on the fact that everything "they say" is not lies. If I lived the way some people do, so bitter in their souls, I would curl up in the stink and crumble. I have threaded the pandemic needle and lost a little bit of comfort, but I am holding on with prayer and talking to good friends. The CDC says we are at war, and I believe it. The vaccination is allowing breakthroughs. That just means we have to remain vigilent. Keep praying my friends. Keep your equanimity! Wow what a great word!!!! I shall live by this today! Equanimity ( Latin: æquanimitas, having an even mind; aequus even; animus mind/soul) is a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind. Keep balanced. Learn to do a yoga tree! God bless us!

Susie's musings

Pursuit of God’s will

In the past few days in Mass we have been reading from Genesis 41-44 and Matthew 10… The similar messages from the experiences of Joseph and Jesus are: big mistreatment, but the message: Forgive the ignorant who hurt you and others. Let not your hurt be an obstacle to following God’s will. "But." we ask from our pain: "what is God’s will? Is it for me to be hurt?" We have been criticized. We have been working hard to do good against a tide of angry mobs who say it’s all a fraud. What we are doing is all a lie. Rejection hurts… But God says, "Pursue the Good, the True, and the Beautiful." God, in the form of the Holy Spirit, has given us intellect, will, memory, and imagination, sight, smell, and the other senses, all gifts to help us sense and see the Beauty God makes. Why do you think we love gardens so much? As children of God, our mission is "to take care of the garden"… So many images of farmers and wine makers in Scripture richly show us the efforts to plant seed, to grow grain, to make bread. To grow grapes to make wine. To make the staffs of life. "Go!" Jesus says. Tell the others." In my weakness, I ask, "what is my grain? What am I supposed to make? Where does God send me? What does God want me to say? How do I respond to God’s command to go out and teach? How do I respond to the Good News?" God’s commands are clear, "Take action boldly! Speak out, and if your word is thrown back at you with snears, shake the dust of that town from your sandles and move on…" I imagine that means we are not to take any of the snears on us as burdens. We are to shake the rejection off.

Over the past year, I have often been shocked and hurt by the accusations of fraud and lies by and in the institutions that I depend on. In Matthew 10, I am told that I am to shake that dust off while I am not to criticize or let the contrary thinking weigh me down. I am expected to pray a lot. I am expected to look for pure love and gravitate to that. I am to recognize my temptation to hang back yet to try to change people’s minds… I try to break the bonds to the past and move forward. There is something in me that tries to change things! Sometimes it seems that my efforts are useless, and I am small; my efforts are like grains of sand on a beach. The beach is the size of … infinity. But my grain is important to my God who made me to do that little bit. How kind he was to make me and give me my moment in His Sun! God bless us!

Susie's musings

I never intended….

My sister, (bless her!), looked at a photo of me with a finished puzzle, and she wrote: "You look good! Your hair is very natural." And I wrote back, "I never intended to get fat and go gray." Yes indeed, gray is natural at my age, and I "let it go during pandemic," first because my hair stylist who cut and colored my hair took the time off to protect her child from infection, and now, it’s been a year and 1/2, and I’m gray and fat. Ice cream twice a day and wine at night, coupled with TV movies and all fat broke loose!!! But I started yoga class and WOW! even though the scale doesn’t show loss, my shorts are falling off! Also there is no ice cream, chips, or cookies in the house. Yoga or walking every day! My yoga instructor left exactly at 930 one day for an appointment and I worry about her as she fought cancer and now will have an eardrum fixed from an accident. So… "how was appointment yesterday?" I asked, boldly. "Oh! It was a haircut and color!" she said. "WOW! Beautiful!" And I set off for her hairdresser who is right next door to Sammy’s Pizza! Most people I see in town revolve within 5 miles from home, and near Sammy’s. So, I feel like with 2 Covid shots completed, back at church, doing yoga, and a hair appointment looming, I’ll be "back." It’s like dress up when we were little! Go for it! Wear those dress up shoes, get color, and, for me, get hair style!!!! God bless us all. God bless the lost people in Surfside.

Susie's musings

What Next?

When I was little, my mother, then a registered nurse in shiny clean white uniform with starched hat and clean white shoes, took me to a McCrorys five and dime on Flagler Street. As we entered the store and the smell of frying liver and onions assulted my delicate nose, mother said, "You can go to college or you can work here." My nose recoiled and took me off to college. From a very young age, I was a reader, a student, a teacher. My dolls were the beneficiaries of my learning. I always succeeded. I always read and studied and I even took my self daily on the bus to high school and college. Mother left for 2 years to get her Masters degree at NYU and I continued to find my way to high school and then college at Miami-Dade. Do you remember going to the "junior college" because there wasn’t money for college? When Mother returned from NYU, she got a teaching job at the University of Miami and I began my career as a working student. I worked in the Admissions office (they taught me how to file and organize things), and I worked in the student union cafeteria, learning prompt attendance at work, and continuing diligence. I actually applied for financial aid to graduate school, and I think I was the only one, or else Mother went over there and talked to them, but I won an Assistantship in the English department. So I was learning at Barry and teaching Freshmen at the ripe age of 21. Work, work, work.

So whats all this about? Work becomes a Credo. We do it despite the belly ache we get driving in rush hour traffic, the tension in our neck as deadlines approach, the nightmares over failing, the carpel tunnel and the stooped back from spending way too much time on the computer. I got lucky and was never out of work. I even quit several jobs, but came out the other side… smelling like a rose. It wasn’t easy. I have gray hair to prove I’m old enough to retire. And THAT is the point. The point is NOW WHAT?

Exactly. Now What? I never stopped to think about it. I just got into it and pushed. Moving from job to job as layoffs hit, or even as I quit and found "other work." Now I have an easy chair and soft shoes with good soles for my aging feet. I have to be careful pulling on shorts and my yoga pants so I don’t fall down. I sit when I put on shoes and socks so I don’t fall down. I can’t lift anything over 20 pounds so says the heart doctor. And I look at the next 10 years and think, "This is it". What should I do with my time? What value do I bring? I have been thinking this a lot as my friend Charlie, a very accomplished business man wonders the same thing. My advice to him is the admonition to review finances; "Do you have enough to stop the "work"? and then…. And then my mind goes blank. I feel like a slacker with my "at home routine." At least I go to yoga and I do laundry so Chuck and I can stay clean and the house doesn’t smell like… well I hope it smalls good. What value do I bring keeps me awake at night. Then yesterday leaving the library, I looked back and watched myself getting to the library. At yoga class I always compliment our teacher. She is beautiful. Well kept, beautiful hair, and a great yogi. I thank her for helping me to "get back from my pandemic slump". I "God bless" her. At the Publix, I joke with the cashier and the bagger. We laugh and I compliment them and thank them for working for me, and a lady customer says, "Can I go home with you; you are nice!" I "God bless them," and head on to the hair salon to make an appointment. I tell Brianna that she comes highly recommended and she is going to have a tough time getting me into shape, but I trust her! I tell her what a beautiful job she does on my yoga instructor and how happy I am to have found her! She looks at me like, "OK, here’s another one who has been cutting her own hair since March 2020. It’s good I guess these untended women are finally coming out again… but, what a mess." She is thinking something like that, and I laugh and bless her! Finally I thank the ladies at the library who have served me mightily at the library since I arrived here, and through the pandemic. We laugh as I take 2 puzzles and 2 books out! "I’m retired," I say, as I realize, "what a slacker I am." And there it is… I have no business, I have no goals, (Well except to lose this gut that hangs over my hysterectomy scar and I can physically feel the fat hanging over my waistline…). I try to make no judgments of others. I try to love. What does God want. I’m a slacker!!!! But then I realize: I’m supposed to be like the lily of the field, I’m little "brown eyed Susan" who made my Mother smile. I laugh out loud in yoga class when we do the happy baby pose! I am the happy baby. I love this earth and gardens. I love sunshine and rain. I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. Being kind to my brothers and sisters, kind to everyone I meet. Blessing as I go. Just loving one another. And standing there on the sidewalk in front of the library, I touch my heart and I say, "Thank you Jesus." God bless you.

Susie's musings

Soul Cleaning

"You know how to do this," the nurse said to me during a "wellness visit" that Medicare pays for. Chuck and I said, "why not?" when our doctor insisted we sit with a nurse and talk about wellness. I know what I have.. the aneurysm, and I get checked. I do all the normal annual and other scheduled visits I need to do… So what else?

"How many times a day do you eat vegetables?" She looked up expectantly at my silence. I glanced over at Chuck who was looking at me too, seeing if I would lie? "Not very often," I mumbled. "Grains?" she continued. "Grains?" I answered. "Do beans count?" I was getting desperate to please this lady, and I was batting zero. "Water, first thing in the morning," she said, "when you get up. A glass of water?" "Coffee," I whispered, as I slid down in my chair. "OK" she said cheerily, "Exercise!" She is grasping now. I looked over at Chuck’s growing tummy. Pillsbury dough boy has nothing on us. Chuck, God bless him, said,"I get the mail every day!" The nurse looked at me, and she grinned, "short driveway?" OK this is not good. She’s got us down. I guessed the short walk to the mailbox didn’t impress her. So then she started talking about our will and our executor as if that’s the next step. "Well," she said, kindly, "you know what you are supposed to be doing"…. "Yeah yeah yeah, eat vegetables every day. Eat whole grains. Drink a bottle of water before coffee."

Sedentary is not good. Ice cream is not good. Popcorn is not whole grains. Knee pain is "a first sign of…." and it goes down hill from there. So I got yoga pants in a larger size and started off to yoga 4 days a week. I’m still rehabbing my knee since I tried to ride my bike, uphill, off our street. So I ride now to the beginning of the hill and walk up. I’m slow but sure. I come home from yoga and pull weeds. Now this does sometimes lead to me falling into bed for a nap at noon, but I figure it’s a start. Broccoli, asparagus, and carrots have been added and I actually drink a whole glass of water before my 830am yoga class!

So much for the physical body; my yoga instructor, Beth, working on our bodies, is also working on our Spirit. She’s digging around for the tiny muscles that scream and shout when I try to do poses from my knees. I can’t lay on my belly and lift both arms. Yet. … In "the child’s pose" my butt is up in the air while others sink placidly flat onto their calves. Beth makes us breathe. "How’s your breath?" she asks. "How’s your neck?" "Inhale and turn to the right. Exhale and turn to the left." "Don’t strain; it’s only yoga." Huffing and puffing, groaning a lot, and often sitting on the floor in confusion… I am trying to do some soul cleaning! You see, Beth sees this as us getting to know our body and our spirit. Can’t do something? Modify the exercise. No pushing or pulling, just gentle moving. Clear the head. Monkey brain, "out!" Constantly listening and adjusting, I listen to a straining muscle and ease up. I must give my body the same respect as I give my nutrition and hereby comes the Soul Cleaning. Beth wants us to listen to our Spirit! Move away from the clutter and noise and listen to the still small voice that says, "gently, silently, lovingly. It’s life." Beth asks us to be aware of the genial love of our Father. We open our hands to receive Grace, and we lift our hearts up. Oh how far we can go! Gratitude. The release of anger. Peace. Find your Beth and listen to her. She might be an angel in disguise! God bless you.

Susie's musings

It’s Time!

The Church is in Ordinary time, which is like summer, when nothing happens. We have celebrated the Annunciation and the Visitation and … We have celebrated Christmas, Lent and Easter, the Resurrection and the Coming of the Holy Spirit. Now we settle into a "teaching time." A time to listen and to think about what God wants. And I will take this time to "get back into shape" with yoga, and to "oh my goodness" try to make a difference with my own personal hoarding. Yes, I said hoarding. My hoarding is the piles of pages I’ve torn out of magazines and newspapers, saying, "Must read this book, must read this poem, must paint this picture." Yesterday I wrote down the DVD I found at my library, and today I will pick the DVD up at the library and throw away the piece of paper that says, "See this." There is a wonderful book I clipped to read that I will order on Amazon. This is a "do it or throw it away" time. This energy is fueled by a nightmare I have occasionally. I’m leaving school on the last day, never to teach again, or I’m leaving work, never to go there again, and I have boxes and boxes of papers to take home. You see, I stash my clippings everywhere I go…. So then, the nightmare continues, there I go, burdened with paper, no ride home, so I must trek to the bus stop with all that stuff. Needless to say, my cell phone is at the bottom of it all, I fish out coins for the bus, but get lost. I wander around in a downtown area, gradually leaving boxes behind. Chuck said he had a dream, he and Dave were looking for a lost trooper. I said, "I saw you way far away but you didn’t see me." I usually wake up, exhausted, on the corner of who knows where and who knows where… I showered, jumped into my Yoga clothes, grabbed coffee, washed last night’s dishes and settled in to get busy. Ditch this paper!!! What’s your hoarding? Love you! God bless us.

Susie's musings

Love and art

Heat isn’t going to go away, so i can’t use that as an excuse! So, I must go out into the garden and work a little even if for 1/2 hour a day. I have a butterfly garden that has nicely reseeded itself, but it needs the old dead stuff pulled out. I have beautiful fruit trees that need the weeds under them pulled. Mother nature needs tending or she tends to "go to the jungle"!!! Just like a tired house or living room, or basebaords need new paint, so mother nature needs stroking! People need help too.

Just as I must work despite the heat, I must speak out the truth! "But what is the truth?" Pilate asked. We have thought about this before and we are to continually research it! When do we know something is a scam or a fraud? Should we pray over major decisions or any decision if it feels funny? God said he wouldn’t let us fail, so trust the gut! Hitler said, "Truth is relative," but we know different. The truth is, people are children of God. All of them. To be taken care of by those of us who did better in life. Christ doesn’t want us to stoop to the culture we live in…. believing that some are less worthy than others. Soon we will be taking in Afganis who helped the US troops for up to 20 years while we fought over in the near east. How will we treat these "different" people? They helped us. Now, because God said he has prepared a place for me, I must prepare a place for my brother. Let’s make a plan to be kind and giving. We are "on our honor" to be kind because "the others" are children of God too. Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me?" three times, and three times after Peter answers "Yes," Jesus says, "Feed my sheep." God bless us. God help us to "do the right thing." Angels encamp around us.

Susie's musings

Pentecost Sunday: Holy Spirit Day

If only we could know whether our "crazy ideas" are any good! and that is what I’m wondering as a friend told me if I’m too political, no one will listen. In the weeks of Easter we have been reading from the Gospel of John and, reading as if I am there listening, I have been inspired by how many times Jesus told me (us) he loves us. When he says, ""Remain in me. Follow me. Do what I teach. What is the law?" I answer him, "love you God with my whole heart and mind, and love my neighbor." "Who is your neighbor?" he asks. "It is the Samaritan lying in the road; the one I have been taught, or I just feel, is my enemy, but I must help him; so say you Lord," I answer. "Is your neighbor a small child who might be a handful of trouble?" he asks. "Yes Lord," I answer. "You know the law," he gently whispers, "Act on the law. That is all you need." I stand in awe before my God. The Word is in my hand (Bible), and in my heart, where Jesus and the Holy Spirit reside.

Starting soon, the news will be full of the arguments in the Supreme Court which are to begin in October. People of all races, sex, and ages will be arguing about the law which Jesus God spoke. It involves kiling a child. The tiny one might only just have a heartbeat, but its a human heartbeat. The argument is, "can I kill him or her?" The tiny one is not an "it" because that is a human heartbeat. What has come into my mind on this day of Pentecost when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost), is that this shouldn’t be in the country’s law courts. Isn’t it the law of God whether we kill or not? Isn’t it dependent on what is in my heart? Oh pray my dear friends that we realize the answer to this vital issue. God bless us as we drop making and obeying human law and we begin to "follow him". Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Saving ourselves

My dears. I couldn’t think of anything to say after typing the title yesterday so I closed the computer. I mumble around and and bemoan the fact that I’m not inspired, I’m lazy, I want ice cream and wine… I want Covid to be over, but if we don’t get vaccinated as a nation, Covid isn’t going to go away like measles, mumps, chicken pocks, pneumonia, leprosy went away with vaccines. The director of CDC asks us to get vaccinated. Dr Fauci asks us to get vaccinated and wear masks. Can we, tough, stubborn, Americans save ourselves? Chuck and I are both vaccinated and we wear masks inside buildings. We have been isolated.

For me, another way to save myself is to take hold of my tummy roll that wasn’t there 2 years ago. I stepped on the scale at the Doctor’s office and I was horrified. I "never" weighed that much!!! Oh boy; Save myself. Jesus is taking care of my soul, but it is up to me to take care of my tummy. So I went on the web, and looked at pools in the backyard which Chuck doesn’t want to do. Expensive to build and then you have to maintain it. OH. Maintain is not in our vocabulary!!! So after going through many web sites, I said, "We have Yoga in Lake Placid." Indeed! I then went to my local Bealls Outlet store and bought new yoga clothes (in a larger size than I used 10 years ago). This morning I suited up in my new yoga pants and top. I also took cover up clothes if there was no yoga and I went to church instead. The yoga place is at Main street and Dal Hall, right at the market near town center, on the way to Publix and … it takes 10 minutes to get there!!! There were 10 ladies and a really great instructor. Ahhhhh! Yoga breathing! OH! my right knee was very unhappy when I went into "child’s pose!" which involves kneeling down which I haven’t been able to do lately. Breathe! Relax! Ease off! OH! The right knee continued to complain until I got off it and moved to my back and lifted my legs to stretch. Then the hamstring gets into the game!!! Whew! Both hams refused my stretching efforts, and started to cramp! Breathe!!! Relax!!! Breathe!!! Isn’t that what life is like? We don’t necessarily want to do what is good for us. Or someone tells us to do something, and we don’t want to do it. So we struggle without help. For me, yoga is great help. I was thinner in yoga class on Big Pine Key 10 years ago and I sang and danced as my tummy got smaller. This time it will be a little tougher as I have developed bad habits of wine and ice cream. If you come to visit, bring yoga clothes. Everyone can do a little! I’ll be the one singing and dancing!!! Love you my gentle reader! God bless us.

Susie's musings


Pray for the people in India. Less that 2 percent of Indians are vaccinated. That is astounding but their government hasn’t responded and they are a poor country. We are shipping airplanes full of oxygen to India. Pray for them.

Yesterday and Today the readings at church are so beautifully supportive. If anyone wonders how to act, or what to believe, all we have to do is read the words of Jesus or his brilliant disciples John and Paul. Jesus said, "Remain in me" 8 times in the story of the Vine, "I am the vine, you are the branches…" (John 15). Like fertilizer and water, the word of Jesus is given life in us, and we give fruit to good works if we hang on. Saul breathed hate, but Jesus took him on as a late born disciple. Imagine Jesus says to us, "I’ve been waiting for you Saul." Put your name in place of Saul’s.

Today I discussed politics with my nurse at the opthamologist’s office. She is a gentle woman who was preparing me for a second excision of a lesion on my eyelid. Somehow we got talking about "If you don’t like it, you have a vote in 4 years." She said, "I like that!" I often speak out on complainers who bust the government in the face. I’m begging for people to take in the words of Jesus…. Remain in the gentle arms and on the chest of our God. He forgives. He brings peace. Lean back and rest. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Everyone has a story

While visiting my friend Karla, I read an article about Mother Rivers who lives at over 101 years of age on Hilton Head Island! She is a respected elder who credits her longevity to her life principles: "It’s important," Mother shared, "It’s important to make sure you give your body a rest. God can’t work on your body if you don’t allow yourself to rest. Remember to give one day to the Lord. Always think about other people and share what you have. Remember to treat people like you want to be treated. And always do the right thing the best way that you know how." In 2019, Mother Rivers celebrated her 100th birthday while ruminating, "I feel good… I must have done some good somewhere down the line. I just put all of my trust in the Lord."

Looks like we won’t get too much from the infrastructure bill. The President offered a rousing speech on using government money to raise up families, repair bridges and rehab water systems among other declining systems in America, but the "opposition" in a sense offered the advice that nothing is really wrong and we aren’t going to spend money on it. So pray we don’t crumble. We have heard that the rich get richer and the rest of us are OK. I wonder what the people living in slums think about that. Go to the part of town none of us go safely into at night. Look at their poor stores, neighborhoods, and homes. Thank God for mothers and families who forced us to pursue education and good jobs. Try to live as Mother Rivers advised: "Always think about other people and share what you have. Remember to treat people like you want to be treated. And always do the right thing the best way that you know how." God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

A still small voice

In Karla’s garden: Shades of green and yellow in a large ginger bush interrupted by a touch of red geranium coming up in the ginger’s midst. A blue green frog sitting with his back against a pine tree trunk. He’s thinking deep thoughts! A large white egrit across the lagoon pecks at the pine straw. A bright red cardinal with red beak joins a small brown bird at the bird feeder, woops, 2 small brown birds at the bird feeder. They all peck at the seed and then, swoop! they move on. South Carolina blue sky with a margin of pine tree tops overhead and I am reminded of the osprey love making we witnessed at the top of one of those pine trees! St Francis stands quietly praying in the corner in a patch of sunlight. Life feels good here in Karla’s garden. We have spoken of the past hurts and not so long ago nightmares we encountered while we drink wine at this little garden table. We have spoken of hurts that could have taken us down, but strong, praying, resilient, we emerged to celebrate life with Vivaldi playing on the little cylinder called Alexa. "We got this," is our chant. If you don’t have a space like this, try to set out a table with a few comfy chairs, a bird feeder (they will come!), and wind chimes. At the market in Lake Placid you can get wind chimes made of forks! Listen! Hear it? A still small whisper, "My peace I leave with you! My peace I give you." God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Retreat is good!

I am visiting my friend I went to Barry college with. We were both English majors and she wanted to be a journalist but became an English teacher. I went on to take Masters in English and became an English teacher. Poetry never leaves my mind and I think that is why I lean toward the gentle and the beautiful. Keats wrote, "Beauty is Truth, and Truth is Beauty." I always stop and smell flowers, gaze at clouds, and I mourne the loss of life and gentleness. Here on retreat, Karla plays classical music, Vivaldi just finished… I woke up with a poem in my mind. Something about Lara, Jupiter "overshadowing her" and written by Keats. This was stimulated by, while on our 4pm walk, we witnessed 2 osprey "doing it" amidst a great clashing of wings and wild cries in a tall pine while we watched from below. We finally left them to their love making, and we walked on. But in my dreams, the poem came. Now to find it!

I woke up at 820am to find Karla having already walked for an hour, at her computer. So I poured a cup of coffee and settled in at my computer to find the poem. She remembered it… but neither of us could identify it. I scoured Keats and found Ode on a Grecian Urn and remembered Truth is Beauty… but couldn’t find "Lara and Jupiter." I kept googling (what a marvelous search engine google is!) and it came up! "Leda and the Swan" by WB Yeats. My brain was close with Lara, Jupiter, and Keats! Leda was a young girl who was violently raped by Zeus who left her after impregnating her, dropping her from his "indifferent beak." Her child, Helen (of Troy), sparked the Trojan War and "Agamemnon dead." We then traveled in memory to another Yeats poem of similar dramatic quality called "The Second Coming." It is also about the violent stimulous of war as "what rough beast slouches towards Bethlehem to be born." I offer these two poems to you to read. They are easily found courtesy of google. Both poems predict our loss of innocence and gentility… Our loss of Christ in many hearts.

As Karla and I talk and come upon one seemingly hopeless situation after another, all we can do, we say, is pray. My sister Sarah said the same, "Susie, what can I do except keep my own balance and try to walk straight." I agree. God bless us as we pray for our own balance.

Susie's musings

Music that soothes the soul

Oboe concerto by Brahams, Pachelbel’s concerto, and many others soothe and stimulate in the same way. I listen to Music Choice all day (country music; and I sing along) but today I am visiting friend Karla who now lives in Hilton Head. I can’t sing along to piano and oboe and maybe that is more soothing. It’s possible that a country song that I sing along to keeps my practical brain awake…. There’s lots of "stories" in country music, and I wonder if the story part of our brain is different from the "just beautiful" part of our brain? I’m not sure, but I think I will research that. I intuitively think that music without words often causes us to relax. Today is Shakespeare’s birthday. Somehow this led me to quote a line from a poem that I love "I wandered through fields of golden daffodils." When we remembered the poem was by William Wordsworth (Karla remembered it was Wordsworth) I went and looked it up. Turns out it is really, "I wandered lonely as a cloud." In reading the poem we discovered "Fields of Golden Daffodils" is a lovely image for me.

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

I have always loved daffodils. My mother called them Jonquils. What soothes us can often be as simple as that!

What is soothing to us? We need to know this in a world growing more chaotic every day. Karla repeated something that my sister Sarah and niece Erin said to me. When the President came on TV on the night the Chauvin jury was sequestered he was soothing… He is sincere, humble, and grandfatherly. We can tell "the President" our fears and troubles, and I get the feeling he will not put me off. I have been praying a lot for "our world." Having faith that we are in God’s hands, but "it" still gets under our skin and irritates. "It" might be, people in our world getting killed by violence and by Covid. I received 2 emails today to pray for our church family members dying of Covid. "It" might be Financials, it’s tax season, and the Cable bill needs to be paid! It’s medical worries: "should I fix my teeth, my toes, or my…. " you name it. It costs money. So… Lets give the worries a nod and then head out if possible (I don’t know if my sister visiting Idaho can get out yet!), but get out and find the clouds, flowers, breezes. Get to the water if you can! These are the beauties of our earth. Absolute beauties: things that never change because man’s hand cannot stop life from growing. Love, honor, justice, faith, never changing, always present. Ah! Present! In Luke 24:35, two disciples who saw the Resurrected Jesus on the way to Emmaus told how he "made himself known". At that point that they believed the Lord Jesus is Present; they chose to believe he is with them, they relaxed and became fruitful. "Look! Touch! See!" says the Lord as he directs discussion to himself present in the world. As my sister Sarah said, " Great photos of sunrise, make my brushes want to dance!" You go girls and boys! Let’s get those brushes and pens dancing. Angels with us!!!!

Susie's musings


I asked my friend what should I do to "be heard? to make a difference?" He said "To make a difference we must speak up. The problem is when we speak up we may be ‘canceled.’" I have "lost" several friends in the past year because I refuse to listen to the hot and critical rhetoric used in this past year, so my friends I have lost think I cancel them. No, it’s the ugly unsubstantiated criticism, Words and Attitude I’m canceling. I also will not tolerate the use of invective by anyone, especially someone of some stature making a speech. So just this last weekend at a "retreat" a political someone we all know called another political someone we all know "a dumb son of a bitch." Yep, I just sullied my blog. It gets worse: He still criticizes the ex-Vice President for not fighting the certification of electoral college results. (Remember when War raged inside the Capitol building January 6, 2021 and he talked about a rigged election rather than sending in the National Guard to save our Capitol from outrage and death?) About his remarks…. His supporters say, "If they were reported accurately," the remarks might hurt Republicans. So we might all be misreporting and lying about him saying, "Fauci is ‘full of crap.’" Is he full of crap who is concerned about all of us lining up to end the pandemic and get shots? 6 people out of over 6 million got sick with blood clots that "might" have been caused by the vaccine. Fauci says "wear a mask; get vaccinated." I have been maligned at least twice by asking people to social distance… They reply, "It’s not ordered here in Florida" (Thank you Governor…) … I didn’t say it, "You need a law to protect yourself and others?" After you finish washing this blog out with soap, please read on!

Remember when we used to ask: "What would Jesus do?" Jesus realized how weak we are so he kept coming back after the Resurrection and showing his hurt hands and side. "Here, put your hand in the hole in my side," he said to Thomas. "Here, eat some bread with me." He finally said he had to go to the Father, and St John wrote: "that which we have seen and touched… Word of Life made manifest… we proclaim to you." Yet, we don’t grasp the moment of Grace we are offered. Do I whisper "Lord, I trust in you" or do I mouth ugliness and bad news. The Nation is crumbling and maybe we deserve it. We who don’t seek the good news need to step back and say, "What can I do?" My friend wants me to criticize Biden for "allowing" the surge at the border and I say, "It’s been surging for years." Nope, it’s Biden’s fault" Life in filthy mud is awful and life in the United States looks a lot better. Chuck and I have taken "tours" through many foreign islands and i have been sad at the dirt and mud. Our streets are paved, and we have sidewalks and toilets. Many don’t. Many do not have running water. Yet they have their babies and mix powdered milk with water from a dirty looking bucket they carried from a spigot. Is there anything we can do for our brothers rather than just build walls? We can put up obstacles to keep people out, and we can shutter up to keep the dirt and hunger out, or we can give from our bounty. We sit in silence. Oh wait, no we don’t. We yell at our leaders and we block any efforts to rebuild our own broken country. Are we waiting for more riots? Are we waiting for a big overcrowded crumbling bridge to collapse? Grace abounds in this Easter Season, yet we act like dirty children hugging our toys and not letting the poor children play. Consider the never changing Absolutes of Love, Honor, Justice, Faith, Truth. In John 18:37, Why do you think Jesus didn’t answer Pilate’s question, "What is truth?" Because Jesus knew we wouldn’t listen, but Grace will help us listen. Listen to Luke 24: 13 ff: "Did not your heart burn within you when you heard the Word spoken?" What was that Word? "Blessed are the Merciful… Blessed are the Peacemakers… Be salt and Light." Read Matthew 5 and Listen… What we can do is there. It’s in a gentle whisper. Can you hear it? God bless us. God be with us.

Susie's musings

A gentle gift

Monday of Holy Week is a gentle look at the final days of Jesus when he entered Jerusalem, knowing he would be killed there that week, and still he entered, preached, and healed. Isaiah describes the coming of God’s son in Isaiah 42: "Here is my Servant upon whom I put my spirit." He will not cry out; he will not break bruised reeds. He will teach love. He will make the blind see. He will heal the sick, and he will bring out prisoners from confinement to the light.

When Isaiah wrote these words, the Jewish people were in confinement in Babylon. Exile. Lost. But God promised a gentle servant, not a fighter. Not a king. Not a rich man. Gently, quietly he will unmask us. He eats with sinners. He raises the dead to glory. He is beloved of the Father. He does point to the Law. He teaches the Absolutes of Love, Faith, Truth. He is pure heart. We are invited this week to get close to his gentle heart and listen. He sings and prays for us. God bless us! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

The end of Lent

Many Christians celebrated Lent from Ash Wednesday (5 weeks ago) to today… Palm Sunday! Actually Lent won’t end until Wednesday so we have 3 more days to "repent." During Lent Christians think about the role Jesus had and has in our lives. We are like the Jewish people wandering in the desert. Hungry and thirsty. Cursing our "lot" in the hot sands. We are asking God to make things better or get away and give us "the good old days." We are looking back and condeming the present. We are verbalizing out our frustrations and our hatreds. I wonder how the people in the Ark felt with all that stink and noise. "Lord, let me out; I can do better out side of this place you put me in. I can do better on my own." Yesterday I raised my voice at a friend who was saying stuff I call conspiracy. Instead of accepting our current world, she and her friend were complaining and wishing we had old leadership or just not this leadership. Get over it!!! Make today better! This is a time of taking responsibility. A time to love and listen to the Lord. What does he want? He wanted Mary to totally give herself up, maybe to face stoning for carrying a child when she wasn’t yet living with her bethrothed husband. She was an adulteress in the eyes of her people. But she "got on with it." An unwed pregnant woman was stoned back then. Nobody wanted to hear her story. Nobody wanted to accept that maybe she could do good things for us…. It’s a far comparison I make but the reason I raised my voice at my friend was "get over it." It (politics, the election) happened, now just live this life and do what good you can. Then get out and vote. Go to God and ask what we should do… Climb into the arms of an unwed mother who carries a child. Stay in this Ark, near Mary’s heart. Ask Mary to lift us up, even to the Cross where we will see her standing on Friday. Ask Mary to lift us up to the true harbor, God’s arms. Ask God: "Be merciful O Lord, for we have sinned." (Ps 51) Be quiet. Quit complaining. Quit gossipping with "Conservatives or liberals". Just be quiet and listen to the heartbeat of God. Take the steps this week to be quiet in front of the Cross this coming Friday.

Thank God I’m not sick! I had 2nd Covid vaccine on Friday morning. I took Aleve after shot and that night before bed. I feel fine. Maybe a little tired, but it’s hard to separate that from being out of shape! I’m beginning to paint that closet that Chuck and I cleared out and he built 2 shelves that need painting. That wore me out! Ick it’s hot here already! Chuck and I visited the Market yesterday and listened to music and watched butterflies. All seems to be well! God bless us! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Plotting the demise of…. stuff

Good morning dear readers! Two topics this morning, but both wrapped up under the name of working with love…. We have a great big hallway closet that could be a baby bedroom or a third bathroom. Instead it is filled to the brim with stuff that I literally stuffed into it when we moved to Lake Placid… Everyone has a closet, room or at least a drawer full of stuff that you would like to dump into the trash…. It’s been there so long that you aren’t sure who or what might also be living in there under it all… OH! But we have to go through it because there are photos that we used to have on our walls (when we had more wall space), and things we bought as gifts, 5 or more years ago. That stuff is meticulously being taken out of the closet as we speak by my dear Chuck, and he is stacking it in the dining room. In the old days, this activity would have had a short shelf life as we entertained on that table, a lot. But now, I can walk by the pile and avert my eyes. Pretend it isn’t there…. Ah! Pretending it isn’t there is as easy as pretending what is happening at our southern border isn’t affecting me.

In the old days when the Jewish people were sitting in Babylon, they only had memory. They used to tell stories of God who has compassion and loves us. One of the stories is the Book of Daniel. This is a great story. As children I am sure we read about Daniel helping the lion who later on didn’t eat Daniel. We read about Daniel’s 3 friends with those wildly different names Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego; names we loved to repeat! They were put into a burning furnace because they wouldn’t bow to false gods. They persisted in their faith in the One God of Israel. Please read Daniel! In the story of Susanna (chapter 13) who was falsely accused of committing adultery by 2 lusty old bad guys, Daniel saved Susanna with cogent argument. He was willing to stand up before Jews who were willing to condemn Susanna because "elders" accused her. Daniel stood up because he was filled by the Holy Spirit with courage and strength. Much later on in time, Jesus will stand up also and have enough compassion for a condemned woman to face the crowd who already have stones in their hands. "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." (John 8:1). The people wanted to condemn Jesus for breaking the Law. An adulteress must be stoned. But compassion rules. The men guiltily shrink back and slink home. The message in this is when we love, when we have compassion, we are stronger. Someone commented about the crisis at the border that Congresspeople come to the border and see the crowds and feel sorry, but then go back to Washington and continue to fight and call names. Divided by politics, we fight bitterly and the condemned languish on concrete floors at the border. What are we afraid of? Attack the problem with love!!! Work together in Love as God wants us to do. Do we not believe in God? If we don’t then we are finished. Is it love when we criticize and call names? Is it love when we hate each other in the name of politics? Is it love when we refuse to work on the problem that drove the people lying on the concrete ground at our border from their homes in the south? Let us work together in love. Dredge that love up from the bottoms of our hearts to solve problems. Let us read the "stories" in Daniel and let us grasp the incredible faith the men in the oven had in a very strong God. Grasp God’s offered hand and get up. Get to work in Love. God bless us! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

First Day of Spring!

YEP! Except for the snow storms raging in the NW, it’s spring. So, quite to my dismay, spring cleaning has begun. It all started with me squeeling, at a relaxing Chuck, "Can’t you SEE the dirt on your bathroom rugs?" (He owns the guest room bath and I do my best to own the master bath!) Well no, he couldn’t see it…. He’s been complaining about the looks of the storage closet off the living room/bath area that, if you open the door, you better step back. So, I made a list… Either clean the guest bath, floor and toilet, or start emptying the storage closet. So, what does he do? He goes into the dresser drawers in the guest room where I’ve stuffed all the jeans and sweatshirts that don’t fit. I’ll go ahead and blame my bigger belly on a year of Covid depression. I have friends who lost weight, so what’s my excuse besides wine and ice cream?

So there he was in the drawers in the guest room and I was scrubbing the toilet and floor of a really small bathroom (about 4×8 in size). That’s all done and I look at that closet. He is removing blankets that I have thrown into big black garbage bags and stuffed into the closet. He is taking the blankets to a secure place. Do you remember the year when everybody got or gave 3 of those snuggy blankets that you can put your arms through? I’m saying got or gave 3 because I have 3 of them. I have beautiful hand made quilts displayed in the living room (my sister made them) and 1 on our sleeping bed. We have afgans, and about a million "throws." Pillows, millions. sheets, towels. Here we are paying the price of downsizing to a smaller house. What I "should have done" is throw everything away in Miami and buy 2 of everything in Lake Placid. New. Never mind how many bottles of mouth wash, alcohol, body and bath wash, baby powder and hydrogen peroxide are stacked on the dining room table from that giant closet… (I have a story about hydrogen peroxide) let me digress to the day Chuck and Mike were working on our roof in the back of the lake house and I was digging in a garden in the front yard. Mike came running to find me yelling, "You get towels and I’ll get the hydrogen peroxide!!!." I hurried out back and there was Chuck bleeding mightily from an ear wound. Mike and he lost control of a very long board (a 10×12) and it dropped, taking a part of Chuck’s ear with it. Chuck was bending over so the blood would go in the grass and not on his shirt. Some of you know, "a job isn’t done until Chuck bleeds." (50 years of this people…. Chuck and I had our 50th wedding anniversary during the Covid year.) We got fun!

So anyhow that accounts for the 5 (yes, count them) bottles of hydrogen peroxide I have. Where was I? I finished about 2 shelves before I threw myself in a chair and grabbed the computer to write to my spring cleaning friends. In Lake Placid, spring comes with wind. We get the "tail ends" of the storms that sweep through Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and up and out on the upper east coast. Well darlings… time to get back to work. Wait until he gets to all the art work and photos stacked in that closet. I didn’t do myself a favor when I stacked it all in the closet. Keep safe. Get your shots (I get second shot at end of March then Chuck goes.) God bless you. Angels with you.

Susie's musings

verbal hate?

Hi my dears. Today the church celebrates Saint Joseph, the earthly father and protector of Jesus. He married Mary even though she was pregnant even though Jewish law said to put her out into the streets and even to Stone her for adultery. No! He accepted fatherhood of the child of God. Thank God.

Speaking of children of God, I want to speak to the dead Asians in Georgia. I just heard a congressman said it isn’t a hate crime, that Words used against Asians do not matter. What Trump said about Kung flu and Aisian virus and other Trump rhetoric was not affecting us, and I say it has. He opened up our mouths with his hateful rhetoric and allowed us to speak as he does. Thank God the news agencies are not reshowing him speaking to "prove" what he said. He criticized and taunted and "teased". Maybe I am sensitive because my father was a "teaser." I was quick to tell my husband and some friends early on that teasing hurts. I am hurt when teased because I believe what comes out of our mouths is our truth. Please this day pledge to "police" your tongue. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings


There are many types of spouting. It means to expel or gush. I often refer to God’s Grace as pouring out, but there is also the negative spouting out of our mouths that hurts. So there’s good spouting and not so good spouting! I get crazy sometimes when I get into arguments with friends, and I spout my "Stop criticizing, and wait for 3 1/2 years and then VOTE!" Spouting… It’s pouring out our anger and our desires!!!! You have heard a small child screaming "I want," so: Let’s all spout, to God. In prayer. I recently took a lump just below my eyebrow to my opthalomologist and he said it needed to come off. We must take our lumps and bumps to doctors. If we want them off we have a right to get them off! So he numbed it with two shots and started "snipping" I could hear the snipping…. snip snip… clip clip… I was supposed to hold on to two balls, but instead I held onto the sides of my thighs. and I prayed. … I spouted to God and Mary…. "Hail Mary… Help me and help my friends." I prayed for friends and family. Just over and over. Even mentioning their names is good. 45 minutes worth of praying kept me sane! I did not think about what is happening now. I think that’s the best way. So let’s take this to the streets: My friend and I go back and forth … she is extreme right and I hope that I am mid moderate. I just ask for black and white to both be discussed and maybe a gray area be found. The news agencies cover the news, but if we look closely we will see Steve Bannon and Trump right behind the scenes in some cases and we need then to be careful if we are spouting because we are with our president for 3 1/2 years and it doesn’t do any good to shout negatives. Enough! Get along! Find solutions. God bless us. Angels with us!!!!!

Susie's musings


Trust is Belief in the reliability, truth, strength or ability of someone, in what they say…. So can I trust? The President has given 2 speeches today and yesterday about government helping Americans recover from Covid problems…. He carries the number of Americans who have died, (527,726) from Covid, in his pocket. He says he carries the American people close to his heart. He does not name call. He doesn’t call it China virus, he doesn’t criticize those who don’t support him. He seems to care. So. Do I trust him? That is what each of us has to ask. I’ve heard some say the 527,726 number of dead is skewed for greed and miscount reasons. Maybe it is skewed. Maybe it’s only 500,000. That is 1/2 million and rising until we get vaccinated enough that the virus doesn’t have anywhere to land and grow… Biden wants us to get vaccinated and wear masks. Many call that ridiculous and they don’t want their freedoms stamped on. I wish there were a way to get over this but wishing won’t do it will it?

In his 2 speeches today and yesterday, the President did not call for prayer. Not prayer that we will heal, not prayer that we will live. He said, "the way we will get our lives back is to beat the virus…" and i said to the TV image, "No, it’s to pray." To thank God for the miracle of the vaccine. To thank God the numbers are going down.

Let us all contribute to the joy of each other. God wants to heal us. He said so in Scripture. He whispers it in our hearts. "Come to me… I will fill you with gifts of finest wheat and with honey from the rock." (Psalm 81) Stop and let the honied love of God pour out on you. God loves us without measure. He just pours it out. God bless us.

Susie's musings

We choose

My friends and I have had some good debates. We seem to be able to talk better now that the election and inauguration are over, but we are still not on the same page. Maybe some of us are not even in the same book… i am still professing "Get safe (Vaccination); stay safe (mask)". I don’t tell anyone to get vaccinated, I just say that I got online and sent an email and waited for the emailed appointment. I did not go torture myself by attempting to access a computer registration system, or worse yet, stand in line for a shot. I prayed a lot for help because I seemed to be doing nothing!!! "I’m waiting… I’m on a list," I told my friends. And indeed, now I’m on another list, for the 2nd vaccine. Today I got into a debate about staying safe and how we act moving forward. I agree with my friend who says it’s OK to go to church. I tell her that I am glad the church is open and opening more. I’m very glad about that. As soon as I am fully vaccinated and my dear Chuck is fully vaccinated, I will return. Wearing a mask. To people who sneer and ask, "Is Fauci any good?" "Yes," I reply. I’m following Fauci and the CDC and im not calling any of them stupid. Fauci survived helping us to survive AIDS, Ebola and SARs. He has spent his life trying to protect us and we (many of us) have just done what we darned well pleased. Even casting aspersions on Fauci. He is the media picture that stands in front of a big team… 1500 Americans are dying per day from Covid, and many doctors are asking that we get vaccinated and wear masks. Many doctors have contributed to what we should we do.

We are a free country and therefore many Governors and Mayors have stepped into the mix too. Texas, South Dakota, and Florida (among others) refuse to (enforce) mask wearing. My answer: "I pray that our leaders can do good things." The world has changed so fast that we are being asked to embrace issues we never would have when we were younger. People tell me they are conservative and I’m liberal. I say…. "Don’t label me!" So the "fight goes on!!!!" We refuse to agree on much and I pray to God we don’t remain split to the detriment of our civilization here in the United States. (UH… emphasis on United…)

Take care dear gentle reader. Pray for others and ask others to pray for you. I pray to Jesus and our Holy Mother of God, Mary for blessings and their prayer. In Luke 22: 31-32, Jesus prays a gentle prayer for us…. Jesus says he prays for us… Thank you Jesus!!!!

Susie's musings


Good morning! The readings today are filled with the word "Today." Especially critical are Moses and Jesus exhorting that "Today" is the time… Today, listen to God who gives decrees… (When we were little did we think God was the Great Rule Giver"?) Honor, Give thanks, Give praise… Do good things. Well… Moses writes: "Hearken to the Lord … and you will be a people sacred to the Lord." (Deut 26:16). Jesus says, "Love those" … who seem unworthy to me… Love as God does. Be holy. Oh dear. I am guilty of seeing for example the convention taking place in Orlando Florida, CPAC. I listened to a few speakers and I immediately felt abhorence at the jokes about things that happened like Texas freezing with water ruining homes, the election fraud, and other things. What we should be focusing on is healing the nation, vaccinations and feeding the hungry. Focus! …. and so I fume. Oh dear. What does Jesus say? "Be salt and light. Pray for those who persecute and hurt. Have great love. Do good. Be like the sun and shine out." If I focus on those I resent for their words and behavior then I am not focusing on what Jesus said (see Matthew 5). I will be filled instead with anger. A priest once said this to me, "Pray for those you don’t like. Pray for those you have "feelings" against. Then you will be filled with prayer." Then I will be filled with blessings! Take the action of love. Shine out and warm souls… Keep praying and ignore the naughty thoughts within. Ignore the reaction and the anger. Keep Praying. The essence of holiness is loving God. Think about God and his blessings pouring out on us.

Today I will enter the ranks of the vaccinated. I’m a little concerned about a 4pm appointment. Will the vaccine be spoiled if it’s left out until 4pm? Will there be great crowds.? Will the shot giver be exhausted? See how my brain goes to the negative? Oh dear. Surround me with angels dear Lord. Let us go smiling into the breach. Of course they can’t see me smiling as I will have a mask on. Oh well, I’ll wear a smart red Caribbean shirt. God bless us!!! Angels with us. Pray for Peace.

Susie's musings


"Only" is an interesting word. It means "Single, solitary, nothing more." When we speak or think, if we say "only," "Only" is highly separative, highly dividing. Yesterday as I flipped through the channels I landed on a blurp from a town hall wherein the President remarked that "certain people" don’t know how to access the Covid systems to sign up for a shot. He named the certain people by ethnicity and color. This is separative. I haven’t been able to access the Covid system yet. A friend said, "You have to get on at 7am on Friday, if you don’t, they will be full and you have to wait." I should be singled out because I am old, having trouble, because I am not pushy! But, I can isolate for a little while; let’s help those who are hungry… they are white and black, they are Italian, Irish, African, Mexican. They are hungry because they have lost jobs in restaurants, bars, and places that serve large groups of people that are still closed or doing "only take out." Food banks are trying to find the hungry especially the children. Parents aren’t to blame. They are standing in line.

Yesterday the priest read about Jonah who went through the streets of Ninevah exhorting the people to pray to God for intercession and today we read from the Book of Esther. Tonight, Purim begins for our older brothers, the Jews. Esther was a beautiful Jewish slave and harem woman who was selected by the King for her beauty to be his queen, but she could not approach him and speak to him, or she would be killed. Esther heard of a plot to kill the Jewish people and she prayed to God to help her. Small me, Big You God, help my people. Psalm 138 reads, " Lord on the day I called for help, you answered me." Jesus said, "ask and it will be given to you." (Matthew 7:7-12). Well, what should we do with all this knowledge about Jonah and Esther?

While we are looking for the Light; trying to be light, why not consider the readings I mentioned above. Look at the way Esther humbled herself and asked her companions to pray with her. Look at the Psalmist praising God. Pray for what we need and expect, maybe we won’t realize, but, pray to accept that we get what we need. I realized today that the vaccine is a great miracle. One year after the pandemic "started", We are dispensing vaccine to everyone in the US. It will take a while as there are 320 million of us, and we need 2 doses each. I have often asked you to do the math. Thats 720 million and that is only the US. Then yesterday the WHO announced that we have agreed to help get the vaccine to Africa where in many places it has not been dispensed at all. Many people have argued against supporting the WHO and giving money outside the US when we need help inside the US so desperately, but if the world is not vaccinated, we won’t get hold on this virus. It will just continue to spread. If you don’t think that way, please pray for guidance. Me too. I am praying constantly for guidance.

Consider that God answers our prayer out of mercy! God does not look at our merits; he loves us, and through the merits of Jesus, God pours out Grace. I can’t understand what makes a vaccine, and I haven’t stood up in the marketplace and made speeches! I feel that I am just a small person and all I can do is pray: ("Thank you God for the vaccine; thank you for flowers and butterflies. And while I’m at it God, I need help making change. I need to stop judging; stop arguing. I pray for my change.") Satan doesn’t like that when we ask for help from God. Satan likes us to be in trouble! He gets tired of our prayer! Job asked God, "What is man that you should care for him?" God is here, and He cares for us. He desires conversation with us. Tell God what makes you sad. Tell God what makes you happy. Go sit on the door opening to the Ark; Noah will let you sit there. Watch Noah work. He’s praying he can save some people. Pray for friends and family. Tell God what you need for friends and family. We won’t change them, but we can ask God to do the work! God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Why not be Light?

It’s starting! 3 prominent Florida Republians participated in a "runoff" election for President. Oh dear. As I freely advised 6 months ago, "You have a vote." Go for it. We all better get busy and start talking, but… Let us think for a moment about a small child named Manuel Fodera. Born June 21, 2001, the small boy developed a neuroblastoma that finally killed him on July 20, 2010. Throughout a horrible medical ordeal, the boy became quite docile as he prayed and spoke with his "friend" Jesus who, he said, resided in his heart. The boy was sure that Christ lived in his heart and that he himself had a mission to be a warrior of Light. He told his mother many things that a young child couldn’t possibly know that Jesus told him. In Isaiah 58, the prophet tells us, you will know it is a day acceptabe to the Lord when "your light breaks forward like the dawn." Think of the small boy dying, but so joyful because he saw what is truly important, and it isn’t politics, it isn’t political gain or greed. It is light and helping people. Oh how I pray I can ignore all the fighting that is about to begin for it destroys my peace. Let us continue to help others, the poor, the single families, the children. Let us think only of how we can help. Let us think of how we can be light. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Lenten journey continues

In my last writing I asked what does the ark Noah built have to do with Lent? One righteous man built a wooden boat and he invited us to join him. Climb aboard. It must have been pretty crowded and stinky! Aside from the noise and the stink, what else was in the Ark? A righteous man. He did what God asked. He loved. He worked obediently to serve others despite neighbors taunting him. Surely he was taunted for building the big boat in his yard! How many times he looked up, asking for guidance and strength. We don’t know. He just kept building. Called to love. Leaning on God. Hearing God’s voice. And that is the hard part.

How many of us know we have heard God’s voice? Right now my neighbor is making a lot of noise in his side yard and honestly all I hear is a saw and men talking… Out front, in my neighbor’s yard people are mowing and chopping… It’s noisy! Ah! where is God’s voice? I can’t hear it for all the distractions. I’ve heard that his voice is in my heart. In Deuteronomy (30:15) Moses prayed we would listen to God’s voice… "Heed his voice and hold fast to him", but I can’t "hold fast" to him unless I am up against him. Leaning on his chest. I would lean, and he would catch me. Embraced, I could relax.

But I have walls and thorns I have built over the years. Bad things have happened. Many people have "left the church" because of stupid things "the church" has done. Many people have been hurt by priests and pastors. My church has recently, continuously, cleaned house and the latest is the leaving of office by a so called "Conservative Cardinal." Oh yes. We all share the labels, Conservative, liberal…. We develop thorns that keep us from getting too close to what we reject. Lent is 40 days of journeying in the desert with no outside influence; just soul and God. God is trying to move us. Try to imagine a dance teacher or a yoga instructor adjusting our limbs. We are straining to pose and here comes someone who says, "Like this." and they adjust our limbs. As you are adjusted by God, what do you feel? God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Learn from pain

After the inauguration I felt hopeful and positive despite the Capitol invasion a short 2 weeks prior. Then the President ordered the rescinding of the Mexico City Policy (allowing taxpayer dollars to go into countries who might use it for abortion). Then we watched the trial of a President who was accused of ordering insurrection… "Who Won?" I wrote in my journal in big letters. Nobody is the answer. Nobody won and nobody was held accountable. There were, and still are, dark times. Troubled waters. Once more the slings and arrows were launched. Lawyers are able to say things that sound very believable… On both sides. So slings and arrows from all sides. I watched, because as I told Chuck, "This is history." Knowing the result despite the way I feel can make the tummy hurt. More hurt. Being unvaccinated; I’m still isolated so talking these things through with people face to face is difficult. I’m on the county list for a vaccination, and I’m following the "rules." Friends are getting vaccinated in other counties than their own so that is a good thing for them.

All through my silence I was writing in my journal though and I strongly recommend a journal! My friend says, "No one wants to read that …. " … "what?" I ask, "No one wants to read stuff from your heart? stuff from your very intelligent brain? stuff from your pain?" Ah, pain! there it is. I accuse another friend of ignoring the fact that she is lying to herself and to me because she can’t bear the things she does to get her into trouble, so she says, "My debt and pain are my fate. There will be a miracle." Oh there I go again, thinking I have the answer. What I do know is that we are not left in the pain. In the darkness. In the tomb. Jesus brought us up to be creative and to procreate. Build beautiful things. Write beautiful words. Make beautiful music. Serve God with good deeds done by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. We were made for eternal life; our Grace was restored in Baptism, and we are healed with Sacraments which are the healing touch of God. We are healed by Jesus, who, saying, "I will it," reached out and touched a leper (Mark 1:40) healing the man who asked for healing. "If you wish it Lord!" I weakly whisper. "Of course I do!" answers our God. So, I asked myself in the past few weeks, "How do I get out of these troubled waters that are hurting me and drowning me?" Well the reading on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is good for all of us! In Mark 8:14-21, Jesus made a second miracle of loaves and fish… "Don’t you understand?" he asks? "Uh No," I answer. At one point, God got so exasperated that people just didn’t get it, that he told Noah to build an ark. There is a wonderful church in Nowa Huta, Poland. The government built a Socialist city with no churches, but the people, inspired by Karol Wojtyla, (Pope John Paul II), built the church by hand like Noah did. It resembles the Ark. Why do we need that symbol? Because God found one righteous man and told him, if he works he can save civilization… One righteous man, on an Ark in the shape of a Cross saved us too and that is what Lent is all about. Stay in the Ark was the message to Noah, until I bring you safely outside again. So what does this have to do with Lent? God bless us!

Susie's musings

If I could change one mind

If I could change one mind it would mean that I helped someone to realize that Peace stands a chance when we stop fighting. It would mean we listen to respected people. It would mean we stop calling names, calling "fraud," hurting reputations, rather we start helping others who need help. I watch Sunday Morning on CBS every Sunday morning. Generally I DVR it so I can FF through commercials and FF through things I’m not interested in. So today I watched the first unfettered interview of Anthony Fauci. I didn’t really have reason to "know" him before this last year. I saw video clips of him being tortured by AIDS protesters. Now he has been tortured in public by people who think he’s lying and they don’t want to wear masks. I knew he was listening to the President and realizing the truth wasn’t being said. Today he spoke unfettered and I felt relief. Can I change one person who still believes the lies of the past 4 years?

For some reason the Fauci interview this morning made me think, what if I could change one mind? It made me remember a time when I taught 11th grade in a very awful year that I realized early on I couldn’t teach these kids. They were out of control before I got there. I tried to go over exams with them before I gave the test. Anything to teach teach teach. Even going over tests with them before test day. So I did that. I asked questions from the test. Then I said, anyone have any questions? And a student came up to ask and I took him over to my desk for a little privacy. The students saw that I left the test out and they took advantage of that. I answered question after question while others read the questions and copied them (question 1 is B, question 2 is C etc). One student came up to me after class and told me what had happened. One student out of 30 told me the kids cheated. I changed the test. Just shifted the questions around, and indeed when I handed out the test one kid blurted out, "you changed it!" How stupid he was!!!! I was broken by that experience because I hoped for students who wanted to learn and grow. "If only I could change one." That’s what I am. A teacher, a dreamer. As we walked her dog yesterday, I asked my friend, "give peace a chance." I’m not sure she is willing to do that. This morning, I refuted some of her "facts" and protests with articles written into the news in google. I did not get an answer. Can we make changes? Can we find truth and peace? The 11th grade girl who told me the truth is one. I pray for the others. I pray for Peace in this world. We can do that! God bless us.

Susie's musings

Do you cringe when…..

Do you cringe when people repeat themselves? I am guilty of repeating myself with the "oughta dos" and (heaven forbid) the "should dos." My neices, my husband, my friends all tell me…. "You are doing it again; telling us what to do." Well who made me so perfect? Poor Chuck! We are together in each other’s pockets so much, so, if I can get him out walking (yea!) then I try to get him to walk a "few extra steps…" He says, "Hey I’m out here, don’t push!" I tell him daily, "need to stretch; need to exercise and walk!!!!". I also chant "relax" when he gets irritated over small things. "Relax; it’s OK; it’s small," I chant. Until he says, "Stop telling me…. to exercise, to stretch, to relax!" Well who made me the expert anyway? I have a friend who laments that she didn’t "make" her husband see a doctor…" Needless to say, I commiserate, but I also realize we can’t "make people do stuff."

How many times are the same things repeated in Scripture? God repeats and repeats, "repent, be humble, pray, have faith, rejoice." It is so critical that we believe that we have a new deal with God who loves us. We get the new deal every time we turn our eyes inward to our hearts and say to God, "I’m sorry." What the Lord repeated is for those who have faith in him, "Be still, relax into my heart, lean against my chest, I am here." God would have us be at peace, trusting, not angry. Lean back, look up. God bless us. God bless America.

Susie's musings

The Hill We Climb

A beautiful, brave, young 22 year old stood poised and free and read a brilliant Ode that she penned and finished the night of January 6. I have copied parts of an interview and the poem itself. This young woman needs our notice and our prayers. She is one of the hopes of America! What I copied from the internet:

The Los Angeles native told NPR she finished writing the poem, titled "The Hill We Climb," on the night of Jan. 6, hours after rioters took part in a siege on Capitol Hill.

"I was like, ‘Well, this is something we need to talk about,’" Gorman told NPR’s Steve Inskeep ahead of the inauguration, adding it had been "really daunting to begin the poem" given how divided the country seemed after the 2020 election.

Gorman opened her poem Wednesday by saying, "We braved the belly of the beast."

"We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace and the norms and notions of what just is, isn’t always justice. And yet the dawn is hours before we knew it, somehow we do it, somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken but simply unfinished," she said. "We, the successors of a country and a time, where a skinny black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president, only to find herself reciting for one."

"And yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn’t mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect," she said. "We are striving to forge our union with purpose, to compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man."

"And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us but what stands before us. We close the divide because we know to put our future first. We must first put our differences aside," Gorman said.

Gorman, who said she was not given specific instructions on what to write in her poem, follows in the footsteps of esteemed poets like Maya Angelou and Robert Frost in reading a poem at a presidential inauguration.

Gorman received praise for her poem from the likes of Lin Manuel Miranda, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey, who tweeted, "Maya Angelou is cheering—and so am I."

Winfrey gifted Gorman the gold hoop earrings and birdcage ring she wore at the inauguration. "For Oprah, this gesture continues her tradition of supporting poets ahead of their meaningful address," Oprah magazine explained. "When Angelou was chosen to read a poem at Bill Clinton’s 1993 inauguration, Oprah sent her a blue Chanel coat and a pair of gloves to wear for the occasion."

The Hill We Climb : in full:
Mr. President, Dr. Biden, Madam Vice President, Mr. Emhoff, Americans and the world, when day comes, we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We braved the belly of the beast.

We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace, and the norms and notions of what just is, isn’t always justice. And yet the dawn is hours before we knew it, somehow we do it, somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken but simply unfinished.

We, the successors of a country and a time, where a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president, only to find herself reciting for one.

And yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn’t mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect. We are striving to forge our union with purpose, to compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man. And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us but what stands before us. We close the divide, because we know to put our future first, we must first put our differences aside.

We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another. We seek harm to none and harmony for all. Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true, that even as we grieved, we grew. That even as we hurt, we hoped.

That even as we tired, we tried. That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious, not because we will never again know defeat, but because we will never again sow division.

Scripture tells us to envision that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid.

If we’re to live up to our own time, then victory won’t lighten the blade, but in all the bridges we’ve made, that is the promise to glade, the hill we climb if only we dare, it’s because being American is more than a pride we inherit. It’s the past we stepped into and how we repair it.

We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it, would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy.

And this effort very nearly succeeded. But while democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated. In this truth, in this faith, we trust. For while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us.

This is the era of just redemption. We feared at its inception. We did not feel prepared to be the heirs of such a terrifying hour, but within it we found the power to author a new chapter, to offer hope and laughter to ourselves.

So, while once we asked, “how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?”, now we assert, “how could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?” We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be, a country that is bruised but whole, benevolent but bold, fierce and free. We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation.

Because we know our inaction and inertia will be the inheritance of the next generation. Our blunders become their burdens. But one thing is certain. If we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy, and change, our children’s birth right.

So let us leave behind a country better than one we were left with, every breath from my bronze-pounded chest, we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one. We will rise through the gold-limbed hills of the west, we will rise from the windswept northeast where our forefathers first realized revolution. We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the Midwestern states. We will rise from the sun-baked South.

We will rebuild, reconcile, and recover, in every known nook of our nation, in every corner called our country, our people diverse and beautiful, will emerge battered and beautiful. When day comes, we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid.

The new dawn blooms as we free it for there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it.

WOW! God bless Amanda Gorman! Thank God. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Know the Love God has for us!

Inauguration Day! This day happens every four years! It is a tribute to the American Constitution and the Founding Fathers who must have sensed we need a ceremony every four years to remind us that "We the people of the United States" of America have spoken and have been heard and counted. We celebrate with great gravity and thanksgiving that we are a free people. There has been awful war and violence in our history, but we always gather, "like clockwork," on January 20, every four years. First we pray. George Washington started this when he was first inaugurated. He walked to church with his companions before the inauguration ceremonies.

As we watched the Memorial yesterday for the more than 400,000 deaths since February and as we watch today the repeated process of inauguration every 4 years, I hope all of us are praying and not cursing…. I pray: "God bless America. Where there is hatred, let us sow love. Where there is darkness, let us shine light. Where there is sadness, let us bring joy. I pray you heal our divisions Lord. Let us do good, Lord. Let us move forward to serve you Lord. Let us acknowledge the healing balm you pour out Lord. Enkindle in us your Spirit of service. Let us heal." God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Breaking Bread

Good morning! It’s a chilly winter morning… in the 20s "up north" as we Miamians used to call it! Now I’m a Lake Placid girl and it’s 50ish and I’m chilly! Keep warm and safe my dear readers!!! This weekend we watched a great football match. Chuck and I have been watching football since the late 60s. He was very interested in the scrambling techniques of Fran Tarkenton whose running skills to protect his own life led to 3 Super Bowls for the Purple People Eaters in the 1970s. At the same time we were watching the likes of Jim Kelly, Bernie Kosar, and the great years of the Miami Hurricanes and Dolphins. Football is often related as a gladiator sport. There is one leader who hopes his team performs to his calls! One leader who can become a legend bouyed up by his team. He can’t perform alone. This weekend we saw Drew Brees and Tom Brady compete. Some people don’t like Brady because he has done some questionable things to win, but he’s still playing and he and Brees share between them some awesome records. Put a ball in the air and, if the right man is at the other end, Score! The game this weekend was tough as I was cheering for both men who could be my sons…! My mother used to do that! "Oh that was a great play!" she would say excitedly! "Mom! that’s the wrong team! They are the enemy!" we would shout!!! "But it was a good play!" Mom taught us a lesson…. it’s the great play we should be cheering!!! Great men are playing here! There will be great plays! Enjoy it! There were great plays this weekend. I loved best when Brees walked off the field and Jameis Winston came to stand off to the side on the line. The trick play resulted in 7 points and made Drew Brees laugh. He needed a good laugh as I think he was hurting. He was playing injured; hit too many times in the ribs.

Today’s reading at Mass was from the Gospel of Mark 2:23: When they were hungry, David left the battlefield to find food for his companions, and he shared the the Bread of Offering in the Tent of Meeting with his companions. Our priest explained that our word companion comes from Cum Panis: "To share or break bread with." Jesus walked through a wheat field with his companions, and in their hunger, they broke off stalks of wheat to eat. Pharisees complained that they were breaking the Sabbath Law. Jesus advised them to think back to David feeding his men the most sacred bread. "The Sabbath was made for men," Jesus replied. Give them bread. It doesn’t matter what day it is; they are hungry. Jesus might have had these words in his heart: "Come share the Bread with me," but the Pharisees couldn’t hear that. When great people meet in conflict, they can’t see each other or the needs of their companions. The Pharisees couldn’t "see" Jesus. Only one man can win. He either eliminates his enemy, or he and his team execute better and win the way. Only one man wins. (So the gladiator Drew Brees walked off the field having lost the combat.) Only one man wins and the other leaves the field of combat.

UNLESS we agree to work together to pool our resources and talents! I’ll bet you know where I’m going with this rather convoluted story! Why can’t we pool our talents and resources? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the group that has been fighting Covid for almost a year could sit at the table and share the bread with the new team? "Here’s what we learned. Here’s what we did wrong. Here’s what we think could be changed, but we just couldn’t get to it." Don’t slink off! Stay and help. Make one great team for America. But breaking bread, Cum Panis, just can’t be for everybody. Our work often ends in competition and bitterness. One seeks to defeat the other. Watch two children shouting at each other and one slinks off. The other stands there and looks confused or arrogant! The questions are written on faces: "Why did he walk off? What made him so mad? Ha! I got him!" I’m not asking the President to stay. Often the old President meets with the new President and gives him a letter and shares secrets with the new President. That won’t happen this time. He’s too angry. I’m not asking Drew Brees to stay as I think he’s injured. He needs to heal and move on. Same with the current President. He needs to heal. But I am asking for those of us who aren’t out of control angry or injured to work together, to seek solutions for Covid vaccine distribution, for hunger in America and for jobs in America. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

A quiet space

My friend and I were walking with her beautiful dog Dixie who kept glancing back at us both to make sure we are still with her and to assure us she is with us. Is she listening to our voices? I think dogs do listen to us and are very aware of our moods. As we walked, I watched the dog ambling along in front of us, tail waving in the light breeze. She looks happy. Then my friend said, "I’m so sad about what has happened in our country. We are ripped apart." I agree with her, we have come to a crisis with the storming of the Capital and the disrespect for places and people of elected position. We talked about the violence and the angry faces we saw on television last Wednesday; so angrily separated. "There is one person who can pull all this together," she said. …

"Who?" I asked, looking for that one person; the solution to our division, our anger, the damage we are doing to our national beliefs. "Who can save us?"

"Jesus." She said. "Oh." You see, I couldn’t see it. Mark (9:24) describes a father of a child with a demon (convulsions) asking Jesus for healing. "if you can…. heal my child." "IF I can?" Jesus asked…. The man answered, "Lord I believe; help my unbelief." It’s so hard for us to believe our troubles can be fixed. We are out there trying to make things right. Our lack of faith is a lack of handing things over to God. Let Go, let God. Here I am praying every morning with the priest during Mass, praying every moment I hear or see news about a sick friend. Everytime someone says something awful. Praying. But I didn’t believe it. I can’t SEE it. Instead I think "(the angry ones) "They" can’t see it. "They" won’t listen. There is no help." Two loving Catholic women dealing with such a tumultuous issue. One of us has such strong faith! I must grab the hand Jesus stretches out and beg him: "increase my faith." I will watch, and pray, and uplift the Inauguration ceremony this week. I will pray the new administration gets the shots into arms this first 100 days. I pray Biden is not blocked from healing the nation with vaccine. God grant us peace to cure ourselves. If we are dragged down by Covid, how can we expect to move forward with economics, producing food and production of our own materials? Lord help us help ourselves. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Winter is in!

I love listening to the weather channel. The city name for today is Minnetonka. They are going to have a storm of rain and light snow. We watch from central Florida where the sky has been cloudy and threatening, but, quiet and for me, chilly! It’s winter-time and mother nature is having a headache and dumping on the United States. Stay warm dear friends and family, bundle and observe social distancing.

I hope we don’t do the wrong thing with the vaccines. For those of you who know what it would mean to give out more first doses, and therefore stretch out the timing and delay the second dose, pleace speak to government leaders and Fauci. If we need to get the second dose within 3 to 4 weeks, then let’s don’t screw that up! I certainly want us to get the vaccine out, but for heaven’s sake, people, get it right!!!!

The opening prayer at morning Mass today was: "Attend to the pleas of your people with heavenly care that they may see what must be done and gain strength to do what they have seen." This is a prayer of faith because there are many people who are acting the wrong way as part of the population proclaims. How do we "see" what must be done? How do we know what is the right thing to do? Every one of us must be discerning right now. We are most in need of "seeing what must be done," and acting with strength, faith, and wisdom. In a sense these are the words the Trump people used at the big rally on Wednesday… Acting with strength meant to some "attacking with strength". Men and women are acting on different sides, against each other, brother against brother. Families are begging family members to "settle down; tone down the rhetoric." Worried family members are separated by ideas and feelings. We can’t speak to each other. It is as if we, the United States, is at war. So we pray, "Lord remember your covenant with us; protect us."

In the Scripture today, (Mark 1: 29), we read that Jesus moved from town to town teaching and explaining the Scripture to a hungry people. Think about the activities he spawned. He sent out his disciples to towns to teach. He told them, if they were rejected, to shake the dust off their feet and move on. Don’t bring the unfriendliness with you. Just move on and carry the news. When the United States expanded west, the press went along and wrote what was happening. First the "news" was carried by the pony express and then it began to be carried over wire so people on each coast could know what was happening. For the most part we were educated about our world that way, by the "Press." I’m a little slow on the uptake and I don’t remember when Trump began to say "fake news" about most of what was reported. His 75 million followers believed every word he said, and the rest of the country tried to listen to the Press as we always have. He said the Press lies; listen only to him." Now he is banned from his social medias among them twitter and U Tube. He can’t make his private news for his "pack" of 75 million. When did that begin? When did he start taking care of and speaking only to his "MAGA pack"? When will we be able to restore the Press who tries to speak to 300 million, to all of us? I often switch channels when it is a news day like last week, today, and the next week will be. I go from the ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox channels (7 Press networks) and I also want to see what Newsmax is saying. … I listen to each and try to find some reason,; try to be discerning. Try to find the truth, just as we have to be discerning with "what we see, and what we are supposed to do…" I suggest we let no single voice be our dictator; dictating to us what to believe and do. God be with us and take care of us. God help us vaccinate! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Disagreements among friends

Will you explain why we can’t talk to each other? Will you explain what you are thinking when you say, "I am a Conservative, but you, Susie, you are…" She can’t even say the word! I say, "a Liberal?" My dear, I have fought this name calling for months, maybe years. The name calling corners us, puts walls between us, and gives us definitions that draw lines between us. A line from Saturday Night Live is "I am what I am, Blanche." or maybe it is "You are what you are, Blanche." Whatever you are, or what I am, we were friends. What gets our backs up and causes us to yell at one another?

What was Jesus? a Radical? Isaiah 42: 1 describes "my servant." He speaks quietly, without violence, "a smoldering wick he shall not quench until he establishes justice." I have watched video of those who "stormed" the Capital last Wednesday… mostly white, painted, wearing fur and camoflage, screaming, shoving, hitting, jeering, laughing. Taking power symbols to use in rituals against those "in power"? Hey, I’m not happy with the Congress who argued for years… and left the hungry and out of work un helped. I’m not happy with the rhetoric that spews from jeering mouths, but I’m not about to yell and scream myself. I am unwilling to steal and hit, to be unreasonable with anyone who doesn’t agree with me.

Instead, we are called to pray for peace, and pray for people who can’t hear the still small voice of angels. Who can’t hear the quiet voices who wish for healing for our country, and healing from Covid. As we entered January, people talked about resolutions. Did we set a mission? Have we asked, "For whom should we pray?" Pray for miracles, peace, relief from Covid. Pray for a plan for Covid vaccination. Pray we get to what must be done and that we get to it. What are we to do? It is not to be violent, rather it is to be gentle, not trampling on flowers, not putting out smoldering wicks. Rather, let us clothe and feed children.

I consulted with my heart surgeon yesterday. We talked seriously about my aneurysm and what might happen, and how it will feel if it happens. I’m doing everything right to live long and prosper, but I can’t make this monster inside me behave. But it’s not probably going to burst in the near future and we will monitor it with another echocardiogram in 7 months. The doctor said, "Yes, get the vaccine." So I too am entering the line that needs vaccine 1 and vaccine 2. We all are in that line together. According to medical sources, we need both shots, so pray we can get this threatening violent mess straightened out and concentrate on the vaccine. God bless us. Read Hebrew 2:5: Nothing is higher than the Lord; All are subject to him. See that! On this earth, He is peace. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Protest through action

I hope and pray the violence stops. Our forefathers had to fight to get rid of "taxation without representation." But we have representation now. We all vote. What we have to do if things aren’t going our way is protest with our voices and vote to elect people we want. Now the President and probably the Republicans in Georgia say the election was rigged. So what now? What’s now is Action: Rioters need to find the folks who say they have evidence and get hold of them and investigate. We have 4 years to start investigating right now!! Get some computer experts to examine the voting systems. Make some changes that people responsible for the systems agree on. Clean up the voter rolls. Pull the death rolls and compare to voter registration rolls. Get on the teams that work in the voter polls. Get to work! We have 4 years to make changes.

In the next week, Congress will be arguing Impeachment. If the President is successfully impeached, and judged guilty by the Senate, then he will never be able to run for Federal office. We must decide whom we choose to lead us. Everyone of us must decide. Pray for our country. Pray we get enough vaccines to go free! Pray we get some Common Sense to enjoy freedom.

Susie's musings

Beloved, let us love one another

When things turn bad, or as some people say, when things turn south, we can only cling to faith, and that feels awfully loose sometimes. Our dear Apostle John wrote in his first letter… "Beloved let us love one another." He might have added, "no matter what happens." I couldn’t help but cringe as I looked at the angry faces speaking against the vote result of Arizona on January 6 to the joint assembly of Congress and the Senate. Angry faces speaking words to the joint houses of Congress that there is voter fraud. They have had 2 months to prove their accusations, and finally on the day of a Constitutionally directed "tally" they continue to argue against the American vote. Because I didn’t know they were about to be invaded, I thought the worst thing that could happen was the arguments meant to delay the tally. I said to the television, "You had two months to pull out the papers and stand in front of the nation and ‘show the proof,’ yet you only talk and delay." Then the shouting and shooting started. Angry voices shouting and faces grinning at the destruction they are causing as they smash into the Capital. I’m so sorry people died, but I thank God it ended quickly. I felt the President should have spoken quickly that he didn’t really mean it when he spoke to the 2pm rally. "I didn’t really mean march down to the Capital and …. riot? tear things up? smash windows and invade and try to stop a very solemn Constitutionally directed session. I really didn’t mean it." Someone might have seen him speaking from the Oval office, and the deaths might not have happened. He just sat there watching the fur and camoflaged covered men and women tearing at the Capital. I looked at the flags, Trump, Confederate and American flags all waved by the crowd. I love our flag. The others, not so much. Quickly it ended. I earnestly hope the responsible parties are arrested, have a federal trial, and be jailed if we can do it. The reason I say "if we can jail them," is so many people believe they were right and OK. Their own leaders, the President, the President’s attorney, and the President’s son told them it was OK. They have a lot of power behind them. Oh I hope the photos of those jearing, grinning faces inside the Capital count as proof. Enough! Let us transition and have 4 years of taking care of people. Let us… "Love One Another!"

My brother by marriage, my beloved Lee’s brother Bill Baker died yesterday of Covid. He died gasping for breath, intubated, 8 days after he entered the hospital not breathing well due to Covid-caused pneumonia. He died alone and my sister and brother in law can’t go to properly bury him and take care of his estate. Covid. That’s what we need to concentrate on. Get over the ugly invasion of our American dream at the Capital and in Washington DC. Just get over it, and focus and pray for the fight against Covid. It might be helpful to read Mark 6:34 where Jesus is moved with pity for the people looking up to him for answers… He was moved with pity. He fed them with God’s wisdom, with bread, and with fish. 5000 of them he fed. Let us be moved with pity to feed and clothe what in scripture is called the anawim. The small. Beware of planting discord. What will the seeds of evil produce? I have beautiful flowers out in my yard where I planted flower seeds. Plant beauty and watch it grow! God bless us. Let us get to work in prayer.

Susie's musings


Are you my new neighbor? Are you my new friend? Are you my enemy? Are you the Lord? Who am I? All these questions are to be pondered this second day of the "New Year." The winter sky keeps many of us sequestered. Covid keeps the rest of us inside, and we have nothing "fun to do." So how about some soul searching? The first reading today is by St John. John writes that John the Baptist clearly told people, "I am not the Christ… I am the voice of one crying in the desert, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord.’" St. John calls the "other" the antichrist. We have to identify him in our lives. He is a man of lawlessness, he is a liar, he is not "of the church." (St Paul’s descriptions of him.) The antichrist shakes us and frightens us. We have been frightened this year. Several of my friends have been very ill and I have known those who have died. I have to make unpopular decisions like quaranteening and saying NO to friends who ask me to come out.

Maybe this is what New Years resolutions is all about: to answer these questions: Identify! Who are you? Who do you want to help, to be with? Who is your God? How do you honor him? I have a friend who told me she is angry at the church and she does not believe Jesus is God; just a prophet. I was shocked! I couldn’t argue with her. Just hand her a Holy Bible and say "read St Luke." It’s a little like trying to argue with angry people today. I need an expert talker at my side. I know it is the Holy Spirit, but for some reason, sometimes I’m shocked and can’t talk. I can only "Just pray!" Pray my dears for us to get through the next 19 days without really messing ourselves up. God bless America!

Susie's musings

May the Lord bless you

Good New Year dear friends. Today’s daily Mass is a celebration of the blessings God has given to us. The reading from Numbers is especially lovely and powerful: " The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord look upon you with his shining face … kindly, and give you peace." Find this blessing in your Scriptures (Numbers 6:22) and read it out loud for your family! Bless one another this beautiful day of the "New Year." Another beautiful blessing is Psalm 67: "May God shed his light upon us; may God bless us in his mercy." And finally Galatians 4:4-7: " You are adopted as son and heir. Cry out Abba, Father." He blesses us because we are his children!

In the old days of the big Peabody parties which ended about 10 years ago, no matter how hung over and sleep deprived I was, I went to Mass on January 1. New Years Day morning we celebrate Mary the Mother of God. On this day we celebrate Mary’s Yes and the fruitfulness that God gave her. Mary is not the creator of God; she is the Theotokus, the God-bearer. Mary is a human mother. She cared for a human child who walked on the earth for 33 years. She stood at the foot of the Cross and she said goodbye to him when he "went to the Father." Mary is the woman in Revelation 12 who stands up against the dragon who wants to destroy her child. Ask Mary to go to battle against the dragon. Ask, "who or what is my dragon?" For many it is anger. For me I think it is impatience. It is impatience with people who won’t "listen." People not doing what I think is right!!! I tend to push my way. I was so disappointed with school children who wouldn’t give a little of their minds to what I thought was so important. In a way, I’m giving what I love, and I’m paying my success forward. I’m sorry for the pain I have caused if I made you feel small. I’m just trying to give from my blessings. My impatience. That’s my dragon. What is your dragon? Place this load of yours in the manger. We still have some time. God bless us! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Peace in the world

How do I achieve peace in the world? I can’t. I’m just a small being, but I can achieve peace in my heart. So I proceed. Sometimes we think all is lost, but it isn’t. If we believe in God, and believe in the Light, we will never be in darkness. My mother, who believed in God mightily, said, "the Blessed Mother will meet me, give me a big hug, and take me to Jesus." Don’t doubt that for a second.

This morning in the last daily Mass of the New Year, EWTN opened the Communion prayer with, " Lord, we pray, order our days in your peace." So how does God order our days? Have you ever noticed nature? You plant a seed and, 10 days later, 2 green sprouts emerge. In another 10 days, more green. Then we have to wait for buds. I check my flowers daily. "Yes! buds!" I danced around the bushes a week ago. Now we wait for the buds to make flowers and bloom. So God has ordered. It’s been that way for all time, unless someone upsets the sequence. If we dig them up and move them mid process we might kill them. God has ordered. Let him work. Many think of God like we might treat a Teddy Bear we sleep with. (Yes, Chuck and I have 3 Teddies on the bed!). We steal them from each other during the night. Often Teddy lands on the floor. This morning, Chuck said, "I had Teddy and then he was gone…" Tossed out in the middle of the night? No just buried deep in the covers where I shoved him in my sleep! I think sometimes we treat God like our sleeping toy. He’s grabbed and then he’s hidden often by us. He’s tossed out if we don’t agree with him. In the morning, we seek him, but often only to decorate our pillow. Grab God this New Year and hold on!!!!

Today, the end of an old year, let us pray for those who died this past year. We can deny Covid and say it’s not so bad. We can say, "The numbers are wrong," and we put ourselves at risk as some of my friends have done. I have a friend who had a big Christmas party and went to 3 others. "I’m not going to miss my family," she said. Another friend won’t wear masks no matter what. "I just don’t like a mask." Pray for those who have died and those who will die due to Covid. Don’t have a heart attack because there isn’t room in some ICUs. Let God order your life, but be obedient! Be thoughtful, kind. Make amends and do better. Take care of the earth, and praise God while you walk the earth! You are like that flower! God built you to be his instrument of shining peace. Thank God. Know God. Sing a new song! (read Psalm 96). God bless us. Angels with us. Happy New year!!!!!

Susie's musings

Sing the Praises of the Father, Joseph

Good Sunday morning! Today we celebrate the Holy Family! Imagine what it must have been like for Joseph with a wife and tiny baby born outside after traveling from Nazareth to get counted in the census. "Now," he must have been thinking, "I have to get this family home safely." But King Herod had other thoughts, and he sent his men to kill all the babies born in Bethlehem… He meant to kill future kings who might steal his reign. We also honor those Holy Innocents. What meanness can be done in the name of power and neglect of the innocent and poor. In a dream, Joseph heard, "take the baby to Egypt." So, he packed up the baby and Mama and head south into Egypt. This is all Scriptual, thank God for the evangelist Luke. But how many of us are on the road, homeless or close to it? How many today are so poor they will be homeless this week? Today is a time for us to dig deep and give, providing for the poor and homeless and finding work for the Fathers. Remember the WPA.

The Scriptural readings today (see for example Sirach 3:2-14) celebrate the Family and use words "reverence, honor, obedience, comfort, and kindness." There’s no easy way to get around it: being disobedient, dishonorable, mean, unkind, and ignoring others is NOT in God’s plan. Today is a good day to heal and forgive. To give comfort. I had to heal and forgive when I was handed the Bible in a small chapel in the Holy Land in 1991. As I read the words, "A reading from the Book of Daniel," I realized I could not continue until I let go of anger against my father. It is not easy to let go of anger. It’s much easier to hug anger to our chest. It took years to admit, "Im OK; I give up." It all started that day when God touched me.

Time to get up and move! Today, two days after Christmas, let us make a plan. As soon as you can, get to a small store like Walgreens or CVS. I bought 2 pairs of slippers for Chuck and me from Santa (Buy one get one 1/2 off) at Walgreens and now I’m going to go back and buy some more. Buy them out! Give them to a charity that donates to the poor. For us here in Lake Placid the giving places are Manna and Bridging Hope. There is also a food distributer called Foodfinder. Go! Give! Enjoy! God bless us.

Susie's musings

Celebrate the Octave.

We celebrate Christmas for 8 days!!!! So if I seem joyful it’s because O Come O Come Emanuel Happened!!!! He’s here. Joyfully we praise God for light and love. Then… Why do we celebrate the first day after Christmas, December 26 a death? St Stephen was stoned with the approval of a man named Saul. He was martyred for being a Christian. The story opens in Acts, "Stephen, filled with grace and power…. debated with wisdom. He looked up to heaven and saw Jesus." When he was stoned, he looked up and said, "Lord Jesus receive my spirit." What great faith! Jesus died like that too. So Christmas is a gift time of gold and myrrh. Life and death. In Matthew 10, Jesus told us to "beware of men… they will scourge you and hand you over… you will be hated. Endure and be saved." Today the Catholic Mass really digs deep and asks us to keep our eyes, not on men and men’s empty promises, but on heaven. I wonder if this year has been a time when all the love shown by hospitals has been overshadowed by the hate we have seen in the accusations and criticisms we have heard on the streets and from our televisions and from the mouths of friends we have lost. Let the spirit of Joy and love not be killed. Look out and up. I am ashamed that I have not followed up on some ideas I had to help the poor. I’m using Covid separation as an excuse. I have a friend who actively teaches young teenagers. She loves those kids and by her love and support, she is teaching them to love along with the Catechism she reads to them. My friend Charlie teaches and gives to African churches as well as to his own in Atlanta. There is a lot of poverty and hunger. Let us not be ashamed at New Years that we didn’t help. God bless us abundantly! Merry Christmas.

Susie's musings

O Come all Ye Faithful!

Yesterday we sang "O Come O come Emanuel" and today it’s our turn to "Come!". Normally churches would be bursting and singing would be loud but today… Churches are asked to stay way below 40% with no singing. We are still deep in Covid and hospitals are full. It’s amazing how looking thoughtfully and closely at a Christmas tree full of ornaments or, as I’m currently doing, looking at Hallmark’s Happy and the Yule Log… can make one forget Covid. I wrote to my friend to remind her to see if she can get her bank information into the computer this time to get the Covid assistance check sooner than the government can get around to writing a check. Those of us who file and either pay or get refund via bank access get Covid checks first. She didn’t want to talk about $$$ on Christmas, and maybe there’s a little lack of faith that our Congress can get that bill out. She might be right. That is awful when you think of the people out of work who need help… And she’s as right as anyone else. I have faith that a stimulous will come and God help us… Pray for the poor. In fact this is a time for those of us who can afford it to dig deep and give to the poor and hungry so that all will be fed this Christmas week. Watching Happy and the Yule log with 5 puppies sliding around on a shiny waxed floor, tugging at Christmas packages and ribbons really takes one’s mind off troubles. I suggest it. I used the voice thingy on my Xfinity clicker and asked for Happy Yule Log and it’s like being a kid again!!!

This morning’s Christmas celebration on EWTN was wonderful. Thank God for the Gospel of Luke! Today we read about the shepherds out in the fields. "And there was a great light. And singing!!!" "Go see what has taken place in a cave in Bethlehem!" Shepherds tell one another, "Angels told us! Glorify and Praise God and Go see!" Remember what we thought about yesterday? Mary jumping up with haste. John Leaping in his mother’s womb." Today shepherds are running to see! It’s all so simple, but we can’t hear, feel, or see it without having it in our hearts. We have to be taught. And I say, how easy it is to read the Gospel of Luke. All filled with peace, angels, lambs, cows, and a baby. What’s not to like? Go today and share what you know! Surely you can get your hands on a Bible and find the greatest story attributed to a man named Luke. Read and sing! Believe. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Joyfully, Suddenly Leap!

What makes us leap, not with fear, as if leaping away from the frog that jumped at me when I opened the back door the other day, "Yipes! I screamed as I leaped! What was that?" A little frog sleeping in our door frame. For heavens sake! The poor guy was more afraid than I was as I leaped away from him leaping at me! And not the leaping we do when crossing the street and someone going too fast and not paying attention, bears down on us, "Yipes! Save my life from being squooshed!" No, not that leaping either! But let it be the joyful, "OK!" kind of leaping. The "Yes!" kind of leaping! The "give it all we have" kind of leaping. It’s what Mary did when an angel told her she would bear a child by the Holy Spirit. I am sure there was some measure of "Riiiggght…. the Holy Spirit…. OK tell me more." But when the angel explained the child will be called the Son of the Most High, she must have recalled the words of Samuel and Isaiah… Hannah gave birth at an awfully old age and gave the child to God. Mary might have thought as she proclaimed, "God’s will," to the angel, "So I will too." She was accepting the greatness of God as she had heard from the Old Testament. When the angel told her that her old cousin was pregnant (there’s that … "oh no she’s too old" in our minds,) but instead, Mary leaped up! She arose and started out to help her cousin. She had no doubt, rather Mary cooperated with God’s will. Giving it all she had, marching off on foot up to Jerusalem. Unafraid. Joyful. God’s grace helps us to move and to overcome fear. Grace gives us incredible strength. God gave Mary incredible strength to bear and then to give up her child. From rest, Mary leaped into action. Elizabeth and Mary sang a song of Joy that you can read in the first chapter of Luke! Let us all sing with Mary: "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord." From the womb, John leaped in his mother’s womb! Imagine he was singing: "It’s Jesus!!! Hi cousin! You will be the Lamb of God! I will die for you."

God wants our response to the angel’s greeting. He wants us to leap with joy. But many of us aren’t joyful are we? We are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Covid is over-filling our hospitals and our friends are dying. We are tired of being out of work caused by shutdowns and a worrisome economy. Tired of borrowing too much money. Political angers are wearing us down. We feel like we are pushing a big rock uphill. We try to talk, but we can’t. We disagree so badly. One Congressman said on TV, "People believe things, and they can’t be convinced otherwise. They can’t even talk about possible facts."

Our tempers are at hair trigger tension. A man walked out of a garage in Columbus, Ohio with a cell phone in his hand. Two Police officers, called for a noise complaint, arrived with no lights and sirens, their dash cam not on, their chest cameras not on, shot the man to death. This is hair trigger on the really dangerous side. What can we do right now? How can we leap up? Would that we all could turn and go, on our separate sides if need be, and find a sacred space, and kneel there. Kneel to the Christ who makes every space a sacred place. Kneel and look at the woman who quietly sacrificed herself by saying "Yes" to God. She humbly arose and went to serve her cousin. She went to the altar, and when he was 33 years old, she gave her child to God. Make a quiet place and sit there and relax. Pray for peace. One friend said that one thing on our list should be "world peace," and I answered that i want to achieve peace with my neighbor! (I’m thinking we could reach peace, but we must try to both give up our hard stances and accept God’s will rather than advocate tearing our nation apart). Pray for healing in our country to get through the next 4 years peacefully, in brotherhood. No guns. Empty hands on both sides. Healing peace. Let us sit quietly, on separate sides if need be, let us look quietly at the Christ. Let us pray for peace in our own hearts.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Some people have decorated. Some people were too late getting out and all the trees were gone. Oh there are still straggly trees out there, but this is an odd year that has made us prickly and sluggish. But at least, I’ll bet there are angels singing at a manger. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

Susie's musings

A gift of myrrh

Remember the three wise men! The star is out tonight. All this is happening NOW! We are in a time of great grief from Covid illness and death. We are in a time of serious trouble as half the nation faces the other half with angry looks and, maybe, pitchforks. I’ve suggested separation both to save us from being infected and also to keep us from hurting each other. And still the wise men come. In myth and mystery, the wise men bear gifts befit a king (Gold and Frankincense) but also gifts used for burial (myrrh). That is why the days before Christmas are so full of hope: "The King is coming! Praise God! Emmanuel! He is the God Who Saves!" But his gift is myrrh. That spice is used to anoint the dead. God bless us. Pray and hope we can rise and stand and receive the king, and maybe we can stop being angry, but we can praise!!!! Myrrh is in our life, but so is Joy. Choose Joy! Choose Life! Choose Love. God bless us!

Susie's musings

They think I lost

In 1969, Maya Angelou watched children playing Hop Scotch. Remember what was most important? Staying inside the line. If you stepped out of the box, you were out. Angelou saw life in that hopscotch game as she wrote:

Harlem Hopscotch
One foot down, then hop! It’s hot.
Good things for the ones that’s got.
Another jump, now to the left.
Everybody for hisself.

In the air, now both feet down.
Since you black, don’t stick around.
Food is gone, the rent is due.
Curse and cry and then jump two.

All the people out of work,
Hold for three, then twist and jerk.
Cross the line, they count you out.
That’s what hopping’s all about.

Both feet flat, the game is done.
They think I lost. I think I won.

The poem was written in 1969! It hit me that … It is the end of 2020 and nothing has changed. Women go to graduate school and get higher paying jobs, but do black women? Who cleans most of the houses and offices? Who is out of work and homeless with hungry children right now? Who is getting more Covid possibly because they are all crammed in tenements; no fresh air to breathe. If we would consider offering work to young black men, would that change things? Would working men begin to think they can win? We might have to take care of the women and the children. Are there any projects that need to be done in your community that you could find someone to finance? Do you have any more ideas? "Food is gone, the rent is due." What are we going to do? God bless us.

Susie's musings

Saying goodbye to anger

What if we all stopped shouting and made a list of 3 things we need done in the next 4 years? Here’s my list and I’ll bet you will find it close to yours as it is something we can control. Please email or text me with your items. We can do this.

1. Voter registration and voting: We hate the process; so change it: Access to the polls and manual counts with paper ballots. No machines. No algorithms (whatever they are anyway….). Keep all the ballots after counting them manually (so we will have proof).
2. Make a plan to get the entire US (350 million people 700 million shots); So we don’t end civilization.
3. Feeding starving children and mothers in the US. (Put the men to work – remember the WPA? Chuck’s Uncle JB was starving. He worked for WPA and got fed at the age of 14 to 16. Then he joined the military). If we figure a way to feed mothers and children we might just make headway against abortion.

If you have a better idea, please add to this list, but keep it at something we can do. If we make a plan… If we work the plan and pray, God will be with us. Mother Teresa did it. We don’t have to go very far to work this plan. Oh God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

What a tangled web we weave

Sir Walter Scott, in a tale called "Marmion", contemplated the mess we can make when we don’t lay things straight out, but rather, we create convoluted messes that eventually lead to a "tangled web". We’ve done it with the Electoral College. In 1787, the men who wrote the Constitution put lots of checks and balances into the design for the new government so we wouldn’t get a dictatorship. The nation was big already (13 colonies stretching from Georgia to Massachusetts. I looked at an old map, and, while New Hampshire stood north of Massachusetts, Massachusetts claimed an area we know today as Maine. So the colonies stretched from the "Florida line" to Maine…). … It was quite a long trek on horseback to carry electors to New York where central government resided. …. Votes were carefully counted as the states (who all had their separate powers,) were "under" the federal protection of the President. And the electors were sent to the central government to name the president. He had a limited term and he was carefully selected by the electors. All was carefully controlled because the people did not want another king or absolute ruler, like they had in England. So today, for probably the first time, sequestered as I am, I watched the electoral voting! It was as we knew it would be as the tally has already been determined by counting on computers. (can you imagine hand counting 150 million votes? So anyhow. With yesterday’s very carefully orchestrated following of the Constitution, we still have the electors’ results to go to Congress on January 6 where Mike Pence has to name the new President. Wow! Now the count can’t change because the computers got the vote already. So many people (150 million people) are probably asking, and should ask, "Why all the hoopla? I voted. One. My husband voted. Two. etc etc… to 150 million." That seems so reasonable. We got the vote out. We counted it. The person with the most popular votes won. Period. (not always the way it was folks…) There are great cries of "cheat" and "fraud" on the Dominion machine software. So change it!!! We have 4 years now to make some changes. So my dear friends, let’s go for it. How do we change the Constitution? We will probably need 4 years and 150 Constitutional lawyers to do that! Oh to change the great old Constitution isn’t easy, but doesn’t it sound right? I don’t want what is called Gerrymandering to ruin things. Look it up! It’s interesting and it’s costly to "poor folks and individuals with no influence"…. like most of us). Give each of the 150 million citizen who can vote one vote. Oh let us all get along to make the US right and peaceful. Don’t say if you didn’t win a state, there was fraud. But I could say the same about states you won. Let us be at peace my friends. Angels with us. Pray!!! God bless us.

Susie's musings

The vaccine is coming!

In a previous blog I did the math on the numbers of vaccines needed (times two as each person has to get 2). The number is astronomical, but lately people are beginning to talk about other vaccines being developed and coming, "soon." It still might be a year before we are released from restrictions, and the restrictions must be self imposed until then! I read about traveling to Hawaii and getting into a room where the key card, used once to let you in, then locks you in for quaranteen…. Youch! Prisoners in waiting for a 10 day quaranteen! Sounds illegal. But we are being asked not to travel for a serious reason. Chuck and I were quaranteened on a cruise ship for 3 days when we got the flu two years ago. As it turns out I sneaked out to the ship library and got books. Thank heaven they didn’t "lock us in". I got pneumonia after that from that experience and it really didn’t heal up for at least 3 months… So my dears, I am very obedient to quaranteen! Please be careful when near people! Wear a mask. Please don’t get on a plane or a train and travel to visit family. Our neighborhood just sustained 5 cases of Covid, 3 are recovering and two are dead. The 2 who died traveled to visit family and "got it." I’m not advocating being afraid and running away screaming; I’m advocating those measures that Dr Fauci and those others who love and care for us recommend: mask up, don’t travel, bear with this isolation until the curve flattens! OK enough preaching! It’s time for University of Miami’s last football game. Next game is cancelled due to Covid. Make the most of this!!! Do something creative! Clean up piles. Make a quilt. Paint a painting. Decorate lots more than usual!!! God bless us! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Gifts to give

My friend tells me of the gifts her walking friends have given to her. Good things are happening! Friends are walking every day… Outside, separated, talking with folks who are sitting outside in the sunshine on their porches. I am so amazed at people my age who have bad feet, bad hips, and other ailments including back pain… they can hardly navigate the path from couch to kitchen and here I am walking outside up the middle of the street for an hour a day. Well, except for lazy days when I fall into an easy chair and …. just sit. Don’t do that I say gently to myself. Get moving! Keep moving. Friends are sick, stiff, falling over and dying, but the rest of us must keep going. Get moving and keep going. I wrote this morning to my friend, "Don’t buy gifts!!!! make things." She and I made stuffed Christmas ornaments back I think before her beautiful son was born! I hardly remember the details of that long ago creative session, but I still have the stuffed toys hanging on my tree: Reminders of a time when two friends sat and stitched and told stories. I reminded another friend and my sister of times we painted together, drinking wine or champagne over paintings spread out over a table in a spot where spatters of paint on the floor… well, they are just decorative! My sister made me sew quilts when I visited her!!! Or was it pulling out threads? No diff, the quilts are beautiful! I’m supposed to be writing my Christmas letter right now and addressing and writing in 100 cards!!! I promised to get cards out this coming weekend. Better get going! No time to be anxious. Whatever is going to happen in our nation will happen without me .. I don’t feel helpless as I used to. I pray for peace. I have positive thoughts and I promise myself I will stay positive to our arts skills. Do what we can. Sit in the sunshine if the winds and chill aren’t too high!!!! If it’s freezing and windy then open curtains and put on lights! Put out electric candles or light real candles and soak in God’s beauty in the sky! The rest of us (living in central or south Florida,) get outside!!!! God bless us with an idea so we can "make something fun to give for a gift!!!!" Donate to a hungry family please. God bless us with charity. Anglels with us. !

Susie's musings

In 4 years

For those who are still fighting the validity of the election, I would like to say…. you can get out the vote and try again in 3 1/2 years. For now, read the Constitution, read the amendments, and keep your Representatives and your Senators noses to those words. 3 1/2 years and then another vote. 4 years and our vote will be inaugurated. What if the leader wants to change things? There’s a lot of steps: and it takes votes. Paper your representatives and senators with requests and your beliefs. Promise someone else will replace them if they don’t do what we want. If I know history…. that is what this country was set up on. Because we don’t agree with 6 television networks, we set up an 7th who says what we want to hear? Problem… Just saying, my friends. Check out my December 2nd post, my "indecent proposal."

I hope you are staying health-safe this Christmas season. I hate not going to meetings and seeing my church friends, not going to art classes…. but I can’t risk getting sick. In case anyone doesn’t remember, Chuck and I had quite a "sick" event 10 years ago and I had pneumonia 2 years ago. That makes two of us who have to be careful. The news man says…. "blah blah blah, Fauchi" and I listen. God bless us!!!! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Back on my soapbox!

OK! I’ve been called Pushy Broad! … little Pushy!… Listen! I’m still having the discussions with friends about: Save your Money in case the house you are staying in is sold." "Save your money in case you get sick and work says you haven’t been there long enough to get sick pay." "Wait 4 years and then vote again. "Get up and get moving so legs won’t stiffen up and you will get warm!!!!." Yes! Pushy Broad is still alive! But …. Let’s say (I) we don’t shut up, we don’t move around, we don’t save money (for a rainy day – by the way; it’s pouring) …. Then what? We can, at least, shut up! I suggest we find a way to literally split the nation in half. Don’t try to get "the others" to agree with you. Just draw a line; Not a line in the sand, rather a line in concrete, don’t need a wall, but draw the line like they did at the Alamo. You can go to the side where you all agree. Just go there and live your "like lives." Stop accusing. Stop grinding your teeth at each other. Go to your own and love them. That’s it! It’s the answer! Go! I’m going to tell you right now, I won’t have to be pushy! We will bundle up, go to bed and sleep if we are tired and don’t feel well. We will drink (or not) (it’s your call just don’t judge) red wine or white wine, Scotch and other beverages, but we won’t overdo it. If you fall on the ground, we will move you into your house and make a lot of noise when you have a headache! We will use our words! No more imogees! (Words!) You disagree with me? Use your words and argue with me, but have rules: No name calling. We must come to a compromise or one of us has to move to "the other side." Wow!!!! I’m all fired up and hopeful! I probably need a trip to my favorite Sammy’s pizza joint to celebrate our new peace! Of coourse I’ll wear a mask except when I’m drinking a beer while waiting for my extra large Sammy’s beloved pizza!!!!! Take the pizza home, put my feet up on the coffee table, cover myself with a TV watching lap robe, and watch a movie. Then…. I’ll read or work on the puzzle.

Do you not like my indecent "split them apart" proposal? What has life become? People!!!! Pray for peace in our hearts and find a way to stop the "J’Accuse" mentality. In 1898, "Emile Zola addressed President of France Félix Faure and accused the government of anti-Semitism and the unlawful jailing of Alfred Dreyfus, a French Army General Staff officer who was sentenced to lifelong penal servitude for espionage." Are we still accusing? Get over it America. Wait!!!! In 4 years we can vote again. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Good morning Cold Moon

I was so hoping for a Blue moon month when the second full moon would be called the Christmas Moon, but full moon was last day in November. We could use a little fun and joy here. The news instead of joy states: "The vaccine is coming, but not soon, and we better get used to that". I heard one voice on TV give the bitter facts: There are 326 million of us in the US… Each needs 2 doses of the same virus each so the virus vaccine must be portioned out to all of us…. and each of us have to be given the same kind of vaccine twice! I hear there are side effects (it hurts, we will feel sick, maybe get a fever) and we won’t want to come back… and we have to come back and get the second dose then repeat: it hurts, we will feel sick, and we might get a fever. Then we have to wait until it fills us and makes us immune. There’s a scientific term for that that I know: "waiting for immunity"….. I’m assuming I’ll stand in line with the 1452 million people…. (thats 726 million times 2). Boy oh boy. I think I’m stuck in isolation for a long time…. I can’t even figure the math…. 1452 doses divided by days of the year…. When will I get my 2 vaccines? I wake to the knowledge that "this isn’t going to be over soon for me." Time to walk and pray, my friends. Pray for a child to guide us…. Pray for a new peace. As Christ rejoiced: Rejoice in the Holy Spirit of God who fills us with his peace (Luke 10:21). It’s chilly outside for most of us. 50 degrees here in Lake Placid. Stay warm. Stay safe. God bless us!

Susie's musings

No, we can’t understand, but Thank Heaven anyway….

My dear friend tells me she might not go back to church because of the turmoil over abortion and other changes in the church…. Whether we like the President elect or not…. we got him for 4 years and many don’t like his abortion acceptance. …. While some of us don’t accept abortion, Pope Francis is offering solace to "same sex family" that the church has not approved in the past. I’m not sure we really understand the Pope’s words about "family" or the church’s stance on "same sex union", although I know plenty of good people who can’t be at a loved one’s bed side because they don’t have a same sex civil union. So, "who am I to judge," says the Pope. Give him credit. He’s not a judge just a spiritual leader. Maybe his legacy will be "no judgment." I have stated in the past that I don’t understand meanness, judgement, name calling, and now, I’m in Limbo over what to "do about the changing church." What will we find when we emerge from isolation? It’s going to be our role to find a way to live and to find peace. God bless us.

About Thanksgiving: On the third of October 1789 (yes, I wrote 1789), George Washing issued a proclamation that the US would celebrate a day of Prayer of Thanksgiving as recommended by the Houses of Congress. We can read this proclamation today!!! Maybe our Houses of Congress should read it!!!! Any way, Washington asked, "Let us unite and render to God thanks for his protection; for our safety and happiness and favor; for tranquility and union. For his pardon." (I might be paraphrasing a little.) It would be good to pull this proclamation up in Google! It is built into our hearts to be tranquil. Imagine a baby being hugged with a belly full of warm milk and a changed diaper. Ah!!!! That baby has received all it needs. Now we adults need to Thank God for fields, rivers that run through our land, flowers that will grow for us if we plant them, and even weeds grow flowers for us! Go out to your private bench and think: What are the good things that grow for us? The day before Thanksgiving, my sister and I spoke of our mother who was the first of her large family to become a "professional woman." Mom was a great nurse who went on in my childhood to finish college and study for and receive a Master of Science degree in Nursing. Mom taught at the University of Miami and I benefitted by being a faculty daughter! Thank you Mom. Often quiet and sad due to a bad marriaage and a lost child, our Mom continued … She often said she had to continue; she had 3 remaining children. Mom taught us to sustain and to grow despite criticism and rages from her husband, my father. (I wonder why I cannot take the "mouth" and criticism and rages of our President…. It might be that, as a child, I used to hide from a big man’s anger and shouting)…. Oh well… I am what I am. Mom taught us to respect family. She never let us disrespect our father even though we came to her crying, she would not be ugly. She taught us love for the Blessed Mother of God. She taught us to pray. Mom loved to hug, and with her touch, Mom healed. Mom flew to the bedsides of my two sisters when they had babies, and she was with me in my surgery. I will never forget looking down at my mother’s fingers assisting the doctor remove stitches from my sewed up belly! Let us remember the ones who loved us and taught us to love. It might not be a Mom, but you can remember the one who taught you to be true to your heart. We are separated by Coronavirus-19, but we pray daily for health, joy (doesn’t that seem far off?), and peace. Pray!!!!! Thank you Lord, for your promises that you keep with everlasting love. Thank you and thank you!!!! God bless us!

Susie's musings

Must we understand?

There are a few things I don’t understand and it probably is because as a human being, I’m wired to be practical which is unusual because I love sunshine, butterflies, blue skies, sunshine, puppies, and Jesus. Wouldn’t these last few make me a Pollyanna? She’s a little orphan with an "indominatable will to see the good side of even the worst situations and bring it out for the betterment of all." I’m always trying to see the sunshine and blue sky! I’m out for the good and I’m for what is right, and I’m always surprised when people don’t do "right." It actually hurts my belly when I encounter what we have been through with the election this term. It hurt that people could sink to yelling things like "Antifa is funded by Biden’s side and Antifa is here…" and don’t forget "Dominion voting software (written in Canada) was written in Venezuela and will turn the vote to Communism." Yep. I got that and lots more thrown at me along… With, "Watch out Susie, you sound like a Socialist." I couldn’t understand living under an authoritarian who didn’t seem to love the little people. In Ezekiel 34, the Lord says, "I will tend, gather, give rest… I will shepherd rightly." I just want us to have a good shepherd for a while….. One flock. United. Not gonna happen is it? I have stopped talking, although that isn’t like me. I’m always trying to "get people to understand!"… Like I don’t understand people not being hopeful…. I don’t understand being in debt, but spending spare money on gifts, and "things". Nope says the practical one (me): "Get out of debt first." I am a practical bad girl when it comes to paying interest and fees!!!!!! I yell "don’t do it!!!" Pay no fees or interest on debt!!! So What I don’t understand is, why can’t everybody be just like me? OH NO!!!! Is that what I want? Wouldn’t that be … I can’t think of the right word. You fill it in. It’s not going to happen. When I get the belly ache, I have to shut off the TV and the phone and go sit on my bench. That’s where you will find me and hope it isn’t raining!!!!

God bless us!!! Be one who loves. Be one who thinks of Susie, the "do the right thing girl," and… grab an angel or two and move forward.

Susie's musings

Can there be too much turkey?

Happy autumn!!! It is amazing here in Lake Placid. Today I wore 2 tee shirts to walk as yesterday I could feel the cool breeze through my one tee shirt. It’s sunny and breezy. Wow! Thank God for this little taste of Paradise!!!! We have a turkey in the freezer that was only 39 cents per pound (had to buy it!!!). We just shopped for tenderloin and bacon (a BOGO) on sale. Don’t you love BOGO? Now unfortunately I have 2 containers of catsup. Might just put one in the donate pile….. Now we have too much turkey. Tenderloin. And bacon. Chocolate pie too (Mama Loretta’s recipe). We should emerge from the holidays looking plumper. We are watching too many Hallmark movies! And if you get UpTV… they make movies too….. Yikes. Poor Chuck. Thank heaven for football on weekends!!!! No hurricane football this weekend (not until Dec 5) as Hurricane coach and some (too many) players… have Covid and have to take 2 weeks off! Time for lunch! Avocados are still in season. So it will be Avocado salad. Again. Is there such a thing as too much avocado??? I was talking with friend while walking this morning…. Time for lunch means it’s time for me to make lunch. We used to go out a few times a week…. So now it’s giant salads or some form of grilled sandwich (every day…) She agreed, we can’t stand the sight of food anymore. God bless you!!! Happy happy weekend. STAY SAFE! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Out or In?

We brought a bench from Miami that has a broken strap. Rather than throw it out, I placed it near the door of Chuck’s shed and now I use it almost every day! When I am changing my shoes from walking shoes to working shoes or when I’m taking off the dirty working shoes, I sit on that bench and look out down the canal towards the East. For some reason the breeze always seems to be in my face on that bench. I look at our trees and at the water always moving by. I feel the breeze and look up at the sky. It is a place where I am alone. The bench is hidden by the shed door. It’s not a pretty place near the open shed! but it’s in a quiet place. I receive an email from a religious group with saint of the day and other messages. Today there is a picture of a woman sitting on the floor at the foot of her bed. The room is dark. She weeps. The article suggests we go ahead and cry and weep, and then, the article suggests praying the Psalm De profundis: " Out of the depths I cry to you, O God." We are in difficult times. Covid is real and it is killing people. The election is over, but we are still fighting about it. Well, I’m trying not to fight…. Go ahead and recognize the ordeal! Lift your head and Plan to live through the day, looking around until you can see the light. I think the hardest thing is to get up from the floor and move toward the door that leads outside. At my age, it’s hard to get up off the floor. I look really awkward in my "get off the floor process", moving from my sprawling position in the yard pulling weeds to standing up… My old body is cranky. My hamstrings are tight!!! It’s not an option to sit in the dirt out in the weeds, but it is an option to sit on the floor at the foot of my bed. I groan. Finally I’m up and I move! When people offer help, I say "No, I have to get myself up in case I’m ever alone." … It’s a struggle. It’s hard! But, get up! Take a few steps towards the window…. Look out. This morning dawned cloudy and misty. "OH! No!!!!!" I said, "I can’t walk in misty rain"…. But get out!!!! It will clear. Of course, I live in Florida, the place of sunshine. Sometimes it doesn’t clear up in the north does it? So make a sunny place inside. Paint it light blue, light yellow!!! Put bright lights there and candles! Go to that bright place every day. Make your own light if you only have darkness. It’s time for me to go out walking and then…. to sit on my bench in the quiet of my yard. Look out and look up. God bless you. Angels with you.

Susie's musings

Is it over? Where is the fat lady?

My friend tells me it’s not over. The election isn’t over. A new couple we met for whom I painted a fish, 2 lizards, and a frog on their dock tell me "the Rapture is coming. Haven’t you read Revelation?" he asked. I have, but need some refreshment on the reading and the end times …. So guess what? The church is beginning to read Revelation in Mass. Today was chapters one and two. So! Great; I get my review with current events in mind. Father Matthew is a new Franciscan priest. It’s been nice watching him progress from Seminarian to Deacon, to priest and now he is saying Mass and he’s a good preacher. He explained first that Orthodoxy is common in the church (faith in truth), but without Love, Orthodoxy fails. What did Jesus say? What would Jesus do? The definition of Revelation/Apocalypse in Greek has been called the final destruction, but Fr Matthew said that isn’t necessarily so: In the Greek it is revealing of Jesus Christ… The Rapture is not in Catholic teaching, so let’s search for it in Revelation. I intend to do just that… Is this the end times? As an aside, I watched some of the Million MAGA March and I wasn’t happy. It seems that hundreds (thousands) of big muscled, bearded, pony tailed white men are marching for Trump saying he hasn’t lost yet. I am sorry for my friends who believe this and tell me it’s the end times. I tell anybody who will listen that we have 200 years of Constitutional Law and Amendments keeping us in order. We hold an election, we count votes, electoral college gets involved which is ancient and needs to be changed, and then on January 20 the (and I hate to use this word as some have made it dirty), the "loser" moves out and the winner moves in. For four years. And then we get to do it again. Suppose we don’t trust in the process? Suppose we think it is rigged and fraudulant? Doesn’t that mean it’s all over? Doesn’t that mean…. The Rapture. When we don’t have faith and hope… might as well give up… it’s over.

Orthodoxy is fighting error. But it must be mixed with Love (charity). St Paul said to the Ephesians, "Let only Love come out of your mouths. No malice. Be kind." Do I think the Lord will let me go if I spew Love? The Revelation of Jesus Christ is to show us what must happen soon. So, let’s begin reading! Chapters One and Two today…. We’ll have to scurry to keep up. Tomorrow is chapter three!!!! God bless us.

Susie's musings

The last page…

In daily Mass (On EWTN on TV) we are reading Luke chapter 17 wherein Jesus talks about the servant doing what he is obliged to do… Even if the servant is tired and full of a days work, he must serve the Master. The servant is rarely praised. At the Last Supper, Jesus said he is the servant. Rarely praised, He receives a lack of gratitude to the point of death in a very, the most, painful manner. The most beautiful and pure man we could ever see, killed by men who reject Grace. Some people we know are like those who reject Grace and some are like the one man out of 10 lepers who returns to thank the Lord for healing. Running to the Lord, singing and jumping! Grateful and thankful. Do I express that? Every time I open my mouth I express what I am and I reveal what I am. St James talked about our tongue, and I must be constantly aware of my tongue as I used some angry words in my youth! Expressing hate was often me expressing what was inside of my aching human heart. Now I’m grown and educated and the "old days" expressing my angst doesn’t work any more! Life’s too short. I remember vividly right after our boys came home from Viet Nam and a friend said something pretty awful, I won’t repeat it, and I remember how shocked I was, and will never forget it. Let us clean up our tongues even when we call our aquaintences names for their selfish behavior… let alone calling politicians names! Tired, full of the work of protecting myself and husband from Covid, and tired of politics, I must protect my tongue and serve the Master. Even more as we age. Serve the Master.

As I watch daily Mass on EWTN, Chuck jokes about Catholic feast days and he asks, "what’s the feast today?" Yesterday we celebrated the courage of St Josaphat, a Bishop who tried to reunite the Eastern, Russian Orthodox, church with the Roman, Latin, church. An obstinate faction of Eastern church people killed him for his efforts. They refused to unify East and West. Lately I’ve read and talked with my friend I walk with about the creation of Missouri and Kansas. When these 2 states entered the union, one had to be slave and one had to be free to keep the numbers even. Lincold battled Stephen Douglas in debates and Lincoln actually lost the Senate race, but won the Presidency only to be assassinated. People couldn’t find solid ground to stand on together so people resorted to ugliness and violence. Oh! let us find solid ground on which to agree. Let our solid ground be based on compassionate love for the poor and disadvantaged. Let it be based on love. Look ahead and look up! Ask, "Who can I help? How can I help?" With isolation from Covid… the answer might not be easy but it’s there.

Cindi McCain just said she hopes the demeanor of President elect Biden will be uplifting for America. I woner if uplifting is what we need…. On our walks, I keep pointing "up" "Look at the birds in the tree" I say pointing to 20 Ibis in the top of a tree. "Look at that! Is it an eagle? Look at that!!!!!" We miss the voices of reason. The voices of working together for the country, the voices saying, "Look up!"… For the American people.

I’m moving to new journal tomorrow! Let’s fill our new journals with great stuff!!! God bless America! God bless us!

Susie's musings

Rain! Rain! Go away!

Excuse me… Its almost Thanksgiving and my Connecticut cousins are cavorting in the garden in 70 degree weather and Florida and the Keys are ducking and weaving to survive a hurricane!!! Well, it’s not a hurricane thank God, but it’s close. The Keys are hunkering down and not evacuating and our friends have shuttered up on Big Pine Key. We too in central Florida have removed all the chairs and toys from the dock. The pontoon boat is tightly tied and … singing "rain rain go away" is occasionally necessary. Lake Placid is under a Tropical Storm warning as announced across the TV screen during a Sunday afternoon Football game… So unreal!!!

The election is over. The votes are counted and many of my friends are …. very quiet, but when they speak… One said, "I cannot support …. him." And she rattled off a few rumors that haven’t been proven. Another ugly thing that I’ve heard is that the Senate will block everything. Oh dear. "My dears." I answer: Let’s give America a chance to …. be America. Opponents are just that; not enemies. We compete. Fighting is against the rules in football and it should be against the rules here too. Opponents are not enemies; they are Americans. WE are Americans. We need to stop demonizing, and decide to cooperate. Lead the little ones to join together to heal and build. Most of my friends are wearing masks to avoid getting Covid and maybe getting seriously ill. So let’s decide to heal our sick hearts too. Joe Biden ended his President Elect speech by quoting from a hymn inspired by Psalm 91….. Let us be raised UP on eagles’ wings! Look up! God bless us!

Susie's musings

Big sigh

As I roll into "position" in the night, and I make sure I can breathe with my face down in my favorite prone position on my belly…. I wonder what makes us breathe. Just now, I paid property taxes online. All you do is click a few keys on the computer, asure "them" I am not a robot", and "woooosh," money is gone from checkbook and my bank… to "their" bank. I then pulled up this blog and let out a long sigh…. "whooosh". Was I holding my breath? I wasn’t aware of that! In the old days, what I just paid in property taxes would buy a farm. No wonder my spirit was clenching her breath.

Life is anxious now. I don’t just count pennies. I count in thousands, which, thank God, with careful investment in real estate…. thousands are in the bank for paying taxes. We count votes too….. I turn on the TV for 60 seconds and I look at "the numbers" and I realize, "we have to wait, for the actual count. No guessing. No algorythms. No fancy math. Just one, two, three, 99,465, 108967, etc etc." Real numbers one by one. Chuck and I both remember counting pennies and dimes as we prepared on a Saturday morning for our monthly trip to, believe it or not, the same savings bank on the Trail and… 62 Avenue? There was actually a TV show for kids when (and this might not be his name) Ranger Bob used to talk to kids about saving money… He taught us to count, save, and deposit into a savings account. From our little piggy banks to the bank, recorded in a little book with our names on it! It wasn’t so hard then as we had no real responsibilities… Just monthly or maybe it was weekly deposit in the savings account. My dears! Let us now dig down and find the things we learned back then…. Hope, along with the careful savings, we learned patience and loving kindness! God bless us!!!!!

Susie's musings

Banging on the glass

Yesterday (day after election), I turned on the TV twice. One time news showed a mob of people banging on the glass at a polling place where mail-in ballots were being counted (not quickly enough?). (If the post mark was before November 3, then the ballot has to be counted!) I am SO Glad that glass disn’t break! Oh what a mess we humans make with our ill behavior. Are we undisciplined? Are we sick? What exactly makes me think I can’t trust the counting process? If I can’t trust people to follow the "rule of order" then…. I feel like giving up. Sometimes, following written rules is difficult because we "see another way". But we can’t just do it our way when a process has been in place for a hundred years. OK maybe the old process is flawed and we don’t NEED the electoral college any more. Why can’t we have a vote "of the people"? I can’t answer that, but… "its the rule" and we have 4 years to change it!

The other thing I saw on TV is the Governor of Florida dissing the people of other states because their mail in ballot counting is taking too long. Give it up people! Quit criticizing!!! What is this teaching our children? "You don’t do it fast enough; You don’t do it the way I do it…. you idiot." Oh dear. My dears: I am praying for 4 years of peace and getting along. We voted. The nation voted more than it ever has before!!!! Now let us grab our God’s hand and walk together. God bless us!

Susie's musings

Today’s the day, and tomorrow, and the next day!!!!!

Today began chilly here in mid Florida! My friends and I walked in near 70 degree breeze!!!! I did not come home all wet with sweat for the first time! YES! Autumn. Today the temperature will get to a high of 75! I promise not to tune in TV to any news channel until at least 11pm. At that time if announcers are pulling their hair out…. Turn Off the TV and say extra prayer! We all figure a few days until everything is counted, and I think we all agree we hope it isn’t so close it goes to lawyers and courts. And… Then we pray for peace and quiet. I heard sirens today and we never hear sirens in Lake Placid. Well maybe once a week. Sirens mean trouble and we don’t have a lot of that here. Hearing a distant train at the crossing of Main Street and Interlake Blvd is our "world coming through" here in our tiny town. Country music plays on the TV, and I’m going to the bank and the grocery store. All is well here on election day. Let’s all pray and look up! God bless us!

Susie's musings

What if it takes 7 days to count?

Today is the day before election day! Finally… I’m listening for just a moment to the news which is in heavy speculation mode …. It might take 7 days to count mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania. Florida maybe take a while too. Houston is fighting to keep 120,000 ballots thrown out. All valid ballots must to be counted. We might not know for 7 days! The White House is building a wall due to expected anger and misbehavior. They built the wall before when there was rioting in DC. So…. Hold on folks. Most of us are good at hunkering down: People in Florida are good at sitting and waiting for hurricanes. My northern friends are good at sitting around fire places roasting marshmallows while blizzards wail… waiting. We have all waited and we can do it again. Keep the judges away. Keep the rhetoric to a dull whisper and wait. Praying for peace will help. My dears! Go out and enjoy nature! God is in the world and He loves us even if we are grumpy and mean… Love and Peace from your friend Susie.

Susie's musings

Slipping; Big time!

I spoke last evening with a friend from Miami who can’t come visit as she has a full time job and is trying both to protect us and to protect herself. Isn’t that awful? We used to sip wine and laugh …. We used to have great meals in lovely Coral Gables restaurants and walk long distances together. Now we are separated and only have the phone or text. She said she feels anxious and unsettled. This calls for sliding closer on the sofa and drinking champagne as we share our feelings, but again, miles and Covid separate us. I told her there is no good result in feeling anxious, unsettled, angry, frightened… now (especially now), or any time. We both know "God is in charge", but even I, who know so well that God is in charge, I slip; big time.

Take today…. I walked without my normal friends today so i prayed the Rosary. I use my fingers, I say all the prayers, I try to get the mysteries of the day in order. I usually end up and realize I forgot the Baptism of Jesus… Same today! I prayed. I looked up at the beautiful sky. I thanked God for the gorgeous breeze and the lake view from the park. Then I even sang a few Marian hymns. As soon as I was finished and I turned the corner onto Cumquat I started thinking awful things about our political nemises. Did you ever imagine what you would do to someone including grilling them, calling down wrath, or infecting them? Well if you haven’t, then you are a much better person than I am! "Stop that!" my guardian angel said! I replied! "Yikes! I know! I know. I did all I can. I pray and I voted. That’s it. No bad thoughts. No bad words. "

In the Gospel this morning (Luke 13:10…) Jesus called out to a humped over lady; he laid his hands on her, and he straightened her up. He healed her. The church leaders criticized him for breaking the law. Jesus! They criticized Jesus! Jesus just turned to them from the Cross and asked his Father to forgive them. They are the worst of the worst for not taking care of their people and for criticizing the good man Jesus, and Jesus says not a word but he prays for them. St Paul says in Ephesians 4, "Be kind, forgive, have compassion." Do I believe this? As I walked home today, I asked for forgiveness… It seems I do this every day! "Forgive my sharp tongue and my judgmental imagination!" It’s not for me to judge; it’s for me to pray and vote. Done…. but I look up, and my guardian angel transmits the message, "Keep praying!". Keep admitting we have dirty feet and dirty hands (humility). Admit we can’t act alone (be merciful to me O God). Let God’s heart come in contact with our heart. Open up and show God (He’s seen it all). I have to ask God to get out his special Windex and wash me every time I let my mind go awry and every time my lips speak "not love." God bless us.

Susie's musings

Planting seeds

Our friend Renee has a beautiful back yard and front yard flower garden. Renee works hard, pulling weeds and replanting, and the result is beautiful. She has butterflies galore! Last time we visited her, she cut a ginger flower and brought it inside. I could barely restrain myself from hovering over the flower vase while Chuck and Renee watched movies on TV. "Susie, what are you doing in the kitchen, again?" Renee would ask…. "Smelling the ginger." I would reply with a silly grin. Finally, after moving into our new house with a big back yard, winter breezes, and a pandemic, I have finally dug a garden spot and planted flowers! Come on butterflies! Well, first, the seeds have to sprout and flower… but it will be this year. A Covid garden is something positive that isn’t torn up and reboxed when a puzzle is finished, or returned to the library when Chuck and I have finished a book. This morning I watched Sunday Mass, walked with neighbors and …. after planting seeds, I finished a puzzle and we are watching football! Busy busy! I hope we can continue with safe football! I hope we can find joy in small creations that keep our hearts happy. God bless us!

Susie's musings

"What’s that smell?"

I remember when we moved to Lake Placid, my duty was to go to Xfinity to get signed up for service and to get necessary hardware. I started up my little car, rolled down the windows and took off for Sebring! As I rounded the corner onto Catfish drive I thrilled at the sight of Lake June on my left. The lake stays with us as we weave around it through orange groves. Then we make a big right turn at a circle and continue along the lake side to route 27 north and on to Sebring. I continued that day with my windows open! What freedom I felt in that blowing wind. All alone on the road. wind and orange trees and lake. I still feel that way … except I’ve noticed there have been big smelly bumps in that road of pleasure. Have you ever caught "that smell?" You stop and check the bottom of each shoe. "What did I step in? is your murmur. Well I caught it again today and yesterdy as I drove yesterday to vote and today to Sammy’s Pizza. WOW! This is big time bottom of your shoe smell! The orange groves get fertilized this time of year. With cow manure. It is pungent! Ah!!!!! Another time of year the growers spray pesticides (I think they do that as there is another smelly time, but it’s not manure….). So I wonder if moving to the outies, to the sticks, is indeed better for us than the smoggy oily smell of our big city. I don’t know which is better. Well yes i do. There is no noise. A traffic jam is 3 cars waiting for the train to go by when we are headed "into town." My belly is full of a lunch time Philly cheese steak sandwich, and, I’m so happy. May all of you get Philly cheese steaks or whatever is your comfort food! Look up! The clouds are beautiful today. Enjoy!!!! God bless us!

Susie's musings

The pride of voting!

Since Chuck and I often bought cruises 3 years in advance and took long car journeys north and west, we always requested ballots for voting by mail. We were often the center of attention at cruise dinner tables, or once at a B&B in England when we lounged around on election day and foreign people asked us lots of questions about our voting process. People don’t understand our electoral college… It’s hard to explain that it kept things even between north and south when slave owners could vote with a heavy impact of being worth more than one vote…. A man was counted based on how many slaves he owned… So a plantation might get 100 votes but have only one man voting. A slave was worth 1/3 or 2/3 of a human being. The census is super important today as it decides how many "votes" a district gets based on how many people live there. I encourage anyone who didn’t vote yet to get your one vote counted… and to study the electoral college and the census. It’s up to "the people" to change things if we want to be counted!

Yesterday at 815am I left the house and got into line at the Lake Placid Community center (the Town hall) to vote with a Rosary and only got in 3 decades. I wore a mask and social distanced… When we entered the hall 5 at a time it was a little crowded but we were moved around and out quickly…. I turned in Chuck’s ballot, turned in my mail in ballot and said I wanted to "punch the ticket." They handed me a pen and I filled in the little circles on the ballot. I wrote on my ballot, slid it into a computer, and got out!!!! Home one hour after I left the house! I used a double dollop of hand sanitizer at the town hall and washed my hands at home. Back to the routine of walking for one hour and … I am done. I might glance at the last debate (I taped it). or not. I don’t know. I don’t want to get irritated by bad behavior. I want to remain calm and hopeful. I pray for unity and kindness. I hope and pray we will not dissolve into shouting and obstreperousness. Good word isn’t it!!!! Stubbornly resistent to control! What is it I want for us? What did I want to say in my last blog if it wasn’t clear enough? We have a moral standard. It was delivered in the early Old Testament. If one believes God speaks in Scripture then we have our standard. We don’t need a bunch of written rules (laws) with addendums…. We have the basics. No killing. No stealing. This includes no anger that kills the soul. And we have the words of Jesus and his Apostles after him… Love one another. I pray for peace. Let us all ask God to cover us with His Grace! Pour out Grace Lord.

Susie's musings

Seeking Peace in a high charged time

I have written about vitriol and vicious words, about rumor, about the separation of us caused by words of accusation. All this caused by discussion of the upcoming election November 3, 2020. I have written about gentleness and kindness; about working together. I have talked about coming together in kindness and working for solutions. I tell my friends to stop "calling names," as I cannot bear accusations against fellow human beings. Maybe the "name calling" helps the accuser to "get it out," but it is not my way, and think about it? What would Jesus say? Jesus said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." (Matthew 12:25) We are a divided house. If my friends talk politics I often find myself backing away at their accusations. I say they are name calling. We are divided. I won’t argue, nor will I say ugly things, even if I’m thinking them in my heart. When people label me, say I am left or right, red or blue, etc, and they label me, "a democrat…", I say, "no, I am not that; I don’t really accept that label. I am a child of God." We are the same family, children of God, yet we stand on sides of a divide and we feel we have to raise our voices in order to be heard across the divide. While fires rage in the West, people are yelling at each other and tossing molatav cocktails and setting fires in cities, in anger. I thank God that I have eyes to see, and ears to hear, but lately, I have turned the "news" off. My church, the Roman Catholic church is divided. I am accosted and talked to, as if I am in error. Ladies with whom I served and worshipped (I have not been to church since March), they tell me to "come on in, you will be OK" and they accuse government of closing churches. Government closed everything to keep us from catching Covid from each other, now churches are open, and I am protecting myself. Without a vaccine, I don’t feel safe. I won’t go back into church until I feel safe. My friends say "Of course, You are voting for…." "You must vote for…" We stumble around each other with me talking about love and kindness as they look at me askance and pray for me… I believe in the sanctity of life, but in a different way. I believe I must uphold the non negotiable value of life, in the womb, and on the death bed. This is the essence of the moral law handed down by God. We all have received this law written on our hearts. God wrote it there when he knitted us together in our mothers’ wombs (see Psalm 139:13). Anyone who has voted or will vote in the next 15 days should consider abortion. Imagine if there were no need for Roe vs Wade or the Hyde Amendment. Imagine a world where delivering a child live and then killing it, had never even been considered. Just writing the words makes me shudder, but that is what late term abortion is. There should be no laws and no court issues. God already wrote: "Thou shalt not kill." We stare into an abyss as we write law defining, "how much and when we can kill". OK so…. rather than a law or court issues; what options do we have for women who don’t want their children? We must gather the funding to care for the women who are considering abortion. Convince the women we will care for them, feed them, educate them, train them for jobs if necessary, deliver their live babies and create adoption solutions. Deliver live babies. This is not to be labled "Socialism." This is answering God with a big "Yes!" God who said, "Take care of the widows and orphans." "You shall not harm … orphans…. I will hear their cry." (Exodus 22: 21) There is a film called "The silent scream" about the pain we inflict on badies when we abort them. Can you imagine God hearing those silent baby screams? The unloved child in the unloving mother’s womb is already an orphan. Give the orphan to a loving mother! The law was written by God! "No killing." We can’t erase the law written by God even if we break the tablets and don’t allow them to be displayed. OH but where will we get the money? I asked the question on Google and I got two answers "Between 560 and 614 billionaires live in the US" — the most of any country — and they control the most wealth. The internet lists 4 American men, Bezos, Gates, Buffett, Zuckerberg with about $412 billion. I can’t even figure out how much money is $412 Billion? How many zeros? a billion is one thousand million. A lot. Wow!

We are driven to killing and it is a Supreme Court Ruling that allows that. We fight vehemently about this law that enables us to kill small children… Yet it is written in our hearts that we do not kill. How can we all stop killing and yelling and get back to what the Founding Fathers wrote, "Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." How can we get back to Life? Back away from the abyss. Grab the hand next to you. Choose life and speak about Life. It is the ultimate kindness and gentleness to choose life. If vitriol is all you can come up with when you talk about the November 3 election, then close your mouth and pray. In Scripture, in 2 Chronicles verse 14, it is written that God says, "If my people will humble themselves and pray… I will heal their land." We will be healed. The whole of Deuteronomy is Moses’ goodbye to his people whom he led out of Egypt under God’s protection. Moses writes: "For this command is not far from you… it is not up in the sky… it is not across the sea… it is in your mouth and in your hearts… Love God… walk in his ways… Choose life" (Deuteronomy 30: 15-20). Choose to speak life not hatred. Whatever the result is November 3, choose Life; Be at peace; Pray to God. Find a way to believe God directs our life. Find a way to work with God. May the Grace and Peace of our Lord be with us.

Susie's musings

20 ladies praying

We gathered under a poster depicting the soldier angel St Michael the Archangel with his foot on Satan’s chest. We all had our Rosary beads and we prayed on the sidewalk outside the police station at Lake Placid. I thought about this gathering in some towns in the US. It might not be peaceful. We might be jeered for supporting the police; for praying for peace. We ended the morning prayer with a rousing hymn… "God bless America." Acknowledging God as Creator and Father, we left that site in peace to return to our isolation. I thought for a moment that I got too close to several people…. Just in talking and meeting new people. It wasn’t 6 feet separating us. OH what has become of us that we cannot shake hands and hug? Sunday morning on CBS did a beautiful tribute to the baseball player who shook hands with Jackie Robinson as Jackie crossed the plate after his first home run. That handshake was the first of what didn’t happen at that time! It was 1946 and white people didn’t touch black people. Now once again, we can’t touch due to virus and I miss it! It will be a while before we can hug, and I pray for peace and a good vaccine! We lay before the Lord our necessities: Cure this land of virus. Cure this land of prejudice and hatred. It’s hard to keep faith in hard times, but we must keep looking up to the sky, to the Cross, and realize that our Creator walked on this earth and promised he is with us!!! We are reading the book of Job in daily Mass… "God it hurts," Job will say, but Job will not lose faith or disrespect God. St Peter wrote that we must cast all our cares on the Lord for he loves us. Let us enter the last month before elections with prayer for our country and our leaders. Be humble and do your jobs!!!! The rest of us: VOTE!!! God bless us.

Susie's musings

make new friends but keep the old!!!

My girlfriend Bonnie celebrated her ….. birthday yesterday! I remembered back to when we were 14 in the locker room in the gym at Southwest High School. 14 years old… debating Elvis vs the Beatles. Debating boy friends. Debating … well what do teenaged girls debate? I remember her mom coming in to tell us to get to sleep when I slept over. 14 years old… Then I met Chuck and Bonnie knew him from when they were "really young"… My Matron of Honor 50 years ago… We have kept close along with all the wedding party except George who passed away this year. Chuck and I keep friends close. Seek the old friends during this time of isolation and find out how they are doing!!! I ask Bonnie "How are you kiddo?" and she answers… "Fine". Bonnie has been through more than I have. She lost her husband while I still baby mine. But, she will survive. as we all will. It’s our job. Happy day all my "Old friends"… God bless us.

Today I joined my friends from St James and actually some others from the Baptist church which is wonderful!!! We met outside the Lake Placid Police department and prayed the Rosary asking for help from St Michael the Archangel and the mother of God, Mary, for our police… We pray that we hold on to the Joy that Jesus promises if we have faith. Have Joy because we are safe in God’s arms. He made us… Would he ever let us go?

In Luke chapter 5, Jesus orders the disciples to fish some more and they tell him they have been fishing all night and got nothing… But, he says, "Go!…" and they catch enough to sink a ship! Jesus says, "Go out into the deep", and .. because they trust God, they go. This is going to be a tough month and it is going to require a lot of prayer for us to stay sweet and sane! Remember, God pours out Grace always. Be calm. Stay sane, and be kind. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Tom Sawyer anyone?

We expanded our dock a few months ago and moved the boat lift to the other end allowing us a bigger shaded space than the original had. But as some know, when wood is laid, it needs to be sealed and perhaps colored. Chuck did as much sealer as we had and then we had to order more. It came and it sat. The shine was off the installation. The Joy was gone… So I said; "I’ll paint it." It has been SO HOT, that a morning walk wipes me OUT, but there is a tropical storm coming… maybe just a tropical depression, but it provided wind this morning. Ah! wind!!! If the sun shines here in Lake Placid, and the wind is still, we rack up temps in the high 90s. Out I went and along came Chuck to open the can. Then he proceeded to watch and advise… Soon, he thought I would fall off the dock and I said, "You are right," looking down off the narrow place I was standing…. handed him the roller and said, "if you will do this part, I can pull weeds." Now this was a Tom Sawyer of sorts, but i still had to work… I weeded the back shrubbery and cleaned up 4 orchids with some new mulch. Then into the showers. Now the big storm is coming in from the south and we will have bad weather for a day. God bless us and protect all my dear neighbors and friends.

Susie's musings

Driving across America

Good morning! For our 50th Wedding Anniversary, I bought Chuck and me an American Road Trip puzzle. 1000 pieces travel from East to West, North to South, include Alaska, but not Hawaii. When we plug in the Statue of Liberty or Niagara Falls we have to talk about visiting there. As we plug in the Grand Canyon or Montana and the great Presidents on Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, we remember the drive home from Kingman Arizona with me coughing in the front seat with pneumonia. Yes, we missed the great Mount Rushmore and the beautiful Yosemite, but we have still done A LOT!!!! I think all the memories led me to consider our favorite cruises… And I came up with Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao. Ahhh! I used to buy 2 cruises and cruise 21 days back to back. Those certainly were the old days weren’t they? I would sit at my computer and make plans; writing on 8 1/2 sheets of paper our daily drive if it was across the US, up the Mississippi or across routes 10 or 40…. Or the ways to get to and from the cruises; the events on the cruises. Ah yes, those were the days. Now it’s "shall we walk all the way to the park or walk down to the Dollar Store and back on Anderson drive?" It’s not "go to show," it’s pull weeds or work on puzzle. Buy yesterday as we sat on our dock, it was just like our balcony!!!! Only here we can see turtle noses!!!! Thank God. What’s your memory? What’s your dream for 2021? God bless us!

Susie's musings

The nun who swung

I have said so many times for us to quit labeling each other… "A democrat", "a republican", "a liberal", "a conservative", "A Jew for Jesus", and more. So I ask, "Why can’t we just say what we want and go for it?" Doesn’t everybody want life, love, freedom, safety? What happened to us that we are fighting and shouting? I’ve watched almost all of the Conventions. I taped them on DVR so I could watch during the day without nodding off to sleep… and don’t you know I missed night 3 of the RNC when the nun spoke. So I’m now watching night 3… I need to hear what she says. She "was" a democrat and is now voting republican. It is on one (most important) issue. The right to life. That might well be a deal breaker. I understand Kamala Harris on whom many of us have pinned our hope, supports abortion into the 9th month of pregnancy; abortion of a viable life.

On night 3 of the RNC, a Mother spoke of her OB/GYN asking her to abort her baby because he was a Down’s Syndrome child, but she would not end his life, rather she fights for her child getting "an equal seat at the table" claiming children’s needs must be met the same as anyone’s: life, education, love. Life first. In case you missed night 3, here is Sr. Dede Byrne’s speech:

Good evening. I am Sister Dede Byrne, and I belong to the Community of the Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Last Fourth of July, I was honored to be one of the president’s guests at his Salute to America celebration. I must confess that I recently prayed while in chapel, begging God to allow me to be a voice, an instrument for human life. And now here I am, speaking at the Republican National Convention. I guess you’d better be careful what you pray for. My journey to religious life was not a traditional route, if there is such a thing. In 1978, as a medical school student at Georgetown University, I joined the Army to help pay for my tuition, and ended up devoting 29 years to the military, serving as a doctor and a surgeon in places like Afghanistan and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. After much prayer and contemplation, I entered my religious order in 2002, working to serve the poor and the sick in Haiti, Sudan, Kenya, Iraq and in Washington, D.C. Humility is at the foundation of our order, which makes it very difficult to talk about myself. But I can speak about my experience working for those fleeing war-torn and impoverished countries all around the world. Those refugees all share a common experience. They have all been marginalized, viewed as insignificant, powerless and voiceless. And while we tend to think of the marginalized as living beyond our borders, the truth is the largest marginalized group in the world can be found here in the United States. They are the unborn. As Christians, we first met Jesus as a stirring embryo in the womb of an unwed mother and saw him born nine months later in the poverty of the cave. It is no coincidence that Jesus stood up for what was just and was ultimately crucified because what he said was not politically correct or fashionable. As followers of Christ, we are called to stand up for life against the politically correct or fashionable of today. We must fight against a legislative agenda that supports and even celebrates destroying life in the womb. Keep in mind, the laws we create define how we see our humanity. We must ask ourselves: What we are saying when we go into a womb and snuff out an innocent, powerless, voiceless life? As a physician, I can say without hesitation: Life begins at conception. While what I have to say may be difficult for some to hear, I am saying it because I am not just pro-life, I am pro-eternal life. I want all of us to end up in heaven together someday. Which brings me to why I am here today. Donald Trump is the most pro-life president this nation has ever had, defending life at all stages. His belief in the sanctity of life transcends politics. President Trump will stand up against Biden-Harris, who are the most anti-life presidential ticket ever, even supporting the horrors of late-term abortion and infanticide. Because of his courage and conviction, President Trump has earned the support of America’s pro-life community. Moreover, he has a nationwide of religious standing behind him. You’ll find us here with our weapon of choice, the rosary. Thank you, Mr. President, we are all praying for you.

Susie's musings

Bugs and Flowers

I’m listening to the news to see what the 2 conventions are proposing, and I’m hearing some accusations, bitterness, and name calling. There is a lot of we and they… Whatever happened to The United States that the fore fathers tried to establish. It may be that uniting 50 different states isn’t working? Maybe the Federal government just isn’t up to governing us any longer??? Should states care for themselves? I am sent out into the garden to look at what God did in creation… bugs and flowers, sunshine and storm. As he created, he sat back and looked and said "It is good!" (6 times). When he finished, he looked around and he said, "It is very good". (see Genesis 1). We live today with bugs and flowers, sunshine and storm. We are praying now for the Gulf coast about to be attacked by storm. We live with good intentions and angry gensures. What we live with is nature and reality. The reality of life is messy. Let us pray for what we need to live – food for the hungry. Beds and books for homeless children. Peace. Health. A cessation to name calling and blame. Love sees what we need. Let us pray for our leaders to see what we need: Peaceful dialog, dignity, loving care, justice, openness to Grace. What else? You add your needs. God bless us. God bless America.

Susie's musings

"When I get where I’m Goin’"

Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton sing this song together and something just struck me. Brad Paisley sings, "When I’m get where I’m going, I’ll walk with my Grand Pappy…". Well, I realized, I never met any of my grandparents. They were all gone before I was born, and some stories like those about my Irish Grandfather are of a rather wild hard drinking Irishman from whom I steered clear. Mother talked about her family, but not much; she was very busy with three small children and the ghost of several angels in heaven that made my mother quiet…. You know who I want to meet and talk with? My Mother’s mother. I’ve only seen one photo of her. By current standards she was a small dumpy woman. Probably in a homemade cotton dress with those old lady high top shoes. She doesn’t show the beauty my Mother shows in her high school picture that I have on my dining room dresser. "Grandmother, I didn’t know you, but I find myself spouting bits of wisdom that I attribute to my Mother. Did you teach her that wisdom? I thank you for that Grand Mother. I thank you that you saw something bright in my mother and you sent her off to nursing school when some of the others before her did not finish high school. Thank You Grandmother." God bless us today in the USA. God bless the immigrants who came here: all 4 of my grandparents from Italy and Ireland. Thank you for that journey that made me an American.

Susie's musings

A million Rosaries

My friend Bonnie asked why we pray Hail Mary…. over and over, repeating the Hail Mary 50 times in a Rosary over 1/2 hour…. And I told her, it’s not just Hail Mary … a greeting from the angel Gabriel to Mary in St Luke’s first chapter, he calls Mary "Full of Grace" and tells Mary she will be the mother of God, but also it ends with us asking Mary to pray for us…. So it like saying "Hello Mother… You are so blessed and so wonderful. I love you. Pray for me now, and at the hour of my death." My sisters and I have been so blessed that all of us have had Mother present at the birth of children (well not me… sorry Mom), and after surgeries. I will never forget watching Mother and my doctor touching the wound in my belly after surgery. … Mom and the doctor. What better thing can we ask? and wouldn’t it be the grandest thing to have our mother there with us, at the hour of death? Many of us can’t have our mother with us, as she has preceeded us. So we pray to Mary, Mother of God, who was given over to John’s care at the death of her Son on the cross. "This is your mother." We take that statement by Jesus from the cross, literally.

Today and yesterday as I watched Mass, the EWTN priest talked about the Million Rosary March. The church is attempting to pray a million Rosaries, and actually counting them through our commitment of time. So if I commit, they know Susie Peabody will pray 100 rosaries between now and December 8, 2020. Check. 100 rosaries. and onward to December when we will reach 1 million. The prayers are for the Covid victims, those sick and those who died. And the prayers are for those who need mercy and healing of their hearts that are full of anger, resentment, violence, all sickness. It just so happens that I am listening to a voice of the Holy Spirit. I heard the priest on the TV on Sunday morning, but it wasn’t until middle of the night that I realized I will pray a Rosary a day at the park, at the circle here in Lake Placid outside the school. I will pray for the health and safety of our school children who started school today. As I sat at the picnic table in the park, I prayed and watched school children in the school yard, in and out, phys ed I guess. There was a loud speaker announcement. Remember those? A disembodied voice comes at you and you have to be quiet…. "shhhh". It all floods over me when I sit still and listen in the park. Make your own personal commitment. It doesn’t have to be Hail Marys although it sure is comforting to know you have a Mother who will be with you…. "now and at the hour of your death", it can be reading prayers and meditations for 1/2 hour. Pray for the children. Peace, safety. God bless America.

Susie's musings

OOPs USPS changes to save $$$ at the wrong time

Let’s say you were called in to "fix things" at an agency or a warehouse or anywhere… because they are in the "red"… Go for it. Make a plan to address the money problems. It might take some cut backs, it might take some changes… Hope if it is a needed service, you will make some great creative changes that somehow save money. I used to do this: First , I looked at the detail on the bills, I made some preconceived notions, then I went out into the warehouse or wherever I was and watched. Gradually I made some decisions as to what needs to be changed to save some money, or to make money. Every leader does this. The postal service has been bleeding since Trump took over. Need to make changes. But not during election time and Corona Virus time when we all need our checks and our mail because we are ordering online… and oh by the way we don’t want to go stand in line at the polls with hundreds of others… Ah! Social distancing and Isolation. Chuck and I have done mail in ballots due to our incredible blessing of being able to travel. Only twice in the past 10 years did we go to the polls. I will probably go to the polls this time. I’ll early vote on the first or second day. I want my vote counted, and I want to be safe. God bless America.

Susie's musings

Its up to US

The announcement of a VP candidate by Biden closes another chapter in a book that is being written as we breathe. Whatever we want or think will be voted and done by November 4. Voting is a fundamental right, granted to all of us citizens, white, black, brown, women, men… I hope everyone will vote and then…. Accept the count. It would be so good for our collective hearts, blood pressures, souls and minds if we would settle down and start campaigning fairly, without ugliness. There are issues about heredity being debated which is the problem with labeling… It’s gets harder and harder in our mixed race environment to call us by a name….. It was always the "rule" to call anyone with any black in them Black. And the rest of us are white. Now there’s Black, Brown, Yellow, and white. I guess I’m pretty sure I’m white as an Irish-Italian (assuming Black folks didn’t get into Ireland or the hills above Rome to be in my heritage). I feel bad that the color of my face helped me rather than the work and study I did… But that is how the game has always been played. I wish we would give up the labels and talk issues. But we won’t will we? I have said it before…. I believe in God, the Father, the Creator. I believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God, Redeemer. The rest is just frosting on the cake.

My sister says "not to be preachy, Susie" … On a lighter note, Chuck commissioned me to paint the garage windows because I complained about being able to see from the street and the front walk all his "Cr_P" on shelves in the garage in front of the garage windows. He’s not going to throw the bins and boxes full of man-stuff away, and I can’t make him do it as it’s HIS garage; so another mural is in the planning stage. This is 2 full sized windows about 8 feet by 4 feet. Today we clipped the hedges in front of the windows and I’m working on a prototype in the art room. Keeps me busy. I will make a water scene with palm trees and a big American egrit center stage. Come on inspiration!!!! Thank you angels for keeping the spiders away. God bless us!!!

Susie's musings

Gratitude inspired by Charlie Paparelli.

Charlie wrote: My friend is dying. He said, “I looked out the window of my office. I saw the beauty of my surroundings. I asked God, ‘Can’t I stay just a few more years?’”

My friend told me this last week. I can’t stop thinking about it. And the more I think about it, the more I understand what is essential in life. His thinking exposed me to much I now appreciate.

My friend loves his wife, his children, his son and daughter-in-law, his grandchildren, his purposeful work and ministry, his friends, and his church family. In short, he loves his life and does not want to leave it.

I love all of this too. But am I grateful?

I once told this same friend how I sometimes battle depression.
He, like me, is one of those people whose reflex is to give advice.

He said, “Each day, I write a list of all the things I am grateful for. I am amazed at how the list seems to grow and grow. The people, the circumstances, the beauty, the problems, the way things have worked out. Even the illness I am struggling with.”

One day I followed his advice. I was depressed. I was in one of those dark moods which blots out any sense of optimism. Sometimes even hope. I wrote the list. It was difficult. I realized my list always starts with people. It never really has anything to do with my stuff or even my environment. People. Always people.

Truth be told. My making this “gratitude list” didn’t help me. It didn’t overcome the depression.
Then I realized, I need to write the list to avoid depression, not overcome it. My friend doesn’t seem to suffer from depression because he is grateful from the moment he opens his eyes. And then he writes his list of all he is grateful for. That is the key.

To Charlie: Wonderful memory piece. It’s hard to sit down and write, "What i am grateful for:"… And you are right. First the people God has placed in our life. Then look out and up… The sky, the clouds. Even when the dark clouds roll in and thunder rolls! Beautiful. Then tune in your ears…. The little clinks coming from the kitchen, the sound of running water. Go outside and listen to the birds. Look for butterflies. Amazing! all beautiful! And made just for us. Read Genesis 1. Six times God said, "It is good." The seventh time he spoke, he said, "It is very good." Ah! It is very good. Keep breathing and repeating what God said, ABOUT US! "It is good; it is very good." Thank you God my Father. Thank you for the Supreme sacrifice you made FOR ME. I will see you God and I thank you thank you thank you.

God bless you Charlie.

Susie's musings

Shaking trees!

If I open my mouth, I shake a tree with my words… and I ask questions like "what is ‘the left’?" "What is a liberal?" "What is Conservative, anyway?" "So medical treatment costs a lot, and your diabetic friend with Obama Care stands in line for hours to get treatment… who should pay for it?" "Why did a person killing another person on camera look into the camera so beligerantly? was he trying to make a point?" "Who paid him?" "Is it really 3 months until election? and what difference will that make in our country?" "Do we really think things will change if Pelosi, McConnell, and Trump are changed out?" and finally, "I think the election won’t make a difference in the rhetoric." Wow! That should take a load off my chest for a few moments, but it doesn’t. I believe it will take a remarkable effort of leaders and citizens to bring the USA together. Saying things that marginalize, disunify, and antagonize cannot improve our toxic environment. We need unparalled leadership; Congress, Senate, Executive, and Justice Branches that speak to each other in non-toxic ways. No "Twitter", but talk from faces that is balanced, and not ugly. No use of words like "fraud," "hoax," or "lies" unless we can show the source. We have a choice to lose hope.

Every day, my niece Jennie’s husband takes a photo of the sunrise on his way to work and sends it to her. How sweet is that bit of love, sent every day? A small beautiful act that opens a day that could be physically or mentally frustrating… but a day that starts with a flower to the heart. All day long, remember the sunrise. Send sunrises. Call out Love! Remember Martha who said to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, Lazarus would have lived." He does live! Jesus, nods his head, back and forth, and says, "Martha, Martha, if only you have faith…" And then Jesus calls Lazarus out of the tomb. (John 11). We have to have faith. Maybe we are being marched off to Babylon until we change. We can either react with Faith and Love, or we can react with Toxic words and hate. We have a choice. As Moses said…. "Choose Life."

In daily Mass lately, the Old Testament readings have been from Jeremiah, the last Prophet who pleaded with the people of Judah to change their hearts or get carriend off to Babylon. Jeremiah wrote, "The lord spoke to me… ‘ Go, cry out. The people have dug broken cisterns that hold no water’ " We have created wells that hold no water. Our hearts are full of leaks and holes. We have "created" that which is no good. We kill with our hands and our mouths, yelling at each other. Jeremiah cried out when Jerusalem was without a shepherd. People stopped speaking of hope and healings. People shouted of pain and fear. People stopped reflecting God, and started reflecting the fear inside their broken hearts. They got carried off and when they returned, priests prayed, "Have pity on us O Lord, and don’t let us return to the way we were. Change our hearts…" Today we plead, "Change our hearts, encounter us, O God-Man Jesus… Change our hearts." Today, let us speak of Jesus, let us be light. Let us think of what our mother’s taught us! I told a young man yesterday, "Remember what your mother taught you." And I prayed she wasn’t full of rage and pain. Speak of cooperation and compassion. Educate children with love.

On my birthday and for a few days afterwards, the church readings talked about sowing seed. Some people sow weeds and some sow good seed. If we water the seed, it will grow. Will it bear good fruit? Hover over the bean and watch! Yes there’s beans. Lots of them! Weeds grow, but God and angels who attend all deaths, separate the weeds and fruit, the goats from sheep, and the weeds are pulled out at the end, and they get burned by the farmer-God. If we didn’t believe this, we wouldn’t have Mother Teresa’s houses of care all over the world. One small woman accomplished so much because she asked God for help. Daily, constantly. How did she attract young women to join her to help people in the hell of poorest India? God brings good out of the fallen world. We must have faith that the fruit will grow and the weeds will be thrown out. So the Gospels say, "Be light! Be leaven! Pray for those who look like they are strangling from the weeds." Right now, that is some of us who are being strangled.

"Only do the right… Love goodness, and walk humbly with your God." wrote the prophet Micah 6: 1-8. Walk humbly. Speak gently. Expect life. Expect Peace.

Susie's musings


Neighbors are SO important. Here in Lake Placid our neighbors to the west are away all the year and they rent the house to strangers in winter. To the east, they live in Chicago and come here occasionally. Oh dear…. Across the canal lives a couple we talk a lot to across the canal. Since we are isolating we don’t dock sit and talk; we talk across an expanse of a 20 foot canal. Today I saw people drive up to the house across the street where a sale pending sign resides (across street was a family that lives in Naples… we rarely saw them either.) NOW the new buyers are a very nice lady Laura Lee and her husband Joseph who want to move here full time and her 2 cousins live on these canals too!!! I’m excited because she says she likes to walk, and she is very sweet! I recommended our cement guy and our dock guy as both did great jobs for us. We miss our across the fence and lake neighbors Kathie, George, and Mike, and our lake friends. We used to pontoon to Glen’s and drink on his dock.

This has been another tough week for the nation… Florida’s "Covid numbers" are suspect and called fake and lies. Do we have a surge of Covid here? Should we give it all up and go back outside??? Of course Chuck and Sue are still isolated. I don’t go to church yet…. I wear a mask to Publix. But if you listen to our governor and our president, we have no problem. Miami has a problem though… there was an act of violence that shocked me in Miami very close to my friend Bonnie’s house at 137 Avenue and Sunset Drive. Bonnie lives about 8 blocks away. Someone (they) tore down a statue of Jesus at Good Shepherd Catholic church and decapitated Him. Can you imagine? I was struck to my belly. I guess I understand ripping down Confederate statues (not Cristopher Columbus or Abraham Lincoln for heaven’s sake), but Jesus? The church prayed for the people who did it, and I will send a donation. In the Book of Wisdom, we are called to fidelity to God’s Law. A wise man is called to love God in a fallen world. A wise man must follow the Ten Commandments which are all about love not hate. Not violence. If we are shaken today by violence, sickness, lack of work, ugliness, we must be "salt" and we must cast light. (Matt 5:13)

Pray for the day when children will ask "What is Hate?" Pray, "Lord, the one you love is sick. Come to our aid." God bless you.

Susie's musings

What I believe

When I walk with my Lake Placid friends (there are two friends I walk with in the church parking lot where there are a lot of wonderful shade trees or on Placid Lakes Boulevard – lots of trees and we walk to Lake June park and we look out at the lake) … anyhow when we walk the talk is generally Covid, politics, the labels people apply to us (Conservative, Liberal, Dem or Repub etc), the future (election, socialism, riots, recession)… We generally talk about family and if someone listened in they would wonder how we ever have enough oxygen to walk we talk so much. I have iterated several time that I don’t believe in lables… I don’t want to have some say "you are this, this, and this, therefore you believe in this this and this." Suddenly I said, outloud as if I were with my friends, "I believe… in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ the only Son of God…" I laughed as I heard my voice out there on Placid Lakes Boulevard… and I continued…"Who was conceived of the Virgin Mary, was baptized, suffered, died and was buried. " Continue through the Resurrection, Ascension and Descent of the Holy Spirit. I recited the whole Nicean Creed there on the sidewalk. So I just continued with the Rosary. It is a 45 minute walk and prayer. Occasionally I would stop to breathe. If you walk and pray out loud, you run out of oxygen. Think about this next time you use a label. What is most important is to remember that we believe and that can’t be labled. And I think most Christian faiths say the Creed.

It’s Sunday and daily Mass readings (on TV; I’m not back to Church yet.) filled me with thoughtfulness. Scripture speaks of suffering….. In Romans 8:18, St Paul wrote, "The suffering of this present time are as nothing compared with the Glory to be revealed… wait for adoption and redemption." I wrote, "What is the Key Word? WAIT" In Matthew 13: 1-23, Jesus patiently explained the Parable of the sower: I’ll paraphrase. You dig a hole in the earth and plant a seed in the ground (the man in the parable scattered the seed). You water and watch the sun warm the earth. You know a good thing is coming! Remember early Biology classes. Didn’t we plant beans? and we rejoiced when two green sprouts came up! Soon (think here of Jack and the Bean Stalk), soon we had a vine full of beans! This always happens! Beans sprout. It’s a pretty good lesson for kids. It’s a good exercise for our times, for those of us who think our bean will never sprout. We are stuck here in the dark, on the couch. For those of us who accuse God of being hidden. Where are you God? Isaiah 55:10, Isaiah says God is at work. His end will be achieved. He perseveres and he rescues the Jews from Babylon. He rescues us.

My friend tells me our world is in chaos. Uproar. Burning. Police, symbol of protectors, are (some of them) being ugly (some) and they are attacked and ambushed. Chuck always said that police wear a target on their backs. People are violent, tearing down anything they can get their hands on (that they don’t believe in). There’s that word believe. So what about the bean? If it is cultured, taught, loved, watered, it grows deep roots and withstands storm. The roots grow deep and seek moisture that we can’t see. Drought comes, but we have faith in the success of that little bean. Let us pray that the bean’s roots hold; that his foundation is deep enough to withstand fire, flood, and drought. Compassion and love planted that seed, gentle values. Yes we had to fight for freedom of the states, and now we have to express the values we cherish. Save the bean!!!! How about intentional, random acts of kindness. Go meet the people on your street (keep a safe distance.) God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

If only I can touch his cloak…

My neighbor’s dock is all messy, falling down, broken and weedy. There are actually several messy docks like this in our remarkable beautiful series of canals, and neighbors are complaining on our neighborhood message board. Why don’t I go over there and ask if I can help repair it? It just needs the broken logs pulled up onto the lawn and carried to the street. The water is cool so I can stand in the water and pull the weeds. Why don’t I do that? Rather than yelling about the mess? Just move!

Do you remember (maybe from your long ago past) a story in the Bible about a woman suffering for years from hemorrarages(icky very icky)… She was an outcast and shunned because of the blood. Jesus walked by, and she, cast out as unclean because she was bleeding, sneaked forward and reached her hand out between the legs and feet of people… and she touched the tassel on his cloak. "If only I can touch the tassel on his cloak, I will be healed." He felt that (faith?). He knows each heart and knows what’s in each heart ("I need help," our heart whispers). (Matthew 9:18). What if we return to earlier days when mama taught us to pray. I remember one time I was standing in the doorway to Mom’s kitchen (doorway between dining room and kitchen in the Euclid apartment). I remember this vividly. I was complaining mightily about a relative who I felt wronged me… Mom listened, waited for me to catch my breath, and said, "Today is Saturday, you need to get to church and go to Confession." Oh darn. That was the last thing I wanted to hear. I wanted SUPPORT. "You are right Susie, that woman is mean to you." Nope. "Get to church." I plodded up the road. The church was walkable, about 4 blocks. I sat down with the priest. Surely he will take my case. "’Pray for her,’ he said." Another "O darn." What is this, a conspiracy? Yes it is. By the great One, Jesus. He is the One who said, "Be still, and know that I am God." "Rest in me." … He conspires to get us close to his heart. So then what?

Pain, anguish, suffering all are valid emotions that we feel, and maybe feel worse now that the television is once again filled with images of ICUs filled with Covid patients in Florida and Texas as opposed to New York and New Jersey who were filled, but now cases are declining. Doctors and Mayors are begging for help… and it seems none is coming except pushes to "open up." Where do we get our strength? Where do we find peace? We can’t see the healing like it happened when Jesus healed and people jumped up and danced around praising God. Maybe our population is too large and the distance between us means we can’t see the miracles, but the miracles are happening. A priest on EWTN said God is like a magnet and we are like a piece of iron…. He draws us in. If we allow ourselves to get close enough, "Clump!" we are up against him. But we have to be still and listen. Now what? Hosea 11 says, " ‘My heart is overwhelmed with pity,’ says the Lord." He says we the people are like lost sheep who don’t have a shepherd. (Matthew 9:32). Can we accept that we have no shepherd? We are milling about, bleating for help… But we don’t get help. In Ezekiel 34, the Lord said, "I will shepherd my sheep." Maybe that’s it. Settle down, go speak with Jesus, be still. Watch and learn. Help that neighbor… Embrace peace. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Nu Normal

Does every generation say: "I think at this time that our country is changing a lot." Words change meanings. The younger ones don’t respect what the older ones respect. Spellings are fooled with, and new words are invented that quickly become "normal." Commas have disappeared and now we just use dashes and …

No kidding. Life is in flux right now! We see in Europe and Russia statues of dictators being torn down. We have done it ourselves for people we have liberated. We are now doing it ourselves. To ourselves. I think a whole generation of "people who know" (old people) are being whittled out (the nursing home people that are so vulnerable and dying). I am on the cusp of vulnerable. I don’t work. I use my social security, that I earned and gave to the government for safe keeping, But they spent it, and now that they have to give it back to me, they resent that… The poor and the vulnerable who don’t work, or who have few skills, and the old and sick will be "sacrificed" to Corona virus to bring our economy back. Fortunately, Chuck and I can take care of ourselves. We can afford to live isolated and not go out. Thank God. There isn’t anything I can do except pray and stay healthy. I think about my sweet Mom, who prayed several Rosaries a day a lot! I ask her and our Blessed Mother for advice all the time! Thank heaven for EWTN as I haven’t been to church since mid-March… I try to stay safe, When I think of something that might help or might be funny, I still blog but don’t have the heart for it lately as what I am thinking…. isn’t fun any more! Life is very good in Lake Placid. Dock sitting is lovely except it’s too HOT!!! So we try to go pontooning at 7pm.

I’m reminded of Ray Stevens who sang: "Don’t look Ethel!" Remember the song "the Streaker!" Well life and our government deserve to be ignored while we tightly shut our eyes…. My friend who is staunchly what she calls Conservative (I don’t use titles or put people in boxes or put names to what a person is…), her son yells at her because he is "liberal." Whatever those two titles mean. Atlanta, Portland and other cities are under fire and Mayors fight with governors. Our governor in FLA says we are OK as we lead the nation in virus cases! All we can do is "Hunker down. Exercise and get in shape." Try to stay alive. Pray a lot. What’s the future? Look up to the beautiful sky that changes constantly. Maybe that’s what it is! Flux. God bless us! Angels with us. I’m headed out walking. Love you.

Susie's musings

As careful as I can… Is it enough?

Good day gentle reader! Yesterday I went to my favorite park where I walk in the mornings. This time, we went by pontoon boat and sat and talked to friends whom we have known since we were 16 years old… Across the table, more than 6 feet apart, outside. Good right? Today Chuck said, "When you went to get our barbeque, you were elbow to elbow getting the food plates." Oh darn. It’s actually the closest I’ve been to people since March. Now what? Wait 14 days? I just read a Washington Post article wherein Fauci was interviewed. He is 79 years old and considers himself very high risk. If they get take out and have an outside picnic, all the delivery food is in separate containers so no one has to stand near anyone to scoop their beans. OOPS. He says he wears a mask in public and he will not fly. I hope hope we can live through this pandemic without killing off many more Americans. I’ve read that even when one heals, there is damage to heart, lungs and possibly brain. So, my dears, don’t cluster around the food. Take your own food to picnics. I’m staying inside again and being more careful.

Today is 4th of July when our Founding Fathers pronounced the Declaration of Independence in 1776. And kept slaves until 1865. It wasn’t until 1965 that America wrote what we thought was "final" legislation giving rights to people of color. I am sure many of my older friends remember how Black people were treated, and still are treated. The Declaration of Independence did not address individual freedoms… It was to separate the States from England and her despotic king. It wasn’t for 90 years that slaves were finally freed. So our Founding Fathers owned slaves, but that wasn’t illegal. I think it’s time to let that go. People made terrible mistakes. Let us move forward today in peace and prayer. Let us ask God to help us to humbly make changes that truly make people equal and safe. Go please to your google sites and read the Declaration of Independence, and start today being kinder. God bless America. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Is Bigger and Better Best?

This morning as the Market opened, President Trump held a news conference to announce jobs growth. While he spoke, the market opened and climbed 400 points over yesterday’s number. The President promised a bigger and better, even best 3rd quarter economy, just in time for the election. But meanwhile, men like Anthony Fauci and hospital center directors across the nation are warning us we could have between 50,000 and 100,000 Americans stricken with Corona virus every day. I do not watch a lot of TV news, but I have seen 2 walk throughs of hospitals, and in both cases, doctors try to show what Corona virus does. It turns the lungs into a disaster area. If respirator is required, it means the lungs can’t work and airways are turning bloody and fragile. Who is going on respirators and dying? The old, the fragile, the vulnerable, the poor who live crowded together. Those of us who can afford to stay home are doing all right. We can afford to stay home and we should. Those who have to go to work to feed families are succumbing to virus and carrying it home. The ones who are partying and getting sick should be seriously chastised and sent to their rooms. A report indicated that Florida should get a stay at home order, and our governor won’t even say we should wear masks. Life right now is crazy, and the only hope we have is to isolate. And it’s coming on 4th of July weekend!!!! So is Bigger and Better Best? The President thinks so. What do YOU think? God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

In this storm

My friend Pat and I walked and talked in the church parking lot on Monday, talking of the "awful" things happening in this world, about those in our families who claim to have no faith, who might get sick through careless behavior, … other items of discussion were man’s inhumanity to man, careless treatment of children, pandemic, our fears… As we talked I became increasingly aware that we could let fear overwhelm us if we don’t stop and look up. I felt stalled, but I could only say, as others have said to me, "The Lord is in control." We can’t see him and his controlling, compassionate hand, but we can read and see him in Scripture. See Matthew 8:23. A huge storm threatens the small boat carrying 12 men and Jesus "to the other shore." Jesus sleeps. Finally, the frightened men wake him up, crying, "Save us O lord!" "O you of little faith," he answers peacefully.

In 64AD, Nero initiated mass persecutions of Christians, ripping them up, feeding them to his animals, burning them alive, in his Circus which is now the site of St Peter’s in Rome. The first martyrs died, "covered in the blood of Christ," singing, "Lord save us!" We are challenged today, and he continues to answer, "O you of little faith. You still doubt me!" Today, Matthew continues (8: 28), Jesus sent demons into swine and sent them all tumbling into the lake to drown. The townspeople, not liking that solution, begged Jesus to leave the area! Not liking what is happening… Not believing the Lord is aware and in control? So my Mom might ask, "So what are you gonna do?" Continue forward, head facing forward, looking up. Beautiful sky today, by the way, looking like balls of cotton!!! God bless us! Angels with us.

Susie's musings


Remember when we had jobs and a yearly plan and even a 5 year plan was vital? In evaluations bosses would ask, "What would you like to accomplish in the next month that will lead to achieving your plan for 2020? … Where would you like to be in 2021?" Now that I am retired, from several careers, I have different goals: I have some plans for myself like "losing 20 pounds" "walking an hour a day daily and keeping at it" "Painting a few canvases and joining the art leagues in my town when things open up again and virus is under control" …. and that is for 2020. I’d like to celebrate New Years Eve on the lake watching fireworks! I’d be happy celebrating 4th of July on the lake!!!! I’d like to Be peaceful, healthy, agile. I’d like to feel joy, and give joy. Short term, long term that is what goals are all about. There is no money in my goals. God has been good to us, and we have enough. I think being peaceful is the biggest. God sent the disciples out to preach and teach, and he said, "Take nothing. Eat what is given to you and sleep where you are taken in." Wouldn’t it be wonderful to trust the Lord? The gospel is not about prosperity, it’s about suffering… It’s about the Way of the Cross. It’s about changing our hearts and praying for "the others." Today is Sunday… traditional day of going to church … At least let us go out and praise God for the beauties of nature he has given to us. Amen! Alleluia! Thank God. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Friday… oh goodie!

Remember when it made a difference that it was Friday? Rules were looser; we had casual Fridays, sometimes lunch was brought in, we generally got out an hour early…. Now, I will do the same thing as I did yesterday, and the day before. Life after Covid 19 is even more restricted than life after retirement. I used to go after Mass to the Parish Center where a group was doing crafts, blankets for babies, cards specialized for festival days and given to folks in nursing homes. There is a knitting/crocheting group and a Rosary group who make gifts and Rosaries. That work stopped at noon and we might have a snack together before heading home to husbands who were employed in mowing the lawn or fishing all morning. Now… The group is likewise employed as I am, many in isolation, not ready to go out. We are isolated, quaranteened and looking out at an earth that suddenly holds fear of disease. It’s almost July, and we are still inside. The funny emails no longer come. I think we are worn out. We languish. Like the people who languished on the streams of Babylon….

Today’s and yesterday’s Mass readings from 2nd book of Kings 24 and 25 follows upon the long listing of kings after David who "did evil in the sight of God." They ignored the First Commandment and built altars in the highest places for their foreign wives and invited the idols into their palaces. Killing for greed (like Jezebel did) was normal. Finally the Babylonian king burst through the defenses and carried Jerusalem off in 2 waves… The Temple was burned, palaces were destroyed. A remnant was left behind. Never a perfect people, at least the people had their symbols in Jerusalem. Now, languishing on the shores of a river in Babylon, the people can only weep for what is lost. Jerusalem is in ruins. Never perfect, the people left alive in Babylon, have nothing but memory (Psalm 137). Wow! How grim. I’ve been reading about "American sin" and the stories that are coming out about our building ghettos for the black communities, "outside of town." Sundown towns where people of color had to be out by sundown, etc. We hanged people for their color. In Matthew 8, a leper goes right up to Jesus and asks for healing… "If you will do it, Jesus." Jesus answers, "I will do it." and Boom! the leper is healed. Jesus doesn’t retreat from the leper, rather he puts out his hand. God has sent to the people who failed repeatedly to love a gentle, loving Savior. The Law no longer comes from stone tablets, although the law of the Ten Commandments still is the base stone, but the law comes from the lips of a traveling young preacher who said, "Take my words of love into your hearts, and love your neighbor." Love. My dears. Go outside and look at the beauty of nature. Enjoy some quiet time in the shade (It’s hot out there!). I’m off for a morning walk. You go too and say a little prayer for our hearts and our country. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Unions needed?

Please let us remember our history lessons. Unions saved small children from working in factories and put the little ones into school. Parents might have needed the money the children earned, but then unions got salaries raised. Police departments were created to "keep folks under control." Many of those folks were black, and "under control" meant keeping them locked onto the plantations, and out of white businesses and bathrooms. That was not so long ago…. So today when marchers say, "Defund the police", I don’t think we mean to abolish police, until we abolish crime… What a conundrum. In the past few weeks I’ve said increase education, child care, young mother care and single mother care. Increase mental health, alcohol and drug abuse services and centers so drunks aren’t shot in the back or strangled in their confused ranting stages. Today Sunday Morning on CBS covered this and the leader of the Police Chiefs’ Union talked about it. We must remember what started all this… and acknowledge what we need to do. Prejedice is real. Let’s be kinder, gentler people.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Apple said (on Sunday Morning) "We must start life on equal footing. If you work hard, you get ahead. Pay what you owe and then give back (more)." What an act of kindness that would be. Chuck and I were born white and somewhat middle class. I remember my father and mother struggled to provide for Christmas. We didn’t have a lot of extra money. But hard work got us forward. Chuck and I worked hard to put money aside. Thanks Chuck.

A beautiul white American egret visited this morning. He came very near… It’s interesting to be "studied" by mother nature!!!! When he’s done; he just flies away. Thanks God for nature! God bless us! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Just what the doctor ordered

Have you ever had it all played out in your mind when you walk into a place and it plays out that way? I do my research most of the time and write a bunch of questions to ask a doctor. But he covers everything and then he asks, "now do you have any questions?" He sees that 8 1/2 x 11 paper in my lap… he sees me writing replies next to my questions. Well today it was the same. He wants what the 3 cardiac doctors before him told me what to do. 2 blood pressure medicines to keep the aneurysm quiet. Pooey. Plus he doesn’t mind that I am gaining weight. He probably sees it in every patient who has Covid19 syndrome… the growing belly… the slightly rising blood pressure. He is happy as a clam that I walk an hour a day. So why am I gaining weight? Potatoes, noodles, cheese, butter, full fat yogurt, meat. Oh did I forget vegetables? I know, do you find yourself eating richly but with no vegetables? Tonight I added green beans to our sausages ("homemade" by the butcher in town) with baked beans! We are still isolating and spending too much time on the sofa because Covid is still hot in Florida. Hospitals are full so we are laying low hibernating… Take it easy, be kind, and be at peace. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Can-do old fashioned!

Today for the second time I cut my hair (front and sides). I can’t get around to the back. Perhaps it will become a pony tail… The young lady who previously cut my hair here in Lake Placid is still "out at home." She has a child and she is caregiver when child is out of school (since March 15). So, going au naturel is a challenge, but a can-do thing as I’m not willing to go to a hair salon yet due to Covid as positives are "up" in Florida. Who is going to say my hair is raggedy since I gel it and stand it up?! Today was a "Come to Jesus day" as I made all the medical phone calls I have been avoiding… Our general practice doctor here in Lake Placid is very thorough. He wants bone density exam every 2 years, mammograms, blood work, blood circulation, carotid arteries all checked. If he finds something wierd, off you go to the specialist. Well with the aneurysm I have to keep blood pressure low and heart beat down. That takes 2 medicines which I do not like. So I guess I took one of them, prescribed in Miami, until it literally ran out. No refills. I’m not totally disobedient; I do not let heart medicine run out so the scramble began yesterday, "who wants to take care of Susie’s blood pressure which is taken care of to keep the aneurysm quiet"… Not the thoracic surgeon, not the vascular surgeon. It is like it was in Miami with everyone pointing to the general practice doctor. So I have to hope his knowledge is up to date on beta blockers and calcium inhibitors…. which is what these two meds are; all to keep the aneyrysm quiet. It is very creepy "maintaining an aneurysm". Meanwhile I have to get medical records from Baptist in Miami for mammogram and bone density. It’s nice to get a comparison so they don’t think "conditions" are new and they panic.

Oh, and the other one is gastroenterology. Got reflux? It can be damaging. So when the tv ads started talking about Zantac lawsuits, and I realized I had a constant belly ache and pain from an acid reflux med, I quit it. My belly pain cleared up, but general practice doctor freaked out! "Get to a gastroenterologist!" he ordered. OK, OK. I’m seeing general practice this afternoon for blood pressure and he’s going to ask…. did I have appointment? No, but I made one. Dragging me, kicking and screaming, to specialists takes a village. May the village people be kind! God bless us.

Susie's musings

Jezebel still lives

This morning in Mass one of the readings was from 1 Kings 21. Jezebel was a raging beauty and an evil soul. Her husband, the king, wanted a vineyard, but the owner of the vineyard said he couldn’t sell it because it was his family legacy. It was a big Jewish custom to pass land down in the family. So Jezebel took her husband’s seal and wrote letters to have the vineyard owner cursed and killed by stoning. Then she told her husband he could go ahead and have the land. Hearing about this and other evil actions make us cringe with disgust. How dare she have a man killed because he defended his family land? How disgusting the times when we take what we want if we are more powerful. Times haven’t changed much have they? Psalm 5 weeps, "Lord, listen to my groaning." … We beg for change. We read the saints for they somehow seemed to "see" the issues clearly. They saw good and evil and saw the roots are in our hearts. What is it that makes us react with distain and disgust to evil actions? What makes us turn back towards the person who hit us from the rear and we retaliate? We detest and disdain our enemy and feel nothing but disgust. And our hearts hurt. Old Testament writers dealt furiously with Jezebel. She fell out of her window, and dogs lapped up her blood. (just as the prophet had predicted).

The line separating good and evil passes right through our hearts; not through politics or economics, but through our hearts. So how do we find peace from this heart ache? Remember when Christ yelled at the money changers in the Temple? We call that righteous indignation. He did not do that very often. Instead, Christ’s teachings, tough as they are in "what we must do" were gentle. His low voice constantly calls us to learn humility. If a man hits us from behind with words or deeds? Give him the other cheek… God gives us the grace and strength. He pours out grace like a giant pitcher of grace pouring out. We are covered, only many of us don’t know it.

My friends talk about violence, law, police, abortion (etc) and always there’s mention of what Biden/Obama or Trump won’t do or does, what’s conservative or liberal or democrat or republican, voices start to rise with agitation and I start to get quiet. Mentally I take a step back and take a deep breath. My feet aren’t moving, but my mind is… If I can get a word in it’s , "talk about the issues; talk about what humanity needs to be human, to be dignified. Talk about ‘what if we could solve this problem’ … what would we do?" All of us, working together, could come up with some ideas. In love. In Christ. Call Christ into the circle! Who actually is in charge? Our God and Creator knows what we need. He is the one who fills us with that grace poured out. Take a deep breath and pray for peace that starts in our hearts. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

My Baby loves me just the way that I am….

Martina McBride was belting out this song on Xfinity Music Choice which is on most of the day…. And I, looking for the basket of laundry clothes pins, stopped and listened, wondering "Gee, I wonder what I look like?" It’s been since way before March 15 that I got a hair cut and color. I have gained a few pounds and face cream and make up are … someplace. I’ve been through 2 cataract surgeries since isolation so I don’t like to put anything on my face except eye drops. But…. What do I look like? I looked in the bathroom mirror and heaved a sigh. My hair is way too long for my liking. It’s all fluffy behind my ears. Like puffs of gray-blond hair…. the top is rather frazzled looking. I’m in a tank top and shorts and bare feet…. carrying a laundry basket and clothes pins. Not necessarily the movie queen of the week. I remember house wives, wearing scarves over pin curls, a house dress, real shoes and probably stockings… Well, I guess my mirror is lucky I’m not presenting myself at 1230pm on a Friday in my pajamas!

Today I cut Chuck’s hair. I sat him in the bathroom on a small chair on the tile floor and proceeded to run my fingers through his hair and clip away! First one side and then the other side. His hair is soft and fluffy and beautifully white. Did I say soft? One side is actually longer and thicker than the other! I did not clip the back. Just the sides, over the ears, and "a little off the front." This was a really fun exercise. I just didn’t want him at the barbar shop yet. Me either… at the salon. So, next exercise is the scissors to the sides of my hair. OK Mirror, I’ll try to put a little face cream on my wrinkles.

Finally, about what’s happening outside. I understand Florida is a red state. Red for infection rising (not democrat or republican!!!)… It probably started with all the partying. "Kids" can’t do like old folks… Kids don’t think "it" will get them. "It" might be disease or death… Although I think our kids are answering the call to "human rights." Let’s see if they who saw nothing done about school shootings can get something done about murder by power on small people. I heard that Lexington enacted a ban on "no knock warrants." I am so glad about that. For heaven’s sake…. If you think there is someone bad in there, send a squad to the back door and knock and bang yelling "police"… Do not break into a place in the middle of the night. or ever. Also the word "defunding" is appearing. I made a mistake and said to a friend tht we ought to strip the police naked, wash everybody, and start over again…. Well I guess the analogy isn’t a good one. What I mean is get down to the basics and examine everything and strip out those who need investigation, examine the investigations, and look at how we spend funds for child care and child eduation, mental care, homelessness, drug programs, feeding and teaching, and mother care. We still have to get a handle on drug sales (opiods), cyber crime, 911 calls, rape, assult, and all the violence that happens in a crowded world. You can see how difficult this issue is in the 5 minutes you turn on the news. After that, you can turn TV off and sit down and come up with a plan for some change and get it to your legislature.

This week in church (TV church on EWTN) we are focusing on "seeing God’s face" as in "Lord let your face shine on us." (psalm 4). We can’t see anyone’s face if there is no light…. Jesus said, "You are the light of the world" … Shine like light and hold on to the Word of life. The Word tells me God came to earth and we celebrate this at Christmas… He was a tiny, vulnerable child who needed love. We were that once, and in many ways we still are. Let your frightened, vulnerable heart be made peaceful by leaning back on the chest of our Lord who picks you up… May I be so still and quiet that I hear his heartbeat when he picks me up. (Listen to his whisper… 1 Kings 19:9-16). Amen. God bless you.

Susie's musings

What we do here….

My sisters are very conscious of their little sister (me) and her "anxieties…". One sister says she senses my angst, and that I fall back to religion. The Pope writes: "Prayer liberates us from our instinct toward violence." I don’t want to have even the instinct (the animal brain, or some call it the lizard brain) which prompts us to respond with violence and fear to violence and ugliness which I can easily do. I spent the weekend in deep discussion with house guest Karen…. we were prompted by recent George Floyd murder and aftermath "unrest" and we watched Catie Slipp’s documentary on Netflix called 41 Shots. Catie is the Story Editor for one of 6 documentaries called Trial by Media. She chronicled the aftermath of 4 police officers shooting and killing a young immigrant from Guyana…. He was entering his small apartment in the Bronx, entering a vestibule about 10 feet long by 5 feet wide. 4 police officers accosted him and fired 41 bullets into the vestibule. He was unarmed, probably didn’t know the "rule:" "STOP, put your hands up in sight, and PRAY (that they don’t shoot you)." The documentary was captivating and visceral. It sparked many discussions of police training…. Chuck said training in the 70s involved 2 shots then stopping. Many police were being killed, because criminals weren’t stopped." So now… Training involves fire until the suspect goes down. If a suspect remains on his feet… the police reload. So… What happened to George Floyd? There are pieces missing from the video we see. I thought I saw the police shove him into the (passenger side) back seat of the car and then suddenly there he is on the ground outside the car, on the drivers side, with a police officer Knee on his neck. What happened to "take him downtown and question him?" With questioning, the whole $20 counterfeit incident would be brought into the light…. NOW… we citizens who write the laws and rules have to decide… What is offensive to us? What will we accept as actions by others? What is right?

Another name came up this weekend: Breonna Taylor. I think everyone knows that many of us have a weapon near our bed. If I hear the front door broken in, I am to roll out of bed, keep the bed between me and the door, grab my gun, cock it, shout "Get OUT!!!", and shoot if anyone breaches the bedroom door way. Yikes. I hope that never happens. Police were enforcing a "no knock warrant". For heavens sake! It means police can break into a house without warning!!!!! The warrant had the right address, but it was for a man Breonna previously dated who mailed a package to her. She died before she got her moment to explain…. "he’s not here… I don’t know where he is." If necessary they could "take her downtown, and question her."

The young Story Director Catie Skipp had sent out a political cartoon asking … "which act of taking a knee to make a point…. (Colin Kaepernick or a police officer) will Americans decry as an offensive violation of Patriotic values and constitutional rights?" Something like that. I reacted violently to the question and answered "neither! I accept neither!" I don’t equate them or say anything about their value. What I reacted to is "lack of respect for what the flag represents (I used the term "who we are") versus lack of respect for law and life. Both are offensive.

Karen said, but we aren’t what the flag represents anymore. We are a nation who sits on our butts during the National Anthem…. We don’t respect … etc etc. The argument went on through the weekend. And I came out of the weekend saying…. "It is who we are. As Americans, we are the values we were bred with." I think my mother said to me…. "You must do this… that is what we are." Whatever the "good" behavior I was supposed to emulate was based on breeding and teaching. Mother taught us to do good. Work hard. Seek the best. Do I kneel, looking at the ground, or do I stand tall? I stand tall, hand over heart. Struggle to know what is good. Struggle to do good. Peace is what Christ did. He destroyed obstacles to Peace. We can find our way to peace. It’s just a hard road for us who are so covered with negative news and ugliness. Be kind.

The small birds are still struggling for the bird seed. The lady cardinal still comes to the feeder, but she backs off when the big guys come flapping their big wings. She doesn’t fight. You go girl…. God bless us! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Big and little birds

Something has happened at the bird feeder! Today my friend and I sat watching for several hours the big and little birds sharing the bird feeder. It’s a dance indeed as the small birds land and the big birds land at the same time. They dance around and manage to get some feed before one or the other falls off with all the flapping of wings. A squirrel has figured out how to leap from chair back to chair back, to an electrical outlet box, to the post that he treats like a ladder… then he got up to the rafters… The leap to the top of the feeder was not pretty and the squirrel rolled and kept running when he hit the deck. As we watched, that was the closest the squirrel got to the bird feed. Two cardinals came for a time and prettied up the place and then… the rains started! Life goes on here on the canal.

If I don’t listen to the news, I can’t talk about it. Instead, house guests and us are watching a John Wayne movie!!! I pray for you that the birds are coming to eat of your gifts, or you are helping some little ones… God bless you! Angels with you!.

Susie's musings

Don’t need more…

My friends writes to me, "We need cops; we need fire fighters; we need national guard; we need Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines; without them there is no order; as you can see." My immediate gut responce is, "Military is not to be used to protect us from within… Dictators use military to keep us under control."

In 1770, we had nothing but our squirrel guns when we revolted (and a few Polish and French supporters). We revolted because the King of England tried to dictate to us. We had nothing but our hearts and a few squirrel guns … Now, granted, our population is (too) well armed, and there is no king. There is only "We the people," and we must police ourselves in every town and state or we will have no freedom. Let us all make sure the "protectors" are our own people. Make sure the captain comes from our community. That "they" are "us." Then let us say to them "we all have the right to a trial." Watching video of the take down of George Floyd, people are beginning to ask, "Why wasn’t he put in a car and taken to a holding cell in a police station" (where he and the officers could get a breathing space). And then… oh my goodness, am I saying this? Let the lawyers take over. In America, under the law, we look at the original crime; investigate and prosecute. Was he trying to knowingly pass a bad $20? Did he take something from the store without paying for it with valid currency? Prosecute that, in the safety of a precinct. The ride to the precinct would be the end of the story and police would go back to their jobs. That’s the way we do things here in America. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Flight of the Butterflies

Good morning dear gentle readers! Today is a day when I focus not outside, and not even inside on my soul, but on the floors and window sills. It is flight of the butterflies Thursday because we have house guests coming on Friday. I woke up with a mission…. First a bath and clean the bathtub. I don’t do any kneel on the floor and scrub routine, rather I fill it and get in. Then the cleaning can be done while my feet soak!. Bugs begone. Have you ever noticed that flying knats love the bathtub? Out damned bugs! Clean the window sill like it’s always been that way, dry me, and come out all victorious to watch morning Mass! Today is Thursday and our weather is a bit cloudy with a massive amount of rain headed up the Gulf of Mexico towards New Orleans. We have a flood watch here and I see the Mississippi River is full and at flood stage… potential flooding everywhere from too much rain. What are you doing Mother Nature? Pray today for peace and do a little bit of scrubbing. Be calm and joyful. God bless us!!!! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

We don’t do this here

I haven’t heard this spoken yet, but it would be great to be able to repeat it all over the United States. "We don’t get another chance to fix this," said the Governor of Minnesota. We must change. Let us look at practices and rules for regulating behavior in all levels of government. Let us raise expectations for kindness. If we must, let us take off the guns. What if police took off their gun belts and walked into cities and towns? Walk in… In the very old days, police wore a billy club and walked in town. Even then, police beat up citizens. "We don’t do that here." Repeat those words twelve times a day if you have to. Repeat the words of God in Jesus Christ, "Love your neighbor."

Let us meet with and thank police and soldiers. Let us change the way we see police and soldiers. Military is supposed to protect us from outside attack, and to preserve our lives and country from outside attack. The police is another matter. The role of police is to protect people and property in our towns and cities. We have rules, and the police job is to protect the rules. What sparked George Floyd’s death and the subsequent rioting is the alleged passing of a counterfeit $20 bill. A store clerk called 911 and said a big guy who was acting drunk took cigarettes and paid with a counterfeit bill. "Oh by the way, he’s black and he’s big; 6 1/2 feet tall". Police responded, and I think we can be certain that angry words were shouted. After that, it looks like Floyd was put into a police car and he wriggled out. At that point, Police had to contain the situation and get the accused person out of the area to the police station. What happened next seems to most of us as something we don’t do. Keep saying that, "We don’t do that here." Make this happen. Take off your guns. Close your mouths if violent hateful words are about to come out. Put fear in your back pocket and sit on it. Pray for peace and a calm, old fashioned America. Fly the flag and know what it stands for. God bless us. Angels with us.

( 1045 am Wednesday) Coral Gables Police Chief just said about dominating police presence: "We don’t do that". He is police chief who initiated meeting of police leaders who knelt on the steps of Coral Gables Police station on Friday. God bless them! We do this here.

Susie's musings

Tear gas and rubber bullets are the answer to bring peace

What if you call the family of George Floyd to offer condonence, but you don’t let them talk and you march to a church that is locked and stand in front for a photo op, but you didn’t call the ministers to alert them you are coming? How right is all this? I feel certain some of my friends are happy as clams that he went to church and lifted a Bible. But please Google this…. Please google, "US Bishop ‘outraged’ by Trump’s church visit." The steps of the church were full of church priests and seminarians and medical aid workers giving out water and snacks. Yes a part of the basement was burned last night, but that can be replaced church leaders later reported. … The aid workers were astounded when they saw people running toward them, being herded away from the site by tear gas and rubber bullets. They had no warning to clear away which we would do (clear away) if someone said we have to clear the area because the President is coming. He lifted a Bible, and someone asked, "Is that your Bible?" and he answered, "It’s a Bible."… This led me to wonder… I’m leaving my home and going to church… I pick up my journal and my Magnificat (my daily prayer and Mass book). Christians going to Church pick up their Bible. Let me ask you: You are at home and headed out to stand in front of a church (to pray for peace?). Where is your Bible? I know where the Bible my Mother gave me is. I would probably grab that one. I know where the 3 Bibles are that Charlie and Kathy Paparelli gave me. I know where my Emmaus Bible is. All precious and given to me at times in my life when my Christian life was growing in Grace. Is it my Bible? "Yes"… Or no, if I don’t have mine…. "It is a friend’s Bible." About our faith and when we go back to church… Our Bishop for my county here in Florida has determined our rules for when we can go to church. He is opening the churches gradually. The Federal government can not tell us or me when to go to church. That is my call and my Bishop’s call. "Liquor stores are open and abortion clinics are open." Well that’s not my call. They belong to the state. Please look at the areas where Trump is tromping. Remember he ordered churches open for Easter, but he played 2 rounds of golf on Easter. He’s stomping in the wrong area!

From ABC news account: "Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde issued a response to the president’s visit to the church, "The President just used a Bible and one of the churches of my diocese as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything that our church stands for. To do so, he sanctioned the use of tear gas by police officers in riot gear to clear the church yard. I am outraged." end of quote. Please my friends, call him what he is, a Bully. (A dictator?). We have had this trouble before. White people have horribly killed black people…. and have gotten away with it and neighborhoods were burned. We don’t seem to have a solution. Chuck says when he road "shotgun" in the Miami McDuffie riots in 1980, the shotgun was cocked and ready to shoot. He could have been one of those who shot a human being…. He said, he saw movement near a building, he readied himself to shoot and a National Guardsman stepped out. That shot gun could have ended my husband’s peace forever if he had used it….

Copied from Google: "Bishop at DC church outraged by Trump visit:" "’I just can’t believe what my eyes have seen’ And Greg Brewer, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, tweeted that he was “shaken watching protestors in Lafayette Park gassed and cleared so that the President of the United States can do a photo op in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church holding a Bible.”

“This is blasphemy in real time,” Brewer said on Twitter. Today’s Gospel is from Mark 12:13. Jesus said we must render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and render to God what is God’s … We are bound by moral truth and we submit to God, our freedom and our human dignity are God-given, but some would take away the dignity and freedom. Recognize civil authority as Jesus had to recognize the Roman government, but we are bound to preserve human dignity…. to develop the Garden. What’s most important? God and the family, and our world. God be with us. Angels with us.

Trump plans to visit St John Paul II National Shrine today. It is 11am. Pray for peace. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Pentecost: Come Holy Spirit

Surely every Christian knows who we welcomed today! I watched Mass on TV. Isolating myself still from church, I watched EWTN Mass and then Solemn Mass of Pentecost from the National Cathedral in Washington DC. The cathedral was empty. 4 choir persons, one priest, several servers. Isolation and lockdown is not the way we imagined celebrating Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost, ancient Jewish feasts and newer Christian feasts… It is not what we decided to do, how we would celebrate Easter and Pentecost, but here we are, isolated, 70 days after many of us began isolation in the middle of Lent. Today marks the end of the Easter season which many of us church-goers missed. Today we celebrate when Christians celebrate the receipt of the Fire of the Holy Spirit! 2000 years ago a group of frightened men and several women huddled in a room, told to pray, left by Jesus… "Just Pray," he said, "just pray, I’ll come." OK… he said to pray. now what? Think of the emptiness of the first verse of the Bible…. Into the chaos and emptiness, the Holy Spirit hovered over the face of the earth and breathed… He blew in life! Go read chapter 37 of Ezekiel when God told Ezekiel he could restore life to a valley full of dry bones!!! As i sat and watched TV today I wrote: "how is our world today?" Can we ever possibly imagine the chaos of our world? Human anger and greed. Think of Babel building up a tower to get more more more…. but what we have done is let anger and greed reign. And today, Pentecost Sunday, we are deep in disease and riots that only burn every section of our world. Hovering in my quiet home, with country music playing on "Xfinity Music Choice", I call upon the Holy Spirit, "could you please try to get in here?" How many times are we going to beg God to save us? How many times is he going to respond? He promised he loves us. He promised he would come, but we have to be open… That’s a big "have to" and bigger is what we "should do" that Americans right now aren’t willing to listen to… We are so used to our freedoms that when I say, "we should pray…. we should obey the Law (Love)" that people tell me I’m being preachy.

A few days ago, a man of the Law went to work and he killed another man. Recorded on cell phones. That night he was in jail for murder. Oh he did it OK. We all saw it on TV. There isn’t any excuse. It looks like the officer (now, ex-officer) put the offender in a car and the offender crawled out the other side. (It looks like that). So on the other side, a few ugly words probably were exchanged and a knee when to a neck. For 8 minutes. It’s a classic hold that police officers are warned not to use… my husband quotes the rule to me… if you use the choke hold or draw your gun be prepared to kill. Youch. But think about it. That’s policing. And that’s what the officers hear in their training. So what does this have to do with Pentecost. Because it’s happening right now on our TV sets, and in our cities, I talk about it, because it is horrible and in our faces. So how do we reconcile this? I hope you are isolated. I have that vision of the empty church in Washington and my own church here in Lake Placid with many many empty seats. Let us keep the vision of the frightened men and some women in the upper room. "He said to wait and pray. He said he would send a new power." And well, he did. He sent the Fire of his Holy Spirit! Not the fire that incites riots, but the fire that incites love. I can’t go out into the streets, and I shouldn’t! But I can pray and be kind in my neighborhood. In my Publix I can be kind, and in my Winn Dixie I can be kind. I can be kind with "oh my goodness" the IRS and the police officers of my town. I can say, "thank you for your service and I pray for you." God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

exascerbating crisis

News is something Trump encourages nobody to trust. He calls it Fake. So what am I to believe? I really do believe that we need something to rely on other than volatile rhetoric that raises our anxiety level and tempers. What good does it do to throw angry words at crisis when calm, kind words might settle us down? Yelling at students was sometimes my only option, but I knew it wouldn’t work. When I yelled, they knew they got me! They knew I was out of control. I didn’t know how to do otherwise. I could not calm down the mob of 9th and 11th graders I got that last year I taught, and realizing that, I got out. I didn’t teach them much, I never was "in control," and in my mind, the year was a waste. I was not trained to handle a mob and I got myself out. My friend Charlie said, "Sue you are not a policeman, you are a teacher, and THAT calls for police." So I left teaching. I look at what is happening today, our infrastructure is seriously threatened by flooding and storms, and our cities are in flames from rioting. Our hospital ICUs are full; our bars are full too! An Assumption student sent photos of flooding around her town in Minnesota that destroyed roads and bridges. I wondered who is going to help and rebuild? Who is in charge? I voted 8 years ago to improve the infrastructure and again 4 years ago to do the same. Fix America. We seem to be in worse shape. Get up and encourage voting. Don’t tear people down. Be kind. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Two by Two

In a previous message I wrote that I sprinkled bird seed on the deck so the small birds could get it. Guess who came? Squirrels. OK so that didn’t work. Today, three birdies fought a big crew of black birds for the bird seed feeder. The little birdies showed the fierceness of hungry fighters and managed to win the hill several times! It was interesting to watch. As we watched the bird feeder we noticed animals lining up. Two squirrels, two mallard ducks, the limpkin and his partner, just hanging out and watching the pontoon boat. Then it began to rain and it has rained hard for about 6 hours. Chuck, noticing the animals hanging out in twos, suggested we should pack a few things in case we too have to retreat to the pontoon boat! I wonder what Noah felt as he built the Ark and the animals began to come in 2s. The east coast has gotten beaten with rain and the State of Florida has been inundated for days. I wish it could wash away Covid. Speaking of washing away Covid, we haven’t seen the otters since Covid the alligator started hanging around. A little prayer for the 2 little cute otters…. Hope they took a trip to another canal.

We must be careful as we emerge from isolation People are taking this differently and what other people do isn’t cause for criticism or bullying. I have not returned to Mass although daily Mass is being offered. In fact I have been walking with a church friend in the church parking lot. She lives across the street from the church and with the frequent rain showers, we just circle the lot and she can run home and I can run to my car if it rains. Well, 9am daily Mass let out as we made our circle of the parking lot and we said hello to our friends who went to Mass. I was questioned and my not being in Mass was queried. "Did I have no faith that Christ will save me? Need to go to Communion, … It’s really OK as Lots of distance is being observed etc etc." All I said was, "No, I’m staying outside in parking lots and sidewalks as much as possible for a while yet." (I’m waiting to see if we get an infection spike here in Lake Placid… ) I hear that air conditioning can just recycle virus as opposed to fresh air which blows germs away. The same with wearing a mask. I went to the Ace Hardware twice today to get bags of cement for Chuck. I had to return as he needed more. So 2 trips and no one but me was wearing a mask. Who is fool hardy? Who is a frightened ninny? This is not my call. Do what you have to do and keep your thoughts about it to yourself! This is a tough time and we are all affected. Be Kind! God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Surely 6 small birdies equal 1 big guy?

Good rainy morning! When I got up, Chuck told me the bird feeder is empty and some small birdies tried to eat, but there was no feed. So I zipped out to the dock, disturbing the limpkin feeding on our snails, and refilled the feeder. Now I’m counting 6 small birdies on the dock looking up at the full feeder, and one, no two, big black birds munching away. Those black birds attack each other for the feeder and sometimes a third will come and everybody’s feathers will be ruffled, but the little ones, and now a dove joins them, remain steady under the feeder on the dock. Why don’t they join forces and "take the feeder."? Because they can’t. They are gentle birds. Walking on the ground and eating the leftovers is their way. It’s their life. I often see doves walking around the yard, and I tell them, "get off the ground you silly birds; there might be a cat!" Silly birds. That’s a little the way I feel right now. A silly bird, hunkered down at home, avoiding the public places so as not to get infected. And young people, strong and confident take the world for themselves.

Chuck had an idea: put seed on the ground too. So I sprinkled a string of bird seed on the dock… All birds are now gone. It’s really quiet. Even the limpkin who "owns the sea wall on each side of the canal" is gone. Go figure, I meddled and everybody took off. Probably the gator has come back! Yikes. What a way to begin the day! I better get to praying! Actually Mass is about to begin, then the Rosary, they I will walk with lady friends for an hour. Today is a day to write cards. I have a few birthdays and anniversaries to honor. Also one of our priests at St James will celebrate 70 years in the priesthood on June 4. He is a wonderful, prayerful, positive man who served in Africa among other places taking care of souls. You my dears, have a wonderful day. Stay dry and stay safe! Stand in awe of the glory of God as it rains and cleans the earth and waters the spring buds. God bless us. Angels with us.

ps: The small birdies are on the feeder and the limpkin is back. Now all I need is a little sunshine for my laundry!!!

Susie's musings

Raising the Flag

As we walked along Placid Lakes Boulevard today I saw that our neighbors are flying the American flag, some at half staff. The Federal Government suggested we fly at half staff until Monday for the dead heroes of the Covid 19. And then on Monday continue for the fallen soldier heroes. In thought and in heart, our heroes are close to us. Let us say a quiet "God speed you to heaven…. and Thank You for your life – lived in service."

Walking today was hard. Chuck walks fast… Good grief; he doesn’t sweat either. This little measly walk along the Boulevard doesn’t even make him breathe hard, let alone sweat. Today I just couldn’t keep up! After a few, "slow ups" I let him go. It was like letting a grey hound go! When I walk hard and fast I breathe hard! and sometimes I can’t get air fast enough. I found this on the mountain walks with Karla and her dogs, I felt funny breathing hard and my partner wasn’t. I always wondered about that. I have never smoked but CT revealed I have emphysematous changes in the apices of my lungs. What does this mean? My parents were heavy smokers. The car was often filled with smoke. The living room was filled with smoke and full ashtrays and I used to curl up in my father’s lap and eat cheese off his plate (and sip his beer). When I got out on the streets, I hung out in smoky bars. You know what we smelled like when we came home from bars. It was "get into the shower with your clothes on and wash your hair too" and I could still smell the smoke in my nose afterwards. So listen! Today I’m preaching (again!)… If you smoke… Stop It! If you go into a smoky place. Get Out!

I will not have the news on today so I say a little prayer for all "my people" and hope all are healing. Friend Mary is recovering from breast cancer surgery. God bless Mary and bring her to health. God bless you who are suffering financial and health woes. Angels with us. Fear not. God bless us.

Susie's musings

feeding the small

In the lake in Miami we used to have a giant snail that laid eggs in giant pink slimy strings. icky messes of pink strings hung from our sea walls. Then along came the Limpkins. It’s funny how the birds "know" where the snails are and come and eat. Soon the pink slimy eggs dried up and no more appeared. Limpkins solved our slimy problem by eating the big snails who laid the eggs. Right now, here in Lake Placid, on our canal, there are 2 limpkins hunting in the yard across the canal from us. One is a regular. He "fishes" during sunrise and sunset hours. He walks along the seawall and then jumps in! he disappears for a moment and comes up with a snail in his mouth. Then, he jumps up on shore, wrangles the snail out of its shell, eats it, drops the shell on the neighbor’s lawn, and dives back in! We too have a pile of empty shells on our dock where he "fishes." He’s always been solitary, but this morning another limpkin came running toward him in another yard, but skidded to a stop up against the neighbor’s fence. Is it a mate? a friend? We don’t know. The two of them are studiously ignoring each other right now. I left Chuck watching them so I could watch daily Mass.

I also had to remove the bird feeder yesterday as a heavy rain got the bottom layer of seed all wet. It’s dry now, and birds are posted at judicious limits from each other on the fence, waiting for me to bring the feeder back out. While we sat watching the canal at sunset two nights ago, a beautiful shiny black bird with shiny blue highlights let us know the feeder was empty by serenading us with a raucous calling as he waited on the fence! Good grief! As I hang the full feeder, I tell those big birds, let the little guys get in here too!!!!

So I am concerned about the little guys! My sister said she is concerned about my anguish; my angst …. I turn on the news to see how "people… my people" are doing. I’m a people too so I want to know what improvements have been made in medicine to conquer the virus. The other day I was quickly overwhelmed by destructive, even pernicious, what I consider mean-spirited talk… I chewed off a thumb nail as I listened to accusing, arguing, name calling talk about political figures by a political figure… I had to turn the TV off without finding any constructive solutions. People are sickening and dying. I’ve shared stories and prayed for people in ICUs on respirators. We hear about families losing loved ones and now children are affected by a virus we all should be arm in arm fighting. Instead, we are slinging threats and vicious rhetoric. Yesterday I said I pray we come out of this isolation time a different people, concerned about the poor and concerned about life. "End abortion. End hate," I wrote. This isn’t political. This is life. Everyone, every human being is in this. Our world is a little like those two limpkins facing each other from different sides of the fence. They are of the same species, I looked them up and discovered "It is the only extant species in the genus Aramus and the family Aramidae. " Now I’m not sure what that means exactly, but I think it means they are the only ones like themselves. So, like us, they need to jump up on that fence and fight this thing together. Or …. one of them jump over that fence and make friends with the other one. There aren’t any others. Time to get outside and exercise. At a socially acceptable distance! God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Ascension Thursday

In the Gospel of John chapter 16, Jesus says, "In a little while you won’t see me, and then you will see me again" and the Apostles ask among themselves, for who dares to ask the Master? "What does he mean…. in a little while… where is he going?" In daily Mass on EWTN, as the priest talked, as he spoke, I added to his beautiful homily. I wrote…. ….

In a little while your grief will become joy. It has been 40 days since Easter. This was an unforgettable Easter. We couldn’t celebrate Holy Thursday, the Last Supper, Good Friday. I missed half of Lent. Easter was a day meant to bring Joy and Hope. "He is Risen." Not joyful for many who couldn’t be with loved ones in sickness, it was a time of heavy grief. We have not been able to hold hands and comfort each other in sickness and death. Bodies still lie in freezers, unburied. Funerals cannot occur in many places yet. Grief, sadness, and loneliness have stalked us and wrapped around us. St Therese of the Child Jesus promised she would shower us with roses and the patrons of EWTN have surrounded the altar in the small chapel where daily Mass is said with roses. A rose for each Rosary said for healing. Jesus asks us to look at the flowers of the field. Look at the flowers of Spring. They grow for the glory of God! They grow for us for whom this earth was created. God gave us a gift of hope in the beauty of nature. We must let God’s creation: stars, great oceans of daffodils and tulips, iris and orchid, small animals fill us with Joy! Sorrow walks with us, but beauty surrounds us. Look up. A bird lands on my bird feeder. Yesterday 3 birds hit the feeder at the same time! They swayed there, pecking at the seed reminding me, "gotta buy more seed." An orchid sways in the warm breeze. Ripples in the water of the canal behind the house indicate to me a mysterious life I can’t see, reminding me that I hope to follow to a mysterious life I can’t see, but I must hope for. Today in celebrating Ascension, 40 days after Easter, we learn that Jesus has gone to Heaven, to the Father Creator to prepare a place for us. Because I can’t see or understand what heaven is, I must believe in and listen to the Holy Spirit, sent by Christ to whisper to me that Christ is with us and he waits for us (another mystery!). As Communion is given in a small chapel on television with only a few celebrants, I am reminded to graft on to Jesus in Spirit and heart. I’m reminded, "have faith. Be joyful." "Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God." (Leon Bloy) In all the unbelievable meanness of our world, of politics and illness, I must be joyful.

Today is Ascension Thursday. 40 days ago, we celebrated Easter, at home, on our couches. Not in church. We celebrated the Resurrection and defeat of death. Easter reminds us to have joy over the defeat of death in the midst of sadness. Have Hope. Trust our Father has made us a heavenly home in the most perfect and beautiful place where tears and anger do not reside. When we come out of isolation we must use what we have learned in this time. Not the harsh political accusations, but the value of love and the value of life that must be honored. End hunger, end the poverty and wretched living conditions of our people (think of the poverty of the Navajo Nation). End abortion. End hate. "Behold I am with you always until the end of the age." Never permit me Lord to be separated from you. I know that my Redeemer lives." God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

The very next day

There we all were, dancing around the yard, laughing at the little otters poking their heads up and looking at us; as curious about us silly humans as we were about them. That was yesterday. Today the neighbors were all gathered out at the edge watching a 4 foot alligator slowly, brazenly, swimming up the center of the canal. "Boooooo! Get away from here! We have otters. … We hope." Isn’t life like that? One day all is well; we are playing and planning and the next day an alligator raises his ugly head. This alligator called Covid 19 has taken livlihoods and lives. He has sapped Joy and Hope. My sweet great nephew Nathan is Valedictorian of his high school class. He played both offence and defense on the highschool football team. He lifts weights to bulk up as…. he’s always trying to overcome his "short genes". My sister, his mother and father all barely reach five and a half feet!!! Nathan, you are fine. Just hold your head up and you will be 6 feet tall!!!! Nathan’s grandmother, my sister, said he has to give a speech. I wrote some healthy Bible quotes and some words about Joy and Hope in Christ in his graduation card. It’s all about looking out at what’s happening, even looking at people being miserable…. and holding on to faith. Jesus said, unequivocably, LOVE. FORGIVE. Period. Not the end of the story of course, but, we must not let the atmosphere of our nation and the world that carries a lot of animosity (we hear the word, "hate", a lot too)… we must not let it get to us. Acts of the Apostles recounts that Paul and Silas were scorned, arrested, stripped (naked?), beaten with rods, and thrown into chains in prison. Guess what they did? "praying and singing hymns to God… all the prisoners listened… a severe earthquake shook the foundations of the jail and the doors sprung open." Out they came and the jailer was converted. The jailer bathed their wounds (said, "I’m sorry"?) and fed them… He came to Faith in God. What did the jailer do? He gave up his job probably and took on the yoke of Christ. Love and service. That, Nathan, is what we must do, no matter what is happening on the surface of the waters. No matter that storms rage. We must be praying and at peace in our hearts. I learned something this week about our heart. It’s a muscle protected by the breast plate, and behind it, behind all that protection, resides the amazing blood vessel the aorta. What an amazing structure. Our vital organs are physically protected, down deep. So, Nathan, let the down deep things open up and accept the Peace of the Lord. Don’t be infected by "what other people do." "In the presence of angels, sing the Lord’s praise and have faith." (Acts 16 and Psalm 138.) You are beautifully and wonderfully made dear nephew….. grab hold of faith and move forward. Do not let these (bad) things get to you. Shine and find others who shine. Be an otter, not an alligator! God bless us. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

fun in the water

Yesterday I was late for my walk because we had a party of otters in the canal! Chuck, John, Steve and Connie were all out on their docks as I was leaving to go walk. I love the neighborliness of our new home, as it is just like in Miami when someone would see a manatee, Mike, George, Kathie, Tammy, all of us walking up and down the beach, pointing, "there! there!" as the manatees rolled and spouted. But this was little smooth-headed sea creatures who roll and play and seemed as curious about us as we were about them! Up and down the canal they swam and dived as if to give us a little synchronized swimming show. Then they would come up and look at us! Sleek wet heads and little hairy noses poking up and just, looking at us! After I walked, I planted spider lilies a friend from church gave me. It is the first real gardening I have done since we moved in, but I am excited about gardening this year and growing yellow squash and other southern delights like our cousins Laura and Dennis a few miles to the west near the coast of Florida. They have weathered the sequestration by gardening and getting 2 new rescue pups bringing their family to 4 dogs and a cat! We must continue to live and to help serve the planet. Finally to complete the "sea-show" we have here on our canal… Chuck and I were dock-sitting at sunset and an anhinga flew in…. they swim under water and then come out and dry their wings, and then dive back in. Too funny. You get your hair all dry after a swim, only to dive back in. Up he finally came with a fat fish that looked like an angel fish. Way bigger than the anhinga’s throat. So he floated in the water in front of us, juggling that fat fish, got it into position (scales closed and head down), and he gave several giant swallows. Chuck and I were, as usual, astounded that he could do that…. With several "glump" movements of his head, he swallowed that wriggling fish – Whole and Alive. How’s that for an image!!!! We said goodnight to neighbors across the canal, and next door, and went in to finish the steak leftovers we brought from Renee’s, to finish the MacGyver shows for the season, to read, and to put to bed another day on canal # 5, Good night from Lake Placid!!!!! God bless us. Love and Angels with you.

Susie's musings

Today, yesterday, that day, when day…..

I have to run to find my Magnificat (daily Mass prayers) to see what day it is because everyday I watch Mass on TV and move the book mark….. But if you catch me out on the back porch, I won’t know what day it is and, as for what time it is, ALL of Chuck’s clocks on the porch read 5 o’clock. You know what THAT means don’t you? So I tend to go through sequestered life in a haze: Wake up, "angel show", Rosary, Mass, all while drinking coffee. Then jump into sneakers and go walk with the girls. Wait until I get plenty sweaty walking and … then it’s time to come home. Shower. Then… it’s puzzle time. When tummy rumbles it’s probably lunch time, but watch the Mass again to get another homily from the wonderful EWTN priest of the day. Then it’s lunch time and watch a show on TV. If it’s not nap time, it’s watch TV time, or oh my goodness…. paperwork time (banking on the computer). Then! Puzzle time until the sun starts casting shadows and it’s cocktail time on the dock with a bottle of wine. Sunset? Bottle done? It’s dinner time, TV time, reading time, sleep time. Is this retirement in isolation or what? In "the old days" my calendar was full every day with ladies meetings or Church duties: Sacristan, lector at Mass, Emmaus, Catholic Women meetings, Crafts group, Bible study….. Now…. well… what day is it is my most important question. and well. what difference does it make?

When I got results of CT scan from Lake Placid doctor and he advised I see a surgeon, I wondered if he read the length of the aneurysm and not it’s width… but Orlando surgeon said I have a twisty aorta and it’s hard to measure, but surgeon says, do not worry about it… get echo cardio gram in 6 months measuring the aneurysm that way…. and…. then wait 6 months and another 6 months, etc. The bottom line is, live and enjoy life. Thank God for life and gifts like a husband like Chuck and friends and family all over who love me!!!!! Until tomorrow…. love you dear friends. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Mother’s Day

May is supposed to be a beautiful spring time month, but some folks have written that rain and cold and fear of infection abound. From my sofa or from our back yard and dock, the world looks pretty good if I don’t turn on the TV to news. I turn on the TV for prayer and Mass on EWTN, the Catholic channel, but the rest of TV is pretty grim. If people aren’t talking about "how we did it wrong," they are talking about death and joblessness. It is reality, isn’t i? A neighbor young man came yesterday and helped Chuck and me to do things we can’t do. Move a heavy stainless steel cabinet from the shed to the new extended dock, dig holes and help Chuck plant the flag pole and my directions sign. Carry the hundreds of shells and coral rocks down to the dock and paste them in with mortor. We ate pizza and chicken wings from Sammy’s restaurant (eating out on the dock in the fresh air, observing social distancing, wearing my mask at Sammy’s) . Then I took the young man, Sergio, over to a friend who also needs what I call "young muscle". They exchanged phone #s and he will help her too. Young people helping others, earning a little money, and … being hopeful. That’s what we need. Hire the young those of us who are retired and need help and have a few extra dollars. I’m also donating weekly to my church. We need to do that. Churches have mortgages, electric, and water bills too. Today, on TV, EWTN crowned Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven singing "O Mary we crown you with flowers today…. Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May…. " Please, if you can’t believe Mary is the Mother of God because you weren’t taught that, or you just refuse it, at least consider what it meant for Jesus to be human and the Son of God, come here to be born (surely we all celebrate Christmas…). Come here to be the final sacrifice so we could have life. Thank God for preparing a beautiful earth for us, and for promising to be with us, "at the hour of our death." God bless you dear friends and family. Have faith. Be joyful in our beauties. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Saving the human race

This is the first time in history that we can save the human race by lying in front of the TV and doing nothing….  Let’s not screw this up!!!!!! OK dear readers! This is the time to take all the cushions off the sofas and lounge chairs, vaccume and sweep, and pick up all the quarters that have fallen out of people’s pockets! For me…. I found 53 cents! AND I found a LOT of dust bunnies hiding out! Today a shelf fell where Chuck had put 2 cases of coke when we moved in….The cans had leaked and now we have a sticky mess where shelf and cans used to be…. Clean up on aisle 7!!! (wait, that’s me)… The Coke is probably a hold over from "party days" and making mixed drinks. Now all we have on hand is old whiskey and wine.

I’m getting a little crazy waiting for our trip to Orlando on Sunday. I haven’t been out on Route 27 since March. What will "traffic" be like? When we moved from Miami we left I95, 836 and Bird Road behind us. Now I truly drive like an old lady. 35 miles an hour on the way to "town," windows all open, my hair blowing in the wind!!!! Singing Willie Nelson songs. Me and everybody else. If you see me…. I cut my hair as it was getting in my eyes! Don’t laugh. I just put gel on it and it stands up straight.

It’s time to place an order with Ace hardware. We don’t have Home Depot or Lowes (its a little like Big Pine Key…. You want the big box store it’s a drive to Sebring on route 27….). If you are feeling bored, write a few cards. I send get well cards, love you, thinking of you and birthday cards to people now. I was too busy to think of sending cards before Covid. Go figure. What was I doing???? Rethink, pray, and be at peace. The Lord is with us. He said so. God bless you. Angels with us!!!!

Susie's musings

Mom, it’s all about You

Today (Covid-19 day 81 give or take), I tore a kleenex in half to blow my nose. I looked at that and I started to laugh! I read on Facebook that, before Covid-19, a lady used "to play like a roulette wheel with toilet paper, and now she counts out 5 squares"… I do that too!!!! And then I thought about Mom and wondered if she taught us "how to work with toilet paper"? I guess she did, but I don’t remember, and no one has told me any stories of my potty training…, But I do remember something TOO funny. Mother would sit down and take up the daily Jumble. She had a pile of them in her bathroom. She would take off a wad of toilet paper (how many squares Mom?) and fold them up. (Dear reader, Do you wrap them around your hand?) and then Mom would tuck them into her underpants which were down around her thighs. Then when ready, the toilet paper was ready! Well, guess what? I do that today too. Now comes the too funny part. I drove Mom, my sister Sarah, and cousin Lois to the Keys and we stopped at maybe the key lime shop and went tinkle and bought some key lime juice and maybe a pie…. Back in the car, Sarah burst out laughing, BIG belly laughs. There sat Mom with kleenex tucked in her shorts. OH Mom…. too funny!

Mom, I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Your lovely small well-groomed hands and finger nails … In 1999 I had to have belly surgery and I called Mom, like we girls used to do. Mom was at every baby’s birth and several other major events for my sisters, but this was my big first one. So at age 52, I called Mom to "come" and she did! Mom walked into pre op with me and she was there when I was wheeled into my room. She spent the night in my room, and she was there when the doctor came in on the second day to pick out stitches. I guess it was the second day…. Did they put in stitches and pick them out two days later in 1999? Anyhow, there were Mom’s beautiful fingers on my belly, pointing the way to the doctor. A mother’s hands. A medical-surgical nurse’s hands. God’s gift. So, Mom, I might have to have surgery again. Big girl surgery. Maybe a surgeon might hold my heart in his hand. I don’t know the details and even if it will happen or when. I understand the aneurysm I have is behind my heart so I assume there has to be some heart moving and holding. Will you be there Mom? I know you will. Point out to the surgeon every little detail. He will be guided by the best, and by you. Thank God for my gift! Thank you Jesus for keeping my Mom close. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Coronavirus day 80

Have you documented the Covid 19 pandemic for yourself? Like where I was when…. It’s hard to believe it’s been 80 days since Chuck and I "self quaranteened" at home. It was February 16, 3 days before my first cataract eye surgery and I stayed at home for 3 days before surgery to ensure I was germ free. I stayed home for about a week after that and then we had a church Lenten mission on March 8 through 10 and I went, but the real order "stay in a secure location" must have come right after March 8. I remember we tried to sit apart in church, but who can, in church with loving friends? I stayed away from people and I remember, my friend Diane returned a pen I lent to her, and she said, "I wiped it down." The second eye surgery was March 18. If you haven’t had cataracts done…. afterwards the recovery is pretty quick except if you are like me, a glasses wearer, you can’t see really well as prescriptions are changed by the clean lens. So March was "a blur". After that quaranteening, or sequestering, began in earnest…. The town of Lake Placid is a ghost town with all the little shops and restaurants closed except for "take out". Questions rattle around empty streets and houses: What day is it, what is the date? Is anyone telling the truth? Do I care? Fortunately, Chuck and I are on fixed income and I don’t have to worry about where the rent payment is coming from, but we do have renters with whom we have suffered.

Remember the day we watched the towers fall and the stock market plumet 10,000 points? It happened 2001, 2008, 2020. A book called The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn details God’s call to Israel through Isaiah 9:10 and the prophets of Israel … God ordered us to honor the Sabbath, to take care of the widow and the orphan, to honor God. Israel jerked her head around towards God for a while after they were released from Babylon, but it didn’t take long before new idols were raised on the mountain tops. Cahn details some facts about September 11, 2001, and I also found some similarities in Amos about "the towers coming down." But how in America in our new "world view" can we go back to the morality and life God expects? Churches are closed to keep us from being infected, but many are praying more now as we wonder if "we might be next," as people are dying horrible deaths on respirators with blood clots killing them. So we remain inside (I do anyway) as the nation opens up. Let us pray and be safe. God bless you. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Neighbor watching!

When I wrote my book back in 2005 I was watching the neighbors on our block put up and take down hurricane shutters for the "old guy" across the street. Four times neighbors marched over to "Mr. Stark’s" house and put shutters up and took them down. When Chuck and I took a cruise and hurricane Irma struck, our neighbors cleaned up all the millions of yard toys I kept in my yard… and closed up our house and sheds. Last night my neighbor across the lake called us because she saw a bright light low in the street trained on the lot and space next to our house… It reminds me of what a neighbor is: One who keeps an eye on us and calls if something is amiss; one who doesn’t worry to call if she needs several potatoes; one who calls if she needs a baby diapered because she just hurt her shoulder…. Our neighbor Kathie called us when she fell off her stoop… she actually couldn’t use her right arm, but she was baby sitting her little great nephew. Chuck went over and diapered the baby and ensured Kathie would get to the emergency room. She had broken her shoulder in that fall! For months we cooked for her and I put her hair in pony tails while she healed. In a sense it was fortunate because that was the exact time we needed help in the rebuild of the back of our house after hurricanes Katrina and Wilma took our back roof off… and Kathie’s husband worked with us so he could be near Kathie! It was a true case of neighbors helping neighbors.

So! What’s the take away here? If you are like me… You appreciate a neighbor watching for you! If you are my neighbor, know that I’m checking your yard and doors occasionally and looking for you to be outside, working on your boat, hanging laundry, mowing the lawn or just out there picking up stuff. I try to be outside every day as sunlight is so important for us, and, so my neighbor will know, if she needs anything; we are here. Hey Kathie! Need a can of beans or milk….? Love you! God bless you. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

To the Market or to Prayer?

I tuned in the News to see if anything is happening…. I had news on when Sulli Sullenberger landed in the Hudson and saved a plane load of people! So occasionally I turn it on looking for something good And today… It’s the market dropping (again) and I went off to see what day of the month and what month it is on the Jewish calendar. The old Jewish state of Israel was warned to give the land a year off, feed the poor, and forgive all debts every 7 years… and the people (among other disagreements with God) did not follow the dictate. So God let Israel’s defences fall, in a sense, letting Israel be destroyed by the Assyrians and then Judah by the Babylonians. God never forgot his people, and after the land had rested for 70 years God inspired the Babylonian king Cyrus to let the people go back to Jerusalem. (the people had not observed the law of rest for 7 times 10 years give or take… anyhow they languished in Babylon for 70 years to make up for disobedience). So with markets falling and it attributed to Coronavirus, and my realization of Isaiah 9 how we "vowed" to rebuild after the towers fell, without asking God for forgiveness for our turning away from God (Pope called our abortion laws "a culture of death")… Rather than begging God to defend us and turning to our Creator for help, we vowed to build back even greater…. So now, I wonder: we can’t beat this Coronavirus/Market falling thing as people are travelling worldwide, why don’t we all stay home for 2 weeks. Turn off business; EVERYBODY stay home. We would save half the electricity, gasoline, and water used in the world. Get out the books and games. Huddle around fires, eat popcorn, (we used to stock up peanut butter and crackers for hurricanes), go to bed early. Rest. Get over this push for money. EVERYBODY! I have not gone crazy; go get a book called The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn. He’s not Catholic; in fact he is Jewish so he knows Isaiah and the laws…. I am checking every quote because it seems too much to be true and his facts check. You will need a Bible to check facts although he does footnote everything. …. When we are all finished… Rested; and the land has rested; Then take 2 people to vote with you. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Prayer only

My friend from church gave me a book to read based on Isaiah chapter 9… Isaiah prophesied the destruction of the kingdom of Israel if the priests, leaders, and people did not turn away from evil, idol worship, greed, sin all the stuff we hear about daily including desire for "our own way rather than God’s way." From the start of page one chapter one I couldn’t believe how real the story was… Isaiah preaching to ancient Israel that the Lord pledged to protect the kingdom in honor of the love God had for Israaael and in honor of David who loved God… to today in America where we established a country with the Declaration of Independence to establish a nation under God… for people to celebrate religious freedom and peace. I have gathered up to read Isaiah and the Declaration of Independence, but I know already the words of the Declaration and of the second Inaugural Adress wherein Abraham Lincoln called upon his faith that God judges us based on our inhumanity to man… What happened to us? When did we turn into a war-like hateful country that banished God from the courthouse steps and from the school? I was so startled when the hospital asked if I wnted prayer before my cataract surgery. "Yes" and my RN stopped in her duties, with me all strung up to the IV. She took my hand and prayed a beautiful prayer thanking God for me and Dr Pearce. We never know with even the most banal of procedures that something might go wrong and… we are off to judgement. So I asked God, Mary and angels to be with me. For Mary to pray for me "at the hour of my death." For an hour or maybe a little bit less I was asleep, breathing gas and being infused with sleeping medicine. I’m OK, thank God, and I will go on to live. But we must ask… what is our mission? What does God want? Each of us must ask and contemplate, what is in me? Is it a spirit? Is it a soul? Am I just a thing that rots and goes away when I die, or do I live on in spirit? Pascal said it would be better to believe in case it’s true… what if God and heaven exist? Believe now and receive the everlasting gift later on! If it does exist and I don’t believe it, I don’t get it! That’s quite a loss. God bless us! Have a beautiful sunny day. Look up! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Gentle dreams

I wrote this yesterday after cataract surgery. I was more than half blind! I would like to Thank God for the doctors who were able to make lenses for my glasses so I had 20-20 vision over the years because with the left eye patched, and no glasses on yesterday, I could not really see very well. I couldn’t see the television from 3 feet away and typing was ridiculously difficult! So I drafted a word document, and today, with eye patch off, and cataract-free eye working at almost 100%, I will make corrections and send along! Here it comes from yesterday!!!!

I just woke up from a great sleep after getting home from the hospital after having cataract removed from my left eye. I think I told you how one day about a month ago I closed one eye and said “wow the vision out of my left eye is foggy’… So even though I thought I could see… the right eye was doing a lot of work to keep things seeable. I do believe the last time my dear friend Saba corrected my vision with the best refraction she could do, she said she couldn’t correct that left eye to 20-20… oops , it was almost time for cataract surgery a year ago. In 2019, I missed my annual visit to Saba because we bought this house in Lake Placid and moved and I was busy with boxes and concrete slab and new shed and finding stuff and putting things away. Suddenly as many of you know, time passes by and …. It was almost a year later and past my refraction time. I did manage to slip in a mammogram though so I guess I got some good things done. So… I met Dr. Pearce here in Lake Placid. He is Austrian. His mother and Father’s families managed to get the children out of Austria in 1939. I think Dr. Pearce said his father lost his whole family which is really sad. Let us remember Auschwitz which was liberated 75 years ago this month. God bless millions of innocent people who are safe now. Both Dr. Pearce and his brother became healers. God bless them.

So today (Wednesday) Chuck drove me and I bravely marched into the hospital and I was nervous. It is a new hospital and all new people… AND so nice every one of them. I met all new gracious nurses and the RN who prepped me, put in my IV prayed for me! She thanked God for me and Dr. Pearce.

Advent Health is a Christian hospital with Scripture quotes and beautiful pictures on the walls. I could not read them or see the details because my glasses were now in a plastic bag with my clothes and shoes. I was wheeled into 3 lovely people in a surgery room who promised I would go right to sleep, but first the young man put an oxygen mask on my nose and said “breathe, it’s oxygen,” but I think the mask smelled funny, like medicine. “Now you will sleep”…. And they did something down by the IV and I woke up an hour later spitting out nasty tasting spit. I have to ask about that. Fortunately people watch and someone wiped it. I’ve never done that before. Note to self, was that the rubber oxygen mask or the anesthesia?

More gentle treatment and I was awakened and moved into “recovery”, a chair, apple juice, you know the drill…. And there was Chuck to take me home. We told the recovery nurse I wanted Eggplant rollatini with spinach and she suggested chicken soup… So we stopped at Publix and Chuck got chicken soup and chili. He is feeding two now. I ate half the soup, watched a little Hallmark and headed into a blissful sleep.
Remember Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird? I was Scout for a while, riding on skates in a little dress. The dress was little, because I was little. I don’t think I ever wore dresses and I know Scout didn’t like to wear them either. My Scout was a Tom girl growing up in sunny Miami! OH Then I was painting with my Sister Sarah and I wanted to learn how she paints the little beautiful dots all luminescent because someone wants to buy my painting with luminescent dots. (She really does and that is not a dream.). The fact that some one wants to buy my painting with luminescent dots is a dream. I slept sweetly for 2 ½ hours. And now am trying to recall more. Thank heaven I remember the dots. I’m drinking water. And I will try to watch the Mass if it is on at 7pm. My friend Karla told me the Scripture reading is about Jesus healing a man’s eyesight. Jesus wants us to be able to see. Later he will heal Bartimaeus who will see and understand and become a disciple and a witness! Pray for healing of our sight so we see what Jesus is and what he promises if we accept him as Lord. I thank God daily for all kinds of things: hooting birds, sunshine, our life here on the canal to the lake so beautiful; thank God that my eye doesn’t hurt, that I have beautiful sisters and friends, all the beauty God made for us. For anesthesia that allows us to be cut into, healed, and then have beautiful dreams!!! Maybe I’ll have a scrambled eggs sandwich with lots of lettuce layer. “OH Chuck!!!!! May I have a snack?”

Let us thank Jesus. Let us say thank you Mary. I prayed a lot of Hail Marys before surgery. My own mother must have been nearby. They both know I love them. Thank God for sending angels. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Is winter longer here?

The wind is coming out of the north today. The sky is clear promising another sunny, warm noon, but for now it’s "brisk" for this Miami girl. I say "brisk" and I mean chilly. A month of 60 degree mornings is chilly to me! Fortunately because we traveled a lot to the north and to ski country in our youth, we have long sleeved shirts and a few sweat pants. So I go outside to review my little lawn, my painted shed, the birds on the bird feeder, the one bird at the top of a tree, and my piece of the canal, and I contemplate… "winter is longer here than it was in Miami". Chuck talks about the tropic zone "beginning" at Fort Pierce and heading south… well this is not the tropic zone in Lake Placid. And I love the difference. Today I’ll pull more weeds under a bush that has been overgrown since we moved here. With the end of the shed facing the street "finished," I am pointing my face to weeding the "borders around flowers" for a few days until I start painting the long (32 feet long) wall on the side of the shed facing the neighbor and the west. History is happening in the primaries and I hope you willl vote. If the entire nation gets out to vote we will have four years of what the nation chooses. Go out there folks and vote!!! God bless you. Happy and blessed Sunday. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Notice color and light!

What do babies notice first? Bright colors, soft, light, their toes, bunnies, birds, butterflies. If the baby has laughed yet, you will hear gurgling laughter as if there were a private joke between bunny and child… (sometimes it takes a little while to get a laugh out of a quiet baby, but, wait….) and the babies’ fascination with these things makes us laugh! Let us try today to see and do what makes us laugh!

Notice what babies don’t like: darkness, mean faces, ugly words, loud, sudden noises, sharp. Stay away from the darkness, the sharp, voices saying mean things, angry faces that make babies cringe and cry, not laugh. God makes babies to respond to love. Babies have recently been embraced by angels. God bless you. Angels with you.

Susie's musings

Angels with us

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t believe in angels, that angels are with us, serving as messengers from God and helpmates. We can’t see them when they are working… or if we pay careful attention, I’ll bet we could pick up the presence of angels at the birth of a baby or at the death of a loved one. When my mother was dying, I leaned over her one day and I felt a presence brushing up against my shoulder. Looking at mother too. It wasn’t my sister for she was out of the room at the time. Mother saw presences in her room. All positive. I don’t think mother ever feared. Thank God. I wonder if angels also prompt others to advise us, or whisper to us themselves when we are contemplating doing a wrong thing… Today in Mass we read from 2 Samuel 24. God had told the people not to count themselves, not to want a king, not to give every thing to a King who would take their sons and daughters to cook for him and fight for him, but the people wanted a king, "Just like the other countries around them." "Don’t do it" said the prophets, but they did. Then when David decided to count the people so he could "organze his armies," Joab said, "don’t do it; leave these things to the Lord." (I’m paraphrasing). You have heard this advice; "don’t do it." But David did do it to count "his people" then he realized immediately he had sinned against God, and he begged mercy. This is one of the reasons that God loved David so much. The man was a fighter and a leader, but he was proud…. He was just built that way. God had mercy. Anyhow, who was doing all that whispering in David’s ear and who does the whispering in our ears?

As Sacristan at daily Mass, I have to pick the hymn, and I can’t read music, and I don’t know many hymns enough to start the singing. I opened the book on Tuesday morning (yesterday) and it fell open to "On this day, O beautiful Mother, on this day we give you our love." We reserve songs to Mary for her feast days and days in May when, as a small child, I used to march with other little girls to bring flowers to Mary. When I announced the song, people started singing it, most from memory. We started Mass with a smile! Mary is the most important whisperer we have. So on that same morning…

For 2 months or so I’ve had the name and number of the eye doctor my new internist has recommended. The doctor, an opthalomologist, is a Board certified graduate of Johns Hopkins, Emory and Tulane. Been here since 1985. He isn’t a fly by night. What was holding me back from making the phone call for an appointment? I loved our eye doctor from Miami, friend and Emmaus sister Saba Millares. I just was resisting leaving her. Then one day, I closed my right eye probably to judge the size of something and I realized, "The left eye is blurry, … a lot!" People have been telling me, "No the moon does not have a hazy circle around it…" But I resist resist change. So yesterday, after Mass, grocery shopping, and gas fillup, I was picking up Chuck’s formal shirt from the dry cleaner and a voice whispered… "the eye doctor is right next door." "I guess I’ll go over and make the appointment and save myself a phone call I won’t make." I walked in and 2 ladies greeted me and heard my request, "I’ve moved and I need a full complete eye exam, it’s been a year, and I might have a cataract." "Come right in; we have just had a cancellation!" the receptionist said! "OH I have groceries in the car…" "I have a refrigerator," she said. So I was inside the gates. Plopped into a chair and tested, dilated, examined, and the doctor, regaled me with stories of his experiences in Miami while he waited for me to dilate. He looked in and he said, "you are an easy diagnosis. You have cataracts." He then explained how our lens is clear when we are born but get cloudy. He also showed me what the new lens will do. He will correct my vision at the same time but not to 20/20. He said I haven’t seen 20/20 since I was 5 when I got my first glasses. He said that would be a big shock. He showed me how a near sighted person can’t see far but can read well. And indeed I can read tiny type without my glasses. So, it’s scheduled. A pre op on Feb 11 and surgery on the left eye Feb 19. I’ll bring all the chest studies so the anesthesiologist has my aneurysm info. All will be well! Why do I know that? Because I have faith that what the Bible tells me is so! Remember we used to sing, "Jesus loves me; The Bible tells me so!" Go do something you have been resisting. (Well do it if it’s the right thing to do…. don’t go out and rob a gas station. If you have been resisting that it is a good thing!) God bless us. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Ice cream??? Oh No!

I gave in and bought ice cream as it was a BOGO. I got our favorite flavors, moose tracks and turtle tracks first introduced to us by Heather… I had held out strongly until we were outside the Publix with my credit card clutched in my hand… for milk. We had such a good time at Renee’s eating Renee’s Lamb and at a lovely French restaurant in Winter Park. Then Chuck and I went to Winter Haven and ate dinner at Arabella’s, a small lovely Italian restaurant on Main Street in Winter Haven. …. Then we went to the submarine memorial and meeting with barbeque with 51 submariners and wives. Filled with great flavors, I couldn’t resist the ice cream. Once one begins to sin… sin becomes easy. I didn’t regret it until I tried to put on long pants this morning. Capris were not an issue as it was cold (66 degrees) and I was 2nd lector and I had to get up and read twice. We are supposed to dress up a little. I pinned my pants closed… and hanging my head over needing to lose weight and not doing it…. went to read. After Mass I came back to meet our friends Rick and Penny who came up to the memorial in Bartow and spend the night with us… We went to the Americn cafe and had a beautiful breakfast. Then we went to the Lake Placid festival. It was chilly, but warm in the sunshine. What a lovely place with friendly people. We looked long into the eyes of a Cur-Shepherd whose owners just couldn’t take care of her…. But I don’t think we are ready to adopt a puppy yet. What I’m going to do and I’m trying to talk Chuck into… is volunteer at the Humane Society to walk dogs and generally serve and make sure we feel we want a dog and will be responsible parents. If I were making this decision on my own, I would take her home, but there are two of us and we need to share the responsibilities. The humane society will do all the vet work for a small fee after the dogs are adopted and I am sure they help new adoptive parents… be parents. So pray for us that we find the right fit. I also met some wonderful folks at the Art society booth and I’ll do a painting class or two and get myself kick started. We bought a beautiful copper angel fish for the shed and I will copy it to make 2 for the shed! Home now with a list of things to do while the Super Bowl preview is on. I like Super Bowl Sunday and just enjoy one full day of football! Have a wonderful week. God bless you and keep you warm!!! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

A 2 bottle lake….

We carried a bottle of champagne out on our boat ride yesterday. The lake is SO beautiful and amazing that we drank the bottle in celebration a little enthusiastically and we had the bottle finished by the time we got half way around…. We go down our canal and turn left up a wide canal (I think it’s called catfish creek) with houses on the left and woods on the right. Birds and turtles nest along the river bank. We go under a bridge that is lower than our Westwood Lake bridge… When the water rises hgher in the rainy season the boat will fit but we will have to hug the deck!!!! Big beautiful RICH people houses line the lake on the north east side. Each one has lots of square footage and big docks, and we think most are winter snow birds! Several are for sale. I ought to find out how much!!! As we headed north, the houses got a little smaller and older. We got to US 27 end which is the north end of the lake and we turned to head west… Finished the bottle of champagne about an hour into the ride…. making the lake at least a 2 bottle lake. We continued and went about half way across towards the west. The west side is a government preserve. Probably a great bird wildlife preserve. We did not find the sand bar people talk about where folks dock up in the summer time. The ride was a little chilly; sun was shining, but wind blowing in from the north… Fortunately I was wearing one of the great big flannel shirts I got from my friend Mark… and I had another light jacket wrapped around my neck. When we turned south the wind died down and it was warm in the sunshine.

When we got back, having explored half the lake, we pulled the boat into the dock and headed over to church to pick up tabes we lent for the Trash and Treasure sale. Also carried an unsold table and chairs back across route 27 to a friends house. Well… guess what else is "across route 27"? The VFW. We don’t get over that way often so I said "let’s stop in and give them some business…." 3 beers and a pizza later we went back outside and it was only about 5pm, and one of us suggested, "Shall we go to Jaxson’s and see if we can find a way to park the boat and walk over?" Jaxson’s is a bar on one of the lakes that is connected to Lake June by a raggedy shallow little creek. We can’t get there with the pontoon boat, and we didn’t see a place to park the boat either, but stepped in to watch the Kobe Bryant news on television… and drink 3 more beers with chicken wings. We really spread ourselves around the little town yesterday!!!! This morning during the Mass on EWTN the priest talked about Kobe. He was Catholic and a real supporter of youth basketball with a young teenage daughter who was an excellent player. Unfortunately they were both killed. People were leaving basketballs out on their porches in Los Angeles for Kobe and his daughter Gianna. God bless them. What a big loss to us as people. Let this encourage us to support our youth and help them to grow to do things they maybe can’t afford or have no one to encourage them.

We are back home, sobering up from a tiny headache (me), and getting ready to face the taxman. Chuck is not allowed to have ice cream until our accountant/tax man signs on the bottom line! We need to submit completed tax form to get homestead exemption up here. So, it’s time for taxes people!!! Get it done! God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Trying hard !

Hi dear Sunday morning friends! I’ve tried several times to blog on my cell phone… like when I’m sitting outside on the dock just hanging out… but my cell phone won’t save the message so my creativity just goes out wherever unsaved stuff goes… This has been a bit of a secretive time as I was monitoring Chuck’s health … he bumped his head hard enough to put a pretty bad bloody scratch on his soft spot (where the doctor did Mohs surgery last year.) It hurt and we watched him for dizziness or loss of function. He got a few headaches and a stiff neck so I finally called doctor and asked for an MRI. It showed normal and headaches have gone away. The whole event took a few weeks… So I guess you know how hard it was to keep it quiet as we remember "the last time.." In the meantime…

The pontoon boat is in the water and getting her first ride into the lake today at 1pm!!!! We got an estimate for extending our dock to give us more dock sitting party space and hold the boat too under cover. That ought to be done in a February timeframe. So when you come to visit… expect a boat ride.

We got a new sofa bed so staying here ought to be a little more comfortable! I also have half-painted the big orange shed. Need to finish detail on the street side and half the house side. I’m painting 2 big flowering pots on the back for the neighbors across the canal. I don’t want to be responsible for watering dying flowers out on the back of the shed!!! I have a whole 32 foot wall down the out side and 1/2 the shed wall facing the house. it’s big!!!! I have neglected painting on people sized canvases whil I paint 32 foot canvases!!!

I helped at the church Trash and Treasure sale. First it was unpacking and putting stuff where it goes in our large social hall. Working the sale was fun… I carried stuff around and invited people to "go into the jewelry room" I said jingling my big noisy earings and necklaces, or "go into the Christmas room," holding up my big coffee cup saying "Peace!" or jingling my BIG Christmas bracelet. I wore a jacket around that I later wore to church… I got some good stuff and nearly collapsed from exhaustion!!! I do not have the stamina some of my lady friends do. I’m OK now and I have a week to recover before the next meeting. We will be attending a Submariners picnic in Barstow this coming weekend. I love listening to the stories and the current news about our heroes. We have no BIG trips planned uptil August so schedule a week here in beautiful Lake Placid. Love you lots! God bless you. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Feeling better, looking forward

Good Sunday morning dear gentle readers. This week has been extremely personal. There is no looking out here, only looking in. I went with a few ladies to the home of Liz who just lost her son. She held a memorial at morning Mass and invited her friends back for coffee. To lose your child is so hard and Liz is bravely bearing up under the blow. We talked of others and of the friend who is currently in the hospital doing diagnostics with complications. She’s supposed to have surgery, but her body filled with fluid. The email came to pray for her as it’s cancer and … probably spread out. There is a tqble in the lobby of the church where up coming funerals are honored. A photograph of the beloved, a note with their name on it, and a white vase with a white rose. People stop and talk there…. It’s a relatively small community. Only new people like me don’t know everybody. This is the "age" when we begin to lose our fellows. The prayer list is long. I’m one of the young ones but I stand with them and pray for me too. "Lord let me live to speak in church, to serve, to paint at the 2 art galleries! and … to finish the mural on the shed!!!"

I opened with the personal nature of this week. We don’t look "out." It’s almost if that is for the younger people and our role here at our age is to pray. When my mother retired from teaching, I said she shouldn’t retire yet; to me she was so vital! But she said, "Leave it to the young ones." My sister once said, "I am now a crone." Yes, I understand now… our role is advice, giving hugs, giving love and acceptance! i look around and hope the "young ones" will come to carry the load! Not only to carry the tables and chairs that are set up for the St Vincent de Paul collections, but for all the heavy lifting that "we used to do!" I will roll the little table around the church and set up the altar and the communion tables, and clean up after Mass as long as I can, and I will climb the steps and read the Word as long as my voice holds out ( I hear a lot of raspy voices here… I think that comes too when our voices go.) Let us do as much as we can… my gentle readers: get out the vote if you can! Get out there and speak, hug, and do the heavy lifting! God bless you. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Ah! The Relativity of Importance

I watched a little bit of news yesterday and today and there are 2 newsy "issues" out there floating around… Well there are many newsy items but I’ll focus on these two. (1) Has Iran backed down? Is it over and "All is well?" as President Trump says? Is the blowing up of our air bases in Iraq not really that important? Does Iraq care? Will he ever be tried in the Senate? and (2) How will Meghan and Harry ever earn a living? OH my dear. I paid attention to this one. Didn’t she save ANY money? I saw her on a Hallmark movie, and she was in several TV shows for a while and she managed to accumulate about $5 million. I saw her asset figure as i scanned thru an article and now I can’t find it. But let’s say her assets are that… $5 million… I am sure she and Harry will be writing a book and speaking (Harry will garner about $100,000 for each public speaking event.) And people are asking…."How will they live?" I’ll bet she has a closet full of clothes, and he equally a closet full of suits… They apparently get to stay in Frogmore Cottage. Have you seen a picture of it? It’s HUGE. Bigger than my several houses all patched together. I guess I’d sell that (oh wait they can’t; it belongs to England as a historical building)… So move in with Mama for pete’s sake…. Live in sunny California. Ah my dears. Could we live? Oh yes and give away much to the poor. I am going to go now and check my lottery ticket and buy more… Stay tuned to see how "Meghan ruined Harry’s life… How poor Harry hurt his Grandmother’s (the Queen’s) feelings…etc" Oh and Grandmother (the Queen) wouldn’t talk to him, she sent him to talk to his father. I’m not sure I’d want to do that. God bless us. God don’t laugh at us. Although we are funny. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Acck! Don’t look East!

This morning I had the time to turn on the TV for 15 minutes before going for a first time doctor’s visit…. I had looked at news the day before and was treated to the impeachment and Iraq news, so I guess I just had a prurient interest in whether the earth had a hole in it yet…. I was treated to all the news a person can take and it was riveting…. House of Representatives is trying to impeach a president who has fired or just not hired State Department diplomats and who is tweeting war with Iran. His attitude? "Who needs diplomats? You got me". I’ll admit, I don’t think "diplomacy" has worked… they hate us, but generally we send in dark operators who do the dirty work and carry the body out in the dark of night as if it never happened. I can’t believe I’m writing about this, and it’s probably the cause of my blood pressure being raised after waking up after 2 nightmares!!!

I went to the doctor’s office at 10am (1 1/2 hours after that early morning bp check), and my blood pressure was nice and low normal where doctors want it to protect the aneurism. I was surprised at 126/70 which makes the doctor very happy. It might be the country music I turned the TV to and keep on. Doctor gave me the name of a cardiac vascular surgeon he wants me to see "up here." It’s almost as if, "We got good doctors here too little lady!" He also told me not to tell the doctor what to do. Does he know me or what?

On New Years Day I made Chuck go into his shed and get all my (outdoor) painting supplies, paints, brushes, rollers etc and I harangued him about how I need part of that giant new shed for "my stuff!." You see, I’m about to repeat my part time job as an outdoor walls mural painter. So I have been working 3 to 4 hours a day since New Years day priming and painting the new 32 x 20 shed with mountains, ocean, sky, sun. Fish and small mountain villages are still in my imagination!!!  I think of ice sculptors working with chain saws as I roll the roller and ply the brushes on this work of art! It’s half done and I can’t answer any questions except to say, "It’s coming along" when Chuck gets home from hunting this Friday! In between times I’ve been trying to put away clothes that never found a permanent home since we only moved into this house in late September! Did you ever feel, "I have too many tee shirts?" All through my business and church career I collected tee shirts with logos, charity runs, holiday decorations, etc on them… So try to fit all that into a 2 bedroom house after retirment!  I’m doing better today but now what do I do with the 100 coats and jackets Chuck has collected over the years that I threw on the floor to accommodate my clothes in my side of the closet. I would suggest to those of you thinking of moving … make it 3 bedrooms (the third is for closets.) We have collected TOO much stuff! I’m back at it gentle reader. Be sure to pause and offer a little prayer for peace in your own heart…. We can pray for the world too, but don’t let the world get to you. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Are we struggling under unwarrented Guilt?

My friend just wrote to me that she is lectoring once again at church and she described the struggle of getting into panty hose this morning. Just imagining that made me laugh out loud. I’m over 70 (I’ll bet you didn’t know that…) and I don’t even own panty hose. If I wear strappy shoes on formal night I trim my toenails and give them a coat of paint. That’s my nod to "getting dressed up." AND the dress rule for women who lector at her church is dress or skirt and blouse. OH boy I don’t have a dress tht isn’t floor length and I own 2 skirts. I do wear a skirt, blouse and jacket (I alternate the 2 skirts) to be a Sacristan because I am actually up on the altar a lot in the preparation for Mass, even opening the Tabernacle. This is such a lofty position, it humbles me. So today, I was a lector, it was 50 degrees and I wore pants, bright shirt and jacket and when I looked down as we entered the church, I was wearing socks and sneakers. OH NO! It’s 50 degrees. Flats without hose would have been cold. OH the guilt I felt marching into Mass carrying the Big Bible, wearing sneakers. My friend tells me she is not a libber. Neither am I. Am I? I am more like an old retired woman who paid my dues in suits, panty hose and heels … For some reason I kept those 2 skirts. Must have been angels whispering…. Wear a skirt when being Sacristan in church. At least I never wear shorts in church!

I am painting a great big shed that sits in our side yard. When Chuck and I ordered it, I didn’t think it would be so Orange!!! My goodness, every time we drive up to the house I say, "WOW! that shed is orange!" When I step out of the shower, there is a window I keep open and the shed is right THERE. Orange. So on January 2 I hauled out my outdoor paints, brushes, roller pans, rollers, rags, etc and set up to paint that orange shed. It’s huge! 12 feet wide by 32 feet long. It took 2 days to cover it with my favorite base coat, white Kills. And it’s got spaces between each board so it needed roller AND brush. Mountains sprung up and then I added the horizon. I will make little villages on the mountains like I did on the lakehouse in Miami, I’ll add palm trees and flowers, of course little water features and a great big ocean and fish. Chuck wants a leaping bill fish so I have some work to do! Why didn’t we buy a white shed? Do they make them? Ah the beauty of second thoughts!

Pray for our country today as apparently we have killed an Iranian General in front of everybody and Colin Kaepernick is calling the shot racism. Pray for America. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Time is relative!

I was speaking with my sister Sarah and she said I haven’t written in forever… And I realized, "I haven’t". Where has the time gone? On the 7 day cruise we took over Christmas every moment from 8 am until midnight was full. We sailed with friends Peter and Karen Skipp (Chuck and Peter friends since age 14, then I joined the gang at age 16, and Karen joined about age 23.) Peter and Karen’s two beautiful adult daughters joined us and quickly found Chuck’s and my hideaway in Vintages for pre dinner wine or champagne. I loved vintages because they have outside tables and I see a lot of people I know. At the first Mass on board I took my prayer book up to help out a girl who Father chose to sing! Then I read at a few Masses and father put me up on stage at the Royal theatre to sing at Christmas day Mass with a powerfully voiced Jamaican genteman. We sang about 8 hymns! So I knew a lot of people from daily Mass and they would stop to talk as we enjoyed the garden at Vintages (Including Father himself). The two giant RCCL cruise ships, Allure and Harmony have a beautiful Garden called Park Place on deck 8. You can’t tell you are on a cruise ship. Our cabin on the Harmony overlooked that garden and we got a huge balcony because they used the space next to us for storage but gave us the storage space’s balcony!!! Every day I woke up when I wanted (but remember the storage space is next door) so it was wake up time between 8 and 830am. Quick shower, put on clean clothes, and trot down to the Diamond lounge for latte machiato. We are Diamonds because we cruise so much so we get inordinate amounts of lattes, wine, and water all for free. I tell people to be loyal to a brand and "get the loyalty points". After breakfast in Diamond lounge almost like clockwork I was off to the pool from 11 to 12. Lunch, read my Maeve Binchy books, and take a nap. Get up, get dressed, formal wear two nights, lovely dinner, go to shows. Amazing shows. Back to room about midnight. Meanwhile we got off the ship twice to go to Cozemel twice (the weather kept us away from the private island so we stopped twice in Cozemel where we have a cute little bar called Ernestos where we eat mexican food and drink Dos XXees (how do you spell that?). Nap after. Dinners were lovely with the 6 of us as family. Food was wonderful. The last night we all went to Chops Grill as travel agent had given us dinners. We drove from Cape Canaveral to visit Renee and drink and eat more!!! And we ate Thai food with her. Then we binge watched the 2nd season of Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime. Home for 2 days, I was so relaxed and tired that I totally forgot it was New Years Eve and when I heard fireworks I thought they were practicing!!! Chuck went hunting in Georgia with Dave and Sam, but not before I made him find all my mural painting brushes, rollers, roller pans, etc. I need to get into his shed and create my own space for my outdoor paints. I have painted for 3 days since Chuck left first covering our enormous shed with a base coat and today… mountains rose up! It is a huge shed. I am having a wonderful time at St James church. Today we wrapped about a million presents for the mission children (we have a lot of farms and migrants here). The church ladies are a lot of fun. That’s about it! I need to sink into Chuck’s easy chair and rest my poor paint covered body! God bless you! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

"The Routine"

Now that we have moved to Lake Placid, the routine has become more important. To go on a cruise we have to drive 3 hours and park a car and then get a shuttle bus. Allow 4 hours. So our routine is …. "What time do we have to leave the house and what time do i set the alarm for?" I’ve learned long ago, don’t argue about this second question and answer. The driver knows. I will fill up the car before Mass today. The tires are OK and we are packed. We are off for our last "booked Cruise"! Meaning I’ve not called our travel agent to book us a cruise nor have I used "Cruise holidays" on the ships to book. We are going cold turkey for an indeterminate amount of time. i have to change some credit card billing now as Bank of America changed our credit card number as one of their agents did some bad stuff. Off to do work on this beautiful Saturday before Christmas. Sail away tomorrow! God bless us! Happy Christmas. Welcome Christ. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

How time flies!

Good morning gentle readers! I just looked at my last writing and it was Saturday morning 6 days ago!!! Where did time go? The 4 of us, Jane and Steve, Chuck and I enjoyed a day of ceremony (the submarine memorial), and raffles and gift giving and banquet. Then Sunday morning Chuck and I headed south back to Lake Placid. The roads were good and we arrived home about 5pm. Jane and Steve took the coast road stopping in Appalachicola, St Petersburg, Treasure Island and … Places Chuck and I haven’t been to! I can’t tell you what we did except unpack, laundry, clean up our rooms, and start packing again for the cruise this coming Sunday!!!! When Jane and Steve arrived we went out for meals and drank champagne and went into town for all kinds of shopping. Lake Placid is a little town with a crossroads of Main Street and Interlake Boulevard with wonderful shops branching out from the 4 corners. We broused and found some gifts and then I went to get my hair done and we had lunch at Schooni’s (a pizza and burgers place among other interesting meals). While Chuck fixed my car tire (out of which a Lake Placid tire repair guy pulled a nail and then repaired the tire), Jane and Steve drove me to church for an hour of adoration (taking the place of my friend Elsie). When they picked me up they had found me a dresser in a thrift shop. I’ve been complaining and moaning about having my clothes (especially long pants and sweats) spread all over the house and I need a proper dresser for them in our bedroom…. This is a proper dresser with really heavy iron scrollwork on the feet part and a nice light brown wicker. The top needs sanding and I’ve been fooling with the idea of sanding and painting the top which has a big scratch…. paint and make a little mural on it! I’ll start that right now…. So my $50 thrift find got me a new friend named Corky (who volunteers at the thrift shop that supports elderly care) whose husband wants to look at a 20 foot pontoon boat to see how big that is (we have a 20 foot pontoon boat). They live 1 block over on Anderson. New friend, thrift store dresser…. Lots of fun. Jane and Steve just took off. It’s a 2 hour drive north to the Orlando airport. I’ll say a little prayer for their safety. We sent them early at 10am and flight is at 6pm. That gets them through the roads and turns, the rental car return, baggage drop off and the dreaded TSA safty inspection and hope it leaves plenty of time to check in by 3pm and have a snack. So we leave you asking for prayer for our travelers back to England, and a little prayer for Chuck and I driving over to Cape Canaveral early Sunday morning where we will meet Peter and Karen Skipp and their 2 beautiful daughters Catie and Rebecca at the Vintages wine bar on the RCCL Harmony after noon on Sunday!!!! Happy last days of Advent my dear friends and May the Peace of Christmas and celebrating the (thank God) birth of Christ be with you! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Saturday morning memorial

We have gathered "upstairs" in the banquet room / restaurant here at the Hilton in Panama City Beach for the tolling of the Ship’s Bell for lost submarines. We will remember boats and men lost from the American Navy and boats and men lost from the British Navy. After the Navy hymn, we will go to lunch and then back to the hospitality room for celebrating Christmas!!! Jane and Steve, English friends, are welcomed and loved! All is well with the world with these wonderful veterans! God bless us! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Old Navy Submariners

I’m watching and listening to coffee drinkers and sea stories… I just heard, "and the captain said…’dont touch anything!’" to a visitor! And everybody laughed. They had Marines come on board for transport. The Marines would say, "I didn’t know we were going under water!" I guess it’s a bit scary when "Dive! Dive! " Is alarmed, and Chuck said you can feel it and things start to slide…. I’ve never done that. I’m the stay at home submarine sweetie.
Our English friends arrived last evening about 5pm. They followed the GPS and finally arrived safe. We walked down to the outdoor bar where the young bartender was lighting gas heaters. It was good enough to keep the 55 degree winds off of us. Due to the time change, when I went to bed at 8:15 it was actually 9:15! We were Up at 7am, 10 degrees warmer, and I’ve been drinking coffee and listening to stories ever since. When our English friends finally get here to the hospitality room, I’ll be ready for bed and a nap again!!!

Susie's musings

Peace on 19

Chuck and I have moved into the quiet lanes! The "biggest road" we have at home is 2 lane route 27 and now (930 am) we are taking route 19 / 98 north into the Panhandle to Panama City Beach for a Submariner’s Christmas party. We should enjoy sunny and 60s… Warmer would be better for me but we plan Beach walking and restaurant and bar sitting to prop up the local economy. The small fragile beach town was badly damaged by hurricane Michael in October 2018. That’s why we will shop and eat a lot to help the economy. I remember when we visited Waveland Ms after 20 feet of Katrina flood surge wiped out Waveland. We have all been hurt by storms; let us try to take care of each other. The drive on route 19 is peaceful and quiet with lots of trees and one other car. God bless us! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

A rousing Christmas beginning!

We have greeted our English friends, taken them all around Lake Placid, eaten way too many meals! And consumed mass quantities of tea and left overs!!! and gone to the Lake Placid Saturday morning market and a concert in our Main Street park… and we also watched some "American Telly" and put everyone to sleep! Yesterday was market and concert day and I served at the Church for a healing Mass and then the 4pm vigil. I met the family for the market and lunch then I rushed home to clean up the refrigerator and freeze some leftovers and to "prep" dinner for 9. Kathie and George brought up our pontoon boat from Miami and joined us with former Miami neighbors and now Lake Placid residents.. Laz and Ingrid and their handsome young son who helped us so much during the move so we had 9. When I drove in from vigil Mass (since I served as Sacristan I didn’t get home until 545) and the party was rousing out on the dock!!!! I heard them from the street and I thought! "Thats the Peabodys in your town you quiet Lake Placid friends!!! " We ate and drank and talked health care, politics and religion; all the things to be avoided at a quiet dinner party! but we had a mixed group and everyone wanted to know "everybody else’s ways." I poured us into bed and got us all up again for a good bye breakfast with George and Kathie. Then we mapquested and did in prep for our English friends’ visit to Sarasota and Tarpon Springs. We will meet them in Panama City on Thursday. Off they go and off Chuck and I go to a party at the church. It’s men and women and Chuck has met a man or two so I figure if we bring wine as snack food…. it will be fun for all!!! After that party there is a Christmas concert at the Presbyterian church we will try to attend. Have a wonderful, prayerful Advent my friends. God bless us! Angels with us!!!

Susie's musings

Come creativity! Playing winter!

We played winter yesterday and sat outside at 5pm with English friends and across the canal neighbors. We all had jackets and I had a leg blanket but I got cold around sunset! We went inside and held a vote and Italian dinner at Sammy’s won. After dinner I served ice cream and everyone fell asleep while we watched FBI. I woke everyone up and sent them off to bed. After a good night’s sleep the sun is bright and beautiful!!!

I wrote the last paragraph while waiting for my new internist doctor to see me. He asked a lot of questions and supports cardiac doctor prescribing beta blocker to soften the punch of blood in arteries. He wants blood pressure to drop about 10 points and he will see me to take blood pressure every week. Also did a carotid artery sonogram. All points examined. Following up. Chuck and I have had flu and pneumonia shots so we are covering bases. I need to lose weight ( my own diagnosis) and get back to painting!!! So you. What do you need to do? Love one another ❤️. Stay warm! God bless you. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Thanks to God it hasn’t grown!

I got results from Cardiologist today that the aneurism has not changed… and "with technological developments this can be fixed….just not today" . The doctor is cautious on diving into surgery… I will get another test in a few months: an echo cardiogram and an MRA that has less radio waves in it and doctors will consult…. and we will go forward from there. I’ll get a cardiologist in Lake Placid and use Baptist Hospital in Miami as my "Directors and Producers"… We already have an Internist here in Lake Placid who has recommended a dentist and eye doctor….

We are home and it is a little chilly! 59degrees with a nice breeze. We have the windows open and Chuck is wearing jeans for the first time this year! I have chickens in the oven and we are waiting for our English friends who are lost…. They called from a gas station using someone’s cell phone and they got it all sorted out. It’s dark so I say a little prayer for travelers on I95!!!!! Oh dear Lord protect our travelers! Time to get to my unpacking and laundry piling… Dear December celebrationers be safe! God bless us. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

What has happened to my husband?

Ever 🐝 n left standing to guard the luggage… for an intermidible time? It reminds me of the movie when the Russian passenger (Tom Hanks) spends months inside the airport! Chuck disappeared through a door marked suites to pick up his pocket knife that was confiscated from his suitcase 14 days ago and he’s been gone for a while … I wonder if a beagle got him for the second knife he has in his pocket. But beagles snif stuff and Chuck is clean. So I watch the door as people stream by me…here he is!!! And we are in a taxi! Our ride Rick is in Daytona so we are taxiing it to our car. Beautiful day! God has blessed us!

Susie's musings

Turkey and an ice show

We close today of Thanksgiving with a turkey dinner and an ice show. It’s amazing to eat a turkey dinner with pumpkin pie AND see young people do ice dancing and tricks right before our eyes and Allure of the Seas is good at both!!!! Chuck and I went out for a walk in San Juan (in the oppressive heat! good grief! It’s snowing "up north")… Glenda and I spent an hour in the pool and then we had lunch with Glenda and Milton and then… you are not far off: if it’s Susie, it’s probably a nap!!!! We continue to thank God for our friends and wish you health and happiness. All of you know who you are! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Giving Thanks

Good morning from Allure of the Seas docked for 5 hours in San Juan Puerto Rico. I just got up a little after 8am and I would be watching EWTN Mass and getting ready for Mass at Saint James if we were in Lake Placid… Yesterday we docked in Saint Maarten on the Phillipsburg side of the island (Dutch). I dropped Chuck off at our favorite little out door bar (Pirates Cove) on the boardwalk, and I walked into town, past the church to verify time of Mass (noon for them, 11am for us eastern standard time people). I walked along looking for the artist whom we loved last trip and bought her work. She is gone. I have 2 of her lovely pieces and I hope I have her name. I walked back to the church streaming with sweat. It was HOT in Saint Maarten. And I sat right in front of the fan at church. I used 2 kleenexes blotting up the water streaming from my head and cheeks. There is a lovely cantor who sang 5 hymns. And she led the Amen with vigor!!! We sang AAAmen, AAAmen! AAmen, Amen, Amen!!!! Several times!!! They really celebrate Mass with Joy and I am so grateful they are there safe in Saint Maarten!

Today is Thanksgiving. I’m sitting in the Diamond club, sipping chocolate caramel Latte Machiato… with extra steamy milk. Later I’ll have a croissant with creamy butter. I look outside at a beautiful day and I’m filled with Thanks to God who allows all this! I watch the young aqua stars walk through the show in practice (we can see the stage from the Diamond club). I will walk out into the sunshine and then go to the pool. Chuck is over by the window sipping coffee, reading and relaxing. On Monday, we will be home decorating for Christmas and entertaining English friends Jane and Steve. But for now… We are Celebrating 50 years with Milton and Glenda. Milton received a tee shirt that says "I am the Captain" and Glenda’s reads, "I am his Anchor". At first one could read that as "I’m the one who sinks him and spends all his money! but upon reflection, to be one’s anchor is to steady them, to keep them stable, to keep them in safe harbor. God bless Milton and Glenda, friends for 58 years. Keep us safe. You too dear friends. Keep you safe. Keep you praying for Peace. If we all storm heaven with prayer, God who hears us, will fill us with Peace. AAAAAmen!

Susie's musings

It’s Betta in the Bahamas!

I remember a television advertisement about the Bahamas that was full of birds singing and drums and music. And I always love to come to Nassau and the straw market. Yesterday was no different except in the old days there were us and another small cruise ship and the straw market was outside!!! Yesterday, we were the hugest ship with 5 other ships beside us!!! The entry/exit hall is a medium sized building… I went ashore alone as Chuck said he’s seen it and would rather read. No problem. After an hour in the pool, I set out for the straw market which is now crowded under roof in what might have been an old government building. It is still there, noisy and looking prosperous. I kept walking to the end of the pier entertained by drums, an artist who painted palm trees, sky, and ocean on panels and sold them for $10, and shell salesmen. I stopped to turn around at a Signor Frogs. As I turned, I noticed 4 little canvas tents set up in a parking lot in the sun so I went to see. I stopped at a table of small hand made crosses made of green sea glass and sea glass hand made jewelry. I didn’t have enough cash to buy what I wanted but I bought some. Back at the ship I told Chuck we will be back next week and I can get the necklace! "No! Go now and get it!" Chuck said, digging out 20s. I trotted back out (the round trip is 1 hour… Cabin to lady with jewelry). I found her and negotiated a swap of a pair of green earrings for a blue and white necklace, bracelet and earings… Back to the ship… Long line now at the small security building! No problem!!! I talk to people while we queue. Today we sit in Fort Lauderdale while new sailors get on. Then we turn around to go to Saint Martin and two other stops. Saint Martin is my favorite with noon Mass!!! God bless you and Angels with us!!!

Susie's musings

swim, play, read

Hi dear, gentle, reader friends! Today is a day at sea and I’ll bet the pools are full! Yesterday in the Solarium, the pool was empty because it was raining and the water was cold… The hot tub with a max of 16 people had about 100 people in it. Drinks were flowing and the hot tubbers were in high form! Do not give people a day in Mexico and then give them drinks at the pool!!! Chuck and I had a beautiful quiet afternoon (after my walk into Mexico and out again, and after 15 minutes in the hot tub which was not covered and not in the rain… We dressed in formal wear and floated down to the Champagne bar to people watch and drink champagne. The Allure has a floating bar that actually rises up and floats up from 5 to 8th floor! When it is up on 8 there is a fountain is on its place on 5!!! We also found last night for the first time, Park Place a beautiful out door garden area with the specialty restaurants. We listened to music and lingered in the beauty of a real garden on a cruise ship. I started falling asleep and I sent Chuck off to the ice show while I crawled into my warm bed. Wow! What sleeping we have done! I’m ready now to brave the pool and hope I can get an hour of aerobics in… I have another book to read. I selected The Help as I have seen the movie but I don’t remember reading the book. Our friends Milton and Glenda will be joining us on Sunday with family members celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary!!!! I will write again next week. For now… free internet is ending for me! God bless you! Angels with you!!!

Susie's musings

What is today?

I bend over and look at my feet as I step into the elevator for the first time today… Ah!!!!! It’s Thursday. The elevators do not have clocks for time, only the day. We are on a very large ship that has food all over the place to accommodate over 5000 passengers. With about 2000 crew and staff that’s about the size of my new home Lake Placid!!!!! I always know where to find Chuck in the early morning. He’s sipping coffee in the Diamond lounge looking out over the Board walk. Last night we sat there after dinner while awaiting our show time and we watched an Aqua show that had high divers like the Olympics from very high platforms, gymnasts hanging on ropes and swings and diving into the pool below, clowns falling into the pool and lots of fun!!!! We have been to 2 comedy shows and tonight we will attend an Ice show. We read every day and I have finished 2 Maeve Binchy books. I adore her! She creates people in families that we would recognize… people with odd relations, wild women who run away and come back 25 years later, men who want to "do it" immediately with the girls they meet, mothers who are worn out, drinking fathers who either blend into the background and cause a lot of angst or earn a lot and lose it through fraud… etc etc. They all interact but don’t know we are watching!!! I finished two books and am starting The Help that I never read. Only watched the Movie. Chuck is reading Michael Connolly. We did not go ashore on the Perfect island Coco Cay and it turns out there were mosquitoes and the water was freezing cold. I have been in the pool here on ship every day and it has been cold except in the Solarium where I am heading when I finish this. We went ashore in Cozemel and walked about 4 miles in total along the beach. It was a beautiful day! We stopped for beer in small pubs on the water and watched swimmers in the beautiful teal waters! Back to the pool on ship for talk with others in the pool and exercise. We remembered that our last time on Costa Maya (many years ago) we found a small bar on the beach with swinging chairs and drank way too much tequila and the bar tender had a guy drive us back to the ship. There was a small wading pool that we waded through on the way back to the ship. It was rainy today so I went ashore alone to find the little pool. I found it, but the pool was full of children and the area was crowded with shops and people!!! I did not try to find the bar with the swings! We no longer drink tequila!!! Time for me to go pool swimming. Rain or shine, the Solarium calls. Tonight is formal night. Chuck and I show in black and white. He wears black tux pants and white jacket and I wear black skirt and I have 2 red dressy shirts! Just call us James and Zelda! "Having a wonderful time on the RCCL Allure." Will need diet and sleep!!!! God bless you! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Good morning from Westwood Lake

We are visiting friend Glen in Miami as I have an appointment at Baptist hospital just down the street at noon. Glen graciously opened his house to us for last night and tonight. Last night we ate at our favorite Italian restaurant Osteria. Oh my goodness how delicious. We drank wine and carried half a bottle home which the boys finished while I slipped off to bed. I’ll bet I slept from 9pm to 8am.. and now, full of coffee I’m sitting on Glen’s dock. I miss the coots and limpkins! Glen’s part of the lake is wider than our canal! No kidding! It’s a nice respite! It’s odd not to have the same view as I have from our lake house on the north lake!!! Glen is on the south lake. When you visit us in Lake placid you will notice some differences; we are not on an airport landing path, we have no ducks, no traffic. We have herons, occasional trains, orange trees, and hills. My friend Kathie is right in holding off for a place on a lake! But we are happy! Ok, Sun’s out from behind a small cloud and I’m getting hot! God bless you! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Sign on the Baptist Church…

"Our Sundays are better than Dairy Queen." Everyday there’s something new and fun in Lake Placid! We booked cruises before we bought this house, and I hope we get to do autumn, Thanksgiving, and Christmas here next year. We will miss a Christmas parade in downtown!!! There’s always next year! God bless you! Angels with us ❤️

Susie's musings

Big adventure Miami

Good morning gentle readers! Today we begin our big adventure in Miami. We will go to copy my Christmas letter and mail it. Then to Glen’s on the lake and to Italian dinner tonight at Osteria Piedmonte. Yum. Tomorrow I get the CT scan and we will have pizza dinner with Glen and friends and former neighbors Kathie and George!!! The next day Saturday to the USSVI meeting in a park in Miami that has about 11 submarine sails in it. The sail is the top part of a submarine. When the boats are scrapped, parts are purchased and used as memorials. Then we will go to lunch with the submariners. That night we will be with Chuck’s buddy Rick Hartman who will drive us to the ship on Sunday morning for a 2 week cruise!!! Since I don’t plan to do tours or even go ashore at most Caribbean island as we have been there so many times, I might not blog. You don’t really want to hear about me in the pool and drinking champagne! Just know that we are doing a fun thing and I’ll be back in two weeks. When we arrive in Miami I go for a visit to cardiologist to get results of CT scan then home to Lake Placid to meet friends Jane and Steve from England who will be visiting for 2 weeks. I’ll blog then because I plan to do some stuff here in Lake Placid I haven’t had time to do!!! Like visit the art places in Lake Placid. God bless you. Angles with us!

Susie's musings

Clean up and piles!

I find it a laughing matter that I wrote to my friend Karla and probably have written to many of you, "I’m cleaning up piles." I’m writing the Christmas letter and I always consult the calendar when I review the year, but there’s nothing written on the calendar for January 2019 (we might have changed calendars???) So I’m looking back at emails and I found a note to Karla written Jan 2, 2019……. I wrote that I was cleaning piles in January 2019 with no thought to moving. In preparation for and since the move, it’s amazing how much stuff I’ve put in the donate box and or thrown away!!!! It’s as many of you have said, "Throw it away. Start a new life today." And you know what? I go outside to turn on the hose to water our new avocado tree and I look at the caladiums and other plants someone planted in my yard, and I love all of them. I have pentas, plumbago (the blue flowered bush), lots of caladiums… nice grass mowed by a small family run group of gardeners. I walk out the front door, down my front walk to my car, and when I look back I have to laugh at all the decorations we have put out there! Frogs, rocks, shells and pots. It’s been fun. This week I have put away a lot of art work as the walls are full. You might walk in here and go "Whew! the walls are covered!" well we have a lot of great photos and art. I’ve tried to keep order.

My friend at church Elsie, a very prayerful lady! wrote that her sister in law went to the doctor for not being able to breathe…. He said he can’t do anything… she’s 86, organs are failing. Gave her lasix. so 86 is old…? My mom had congestive heart failure at about 90…. but she didn’t die until 97. I’m thinking of suggesting a visit to a specialist, but maybe this is what the end of life is all about…When do we stop going for help and going to specialists? I’m not asking for me… I’m only 72 with plenty of years left. But when? I pray every day for all of you that we remain healthy to play together for many more years. This Friday I go for a CT scan to measure the aneurism. I won’t get the result until Dec 2 when we get back from a 2 week cruise! Live life! Enjoy beauty! Thank God. Love you! God bless us! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

small dogs and kids

I took a 5pm bicycle ride and encountered…. No traffic. No cars. 2 small dogs in their owners’ arms, and kids doing cart wheels in the front yard with mom and dad on the porch. How middle America is this??? Our streets are funny. My house is about in the middle of the block so if I turn left out of the driveway I go "down" to the cul de sac… turn around and suddenly realize it’s uphill! huffing and puffing, I turned left at the top of my street and turned left again onto Anderson. (in Coral Gables, Anderson was our next street too!). Swoosh! I was off like the wind. Downhill all the way to the cul de sac. UH OH.. Crawling up hill I looked like an old lady pumping those fat wheeled pedals!!!! breathing hard and sweating! and finally I walked my bike the last 12 feet to the corner! I drove over to friend Glenda’s street (Loquat) and it is pretty normal all the way to the cul de sac. All of these streets are on canals. At the cul de sac they join the one big canal into Lake June. We have not been on Lake June yet…. boat is in harbor in Miami patiently awaiting some repairs… But we know the lake is there! I can see it from the car. It’s especially exhilarating to go up a hill in the car and at the crest (top) see the lake!!!!

This week is going by fast. I was home here alone Sunday through Wednesday and I’ve been on the attack in the art room and other places. I’m trying to find places for papers and things or putting them in a box for the church who by the way wants the books from my library!!! I am so happy. I’m going to scout around town at the thrift stores and see if I can find a book shelf. The church has a social hall with about 5 classrooms attached. We have all our meetings there and Chuck and I went to October fest there. There isn’t really space for books in the hall itself, but one of the rooms has a sofa and soft chairs. I figure a small bookshelf won’t overwhelm. I have some enthusiastic folks and some who tell me there’s no space for books. I walk very softly here!!!! 5 boxes of books by Catholic writers need a home!

I’m painting my first mural at this house! On the sliding door that goes out to the porch. If we close the door… it’s too easy to run into because we keep it open most of the time. But during the summer we keep the door closed. Too hot … OK so Be Creative today!!! Paint, draw, write! There’s something fun going on that you can help others to see! God bless you. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

A closed mouth gathers no foot

I did not make that up! It is the sign on the small Baptist church I pass on the way to Church. We all have been with people who "comment" when we see a friend slip up, make a mistake, be rude etc etc. I actually said, "Woah, that’s not right… " and the lady next to me said, "Oh you don’t know the half of it and was off to the races with all the things wrong the third party does." I am still in the throes of trying to figure out how to do my Sacristan and Lector jobs…. But even I can spot what isn’t right. That’s all I wanted to confirm. We are not in charge…. We are not to comment on the personality defects of our peers, rather ask the one in charge how something should be done. Do it and shut up.

Yesterday 8 women sat outside the library in Lake Placid with the 3 schools (elementary, middle, and high school) within sight. It’s a very small town. The library and schools all surround a big traffic circle. We women were from 2 churches in town and we were praying for the children. We prayed for bullies, for traffic offenders, for parents who neglect to teach respect, for children who are tempted by other children to take drugs and alcohol, for children who feel great anxiety…). It makes our heart heavy that children are so in need, but one of us, a very wise woman said, "We are so blessed, because we know the end of the story." Know the end of the story… have faith that God never did and never will break his covenant. He made us; he loves us; he won’t leave us alone. Keep praying in faith and love. Pray for faith and love.

I’m home alone, drinking smoothies and trying to take off 10 pounds of anxiety fat! (I have been spreading ice cream and wine all over myself since we started packing to move!!!!). Giving those 2 up for the 10 days Chuck is away hunting, I might start fitting into my pants again! Fortunately I love salads and soup! I’m working very hard to put everything away in the art room… Getting close. I hope to paint soon. Clean something up. Enjoy giving things away to people who could use them! God bless you. Angels with you!

Susie's musings

WOW moments!

What if life were full of WOW! moments? Wouldn’t life be fun? Wouldn’t we all be going around with silly grins on our faces. Not silly like we are stupid, rather, silly like we love small beautiful things! Or big awesome things… Some examples of what makes me grin and say WOW!:
Chuck and I have been watching for birds at the bird feeder… I’m waiting for song birds, but any bird is good. Then: there were black birds, 3 doves and a great gray heron…. The doves were waiting for the black birds to "back off" and the heron was "just hanging out"… The heron leaned way out over the water, very still, watching the water. Then we realized the birds at the feeder were shaking it up and seed was falling onto the dock and into the water. Suddenly the heron dived in and came up with a fish horizontally in his mouth. Horizontally is important because he then has to go through some maneuverings to get that fish head down in the vertical position so it can slide down his gullet smoothly, so its scales don’t hurt the bird. Since it was a small fish, a simple throw and catch was all the heron needed. We whooped as he gobbled and swallowed. Poor fish. Like Jonah, swallowed alive. Ick…. The birds continued. This happened again the following night. Probably the same heron, but now he is across the canal on neighbor Connie and John’s dock. Watching, hanging way over the edge. "Hurry up," I whispered, "it’s getting dark!!!" Swoop! His great wings pulled tight he dived and came up with a fish that looked to be 10 inches long; big enough to filet…. He stood in the water near the seawall. (We have discovered it is pretty shallow near the seawall that the long legged birds can stand there.) He was now looking up at the grass. Chuck said, "He has to get up into the grass because he doesn’t want to drop the fish." Pretty smart Chuck…. a few minutes of looking at the grass in Connie and John’s back yard, and then, leap with a great flap of wings and a little shaking to dry out his wings. Ah! now the fun begins. He juggled and juggled, dropped the fish a few times. "Hurry!, I said. Now it was dark and we could hardly see him. There it goes, he finally got that fish to stop wiggling, and gulp, that fish is history. In the heron’s belly. Chuck thinks he had to wait for that one to die because it was so big. (like in the Country and Western song by the Dixie Chucks… "and Earl had to die"…). Oh that’s awful. Now the next WOW moment!
I volunteered to "help" the Sacristan at church…. HELP the Sacristan. Well I think you know how that goes. Last night I unlocked the church, turned on the lights and air conditioning and set up for vigil Mass. Vigil Mass is the Mass of the next day, but at night so people who work can attend. We are celebrating the Feast of All Saints. I set up according to a rather thorough and good list. Always give me written instructions… I enjoy lists! 5 chalices for the wine, 4 dishes for the Sacred bread. This will become the Body and Blood of Jesus when the Priest consecrates it. Altar cloths, towels and dishes of water for those giving out Communion all set up. Pray with the lectors and ministers who will process in, then go sit down. In they walked and Mass began. At Communion, the altar server (Nell) looked over at me with a question mark on her face? There weren’t enough servers for the number of chalices and dishes I put out. I didn’t know… So I let it unfold, which is usually seamless in our Church as we have a lovely priest with a forgiving nature! In the end, the priest had to put away 2 dishes of consecrated hosts and drank a full cup of consecrated wine. What happened? Well…. Despite the list, whoever schedules people only scheduled 4 wine servers and 2 Communion servers. It’s always something! How about let me know? Every time I serve I learn a new lesson (take the stoppers off the little cruets of wine and water before handing them to the Priest, put the challices on the altar for the priest to fill, look at how many are serving and only put out that many bowls and chalices.) What else???? Wash up, turn off the lights. It was now 8:30pm and pitch dark. OH! The alarm. Of course there are 3 choices… What button to push? I chose "Exit and Leave" Sounds good to me… I pushed the button and it began to click. Run to the other side of the room, turn off the entry room lights, open and close the big wooden door (why do churches always have big wooden doors???). Lock the door. Then I peeked in at the alarm. No red lights (I think…. ) Oh brother. Half way home (it’s a 5 minute drive), I thought, "Did I check the lock?" Turned around and tested the door. It didn’t open and there were no police sirens. I think my exit was safe. WHEW! … WOW! Heaved a sigh. I think the cops will not be coming this time. I hope. What an awesome, big responsibility serving the Lord!!! Go serve. Gird your loins, say a prayer, and leap!!! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Why all the chest pounding?

As I write about a meeting we just finished, as we head home on interstate expressways to a placid little town of about 10,000 people where I’m surrounded by lakes and orange trees, I think a person who didn’t see what we saw yesterday might wonder .. what’s everybody pounding their chests for? I’ve felt that while listening attentively to Admirals, commanders and unqualified young teenagers studying systems in order to "pass quals". What’s all this about.? Yesterday a group of us who had been prescreened, assembled at the "Goat Locker" the Chiefs Club. I asked why Is it called the goat locker? The answer left me puzzled, "because chiefs are called goats". Ok. So then a US Navy bus came with 2 Navy police and 1 sailor from the SS Maryland. We got on the bus with no cell phones and no exercise wrist bands.. and we were escorted by a security car to the dock. Where is it? We got over to the water and there she was .. a big dark grey half submerged war ship. That was my first WOW! She is huge! The Maryland is a Boomer. I never understood what that meant until we climbed down 3 levels and our guide, in for 18 years and sharp and handsome, said here they are. I reached out and touched, "is this concrete?" Yes. There are 24 of them. Concrete tubes, missile silos full of nuclear missiles capable of traveling thousands of miles steered by sophisticated GPS tracking. I kept touching it. Our young man "Thompson" took us on to two rooms where constant measurements are underway even in Port… Where we are and where "they" are. Thompson said, "we are constantly hiding. If we pick up any sounds other than whales, we run. We are strictly defensive." In another room full of computers 2 young men told how they are constantly checking the missiles and one of them is making calculations. If they get an order it has to be verified and authorized 3 times before a missile can be shot. By now I’m petrified and terrified. We have young men (ok they are in their late 30s and early 40s) plotting courses on nuclear boomers. One of our sailors said, "we should bring Puten to see this." Needless to say, I had a nightmare last night. We thanked our guide "Thompson" and everybody else we passed (oh by the way, at one point, stepping over beds that protruded into the passageways! )… Thanked and thanked! And blessed them too. We are headed home now. And the news on TV is that some brave young men tracked an ISIS leader into cave and killed him. Pray for peace. Maybe if we ALL pray. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Was that just this morning?

At 8am we drove over to the host hotel and got on a van to go to the Trident Training Center and join in the Memorial Ceremony that I documented as it happened. I wrote my last post as Admiral Holland spoke… I remembered our talk from the previous day and I put in some of my reactions. It is really unedited. One thing I straightened out is the name of the class of submarine to come out in 2028 is Columbia. A class of boat defines its length, width, height, weight and a lot of other capabilities and attributes. Chuck was on a diesel/Guppy sub. That actually was a class back then. Today there are fast attacks, boomers, trident missiles and tomahawk missile submarines and it goes on. Today’s heavy hitter is the Virginia class, and "tomorrow’s heavy hitter" due out in 2028 is the "Columbia class."

After the ceremony today we went into the Trident Training center and were shown the fire training and water training facilities. Rather than train on a sub there are simulators. There is a giant vat of water and lots of pipes that spring leaks and floods. Those in training have to fix the leaks under leak conditions. Big torrents of water might flood the compartment and they have to fix the leaks. Same with the fire fighters. We saw a torpedo and its loading tube and a diesel engine (for auxiliary power, and to be used in case of a reactor failure). WOW! That was exhausting! We were then driven back to Pirates Galley for lunch. Hamburgers, chili, and all kinds of other good stuff including ice cream. Then we went to the Base Exchange which is like a Target or Walmart except we sailors get discounts. I didn’t buy anything as…. I can still see all that stuff we unpacked at home. Then we went back to Trident Training Center and actually sat for an hour and waited for the crowds (there are 400 people attending this memorial weekend) to come for dinner. We headed upstairs in the training center where tables were set up end to end to serve 400 people. I was amazed at how seamless everything was. Everytime we all got together this week there were ceremonies. We watched sailors receive their Dolphins (that means they qualified) and sailors reenlists. And we clapped a lot in congratulations. Dinner was a huge steak with veggies, and a lot of other stuff. I ate 1/2 and put my steak aside. Chuck said, "get a salad bowl and we’ll take it with us." I had a plastic bag from Chuck’s purchase in the Navy Exchange so I put his steak and mine in a bowl with onions and mushrooms and put a bowl on top and put the whole delicious mess into a plastic bag. It is now in our refrigerator and will be our sandwich for the trip home on Sunday.

Am I done yet? Nope. We have been with our sub group most of the time (the base Chuck leads called Pelican Harbor) so there was a lot of sharing with people we knew including our own WWII veteran and his daughter who drove him up to Georgia. We sat and talked with them and with one of our van drivers who joined us and had a beer as he was "off duty." Throughout the week, we have had conversations with young sailors, men and females alike, and the Commander of the Trident Training Center. We listen to them tell of the way things are in 2019, and then our guys tell them "how it was" in the 40s, 50s and 60s. There is a lot of exchange and respect on both side young for old and old for young. Finally it was time to go, but wait!!!! Chuck and a guy started talking about the base at Cape Canaveral and the weapons facility there… I said finally, why don’t we go in and have a beer. So in we went to the hospitality room and I bought 1/2 and 1/2 tickets. I won nothing all weekend… Finally, after a wonderful conversation with the Commander of the Training Center and his wife… finally it was bedtime. And so… we are back in the hotel. Chuck is having hot chocolate and I am closing this memoir!!! God bless America. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Navy Life

Yesterday I made a mistake about Commander Perez. He is Commander of a sub group. He was commanding officer of the USS Georgia and USS New Mexico. Today our speaker at the Submarine Veterans of WWII Memorial was Admiral Holland. Both gentlemen started by saying they could go on all day until called off into their next meeting! They are enthused and excited to serve and command our military Navy and Marines. Yesterday Commander Perez went on for 2 hours, speaking of WWII War patrols, WWII departed, current activities, and future growth while we continue to build our Navy to protect America.
It’s important to take stock of how we are doing, keeping count, petitioning for budget, making plans to protect America. Speakers ranged in subject from WWII to 2028 when our newest submarine, now in construction, will be released for sea duty to go to impossible places and to keep turning the tide for peace and freedom. In 2028 the sailors will be brothers and sisters "of the phin" as today we talk of WWII veterans as "brothers of the phin".
We have a lot of work to do to keep ahead of Chinese and Russian competition in what we can call this 2nd Cold War. Words repeated these 2 days and probably tonight at the steak dinner and tomorrow as we tour a submarine… Perseverance, endurance, prevail, giving all, Columbia class (the newest), challenge, budget.
We called the roll of lost boats and tolled the bell for 65 lost subs and lost British subs. God bless America. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

How many, How much?

Today our speaker is Chief of Staff Submarine Group 10. The underwater defence of our country is impressive… We are "Combat Ready to Preserve the Peace"… The young men I see here at the base are averaging 20 years old to 40 years old. They are so proud and respectful of our old guys. They are in great shape! A COB sat with us at breakfast and I couldn’t believe how much he ate! He told us he has 2 children, one Air Force and one Navy. He is an empty nester at age 40. I thought to myself, "He’s 40, looks great and is in great shape." At age 40 he is chief of a "boat" a nuclear submarine! Something I learned today: Men introduce themselves as Alaska gold or Alaska blue. The submarines are under the water about 11 months a year but with 2 separate teams. So when they dock for refitting or maintenance a whole new team gets on in a "crew exchange" and "qualifies on all systems." A month later, they are "off again." It’s an interesting life … Definition of a submariner… "A person who operates sh** you can’t" … Submariners have attitude!

CO of Georgia and CO of New Mexico, Captain George Perez has served for 34 years and has been CO of Kings Bay for a year. Iraqui Freedom and Afganistan are under his belt and he wants to talk about "our submarines at Kings Bay!" Our strategic concerns are Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. No kidding. He said "you who finished WWII, and served during the Cold War, we are right back where we started." We are pushing development to stay ahead of Putin who is testing ballistic missiles during exercises and breaking treaties, in a global power competition… "This is the world our submarine force is operating in, but it is still is ours!" I’d say, sleep well tonight and know "America’s best have your 6"… God bless you. Angels with you.

Susie's musings

Not "this man’s Navy" any more

Breakfast at the Pirates Cove Base Galley (not the mess)… With many uniformed men and women… About 10 Chiefs of Boat (COBs) and higher talked to us about their departments. This Navy is training women on submarines and refitting nuclear submarines to carry female enlisted and officers. This Navy is training constantly, refitting boats, and watching very carefully the waters all over the world. There is a submarine in for refitting that we might be able to visit. It all depends on "conditions". Chuck and I are are scheduled for Saturday afternoon to tour the submarine that is in dock. They always say, "Will let you know" based on conditions…. This afternoon we will attend a presentation by the Chief of Staff of Sub Group 10 and then we go back to the base for a Barbeque. All is well and we are in good hands from the Kings Bay Submarine Base! God bless us! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

What happens to time?

When I wrote my last post I had ridden my bike around the neighborhood for 2 days and I loved it! Now it is about 5 days later and every day has been full with no bike riding! Yesterday we came to Kingsland, Georgia for a WWII Submarine memorial and I swam in the pool for 45 minutes!!! It’s not really swimming; it’s more water aerobics, but at least it’s movement! Amazing how days go by and even though I move around, there isn’t real stretching!!!! Today I will get back into the pool and hope to continue for the week. Starting Thursday morning with breakfast in the "mess", we will have lots of amazing events at the Nuclear Submarine Base in Kingsland, Georgia. It is very convenient to drive here from Lake Placid, Florida (our new home) only about 5 hours with an over night stay with Renee, it cuts the trip in half. Last night we drove into St Mary’s for dinner, and it seems there are double the amount of Halloween decorations as there were last year! I’m not sure, we have to go back today and look in the day light! When I finally woke up at 830 this morning, I found Chuck drinking his 10teenth cup of coffee and taking with a nuclear sub sailor named Tim. The stories have begun, and will continue until Sunday when we leave to go back home! We stilll have lots to do at home, but it is mostly putting things away in a mini storage …. like winter clothes (half to the homeless, half into drawers) and paintings or pictures, (some on walls but many onto shelves….). I’ve unpacked the art room boxes, but not put all away onto shelves and drawers. Will do a lot next week. I’m serving next week at All Saints and All Souls Masses where we pray for those gone from us… Remember family and friends who are in God’s arms. God bless us! Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Submarine stories

Remember ? 52 years ago? That’s when Chuck "drank his dolphins" because he had finished all the on board training to "qualify" as a submarine sailor. He still has his "quals" document, a sturdy piece of paper that he was able to keep, that lists all the systems he had to be able to work and many men signed in pencil!!! I’ll bet today quals are on a laptop!!! Today we begin talking to submariners in Kingsland/St Mary’s Georgia and we celebrate the men (many who who lied about their ages ) to join the submarine service to serve in WWII. Thank you gentlemen for helping to preserve the freedoms we enjoy today in the United States. God bless our sailors.

Susie's musings

Bike riding and other forms of exercise

Oh? Are there other forms of exercise? I finally asked Chuck to fill my bike tires and went out for the first time in about a year yesterday. From our house to the end of the street is "up hill." I was panting… That’s about 1/2 a block. I guess the reason is, the canal and lake are lower than the main street through our neighborhood; "Placid Lakes Boulevard" is higher… Anyhow, yesterday I huffed and puffed my way to the top of the street and then back down to the other end of the street which is a cul de sac. I can go up and down all the streets and not find cars except the Fed Ex man stalked me today when I went back out. I got into some dust in the art room and sneezed myself silly and then I decided I need some fresh air. Back to work now…. I am putting out paints that have been packed up since May and lining up colors, brushes, mediums, sponges, and all kinds of stuff artists use to paint with. I also have a lot of piles and canvasses to sort through and organize. I had 2 big closets to hide things in in the last art room! Chuck is hanging pictures in our bedroom as well as building shelves in the garage. Things are shaping up. Boxes all unpacked. What is missing is odd: socks, alarm clock, nail polish remover, cotton balls. Where’s the common denominator? Are they hiding in the shed????

I’m still loving our new church. I went to a Bible Study today. I have attended 3 sessions on Acts chapters 8, 9, and 10. Excellent study. Also we are reading Romans in daily Masses. I am very happy with the intellectual stimulation and pending art fest that is going to take place here in my new art room. As soon as I find…. no Im just kidding. All the art stuff seems to have turned up. God bless us. Angels with us!!!!

Susie's musings

Measure once cut twice… and others

Chuck and I are like an old married couple. Together forever, telling the same stories. He came to me while I was sorting Rosaries… and he asked if I felt strong. "No…." Well I’m honest. It was "just" to carry a board left on the dock when the men built the dock… last year? He’s going to make a shelf. We jointly carried the board with me complaining mightily and wondering if Simon of Cyrene complained so much…. and then we got the sawhorses and I asked, "How long do you need it?" Apparently placement of the sawhorses depends on the length of the board. Chuck looked at me with a bothered look on his face. "Measure once, cut twice!" I enjoined (as in "direct or prescribe")… We cut the wood and I then disappeared back to my pile of Rosaries. I’ve sorted table cloths and underwear… folded sheets to make them smaller to fit into the linen closet, boxed up dishes and glasses for the church sale and now…. having not found the socks yet, I’m eyeing the last of Chuck’s boxes…. But they are full of military looking stuff and Highway Patrol (believe it or not) gas masks. Maybe I ought to just go sockless until…. they just show up, tired of hiding.

Today I served at Mass and got everything all set up until I did not hand the 93 year old priest the chalices… I don’t like to see him interrupted as then he has to recollect…. So he pointed and said "chalices" and I grinned a silly grin…. oops! I guess all else went well. I rang the bells loud, and no one complained. They are probably grateful they don’t have to get to the church at 8am for 9am Mass! Then do the dishes afterwards. It’s one day a week, once I get it right, it will be fine. Well, back to my domestic business. The next project is hanging pictures and then…. organizing the art room – no easy feat as I had 2 big closets in the last art room…. Is there a patron saint for "more space?" God bless you; Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Just can’t keep from grinning!

I realized as I made the slight left onto Washington towards church this morning that I was grinning in the wind as I traveled down the curvy road to church. My teeth were all exposed and I was singing along with the radio and, well, It isn’t Bird Road or 107 Avenue!!! Church is pretty full. At least 30 at daily Mass and all good people. I grin at them. They probably wonder why I seem so wierd. I found a "back road" along a lake into town. All roads are "around lakes!" Today a new Cardinal was celebrated on EWTN. He was a priest in Lithuania working to stop Russian persecution of the church in 1978 and in 1983 he was jailed in Siberia to forced labor. His fellow prisoners said, "Prison is easy for you because you have faith." He was finally freed, and after 50 years of persecution and Communism, with freedon for Lithuania, the priest, now a Catholic Cardinal said, "after 50 years of Communism, we kept our faith." What’s not to sing about? Jesus said, there is something greater than Jonah here… Little children know Jonah was held in the belly of a great whale and then he was spit out on Ninevah to convert the Ninevites. So my dears… Let us know "what is greater than Jonah here."

This weekend was amazing. We attended Octoberfest and sang and danced and ate too much and talked with parishoners. A lady our friend Glenda worked with in Miami is my friend at church!!!! Small world. I attended an Emmaus meeting. What a group of holy women! I will speak next meeting for 15 minutes or less…. right… yikes! how am I going to keep it down to less than 15??? …. Busy with emptying the last of the boxes and getting them to my friend who is packing her house to sell…. We think we have the last of the boxes, although there are some with man things in them in Chuck’s "bar room." I still haven’t found the socks! I need to send a text to my renter to say…. look in the closet drawers and see if there’s one full of socks. There is a saint to pray to for lost socks… He comes from Cornwall in England. Saint Madron. Patron Saint of Lost Socks. I am going through all the necklaces I’ve collected over the years…. Everywhere we go, Chuck buys for me and I have boxes and boxes. I’m trying to streamline and I’ll get the rest down to my friend Kathie for sale in her antique store. All is coming along here… I got black birds on my bird feeder. While I would prefer colorful birds, I figure they will come!!!! God bless us. Angels with us!!!!

Susie's musings

"Pajamas and a wine glass"

In the penultimate box, marked "Sue Art", I found Emmaus tee shirts, exercise tops and leggings, 3 ice cube trays, one of Chuck’s bar trays full of pencils, pajamas (nightgowns) and 2 dressing gowns, and a wine glass. Oh and a basket full of big green and beige roap wrapped Christmas balls. I know I packed this box as it’s all my stuff, but "Sue Art"? and the wine glass all wrapped in a long nightie!? I long all right to go outside to the dock, but my friend Karla said "No drinking before 5pm." Ack! Oh well, I like the Christmas balls…….

Alas. We were all holding our breaths. Under the tray? …. socks? Nope. just more pesky pencils. The last box in the art room: Drumroll:….. The last on earth copies of Alphabet Soup for Christian Living and Christmas CDs.

Chuck says there are more boxes in the bar room. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere! Actually it’s 5 o’clock in Lake Placid! To the dock with that wine glass, a bottle, and an opener. "Oh CHUCK!!!!! bring a glass!" God bless us! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

6 boxes left…. HO Boy!!!!

Funny. The last box I unpacked that said "art room" yielded our 3rd blender and 3 crock pots. That box must have been packed on one of those days that Dave and Drew came over and Chuck invited everyone for "a beer." After that, it all seemed like art. Most people don’t have 3 can openers, 3 crock pots, 2 exactly matching sets of soup pots (in 3 sizes per set), but remember, Chuck and I bought houses with all their contents from 2 very domestic women, Aunt Trudy and Loretta. And we eventually stored everything in the very commodious Lake House. So whose idea was it to move into a 2 bedroom house in Lake Placid? I think we have to blame this one on Glenda who lives across the canal and down a few houses. Her summer home was practically empty and it drew at me. What am I gonna do when I fill that last shelf in the garage???? My friend Karen would offer me black plastic bags and big garbage bins. I am using "Good will" commodiously and will drop it all off at the church when I get desperate. We have had no visitors today, and I haven’t had to tell any salesmen we are poor. That really tends to throw off a saleman’s pitch! The socks have not showed up yet. … Makes me wrinkle up my forehead and I don’t want a wrinkly forehead to go along with my baggy eyes! Well for now my dears… TaTa! God bless you. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

"England, France, and Underpants"

No really! This is what I said yesterday afternoon when I unearthed a giant file full of maps and trip ideas for European countries we have been to and loved… England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, …. I was so tired at the time that this just leaped out of me, "England, France and Underpants." I wish I could tell you I dumped it all in the trash because the 5 drawer file cabinet is full, but Chuck took a look at me and headed for the Aleve bottle and said, "You throw that away and someone is going to give you a free trip to Europe." Really. So I took the Aleve and then kept an old ugly brown filing table I used to use in the Miami art room and put the fles in it.
Europe is now successfully stored in case someone sends us free tickets…. Oh! and then I found two boxes of files full of "art ideas" who also went into the brown file holder. So … then the doorbell rang. Aleve was working so I was able to get to the door without incident and a man holding an American flag greeted me, "You have a submariner in the family?" He went on to express his "Thanks for your service" to Chuck and then proceeded to try to sell us a vaccume cleaner. It looked good… anything to keep the dust bunnies at bay. We found our first dust bunny yesterday too…. Then the doorbell rang again. A friend from church came to help fix the sprinklers. What a nice dude!!! He too is a submariner! He took one look at the vaccume cleaner, now out of the box, being proudly explained by the sales person, and he said, slowly, "Oh I have one of those"…. long pause. I looked at his sour face and asked, "how is it?" and he honestly replied, "way overpriced." … gulp … was that me or the salesman gulping, looking at each other? So I told the salesman honestly (lots of honesty going on in the room), "I don’t have any money. We put everything into buying this house. I coudn’t pay my Visa bill last month and I had to borrow $1000 from a friend. So, why don’t we just say, your presentation was nice, but maybe I’ll see you next year in the store?" He bundled up his gear and repacked his box. I gave him a bottle of water and escorted him out the door. Meanwhile, Chuck and his new submarine friend were outside doing what men do… looking at sprinklers and discussing the problem very seriously. Finally we all went out to the dock and sat for a while. Our new friend only drinks soft drinks, but after the days I’m having, I’m chugging wine and not being embarassed about it!!! Chuck and I continued until dark. No mosquitoes and lots of breeze blowing in from the east. My last duty was dinner which was a grilled pork and cheese sandwich and ice cream. I’ve succumbed to ice cream so I’m developing a pot belly. Life is really wierd right now. … Well it’s tomorrow (Wednesday) and I servied as Sacristan (which is like a set up altar boy clean up person) this morning. I left the tops on the water and wine so the priest had to take the tops off. My hands were full so we just put them on the Altar. Ack! You have heard of stress sweat? …. All else went well. I’m a vigorous bell ringer. No tinkling bells here! Go and serve today!!!!! All is well here in Lake Placid. God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Many Saints celebrated

This week in the church is so wonderful with celebrations of St Jerome who translated Scripture into Latin so it isn’t lost for us. He died 1600 years ago. That means the Latin translation still living today, is 1600 years old. It amazes me and makes me feel grateful to know Scripture, and to hold it in my hand. The priest who said Mass today on EWTN said Scripture should make us tremble…. Tuesday we celebrated St Therese, the Little Flower of Jesus who said, I can put my head against your heart Lord, because it is my heart. To believe the Lord’s heart is my heart! Breathtaking! He likes us!!!! He cherishes us and wants us to put our head against his chest. We celebrated the feast day of our Guardian angel yesterday. The Lord said to the people fleeing Egypt, "I will send my angel before you to guide you and protect you." Do we think he didn’t mean that? The Exodus story tells of the big pillar of cloud and smoke that guided them through the desert… When the cloud stopped, they stopped, and when it started, they started. We might not have something so visible today, but we do have the Word of God in Scripture and the church. Today we celebrated the reading of the Word to the people who came out of captivity in Babylon back to Jerusalem. Ezra stood up on a platform and read to the people from sunrise to noon and the people wept! I am sure if we believe "He likes us"… we would weep too! God and Creator of all this world, the stars and clouds and sky and me. Wow! Tomorrow is the celebration of St Francis of Assisi who loved God and took God’s word seriously… St Francis gave up everything and took nothing out to preach. He took God’s words in Luke 10:1-12 seriously. Be a lamb among wolves… take nothing… And we thank God today for the lives of amazing people who taught us! and who teach us today.

I’m still waiting and unpacking…. waiting for the plumber who is coming at 9:30, unpacking boxes that all say art room. I had a lot of stuff stored in my art room closets…. My sister Sarah has an art room too and I saw a lot of stuff stacked up! We artists pick up stuff to turn into art and the stuff stacks up! Oh the joyful excitement of a blank canvas and a pile of stuff and paint to put on it!!!! It’s beautiful here in Lake Placid and yesterday I saw 3 great brown egrets peacefully strolling across the road…. I’m still waiting for birdies to come to my bird feeder. Chuck was sent to therapy for the numbness in his leg. Both doctor and therapist say pinched nerve… and now he is giving blood and getting carotid arteries checked. He is happy with this new doctor. All is well. God bless us!

Susie's musings

New things

I drive all over Lake Placid using a local map. Many roads don’t "go through" due to the many lakes in Lake Placid! In Miami I knew what roads didn’t go through like 102 avenue and of course the whole circular pathways we have to take to get from Bird Road to Kendall. … Here it’s lakes and there are hills around the lakes! Today we meet the first new doctor. Chuck is the guinea pig to try out our choice of general practice physician. He teaches medicine at the FSU Fort Pierce Regional campus and there is a commendation in the waiting room.. And after our visit with him .. I like him a lot!!! I made an appointment for me after the next CT scan. . I’ve asked many people about doctors and everybody has a favorite! Never the same one. I got a glowing recommendation for a cardiac doctor in Seabring in the Advent health group… I might try there! That will take care of the insides. Need to find dentist and eye doctor! All new. Be ready for change if you decide to move! And be ready to examine your life… All the miniscule needs like, how many of these do I really need!!! That’s what I go through every day. Today is shoes. How many pairs of sneakers and slippers do I really need? Yikes!!! Today is the feast day of St Therese… She led the simple life. Simple!!! Only God. And a few angels. God bless us.

Susie's musings

"Country Roads.."

My way to church is country road with mostly trees, a few houses, no lights, no school traffic, 5 minutes! I rolled through there this week, and I thought about 107 Avenue and how hard it was to make the right hand turn on to 107, in all the school traffic, then one has to drive furiously to keep up and fight to get into the left hand turn lane… All gone. I volunteered to lector on Fridays and am helping the Sacristan clean up after Mass. Other days is Bible Study, Emmaus, and other meetings. As soon as I get the house under control I have the name of a lady at church who works in the art community! There are 2 art places that I plan to examine and play at.

We made our first general practice appointment for Chuck because his back and legs are bothering him. No kidding. He’s non stop on his feet in the shed. I got the name of a great Cardiologist today so we are moving forward on taking care of ourselves…. I will probably return to Miami if my aneurism grows, but until then, I have good reports of doctors from church people. If the aneurism monster grows we will be burning rubber to Miami! This week I concentrated on unpacking books (all done). Unpacking clothes (YIKES) I have a lot of clothes. Still haven’t found the socks. Oh well too many anyway! Chuck went to the house in Miami and found platters and serving bowls and seran wrap but no socks! Think about this and breathe a prayer that I take it to heart. We only need about 7 of everything because who doesn’t do laundry every 5 to 7 days? So GET RID of all but about 7 tee shirts, socks, and sweat shirts!!!! Oh but they have names on the front. Guess how many Eastern AirLines tee shirts I have???? Oh and all the tee shirts with American flags!!! And pretty nightgowns. And sweatshirts. Did it used to be colder in winter? Or do I now have a fat neck and I don’t like tight things around my neck???

Time to get back into the bedroom as the bed is covered with piles. I will finish clothes today!!!! Pray for me! Have a wonderful week! Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Come on birdies 🐦

My friend Kathie, next door neighbor, won’t move to a place where she can’t SEE the beautiful birds! Right now, out here in the dock 🏠 house I am hearing some very interesting twittering from the East. Several birds talking. And behind me to the west… Several chirpers. A flock of something just flew by going east… But so far I don’t think they have noticed the bird feeder. The eastern sky is glowing pink cotton. It will be another beautiful day!

Today is the first day I read in new church. We were so busy yesterday with emptying clothing boxes and sorting tee shirts and working with Xfinity to automate our bill that I forgot a Sacristan meeting. I’m in training to work at the altar, but missing a meeting while in training isn’t the nicest thing! Mea Culpa! The people at the church are all wonderful. Yesterday at Adoration they were singing a special office and I went looking for a book and a lady came from the back to hand me one! Our pastor is very friendly, he smiles and talks to people after Mass, yet he is very serious when he says Mass. As it should be (in my opinion).

It is still here at sunrise. Yesterday Chuck hung 3 wind chimes, but not a sound this morning except birds!!! God bless us!

Susie's musings

A Pretty Day

Good morning gentle readers! In the past few weeks the readings at church have been about Masters leaving stewards in charge and asking the stewards to take care of things and bear fruit! I always remember this time of year how many films there are by documentarians who show us the dust and fumes spent into the atmosphere which tries to absorb and clean our dust and dirt… How we spew gasoline and diesel fumes into the neighborhoods… How we cut down trees that can breathe in our filth and give us good oxygen back. I remember the stories of stewards who are given "talents"… one invests and gives the master back 10 times! One buries his talent and gives back the Master only the barest minimum. I remember especially the stewards left in charge of the vineyard who do not donate anything to the poor (as is directed in the Pentateuch) and who kill those the Master send to collect the fruit. What mean spirited greedy creeps they are. I think we all know these stories. And I think we know what we are supposed to do! I’m following the Sacristan around at St James so I can volunteer on days when someone can’t be there to serve! I also sang in the choir but I still have a froggy throat from cold I am mostly over…. Also I will serve on Fridays as Eucharisti Minister (St James offers Body and Blood in Communion. What a blessing.) Also as a good steward I must put out the bird feeder and give the birdies some "more" so they in turn will sing to me!!!!

Chuck and I are about 1/2 way through getting the inside of the house unboxed and put away. We agree we have to ditch some clothes and we eagerly await the electrician Brian who will move an electrical outlet so we can move one hutch into place and put "dining room" pretties into the hutch!!! Believe it or not, my socks have not turned up yet! I have about 2 "master bedroom boxes" to unload yet; surely socks willl turn up!!! From Lake Placid we send our greetings and we wish you God blessings! Boat’s not here yet, but soon we will be able to give boat rides!!!!!

Susie's musings

"It’s Alright" by me!!!!

"I thank the Lord Above… I got a roof over my head!!!!" sings Darius Rucker on Music Choices. Last night Chuck fell asleep before supper to Classical Music! If I can get him into a chair he will rest, but I’m telling you… we are like little dervishes here in Lake Placid! I woke up thinking of a welcome painting on the entry wall! When you come to visit you will see the town of Skagway photo and a fish greeting you! "Welcome!" the wall says…. I’m going to paint a frame around the fish and let him swim in fanciful water. Give me a few weeks to get that done!

It’s cool this morning in Lake Placid. I know because I was out digging in the garbage to find the coffee filter from my coffee pot! There was a bag that was covered with ants. HOW do they know??? Chuck handed me a can of Raid. The ants are dispatched and the coffee filter is soaking in soapy water. Who ever gave Susie something that can’t be thrown out…. they are silly. Chuck found all the refrigerator magnets and now the childrens’ graduation pictures and wedding announcements are hanging in fine style on the refrigerator. There’s a photo someone took of me and Debby at a book talk. Debby won my book in a drawing and she is holding it. Thanks to all of you who support me in my creative efforts both writing and painting. At the church yesterdy I met the church secretary who is writing a teen romance book…. maybe I can encourage her and we can do a little creative work together! It’s all cooperation and love! Time to get out of this chair before I grow roots! Time for morning Mass on television! God bless us all. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Revitalizing our lives

We packed everything we have and finally ended up making boxes and filling them in the late hours of move day minus 12 hours. I now have a bunch of boxes labled "kitchen/bedroom" in my Lake Placid house! At the last minute when I thought I was finished, we were still filling boxes and filling the car and the truck. It’s a good thing we did that because the mover’s truck was FULL. I say to YOU, "Go NOW and clean out under the sinks." Do you keep old sponges? Do you keep bottles of cleaners with 1 inch of cleaner in the bottom and buy and start using a new one? How many spice containers of your favorite spice, all open, all half used? My car looked like I went to the grocery store and bought EVERYTHING!!!! It’s a good idea to throw it out now as moving day is the wrong time. I threw stuff into plastic bags and loaded my trunk. This was right in hurricane season so I had several large cases of bottled water, lots of beer, and there was a sale on wine so …. We moved a lot of cleaners, beer, and wine! Moving morning was amazing. We hired "The Good Greek" a very professional organization. We saw one guy move furniture that Chuck and I could not budge!!! Chuck pulled out first with the truck and trailer FULL, then the movers jumped in their big "Greek" truck and headed off for Lake Placid. I was last and got to the house as the first items went in from the big truck. i was going to run off to Seabring and get Xfinity parts but I got involved in placement of furniture. When your furniture is wrapped in blankets and plastic… you might ask, "What is that ugly thing?" Finally all was placed… OH boy!!!!! It’s actually not TOO over crowded. (yes it is) Our wonderful helper Sergio came over and while Chuck and I lay prostrate in easy chair and couch, Sergio emptied my car and Chuck’s truck. I could not have lifted a box of kleenex out of the car at that point. Sergio left and promised to return to unload the trailer the next day and he did! Sergio is a high school sophomore of lovely manners and great strength. He wants to join the Coast Guard out of High School. So say a little prayer for Sergio to succeed! Meanwhile, I finally got into the car the next morning and sang my way to Seabring with the windows open! It was so beautiful at 8am. Cool, no traffic!!!! I went to the Xfinity store, Home Depot and Winn Dixie and talked to lots of people and had a great time!!! I bought a Bird Feeder that is squirrel proof and bird seed to attract birdies who live near by! Friend Peter hooked up the TV and internet. No easy task for 72 years average age old folks…. We now have beautiful television and I have to figure out how to work DVR and other 21st century features. We are still dancing and singing although we are a little bent over from the hard work of opening boxes and figuring out where stuff goes. i still haven’t found any socks. I had to confess to some of my friends that I couldn’t find underwear, but that problem has been solved. They were in with Chuck’s boots. Now where might the socks be? I’m going to have to get off this sofa and make dinner. We have a delightful Italian pizzaria really close but we have had it for 3 days in a row…. I might have to do something different or spark a rebellion. Actually we have chicken from Shorty’s bar be que on Bird Road so… I get one more reprieve day!!!!

I went for morning Mass for the first time today at St. James in Lake Placid… It was a beautiful morning Mass with singing and extra prrayer! The Sacristan asked me to be a Eucharistic Minister, giving the Blood of Christ (the concecrated wine), and I realized I have not done that in almost 2 years as I took up full time lectoring at St Timothy. Here there seem to be fewer people (probably the whole of Lake Placid is the size of St Timothy parish!!!). So I will serve with the choir on weekends if they will have me… and serve as lector on Fridays. I also will talk with the Pastor about putting my Catholic books into the chruch library. This is a great opportunity for me to serve in a small community who needs servers! The Sacristan took me over to the office to "sign up" as a new parishoner and I was careful to tell them that this big city girl with lots of talent and experience is "here to serve! not to lead"… What can I do for you? If you ask for this kind of service, people will ask for you to help!!! So, go, walk into a place where you are new and no one knows you (your parish church? a home for aged or chronically ill?) and ask, what can I do for you? The Lord knows exactly what he needs! YOU! God bless you dear readers.

Susie's musings

Move day minus 2

Drew is here (young muscle). moving boxes that are stacked up in front of furniture that is to be moved on Wednesday by movers. Drew, my firefighter friend said I must get a blood pressure monitor and measure BP every day!!!!! He made me promise. Isn’t it funny how people can see what we need and we, stubborn, …. think, "Ill get to it…" … I promised to do it today.

Today I packed everything I could find in kitchen and bathroom and I left only what we will live on for 2 days. Moving is a mixed blessing. I hoped I would clean out a lot of stuff, but I’m afraid we are clinging to too much. Nobody wants our books or old stuff…. It is so hard to throw away our old stuff. I’m hoping when we get to the house we will also throw away more stuff. Clean out the old stuff for "the last days." I think the dust of the ages is what got into my nose and gave me the cold. Oh well. Enough complaining.

We think a friend needs to go to the doctor as we are seeing some changes in his speech and movement. He and wife won’t listen to us. Pray for each other, that we would listen to each other. Pick a friend you trust and listen!!!! Go take care of your self "for the last years!" God bless us. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

Friday the 13th isn’t all that bad

I haven’t written since the 12th when I was developing a "little cold". Well sometime in the night Thursday I started coughing and I realized when I got up that this is no normal head cold. I can’t take over the counter meds due to aneurism and blood pressure so I called pneumologist. He’s at the hospital… So I took myself off to the Baptist hospital ER. The check in lady handed me a mask for the coughing and I was wisked in to a room in ER. BIood work, chest x-ray and a nose probe revealed clear lungs and a rhino virus. You don’t have to take antibiotic if it’s a virus. Juice is making me itchy (too much fruit)… Cough medicine makes me sleepy, but coughing is under control. I sleep a lot in between packing "the last boxes". Wow we have more than I thought!!!! Our plan is get some of the boxes out of here tomorrow courtesy of our new renter Drew’s muscle. I hope we don’t hurt him. Movers come Wednesday and arrange our furniture in Lake Placid. I’m changing addresses, and will do change of address with post office. So Wednesday is our official last day! God bless you dear family and friends!!! Pray for healing for Chuck and me!!!

Susie's musings

A Father’s Legacy

Today is my Father’s birthday and in the Church we celebrate today the Holy Name of Mary, Mother of God. We talk about Gratitude to God for making a totally human, humble woman bear the Son of God on earth making Jesus true man (wholly man) and True God (wholly God). What a mystery. Thank God for coming here and showing us we don’t have to bear the cross alone. He’s already done that for us! Gratitude is Thanksgiving which in Greek is Eucharistia, Eucharist. Celebrate Thanksgiving today to God for coming to earth and walking with us, and giving us himself to eat. Jews of Jesus’ time were scandalized by this whole "eat my body, drink my blood" speech which Jesus made in Matthew, Mark, and Luke…. but we take it as true and "do it in memory of Jesus." Yesterday I talked about a man who loved worship so much he served at two churches! His legacy is children, grand children and great grand children. I’ve seen the younger teenagers helping Grand Dad at conventions, especially in St Mary’s Georgia where we celebrate the WWII submarine veterans. Celebrate your veteran. Celebrate your father, and Thank God.

We girls (three of us) had a rocky relationship with our father. He had an illness that might have been genetic for we all seem to share the melancholy, polarity, and depressions that ached in him. He lost his mother, his wife and his daughter (my sister Annette) in a short time and it shook him more than he could handle. I think he left big parts of his heart in that cemetary upon a hill in Pittsburgh. All three McCarthy women (Sarah, Freda, and Annette) are buried together under a beautiful Irish Celtic headstone. So what did I get… a part of a man. 6 feet Tall, blue eyed, handsome actually… I remember playing with his tobacco stained fingers on the back of a church seat. I remember curling up in his chair late at night and eating cheese off a saucer he was nibbling from. He read books, and I learned the love of reading and writing from him. He fixed things. I remember him tinkering with the old Ford and teasing another 50,000 miles out of it. We didn’t have much, but I gained a love for books, writing and education from him. Remember the Concorde? When I was in grade school, I had to write about a new invention and I was stumped. "Write about the SST," he said, "What??" I researched and read all the latest on the British and French relationship (that failed) and the building of the Concorde…. Long before it was officially out, I had my paper out there. God bless Fathers today for giving good suggestions and influencing children in the good things. Fathers, influence your children! In the Good things. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Honoring a Submariner

Fred Richards joined the Navy at the age of 15 (lying about his age). He wanted to be a submariner. Who wants THAT …? An underwater target. Doomed to sink to the bottom. Lost. And so it happens in war. And we honor the brave and we might whisper behind our hand… (foolish). If on a surface ship and hit by munitions… You could jump off. If a submarine is wounded, she just sinks to the bottom. Davy Jones’ Locker. Fred talked of being taken into submarine service and qualifying… Then transferred and on her next mission the boat he qualified on was sunk. His buddies, gone. Yet Fred continued to serve, with passion and honor. He loved service. He loved God, and in fact he served at two churches because he believed so much in worship of God. He and his wife went to Catholic church and served there, and they went to a local (beautiful) Methodist Church and they served there too! God bless our friend Fred who was double dipping! He had his Methodist minister and his Catholic priest blessing him today! Let us all go serve the Lord like a humble submariner did! God bless you Fred. God bless our troops and sailors today. Patriots Day.

Susie's musings

Remember MacGyver?

Oh my goodness I cannot believe we are watching old episodes of old shows!!! I have a shed to clean out, but it’s going to be hot out there! I promise myself I’ll eat lunch, go work in the shed for one hour, and then jump in the lake for an hour. My patient, Chuck, is happily eating clam chowder with added broccoli and cheese. I don’t know what’s worse after belly / hernia surgery, the lower belly pain, the incisions (3), or the sore throat from the trach .. all 3 are what is making Chuck be obedient! Oh well… He’s eating and sleeping so healing will take place. It’s me being lazy stretched out on the sofa and reading. Occasionally looking up at TV. The weather is beautiful and I am sorry for our Bahamian neighbors. Be sure to donate something even the time to go over for a week if you can to volunteer clean up time! Remember the beautiful vacations we have spent in the Bahamas! It’s payback time. God bless you!

Susie's musings

"If you build it they will come!"

Chuck and I are watching an old Kevin Costner movie, "Field of Dreams." Poor Chuck is chair and house bound. I think his belly hurts but he won’t say too much. He’s "tough"! Friends Dave and Drew (our new renter, Dave’s son) will be coming over later to plan the loading of the trailer with stuff from our sheds and carrying it to Lake Placid. This is not what I imagined. My dream was downsizing…. Instead everything seems to be going north and double hernias is the result. Hmmmmm. What’s next? I love the movie. Even if you have seen it, watch it again! Then go outside and play! Enjoy life. Thank God.

Susie's musings

What Dorothy Longed for….

Home. When we were little we sang a song on what seemed like everlasting never ending car trips…. "Oh show me the way to go home…. I’m tired and I want to go to bed." It’s in our hearts and in our bellies. Finally, Chuck and I got to go home. He’s fine. In fact he got served dinner and coffee in his recovery room. They might have been holding him looking at his blood pressure that was a little high… which it never is… or they just wanted to let him sleep…. So. We are home on our easy chair and sofa watching a Mission Impossible. Totaly mindless and then…. we will fall asleep. … Let us thank God for blessings tonight! And let us wake up refreshed and go out and help someone! Praising and singing. God bless you!!!

Susie's musings

Praise God… More sleeping! More waiting!

Doctor said Chuck is repaired. Doctor will review all when we see him in 8 days! Chuck is in recovery and I have a book to read while waiting!! I will probably be awake for days as I’ve had 5 cups of coffee ( they have a machine that makes wonderful flavored coffees! ) If I were at home I would curl up with a book and watch him sleep. Here I have to let post op ladies watch him. That’s the hard part .. letting others be in charge!!! I’m reading and waiting until he is released. Thank you my angels for praying for success .. and thank Chuck’s guardian angel for being with him!!! God bless us!

Susie's musings

The many sides of waiting …

Many of us spent DAYS waiting to see what Dorian is going to do. … I wrote about waiting, which involved packing boxes, watching movies, swimming, cooking and drinking wine! This waiting for surgery is different. First "they" strip you naked and give you a gown. "Don’t tie it up; we will be moving it"… Then "they" search for veins. Actually the "they" here at Baptist hospital are pretty girls. I think they do that so we will relax being proded and poked .. Chuck was so calm! I was the nervous one and I had nothing to do and no place to go. When they rolled him off to surgery… him sleepy, I wanted to throw myself on that bed and be the one under the warm blanket. It’s hard to wait when a loved one is in the eye of the storm. God be with my dear husband !!!

Susie's musings

The turtle crawling towards Bahamas

Dorian is expected to hang over Bahamas for a day…. That means serious flooding… The strongest hurricane ever recorded with a well defined eye wall. Very sad for small islands. Then the hurricane takes a look at Florida… a long slow look…. What’s going on at my house is moving. Our new renter Drew is going to move his stuff in to the bar room and he and his father Dave came to move our heavy stuff out of the way. We have designated all the stuff movers will move and all the rest of my stuff that can be packed will be packed into boxes for the movers. Then Chuck and I have to live here until the 18th… So, I am praying for a successful surgery for Chuck that he recovers from by watching movies, reading books and resting. Then the final move on the 18th. God bless us and God bless Bahamians and America.

Susie's musings


Seen on the internet. Priceless: "Waiting for a hurricane is like being stalked by a turtle." … And I add… "This turtle might squat down at the coast line and lick his chops."

Susie's musings

Troubles with Dorian

I’m hearing words like Dorian and devastating in the same sentence. Chuck and I are at peace though. We have our new house with a new metal roof but a flimsy metal roof over porch… We installed a new shed in Lake Placid and it will be anchored tomorrow (Saturday) morning. The garage doors are stuck in the closed position and they will not rise up…. Some stuff including all my art supplies and art papers are in the porch where the art room will be…. It’s nothing I can’t lose if there is a porch leak (I can always recreate and use my imagination!!!) …. Wicker furniture is in the porch but that will dry. So we will hunker down here in Miami which withstood Andrew, Katrina (now has a rebuilt roof), and Irma. Chuck has an appointment with the VA at 1pm. They say even though he is on Medicare, he should sign up as they will help with hearing aids, which I’m sad to say, he needs. Then he’s heading north to Lake Placid taking hurricane supplies for shutters from neighbor George to a friend we have up in Lake Placid. We are so blessed with our friends!!!! So my dears, pray for Florida. Remember as you watch the news, the hurricane isn’t THAT big (isn’t as big as the big balloon), but that is the cone of uncertainty. It might enter Florida at Palm Beach and then head north, south, or west. We (ALL of Florida) have to be prepared. My prayer is: "God bless us. Send angels. Convert those, Lord, who do not believe in YOU." Love Susie

Susie's musings

Jesus the Carpenter

As I typed this title, I wrote Jesus the Fisherman. Isn’t it interesting that Jesus was a carpenter, "by trade", but he didn’t choose any carpenters to walk with him, rather fishermen and a tax collector. Yesterday I had occasion to call upon Jesus the Carpenter when Chuck got stuck in one of his many projects where I have called for help…. As we were leaving Lake Placid to come home for a doctor’s appointment today (the surgeon wants to do an ultrasound on Chuck’s 2 hernias), the garage door wouldn’t close…. So Chuck went into the garage and stayed for quite a long time… He came back to the truck to tell me it might be a while longer, he is looking for a bigger wrench. It turns out that when we unloaded the trailer into the garage there were a lot of poles, wood, pipe, etc and they were stacked in the front corner of the garage, but they shifted and fell into the track of the garage door as it was being closed. Broke a spring? I’m not sure. Lots of banging at a bent track, trying to get the wheels out of the broken track, etc, and the door was all bent and not straight…. I looked at Chuck struggling, and I couldn’t help because I’m not strong and not able to lift half the door, and not supposed to anyway… so I did the only thing left, I prayed, "Jesus the Carpenter, we need help here." I walked out to the truck to get a small tool box of widgets for Chuck and I saw a truck pulling up. The Property Appraiser. Never in our lives have Property Appraiser or Building and Zoning been our friend, but I saw "young muscle." Indeed he was coming to see us because our tax roll had some items on it that we didn’t recognize. I said, "Hi, do you know anything about garage doors?" He looked at the sorry wreck of door, half way down, one side much lower than the other…. and he said, "looks like a broken spring." I said, "you ought to see the other side." The door was literally falling apart on the inside. So the 2 boys, Chuck and the Property Appraiser, went off to the back yard to look at our boat dock which is 3 taxable units!!! Yes! you put a roof on a boat dock and it’s called a gazebo. Put on a little deck and it’s called something else. Three taxable units. OK! So then the nice guy said, "Let’s look at that door," and into the garage they went. Together they lowered the door. He gave us the names of 2 garage door installers and we left for Miami. Sometimes when we get into trouble, a call to Jesus the Carpenter, who must have called for help himself at times, is in order. Thank God.

This weekend was a little costlier that we wished. When we got to the house, the garage door didn’t work, the push button for it didn’t work, and the master bedroom lights didn’t work. At this point one goes to the fuse box. When that doesn’t work, you call an electrician. He actually came at 6pm and found the problem. When the concrete guys put in the pathway between house, slab for shed, and to the dock, they cut an electric wire to the dock and that shorted out the electric to the garage. Ah ha! Problem fixed by Brian the electric guy. Bedroom light and garage door and overhead garage light now lighted! We will call Brian back as we still need electric to the dock to lift the boat and put up dock lights. Thank you Brian. The Air conditioning guys came to open up the vents to the porches, but it was still hot in there. It is so hot this summer, as the nation knows. When the air conditioning guys came, I was painting the bathroom in my underpants as I couldn’t find my painting shorts. It very necessary for me to wear painting shorts as I do tend to bump into my own work. And this time sure enough I was scrubbing paint off hips and thighs. I painted the master bathroom and entry room as they were dark… but my color still looks dark. Could be the lighting, but at least it’s less dark than it was. We are ready for the movers on September 3. Today we go for ultrasound so doctor can make sure he sees a clear path to Chuck’s hernias. Also pre op blood work for Chuck today so he couldn’t drink any wine last night and he sure needed it after the garage door scuffle!!!! I am fine, I swam with Mike for over an hour in the lake and the rains didn’t come. Today looks sunny for a while so I will hang laundry. If it rains we get a third rinse. No problem. God bless you!!!! Angels with us. And Jesus the Carpenter. Thank God!

Susie's musings

Home sweet home: in Placid Lakes

For a few days we are camping at our home in Lake Placid, in a subdivision named Placid Lakes. Boxes everywhere. We called an electrician (Brian) because the electric wasn’t working in garage he came at 6pm, worked for an hour, discovered the walkway was built over a cable that was probably cut…. $80. Now an A/C guy is here on the button of 9am… We are opening A/C ducts to the "Lanai" where the wicker room is. We talk gently of cutting a doorway between living room and wicker room. It’s Friday and I have boxes to unpack, oh and clean the grate over the A/C intake. Kathie and George are driving up from Miami for dinner! Busy busy. I’m resting Chuck as much as possible and preparing him for hernia surgery on Sept 5… God bless you! Thank God. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

Home to my other sweetheart

I was very frightened when I heard my sister Sarah was in ICU having trouble speaking and moving her right side after a stroke that knocked her flat on her face on the floor. It took about 4 days to "bring Sarah back" and after a lot of testing, micro artery disease is the culprit. Treatment is the common high blood pressure and cholesterol meds many of us already take. We might complain about taking the meds, but it’s the best defense against stroke according to Mayo clinic. Erin and I did exercises with Sarah last night and we realized how little we do… Erin hunched over a phone and PC all day, Sarah and I, while we are active, both spend a lot of time reading, doing art, writing, watching TV. So we 3 women pledged to "move more". I sat outside this morning in Sarah’s courtyard garden with an amazing trumpet tree hanging over me, trumpet flowers blowing against my hair! The 2 dogs come out into the garden to play, sniffing all the wonderful smells, chasing bugs. It is no wonder Sarah wanted to come home! It is quiet and serene, and cool, in the morning garden. The only sounds are birds. Today I will go south and meet Chuck at Building and Zoning to validate Chuck’s shed project. He drove up to Lake Placid with another trailer full. I certainly hope he left 2 towels and a spoon or two as we will be in and out of the Miami house until Sept 17 when we hope Chuck is released from Miami by his hernia surgeon. God bless us!

Susie's musings

A life interrupted

My sister Sarah, artist extraordinaire, creator of beautiful art; Imaginer of color and shape, walks slowly and crawls into bed, worn out. We are blessed a hundred times because Sarah, felled by a micro artery stroke was found by her daughter soon after the stroke. Erin called 911 who picked my sister off the floor and carried her to a premier stroke center at the Mayo clinic here in Jacksonville. She’s home a week later, unimpaired, but tired. Life isn’t easy and then our body starts betraying us! Little arteries start to clog with plaque. Dentists scrape plaque off my teeth and warn me to floss, but there isn’t a plaque scraper for arteries, until one fails us. We have had a busy first day home. Eat breakfast, get dressed, negotiate to pay a bill tomorrow, meet visiting nurse for an hour, talk with sister Susie (me) and daughter Jennie. Finally, eyes giving up and closing, Sarah sleeps. Let us live our lives with energy. Move a lot and exercise. Make our brains work. Create! So that when one nasty clogged micro artery goes, perhaps a new one is standing by to take over. The brain will regenerate. Trust you will survive. Angels with us.

Susie's musings

An argument with 2 sides?

Is it possible I wonder that an inner city could be rehabilitated so that children could play and go to school in peace? Is it possible that children could eat breakfast and then read and study, color, paint, play music and dance, learning that they have beautiful talents? Is it possible that Federal money intended for growth and cleanup is misspent? Is it possible that everyone, "we all", could stop talking and go take a look at our own inner city, take a tablet and make a list of "things to do". And make it happen? Today I pray that rhetoric stops and conversation begins. I pray for peace in every heart and honest thinking. God bless us.

Susie's musings

"The world beckons"

So Karla says as she steps out onto the deck, coffee in hand, dog at heels. George Winston plays the piano on Alexa and we sip coffee and remember this last fun week. "Did you sleep well?" "Yes with the door open"… 60 degrees outside the open door. Quilt pulled up snug under my chin. Karla’s son Brad and family of lovely wife Becca and 2 little sweet kids and 2 dogs are coming for a visit. The Boone mountain house will hear laughter once again!!! Ahhhhhh…. long sigh of a little sadness that we have to leave, but also some excitement that we will be receiving the keys to our new house in Lake Placid on Wednesday. I think they have Bible study at Lake Placid church at 10 am after Mass… but I don’t think we will get there in time. But in the future. And future is a good thing to think about and all the gifts God has to offer. Say yes! this beautiful morning and live. God bless you!!!!!

Susie's musings

Fire and 2 movies a night

It’s getting to where we are spoiled with cafe eating, wonderful leftovers (not beanie wienie), wine, fires set by Chuck in the fire place, movies, walks with "the dog" Jessie, petting the dog who comes to sit next to me and is so grateful for attention! I think both the ladies in this house (Jessie and Karla) are very sad because 9 months ago they lost a husband and a friend, Mark, with a boisterous laugh, a fine sense of the beautiful and thereby a fine talent at beautiful art, a love of music and singing (shall I repeat boisterous?). We lost a good friend, but the angels received his joy! What a soothing vacation this is for all of us! Today is Saturday. Clear and starting at 51 degrees. We already took a walk and found a centipede! Jessie sniffed it and probably most intelligently, left it alone. I’ll bet they sting if you chomp into them. Ok my gentle readers. On the schedule for today in Lake Placid is the Calladium festival which we will miss this year but make it next year!!! Join us next year! God bless you. Angels with us!

Susie's musings

More Petting!

Jessie the Golden loves to be petted and I think she has found her match in Susie who will pet as long as the dog likes. We drove into town and Jessie sits on her side of the back seat and puts her paws and head in my lap … She is all ready for a nice dinner where she sits under the table and eats what we drop which… we do.  I tried to give Karla some of my salad and some dropped so the dog chomped on salad greens and corn with joy. It is quiet and peaceful here on the mountain in Boone. A lovely place to send kids to school (Appalacian State U)… and celebration of Appalacian Summer is underway. We are home now from dinner and ready to watch a movie (I’m thinking Gray Gardens)… Last two nights I was off to bed at 8 and then 9. Tonight I’m going for it! Going to stay up for the movie!!!!  God bless you!

Susie's musings

Petting a Red Dog

We are visiting my college friend Karla in Boone, NC. The red dog is Jessie a red Golden retriever! She has a big fan tail which she happily waves like a plume or a flag when she goes out for a walk on trails smelling of deer and squirrels! Jessie loves attention so a dangling hand gets the occasional nudge with the unspoken plea "Nobody pets me! Please pet my ears, my muzzle . My forehead!" So I just sat down on the floor and spent some time with her! We took a walk earlier and now Jess is curled up with her bunny. What a quiet life the mountain here in Boone is. It’s a lovely cool day. We drove up to South Windsor, CT. In soaring temperatures up to 101 to celebrate cousins Barbara and Kenneth’s 60th wedding anniversary. Stayed with Chuck’s sister Thelma and ate great food including lobster, clams and oysters!!! It started a deluge of raining the afternoon we left CT and didn’t really let up while a cool front moved in. We would have taken the blue ridge parkway to Boone but it was shrouded in fog and rain. Mountain roads in fog just not for me. Today Karla and I will go to Mass at noon and then pick up Jessie and Chuck for a outdoor cafe treat in Banner Elk! Angels with us! Thank God.

Susie's musings

Heading for the American Legion Convention

First: About the Mama Morehen. She finally forsook the nest with kids in tow. We saw her yelling at some rather large ducks to stay away from her babies and then she took off. We normally see the morehens with babies in the more quiet canals not out here in the big lake. Anyhow, the boat will be gone next time she gets ready to lay eggs…. They normally return to the same place for egg laying. Like the ducks. The back of my house against the house wall is a favorite place… Then we can’t walk on the path for 40 days. There was a lot of me peeking out the window and Mama duck (Mike named her Dolores) peeking back up at me. The babies hatched and Mama duck was gone inside of 24 hours! I also saw a turtle laying eggs in my flower garden near the art room. If I ever feel like pulling weeds there, I have to be careful. Good grief, nature is amazing.

We are in Bowling Green Florida after spending the day at Lake Placid. We dropped off a truck full of yard furniture and a few boxes of delicate angels. Hand carried to the new house. Then we went to lunch at what I call the American Cafe. It’s a diner with a big American flag…. Wonderful! I met 3 new lady friends who have been in Lake Placid all their lives….. a long time. We swapped names and numbers and I’ll text them when we come to the Calladium festival and when we are living here. Then to the tag agency which in Miami is a long and drawn out experience – need to make an appointment… We took a number and were called within 10 minutes. Did everything: Registered the boat and bought a tag; changed address on drivers license (I have a star so mine was easy; Chuck had to prove he was actually really a human citizen of the USA with social security, passport, 2 envelopes mailed to him in Lake Placid…. He also took his DD214 so he will have veteran on his drivers license; registered cars in Lake Placid; filed for voters registration, and I applied to volunteer at the polls! Whew! We walked out of there smiling. It should all be this nice. Then we went to the bank and did our first ATM deposit at Heartland bank! Easy Peasy! Then Chuck talked with the concrete man (need a slab for planned shed) while I shopped for bathing suits at Bealls Outlet. He packed all my swim wear, including cover ups! So I had to shop. Found 2 suits. Then we headed out for Bowling Green, Fl which is a pretty drive up route 17. Had too much dinner and brought leftovers back to the hotel. I might snack on leftovers in the room between swims if Chuck is busy with Convention stuff. OK! That’s it for the day!!!! All is well in small Bowling Green. We look forward to Convention starting tomorrow. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Looking the Morehen in the eye

We can want someone else to do something because it’s the right thing to do. In our opinion. It’s the right thing to do NOT to build a nest in the engine well of our pontoon boat. It’s the right thing to do NOT to overspend yourself into overdraft mode or pay only interest on a credit card. It’s the right thing to do to DO the exercise in a rehab hospital. So is this just my opinion? In the last few days I’ve stared a Morehen and 2 friends in the eye …and they stared back. Eye to eye we disagreed, and I walked away frustrated. Need wisdom here. I once had a boss say to me, "Care, but not too much." She didn’t want me to eat myself up from the inside out worrying about things I can’t control. So today, I stared at the Morehen, who by the way seems to be sitting on 4 tiny hatched babies, I finally said, "OK I’ll leave , but can you get going soon? I want to take a boat ride." Honestly I think she shifted her weight a little. That’s all. No boat ride tonight.

Susie's musings

Thanks to a lot of prayer…

Thanks to a lot of prayer both Bonnie and I have settled down and are allowing the Lord to lead. Bonnie has been in hospital over a month but seems to have rallied. She has good care and good rehab people and she is regaining her sunny smile and is working hard to get up and walk around on her own. I told her "This is rehab, treat it like a spa!!!!" Warm showers, soft clothing. Handsome young men to help her exercise. What’s not to like? I don’t think she is eating yet, but that will come soon. It awaits a swallow test and great breathing on her own. (soon)… Family will meet soon, and Bonnie and they will make a plan for "at home care" whenever that is because I imagine Bonnie will not want to be alone just yet when she is released from rehab. I remember when Chuck was released from rehab, he needed some quiet time and help by friends and family before he was able to be on his own. So… Thank God this miracle has occurred!!!

As as for me. I have finally become accustomed to having the ascending aortic aneurism. It’s so close to the heart that it scared me but 3 doctors and the echo cardiogram technician and my lawyer all assured me that repair is more risky than just watching…. so we will scan with CT machine every 6 months and if the little critter gets bigger then we go to treatment. So, I’ve become one who cannot help lift things which puts the burden of moving on Chuck. I pack the boxes and call for my mover!!!! We are at this time awaiting the first interview with a mover called All My Sons. I like their web site and their voices on the phone…. Let’s see what the contract looks like. We will interview others also. This is a big move from Miami to Lake Placid. A house full and 3 sheds full…. God help us! Thank God my dear readers for blessings and miracles. Ask for peace and then sit back and let it happen. Love!!! and God bless you.

Susie's musings

Praise the Lord for good weather and healing!!!

Hi dear readers! I went over to the hospital all full of foreboding because the last time I saw Bonnie she was all fight and frustration and no calm. Today she was sitting in the easy chair all smiles and happy because the trach doctor is coming! Well within 5 minutes he came and Bonnie was all lighted up. She wanted to talk to him, but he was all business, so I said to him, "she wants to talk to you." He looked at her big smile and he softened up just a little and greeted her and told her what he was doing and that she would cough a lot…. so "just relax." You should have seen. This obstreporous angry lady just settled like a lamb and did exactly what the doctor said. He pulled out a tube and put in a smaller one and immediately she is able to talk a little. It’s like a little more than a whisper, but boy oh boy does it make a difference. She wanted a mirror to look at the trach. How would we feel not being able to "see" what’s poking out of our throat? She also felt for the stomach tube. OK that’s still there. Speech therapist has to do a swallow test and the oh boy oh boy!!!! food and water coming up! I sent photos to her daughter and granddaughter. I sat with her for a while and she adjusted herself in the chair with help. She is back folks!!! Bad Bad Pneumonia almost got her. Let us all go get flu and pneumonia shots.

Chuck and I are midstream and almost drowning in books at this moment. I reached the half way point in the library, dividing my side (mostly religious books), into mine, garage sale, and church. This morning I started on the fiction and am organizing by author and searching out duplicates for garage sale and I’ll let Chuck decide if any of his precious James Connolly or Clancy or Patterson etc etc books will go to garage sale. Kathie has a lot of our stuff on internet and in her store so…. We look forward to halving our bounty!!! It’s sunny and beautiful today after a blustery grey sky day. God bless us and let us thank God for blessings!!!

Susie's musings

Who wants books?

All the books I studied and taught are glaring at me from the garage sale pile. I’m not going to read or teach Old Man and the Sea, Huckleberry Finn, and Walden again. I feel so sad giving away the books but since I’m not teaching like I used to I am trying to give to anyone who will read. I also made a pile of Catholic writers, books I’ve read and given book talks on, and I hope to give these books to my new church in Lake Placid if they have a book nook. If they don’t, and they agree, I’ll help set one up. It’s hard going through things and giving away or selling half, but as many of you know, I have too much and don’t want to move dusty things I haven’t touched in years and years.

I have visited Bonnie daily and today was her first day with no family here. She is very anxious. Trying to tell me what she wants but I can’t read lips. It is very frustrating for her and occasionally she gets mad and pulls on the Oxygen tube, and then the nurse puts mits on her so she waves the mits around and shouts voicelessly. Hopefully tomorrow she will get a smaller trach and she can talk… We have to get over this hump until she can swallow and doctors are happy with her breathing and doctors can remove the whole trach. Oh my dears! We need a miracle here. Bonnie is very strong. She wants to get up, get those mits off, and get out, but she can’t yet. Lord heal Bonnie and send the doctors to put in the smaller trach. More tomorrow. God bless you dear readers.

Susie's musings

Planning a new life!

My friend Bonnie is improving. And I pray that her family will embrace her and get her back to full health. From what I have seen of Bonnie’s family, her healing will be filled with love and support. The pneumonia and infection has left her weakened, but rehab is planned, and hopefully a new refreshed life filled with a whole bunch of children, grand children and great grand children there will be dancing and singing. We pray to the Lord that this is his will!

Today a storm hit Miami and our lawn furniture was tossed around, Chuck’s small sheds were knocked over and the glass jars he had full of nuts and bolts were broken. We didn’t hear the damage happening, but it sure rained hard. Just a tiny tornado wrapped up in a lot of heavy rain. I was in the library sorting and packing books and Chuck was packing the contents of the big hutch. I haven’t seen local news so I don’t know if anyone else had damage. It’s calm now, and we have picked up the broken glass, reestablished the sheds, and put the lawn furniture back. We hope all is well with you dear readers. Keep creating and thank God!

Susie's musings

Praise God and His Angels! Bonnie recovering

It’s Saturday afternoon. I went to the hospital this morning… praying all morning, distracted in Mass with thoughts of my childhood friend in serious trouble…. I prayed for her and for others who are sick with mental or physical illness. I went to the hospital praying the Hail Mary and the Our Father as I walked… As I approached the CCC room Bonnie is in, I saw her lying there all quiet, mouth open, tube in her neck and my heart dropped. Then her daughter Donna must have said, "Hi Susie!" Bonnie turned her head to the door and she lifted her arms and grinned at me! Her whole face was alive with that smile! We continued for the next hour to communicate with eyes and hearts! She can’t speak yet with trach still in, but she is totally breathing on her own, but she mouths words…. much like me whispering to Chuck, "turn left at exit 26" and he would say, "What???" Bonnie looked like she was laughing and she grinned as we talked. Then Donna said, "Do you know the news about Allison?", and Bonnie really came to life with big facial expressions!!!! Allison, a member of twin granddaughters of Bonnie, is pregant with her first. She is bright, intelligent, sweet, a thoroughly good girl who has come from Fort Lauderdale every day to be with Bonnie from the day Bonnie passed out in the doctor’s office. Allison is pregnant and Bonnie livens up!!!! My dears. I haven’t seen my friend so lively in a long time. Sometimes we need to be taken totally out of our world of troubles, loneliness, problems, and we need to be dunked inside of ourselves. Bonnie lay in silence for 3 weeks. What did God intend? Who is this bright and shining friend I now have? What can I expect of her? Well I expect that we will be closer friends because I’ll be more gentle and more caring for her in her fragility. When I said I have to go, Bonnie reached over and picked up the sheet and started to put her leg out to get up and go with me. "No, not yet, sweetie," I said…. "You have to heal first. Stay right here in this bed and be obedient." She did not panic or fight. She lay back down with resignation. As I left the room, I prayed "Thank God!" and asked now for recovery. God bless us! Let us go help someone in need. Just hold hands and pray!

Susie's musings

D Day+75. Thanks to God

We lost many men on D Day "liberating" Europe. We lost a lot of men in Europe and the Pacific on land and in ships. Yet we are still at war. Today we celebrated and honored the veterans of D Day and of the Cuban Missile Crisis (Both big life takers) at the Miami Military Museum at the old Blimp base off 152 Street where today the Metro Zoo and a train museum share the space that was once occupied by soldiers. Thanks to God for taking the veterans to heaven. There were chaplains all over the beach that day, and a squad of men especially trained to find and bury the dead. Thanks too for their brave efforts.

I visited Bonnie this morning and she is improving. More thanks to God. She was sleeping but we woke her up! The pulmonologist doctor came in and assessed her. Lungs are clear, she is breathing on her own with supplemental oxygen through the trach tube. Her oxygen level is 100%. They say all vital signs are normal. She just has to settle down. She tried to get up and go last night when her visitors left and the nurse ended up sedating her So she goes backwards. Settle down Bonnie. Pray my dears for the sick that if they can heal they will heal. If they cannot be healed then pray for God to be swift in taking them.

We are in the midst of a huge packing mess. I wander from library to art room, into kitchen, into living room or dining room and select stuff I want and pack it. It’s going along and it will be a big bunch of stuff and lots of furniture when we finally go in September. We also went with neighbor Kathie to her antiques store with some stuff to sell. Hope to get a few bucks to start to fill up the empty coffers. God bless us all. Happy weekend!!!!

Susie's musings

Another new adventure

Having scraped all our coins together from every place any coins existed, Chuck and I carried a Cashier’s check into a title office today and bought a house in Lake Placid. We picked up homeowners insurance, opened a checking account at a bank called "Heartland" ❤️, we visited a shed place, an air conditioning place, the tag office and generally started making foot prints in Lake Placid. The ride from Miami at 9am today took 2 hours. We are on the road at 3pm and facing arriving in Miami at 5pm… Rush hour! I’ll get spoiled like mad with the quiet in our new home…. We are slowly going through all of our stuff accumulated over 49 years of marriage and moved between a rental apartment, Coral Gables, Westwood Lake, and Big Pine Key… And into a somewhat smaller house, so "throw it away" is my stock answer if Chuck asks if we should keep this (rusty, browned, old) paperwork, book, etc. Actually sell or recycle, or throw away… I’d like to dispose of 1/2 of our stuff. (Oh but I might wear that one day)… Dear readers, please continue to pray for Bonnie. She didn’t respond to me on Saturday but she wiggled her toes Sunday for her granddaughter Allison. We are praying she wakes up so we can start recovery and rehab. God bless us! Thank God.

Susie's musings

Waiting some more

It seems that we spend a lot of time waiting. People and things just won’t march to our drum! Bonnie’s surgery was moved from Thursday to Friday and then delayed Friday from 1 to 3. All we can do is thank God for good surgeons, and wait, and pray. I am here to be a familiar face when Bonnie wakes up. The CCU is also the recovery room so they will wheel her in here immediately after surgery. Bonnie’s granddaughter Allison has been here every day after work and has kept a beautiful hopeful attitude about my stricken friend. All we can do is be hopeful, prayerful, and whisper: "Breathe Bonnie"! The surgeon just came in. All went well. He says it’s not a cure; she will stay here until issues can be resolved. Our biggest concern is breathing on her own. That is the most important thing isn’t it? We take that big breath at birth and we squeal about it!!! "Where’s my nice warm water???" And then we breathe our last 90 or so years later. And we pray that breathing will be natural and unimpeded all those years of life. "The breath of life". If you or a loved one smokes, Stop it!!!! God bless us.

Susie's musings

Duckies all in a row

It’s hatching time. At the lake we have tiny duckies, teenaged Egyptian geese, and a mother Morehen sitting on 3 eggs in our pontoon boat engine well. About the selection of a place for your nest Mama… Not too smart. We took the boat out twice both times noticing the little Mama standing on the beach cooing a lot. "What’s up with the Morehen?" We wondered as we boarded the boat and toured the lake. We sat over on friend Glen’s dock for about an hour before coming home. There she was .. on the beach "coooo cooooo". Next time was Memorial day when Chuck went out and put two flags in the boat, US flag and Submarine service flag. Again… "Cooooo coooooo". Off we went for another hour. Then someone in our party got smart and suggested she has a nest in there. "No!!! Couldn’t be". Yep. Three eggs. Yesterday Mike and I swam while the Mama Morehen watched us very carefully from the engine well of the boat… She finally settled down on the nest, and we left her alone. Meanwhile, we watched 2 duck Mamas with about 20 duckies, and the Egyptian geese shepherding the teenagers. All is well at the lake… So again Chuck and I have poultry children.

My friend Bonnie is still in CCU, still intubated. I learned yesterday that she has had several pneumonia and bronchitus attacks in the past along with a lot of second hand smoke and her lungs are just not working well. This means blood oxygen levels are very low. It was pneumonia and a serious infection that caused her to collapse in a doctor’s office. She was intubated that day 14 days ago and now doctors must remove that tube. Today a tracheostomy is planned. Pardon my spelling . Doctors say that is temporary until lungs can heal. I pray so. God bless us all and let us offer special prayer to our God today, Ascension Thursday, prayer in praise for his eternal presence in our lives (if we let him in). God bless us.

Susie's musings

Living with… "Life"

I’m at Baptist hospital visiting friend Bonnie who got filled with infection possibly from a large skin wound on her arm. When I saw her on Palm Sunday she was healthy… Then her daughter called to say she is in ICU (CCU at Baptist). Sedated and loaded with antibiotics, intubated, and very anxious and restless. I visited today for the first time and … It is very very difficult to have a friend my own age writhing around in a hospital bed loaded up with tubes, eyes open… But non responsive… Very scary and sad. The breathing tube had been taken out, but put back because her lungs are infected too. Pray for my friend Bonnie… And for all our brothers and sister in Christ who are experiencing serious illness. I was leaving the CCU and a couple passed me and the woman said "this is all part of life"… I’m not sure what she’s referring to, but I have a firm belief that we are not walking alone (grab and kiss your angel)… And thank God.

As for myself, I visited general practice doctor who pulled aneurisms up on his computer and showed me mine… He read from medical journals which state not to repair until aneurism grows to a certain size. Because the risk of surgery at my size isn’t worth it. So as much as I want repair… I’ve now heard from our lawyer (who is handling purchase of house in Lake Placid) and from Chuck who worked medical malpractice for 32 years, and from doctor… Repair does not outweigh Risk at this point. So I’m going to have echo cardiogram to look at valves and other stuff and just continue… Monitoring and waiting is the advice of surgeon too. I feel very good. Swam in the lake with Mike 2 days in a row which is so calming!!! So my gentle readers, please continue to pray for my peace and healing.

Finally, we are moving forward on closing on the Lake Placid house. Owner will stay there and pay rent until September. So more swimming and pontooning all summer!!! God bless us! Bless our 💓 heart friends!

Susie's musings

Headed home!

Since we have Submarine veterans meeting in Fort Lauderdale today (Saturday) we drove to Jenson Beach and spent the night with Peter and Karen enabling us to only have a 2 hour ride to Fort Lauderdale for the meeting. Home about 4pm in time for vigil Mass. Chuck is my chariot driver. I got word yesterday that my friend Bonnie is in the hospital ICU at Baptist with a serious infection. I’m in touch with her children and invited them not to sleep in a hotel but at my place. Pray for Bonnie my maid of honor! God bless you Bonnie.

My BIG doctors appointment to talk about plans for aneurism is changed to Thursday so more time for praying! Have faith, Susie is going to be OK! God bless us!

Susie's musings

Savannah day 2

Today we went the Webb military museum owned by one guy who has seriously collected war memoribilia since he was 11. His mother was a great influence as she lived in London during WWII and survived having her house bombed… She kept a lot of newspapers, her gas mask, and a lot of her parents stuff. He also has parents and grandparents stuff from his father’s side. That plus stuff that has been donated and purchased over the years like the fusilage of a fighter plane, are arranged in what was a barn a long time ago in Savannah. Webb himself was the guide narrating stories for us. Fascinating how a lifetime of saving can be given to people. I hope he has family to carry his dream on. We girls visited an antique shop and then the Cathedral and the city cemetery while the boys sipped coffee in the shade of Mirabelle’s cafe. I had an amazing feta cheese and mushroom quiche with a buttery crust there. Hope you do well forever Mirabelle’s!!! On to lunch at The Pirate House which is really about 6 small houses glued together so inside the restaurant you go up and down not realizing you are moving between houses! They can seat 540 guests. They serve great greens, fried chicken and Mac and cheese. If only arteries could shout, they would be letting us know about the richness I consumed today. I hope it helps that we walked back to the hotel. Had a beer at Kevin Barry’s and a nap before dinner at an Italian restaurant. After dinner, we will walk back to Kevin Barry’s for music before bed time. Having a wonderful time on this sailors’ reunion!!! God bless us all.

Susie's musings

Savannah after lunch day 1

Kevin ‘s pub’s upstairs "museum" is called the "Hall of "Heroes" and it is a room full of commemorative memorials to September 11 first responders, WWI and WWII, Afganistan and other middle East wars… so we spent some time up there and then hit the river walk going all the way to the end (west to east), then back up to Bay Street to visit the Viet Nam memorial and Irish memorial. Then to what Savannah calls the oldest pub where I met a retired Air Force veteran and talked with his wife who loves to travel! Then an Air Force guy walked in in the khaki uniform. As we got up to leave I engaged him in conversation. Pointing at his bars I said, "lieutenant, right?" " If I were Navy, yes, but captain." All field commissions. I pointed at another patch and asked… "Chaplain", he said. I said, "it’s the 10 Commandments, are you a Rabbi?" I’m now falling in love, he’s not treating me like an idiot!!! Chuck and he talked about what it’s like being on submarines versus jumping out of airplanes as a Ranger "If I go down in a sub, we can come back up…" Chuck said! They laughed. What a day we had, such celebration of America. Go hug a military person or a first responder! God bless us.

Susie's musings

Savannah day 1!

Ah! Savannah!!! Today we toured on the Old Town Trolley and went on the usual tour of Savannah past all the buildings built in 1700s and 1800s built to protect the colonies from the Spanish in Florida! Meanwhile, then came William Tecumpsa Sherman to burn the town down but it was the Mayor of Savannah made a deal with many barrels of cotton and money. Sherman sent a telegram to Lincoln asking if he could spare the city. Lincoln took the money and agreed. So, Savannah has original OLD houses. Our submarine ladies want to see the Cathedral of St James, market, Lady and Sons, Antique shops. We are traveling in a group of 6: 3 men who served together on the Quillback together, Chuck, Rick, and Glen… And 3 ladies, Penny, Betty and Sue. We got off the trolley, went to the market, walked to the River, and are currently sitting in Kevin Barry’s Pub with the "museum" upstairs… Chuck says it’s not a museum just a room full of military memorabilia. I love it!!! After beers and corned beef sandwiches upstairs we will finish walking the river bank and head back to the hotel!!! Beautiful day!!! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Thanks to President Eisenhower!

Chuck and I have taken lots of use from our interstate highway systems, traveling most recently from San Diego to Miami on interstates all the way using I40, I10 and I75 to get home so I could recover from pneumonia in my own bed (and thank God I’m OK!). Most recently we once again took advantage of President Eisenhower brain child. Called the interstate and defense highway system… Built to make it easier to move military personnel and and equipment around the country if needed. We traveled on I 95, the longest north-south interstate in the US.

Thanks to President General George Washington for creating the Badge of Military Merit and to General Douglas MacArthur for reviving the badge and renaming it the Purple Heart awarded to those killed or wounded in combat in defense of the United States. This research came from driving by a Purple Heart Trail marker on I95. What exactly is that I wondered. The trail was established in 1992 to place markers on US roads to pay tribute and honor to combat veterans killed or wounded. So thank God for those who fought and fight today for America and freedom. It’s so hard to go away from family, get into "fighting shape" and put life and limb on the line for people like me. Thank you.

Tonight we open the reunion of men who sailed on 3 submarines; USS Quillback, USS Picuda, USS Truta Most men served in 60s. Tall tales have started in the hospitality room and will continue as we enjoy escorted trolly tours all around Savannah, into museums, special Riverboat cruise, all fun. Thank you Jesus for this opportunity to honor men (and now very recently,women) of the US submarine service! Break into the Navy hymn here! God bless America!

Susie's musings

On the road again!

Good Sunday dear readers! We are covered with lovebugs driving up Route 27 to measure rooms in our new house, to see if there’s a dishwasher, and shelving in the garage etc. I can’t remember size of bathrooms… I like room for a laundry basket. Ok so what else is happening? I had a CT Scan and pulmonologist appointment last week. Pulmonologist showed me the CT. The pneumonia is gone, leaving a little lesion that we have to check on in 6 months. Apparently when you get a lot of white blood cells in one place like I had with the pneumonia you get calcified white cells… It’s always something. The size of the aneurism is the same. I see that doctor next Monday.

I wrote the above about 3 hours ago! We stopped at Bo David’s a restaurant and bar in Lake Placid. I liked it very much. Then we bought some car washing fluid so I can wash the love bug bodies off my car when we get to Renee’s. Then we went to our new house (we will close in September). We measured rooms and talked about where we will put furniture and bar room etc. Driving now up route 441 to Turnpike on our way to sleep in Orlando. Tomorrow finish this drive to Savannah for three submarines reunion. All diesel subs so the men were on the boats in WWII through the 60s. It’s raining so the love bug bodies are somewhat washing off.

Happy Mother’s Day, or if like me you aren’t a mom… Then remember your mom! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Going Home to Miami!

Good morning dear gentle readers! Last night was the final event, a tribute to 119 years of submarine service. 119 years ago in 1900 the Unites States Navy purchased the Holland built by John Holland in Elizabeth, New Jersey at the Holland Torpedo Boat Company, later named the Electric Boat Company. Our first modern submarine (there were submersibles in the Civil War, but this is the "modern Navy"!). We attended a birthday ball filled with Admirals, Chief petty officers, sailors, Army, the English, other military and our own USSVI (The veteran submariners). Two WWII submariners attended. One qualified in 1939! He won the prize for longest qualified! There were a few Mavericks (one was an Admiral which Chuck said was very unusual… Admirals usually have to come from the Naval college at Annapolis)… Mavaricks are Sailors who qualified as enlisted men and worked their way to warrent officer and qualified again as officers (they wear silver and gold dolphins). The English sailors were here for training and working with the US on "ordinance." There is not a Navy base with boats per se, it is a Naval Ordinance Testing station… where missiles are designed and tested… It is the same base we went to for wings and beer the other night. it is hush hush, hard to find, well guarded, and well… it exists to test missiles. One of the Admirals who spoke talked about maintaining our strength is the only way to maintain our freedom. He said a lot of other things that I didn’t understand about the present and the future. Nuclear submarine talk is way above my training and my paygrade. What I hear from Chuck and his buddies is diesel fuel, torpedos, deck guns, and old train engines!!!! This nuclear world is a whole new bucket of mystery for me!!! It was a beautiful night, men in uniform, ladies in ball gowns, a big birthday cake for submarine service, cut by a saber that a gentleman at our table won in a raffle drawing. Funny thing! a lady at our table won a handful of money in the drawing, and I won $100. That goes into the new house cash jar. I did not wake up in time for church here, so we will be heading for Miami where I will pick up a late Sunday Mass. This herd of turtles will be home in Miami to pick up the litter… and start my search for cash for the new house!!! We used to say when Chuck’s dad needed money, he would dig up another coffee can in the back yard, well, I’ll be out there digging up coffee cans! Pray for me this coming Tuesday when I have CT scan to measure my aneurism…. I’d like to get it repaired; I am not afraid of surgery. I do not like carrying a time bomb around in my chest. Pray for me! God bless us!!! Susie

Susie's musings

Waiting for Space X launch

224am: Renee and I are out in the parking lot at the Radisson Resort facing Astronaut Blvd in Cape Canaveral. Space X is supposed to launch at 248am. I tried to sleep, but I took about a 3 hour nap yesterday after a long lunch over 2 bottles of wine 🍷. So I’m wide eyed and looking north east towards Kennedy Space Center which is about 5 miles away. Sky is clear, wind is low, temp is mild. 240am: I had the count down notes but then it wanted me to sign in, but says I don’t have a proper something in my browser. But I had it! No problem… 6 minutes. I don’t need to hear the countdown, I think I will hear it roaring. This is the 17th delivery of supplies to the space station. It must go at 2:48am and 58 seconds in order to meet the space station in a few days. T minus 2… Listening to count…. Go for launch! T minus 15…. Lift off! Separation looked like a giant explosion. I of course was afraid! But NASA said it is wonderful. We waited for the booster to come back and the Sonic boom, and now it’s bedtime! God bless us!

Susie's musings

War Birds and War Ships

On Thursday we had a rainy day as if getting ready for the big rain that is coming into Florida from the "tropical" moisture invading south Florida from the south. The weather channel said, "We are breaking out the ‘T’ word." It’s tropical time. I remember one year tropical storms started in May and we went through the alphabet and half way through the Greek alphabet to name the storms. Texas and Oklahoma are suffering with storms and tornados. God bless America. Despite the rain yesterday we went up A1A and US1 to Titusville to "The War Bird Museum" and visited the restored airplanes flown during WWII, VietNam, and the Cold War. Beautifully restored aircraft stored in big warehouses and maintained by volunteers. Lots of memorabilia from soldiers and sailors of the various wars. While we were there the volunteer mechanics worked on one of the WWII aircraft, changing oil and making lots of noise, then they rolled her out and… took off on the regional airport runway for an airshow in Mississippi! Wow! Noisy and odd to think of this creaky vulnerable, propeller driven aircraft in war compared to our big jets! To Southern Charm for lunch! and…. you guessed it, a nap for Susie before the final meeting dinner. Our speakers were the Commander of the Kings Bay Submarine Base and 2 lieutenants, both submariner women! They studied at the Naval academy and received masters degrees in subjects like mechanical and chemical engineering. They described their first days on submarines. They had to qualify just like men like Chuck did, learning all the systems. But these are nuclear submarines, new big war ships. They are now lieutenant and lieutenant junior grade and are very passionate about career and future! Boats have to be refitted with separate quarters and heads for women… showers have a sign that is turned… men/women. So facilities are also shared, but privacy is respected. Interesting. Our old guys have been a little skeptical about the cost of refitting the new nuclear submarines, but the commander was quick to defend "integration." He praised the intelligence and passion of the new women coming onboard. OK dears. Today is still sunny so I might go swimming! Have a great day. God bless us!

Susie's musings

Ice cream, beer and wings with sailors

We have had a great time here at Cape Canaveral with the SE conference of Submariners. It’s a collection of about 7 SE states all gathered at a resort about 1 mile from the ocean. I walked over to the ocean today in about 50 minutes round trip. Most of the coast is condos that hog the beach and actually have locked gates! but my neighbor Mike sent me information on a park that I will take Chuck to tomorrow to see if we can walk and get sand in our shoes. Tomorrow we go to a war bird museum. Today Chuck went to Kennedy Space center and was given a special exercise of working tasks while weightless! He enjoyed that. I walked the 50 minutes then swam in the pool about 40 minutes and painted some more hibiscus. Good time. Today when Chuck got back we went over to the Navy Ordinance testing base and went on base to the club for wings and beer. It’s so cool to be able to go on actual working bases and see working military people. After that we stopped on Astronaut Blvd at a giant ice cream cone and ate great ice cream with some other submariners. Chuck is in a meeting and i’m lounging and watching a Hallmark movie. All is well here. We will be home Sunday! God bless you.

Susie's musings

S L O W L Y we move on to the next place…

I am usually up, showered, out to Mass and back, have the kitchen cleaned up, and ready for the next move…. but in hotels we are like a herd of turtles…. Chuck just got up from hogging this computer to start packing…. so in a few we will stuff all our stuff into my car and head south on A1A to Cape Canaveral for a week. There are actually 2 submarine events at the same hotel so… like the Asterbilts, we will be hotel guests for a week. Home in Miami on next Sunday when we will seriously start adding up all our coins… literally, I’ll take coins to the bank, so we can close on new house in early September. Beach here in Daytona is gorgeous. We have walked daily and it is cool in the morning and at night. During the day, like Miami and rest of south Fla it can be blistering hot in the sunshine. OH no, Chuck is making more coffee. The turtles have come to a dead stop!. ….. When we drove back from friend Edith’s yesterday afternoon we stopped in Ormond Beach at a bar called Dimitris on A1A. Climbed to the 3rd floor to the outside deck and ate great food, and drank a bucket of beer while looking out at the Atlantic Ocean. Oh my gosh. It is green and gorgeous. For northerners, this might be news, for the rest of us, we know it; cars can pay a parking fee and drive and park on the beach. Saturday the beach was full of jeeps!!! I saw 2 cars stuck in the sand, but friendly folks pushed them out. Amazing. We pulled into the parking lot here at the hotel and I plucked a beautiful orange red hibiscus off a bush and painted it in our room. I can’t capture the amazing contours and beauty, but I showed God how much I appreciate his work!!!! Having a great vacation and … like a herd of turtles, we will be off to new venue and old sailors soon. God bless you. Sue.

Susie's musings

Keeping in touch

After a beautiful and lively Sunday Mass at Daytona Beach Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Chuck picked me up and we drove up to Palm Coast to visit friend Edith Campins who lost her husband of 45 years Karl…. 2 weeks ago. We talked long about all the things Karl did that Edith "took for granted," "Karl, how does this fan work?"… for example, the spouse who knows stuff does it and we depend on that….. I told her, I have trouble getting the tops off water bottles… "Chuck!!! can you open this please????" It’s sad. Karl was only 72, and so are we. Heart gave out. Amen. After we left Edith we headed south on A1A and enjoyed the beach road and found a 3 story restaurant called Dimitris and drank too much beer and ate bad stuff like french fries with feta cheese and olive oil, lick your fingers good, onions rings, ditto on licking fingers, and I could not take a bite from my pizza which we will heat up about 6pm. Chuck ate 1/2 his sandwich. So feast at 6pm, comin’ up. I am going to try to paint a glorious orange hibiscus and then…. a walk on the beach is in order. Tomorrow, Cape Canaveral for USSVI (submarine) conference at Cape Canaveral. Don’t forget space X lift off at 420am April 30. What a lovely vacation!!!! God bless us all. Bless friend Joe in Big Pine Key whose been having trouble with lingering sinus infection. Bless people hit by violence in California. Bless us all.

Susie's musings

The beach out my window!

Chuck and I are in the Daytona Beach Resort Hotel on the beach for a retired Florida Troopers association meeting. We enjoyed dinner last night with troopers from Lake City, Fl (near I-10 and I-75) who NEVER come to Miami!!!! And we met one retired Captain who lives blocks from us in Lake Placid. Small world. I dreamed of a wonderful painting so I’ll hit the beach after one more cup of coffee and paint my idea!!! Chuck has a meeting later in the day then we have another dinner. The meeting ends tonight after dinner, but we are staying one more night (Sunday night) because our meeting with USSVI (submarine group) in Cape Canaveral doesn’t start until Monday evening. Beach front there too. And on April 30 at 420am there will be a Space X flight from Cape Canaveral. They send the booster rocket back to land on the beach so that will be very exciting! I’m going to set an alarm and get out there!!! God bless you and send angels to keep us safe!

Susie's musings

So where will we be?

Chuck and I spent a very quiet Easter with me watching Triduum (last 3 days of Lent Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday) services on EWTN as I have felt vulnerable to germs and coughers. I got up early for Easter Sunday Mass and spent the day quietly healing. The pneumonia coughing seems to be gone. What has settled in is maybe my allergies….. I’ll see the pulmonologist on May 8 and he will have the results of the CT scan I’ll get on May 7. So we move forward in hope that my pneumonia is gone! Now it’s just exercise to get back into shape so onto how is Susie going to get exercise…
We traveled to Lake Placid to stay with friend Glenda at hers and Milton’s "weekend cottage" on Lake Placid (actually on a Lake June canal) and she introduced us to her friend Lorrine who showed us houses all day Wednesday. Nothing was exactly to our liking (on the water and not horribly expensive) we want to buy cash as at our age, a mortgage isn’t something we want. So, we debated buying a few houses at Glenda’s that night. The next morning (Thursday) after coffee, Glenda wanted to take us into town for lunch and we drove by a For Sale by Owner that we all yelled: "Stop the car, what’s that???" It was a house with lot on a canal. House has new metal roof. Glenda says it is a rust colored red, it is beautifully landscaped, 2 car garage with 5 beautiful dogs all wanting to stick their noses through the fence and get petted and lick us to death!!!!! I called the number and woke the owner who called me back as we turned around on the street. "Go back! Go back!" I yelled to Glenda!!!! "Can we come in?" I yelled at the sleepy owner….. "Are you the owner?" "Yes and…….. I…. guess…. so", he said sleepily. So we barged in. I was sold at the front door. It was like walking into the lake house. Front door to the water. Boom. bright, clean, windows and shades up and clean. New tile floors, nice if smaller kitchen… amazing. We walked out into the yard with pups now licking us and us petting them 2 at a time and finally someone asked "how much?" And I put pen to paper and tried to add up our cash… made several mistakes and didn’t have enough… But Chuck showed me my error, meanwhile the seller knocked it down $10,000 feeling sorry for us. Chuck stuck out his hand and said, "Sold". Glenda meanwhile was exstatic! "Yes", she said when I looked at her… "What do you think?" "It’s worth it!" She and Milton shopped for houses and found their dream home and this was like that. We were then led back in and met "the wife" who has had health problems for a year that require multitudinous trips to hospitals… She is returning to family and care centers. It’s sad for them, as they really fixed the house up beautifully and have special cleaning people who "sanitize the place." Not a speck of dust or doggy smell…. Meanwhile… Miami neighbor Kathie has reminded me that I love the lake… and I do. Many of us have spent many hours out on the dock and running up to the house to turn on the oven and turn down the potatoes and get more wine or beer… and Kathie reminds me of that. But this house is on a water way with many boaters and we can dock our pontoon at a new dock with lift and go into Lake June at will. The lawn is beautiful and we have the name of our landscaper. All services will be turned over to us the date of closing without fail. We will close in 4 to 5 months. and will be gathering funds as soon as we get home… Lots of math and sweating. But for now. We are in Daytona Beach on the ocean! and Dinner with retired troopers awaits. So, God bless us!!! Ta Ta for now! Thank God!!!

Susie's musings

Pillars of the earth

When I referred to Cathedral building and rebuilding Notre Dame, I mentioned Ken Follett’s book and called it Master Builder… That was the title of the person who had the skills and smarts to build Gothic Cathedrals in 1100s. The name of the very human story is Pillars of the Earth. It helps us see a time when magnificent structures were built "by hand". God bless us.

Susie's musings

Holy Thursday -Maundy Thursday

There’s an article on the internet about the Queen attending Maundy Thursday service to give little money bags to 93 pensioners… Catholics celebrate today in 2 solemn ceremonies. One is Chrism Mass where the priests repeat their vows and oils will be blessed for the sick and dying, those being confirmed and entering the church, and for the anointing of priests and churches and altars. The oils are blessed in the Cathedral and distributed to parish churches. I think I wrote about this in reference to Notre Dame that is not available for worship. I suppose another church will be appointed Cathedral (the seat of the Bishop). Later in the early evening, churches will celebrate the Mass of the Last Supper and the Institution of the Eucharist. I will watch on TV as I don’t want to be in the church in crowds just yet with some coughing still going on in my healing chest! These are Holy Days for the Christian Church as we remember the death and Resurrection of Jesus. God bless us all with peace of heart. Have a Holy Thursday.

Susie's musings

Can a relic be rebuilt?

Hi dear readers. Yesterday many of us found out at various times in the afternoon and we watched Notre Dame burn on the cable news networks. It was awful. I remember our visit in 1972 and my sister reminded me of the Stations of the Cross… As Notre Dame burned, people all over the Christian world must have been having the same thoughts. As I fell asleep I imagined before the ceiling collapsed people saving vestments, chalices, relics, the Crown of Thorns… This Holy place built in 1100s was a storehouse of treasures collected in very early times… a safe house. People experimented with flying buttresses and with bare hands and rope raised the amazing structure. Read Ken Follett’s The Master Builder for a look at cathedral building and early failures! This week in Cathedrals all over the world Bishops will be celebrating Mass in Cathedrals and priests will be renewing their priestly vows. Oils that will be used all year to anoint babies in Baptism, the sick and dying, and Confirmandi will be blessed at the Cathedral Mass. Notre Dame is gone for a while so some other amazing French Parisian church will host Holy Week and Easter celebrations. Let us pray for a quick restoration of this historic and sacred house of God.

Susie's musings

Memories On Palm Sunday

Good morning dear gentle readers. My sister reminded me I hadn’t written lately and that she and others are following my musings through "recovery." That’s a funny word I use as I don’t look like I was sick, I didn’t have an addiction to recover from… I’m just healing on the inside in my lungs. Which are sneaky creatures. You can’t see lungs, and we don’t know sometimes that they are not "absorbing" oxygen… until maybe we pass out from coughing and the nurse puts a little pincher on your finger and everybody hops around getting you the little oxygen tube for your nose. … Suck it in and hack it out becomes the rhythm and routine. Fortunately I can breathe deeply and am only coughing occasionally as I recover from "double pneumonia", but I’ve heard tales this week of friends and my niece in Jacksonville Erin, and George my first brother in law, who are suffering in much the same way. Let us pray for lungs and their hardiness this Palm Sunday. At this time in the Lentan liturgy we are reading the Gospel of John chapter 8, and all the places where "the Jews, or the Pharisees" said to Jesus… "Who are you? and how do you dare to call God your Father… We have only one Father, and that is Abraham."… It comes to my mind… We have only one Father in heaven… in eternity. Who grants eternal life. The Jews just couldn’t get past earthly death vs eternal life. They didn’t understand, "before Abraham came to be, I AM." We all struggle with these sayings of Jesus as we live through horrific illnesses of loved ones, we cannot see eternity. As we sit along at the bediside of the dying… we think we are alone with death, but we are not. Entertaining angels unawares wrote St Paul… Why not believe at that time that we are surrounded by angels who are sent to heal or take home… Home. I think I might not want to float around on a cloud singing, as I’m a doer… I want to work and help people… I forget I am part of a large church, established by Christ. I am not alone! "Go out and help… I will call you when it is the Father’s time." Yes sir. I will go; but when it is my time, let me get a big hug from our Blessed Mother who will lead me to you! God bless us this day when we remember Jesus being triumphantly greeted at the gates of Jerusalem…. only to be rejected a short few days later. Let us pray for the healing of our divided world, and our own divided souls. Thank God!

Susie's musings

Praise report on doctors!

Sometimes I think I must be the most blessed of patients! I love my doctors. When my Mother died, I got chest pain with grief, and I called my family doctor who recommended Juan Garcia a cardiologist "just to check things out." Dr Garcia’s wife, Pat, was my student at Assumption Academy and she recognized me immediately! It was like old home week at the doctor’s office, talking about how the boys from Belen would hang out under the senior class window and the girls would crowd around the window (was it the third floor?) and giggle at the boys!!!! Well here they are, running a cardiology practice. At that time, my heart was tested and came up A+ and this time, with the secret silent aneurism "found on the CT for pneumonia," my heart came up A+ again. He listened a lot… checked my blood pressure, recommended I stay on blood pressure med given me by the hospital…. need to keep the pressure down as it pushes against the artery walls… He recommended a great new doctor for me… a cardio thoracic surgeon to measure and evaluate the aneurism… Oh don’t you think that didn’t send me into sleepless nights. I think one of the reasons I was a good project manager was that I can think of all the possible outcomes, the best and the worst…. I’ve had some worst like the time we installed the new automatic call distributer at the Miami call center for Eastern Air Lines and the lines weren’t up at 5am… as dawn rose over the building I was at the point of shutting it all down and falling back to the old system when the phones started ringing!!!! But I had to build worst case scenarios like falling back at 5am…. Well this time i spent nights worrying with myself in surgery for this aneurism. It’s close to the heart… so you can imagine the scary issues. So… I met the new cardio surgeon (Niberto Moreno) who looked at the CT scan from Kingman Arizona and showed me my bulgy aorta. It looks like a fat belly sticking out from around the heart… … he said I can wait to clear up the pneumonia and then get a "real" CT in the Miami Cardiac and Vascular Institute… He’s very proud of his machinery (he is the Chief of Cardiothoracic surgery… so it’s good that he is personable and proud of his team and his machinery!). He treated me well; he and his PA spent a lot of time with me and Chuck assuring us that this is not a touch and go, gonna blow any second kind of situation… but we will follow up after we get the next CT. So… I’m to eat well, keep pressure down with medicine, walk and lift no weights… and heal and go back for CT May 7. Thank God for good doctors and thank you for prayers!!!! As an update cousin Laura is OK after shoulder surgery, went to first therapy… I’ll bet that hurt. And continue to pray for sick and suffering. God bless us. Thank God!

Susie's musings

Doctors’ visits. 2 down 1 to go

Yesterday I saw the cardiologist who said once again (I saw him 4 years ago) my heart is fine. Even lungs doing well, but "a lot of noise in bronchial area"… After reviewing CT scan and listening a lot he said we need better views of the aorta after the pneumonia is all cleared up. It actually is fuzzing up the image and they need the chest clear for MRA and ultra sound. He gave me name of surgeon he wants me to consult with to trace the size of aneuriem. With fuzziness it might be 4.6 or 4.7 probably will be OK to wait until pneumonia cleared up. I made appointment and it is next Monday. Oh goody. Tests. So today is pulmonologist… and he says"yes it was clearly pneumonia" probably should have gone into hospital sooner, and good thing I decided to go. All the antibiotics I took were enough, now it’s just waiting to heal. He wants to do follow up CT scan May 3 when I should be clear. So now a month of recovery drinking water eating well… Then we can get to the " tests". I just sat outside on the dock. Beautiful day!!! God bless us!

Susie's musings

A beautiful morning!

Good morning dear gentle readers! I’m up before 7am and feeling a little better! Still coughing but not the awful deep loud cough of the last month. Today is April 1, my Mother’s birthday! I always called her on my birthday to thank her for having me so today I call God to thank him for having Mom! I could always call Mom when I was in trouble. She would fly to Miami from Cleveland thanks to Eastern Airlines. She was here leaning over me while I recovered from hysterectomy and she hovered over my sisters too! Thank God for Mom dear Jesus. I feel confident she is with my sister Annette in heaven rocking babies in big rocking chairs! OK dear gentle readers I do NOT have a fever! In fact I’m feeling better today. Will watch Mass on TV and get ready to see cardiologist today! Thank God. Have a wonderful spring day!

Susie's musings

Morning on the lake

I opened the windows and it is cool outside. We have at least 4 Purple Martin families in our house that would house 12 families, 3 across the top on my side and at least one on the top on Kathie’s side. They chirp and twitter early in the morning and then they go out to fly around all day. They come all the way from Brazil to have babies in our Martin house! They are very happy birds. We see an increase in dragon flies which the martins feast on. Nature is amazing! We only see this phenomena of dragon flies/martins in the early spring. I am sure everyone has their nesting birds, just need to open the windows, listen and enjoy!!! Today, Saturday, is calm, cool and bright blue sky. All is well. I seem to be improving cough and cold wise, now if I could stop "worrying" about the cardiology part of this!!!" I know I am in God’s hands. Mom said, "When I die, the Blessed Mother will meet me, give me a big hug, and take me to Jesus." A beautiful hope and I hope that happened for it is a grand and beautiful hope. God bless us. Have a wonderful weekend! Go to church! Love, Susie.

Susie's musings

Recovery on the Lake

After 11 hours of sleep, I sit in my easy chair and I check for Martins in the Martin house; I look out over the lake at palm trees; Chuck brings me coffee in a little cup and saucer that says "pray," and daily Mass will come on EWTN at 8am. All is well for healing. Yesterday I got two appointments with cardiologist on Monday morning (I was on waitlist and there was a cancellation!) and a pulmonologist on Tuesday so I will be well handled by good doctors whom I have seen before. Now all I have to do is unpack suitcases and put clothes away, go through the mail I kept … try to file a claim for doctor’s visits on ship (about $800 but we had trip insurance), and little things to do to get back into shape here in Miami. Good news! The big house on Big Pine Key closed before we left on the trip and we deposited the closing check yesterday so we have one house left (Aunt Trudy’s house) with wonderful renters. They really love it there, and indeed the Keys are beautiful. Have a wonderful day and please pray for our sick friends George, Miriam and Laura surgery. Peace and healing. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Sicky Home on the lake!

Boy oh boy dear readers! Chuck is my hero. I left the hospital for hotel room in Kingman Az on March 18. Stayed in hotel one day, I think and left Kingman March 20. Home yesterday March 26. Dined on chicken and my left over penne with broccoli and garlic. YUM. Today the bones will simmer for chicken soup. We watched on demand TV (Madam Secretary and God Friended Me) and I was out cold in my little bed by 930!!! That’s my life for a little while. Watching Martins in the martin house, looking out at the lake, oh and sitting by the lake later today. I called both cardiologist (for the aortic aneurism) and the pulmonologist (for the pneumonia that seems to have settled in upper chest and head)… am waiting for call backs for appointments. I will take care of self. promise!!!! Remember Dorothy! There’s no place like home! God bless us dear gentle readers. Thank you for prayers. I now send my angels on to George my first brother in law, and to Miriam friend at St Timothy who had a heart attack and by pass, resting at home, and to cousin Laura who will have shoulder repair. My goodness busy angels. Thank God!

Susie's musings

Last night on the road.

Monday morning we left Montgomery a little earlier than normal (the turtles moved quickly) due to weather (hail storm) coming in… Ray Charles crooned "Georgia on my mind" as we headed out south and I said, "Georgia, we are blowing past you with Florida on my mind!" Dean Martin took over and I remember what a voice he had as he sang in Italian, "That’s amore," and I made a grocery list to Dean Martin crooning "Hurry Home" "chicken, milk, mushrooms, sweet potatoes," that’s amore… With all the coughing and congestion, I haven’t lost my appetirte. Before I went into the hospital I absolutely wasn’t hungry so I have a feeling that all the antibiotics kicked in lately … So now, "come on body and fight the bug whatever it is!" I rejoice at the sight of rows of pine trees and farms offering fresh produce from stands along route 231 south. The lady in the gas station sneezed and advised, "we have no spring flowers, but we have pollin!" "Quick Chuck, head south, let’s go south!" 1138am we cross into Florida! I sing and dance and drink Florida orange juice at the Welcome Center. We added the rental car to the Sunpass and headed off towards I-10. We found a lovely hotel in Ocala on I-75; this shortens the ride tomorrow and we hope to get home ahead of rush hour traffic. I sunk onto the bed a huddled mass of sleepy, runny nose, coughing and I said to Chuck, "I would like a cold beer." He said, "let’s go,"…. I spritzed my nose with nasal spray from the Kingman hospital, and put on shoes and we enjoyed a beautiful Italian meal with chianti! I think I feel better. Wow! Let’s hope I’m really getting better. My dears. Keep praying for us one more day as we travel the Florida turnpike to home. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Two days from home. We know the way!

We left Forrest City at 940am. Forrest City is a nice little stop before you enter the populated Memphis… Has an Old Sawmill restaurant and a Cajun restaurant right near the Quality Inn. Chuck foraged soups, chicken, sweet potato, fried oysters… and we dined in our room. It was fun to picnic. Today, Sunday dawned sunny. I was tired and wanted to lag, but home is close… I’m coughing not as deeply and hurtfully as 10 days ago, but still… a bronchial cough now. And the tiredness is amazing! Breakfast usually accompanied by coffee with chocolate in it gets me going! I sit in a corner and cough into a napkin… We headed out to drive thru Memphis and get out on the other side headed for Tupulo. Not that easy. I got caught in the loop. If I had the GPS on she would have guided us. We drove a little on the "ring road" and finally headed south towards Birmingham and Montgomery Alabama. We have been to Memphis and Tupulo to visit Elvis homes so "been there done that." I think everyone needs to do it once, and eat barbeque and listen to music in downtown Memphis. Yep, done that! Alabama and Mississippi are not my favorite places to even drive through due to their clear known racial history of discrimination. As we drive I pray for peace in our own hearts. Birmingham reminds me of Martin Luther King and his fight and death. We must never forget King’s "Letter from Birmingham Jail." Never forget and try to change our hearts. Today we selected 50s music on Sirius radio (50s on 5). and we swoozed. There was an hour of Pat Boone presents Elvis Pressley and Pat Boone played other singers doing Elvis’ songs. Elvis did all of them better. (Pat Boone is 84 and still working!!!). The south is blooming in pink and purple trees! Pink tulips and pansies decorated a tiny gas station. We glided out of Tennessee into Alabama; "Sweet Home Alabama" greeted us, and the radio crooned "The name of the place is: I like it like that." OH! We crossed the Mississippi River at Memphis and it is swollen. There were signs of exits closed due to flooding: "Do not attempt to drive on exit!" The reason I say it looked swollen is what is normally wetlands near the Interstate the trees seemed to be half way under water… Pray for folks affected by flooding in Missouri and Iowa; flooding is coming down river. We arrived at our Quality Inn just south of Montgomery, at the entrance to our next road that will take us down to I-10. Should take 2 days to get home! Thank God. Thank you angels. When I get home I have to dispatch my angels to cousin Laura having shoulder surgery; brother in law George very sick; and friend Miriam from St Timothy having heart artery surgery. God bless my sick friends. Thank God.

Susie's musings

The long way home

Saturday March 23, at 10:07 we leave Oklahoma City headed for Memphis and route 55 south… The radio crooned "The Okie from Muskogee, The Red Headed Stranger, Who’s gonna fill their shoes?" As we drove east leaving cowboy country behind, putting Oklahoma behind us, I wondered does anyone love the red headed stranger like I do… Been to the Grand Ole Oprey…? Remember George Jones? For some reason, I’ve always loved country music! And the music of the 60s too which will play tomorrow. Daffodils and pansies (I think they are pansies) greet us at the Arkansas welcome center. There were 2 rocking chairs in front of a log fire. Very inviting… If the road didn’t call, I’d still be there, rocking… Spring is springing in Arkansas. Green trees interspersed with "white trees" I’m sure they are fruit trees in bud. I remember one year when I worked for Eastern Air Lines, I traveled from airport to airport, southern cities to northern cities, following spring! I was lucky enough to work my way north as part of my job. In Pittsburgh, while visiting my mother and Aunt, I grabbed mom’s arm and said, "what is that yellow bush?" "Forsythia," Mom said! She loved daffodils and called them daffs or jonquils. I had never seen them, not forsythia, daffodils, iris. Amazing. If you grew up in Miami like I did you might be so spring starved as I was. On a trip to Hartford that spring, cousin Kenneth took Chuck and me to a field of "golden daffodils". We have photos of me out in that field!!! Makes me feel at peace. At the Arkansas welcome center, I measured out where Memphis was and it was 4 1/2 hours…. I looked at the Choice app and hotels were $30 less expensive about 25 miles back so I chose the tiny town of Forrest City. Next to our hotel is the Old Sawmill Cafe with country cookin! Our end of the day is at the Quality Inn at 430 pm. exit 241A. I’m watching EWTN. Mass at 6pm. Then Chuck will bring dinner! God bless you.

Susie's musings

sleeping comfortably in Oklahoma City

My navigator Mike from Miami, and directions on Google Maps told me there is an accident with about a 7 min delay on I 40 in Oklahoma City so we started looking for Comfort Inns. Bingo. About 1/2 way through Oklahoma City we spotted a Comfort Inn and a Panera Bread. Good Soup for Susie’s dinner!!!! This morning, Out on the road, we left Amarillo, Tx with Willie Nelson singing, "Angel Flying too Close to the Ground." "Come on angel," I invited, "lets go home!" We saw our first green field east of Amarillo. "Bring your sweet lovin’; bring it on home to me." Ah! Home! I am making a doctor’s appointment because I have to be sure I get cleared from lung and sinus infection and I have to follow up on an aortic aneurism about 4.4cm. Doctor in ER in Kingman said this will be the baseline CT. I got lucky as most people don’t know they have aneurisms until they burst. Follow up in Miami. Thank you Jesus for the CT scan pneumonia. Enjoying the sheer beauty of the American road; breezing along with country music, a big Cross appeared on the horizon and Chuck came to a stop and pulled over. I didn’t move. Head on pillow; feet propped up. I look really sick. This was our first stop this trip and it was a young Texas Highway Patrol Trooper. OOPs. Fortunately Chuck had seen him and was able to slow a little. but not enough. I gave him my best coughing fit and with a sad face, Chuck told him I have pneumonia and we are heading home to Miami having scrapped our Western adventure. Chuck gave him his best Miami, Florida Trooper face and story… and he gave us a warning for something over 75mph… We drove by the big white Cross and I said "Thank You Jesus. We will slow down a little." Indeed we slowed down all the rest of Texas. "St Patrick’s welcomes you to Shamrock Texas!" and we left Texas into Oklahoma. Chisholm Trail crossing reminded me again of the patriarchs who road mules, horses, walked this great land. Thanks cowboys! We drove 257 miles in 5 hours (that’s with several stops.) Nap time! God bless us!

Susie's musings

traveling home Gallup to Amarillo

We jumped into the car at 945am, in Gallup New Mexico. The time is awkward for New Mexico time is different whether you are on an Indian Reservation… I had 945 on cell phone so I took it. Really, what does an hour matter? We turned on Sirius radio and chose "Willie’s Road House" and immediately Willie, Waylon and Johnny Cash came on. OK! I thought, "Sing Chuck home, guys." Exit 47 on I40 is the Continental Divide. It makes me remember the movie with John Beluchi. He was a sweet talent, wild and living the fast life which killed him. He died due to his living the fast life. I watch scenery go by, mesa, table tops, and Pueblos. The wild majesty of this part of the West is sering and beautiful. We would stop and explore if I wasn’t sick; and tired…. all I can think of is being in bed and sleeping. You young ones get out here!!! I asked Chuck for a potty stop… and there was one tiny gas station… Painted on their windows were a Cross, "Love", "Hope", "Give", Christian paintings. I said to myself, "I need to buy something here." On a shelf under a counter, in the back, was a hand made indian painted angel! I didn’t care how much. So I told Chuck , "I want that"…. Of course! She is now riding home with us in the car! We will drive 2501 miles using paper maps! I have 3 maps open and all folded to where we are on my lap. For today I had New Mexico, the Texas border up in the panhandle, and the USA map. I trace our way to a border so we can get state information for hotel deals, and I need to figure the best route to the Mississippi River. I read earlier in the week about flooding, but flooding seems to be holding in the north. Mike has researched for us, and he said our crossing in the south ought to be fine, that Interstate crossings are not affected. Around Cuervo, in New Mexico, east of Albuquerque, rocks start to get some red on them! It got down into the low 40s as a front moved through, but we ended the day in the high 60s. Traffic pulled to a stop and a single line for a while and then we passed a terrible accident on the west bound side. Debris was everywhere and a helicopter rescue was ensuing. I can’t believe how people get all balled up. The road is wide and only if we’re careful and not aggressive can we avoid these awful crashes. We drove by and I offered a prayer for the victim (s). We crossed the border into Texas and I looked at my Choice app and found a Comfort hotel west of Amarillo in Deaf Smith County! I wonder if Deaf Smith settled here and named the county!!! I’m still croaking and whispering so if I use a hand signal, I frighten Chuck who thinks I see something he doesn’t see so it’s a little wierd. ""Exit 64" I whisper… "what??????" he intones. It’s amazing we get places. Texas is crowded with windfarms. Good for Texas for developing natural energy! We saw no windfarms in New Mexico. Hotel is 2 miles east of Cadillac Ranch, an out door art exhibit of cadillacss buried nose down in a piece of farm land! painted with spray paint. To bed to sleep, snack on yogurt and apples. I’m up now for a brief time. Back to bed! God bless you!

Susie's musings

USA the Beautiful I40 Kingman to Gallup

We left our hotel in Kingman at 955am. Bought a small pillow for Susie and some gas for the car and headed east on I40. America is Beautiful!!! Rocky mountains with flat tops. We listened to Sirius radio channel 58 Prime Country. We have 2501 miles to go… Put my feet up, pillow behind my head, head east young Chuck. Whenever we do one of our road trips, I’m always overwhelmed by thoughts of the early travelers, walking, riding mules, in wagons, having babies, and dying. Coming west. For land, for jobs, for freedom. Thank you brave travelers! Colors: stark, sepia, brown, dusty green, and straw. dusty. Elevations up to 7335 at the Arizona divide. I could feel the pressure in my head and chest. I’m very congested with the pneumonia and sinus congestion. My sinus were struggling today and I am trying to breathe deeply as my oxygen absorption was low withough oxygen in hospital! Devil Dog Road approaching Williams and the Grand Canyon entrance. We pass it by… Snow on the ground and tops of mountains on this first day of spring! Meteor Crater a National Landmark. Formed by meteor that hit earth out here 60,000 years ago! Astronauts practiced wearing moon suits and picking up rocks here in the moon scape near Flagstaff. Petrified forest but no trees!!! Dead River. I still can’t talk so to say "40 miles to the state line (New Mexico) get a hotel book at the welcome center" is an effort for me to say and a real effort for Chuck to understand. We found a beautiful hotel in the book. A Comfort Inn in Gallup. Checked into hotel in Gallup at 245pm and time for a short nap. Take out dinner from Cracker Barrel across the parking lot. All is well. Angels are with us. God bless us!

Susie's musings

heading home "a day early"

Dear gentle readers. I slept all night and woke up to turn on TV (EWTN Mass) but TV cable isn’t working. Room smells bad… hotel is having "a problem" with sewer…. "OK! I’m out of here" I announced to Chuck who is gamely packing ALL OUR STUFF. This was supposed to be a month on the road so we have cold weather gear, shoes for hiking, etc etc. I packed my small suitcase "for the road" with undies, capris, tee shirts, socks and my bag of medicine. And I’m ready to go. East. USA Today reports awful flooding in mid west. Iowa and Missouri flooding "looks like an ocean … so we have to plan this eastward trek to be able to ford the Mississippi river. So sad for the nation. Whole towns inundated. Pray today for our mid west breathern. Pray for Susie… I’m holding my own against the diarreah caused by antibiotics. Eating beautiful yogurts and my align. Let me get home angels… I’ll let you know where we are as we travel!!! We will take it easy as we don’t want blood clots from sitting in the car. What an adventure. God bless us. Leaving Kingman, Arizona. Angels: Come!

Susie's musings

Lying about; healing

Chuck took me for a walk around the pool; he pointed out the mountains and the blue sky. People I talked to in the hospital love this town (Kingman, Az). I took 2 naps today, ate a wonderful frozen yogurt (our little room refridgerator froze the yogurt). Chuck mixed it with strawberry yogurt from breakfast. YUM. Also ate a hamburger, also yum. We are talking soup for dinner. I wish there was a Panera bread but there isn’t. But there is a Cracker Barrell which makes nice soup. Watching hallmark movies!!! Watched EWTN Rosary and Mass this morning before my first nap! All will be well. We are staying here one more day all day Wednesday. We will leave headed east Thursday morning. Love you all. Take care of selves and pray for healing for those you love.

Susie's musings

Sprung from the clink

I guess doctor felt they had everything under control so I am out on the streets of Kingman (actually very cozy in our hotel room) with a bag of drugs and we will be leaving Kingman, Az on Wednesday morning! This has been a very interesting adventure so far. We will have fun on the road and I’ll try to find something great to write about. God bless you!!! Thank God.

Susie's musings

Ready to go home!!!

Doctor likes way blood counts look. Oxygen is back up to normal. Coughing, but doctor says that might have become bronchitis. I will be dismissed today with antibiotics, some nasal stuff, lots of yogurt and juice. We will stay overnight in Kingman and head out tomorrow. Chuck feels confident we can take it easy and be home in 6 days. OK!!! So I’m sprung and glad to get the IV out. (As a matter of fact, with the last IV antibiotic, the vein sprung a leak and medicine started to infiltrate. Then arm swelled up. Ick). Got that IV out!!! OK ready for a shower and the final paperwork. Love you gentle readers!!! God bless us.

Susie's musings

End of first hospital day.

I was ecstatic with taking a long hot shower using my own soap!!! I watched EWTN all morning and prayed 2 Rosaries, watched Sunday Mass twice, and watched an Irish concert from Ireland! That’s because I was awake from 2 on to 5 when the Mass comes on out here in Pacific time. With several oxygen treatments, IV antibiotics, good food, doctors changing drugs to meet this challenge… and even though coughing continues…. I think I’m improving. I don’t think doctors have decided what exactly we are fighting so I might just head home without a fight and visit my favorite Miami specialists. I’ll take all records including CT scan with me when we go home. Watching a Hallmark movie before sleep!!! I was just offered another shower. Oh Joy!!! Chuck was invited back to the American Legion for Nascar afternoon!! God bless you as we put Sunday and St Patrick’s day to bed. Sleep well! God bless brother in law George!

Susie's musings

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Hi good gentle readers! I did an overnight in hospital and "true to what’s said" you can’t sleep in hospital." I watched a great movie about a basketball player from Richmond high school who won all the school records (20 years ago) comes back to coach the team. Black school, drugs and gang violence, 50% graduation rate, and that is expected and accepted. Basketball is All these kids have or will ever have (accepted). But this coach is brought on to change that. Coach is played by Samuel L. Jackson Coach Carter who tries to make student-athletes, boys into men. Good job. Tried to sleep at 10, but just too restless, was nudged awake by coughing at 2, joined by nurse and aid, got hot tea with honey and an oxygen treatment. Found EWTN and found Rosary and morning Mass at 5am. Back to sleep and awakened at 7 to meet new day nurse (Dennis, a traveling nurse from Pensacola Beach, transitioned to Faith!) My goal today is breakfast ( I ordered a cheese omlet, apple sauce, yogurt and herbal tea with honey from Dave in room service. Then get a shower, walk around, sit in chair. Read, watch TV. Doctors are still trying to zero in on cause of pneumonia. Nasal swab came back negative for MRSA. I am so glad I came here though. I don’t think lying in bed at home or hotel I would have stopped coughing or healed. Chuck enjoyed car festival and went to the American Legion for St Patrick’s dinner! He can’t find the camera. I could smack him for that as now I’ll have to come back to Kingman at street festival time. Oh darn; Road Trip!!! Well. Dears it’s time to enjoy St Patrick’s Day! Please pray for my brother in law George who was in our wedding. Very sweet man, very sick, might be facing his last days. Good bless you George! You are my first brother! God bless us! Ta ta for now! Susie on Adventure.

Susie's musings

Life and getting better

My nurse Honey Lyn just ordered dinner for me from the room service menu: chicken noodle soup, Mac and cheese, roast beef, roasted vegetables and two waters. I went to the ER at about 1015am. Had blood work, chest x-ray, CT scan as there is fuzzy area on lungs. CT reveals something like "after flu pneumonia." Doctors are now trying to identify the particular infection, staff maybe, tested with a sinus swab. Tonight I have the luxury of oxygen breathing treatments every 4 hours! I don’t care at this point about lack of sleep! I wasn’t getting better. Doctors (I’ve seen 3 doctors so far…) Doctors say, I failed outpatient treatment! Doctor agrees stay in until nice and clear, probably 2 days. Chuck got extra time on the room so I might get up to the Grand Canyon sky walk!!! Wow. Panama Canal and the Grand Canyon with a road trip and Sirius XM playing "Prime Country". It doesn’t get much better than that. I’m not talking on the phone as my voice is totally gone. I can talk on text and email. I have a beautiful, clean, single room with a window! God is good. I’ve been praying for help to our Blessed Mother and I know she sent in a few extra angels! Thank God and go help someone!!! Love you. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Going for a cough diagnosis!!!

Hi dear gentle readers. I noticed in my last note that I wrote "going west" It seems from Miami everthing we do is "go west." Well this will be a "go east" type of trip. But with a short detour. Like the time of hurricane Irma I’ve been coughing for 2 weeks and it’s time to get a diagnosis! Last diagnosis was reflux and the feeling of sickness caused me not to eat so I also lost my gall bladder. Did you know if you lose a lot of weight quickly you can hurt your gall bladder? So today after a night of coughing and feeling sick because of it, I’m going to check myself into the Kingman hospital for diagnostic tests. I’ll have all reports sent to Miami and will try real hard not to go through this again!!! Chuck won’t leave me to go to antique cars and art festival. I’m fine!!! OK dear readers. Please pray for Susie, quick recovery. Pray thanks to St Patrick Patron saint of Ireland. Have a wonderful St Patricks day celebrtion. I’ll keep blogging as I slog through this! God bless you.

Susie's musings

At Home, in Kingman Arizona!

Hello dear gentle readers. I’m propped up in bed in the Quality Inn in Kingman Arizona. I have my… "Do not disturb; I’m watching Hallmark Movies" socks on… But I don’t think I get the Hallmark channel; but I do get EWTN which means I get Catholic Mass !!! That’s a cause for Praise! I found the weather channel and it seems, our little area of Arizona will get good weather this weekend then we go west, probably driving across the south to avoid the storms predicted there (for example; tornados in Kentucky) As we headed across I 40 from Barstow I was lulled into closing my eyes and relaxing. Then I saw a sign for Kingman and I glanced out and there were all kinds of advertisements and invitations to Kingman! The gray brown hills turned into reddish and bright. Signs promised the wonders of Kingman and as we drove into town we were welcomed by a really pretty place with a "Welcome to Kingman – Route 66" sign. It just gets better. The Quality Inn gave us a suite because they say they honor their frequent travelers. They have all kinds of Route 66 and old movies memorabelia AND a laundry on site in case Chuck wants to wash a few things. I am SO SORRY I am missing this… I can only send Chuck out to go to the places I circled to go like the skywalk and the restaurant there on the southern rim of the Grand Canyon. I can only ask my younger readers to, for sure, make my dream your dream!!!! Make it a dream trip!!! In a sence we might have had to head south anyway as the storm that hit Denver is called a "gut punch; Bomb Cyclone" Pressure dropped so strongly the winds were hurricane force. So, I don’t think winter is, in any way, near over. I’ll send Chuck out on adventures and let you know how he does. For now he is hovering…. Go OUT, Chuck!!! Everybody be safe during the bad weather and Praise God and pray for those who are sick… "Ta Ta for now, TTFN, said Winnie the Poo. "

Susie's musings

Heading home

Well dear readers. I guess I’m just wimpy! I breathed someone’s cough and it settled in. I visited ship’s medical facility twice and then again in Barstow California. " Oh please don’t let me go into the hospital in This Place."
Oh show me the way to go home ! Got x-ray results today and it’s not a "go to the hospital right now, but it is a go to bed right soon." We were heading for Kingman and will head home Sunday. I want Chuck to hang out with the military guys we met on the last cruise .. at the Kingman antique cars and art festival, me rest a lot and watch TV. . Drive home? About 6 days? God bless you friends. Be well!

Susie's musings

San Diego rental car!!!

My dear readers if you had seen me in the past few days you might have believed I am coming home right now! I never got over the flu cough. Nights are pounding coughing spells. I have codein and that might be why I’ve lost all appetite and voice. I am a silent sad little creature! Lady on phone on this bench is talking about Denver being shut down . We probably will head east … God bless you today! Barstow California today and Kingman Arizona for 4 or 5 days!

Susie's musings

Day 13. A Whale of a Day!

I did not purchase a whaling tour, but we saw whales!!! A mama and a baby! rolling, diving, wonderful!!!!! We were out for about 4 hours looking at he shoreline and the pretty houses, hotels, mountains, and in the distance spotted what some thought were porpoise! Watched the whales for almost 1/2 hour as mama brought baby in close… ! My first up close and personal whale watching! We are tired and Chuck is still coughing. He talked the entire cruise tour with two gentlemen; one is from a sister submarine, the Picuda. Chuck invited him to the submarine reunion this coming May!!! I chatted nostalgically about Eastern Airlines, System One, EDS, etc etc with a lady who worked for American/Sabre/EDS. Small Small world. God bless you tonight. Happy Sunday.

Susie's musings

Day 13 – Puerto Vallarta!

We have a tour boat cruise up the coast today! I think we are finally coming back to health!!! I swam in the pool for almost an hour. The sunshine felt good. Flu left both of us with cough…. ick. Take care. Get Flu shots as it at least lessens the severity! Calm and hot today. Hope all is well with you!!!! God bless you!!!

Susie's musings

Day 12. Manzanillo, Mexico

Good morning!!! Pulling into a bright white port! The color of the rocks and beach ahead is blinding white! We will get off and walk around without a tour and I will get into the pool unless I find a pretty beach. We have two more tours ahead in Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas (tomorrow and the next day). I just bought a transfer to the airport for Chuck to go pick up the car. I’ll wait here at the ship for him; then we will be on the road east (Wednesday!). So… We are back to having fun and doing stuff. Can’t drink yet. Still taking the Tamiflu and the doctor doesn’t recommend drinking. I have a bottle of champagne with my name on it for Sunday!!!!  House in the Keys closed and money is in escrow. We are happy and still have good lady renters in Aunt Trudy’s house. Pray for Joan and Marj’s health as they enjoy and take good care of Aunt Trudy’s house! I pray for everyone of my friends especially health as Chuck and I have seen some pretty sick looking folks lately… We all need to take care and pray for one another. God bless you!!!!!

Susie's musings

Day 11 at sea off Mexico

Hi dear readers! We stood at our door like little birdies this morning after the doctor cleared us. We poked our noses out and looked both ways and leapt out! Yea! Freedom! First thing we did was go to the Windjammer and sit outside with tea and coffee! Then we ate hot soup! I tried to go to the Cinema to see Green Book,  but Cinema was full so I sat and read, took a tiny nap and now I’m ready for a snack and a swim!!! Life is back to normal. Tomorrow is Manzanillo, a port on the south coast of Mexico. and we will probably walk around a little. Did not purchase a tour until Saturday.  All is well. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Days 8, 9, 10 !

Hi dear readers… I didn’t write because we were in Quarantine in our room. On Day 8, I coughed all day on our tour which was a scenic view of Puntarenas, Costa Rica… a train ride on the old Pacific coast railway and a ride through the rain forest.. I coughed into my hat and into my jacket as I didn’t like sounding like a plague victim. Went to bed without my supper. Got up at about 9 and ate a roll and butter. After a fitful night I told Chuck who was just as bad and shivering…… "get showered we are going to the doctor."  My temperature was 100 and his was 102. They dosed us with tylenol and gave us flu tests by swabbing the nose. We both tested positive for Flu A which I found out today is the less awful of 2 flus A and B. They gave us Tamiflu and a cough medicine that is an expectorant… not a suppressant. So with occasional tylenol for the pain caused by the coughing (I have to clutch my chest when I get coughing and sneezing!!!!!)…. we have made it to day 10! In our room all day Tuesday and Wednesday we got free movies (saw Robin Hood which was good! and some other bad stuff…. will try one more time tonight to find a good movie in their selection) and free room service which isn’t hot…  when I finally broke out to write! I’m not better, but nurse visited and my temperature is normal again. I don’t dare sneak up to the windjammer for food because we are "isolated."  We will be called to the clinic tomorrow and if both temperatures are normal we will be released!!!! A day at sea tomorrow.  Oh! Question of the day which I am sure my sister Sarah will understand: Chuck, wrinkling his nose: "Did you just put more Vicks on?" Me "Yep!!!"  God bless everyone this Ash Wednesday!

Susie's musings

Day 7 – Sunday at sea

I left you yesterday… breathlessly watching those 3 small sail boats with the behemoth grain ship bearing down on them into the lock next to us…(you didn’t notice but I just ran down to Vintages for a glass of champagne). OK back to the 3 small sail boats!!! When we got to the next lock we waited for them to pull in to the lock next to us… and they never came. We were all snug in our lock and our water started going down, and … they never came but here came the giant grain ship. Did he eat them? Smooosh. Gone. So sorry little sail boats. I tried to take photos but we were on our way out of our lock before he got fully in… At the last lock we were cheered by the observation deck!!! And we cheered back. It was so exciting. Almost as if they KNEW us. I felt a little sad not to share it with our friends. So! Cheers to you my friends. And I highly recommend a Panama Canal cruise to you. I was exhausted after a day (actually 2 days) outside in the Panama heat. I went to the show, but I realized half way into the show I had sleepily changed into my slippers when we went to the room after supper to get our books (we get books after dinner and then sit in the first row reading while waiting for show time). Surely enough the performer chose me and three others to dance with him. Lordy, there I am dancing in my slippers! Today I dressed up a little in case I am asked to dance again. Like the little sail boats… I will probably not get the chance to redeem myself. Right to bed after the show, but I woke up groggy and I walked right by Chuck in the Windjammer. "Sleep walking, are you?" he asked as I walked by. "Huh???" We ate breakfast and I headed for the pool. I put on sun screen but am still getting sunburned. We ate lunch and I went to the art auction. I bid $40 for a painting but it went for $60. I did not bid higher. It’s like gambling. $40 was my limit. Nap. Champagne and here I am.  God bless you!!!

Susie's musings

Day 6 Half way through the Panama Canal

What a day! It is HOT HOT HOT in Panama. I already changed clothes twice (well once into my bathing suit and back into real clothes for lunch).. We passed through the first set of locks this morning (the Gatun locks) and entered the big Gatun Lake. The lake is kept full and is fed by Panama rivers that fill in the rainy season to feed the locks. Tremendous amounts of water are used (prodigious amounts of water) are used to raise the water in the locks. Then the water is lost. We watched the transverse at about 9am and heard a loud bang!!! Chuck says we hit a wall which Panama Canal has to pay for; so when we get off we want to see if we can see a scratch or worse … We have a narrator on board and she is talking about a Mr Aspinwall who built the railway over the isthmus to move gold during the gold rush…  and the area was called Aspinwall where my Mother’s family lived in Pennsylvania… .  While we were in the Gatun Lake, I went into the pool for an hour then found Chuck in the Vintages bar… He was sipping red wine and the bartender gave me champagne. So three glasses later after lunch with cream puffs for dessert, I am sleepy and fat, but we have another series of locks to go through. One of the "events" I tried to photograph was 3 small boats rafted together were making the crossing… The pilots strap them all up .. They came into the lock next to us, and behind them… I couldn’t catch it as we were leaving our lock; was a huge big tanker or grain carrier like followed us in yesterday!!! We waved and shouted and left the three small boats with their big friend coming on them.. We are now headed for the Miraflores… God bless you!…  Whew half way through!

Susie's musings

Day 5: Pre Panama Canal Day

Good morning dear readers! We were up early again well before 7 drinking coffee and watching a southern Caribbean sunrise. We gathered in the Coral Theater and eagerly jumped on a bus at 9am headed for the Panama Canal Ferry excursion. Our bus took us overland from Colon (we stopped half way at a gas and toilet stop that had a child’s bathroom with tiny toilets!!!!; We ladies used it as of course there was a long ladies line… The tiny toilets were almost on the floor. VERY cute)  to Gamboa which is half way between the northern (Atlantic entrance to the Canal) and the Southern (Pacific entrance), so we entered the Canal half way.) When you enter on the Atlantic side you are actually going to travel from north to south and exit at Panama City. Entering the Canal at the half way point, We traversed 3 locks: Pedro Miguel, Miraflores, and Cocoli with another ferry tucked into the locks to close we could touch her and her boat bumper, and we  touched the walls of the Canal lock also!  Tucked into the locks behind us was a GIANT fat grain ship! Next to us in a sister lock was a huge liquid gas carrier. She has to go into the locks alone as she cannot be bumped… Although Chuck helpfully suggested if she bumps the side and blows, she’s taking us and the Canal with her. Nice, thanks Chuck!!! We were able to watch the big liquid gas ship go down and leave the locks ahead of us as the giant behemoth grain ship was v e r y slow entering the locks behind us. Both giant ships were guided on both sides by locomotives that keep them centered in the locks (called mules.)  When we are headed to the Pacific from Atlantic we go up to the center (Gatun Lake) and then down to the Pacific. So we sat in the locks and the water went out and we went down in each lock. See my tee shirt which I will probably wear to tatters.On the ferry ride we had Panamanian beer for $3 dollars a bottle and a buffet lunch. Nice but it was HOT!!!!!  The USA built the Canal in 10 years and it took 7 years to cut through the mountain at Centenary Bridge! and now the bridge is too low for large tall ships. So it lasted since 1915!  Thanks to Teddy Roosevelt! It seemed to us we shouldn’t have given up the Canal even with the deals we cut. US has first priority and takes the Canal back in case of war… We pledged to protect the Canal and must defend Panama in case of war. But seeing the shape Colon is in… We probably were right to give it up. I’m not sure we would or could have have cleaned out the slums that Colon is…. So best to try to support Panama to do it.  Panama City is a huge high-rise filled rich city (Panama is making a huge profit off the Canal), but the port at Colon is a slum. Very sad.  An amazing day. We were very late getting back to the ship, but she actually sat at anchor most of the night anyway waiting for the great big day of crossing (March 2). Finally… Another movie recommendation. Poolside movie was Alan Shepherd’s story… I’ve forgotten the name of it. He lost a tiny daughter to brain cancer but continued single mindedly to land on the moon and he did by sheer nature of his intelligence and great courage and flying ability!!!  ….  God bless you and keep you safe this weekend of festivity before Ash Wednesday and Lent.

Susie's musings

Day 4 Cartagena City of Romancing the Stone!!!!

Good morning dear readers! What a day yesterday was! Full to the edges with fun! We started the day at 620am sunrise with coffee and sweets from room service as we had a morning tour scheduled and I wanted to take in the channel into Cartegena from sunrise to docking. It’s a pretty entry. The port itself is full of container ships; any ordinary port, but the channel entry is nice. We started our tour with a bus tour of the city (nothing to write home about) … but then we got into horse and buggy and went into old walled city past about 6 convents turned into hotels (where did the nuns go?) and at least 3 big churches, Would be nice to spend more time in old walled city! Back to the ship to have a quick lunch, swim for an hour, hot tub as the water was a little chilly in the pool… I needed to warm up as we sometimes do after an hour in the lake. Nap. Drinks in the Safari club and watch the pull away. Out the same channel as we cruised in the morning! Sunset. Dinner. Then a highlight! We went out on deck where the pool man gave us towels for Chuck and a blanket and a pillow for me… and watched an amazing Disney movie… Perfect for you moms and grandmoms for the young and the not so young!!! Please do watch The Nutcracker and the Four Realms. Beautiful dancing by Ballerina Misty Copeland; acting by Keira Knightly, Helen Mirran and Morgan Freeman among others. The young female star; I can’t remember her name, was very good too! And her protector soldier was wonderful too! So we sat under the stars and were enchanted!!! Before the movie, I got soft ice cream and a tiramissue (how do you spell that?) but Chuck wasn’t hungry yet so I gave the tiramissue away to a friend on the next chair. After the movie, Chuck wanted a snack…. So he got a sandwich while I admired a chocolate mousse…. "Oh no!" I said to the young man who offered it to me, but he pressed it and a spoon into my hand. The lady waiting for the elevator must have wondered what I had as we waited for the elevator with me going "oh my goodness! This is wonderful…. mmmmm mmmmm mm!". Brush my teeth and head for bed to dream of sugar plums. That’s it. Today is Colon, Panama. We have a ferry tour of the locks and tomorrow we actually enter the Panama Canal!!!!! God bless you this First Friday of March (birthday greetings go out to Dave and Milton… any others? Happy March! and angels be with you if you are ailing or worried. No worries my friends for God loves us! Thank God! Day 4 all gone.

Susie's musings

Rockin’ and rollin’ day 3 at sea

We have heard from some people that they weren’t feeling very well due to the movement of the ship… We are sailing due south with strong wind from the east. Captain has stabilizers working hard, but there is some stumbling around by the best of us!!!! Today was much better for Susie who ate breakfast and while Chuck went to a movie, I went into the pool for water aerobics and swimming. Have you ever tried water aerobics in 5 foot seas? That is what it felt like in the pool. We were sloshing into each other a lot! It was a lot of fun with beautiful sunny sky. Lunch, followed by a champagne art auction… One glass of champagne and I put in a provisional bid (meaning come down to the art gallery and we’ll talk..), but it was only when I saw the paintings up close this evening that I said… "no… I don’t like them" and secretly I said to myself… .."I could do that." Chuck meanwhile was at a meeting with the veterans again. There are many on board and he has made friends with an Air Force guy. They share air and sea stories. We went to a great Panama Canal talk… They showed a photo of the RCCL Brilliance going through the locks. She’s the same size as the Jewel that we are on, and she had about an inch on each side. Really she is 4 feet narrower than the lock. By length, we are 964′ long and the lock is 1000 feet long. We are called a Panamax ship. The canals are kept dredged to 40 feet and we have a depth of about 26′. So we ought to get through OK. It will take 8 hours to get through. How exciting! It was Teddy Roosevelt who wanted the canal built after France failed. Little did he know that we would desperately need to get the fleet from Atlantic to Pacific during WWII especially after Pearl Harbor. Thanks Teddy. More champagne and red wine, sunset (glorious again), dinner and a great stage production! I’, at a computer on deck 7 over the Centrum, and down in the Centrum, a singer is doing a great job with Whitney Houston’s "If I should stay… I will always love you" (actually written by Dolly Parton). I’m off to bed while Chuck stays awake for the adult comedy! God bless us. Day 3. Out!

Susie's musings

Crusin’ days 1 and 2

Always getting on the ship for us is stressful especially when we have to carry our "jewels" and the tuxedo. I’ll never forget a lady who complained on a back to back cruise where she had to change cabins… "oh! but I have to empty the safe and carry my jewels!"… Chuck and I looked at each other with great mirth. It’s become a catch phrase when I want to claim laziness… "Oh but I have to carry my jewels!" So after the lifeboat drill, I was looking tired and grumpy and Chuck said "Lets go get you some champagne"… There was a BOGO 1/2 of so we ordered 2 bottles of Veuve Cliquot… then moved on to the Safari club for Diamond Club drinking. Watched the sunset from aft sitting on barstools and chatting with new friends… Too much wine and champagne for Susie… We missed dinner and ate in the windjammer. It was good. Then we went to a great comedy show. It was good. Bed. End Day 1.

Cruise Day 2 opened sunny and sleepy for a hung over Susie. I didn’t get my appetite back until 3pm when I snacked on cookies from the Solarium. I did not swim for a full hour as I was feeling very sleepy!!! A 2 hour nap restored me. So in summary: Day 2 was eat, Thomas Kincade, Dali and Disney lecture, swim & hot tub, nap…. Ah!!!! cookies, dress for formal night. drink champagne. Oh!!! While I slept, Chuck met with some veterans and they had a good meeting full of service talk. Finally made it to dinner on time and our dinner partners are from a town near the Mississippi River in Geneseo, Illinois… I’m trying to talk Chuck into going back to Miami, after we see all the monuments, via the Mississippi River Road… We will see. I AM the navigator. But that’s the far distant future… early April. Finally… the show last night was Beatle Maniacs!!!! They sang an hour of Beatles songs with a tribute to the great George Harrison. How sweet and nostalgic. End. Day 2. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Luggage (all but one) in the stateroom.

In the old days we called it a cabin. We are forward and have a nice balcony with 2 chairs and a table. Room #8034 if anyone feels like playing our lucky numbers. Dave took us in his truck to the ship as I sat in the back seat giggling over 2 retired FHP partners who rode together for 24 years trying to figure out the exit to the port tunnel. Shades of Laurel and Hardy! When we got onboard (stood in no line … The benefit of being frequent cruisers … Diamond status) I went immediately to book 2 excursions, and I discovered if I booked 5 excursions, we get 15% off! We’ll have to get the 15 % off! We haven’t been to any of the ports between Colon Panama and San Diego so I booked some overviews, Scenic cruises and a train ride! Now we are unpacking .. George Carlin would be proud of us… We move most of our stuff into suitcases and into a tiny stateroom. It’s an engineering fete. I’m hoping to win a massage at the spa after the life boat drill. If anyone wishes to speak to me, I’ll be on the computer package and checking emails and blogging! God bless you all dear friends! Leaving Miami in a few hours!

Susie's musings

Suitcases piled up!!!

Chuck and I are about to go on another adventure to places we’ve never been!!! We are boarding the RCCL Jewel in Miami tomorrow, February 25, and I would like to blog about that and give our impressions of the Panama Canal crossing (what we learn about the building of the Panama Canal, and what it’s like to go through it!!!). Then, we will cruise up to San Diego via Cabo San Lucas. In San Diego we will rent a Grand Cherokee Jeep and head out "North East". Our first stop is Kingman Arizona where a friend we met in the pool on our last cruise is hosting the "Chillin on Beale" antique car and art show at Kingman Arizona… after that we will drive over and jump into the Grand Canyon. We hope to take a helicopter tour of the Canyon!!! After that we will travel north to see Bryce and Zion national parks and then, Yellowstone and Mount Rushmore… Hope by the time we get to Yellowstone it is spring…. Otherwise the bag of cold weather gear we have packed will come into good use. Read along with us as we tour doing things we have never done before!!! I’ll try to blog daily! God bless you!!!!

Susie's musings

On the ground. In the USA. Watching the ‘Canes.

Oh boy! Chuck’s sister Thelma braved I95 into Brooklyn and picked us up yesterday. TRAFFIC assailed us as we drove back to Thelma’s in Waterford, Ct. We met cousins Roberta, Kenneth and Barbara at a restaurant and had several hours of family fun over lobstah and chowdah!!!! and then we spent a quiet evening drinking champagne with Thelma. Up this morning and plugged in the GPS. She said we would arrive in Miami at 515am. We didn’t plan to drive all night just until 330pm when ‘Canes play Seminoles on ESPN. WOW the traffic. We came to stops on expressways in New York, New Jersey and around Washington DC. Finally found a lovely Best Western in Woodbridge, Va. and are in a sweet smelling hotel room watching Miami play football in Tallahassee. My dears. It is good to be home. We have a lot to do in Miami…. I have 112 emails to read and some are regarding insurance and ordering water and electric as our renter moved out of 2061 Coral Way… We will now fix up the house (It needs a lot both inside and out) and try to get a renter or sell it. What a mess the Keys are. God bless us!!!!

Susie's musings

From Canada with Love

Greetings dear readers! I have been dark for a few days as I bought internet on the ship but it did not work well for me…. I did not log off properly and it ate up all my minutes!!!! Anyhow, we have been so busy there has not been time to write!!! Highlights were meeting a Catholic group that celebrates daily Mass and took me and Chuck on a tour to Saint Ann du Beaupre in Quebec where we celebrated Mass and a healing service. I have been asking for health for me as I have had a cough since about June that has only gotten progressively worse,…. I am thinking my bronchials are very angry. Will contact doctor for a visit as soon as we get home Oct 10ish. We walked the streets of Quebec for two days and really enjoyed the beautiful city!!!! Yesterday was an antique car festival both on the lower level and up higher!!!! The streets of Quebec climb UP and UP to what I call a boardwalk and they call the Terrasse! Lovely views of the St Laurence Seaway. As the days have pâssed we have become more and more aware of the damage to our three houses!!!! The renter at the big house 2061 Coral Way moved out and so people we have hired have access to fix the ceiling in the living room that collapsed from wind blown rain. We do not know the extent of roof damage but will be there soon enough to hire a roofer to give us an estimate…. We seem to have power in both houses and the renters are moved into the smaller house where they needed a new water heater as the old one flooded! The porch walls are soggy and collapsing and we have friend Perry from Miami looking at that. As for Miami, there was a roof leak that people staying there discovered and they were able to collect the water in a bucket, put a temporary fix on and our roofer friend Karen Rodman sent a roofer out for the repair! All our dealings have been via text and phone when in port! We arrive New York Oct 6 and will be on I95 headed south on Oct 7. God bless our travels and God bless you!

Susie's musings

Boston Quincy Market

On Sept 22 We left New London Ct, from Thelmas house to the Brooklyn port to board the QM2. All bags were delivered and all put away by 6pm dinner. We have lovely table mates, robes and slippers in our tiny cabin, music in many corners of the ship, good shows, and generally all is good except for the deep longing in my heart to get home and help my friends. We did not get into the first cruise port, Newport, due to winds from Hurricane Jose, but the ride has been very smooth. As alternative to port day in Newport we got 2 lectures on Buddy Holly (wonderful… Left me singing"Peggy Sue" "Everyday" etc.) And a talk on the Vikings… Very historic. Today is Sunday and I am celebrating meeting Connie and Joe from near Lady Lakes and Murphy’s North Carolina. They are with a group with 2 priests and they invited me to daily Mass and talks and to go with them to St Ann Basilica in Quebec! Chuck too. God is good. I’m typing this with beer and clam chowder in Quincy Market! We have a man on site on Big Pine Key who has dried in and covered holes in the 2061 roof…. Miami roof had a threatening leak, but friends saved the day…. Hoping Trudy’s roof (on our small keys house) is OK. Look up. Thank God. God bless you!

Susie's musings

hurricane recovery

With Puerto Rico getting blasted, I feel Narcissistic worrying about my little troubles. Islands are so vulnerable because if hit full on, devastation can be total. Our renters have been down to Big Pine and 2061, the big house" had ceiling damage that indicated more than "just a few roof panels torn". The next day our next door neighbor’s friend texted that he has a "dry in, mold clean up, roofer business" and he will dry us in today. So he is at it probably as we speak. We sent him over to 1963 "Aunt Trudy’s house" as our renter reported the back wall has buckled and windows don’t close … Sand and grit got in. So send the roofer guy over there too. Meanwhile we have friends who are looking for contracting work going down to work on electric connections to house and other issues roofer guy doesn’t handle. Meanwhile we are in the final packing mode to go on New England cruise starting tomorrow. I tried to cancel but it’s too late and we would lose full price paid… Throwing away $4500 just doesn’t fit into our world view. Besides there’s no room at my house! I have Keys friends and renters in 2 rooms and friend Karen Skipp in third room while she works temporarily in Miami. So, there’s no room at Chez Peabody "the Lake house" for the Peabodys. Hope the Keys electric and water sewer issues are resolved before we get home October 10. God bless you!;

Susie's musings

2 houses broken

Darn it… We just got video from a friend… Both Keys houses had downstairs blown out and in the case of the big house… empty. Chuck had cleared a lot of stuff out of the downstairs recently but he left an air compressor and a generator that are gone. All the walls are gone on downstairs and some of the eaves are gone on the underside of the roof. We do not know about the integrity of anything…. Hope A/C is OK and don’t know if electric can be connected…. wires all over the place … Oh well…

Meanwhile we spent 3 beautiful days in the berkshires and visited Norman Rockwell museum, Berkshire Gardens, Edith Wharton home and gardens called The Mount, and the Clark gallery up in Williamstown. We spent 2 days at a Founders festival in Lee a sweet small town. It is a beautiful place! God bless America.

Susie's musings

we have two houses on Big Pine Key!

Not rubble. The house next to us at 2016 Coral Way was badly damaged … We have photos and it reminds me of Hurricane Georges… Our dock is gone and the stairway down the back to the water is chewed up. Some of the roof panels are chewed up. Hurricane Irma acted like a buzz saw. We have not seen the 1963 house (Trudy’s) except from satellite and it looks pretty good. We have a friend who was living at 2061 downstairs and stayed there… but we can’t speak with him…. no cell service down there. But the downstairs shutters at both houses seem to be open…. God bless you Wayne!

Meanwhile we have visited Katie Alberte and eaten great meals in Ossining and Tarrytown, seen beautiful gardens and lovely small towns. We are now in the Berkshires at a Founders festival in Lee near Stockbridge and Great Barrington. Last night was "A Taste of Lee" on Main street with about 600 citizens strolling past vendors and musicians! Fireworks at 8pm ended the evening. We ended the evening with some great clam chowder and a lovely wine. Today is a town parade at Lee and then the Norman Rockwell museum and Botanical Gardens in Stockbridge. God bless you.

Susie's musings

W A I T I N G…….

Cruising the internet today, I looked for the photo of the eyewall I saw on the TV set on the weather channel, but I can’t find it… It showed the eyewall and under it was I guess superimposed a map of the keys and we could run up to the TV and say "there’s Big Pine Key…" but the bottom half or the south east side of the eye wall was gone and I saw only blue beautiful blue…. I am sure and I believe it is the hand of God that this storm was lessened in intensity as it hit the Keys. We might lose a lot of property, but, I am certain it lessened and I thank God for that. I pray those who stayed behind all lived as the flooding and winds were awful. Who can withstand being out in a surge of say 15 feet? We don’t know as we have never stayed, although Chuck did stay in our bigger Keys house during Hurricane Rita and he said the house shook like it was coming apart. Very scary. So I hope everyone is OK and we wait…. for NOAA to get the photos of the island done and we can look at our houses. God bless us!!!

Susie's musings

About that turn Lord

There was no good place for Irma to turn to… By the time she set her eye on little vulnerable Big Pine Key… The turn options were Houston or the extremely fragile Gulf coast east of Louisiana … Oh the options were awful so Big Pine Key and Cudjo Key took it for the team. Emergency Management reports can be found on At this point the government is inspecting roads and bridges, airports, water, electric, cellular (nothing is working). We are in a wait mode still visiting cousin Carol in Ohio. My whole family is affected. Family in Jacksonville, la Grange Georgia, and of course our Miami and Big Pine Key houses. Thank God for our friends in Miami who took such good care of us. So far everyone is OK. God bless you.

Susie's musings

eye wall

When we lost the porch roof of the Lake house in Katrina it was as the eye wall passed over. It sounded like a freight train. The hurricane is most viscious in that part of itself. The eye wall is just about to hit Big Pine Key (730 am Sunday). If I was ever property proud, I think I will have little left. I am hoping everyone on our street has left. We don’t know where our friend Wayne went but we do know that all our other friends are spread over Florida and Georgia. God bless us.

Susie's musings

waiting for a turn

Chuck and I are at cousin Carol’s waiting… For Irma to turn away, waiting for Irma to get destroyed by the hand of God… Waiting for it all to be over. Most friends from Keys are evacuated to Tampa, to Georgia, out of the Keys. With storm headed for the Keys, Chuck and I can only rejoice that our friends got away and we will deal with property after we get back from this (who knew ill conceived) long trip out of Florida. God, if you will, destroy this hurricane… Please make it turn away from our homeland and destroy its strength. God bless America. God bless my friends.

Susie's musings

Irma go east!!!

Yesterday I got into my flee mode…. "Go home" was screaming in my head… My neighbors are working to make my home safe and I’m driving across the beautiful Michigan upper peninsula… All I could think of was "I75 south…. At least go quickly to cousin Carol’s and hunker down with family to pray and watch the eather channel…" But Chuck insisted we stay with the plan which was cross the Mackinaw bridge south and head south on route 31 which drives along the beaches and dunes of Lake Michigan. We had a few towns in our sites to stop for the evening… but it got to be lunch time and Chuck said we should stop for lunch. I spotted a cafe at an intersection and I yelled, "Turn left here!!!!" Chuck is pretty good at following directions and he managed to turn into the parking lot of the Torch Lake Cafe. There was a sign, "Music tonight." The cafe was really nice! We had a great bottle of Pinot Noir wine and some appetizers and Chuck said, "If there’s a hotel nearby, we could do music tonight. " I asked the hostess who pointed across the street. "You go there, or you drive a long way." We are truly in the middle of nowhere on the coast! We finished lunch and drove across the street and found a sweet little motel with a beautiful room for us! Read for a while and took a nap and headed out to see sunset on a beautiful sandy beach on what is called Traverse Bay. It was pretty cloudy, but some colors and the lazy waves and sandy beach might make a nice photo. Back to the Cafe for the music, pizza, 2 more bottles of wine… Made friends with a table of 4 gentlemen at the next table who are here to play golf!!!! Spent the evening 2 hours dancing and singing to late 60s and 70s music. A lot of Margaritaville Jimmy Buffet and other favorite singers!!!! We closed the restaurant and went back across the street to tumble into our beautiful room. Tonight will be wine and left over pizza. All our friends and renters are evacuated from the Keys, and To my friends in Miami who are working hard against being in the "cone" of hurricane Irma… I say God bless you dear friends. Use my house, use my pantry, take anything you need, fill my bathtub with water. God be with you. God bless south Forida with a hurriane that goes east…. and God bless Texas.

Susie's musings

Pictured Rocks… Not

We went out for breakfast at a deli and ate homemade bagels (Chuck’s with egg, bacon and cheese and mine a cherrybagel with cream cheese). We ate with 2 other couples and taked about about the Army, Vietnam, and one whose grandfather was in the 101st Airborne and landed at Normandy!!!! It was an exciting discussion. Headed over to the cruise desk for a noon cruise and… cruises cancelled for rain and wind. Oh darn. So we went into the interpretative center and watched a video of the Pictured Rocks which started as a single man taking people for cruises to see the beauties of the lakeshore here at Munising… Then his son took over and finally sold it a few years ago to 2 Musining natives. Keeping it alive locally! We bought a book of pictures and tried to keep warm until the craft market at 4pm and the outdoor in the park concert at 6pm. It wasn’t easy to stay warm in drizzly 53 degrees weather! When the concert started I tried to sit outside but was freezing in the wind and drizzles… About 1/2 hour later Chuck and I realized all the people there were huddled in the pavillion/band shell so we picked up our chairs, my blanket, my extra jacket and went into the pavillion and finished the concert out of the wind!!!! We are eating microwave Popcorn for a snack and we have made plans for tomorrow…. heading east to cross the Mackinaw bridge down to the sand dunes on the south side of Lake Superior. Thinking constantly of Miami and the Florida Keys who are facing the threat of Irma. God bless you my Miami and Keys friends. God bless Texas.

Susie's musings

Pictured Rocks day 1

We left Ironwood, Michigan at 830 am headed for the 3pm Pictured Rocks cruise at Musining, Michigan. An hour later the time zone changed and we "lost" an hour. I got a little concerned because the road was slow as we drove along a picturesque Lake Superior seafront…. But we arrived at Musining in plenty of time but the 2pm and 3pm cruises were cancelled due to wind and waves. OH darn! So I rescheduled for tomorrow Tuesday 12 noon. We figure we can eat a good breakfast and then cruise for 3 hours… we made rservations at a new recommended restaurant named Tracys at 4pm so our bellies ought not to be too far between meals … Meanwhile, Rain might cancel tomorrow… but I’m not worried. We have the luxury to stay another day if we want. We got a room with TV, wi fi, refrig, microwave, king sized bed overlooking the water!!!! We step outside and walk to the seawall which has benches, barbeque… waves… I could stay here a week. Its a bit blustery albeit the sun is shining!!!! Time for a walkabout along the shore! God bless You.

Susie's musings


Yesterday might have dawned cold and misty, but we dutifully got on the road and as we crossed the border into Wisconsin just after Duluth and the day began to change. By the time we got to Bayfield, the sun came out and we began to feel better about cruising on Lake Superior. We were about to go on the ferry to Madeline island but there was no long term parking! So we went to lunch instead opposite the Apostles cruises office….. Chuck said, "What’s the 2pm cruise?" He wasn’t sure about driving out of town for our hotel and then driving back in the morning and making the 10am cruise…. So I trotted across the street and exchanged our 10am "tomorrow" tickets for 2pm "today". We then ate lunch and got on the 2pm cruise. When we cruised into the wind on Lake Superior it was windy and chilly!!! People began to put on jackets and I put on jacket and scarf!!! We cruised past the 12 Apostles (12 islands out in the bay from Bayfield,) we drove past amazing rock formations and caves and generally enjoyed almost 3 hours cruising the largest freshwater lake in the world (I think)…. Coming back into Bayfield at 5pm it was sunny and warm! We had a drink up at the Bayfield Inn overlooking the harbor, basked in the setting sun and then headed out for our hotel. Turns out the nearest place I could get Labor Day weekend was 1 1/2 hours east! When we got into Ironwood, and checked into our hotel, we both agreed we were grateful that we took the cruise already rather than try to get up and rush over to the 10am cruise on Sunday morning. As it turns out I got to go to 8am Mass at Our Lady of Peace with a wonderful priest who gave a good homily and prayed a long and beautiful Eucharistic prayer. I told him after Mass that the church is a very peaceful place; it could be that Our Lady really does protect her people and helps them to find peace. We went out to explore and found a sale at a sporting goods store… and are now going out to a restaurant that has music on the patio from 2 to 8. Ironwood is a beautiful hilly town with a ski lift for ski fying! They call this the Northland! Snow is very important to these people!!!! Have a wonderful Labor Day! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Wow I got lazy!

We spent a whole week in bliss at Clear Lake and I didn’t write anything! The Grotto of the Redemption was about an hour drive west of Clear Lake past corn fields. A tiny town with a beautiful church where a priest from Germany (trained in the Seminary in the US from the age of 20) built over about 14 years a big series of grottos depicting Adam and Eve in Paradise, the birth of Christ, the time in Nazareth, the Agony in the Garden, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection among other events. The priest went all over the world using his own money to find rock (agates and other fine rocks…) and just built what was in his head. I caught a tour and enjoyed about 2 quiet hours and finished in the church with a tiny grotto of the Nativity. It was beautiful. We spent every sunny day on the lake, caught a beautiful sunset, and I got one day in the pool. I just don’t like to go into a cold pool and I need a hot sun shining to go in! We worked on the puzzle, ate out a lot, visited new friends at the VFW, and I got to go to daily Mass on Wednesday and Thursday at St Patrick’s. All in all it was Idyllic! We left Friday morning and drove north through St Paul and Minneapolis, cut in half by the Mississippi River. So we said a final hello and goodbye to our river that we visited for about 2 weeks solid on this trip. Today, Saturday, dawned muzzy, cloudy, foggy and rainy; chilly too!!! So we will go out bravely on route 35, cross into Wisconsin, and I hope, drive along a tiny route 13 which skirts the shore of Lake Superior to the town called Bayfield where we will catch the cruise to the Apostle Islands tomorrow. Then we will go to our hotel which I took for 2 nights. OK! It’s not clearing up, and we can’t stay here forever, so up and out. God bless you!!!

Susie's musings

One more week at the lake!

This weekend was full with Tim and Kyla visiting us… We ate out at Taco night at the VFW and Italian at Gejos in Clear Lake. Saturday was market day so we got apple pie and sticky buns and sat and munched and listened to the guitar player at the market. It was a rainy cool day so we stayed in and read books and for dinner was steak in Mason City. Sunday was Mass and then boating to town and a Chinese restaurant for lunch. We then went to a benefit for a friend of Tim and Kyla’s who has lung cancer. Of course Chuck and I signed up for many items in the silent auction and we "won" a gift certificate for a shop in town, some beauty items from Bath and Body Works, a hand made afghan by Ellie, a cat rug for Karen’s cats, and…. I think that’s all!! Sunday evening Chuck and I went to the park for a concert. It was wonderful!!! Two ladies playing guitar and keyboard singing songs from the late 60s early 70s. Of course I sang along and clapped loud!!!! Today to the Grotto of the Redemption. I’ll fill you in later…. God bless you!

Susie's musings

A lazy day!

Friend and hostess Kyla came yesterday after attending a funeral. We went out to the VFW where Kyla had agreed to help make Tacos that they sell on Taco night also corresponding with "Thursdays on Main" when bands and vendors and old cars set up on Main Street. We ate tacos and set out to walk the 4 blocks of Main street that vendors were set up on. We admired old chevys, corvettes, Ford trucks, a Model A and many others. Chuck bought a plaque for his barroom and I admired a beautiful Golden Retriever ! It was a beautiful example of "Main Street USA"

Today we returned to Main Street for breakfast and Kyla and I went over to Mason City to pick up some gifts for a silent auction for a sick friend. We’ve spent the cool and rainy day with Kyla solving a water bill issue, me and Chuck playing on the puzzle, laundry, playing Word games, watching Hurricane Harvey… Praying for our Texas friends. God bless you.

Susie's musings

More God’s grandeur

August 21 Eclipse Day united the nation. Everyone was lookng up… at the Sun and the moon in their cosmic dance… A giant predictable clock whose order was established at Creation by an Intelligence who exists today. This thought was inspired by the morning homily on EWTN. Who can deny the intelligence of Creation from the universe to DNA? Look up and not inward, and certainly not at current events. Look up to the future and rejoice! Look at Genesis 28, and Revelation 21 and rejoice that the ladder is our bridge to Paradise. We all enjoy the gift at Baptism. It is ours to accept or reject.

Yesterday was a lot of fun here in Clear Lake. We boated to The landing and sat outsie and ate fried white fish. It’s very hard not to eat fried…. I peel off all the coating… The fish is white lake fish and it is smooth and sweet. Then it was so sunny that I thought the pool might be warm. I haven’t been swimming on this trip due to my broken toe, but this week I say it is healed so I said….. "Let’s go for it." I put my bathing suit on and braved the out door pool. The sun shining brightly warmed the pool water and I spent a pleasant 1/2 hour doing water aerobics. Would like to do that every day at 3pm when the sun has had a solid 6 hours to heat the pool. For dinner we went to PM Park (fried chicken… again i peel off the covering) and watched a really wonderful play of volunteer actors who read the script but it’s OK. That’s what I did when I played a character at the Marathon theater. The play was about the second year of 5 "winners" of a karioke contest on a cruise ship. They sang many great old songs (Sonny and Cher’s "I’ve got you Babe" and "Joy to the World" along with Frank Sinatra and a wonderful song that included great harmonica.) I sang along with them and we clapped and hooted! Just fun comedy in a little tiki bar in Clear Lake Iowa. This morning dawned chilly – 59 degrees with light rain. I guess it’s time for autumn up here. We are going north to Lake Superior when we leave Clear Lake… will probably freeze our patoodies off. Chuck took me to church and Kyla is here with us (she had to go to a funeral in Mason City). So we will take her out for lunch someplace fun later. Have a wonderful day! God bless you!

Susie's musings

God’s Grandeur

I write a lot about God’s Grandeur inspired by a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins. On eclipse day a NASA astronaut talked about seeing the eclipse from the space station and he waxed eloquent. I grabbed a pen to try to capture his words describing how the moon comes between the earth and the sun and we are treated to an eclipse. "The dance, the clockwork that goes on between the sun, the moon, the earth…. Power and force we cannot control." He said more but I didn’t get it all with my paltry pen… He and many other people were overwhelmed!!! God’s Grandeur. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Another good day of boating

Let me catch up: Yesterday on August 22 Tuesday, we were at the Backyard Deli for the Tuesday special of "any burger with choice of side $6.95." After Chuck ordered the Rajun Cajun and I ordered the Barbeque Bacon burger… I raised my water glass in toast to "another great day!" and Chuck said, "Yesterday wasn’t great with a rain storm on eclipse day." And I said, "Yes, but we had fun at dinner… Rookies with $1.00 burgers and popcorn." Then I realized that August 21, eclipse day, was for us like watching everybody else in the US get eclairs and we didn’t…. Chuck was unkind enough to remind me that I chose to go to Clear Lake Iowa. Naughty Chuck.

Today dawned a beautiful albeit chilly day, and we fell into our Wednesday routine of 8:30 Mass in town, the bug man coming, work on the 1500 piece puzzle, and plan the few days of labor day weekend when we will be back on the road (we will go north to the Apostle Islands and take a boat ride). Then it was time to go on the boat to the Landing Bar and Grill to sit outside in the sun. The 2 lake side pubs close for the winter: PM Pub which we will go tonight closes on Labor Day night and the Landing closes October 1. Boom that’s it and the docks are pulled out of the water. School has started most places, and my great neice Abbey is starting her senior year of high school. Her grandma and mom are all teary eyed. !!!! Have a wonderful end of summer. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Eclipse Day bust! we tried!

We packed our picnic and I loaded up our books and a bottle of wine…. And the sky got darker and darker……. and the lightening and thunder started. So we gave up and went back to the condo. And then the rains started! So we watched the eclipse on TV. NASA did great coverage! We will celebrate by going into town and getting burgers! Have a great evening! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Eclipse Day!

Chuck made chicken salad and cut up cheese for our picnic out on the boat! The day isn’t hot and the sky is a little muzzy…. clousy? But I have full faith that we will see something of the eclipse. We should get 89% totality or more!!! I’m going to watch the EWTN Mass on TV (11am central time) and then get out to the dock because Chuck is ready to pack the boat!!!!! Have a wonderful eclipsy day! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Next item on the bucket list….

Seeing the headwaters of the Mississippi was way up there on my wish list! Been there, done that, got the photos! Next, believe it or not, was going to the beautiful little town called Northfield, Minnesota where the Hallmark Christmas movie "Love Always Santa" was filmed… The way I tracked the town down was they were filming the street and there was a VFW post sign! They’re all listed by post # and town they are in. Found it is right below Minneapolis right off I35 that we planned to take to get to Clear Lake. A big part of the film was shot in a cafe called The Bun Also Rises. The female star loved Ernest Hemingway and her cafe had a nook full of Hemingway quotes and (I can’t remember the place) One of the places in his novels she wanted to go……. We ate lunch of beautiful sandwiches there, sitting in the window seat to eat. Just a little bit of fun. Next on my wish list are Mass, both Sunday and daily, at the little church in Clear Lake AND watching the eclipse from the middle of Clear Lake! We arrived at the condo on Clear Lake but Tim and Kyla were off playing so we went to town for a beer at the VFW. Greeted Tim and Kyla at home about 4 and quickly renewed a friendship begun in the No Name Pub in Big Pine Key. They have stayed with us in the Keys and Lake house in Miami and we have stayed with them here at Clear Lake. Today is bright and clear. We did not get rain last night and all is well. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Ah the sweet music of love!

Today dawned dark and rainy but we went to the art museum and Runestone museum and saw an amazing collection of photography from the Minnesota plains and some grand boats and cars… and gardens. Over at the Runestone museum is a rune stone that scientists believe was carved by Vikings in the early 1300s who got here over the great lakes. You could probably boat from top to bottom as we are constantly running into lakes and of course the Misissippi which if the Vikings had stayed might be the Vikingisissippi. I was tired today so took a long rest and nap and went to an early dinner of 1/2 price appetizers at a little pub. MMMMM delicious walleye (a local fish) and steak salad. just hit the spot! Chuck’s treat was calimari and chicken wings. He told me they weren’t hot so I took one and practically spit it out! Brat and liar! He just laughs. Hot! Then we went and took another picture of Ole the giant Viking, this time in the sunshine as Mother Nature got all sweet and warm. Then we went to the concert i bought tickets for yesterday at the bookstore! Oh my how lovely. It is called Festival of the Lakes (Alexandria is surrounded by lakes) and it is the 25th season of a concert series that goes all summer long. We got Bach and a harpsicord "The Wedding Cantata (Song)" and some lyrics from Elizabethan times, some Greek pieces "after Ovid Metamorphosis" and closed with a lovely aria. The soloist was a beautiful and talented woman in a long white dress. Very romantic! Tomorrow we drive to Clear Lake Iowa!!! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Rain, rain go away!!!!

The rains began yesterday with a giant Low over Des Moines, Iowa headed east. Despiite the rain, we managed to pack the car and get out of Bemidji and head south towards Alexandria, Minnesota. The rain did not stop, but when we arrived in Alexandria, we managed to eat at the Italian restaurant Bello Cucina and at the Firehouse…. (I forgot to mention that in Bemidji, we ate at the Italian restaurant Tutto Bene and the barbeque restaurant named Fuzies) Rain does not stop us! In Bemidji we also did the Art Walk actually a sculpture drive around town to find all the statues that were made and placed for the Art Walks up to now. Some were really cool and hidden in gardens. One was two giant bicycles that actually were a bicycle rack. We found a big moose in a garden with a mural of men in canoes behind it. Beminji is a beautiful little town. We left early Wednesday, just finishing repacking the car before the rains started. A note on traveling great distances in a car: Take one bag that goes into hotels every night. Our problem is we have one bag with "clothes we will wear for a few days" but we also have a pretty big bag full of "ditty bags" shampoo, conditioners, creams, tooth stuff, cosmetics, all the etc stuff we need when we get ready after a shower or before night. On top of that is the computer bag, the 2 pillows, a bag of maps as I’m constantly changing our route, my purse, Chuck’s Bubba coffee cup, …. The reason I carry a bag of maps and the computer into the hotel room is I have to do a reconoitering on a town and find everything fun… for example when I settled on Alexandria Minnesota as the stop over place before we get to Clear Lake, Iowa Friday afternoon I went online to find hotels, resturants, events and "things to do". Alexandria thinks the Vikings visited so there is a giant Vikings statue, a Vikings museum with a rune stone, an art museum with "Sky photography" and out door cafes on several lakes that surround the town. I’m looking out the window and it looks like it might brighten up by lunch time… otherwise, we’re inside for lunch. Yesterday we went to the Rotary "Corn and pork chop jubilee" at the local fire house. It was great barbeque for charity! I got to look at fire trucks and uniforms (really the children enjoyed it a lot more!!!!). I went to a great book store on main street (called Broadway – actually a 4 land main street) to get concert tickets and proceeded to stay and talk to the lady for 15 minutes. Chuck came in to see if I was OK and he found me chatting about everything Minnesota with a most friendly group of women. I’ve found only friendly happy people in these small towns! Hatred and vitriol is playing out on television… I worry about marches in Boston and San Francisco and more this weekend. Chuck and I have discussed what the Confederate statues and relics do to a town…. Things are not well in the big towns, but here in tiny Minnesota, communities seem to be pulling together. Of course I don’t live here… In the bookstore and on the hotel check in counter in plain view was a poster for a lost girl… the woman at the book store counter suggested that because of the near by interstate, "sex trafficking" is suggested in her disapearance and I thought about the difference between this town and Bemidji which is 1/2 a day away from an interstate. The interstate running by on your south flank might influence the development of your town… What about when the expressways cut you into bits? God bless small town America. Off we go into the rain! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Finding one’s origins

Today we traveled to the headwaters of the Mississippi on a beautiful warm and sunny day. We got lost on the way to Lake Itaska but finally found the state park and walked over several "creeks" to see the big Lake Itaska and a stream that comes out of it becoming first a series of creeks and then it gets bigger and runs all the way down to New Orleans. It was very important to explorers to find these headwaters. So explorers with Indian guides braved huge mosquitoes and swamps and found Lake Itaska. Amen. Been there done that. Up here as the stream meanders and we got lost following it we kept "crossing the Mississippi" maybe 10 times! Today we also explored the Beminji college campus and tomorrow a community of language villages. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Bemidgi: First city on the Mississippi

From a poster in the dining room this morning I’m reminded that the Mighty Mississippi is born in a lake in north western Minnesota, wanders through the city of Bemidji, into Lake Bemidji and out…. on a long south eastward crawl through some of Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes towards Minneapolis (dividing Minneapolis and St Paul) to emerge and head south and be what we all know: the Mighty Mississippi!!!

The Army Corps of Engineers has been influential in turning the weakling, shallow and scattered river into an organized channel for carrying logs and grain out of the north down south. There are a series of locks and dams that help big barges float in the correct direction down to the Port of New Orleans. Army Corps also occasionally stops the Missississippi from meandering and eating up towns like Natchez (a few years ago we viewed a whole street and houses wiped out and gone in a big Mississippi meander through Natchez)Today we’ll drive to the headwaters park south of Bemidji and picnic! Yesterday got cold… In the 50s, and it rained. Brrrrrr. I told the priest after Mass, "I’m from Miami and I’m freezing!" (delicate flower!) God bless you!

Susie's musings

God’s Grandeur in all colors.

My friend Mickey plies his camera as a tool to capture the beauty and Grandeur of sunrises, sunsets, animals, birds, flowers and people on Big Pine Key. Today Mickey sent out a special sunrise photo captioned "ain’t no time to hate." I answer with God’s Grandeur in all colors. You can find Mickeys work on Facebook under Mickey A. Foster. On this trip up the Mississippi from poverty stricken Mississippi into the land of 10,000 lakes Minnesota the only place I’ve seen anger is on TV news so I’ve limited that… The front page is littered with the white nationalist rally and the death and injury there in Charlottesville, Virginia, and I am astounded as I always am at man vs man… Hey we should be shaking our fists at cancer and heart disease not each other. The sky is cloudy this morning, but I am sure it will be a beautiful day as we drive north west towards Bemidji and Lake Itaska the headwaters of the Mississippi! We had a good time with Navy buddy Mike Utech! His home has many windows and even on this cloudy day, is light and bright. We visited a crowded Mall of America yesterday! Lots of people out playing! God bless you.

Susie's musings

A day in Wabasha, Minnesota

We pulled into Wabasha yesterday and after exploring the town and finding the Eagle’s Nest (book store and coffee house) and the VFW, we ate at Slippery’s which is one of the sites of Grumpy Old Men. We like to sit outside on the water and Slipperys did not disappoint. One boat pulled up and docked and the owners left a dog who sat quietly and obediently while her owners ate a leisurly lunch. Good dog. Then after a few drinks at the VFW…. nap time and then… a lazy, rainy evening. Today dawned cloudy but not rainy, I watched Mass at 7am on EWTN, and after breakfast, we drove across the river at Winona to Kinstone…. a bluff top farm that a lady named Kristine Beck bought part of her parents’ farm and built, with the help of volunteers, a "teaching/restoring center"… It is down the road from a big quarry and she has set up acres of standing stones that has an area with a circle for campfire sitting, a labyrinth, gardens, corn fields, a chapel, a yurt… etc. At the door of the chapel is a statue of St Francis of Assissi who invites us to praise God for the amazing beauties of earth, sun, moon…. etc. I put a prayer ribbon on a prayer tree for friend Dave who had an accident with Debby his wife. A car ran a red light and crashed into them. Dave hit his head and has to see a neurologist. I think they are OK, but it is always good to pray for our hurt friends’ health. Kinstone was wonderful. We came back off the bluff and went to an Irish pub here in Wabasha…. then back to the room where Chuck and I lazed for 2 hours. Tonight I went to a writers’ talk of 3 Minnesota Crime writers called the Minnesota Crime Wave! They were a lot of fun! I sent Chuck off to the VFW where he watched part of the Vikings football game on TV. We are now back in the room settling in to picnic and watch a Denzel Washington movie on DVD. God bless you!!!!!

Susie's musings

A road less travelled…

Chuck and i just travelled from LaCrosse Wisconsin and "on a hunch" crossed the Mississippi at Nelson and came into Wabasha. Minnesota. We booked "the fisherman’s suite" in an AmericInn for 2 nights and went out for lunch at Slippery’s in the marina. It is the sight of the filming of Grumpy Old Men and Grumpier Old Men. Food was amazing (Walleye… a Canadian fish). Oh my gosh amazing. Then we went to the VFW and spoke with a wonderful man who took care of his wife after a stroke but had to put her into a nursing home…. and he is having a 55th Anniversary party for her and bringing her from the Nursing Home to the party. How sweet. We checked into our Fisherman’s suite which is just a room with a lot of fishing decorations and a big fisherman’s chair!!!! Will drink our anniversary champagne and have a picnic later. Let me go back to yesterday….

On August 7 in the late afternoon, we settled into LaCrosse AmericInn and missed the sunset! The next morning, our 47th Wedding Anniversary, we drove into town and went on a Mississippi River cruise, ate popcorn and drank beer. Then went to a wonderful "The Waterfront" restaurant with outdoor tables and had a sweet waitress named Melanie who brought us an Anniversary desert. Drank a bottle of champagne…. then drove back to AmericInn for a nap. Up and out to sunset!!! Got it! Then out to Digger’s Sting named after Paul Newman’s movie, The Sting. Ate Prime Rib and drank wine with Melanie for our bar tender (she told us she worked there at night and the prime rib was good. yep).. Relaxed: OOOOOOOMMMMMMM. This morning I woke up at 6:55 and thought Chuck was up already, so woke him up by accident. Caught EWTN morning Mass at 7am… Beautiful… Got on the road about 920 and landed here in Wabasha over in Minnesota. Oh my gosh. I see champagne peeking from the cooler. Next time you see me I might have veins on my nose and an extra roll on my belly. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Pre Anniversary Celebration and a day off

We have been "on the road" every night since last sunday, 8 days! All has been an adventure and a learning experience about America. We saw many big industrial warehouses and plants all using the Mississippi River and the Rail road tracks that ply her banks as the roadway to get goods out of middle America and down to New Orleans. In the very old days, farmers used to build barges and float their goods down to New Orleans, sell the barges and goods, and walk back home; hence the Natchez Trace which is the walking path back to Ohio and farther north. Last night we stayed in a lovely town called Quincy. Found the American Legion and met some wonderful people and listened to country tunes and a beautiful rendition of God Bless America when every one took their hats off and covered their hearts. I fully expected this morning to stop half way to LaCrosse, but we just "never felt the vibe." Several towns I had great literature on, we were through, never saw the river, and out the other side…. Many of the towns are falling in population; they have 100 to 400 people… no hotels… so we decided to head for Prairie du Chien that I had some good info on. Went on "the river road" and never saw the river. I think what happens is, the Mississippi meanders for one thing, and she floods and river fronts change… and roads get renumbered!!!… so things in literature, don’t exist any more. We sailed through Prairie du Chien… Then we decided to just come on into La Crosse that has a big river front and parks and a boat ride. But along the way, I yelled, "Stop! we gotta see this!"… It was in a little town called Dickeyville, Wisconsin… The Holy Ghost Garden and Grotto. A giant hand-built grotto with all kinds of statues and tributes to both saints and American heroes including the Patriots who made the nation (Liberty), to Lincoln who brought union… and then… the parish church was open so I thanked God in person, and we went down into the church basement to buy stuff at their yard sale!!!!! Amazing! We now have filled the car. As we drove north I realized the landscape has changed. The flat delta of Mississippi, Arkansas and Missouri has become "bluffs" and "mounds! There are even signs for snow skiing!!!!! River is wide and towns don’t need levis as they have Bluffs. We got to LaCrosse, but again, the river front is mostly warehouses and the trains… and Chuck was about to drive on through and I, consulting my tourist map from which I selected our Anniversary town, I said: "No!" there are hotels coming and indeed, we found an AmericInn (We stayed in one of these a few years ago and I feel vaguely unAmerican as they don’t really spell out America…) anyhow we took this room for 2 nights and it is RIGHT ON the river!!!! Tonight we will go out and sip wine and watch the sunset to the west over the river!!! from our hotel "back yard". It is an old Best Western and we got a great room for $80 a night (AARP discount). So the motto is, never give up. We called Mike Utech, old Navy buddy and we will head for his house outside St Paul Minneapolis, but first we have a few nights here in LaCrosse and crawling up the Great River Road to St Paul. God bless us! God bless America!

Susie's musings

Mississippi River found!

After a beautiful Sunday Mass at St Genevieve church in downtown St Genevieve (church is from 1840s… all white and gold, with statues and stained glass. very French with many tombs all in French…. This is the center of the Louisiana purchase… These guys were all French and this was their colony!!!! Until we bought it!) We drove north waving goodbye to our lovely Inn and the little carriage house that we shared with many annivarsary celebrators before us…. and headed north. Crossed "the River" at Hannibal (been there, done that about 2 years ago) and drove into Quincy. The welcome center is a castle a guy built for himself (you guessed it, in the 1840s) facing the Mississippi! Friends of the Castle man the welcome center 7 days a week. We found our hotel with ease a block from the river and have settled in for showers and a brisk clean up. We will go to the American Legion where they are having a Country and Western dance and then go to an Italian restaurant on Maine street (streets are all named after states) if the restaurant is open (it being Sunday and all it might be closed). It wouldn’t hurt to miss a meal as we’ve been eating every meal that happens and well, I feel a little full. Sip some wine and think of us and we will think of you. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Planning… psssssht who needs that?

We left Clarksdale this morning on route 61 "the River Road" ane never saw the river, and then it became I55 and again, where is the river? So Chuck began to grumble about the river road and i finally got us to Cape Geradeau which I intended… but the river is hemmed in or out as the case might be by a mighty levy and you can’t see it…. And B&Bs only have street parking, and hotels are 5 miles away… We drove about town but the Welcome Center was closed…. and I went to a lovely OLD church called Old St Vincent and got a tour and took us up to the "Overlook" and the Big Muddy was, well, muddy, and Chuck said, "let’s move on…." and so we did. It was early, but another hour on the river road north and we hadn’t seen the river yet so i said, "St Genevive and that’s it!!!!!" So we found St Genevive and found the welcome center and Chuck found a brochure on a B&B and got us room in the Carriage House… We’ve had a tour of downtown and seen the river…. a way out a dirt road, down at the ferry place "blink your lights and we’ll come get you"… Then the B&B had wine and crackers (and everyone there laughed at us wanting to see the river!) and now we are prepared to go to dinner after a great bath in the big tub…. I handed all the maps to Chuck and said "Here…. I want to be in LaCrosse for our Anniverary (47 years August 8), he routed it, and we are now on our way out to dinner!!! Tomorrow we will be overfed breakfast, I will go to Mass in a beautiful church and …. off we go. I have Chuck’s notes to yell, "turn right, turn left." God bless you!!!!! Love, the traveling show of Chuck and Sue

Susie's musings

"Cruising thru the Delta" headed towards the Mississippi

Not really cruising… But driving on country road to Tupulo and then Clarksdale Mississippi with Memphis in our sights for tomorrow. Yesterday we arrived in Elvis home. Went to his tiny homestead and chapel then to our room for an early barbeque dinner and movies. I had my foot up and resting most of the day and it felt good today. Arrived in Clarksdale early and had lunch at Morgan Freeman’s Juke Joint called Ground Zero Blues Club; chicken wings and fried green tomatoes at the bar. Tonight we will return for pulled pork that is cooking right now in a big iron smoker on the front porch! Live Blues at 8pm. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Aunt Susie babysitting – uh oh!

Julia needed to take Charles upstairs to potty and change clothes for the day and Aunt Susie and little Henry were out on the porch watching birdies and trees flap in the breeze… All was well and Henry was walking around the porch looking at "stuff" and I heard…… "wooomp!" and then yelling! "What ?" asked Aunt Susie. Henry is "at that height" as a new toddler-walker that he banged into the table top. Lately I’ve been "at that age" where I bump into table tops, yell ouch! and causing Chuck to ask, "How did you get that bruise on your thigh? Oh brother, the stages of life are indeed visible. I scooped little Henry up and patted his back and said, "you’re OK…" repeatedly… Walked around a little and indeed… He’s OK. He’s teething too which makes his mood a little fragile. Mom Julia, Uncle Chuck, Henry and Charles just took off to do some errands and I’m sitting with my feet up on the sofa, writing to you and just day dreaming! Georgia always reminds me of North Carolina with trees and woods and cool days (it’s only 76 degrees on the porch and a little misty in the sky). Tomorrow we head for Tupulo, Mississippi to visit Elvis’ birthplace and the small church where Elvis learned to sing his spiritual songs. Heavy rains have hit Florida, but we are having lovely weather. Take care all of you! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Visiting in Atlanta area

I’m going to try to attach a photo of Kathy Paparelli, Chuck and the latest Paparelli grandchild Scotty! If it doesn’t attach, suffice it to say… Beautiful baby, beautiful friend, beautiful husband. God bless us!

Susie's musings

Road trip!!! visiting with family

Well! Chuck and I arrived at Julia Paparelli’s beautiful home in Roswell Georgia and we are actively playing with young Charles and little Henry while we drink wine and make dinner. Mix in the 6 year old sweet dog named Tara who eats up all the food that drops in the floor! Tonight after dinner we will watch a movie in Julia’s video room. Zach will be home tomorrow and Chuck can do man things with Charlie while we girls visit Lisa who just had a baby named "Scotty"! This morning we left Summerfield near the Villages after visiting George (whom I’ve known since I was 13)… And Tina, Mom of Kelly and caregiver at various times for Jennie and Erika. God bless you all Paparellis, George and Tina our family!!!!

Susie's musings

Wind n Rain

Today, like many others this month of June… The sky turned a gray green and glowered. While I was in the grocery store shopping for fruit and milk, the store started to shake and sounded like hammers on the roof. I glanced out and saw sheets of rain and a flood in the parking lot. More shopping. That’s usually when I buy the BOGOs…. Don’t need peanut butter, but it’s a BOGO, so will get it "for the trip". etc etc. When I was finished buying my non-list items… the rain had stopped. I carried my bounty home and we waited. Sure enough … just now I looked out and up because the air seemed green-gray and this giant gray green cloud threatened from the East. and , yes, you guessed it, the floods again began. I didn’t get crackers, so if we flood, we’ll be licking peanut butter off our fingers. Hope your summer is sunny and not too hot! God bless you!

Susie's musings

All continues well… same old same old

First let me thank our Lord for all of our continuing health. Even though I "sound" like I have a horrible lung disease… i don’t. I caught a cold and arrived at Dennis and Laura’s coughing. Dennis did not have surgery… actually the first opinion doctor stirred up trouble because he did not want to do surgery and after Dennis and Laura got the concurrence of general practice, urologist and a second surgeon to operate, first opinion doctor stirred up trouble. As I listened to telephone conversations, I prayed for a peaceful solution. It is absolutely awful to get a cancer diagnosis, "Yes you have cancer," but surgery denied. So Chuck and I left on Friday and I’ve been suffering from a cold since. I sit and read and watch TV. It has been raining like a son of a gun so I can’t go outside in the sunshine too much. It’s amazing how a cold as we call it really infects and deflates spirits. We don’t have a resolution in Dennis’ case… So let us continue to pray for our kin and loved ones who have gotten cancer diagnosis and pray for healing and peace. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Peabodys good dog watchers

We have traveled to North Port Florida to baby sit cousins Dennis and Laura’s dogs while Dennis has prostate surgery on Friday. It is hot here in North Port… We arrived alive after crossing the Everglades and are going out for Dennis’ ‘last meal’:… Surgery will be on Friday. SALPF Dennis on Friday (Say a Little Prayer For Dennis). God bless you!!!

Susie's musings

Memorial Day

Pray God bless America today. Think about what Jesus would say today: "Have peace in your heart. Keep faith in your heart that our Father has a plan for mankind, and it is eternal life". I walked about the cemetery at Woodlawn Park on 8th street while waiting for a Memorial ceremony to begin, and I read tombstones of WWI and Korea and Vietnam veterans, and I pray they are "on eternal patrol". Wouldn’t it be amazing to meet St. Michael? Let us pray today for peace in our hearts that only Jesus can give. Peace in our hearts that leads to loving behavior. Let others be peaceful too. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Mama Gone!

Just like that! Around 6pm yesterday I rescued a sick chick who was laying down and couldn’t walk. Chick was ocvered with flies…. I brushed all the flies off, wrapped chick in a rag and carried chick to Kathie the animal whisperer, my neighbor. She is feeding the little chick.. Between 7 and 8 pm while we were out on the lake…. Mama and the chicks took off for parts safer? unknown? witness protection? She actually left 7 eggs and all the broken eggs that her chicks hatched out of so I put 6 eggs back on the nest and one that was broken into… I threw that one and all the fragments away. During the night the eggs disappeared. SSSSSSnakes? iguanas? who knows. Maybe they even hatched … donnnno. Today I think I saw Mama with 15 babies down on our boat ramp sipping water. Kathie names the ducks, birds, iguanas. To me they all look alike. So I wish you well good Mama duck. What an adventure for us!!!!

Back to normal in 90 degree heat. I can barely move outside. Hope your spring is a little more temperate. We are praying today for 28 Coptic Christians martyred just south of Cairo Egypt today, and for the young people killed in Manchester. The church is praying for a cessation of the attack on Christianity and we ask the Lord to crush the head of the serpent who persecutes and martyrs Christians. God bless you.

Susie's musings


9 babies "out and wanting to play". Mama still sitting on eggs and the wind blowing. It’s hilarious!!! Thank God. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Lucky 13

Mike went to feed Dolores the duck and he says he counted 13 babies!!!! The winds are blowing bad out there, but she is all fluffed up and covering everybody including some still unhatched eggs. What a victory and with all the hoopla of her leaving the nest for fear of the visiting dogs!!! Thank you benevolent God who takes care of his little ones. I remember after Hurricane Andrew, we were all standing outside the Gables house looking at the destruction of the trees. Tree branches were 10 feet high covering the streets…. and we heard chirping… a bird had huddled under a torn up bush up against the house in the storm. A little headache and chirping again. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Duck babies

Today about 6 babies hatched… and tonight mama has to defend the babies and the rest of the eggs against a high wind coming in from the south. Right now she has all her feathers gathered over the nest and her back to the wind fending off a storm coming in from the south directly against the back of my house. Elation over babies has been replaced by worries about the babies in the storm. Isn’t this the way life is? God bless us as we fight against the elements and defend the young ones. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Let us pray…

On the terror in Manchester England: My dear British friends who are so much our family, we are praying for the children and families of Manchester England. We are so baffled by the evil that strikes out at children. We can only lean back on the chest of our Lord who promised he loves little children. He loves the peaceful. He loves his own. Draw strength that eternal life belongs to us the ones baptized in Christ. God bless you my dear friends.

In 1886, Pope Leo X111 wrote this prayer to be prayed daily: "Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls."

On September 11, I left work and went into my parish church and prayed. I realized that my anger wouldn’t help. Only this prayer to St Michael the warrior angel whose job it is to protect heaven and the souls that are to go to heaven. We all have angels, and angels surrounded the ones who were hurt and killed last night. We must be at peace over the souls that were lost. We must pray, and I for one, support the combined efforts of heavenly powers and NATO forces aligned with the forces of the Middle Eastern people who hate terror to wipe out the scourge that is ISIS. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Martin babies!

This morning I was hanging a few things on the clothesline and I heard a very noisy Martin chirping above me in the Martin house. "She or He" was sitting on the corner of the house chirping very loudly and behind him or her were two tiny birds with their mouths wide open! "Feed me!!!" their tiny chirps sounded! Yesterday a mama duck marched her 6 babies past our Mama duck … tiny yellow chicks picking in the grass at my door… waiting to be fed. I certainly hope our mama gets some duckies soon. I hope and pray the nest isn’t full of non-viable eggs. That would be really awful, and we would have to let the mama duck take care of that problem. Whatever they do in the wild. Well, today is a day of putting photos in albums. It’s time to do that as we are going to launch into another round of visiting everybody and traveling great distances (we plan to visit Laura and Dennis to help take care of dogs while Dennis is having surgery… Pray for Dennis’ health and safety). And we will be visiting my sister Sarah who is having an art show in June in Neptune Beach! So I better be ready to take more pictures!!! Happy spring! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Lady in waiting… still waiting

We are still waiting for mama duck to hatch the chicks and now I’m hoping they are viable…. She was off the nest for 3 whole days and nights, but it was hot… So all we can do is wait. I just read online that it takes up to 35 days or longer if the heat wasn’t high enough or if it was rainy…. Interesting that we have seen mama turning the eggs. That is what you do if you incubate the eggs … People actually raise ducks and chickens in incubators instead of buying eggs and chicken at Winn Dixie. hmmmmm. So… hang in there mama. You get a medal girl.

Today Chuck was honored for having been a qualified submarine sailor for more than 50 years. He was inducted into the Holland club in his USSVI (United States Submarine Veterans) meeting. Holland was the first designer of United States submarines and the honor is for anyone who qualified and has served as a submarine sailor for over 50 years. (once a submariner… always a submariner). "Passing Quals" or "qualifying" means you could work every piece of machinery on the boat… You can navigate, fix machinery, fix electronics, load and shoot torpedoes, raise the boat, tie the boat up, and dive the boat. Submarines are a boat not a ship as they can be loaded onto a ship. Qualified submariners were able to do anything on board a submarine. I always love watching submarine movies… they were often held together with bubble gum and wood chucks. Anything to keep silent and under the water. Every meeting we honor the submarines and men lost as "on eternal patrol" and we keep the splendid memory of undersea silent service alive. Thank You Chuck for your service!!! Thanks to all veterans for service to the United States of America. God bless America. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Miracle of Mother Nature

We had quite a drama this weekend, but all has turned out beautifully! On Friday afternoon, our cousins Laura and Dennis came to visit with their sweet, albeit large, white shepherd, and cute, albeit active, blond cocker spaniel. We put up a light fence around the walkway area to keep the curious dogs away from the nesting area, and we put up a doggie fence between our house and Mike’s to keep the curious dogs IN. All went well for about 35 seconds after we settled down when the duck, creeped out by a sniffing cocker spaniel, took off for regions unknown. She hung out under Mike’s big tree and occasionally went swimming, for the whole weekend. This morning, Monday, when family and dogs left, Chuck and I took down the fences and started praying. A mama duck with small teenagers was near by, and our displaced Mama was hanging out with them so I went out into Mike’s yard with bread crumbs and drew them 1/2 way across Mike’s yard toward our house. Then I left them for about 15 minutes and went back out again casting the crumbs into my yard. Sure enough the hungry little teenagers came a’running, and the 2 females with them. Our mama duck hung back, but sat for a long time watching the teenagers eat. Chuck and i then left for morning walks and when I got home, I peaked out the window and…. she is on the nest!!!!!!! Now if nature works right, those eggs should hatch this week, as it takes about 28 to 30 days for hatching. We found them on April 17. Today is 28 days…. I don’t know if a nest can be un-sat on for 3 days. All we can do is wait. As if this is all that consumes us!!! We will be going to Northport Florida on June 7 to eat a last meal with Dennis. Chuck says not to call it a last meal. Sounds too ominous. I mean… He has to be on liquids only after that meal until prostate surgery on Friday. Chuck and I will baby sit the 2 dogs allowing Laura to take her hubby to the hospital and feel free to stay there until surgery is finished and Dennis is settled into recovery. One overnight is planned and he will be back home Saturday the 10th. Dennis is a big teddy bear of a man. I can’t say "big" any more. He has lost 100 pounds he says in 10 years…. but it sure is a good thing to be entering our 70s at a good fighting weight!!! Hope you aren’t too hot as this spring has been hot in South Florida. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Good Shepherd

Today on EWTN the homily began with a little story. A mom was afraid to let her little 1st grader walk to school without her, but he insisted, so she asked a neighbor to follow him, discretely, at a distance. The neighbor agreed, wanting to get some exercise walking with her toddler. So the little boy and his neighbor friend walked every day to school followed by the mom’s friend and her toddler… Finally the little boy’s friend asked, "Have you seen that lady and that little kid following us every day?" He said, "Yes, that’s my mom’s friend Shirley Goodnest and her little girl Marcy. Mom is afraid for my safety so she makes me pray every night: ‘Shirley Goodnest and Marcy will follow me all the days of my life’; so I guess I better get used to it" … Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. All the churches in the Catholic world will be reading from the Gospel of Saint John chapter 10 where Jesus says… "the shepherd calls his sheep by name, and leads them…the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice…I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved." The pharisees didn’t understand these words of Jesus… they did not listen to the shepherd’s voice. We really can’t hear God’s voice either because our ears aren’t "tuned" to hear it. Right now I have windows open and I can hear birds calling and singing, but I also hear traffic, a clock ticking, the neighbor’s air conditioner humming… In the silence of a Sunday morning, human noises and nature noises. God is speaking way down in the center of our beings. CS Lewis and Fulton Sheen both talked about the chaos of the noise and not letting God’s voice go unheard… Find the silence. I often tell people "Go into a church" where I look for the tabernacle and stare at it. Look at it and try to "center on the tabernacle." There, in the silence and concentration, recollection… find the silence where we will hear the Master’s voice.

Today the mother duck still sits on her nest. We’ve become a little more bold, hanging laundry, dragging palm tree branches out of the back yard to the garbage cans, but we are still not walking on the pathway right in front of her nest. She is quite a patient mom. I know I’ve talked about this before… but my goodness, watching this gestation process right under our noses has been interesting. She sits, fluffs, turns, counts eggs, turns the eggs, fluffs, sits. Repeat. It’s supposed to take 28 to 30 days… Well we found the nest out there on our return from cruising; it’s been 21 days. Any day now girl! Let us see those little yellow chicks!!!! May you all feel the patience of waiting and gently wait and listen. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Patience – a virtue

Two weeks ago we first saw Mama duck on the nest… and she is still there. I go out and hang laundry and look at her with her head tucked under her wing. She trusts that I won’t hurt her from the distance of the laundry line… She gets up occasionally and moves the eggs around, fluffs and spreads feathers around the eggs, turns the eggs with her beak and settles back down… Meanwhile, speaking of patience, Chuck and I have lost our cruise weight… but have now without eating very much still not lost any more weight… we wish we could get rid of our belly fat, we walk and skip dessert, but … oh boy they make whole commercials about getting ready of belly fat, and still it clings to our bellies.

We are planning our next trip to the headwaters of the Mississippi River in northern Minnesota!!! We will go to the top of Michigan, visit our friends Tim and Kyla in Clear Lake, Iowa, and visit friends who live on a farm in New Hampshire before going down to New York to catch the Queen Mary 2 round trip to Quebec. A long summer vacation across America. We are skipping the submarine convention because "been there done that in Orlando" and we have a sick friend to visit in Iowa. Enjoy planning for a wonderful summer! Praise God for springtime and birdies!!! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Wet duck

She’s still there. Faithful Mama duck. Sitting in that nest in the pouring rain!!! You know how people say: "water off a duck’s back", well that’s the way she is treating the torrents that are coming off the eaves onto her back. God bless the little creatures who are doing their best to make our world a tweeting, chirping piece of heaven!

Today, Divine Mercy Sunday, was a beautiful celebration as we are still celebrating Easter in the church. Today we heard the brash statement by Thomas that he won’t believe in the Risen Christ unless he touches the wounds and even puts his hand in Jesus’ side. How rude when you think of it…. "I don’t believe you survived that awful suffering and that you live; let me see the wounds, let me touch them, put my hand inside the wound." WOW! And yet Jesus was so gentle and loving. I think Jesus inspired Thomas to doubt so all of us doubters would have an example. When the time comes when Jesus reveals himself to us, in a small blessing or in a large bright miracle, let us fall down and say, "My Lord and my God…" As an exit hymn we sang, "I believe you are the Son of God… I believe you are the Lord." Pray for the many who don’t believe Jesus is Lord. Be kind. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Mother love

Continuing… Mama duck sits on that nest almost 24 hours a day. She rotates… Occasionally she gets up and repositions herself…. tail to the lake, head to the wall. Head and beak out towards the lake, tail to the wall. Occasionally she gets up and takes a walk and we notices a very militant male duck takes over strutting around the area of the nest and huffing and puffing….When she returned one time, I happened to be watching and she stood for a long time looking into the nest…standing over the nest, as if counting those eggs!!!!! We’ve all seen mother’s pat their bellies as we humans gestate for 9 whole months… pat pat… "I’m here little one. Just grow and don’t worry about a thing." Ah! Mother love. God bless mothers.

I went to the Keys to put a second coat of paint on the garage doors at 2061 Coral Way but it was raining so instead I painted a ceiling fan at friend Linda’s house… I helped empty bags and boxes into Linda’s new home in Port Pine Heights on Big Pine and I visited and floated in Michele’s pool…. visited friends Joan and Marj. A totally decadent wonderful 2 days and then returned to my dirty disheveled house! Before we left on the cruise we emptied 3 5 drawer file cabinets (that is a total of 15 legal sized file drawers) and piled all the files….. in our dining room. Meanwhile the dust bunnies, sensing our lack of attention, went into a mating frenzy….. So today… ignoring the piles of files, I’m dusting and sweeping and doing laundry that I’ll dry in the dryer so as not to disturb Mama duck, and Chuck is folding up shirts from his closet that "well. just don’t fit any more"….. Floors cleaned of dust bunnies, I will attack the files while Glancing out occasionally at Mama duck and being inspired by mother love. Or instinct… In any case. God is good. Have a wonderful spring! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Mamas reign!!!

You have heard of the battles Mamas fight to protect their babies… well… we arrived home and I was sorting through laundry when I heard a commotion out back. Chuck and our neighbor Tami had just been "attacked" by a very frightened Mama duck who has built and filled a nest right up against our house, underneath a painting of a big sword fish I painted on the back wall… she’s resting practically on a very busy walkway between our house and Mike’s house. What creeped out the Mama duck was Tami bringing my plants back from a holiday at her house. Tami pointed at the duck who was walking back and forth down by the lake… Then we saw why the duck was upset. She had dug a hole and feathered the nest with white furry feathers and filled it with eggs! They lay very vulnerable and exposed to our wondering eyes. As I watched from inside the house, peering out a back window, I worried about the vacated abandoned nest, and wrote to Mike and Kathie asking them not to walk over to my house, and asking how long it takes to hatch eggs…. Mike’s reply was naughty… "30 days to hatch, 10 minutes for an omelet." Meanwhile… our beloved neighborhood kittie Peanut who used to come by 3 or 4 times a day to get petted, to chase birds, to eat mousies… was hit by a car and is gone… I miss her daily visits, but I wonder what havoc she might have caused to the duck.

We used the front door to go over to Mike’s for Chuck’s birthday celebration and when we got home we peered out and we could see Mama duck’s head from the window. She was on the nest and she has been there all day today. Whew!!!! Big crisis. Meanwhile, the Martin house is full of singing birdies! Nesting and singing. I have had the windows open all day today to listen to the singing… Although it is hot, the singing of nesting birds is wonderful!!! I’m balancing check books and filing papers and doing laundry (not hanging it on the line lest I disturb "Mama")… May you have some happy signs of spring life in your week!!! Happy Easter. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Another Easter Godincidence!

Rather than say coincidence Chuck and I have begun to look at "things that just match up" as more than coming from chance!!! I went to Vintages to meet Chuck after I got out of the pool… and I heard a guy speaking and I asked my "normal" question… "You sound like you are from Australia" because they don’t sound like our friends the Trewins….. "No" he said, "from Bristol." Well we began to share our western England experiences and it turns out his parents live just 5 miles south of Bill, Sally, Charlotte and Harriet in Portished. His parents live in Cleveden "a village just south of Portished." We told him the last time we visited Portished we stayed for a week and went to the same pub – the one across the street from Charlotte’s condo that is made from containers of ships… and we shared experiences. Then we moved on to sharing Bude, Stratton, and Poughill… where we visited Bill and Sally for many years. He used to be a frequenter of the beaches at Wydemouth Bay and Northcott near Sally and Bill’s farm house B&B… He has since moved to Deerfield Beach in Florida. He and his wife share a love of south Florida yet they still go regularly back to Bude in Cornwall and Cleveden to visit parents. We will be visiting our friends Mervyn and Brenda and Sally and Bill and their beautiful children next May and we remember many happy days just chilling in English pubs … Funny who you meet on a cruise ship!!! We look forward to visiting our Scottish and English friends and to sharing our lovely lake house with them!!! Look out Margaret in Scotland!!! Here we come! Happy Easter Evening. It’s time to put this ship to bed and to go home tomorrow. God bless you with peace and joy.

Susie's musings

Easter at sea

Good morning dear friends! Happy Easter morning! This morning we had Mass in the theater and I read the second reading and sung the Alleluia!!!!   Then leaving Mass I heard a lady telling an Irishman that she went to school in Miami with Irish nuns and an Irish Bishop….  I turned and asked her what school? It was St Theresa school where I went from 1 through 7 grades. She was about 10 years after me…. Then I found she goes now to St Augustine church where I go to Emmaus and Book club! She made her Emmaus at St Augustine and my friend Saba Millares was a speaker at that retreat. I told her Saba leads the book club and I would love to see her at meetings… (Saba: Her name is Maria and in Spanish her last name means "dolls"… Do you know her?)  By then we were in the elevator and another lady said "I went to Emmaus at St Hugh" which is a church in Coconut Grove. By now 2 men chimed in they were Emmaus brothers, and one was wearing a UM tee shirt so we did a big "The U" and by then…. I didn’t want to get out of that elevator!!!  God incidence?  I don’t think so!  We did a big "Jesus Christ is risen!!!" in the elevator and wished everybody a Happy Easter. Right now, behind me in the Centrum, the Easter Bunny is holding little children for photos…. !!!! This morning, Chuck and I were drinking coffee on the balcony at 615am…. and I commented how cloudy it was and he said, "Look! the Easter bunny!" It was a big pink cloud that LOOKED like a rabbit! So I took a photo and hurried up to deck 11 on the other side of the ship and got a brilliant sunrise photo (or 3). Thank God!!!  For his homily in Mass Father Connolly told a story of reading a story to his little niece and he said she knew all the characters and when to turn the pages … "she knew the story… but she loved being in her uncle’s lap… and hearing him read the story to her."  Then he said, we all know this story, and this week we have read the Passion twice… we know all the characters, Herod, Pilate, Peter….  we know what happens, yet we continue to read it. We know, but God reads it to us everyday so we know … We lean on our cherished Father’s chest and we feel safe listening to him read to us. During Communion the ship’s lead singer got up and sang… "I know my Redeemer lives." Who told the oceans to come only so far! Who set the stars in the sky? I know my Redeemer lives! The same gentle hands that hold me when I’m broken… they hold away death and darkness. To which I can only say.. "Thank you Jesus!" God bless you this Easter Day. Home tomorrow…. Time to go pack! Then to the pool!!!  Be kind. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Holy Saturday – at sea

It is peaceful and calm at sea. The sun is up. Clouds are fluffy. All is well and I wish you Peace. Today dawned quiet and yesterday was quiet too. I went to the little church on Saint Maarten and it was quite still with the Blessed Sacrament in repose at a side altar. Services were at 3pm but we had to be on ship at 4 so I couldn’t make service. I sat before the little altar and gazed at Jesus for 1 1/2 hours while I read from Magnificat. He gazed back at me.  People came in to worship quietly and I realize many people felt something different as we remember the Cross and the pain that our Creator God went through for us… and still we kill him with "unlove" and meanness. So today, we get a blessed day of quiet to consider the "words in red" as a country music song said… to consider the words that Jesus said… "Love one another." Today is "descended into hell" day… tomorrow is Resurrection! We all get both.. Believe it! God bless you. Peace be with you!!!

Susie's musings

Full circle… Antigua again

About 2 weeks ago we visited Antigua and found it … poor. We walked up to the Anglican Cathedral to find it under construction. and then today we walked back up, forgetting we had already "done that… been there." We were standing outside and I was saying… "The Catholic church is really a long way up the hill;  let’s go back and get in the pool" when a young man stepped up (I swear he stepped out of the cemetary)… and offered us a taxi ride. After some talk we agreed to a 2 hour tour and he proceeded to take me by about 20 churches!!! The Catholic church on the hill was closed. I walked all around and tried all the doors. They will probably have services tonight for Holy Thursday but this was 9am. I was able to visit an Anglican church that had a statue of Mary but no tabernacle. We visited Nelson’s marina that was full of very pricey boats. There’s some money being spent here, but it isn’t filtering down to the people.We visited beautiful beaches and markets. Then back to the pool!!! Yesterday Dominica was even poorer. I am reminded of my friend Karen’s question, "just what did the British do for these islands?" Sad to see tiny shacks with tiny jalousie windows … inhabited and lived in and HOT!!!! and then to see the giant houses up on the hills.

We have had Mass every day and today was beautiful (The Last Supper Mass at 8am on a cruise ship). Father talked about the Institution of the Eucharist and the bread turned into the body of Christ and shared with the disciples… We are broken bread, healed by the infusion of Christ into us and then… shared with others.  Tomorrow we will do Stations of the Cross before we will go to Saint Maarten where I will attend services at Saint Martin of Tours.  Time for dinner and an art seminar and broadway show. Busy busy. Be kind. Share your wealth, talent, joy and strength…. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Tortola BVI

So what’s this all about? A bunch of little tiny islands owned by big conglomerate countries…. US owns a few, Britain owns a few… Dutch have a handful (the ABC islands), and I still haven’t had time to research why the US purchased the USVI in 1917 from the Danes… . So Chuck has a theory…. He says, anything Great Britain does we have to have some too. Great Britain owns some islands so we purchased some too. It seems that the British Virgins are a lot richer than the US Virgins. Today in Tortola we saw the rich and the poor… marinas full of large expensive sail boats and a few streets inland very poor houses for the "natives". Go figure. It was hot today, but I stood around while an island lady made me a cross out of blown glass. She asked if she could pick my color and I said yes… it is teal just as I would have picked. Beautiful. We came onboard and swam in the pool (me for an hour, Chuck a little less)… and then we got some wonderful travel tips for our Scotland trip from the Mum (Carole) of our cruise entertainment manager (Grant). She lives in Aberdeen and she recommended we get a B&B on the shore near Aberdeen and tour from there.  I’ll get with our friend Margaret from Lanark Scotland and make plans. This is for our Scotland tour in May 2018. I am still blessed to have daily Mass with Father Connolly, and today… the message was…. Jesus said "you will betray me" and both Judas and Peter said…. "Not me!!!! I wouldn’t do that" and I wrote in my book "Don’t boast on what I think I can control in myself! ‘Cause I can’t control myself. I can’t keep Satan from entering me like he entered Judas (see John 13: 21-38). Lord keep me safe; keep me from my own weakness!"

I’ll be a lector at Easter Sunday Mass in the theater! Big theater, stage, microphone… I might get a practice session in a little before Mass. Tomorrow is Dominica. We have a tour planned and will walk around the town also. I’ll write more tomorrow… Be kind.  God bless you!!!

Susie's musings

Saint Croix US Virgin Islands

The US Virgin Islands are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the transition of the islands from Denmark to the US in 1917. So I guess I have to google how all that came about. We enjoyed a brief walk up to the top of Hill street today. Along the way, I was captivated by walls covered with canvases and really beautiful paintings. I asked a guy sitting outside a little pub and he said, "a lady hangs them there… sometimes she gets the children to paint." Oh my gosh!!!! I took a lot of photos. We continued "up" Hill street in search of the Catholic church which turned out to be Lutheran and sent me back to my map. "OH…. it’s down there, (I pointed)…  my bad." So off we trotted back down the hill street!!! Found a beautiful coral rock church built in 1700s and all decked out in palms for Palm Sunday. Very beautiful. The sky got quite dark and we ducked under a porch and found a table on the promenade just as the skies opened! Ordered some "local beer" which turned out to be made for St John’s Virgin Islands by St John’s brewing company Portland Maine. At least it was a US company. We sat and talked with passers by for an hour and then got back to the ship for a light lunch and an hour in the pool. A lazy day!!! Piano is playing in the Centrum and my evening glass of wine is waiting at Vintages. Be kind! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Palm Sunday at sea

We have a priest on board from Boston! Father Connolly said Mass yesterday and today. He said we can’t get palms on board… something about farm products banned by customs! Today Fr. Connolly talked about Peter and Judas. Whenever we think we have removed ourselves from God’s blessing Presence with our betrayals, denials, and sin, all we have to do is look at Peter and Judas. One turned Jesus in to the leaders who wanted to kill him. One denied he knew Jesus in fear of being dragged into the killing machine too. Both realized what they had done to a harmless, loving friend… One, Judas, despaired of his betrayal and hanged himself. He despaired of being forgiven. The other, Peter, wept bitterly in sorrow, but later dived into the water and swam to Christ …. maybe afraid, but full of contrition and love. We don’t even have to ask; he’s already forgiven us. The minute we yell, "Jesus!!!!!" he forgives. If you want to, just ask!!!!!: "Jesus forgive me." Jesus already asked for forgiveness for us from the cross… Don’t ever despair. He loves us!

Yesterday after I won the $200 in the spa I got a manicure and bought some creams and facial mask… My skin is dry and I’m going to attack it with not only good diet, sunscreen and exercise but masks and lotions. I go in the pool every day and that is drying enough but being in air conditioning and the sun doesn’t help. Meanwhile today…. I got a full body massage and a facial and I bought a 30 day "program" to follow the "kick start" the facial gave me. The young woman who was giving me the facial asked when was the last time I did a facial and mask…. I delayed answering way too long and realized…. only once in my life. So now I’ll be looking younger, with creamy skin, and you will know why. I attended an art seminar today and Chuck went to the art auction. He saw some cool Guy Harveys but they were way expensive!!!! He might go to the Thomas Kincaid seminar with me. Last night was formal night and we enjoyed dressing up. Tomorrow starts 5 ports in a row when we go out and explore and then go into the pool. I’m off to Vintages to drink before dinner Pinot. Be kind. Pray for Peace especially for Syria. God bless you.

Susie's musings

crusin’ past the Bahamas!!!

We had a smooth transition yesterday from one cruise to another… We were treated to a dining room lunch and then we just played tourist, went to the life boat drill like normal cruisers then went down to our dinner dining room table to meet our fellow guests and waiter. Ate a starter and then headed for Giovanni’s restaurant. Had to go to Giovanni’s specialty restaurant as we got 50% off for being consecutive cruisers. We stopped at the Scooner Bar and then went up to the pool for a 9pm movie but it was windy and freezing!!!!! went early to bed. In between all that eating and smoozing I WON $200 at the spa!!!!! Karen and I tried that on the last cruise but didn’t win $$$ in the raffle; and now I have to do stuff at the spa. I’m thinking a manicure and a facial!!! We have met some very nice people and we have a Jesuit priest on board, Fr. Connelly from Boston. He will say daily Mass. Met some folks from Viking land… Norway… who talked about "our neighbor to the East" and how Americans and Germans are guarding the Balkans… People are very nice, and as we talk …. I pray for Peace. Well… I’m off to the pool. Busy busy. Be kind!!! Love to all and God bless you.

Susie's musings

Turning around in Fort Lauderdale

We just ate breakfast with friends Peter and Karen and waved them "goodbye" at the elevator… Today we begin a new cruise with new table mates. I have to find new people to talk to in the pool….  We will go to 5 ports:  4 new ports and Saint Martin which is an old friend… We will have a priest on board and the ship will celebrate Passover and Easter. I will attend Good Friday service at Saint Martin of Tours in Saint Martin. The Church is an easy walk from the cruise ship so I can stay as long as I want to.  We met some nice people on this cruise and hope to meet some new.  I have beautiful flowers growing in my yard at home….Kathie sent pictures!   I will probably miss the blooming. See you for pontoon boat riding April 17!!!!  God bless you!

Susie's musings

Day 10 headed home 1

We are indeed headed towards "home port" Fort Lauderdale but we don’t have to get off. This morning we were given our marchng orders… We are to eat breakfast Friday morning then gather at 9:30 in the dining room to get our credentials for the second cruise. Then we will be marched off the ship through customs and then back on the ship with our new credentials for the second half of this sea faring adventure. Chuck booked a 1/2 price specialty dinner for the first night in Giovannis restaurant. The 1/2 price deal is for consecutive travelers. To summarize where we have been… Antigua, St Lucia, Barbados, Grenada, Bonaire, Aruba. After Fort Lauderdale we will go to Tortola, St Kitts, Dominica, Antigua and St Maarten. There will be a priest on board who might celebrate daily Mass!!! I think we will get Mass on Palm Sunday and hope for daily Mass all Holy Week… I know I can get a Good Friday service in St Maarten as I have gone to daily Mass at St Martin of Tours very near the ship and a boardwalk where I deposit Chuck at a little bar on the boardwalk. He can read and people watch while I worship. Easter Sunday is our last day on the ship and there will be a Mass (and … the Easter bunny will be visiting the children). I’ve stepped up exercise… This morning I walked around deck 5, "the Promenade" for 45 minutes and boy was that a long walk!!! I was able to walk out on the helicopter pad and look over …. yikes it is actually scary to look out and down at all that water. Then over an hour in the pool until I am a little wobbly. Gotta go get pretty as tonight is formal night!!!!! Have a wonderful spring. Be kind. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Aruba for a holiday

I have heard of people coming to Aruba for honeymoons and for holidays and let me tell you… it’s a great destination!  Aruba is the "A" of the ABC islands… Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. All Dutch, clean, sophisticated, developed… in fact Karen and I keep asking each other… where did the English and the French go wrong leaving so many Caribbean islands in such bad shape? The ABC islands are Holland territories and very happy and prosperous. Today and yesterday in Bonaire we visited little street markets and felt very safe and like we were getting good deals and good "goods". Karen bought some Mopa Mopa, a hand crafted statuary which I think I am getting from Chuck when my birthday comes… After July 19 come by to see my "Mope Mopa"… It is beautiful hand crafted from a tree berry. Today Chuck, Karen and I made a little pilgrimage to the Cathedral of St Francis in Aruba. It was a beautifully kept church with a hospital, parish center and convent attached. Yesterday, Karen and I visited the church on Bonaire and both days we sat quietly and talked about Jesus. Peter doesn’t join us on these long walks as his knees and legs hurt a lot. You really have to be in good shape to travel with the Peabodys!!! I think on this 12 day trip we have purchased 4 more island shirts so expect Chuck and I to be bedecked in colorful shirts with birds and hibiscus!!!  We are finished with the islands… Tomorrow and the day after are at sea. We will go to art lecture if it is scheduled when we aren’t partying… we swim in the pool every day for an hour… and  then on Friday we say goodbye to Peter and Karen after 2 sea days and begin our 2nd cruise ….  God bless you!!!

Susie's musings

Bonaire today

Chuck and I are having trouble separating our cruising experiences… We can’t say exactly which island was Aruba, Curacao, or Bonaire. We remember experiences from all and we say, "The one with the big bridge and the little garden bar – Curacao right?" and the other one of us says, "shrug, maybe"… In any case all were fun! I’ve bought one red shirt for Chuck and 2 tea towels hand designed and lithographed in Antigua or St Lucia… see? Anyhow.. Purchased on this trip, on an island. Yesterday was fun. We bought a tour and drove all over Granada. WOW. It is a rain forest and the highest point is 1931 feet high. That is climbing to the top of a peak and a volcano crater that is filled with water (big lake). They gave out free local beer at that stop. That was fun. We drove in a smallish van around hair pin turns for about 5 hours viewing the local flora… Beautiful. We went up to a fort on the top of the port and I said…. This looks familiar. Apparently Ronald Reagan sent troops in to Grenada to liberate the island. A Dictator who was leaning towards Russia and Cuba killed 8 cabinet members and was taking over the airport which is right next to a university filled with Americans… As we walked around the fort I felt it was so familiar. The guide said a movie was filmed here… I think it was Heartbreak Ridge with Clint Eastwood. We have watched it. It was good. How interesting. The islanders have painted "Thank You America" signs on their walls. I took a photo. It’s nice not to be the ugly American. Karen and I are enjoying the pool.. salt water and clorine heated pool in the Solarium. I stay in for 1 hour doing water aerobics… pedalling and pulling water with my arms. It’s a workout. We will be pulling into Bonaire soon so I will say… ta ta for now and God bless you.

Susie's musings

Island hopping

Yesterday we cruised into Castries, Saint Lucia. A trivia fact is this is the only Caribbean island named after a woman! Saint Lucy. We took a tour and went to a beautiful garden with a volcano filled waterfall… as long as the volcano "steams" the island is OK… So the water coming from the volcano is full of minerals and we saw the colors of the minerals on the waterfall walls and bathed in the hot springs. The gardens surrounding this volcano were lush versions of what we get in south Florida: lots of orchids, hibiscus, roses, a wax rose that was amazing, and other flowers that I can’t name. We also visited small villages that fish for a living… separated from the rest of the island by rutted "mountain roads"… If the road is impassable, then outside people don’t get to the village. I visited a beautiful church and church yard dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Each island has a Cathedral… Back to the ship to soak in the Solarium. Last night we went for the first time to the piano bar at the Schooners bar. I asked the piano player to play Proud Mary and he said… only if I helped. So I played the tambourine all through Proud Mary. I was sweating! That is a lot of work. I "won" a beer cup with RCCL logo for Chuck’s bar. Today we landed on Barbados and took a cab across down town to the bay and beaches. We found a small beach bar and walked on the beach drinking beer. The bar tender gave me a poster for Chuck’s bar. The waters and sky are amazing colors of blues. I will try to continue to communicate this beauty in paintings!!! We returned again to the Solarium to soak in the warm waters of the pool… Tonight we will return to the piano bar at the Schooners bar.  Today was my Mother’s birthday. God bless our Mothers. If you are blessed with your Mom’s face near you… give her a kiss. If not… give her a prayer. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Cruising and Rocking!!!!

First off… I did not write Addiction to Love which is what you find when you "google" SusanMcCarthyPeabody!!!!  Second… Behind me and one deck down the ship dance team is dancing to Great Balls of Fire so I might wander a little!  Dancing and singing.  We are somewhere in the Caribbean Sea heading for Antigua tomorrow or the next day.  We have already settled into a routine… Up for coffee: I am now drinking herbal tea as I’ve given up caffeine, to breakfast in the dining room. Today our partners were Peter and Karen Skipp who sat next to a couple from Quebec so Peter was able to share their travels almost every summer to Quebec and Montreal! I sat next to an ex Army guy and his wife from Spain and we talked about England where he was based as an American on an English base for 3 1/2 years!!!  I shared our love for England and our recent visit to Slapton Sands where Eisenhower and Monty Montgomery trained American troops for the invasion of Normandy.   Quite lively conversation. After breakfast we all headed for the pool and Susie and Karen jumped in for an hour of "water aerobics" old lady style in a very wavy pool as it is very choppy and the ship is rockin’ and rollin’. We "Finished" in the hot tub, and I walked 3 rounds of the entire ship on the 11th deck… it is a long walk from bow to stern and in the wind I was sometimes fighting to make headway!!!!  Shower and head for lunch. Rest, reading, and a lecture on Antigua. Now we need to get ready for formal night!  Buttons and bows. Have a wonderful week and I’ll talk later when we get to Antigua!!!  God bless you.

Before we left Miami I was cleaning out files and I brought along some pages I culled from a file called "diet". …  Here’s a "fat hint" : Myth: part skim cheeses are low in fat… Not necessarily so… Ricotta and mozzarella can be called part skim…but really whole milk mozzarella 1 oz has 68 % of calories from fat and "part skim" is 56 % calories from fat. same with ricotta: whole milk ricotta is 67% calories from fat and part skim is 53 % calories from fat.   In my opinion enjoy the taste and texture and get the whole variety. You save some calories and grams of fat with the part skim type but you will be so satisfied with the creaminess and taste of the whole variety.  I do the same with cottage cheese and get the 4% rather than the skim or fat free. We need a little fat.  Just get up and exercise a little!!!!

Susie's musings

Saying Goodbye

When we get to my age… many family members have passed away or are ready to go… We expect frailty in our 80s and so we live hearty in our 70s and hope for the best. My mother lived to 97 years old and I only saw her failing in the last year. My sister and niece fully expected Mom to live to 100. I say, "You go there if you can!!!" When one dies early, we cry out to the Lord and mourn with fierce disunderstanding. I made up that word… we DON’T understand the dissonance of early death of the young and vigorous. My cousin who is married to a WWF promoter and who lived a vital energetic life full of exciting events was cut down as she rode on her Vespa to exercise at the gym. She never had a chance in that encounter with a car who ran her down… Pitched off into the road, on her head, she never recovered. The family has donated her organs to those in need. I wrote my cousin Jan a short note as she lay dying: "For cousin Jan: Look! See the face of God. Heaven is a gift of life. Meet your Father and your Mother. Earth has no sorrow that heaven can’t heal. Jesus heals the blind man. Jesus heals the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Accept the light you were made for. God bless you." The Mother and Father I refer to are God our Creator and the Blessed Mother who was given to John for protection, and who in turn, protects us as a mother. This is not comforting pablum. Believe it or not… Believe and we are saved. Don’t believe and get to heaven and realize we denied a truth and Jesus doesn’t know us. God bless you Jan and God bless all of us.

Susie's musings

Thank you Lord!

I just was outside and I realized what a beautiful day it is!!! I threw up my arms to the sky and sang out "Thank You Lord for this beautiful day!!!" I am sure the Lord who created everything likes a compliment now and then…. On Juice Plus and with walking and being diligent against carbs and sugars, I’ve lost 5 pounds since my doctor told me if I lost a few pounds my A1C would go down. I feel great and haven’t had coffee in a few weeks. Don’t need it. I drink a lot lot lot of water so you watch me scurry off to pee a lot too. Tomorrow we’ll make a "renters visit" to the Keys to paint garage doors that are getting rusty and shore up a window unit air conditioner. Then… we start preparing for the 21 day cruising experience on the Royal Caribbean Serenade that we will partially share with friends Peter and Karen Skipp. Destination Southern Caribbean and lots of islands coming up. On Chuck’s birthday, April 17, we will be home again to settle in and start some hobbies like painting and do some volunteer work at my church St. Timothy. Happy Sunday and God bless you!!!!

Susie's musings

helping others!

Part of being a friend is doing the heavy work. Chuck and I have been carrying loads of household goods to Huntington Island for friends Peter and Karen who are leaving Miami. Chuck and I might be the last to leave Miami… And it might just be to our niches on Big Pine Key. That sounds gruesome but this lake house could be our final home. I hope I don’t ever have to go into a nursing home… Rather live out our last days here on the lake. We will be driving up to Hutchinson Island today with van and trailer full. Unload, take out some shelving units that I’ll be putting in the art room replacing 2 file cabinets. Hope to get a dip in the club house pool and head home tomorrow.

Today might be the last of our 10 day Shred. We have been doing 2 smoothies and keeping dairy, gluten, caffeine and alcohol free… Walking almost every day huffing and puffing!!! Lost 4 1/2 pounds. Will continue to keep a clean diet and will continue to help others. Last night at Emmaus meeting we prayed a beautiful Rosary. Each decade began with meditations of Mary speaking. Can you imagine the Annunciation, the visit to Elizabeth, the birth of Jesus, the presentation in the Temple and then losing Jesus at 12 years old? Back to the Temple to speak with his Father. Can you imagine seeing those events in a meditation with Mary speaking? Keep Mary close… She has been through all the events of Motherhood. She has kissed the face of God. God bless you.

Susie's musings

5.0 or bust!

I don’t have a fit bit but I do have an app on my phone that counts my steps and miles and today I determined to get over the 10,000 step mark and … I did!!! 11039 steps – 4.8 miles. Finished at a run in the rain! I’m still on the Juice Plus program with 2 smoothies a day and gluten, caffeine and dairy free. Free of fatigue. Free of lassitude. Yesterday I was revved!!!! I shopped and prepared a dinner for 8 – worked all day long just preparing … At the very end of the day I ate chicken, veggies and fruit while my guests noshed on ham and chicken, sweet and white potatoes with butter and sour cream, veggies, rolls with butter, ice cream and fruit. I did have 3 glasses of prosecco, and I also drank a lot of water. I have to research gluten and dairy free and make sure I’m getting all I need for an old lady. Although I feel really good and along with the smoothies we take 6 capsules of fruit and vegetable based supplements. In the past, if I prepped for a party like that, I’d be exhausted by 4pm and want a nap and maybe lay down but be too tired to sleep. That nap reflex is also not in tune with our circadian rhythms….. Recently a sleep psychologist explained that I was crawling into bed, tired, but body wasn’t ready for sleep. I had to set a routine and stick to it. It’s working…. I get into bed … IF I am sleepy… at 1030 pm and get up at 7am. That is working. Sometimes I’m wide awake at 10:30 pm so I sit up reading. All seems well. OK! Today is Sunday and I hope you all had a good holy day and spent some time with the Lord. God bless you.

Susie's musings

"only 2 1/2 miles today"

I think it’s interesting that as a former slug, I think walking "only 2 1/2 miles" is not enough. I for one am proud of myself!!! I went with friend Diane today to put down a deposit for a respite care bed for Dot, Diane’s Mom, for 3 months when Dick and Diane go on a long motorcycle/camping holiday. It’s really impossible for Dot to get around in their camper any more, let alone getting up into the camper… Dot is a beautiful 95 years old. My Mom loved to travel, but at the end she couldn’t stay in a room alone and she really needed someone to stay with her. Age in the 90s is precarious as our bones get achy and won’t do what we need and oxygen is scarce… I’m doing a lot right now and will continue as long as possible. You too!!!

Yesterday after working in the garden I was hungry at 4pm. Normally I’m not hungry even for dinner. So I drank water and waited until the magic 6pm hour. But my coach, Julia, the wonder Mom of 2 small ones under 3, tells me i have to eat!!! The program we are on, Juice Plus with the smoothies, extra protein, nuts and beans, and veggies veggies veggies fruits fruits fruits revs up our metabolism and makes our bellies rumble for more food. I’m happy. So today when I was hungry again Julia gave me a recipe for little peanut butter balls that you keep in the freezer and eat when the hungries hit (who ever heard of a "diet" "allowing" peanut butter, oatmeal, and honey????). I was in a hurry, and I wanted my snack "right now" so I could get outside and paint a chair, so I short circuited her recipe and spread some honey and oatmeal on 1/2 a banana and ate that. Julia will shake her head at her renegade friend. I put the other 1/2 banana in the freezer for tonight’s smoothie. All’s well here at cruise central. I’m off to make salad and a smoothie. Stay kind. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Tired all the time?

One of you wrote to me that you are tired and despondent… Well so was I. I think sometimes bad things happen in the world that frighten and hurt us, distract us from doing good for ourselves. We are aging and slowing down and if we don’t adjust our diets and exercise we’ll go down that rabbit hole into old age. I’ve actually not had coffee, bread, cheese, (all mainstays!!!) since Sunday and I’m not sluggish and sleepy. In fact I’m more awake. I start my day with warm water with lemon in it, and I’m stuffed with a breakfast smoothie of strawberries, blueberries, Silk Almond milk (unsweetened), 1/2 banana, protein powder and ice. A blenderfull fills about 2 glasses. I’m excited about working in the yard and in my office. As usual things have piled up, and I’m on the attack! We are getting new shelving and I’m getting rid of ugly file cabinets in art room. Yesterday I made 2 Home Depot runs to buy mulch. I resisted the young men who wanted to help me carry the bags of mulch… I promised them: "I need the exercise!" After lifting 15 bags of mulch out of the store, into my car and out of my car, and spreading it, I have a beautiful front yard. I’m off now to dig weeds and clean up my back yard. Need more mulch. Full of energy. Positive. If I get grumpy and think, "He’s mean; I’m mistreated." I just say, "Get over it, get going on your own stuff." Believe me, he’s not mean!!! And I’m not a victim! What happened? Maybe this is the big "turning 70 year," and I’m not about to give in to old age just yet. So, let us focus on health and being kind. Loving others as God wills doesn’t hurt. God bless you.

Susie's musings

We get along with a little help from our friends…

Remember this line from a Beatles song… so long ago? I remembering singing it … in younger days, in gentler, kinder times… Actually we can still depend on friends. I have always thought I could take care of myself. I think I am an independent thinker and I know what’s best for me. But do I always DO what’s best for me? Several times in the past year, when I disobeyed doctor’s orders about advice and medicines my very kind doctor has prescribed, my very kind and handsome doctor has looked at me gently and asked… "Do you WANT to have a stroke?… Do you WANT to get diabetes?" Inside my obdurate brain the naughty Susie whispers, "No, but I don’t want to take medicine either; I can cure myself; I don’t want to do what anyone says…" I use the word obdurate. Isn’t that an interesting word? Reminds me of stone… It’s stubborn and unwilling to be flexible or malleable. Delightful word!!! Anyhow. I finally agreed with the good doctor that I wasn’t going to get my cholesterol down all by myself, and my "bad" cholesterol (LDL) was climbing. But a small amount of statin has the cholesterol numbers under control and the "numbers are good". Now about the A1C. That has been climbing and the doctor who is so happy with my obedience with the statin, well he doesn’t want to be too pushy … so he says, "lose a few pounds and the A1C will go down." OH? Yeah? Well I have a history of losing a few pounds, and Chuck and I just go on more cruises. Boy oh boy do we live too well. I am an expert at losing 10 and gaining 12. That is the way it’s been for the past few years and "at our age" it isn’t so easy is it? So enter now a new phase.

Young mother Julia Paparelli and her mom Kathy have been suggesting I try Juice Plus a program of smoothies and loads of fruits and vegetables that also cuts out dairy, gluten, and sugar on occasional 10 day "shreds". Kathy has been on Juice Plus for 20 years, and she never gained the weight one might expect on a mother of 4 who has reached the "age of retirement"… and Julia with 2 children, and her lovely little sister, are both slim and and all are healthy healthy. But I said no to them. No to smoothies and protein supplements. Back to the doctor’s office for a moment. When I suggested to our doctor that it’s impossible for Chuck and I to lose weight… we live too well and eat too much ice cream and pie… to the exclusion of fruits and vegetables… he said… "Do you like blueberries?" "Yes, on pie with ice cream…" we guiltily answered. "Why not smoothies?" he asked. "Hmmmmmmm," I mused, looking at my husband, fatly, "Would you like a smoothie with blue berries, banana, and strawberries?" Sure! So we began. Frozen, milky, fruity smoothies replace ice cream. Then Julia suggested Juice Plus for greater nutrition. I started the Juice Plus this weekend and it’s delicious. Silk Almond Milk, protein shake loaded with fruit. You can add in oatmeal, nuts, peanut butter, spices. YUM. Chocolate or vanilla. All there. So I began today in serious "following." For 10 days, no dairy, no gluten, no sugars only 2 protein shakes, all the fruits and veggies I want, and a whole lot of whole foods. Nothing processed, no dairy, no breads or glutens. These last items, the "no" items are eliminated so the body can just be natural… I’ve read many times that the body is not made to drink milk after childhood… and the "no added sugar" is a no brainer. I rarely get fruit or veggies or at least not enough… so let’s see how the digestion improves. I’ve set a goal to lose 10 pounds in weight this month… That gets me closer to goal weight and helps me fit better into 2 new slinky dresses I bought for cruising at the end of March. If anyone is interested…. Look up Juice Plus and you will see both sides of the "health food argument". I was firmly on the "Won’t do it" side, but I also was gaining weight, A1C climbing, energy low… so I’m going to try it. When I get my next blood work if weight is off and A1C is back in the "normal range," then what will we conclude? I’ll keep you posted. OH! Need to exercise too. And I’m doing that!!! 3 miles a day. Try to walk daily. Let’s get healthy!!! Keep me posted on changes you make. Love and God bless you!!!!

Susie's musings

Batteries don’t like water

You know sometimes we think we are in charge as we grab the tools we use all day long… Power tools, electric drills and screw drivers, cell phones, portable laptop computers, all the "smart equipment"… but let a little dampness get to them and woooomp they’re dead. I guess I should have been smarter, but I put my phone in the soap dish and it jumped into the sink for a swim. After a soaking in kittie litter for 24 hours the phone worked fine, but the battery was slowly dying. Finally it would not recharge. I took it to a repair store and "Eloy" sent me down a few stores to "Jose" at the ATT store… Oddly enough they don’t sell phones at the ATT store, and they sent me back to Best Buy. A battery can easily be ordered at a battery store which is full of tiny to large, but they were out of mine so I did the next best thing… I used to order a book and a battery. Life certainly depends on technology doesn’t it? When some of us were in college, who ever would have thought we could go to Barnes and Noble and buy a book and a battery, let alone use a small keyboard with a rechargable battery for a thesis?

The morning news shows, including our all time favorite Sunday Morning, eulogized Mary Tyler Moore who moved the psyche of women into high gear! A "girl" can work in a man’s world. She earns a lot less… but she can work and gradually she shines through all the male dust and power! It’s time finally to put the bins of Christmas decorations into the attic. We were a little delayed by travel, but all is organized and ready to be put away. The house is a little bare now without all the angels, holy families and santas!!! God bless you on this happy Sunday.

Susie's musings

beautiful sunrise

God saves such beauty for early risers! This week we have been staying in the downstairs of our rental house (Aunt Trudy’s house) on Big Pine Key. The back porch faces east and I have been up and watching the sky around 645 every day. I used to set up my easel and try to capture this… Mixing new colors every 10 minutes as The sky rapidly changed! The sky can be gold, pink, red, golden-pink… One set of colors replaces another quickly. Makes a person peacefully begin the day with such beauty in the mind’s eye. Later today my friends here will be painting at Aunt Trudy’s; I am sure that pays homage to a lady who really loved Big Pine Key. God bless you. Bless travelers… We will be going back to Miami later today. …

Susie's musings

if little Bana is for real….

If the tweets coming from a little 7 year old Syrian refugee about the horrible mess in Aleppo are real… If it really is a little child writing to Donald Trump… "Make peace in the world"… Then how can we help? How can America, land of the free, help? The world has changed so much since a white European revolution freed America from English tyranny. What have we become? Better? Richer? Then what do we want to do now? Be kind. Love our neighbor. Stop thinking punish and start thinking forgiveness and love. Screen the refugees and work a better stronger border. Be peaceful. Tell me how? God bless you

Susie's musings

Kittie Litter works

When I took my wet phone to Radio Shack they told me put the phone in kittie litter for 24 hours. No hair dryer! So… I did what they said and this evening I brushed it off and turned it on! Yes!!! I will try to keep my phone safe from wine and water. God bless you northerners who are coooooold. Angels keep you safe and warm.

Susie's musings

Dunking a cell phone in water… doesn’t work

In the past, I have drowned 2 cell phones in red wine. You would think I have learned my lesson. Well, yesterday I was waiting for a phone call from friend Linda with important information as to when and where we are going to dinner…. and I wanted to take a shower after a long sweaty day cleaning out the downstairs of our big Keys rental house…. I was also washing out a little sleeveless top I love to wear when I work. Can you see the picture? With blouse soaking in the sink I put the cell phone on the soap dish and got into the shower. When the phone rang…. the phone jiggled and did a little dance as if with joy! "Linda is calling" jiggle jiggle right into the bowl of water. Darn…. I grabbed it on the 3rd ring, but, alas, too late. i rushed it up to our local Radio Shack and they took it all apart, wrung it out and handed it back to me with advice: "Bury it in kittie litter for 24 hours"… It isn’t 24 hours yet and I gaze fondly and foolishly at that little bag full of kittie litter and my cell phone. I hope strongly that it will be OK… I’ve felt it’s loss so strongly today! I was late getting back from church with errands and wanted to call Chuck to tell him I’m OK. Nope. I needed to call about changing our address on a retirement plan that sent our tax info to the PO Box. Nope. Of course I can’t play "word chums" with cousins and friend Debbie. I usually go to the game on commercials when we look at the news. I borrowed Chuck’s phone to make the necessary phone calls but he hung over me like a hawk, mumbling "Don’t put that down!!!!!" I guess I have a reputation for drowning cell phones. So if you have missed getting a text from me (and I do love to text) i’m so sorry.

We have enjoyed our stay here on Big Pine Key, although Chuck had to work awfully hard… His father set up a wonderful work room downstairs, and then when we closed up Aunt Trudy’s house we took all her hardware into the big house workroom, and over the years we accumulated a ton of stuff that men accumulate in workrooms. When we moved to Miami I complained mightily about the 57 knives, 7 colanders, 50 frying pans, mass quantities of measuring cups and tupperware… etc etc… but I have been able to cull through and give stuff away. Chuck on the other hand has just added more to his Miami stores. We now have filled here in the Keys a large trailer full of stuff and bins and I shudder to imagine where all that stuff is going to go in Miami. First, I’ll bet, it will be loaded into our back room in Miami and I will grumble and jiggle until it is all dispatched either to the garbage or to new shelving units (from the downstairs here in the keys). Where those shelving units will go is another story. How do people get along without 6 sheds? And where can we put a 7th? You keep living a good life. Be kind and love one another! God bless you.

Susie's musings

OH NO! visitors leaving!

We sadly begin to wave bye bye to 2 of our 4 visitors. We sat outside in the sunshine this morning until our legs were burning…. Watching the last turtle, the last bird whisk across the water, the last duck. Kathie came over with the Rottweiler named Harley to say goodbye and even the dog seemed depressed. Going home for this crowd means return to snow or at least cold… I have no curtains so the whole back of the house is open to the sunshine and I thank God for this beautiful, sunny, warm lake house. I opened the windows this morning and we are basking in the last warm breezes the Ohio and Connecticut visitors will enjoy until summertime… Three of us remaining are working on our computers at the dining room table, they are checking in to airplane flights, printing boarding passes, and I am writing… Laundry sloshes around in the washer, and dirty dishes fill the kitchen. Tonight after rousing dominoes we will prepare to bid bye bye to the last of our visitors tomorrow. Lots of projects await! We look forward to a long, fruitful, and beautiful spring. God bless you!

Susie's musings

can there be anything such as too much cruising?

Home at last! Well, in port anyway! Miami is warm and cloudy. Caribbean was warm, windy and a little rainy … It IS January! Not ice or rain though as so much of our nation is having.. We watched football last night but I fell asleep before Patriots put it in the bag… Looks like Brady made it to the next round… Come on Pittsburgh! What a great time I had in the pool and on the track. Now to get off the ship, get home with friend Diane driving, get to Sunday Mass. All has been good with plenty of pool and track time! Too much food! All day may God bless you!

Susie's musings

we are safe

We are perched on bar stools on board the RCCL Navigator of the Seas in Miami. We are hearing news of shooting at Fort Lauderdale airport. Lives lost. Very startling and sad. God bless Travelers today. Travelers who were coming to this ship may be delayed due to airport shut down. Several minutes ago we noticed the access road to the port of Miami was covered with police cars with lights flashing. I guess we know why. We will continue onward but pray a little more. I might be silent for 9 days with no internet access so you be kind to one another, look up, and thank God.

Susie's musings

We three kings of Orient are….

Today is Three Kings Day here in Miami… All sing a big tribute to the Star!!!! God bless you as you go on pilgrimage!

Susie's musings

4 women, suitcases, one van

Cruise day! The 2 guys each have a bag and the women seem to have 3 each. Not so… I have one bag, but I’ve spilled into a carry on…. I have to have paints, paint book, brushes, all the stuff that goes into my purse….. Chuck has 2 tuxes!!! I imagine among the women we have 25 pairs of shoes but at least 3 shoe sizes. I thought we were going out of Fort Lauderdale so I fussed for a week wondering how we would get there and get back. Finally Barbara said, "Why are you going to Fort Lauderdale?" She looked as if we knew something she didn’t…. We all rushed to get paperwork out and lo and behold! We leave out of Miami! So we asked friend Diane to drive us and she said yes! So off we go to port of Miami on a beautiful, sunny warm day. I send "Sorry" to the north which is being stricken with an onslaught of winter storms. God bless you all with warmth even if the warm is inside next to the fireplace!!!! We’ll be on the ship at noon and set sail into the southern Caribbean around 5pm!!! Love and kisses and God bless you.

Susie's musings

4 women to Walgreens

I forgot to publish this yesterday!!! This was before our big dinner party yesterday! At this time in our house, Chuck and I have his sister (Thelma) and 3 cousins (Kenneth, Carol, and Barbara)! Chuck and Kenneth are outnumbered 2 to one, but Kenneth seems in 7th heaven as he watches CNN and reads the papers and eats donuts (which Chuck buys faithfully every day! Today all women got on computers and finished cruise sign ins and now we are debating what cash we will need for a 9 night 10 day cruise on the RCCL Navigator. Carol peruses the day trips, Thelma looks over her shoulder and doesn’t want horse back riding or walking "helmet diving" on the bottom of the ocean… Carol will be zip line riding over our heads as the rest of us lounge on the beach. We all will sit together at dinner and I am sure the waiters will love us. Meanwhile CNN is telling of Obama vs Trump in spades. I just heard, "He is no friend of democracy," I shiver to think who he is talking about… Bless us O Lord… We women are not really listening… we just pray occasionally. We are now off to Walgreens where the women will buy a bunch of travel size goodies, Sue will go to the bank to cash in all the 20s everyone has given me for small bills, to the post office to begin the mailings of 2017 birthdays, and … where else? OH of course the grocery store. It takes a lot to feed this army. Actually we are a vegetable eating family so veggies look out! Dinner tonight will be ham and ziti and family and friends from afar … We are eating like we are on a cruise ship! God bless you!

Susie's musings

The message we have heard from the beginning! "Love one another"

When I return to the house at 8:30 after morning Mass, Barbara (cousin house guest) always asks what was the message of the day? and today it was easy! Father stood up to give his homily and he said, "Does everyone remember the first line of St. Paul’s letter?" "Beloved: This is the message you have heard from the beginning: we should love one another." (1 John 3:11). And so it goes. It’s been written and even though it’s something we don’t understand and find very hard to do… Love one another, don’t get caught up in worldly angers. Maybe even skip the daily news papers and news channels. If we all did that, there wouldn’t be any anger in the world. There wouldn’t be any evil! Life is about love of enemy, love of the poor, love of the rich, love of all of creation, love of God. All of it! The full of creation! Love it, or leave it. Don’t stand around grousing or complaining just raise your eyes!!!!!

I just waved bye bye to cousin Carol as she laughingly rowed off in neighbor George’s kyack! She is loving the lake while Chuck and I rub our arms and utter, "brrrrrrrr." It’s a little chilly here on Westwood Lakes this morning: 66 degrees, with a high projected of 81. Carol is out there on the crystal clear lake with the ducks. Loving.

Today we are taking down the Christmas tree and picking up all the pine branches I have strewn about as we don’t want any spontaneous combustion while we are gone. We will also unplug all the timers that automatically turn on and off the lights. Today we arrange for mail and newspaper pick up by neighbor Kathy and ask her husband George to put out and bring in the garbage can next Monday. We are off tomorrow on a 9 day cruise. Think gentle thoughts for us, family reunion party off to celebrate 90 years of life for Kenneth on the Royal Caribbean Navigator of the Seas! If I miss a few days… Remember! Be kind. Love one another! God bless you!

Susie's musings

"Want it quick? Dial **Quick"

Have we ever done this? Have we wanted to dial **Quick and get what we want… slim thighs, no belly, well beating heart, more money, successful lawsuit… dial **Quick!!!!! When my doctor tells me I must choose… Healthy eating and exercise or fat and sluggish. I complain, (whine?) "I want ice cream and champagne!!! I want to stay up until midnight! I want it all! I want, I want I want!!!" Do we go like this to prayer? Do we only pray when we want something? I’m reading a book on Mercy which asserts that God wants for us… "only good, only health, only joy… dignity and sonship", but what do we do? Either ignore Him or even say… "He isn’t here." Who can look at the many Christmas displays of Baby Jesus held in his loving Mother’s arms, guarded by Joseph… heralded by angels; who can look and then forget? Why do we have to understand everything about the miracle-mystery of creation and Emmanuel – God with us? I have a friend who tells me "a spoon is a spoon… I can bang it and make noise; I can feel it." "True," I say, "We can’t see God, or even hear his still small whisper… " But men and women who lived 2017 years ago saw and felt his touch and they wrote about it… witness and testimony and we have their words today in Scripture. So if you don’t believe, please grab a Bible… any Bible, and look at Genesis (first book), and then look at John (the Gospel back in the New Testament). Look, read… We have a great witness in John. Please read, and remember way back when you were little and someone sang… "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so!" Listen and believe! Be kind! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Can there be something such as "too much football"?

Football has been on our TV non stop since Christmas! The ‘Canes and the Seminoles won their Bowl games and then it all became a blur of games. Today we all picked Penn State and watched two brilliant teams rack up more than 100 points. Today we have seen 2 freshman quarterbacks play great ball in the Rose and Sugar bowls. Boston Patriot’s Tom Brady didn’t play in 4 games due to suspension for Inflate gate and he is able still to lead the number one pro football team in the country. They sure mopped up the field with the Dolphins… I like football and I’m always on tender hooks about injuries (hate injuries). My nephew plays and we pray for his safety. Such a violent pleasure football is!

We are getting ready to go on a cruise with cousins Barbara and Kenneth from Connecticut (they sure are enjoying Florida sunshine!) Cousin Carol flying in from Ohio tomorrow, and sister Thelma who rented a car and drove into central Florida to find some Seminole fans to watch the bowl game with. We have to admit we all went to bed at half time and we are happy Thelma had someone to play with! I’ve enjoyed our company so far. I have a buddy to walk with and we go shopping and buy pretty things. For example today was a big shopping day at the book barn (a used book store), Sketchers, BJs, and Good Will, actually bought books, shoes, pants and a bathing suit and shirt for Chuck!

It’s time for bed. Tomorrow will be another exciting day as we need to walk 10,000 steps, pick up Carol at airport, and pick up Thelma at the rental car place! Too much excitement so far this year!!! Have you made a resolution yet this year? Tell someone and share your excitement and success with a friend!!! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Mixing Memory with Desire

Last evening, Chuck and I dressed up and headed out to visit Rob and Virginia Klein, old friends from the old law firm. Both look hale and hearty as opposed to Chuck’s and my rather chunky physical fattness…. Both Chuck and I are "living the good life" on the too much calories side, but I’m trying to remedy that with walking 10,000 steps with our visiting cousin Barbara!!! We drove home at 10:30 and cheered in the New Year on our back dock with Barbara and drank champagne! Happy New Year was cheered in with 30 minutes of lake side fireworks. Thanks neighbors!!!

Yesterday morning, as I cooked breakfast, words kept going through my mind…. "April is the cruelest month… mixing memory with desire…" I went immediately to Chaucer, where Chaucer opened his world of stories and poetry (Canterbury tales) with "April with his showers sweet, the drout of March has pierced to the root, and bathed every vein in such liquor of which virtue engendered is the flower… then people long to go on pilgrimage…" The world of Canterbury Tales is situated in an inn when pilgrims gather and are asked to tell stories! Some bawdy by Chaucer’s standards. This is a piece of literature that English majors read in full, and students struggled with as it is written in "olde English". But the memory and desire stuff also comes from the "Wasteland" by TS Eliot who wrote on a more pessimistic note:
APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
Winter kept us warm, covering
Earth in forgetful snow, feeding
A little life with dried tubers.
Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee
With a shower of rain;

Chaucer’s tale is for fun, but Eliot is known for his intense pessimism… when the season turns to spring.. we are stirred to move, but many don’t want to move rather stay under the forgetful snow. Desire stirs up memory, maybe of what we didn’t do, can’t do, or maybe of what we have done and shouldn’t have… All that is to be forgotten as the New Year begins. Today will be a day of memory. Sunday morning television is remembering those who died, most recently the beautiful Princess Leia Carrie Fisher and her mother, Debbie Reynolds,the beautiful mind Gwen Hall, Edward Albee and many many others, gone. So the memory… Now the desire. "What do I want to do?" you ask? I remember my neighbor Bill who said… First be kind. So let us shake off the covers of the past and go out into that shower of rain (or snow!) and be kind. Surprised and with passion! God bless you!

Susie's musings

In the beginning…

I am so grateful that my church, St Timothy, offers Saturday morning daily Mass! This enables me to go to Mass every day of the year! The church is still as if waiting for the wedding ceremonies that will inevitably take place on Saturday afternoon, and she awaits the vigil Masses of Saturday evening (one in English and one in Spanish), and of course she stands ready to receive the mass quantities of Sunday worshippers. But for a moment it is very quiet and mops and brooms and rags are stacked against the back wall while we celebrate the end of the week, and today, the end of the year.

The gospel reading this morning hearkens back to the beginning of Genesis as Saint John writes, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (old translations say… he placed his tent among us). From his fullness we have all received grace upon grace… grace and truth came through Him." and so we remember the words that are emblazoned on our memory… "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth". Memory. Today, New Years Eve, is a day for memory… Today we remember what we did and what we meant to do and sometimes, what we failed to do… Whom did we help and whom did we not help? No matter … memory is gone. Today asks us to look forward. Regardless of "what happened" let us look forward and think of the graces… "grace upon grace." Regardless of the profit or loss of last year, it is necessary to remember the words I’ve printed above from the beginning of Genesis and from the beginning of the Gospel of Saint John… and to thank God for every moment of life.

Without an open heart, we cannot tell the beauty of God’s creation. Let us pledge to be open, to look for the bright star, to welcome the gifts and the hope the gifts promise. Let us pledge to discern the beauty in the world. Let us see the gifts. Go outside and welcome the sun and watch the sunset. Notice that the morning star is already there, hanging in the West… waiting for the next dawn. Gift upon gift, grace upon grace! Let that peace and grace-filled waiting influence all your actions this coming year… thoughts, work, actions. God bless you!

Susie's musings

A time for reflection

The other day I was scrambling around the house picking up stuff and laying down stuff… moving piles to accommodate other newer piles… losing stuff and searching for stuff. I bought a hinged frame for my sister Annette’s pictures (my sister passed away when she was 7 and I was 1 1/2 and I have her two photos.) When Chuck helped me remove her photos to replace some broken glass, we found photos of my grandmother and grandfather behind Annette’s pictures. Wow! My mother must have put Annette’s pictures there to keep the little one’s memory alive and I guess back in 1949 there wasn’t money to buy another frame so Annette went on top of grandparents. So anyhow the other day I bought a new hinged frame and went looking for Annette’s pictures that I had marked "Annette" and put on top of a pile of papers on top of the file cabinets. But I moved one of the file cabinets out a few weeks ago. OH NO!!!! The pictures are gone!!! But I have an angel on my shoulder who directed me to where I moved "the stack of papers"… into a closet up on a shelf. Like I said… moving stacks, files, and stuff is what I do!!! As I fussed about the house trying to keep things organized, making beds, washing the kitchen, and dusting to get ready for company, I said to myself, "you need to stop for reflection. You don’t stop to reflect!!!!" And well, that’s obvious since I haven’t touched this blog since late November after the elections. Maybe the elections shut me up because every time I want to talk to people about it I get into trouble… either I’m right and it’s awful, or I’m wrong and it’s awful. No matter what way we think these days… life in the next 4 years is scary. I must run off to the airport to pick up first load of cousins Barbara and Kenneth. I’m going to promise to write daily!!!! Merry Christmas. May you find Christ in your hearts and call him, "Son of God, Emmanuel". God bless you!

Susie's musings

Sing out loud! Go tell it on the mountain!

Go tell it on the mountain! The reason for the shouting? It’s Advent and that’s the time when we begin to peer around corners and to look up! We are looking for signs… Many of us are wondering if the stock market can hold this expansion. What will happen if off shores are brought home? Will costs go too high? We pray for a solution that brings us jobs, expands payrolls, and helps us to see "Made in America" more often. And that we’ll be able to afford "Made in America!" we also pray for rain all over North Carolina where timberlands are bitterly dry and fired threatens Gatlinburg, Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, and Knoxville. Come rain come! Chuck and I have been decorating since Thanksgiving. Christmas music plays constantly on the DVD player unless there is a Hallmark movie on. Not exactly. Football games prevailed also including Miami Hurricanes and Florida Stste, Miami Dolphins and New England were on, along with new episodes of Madam Secretary and Big Bang Theory. Can’t resist! I had to return my Apple computer to Best Buy for repair of the memory card so I’m hunting and pecking on my cell phone! Let me say I hope Apple moves quickly! And let’s all say a little prayer for rain or snow whichever you prefer! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Settling in with new colors

Most recently the colors in my house changed and the government changed. So lots of change… and "it’s done" and we have to settle in and take a deep breath and "get used to it!". Both changes took a lot of time and work and the result of my paint change, in my opinion, is wonderful…. the result of the government change isn’t so well known, and in fact is a bit scary. If I listen to the news channels I think to myself… "don’t Panic!!!" It really occasionally sounds to me like Donald Trump isn’t going to govern, but he is going to have people all around him, whom he trusts, who advise him. Maybe that is the way it has always been. And… one point that keeps coming up is nepotism. Am I correct in remembering that Robert Kennedy served in his brother’s White House as Attorney General? There is a wonderful picture of John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy in close serious conversation over the Cuban missile crisis… There’s a case where brother and brother conversed over very serious matters. At this point, only prayer will help and we hope the Constitution can hold this country together, and maybe we’ll be surprised by good things. We can only pray!!!

Meanwhile… the Miami Herald tells me that winter is a comin’ in!!! Hartford, Connecticut has already seen weather in the thirties, and Miami is just now beginning to see weather in the 60s in the early morning! The lows over this coming weekend will be in the 50s in the Miami area! Whoopie we will be able to leave the air conditioning OFF!!! Light the first fire, enjoy each others’ company, and do something positive… believe God is with us! God bless you.

e dont all get really bad

Susie's musings

Paint colors and the Presidency

At a little before 3am Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump and said something like.. "OK you got it… good luck" and then he made a speech and suggested that America will be great again… he will do good things like rebuild the infrastructure which Barack Obama promised 8 years ago… And a lot of other things that presidents elect say. A news man said, he can promise all he wants, but the way the founding fathers built the Constitution, power resides in Congress and that’s a spending issue, and Congress isn’t going to spend any money. Something to the tune of another 4 years of dead lock. And our bridges will continue to crumble. Interesting that the music playing in the background of Donald’s grand exit from the stage was the Stones’ "You can’t always get what you want … But you can try sometimes and you get what you need… " Fr Frank Pavone, founder of Priests for Life has expressed hope that a Trump presidency might bring us closer to the ending of abortion… the killing of unborn children. That’s a real hope, and that doesn’t cost anything but love. Let’s pray that we all step forward in the next 4 years and give a hand to making America great again… God bless America

Meanwhile I’ve got walls covered with paint splashes trying to choose a paint color to brighten up our house while Chuck is off hunting. I’ve cleaned out the library closet as I threatened to do….. and have a lot of stuff piled on the library floor. Now what to do with the "stuff…" I’m telling you, stuff sure takes up space. And Jackets! Who needs so many? Winter is a comin’ on, but my dear, who needs all these winter jackets? God bless you this autumn… and thank heaven the speeches and ads are over.

Susie's musings

Change the clocks!

How many of us have arrived at church in the middle of a service…. an hour early for the one we "intended" to attend? I did this once at St Theresa in Coral Gables and I actually demanded the usher let me go in, "because ‘they’ started early!" Well it almost happened today but the Miami Herald, which I put on vacation mode until December, but that keeps getting delivered, had a big square announcement on the front…. "change your clocks!" I checked my cell phone, and indeed, it’s an hour earlier! So I got up at 8:30 which was really 7:30 and am now having some free time. So I’ve perused the daily Mass readings, read the Winn Dixie ad, signed up for some Winn Dixie specials, looked carefully at my walls to consider a new paint color, and have a little time left to say…. Change your clocks! YOU HAVE AN EXTRA HOUR!!!!

Last evening the University of Miami finally won a football game. They are out of the "standings" but it doesn’t matter. A win is fun and we finally got it after starting with 4 wins and then losing 3. How can anyone, a person, a team, a business, start out gang busters and fall so far? I guess it applies to all of us to think about that. Do we get lazy? Do we forget the "basics"? Do we fall to a tyrant? This last is scary at best. Most tyrants are originally "elected." We need to be very vigilant about this election and first be sure we vote. Why is it that we get to this day (2 days before election) and so many Americans are saying…. "I can’t make a difference?" Remember a few good men won wars for us… The Revolution probably had only a few thousand fighting men win our freedom. Only a few hundred at the Alamo and at San Jacinto in Texas won that big state. Only a few of us can make a difference. Strap on your courage and go "punch a button" or make a circle or an x at the election place near your house. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Ghosties, Saints, and Souls

We just celebrated 3 days of "others" where we concentrated not on ourselves, or politics, but on those who have passed. My neighbor Kathie tells me, and many Christians tell me, they do not celebrate Hallowe’en because it is about things like the walking dead, witches, and ghosts that aren’t Christian, but I do, "for the kids." I remember dressing up as Freddie the Freeloader in my father’s big pants, shoes, and shirts and dirtying up my face and running all hot and sweaty on the streets of Miami shouting "Trick or Treat" and eating too much candy. Remember to visit the people who give cookies last because the apples that people throw in our bags always crush the cookies! This last Monday night was Hallowe’en and Chuck and I decorated with lighted up witches in the windows, a couple of pumpkins with candles in them, a big witch hanging up from the porch post (when the kids come, we push a button and she cackles and her eyes light up) (makes some kids squeal), this year we had a lot of candles and the porch looked cool! I buy a lot of candy and sit outside from about 5:30, the little tiny kids come early, until 9pm when it’s all big young teenagers… and we give a lot of candy away and talk to the parents. It’s all in fun. We got a lot of princesses this year, several pirates, assorted goblins, and one Donald Trump. Talked with the neighbors who either bring their kids out, or are taking a break from candy giving. In my opinion, good fun. Immediately upon closing down at 9pm, all the ghostie and witch stuff has to be taken down because the next day is All Saints, a Holy Day in the Catholic Church when we remember the Saints who emulated Christ, burned with love for Him, and worked so hard on their prayer and behavior, always with their eyes on heaven. We remember all Saints this day, not only the ones everyone knows, Saints Peter and Paul, Saints Teresa and Therese, Saints Ann, Felicity, Perpetua, Agatha and Lucy who are praised in litanies, but the almost unknown ones who were martyred for their faith many so young… each one a love story for God. A love that exceeds their love for themselves. That people emulate saints and ask for saints to pray for them is both accepted and assumed in the Church. I read a lot that Jennifer Hubbard writes. She lost little Catherine Violet in the Sandy Hook massacre of little children in Newtown, Connecticut. She writes for All Saints Day: "The saints, trusting in the promise of their great reward in heaven, are examples of fulfilling a purpose not of this world. They are the miracles in our midst. They are the martyrs; they feed the hungry, embrace the sick, and clothe the naked. They are blessed, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Luke 6:20). And i, through communion with them, am reminded in my seeking, mourning, sadness, and love, that, I, too, am blessed." We don’t worship Saints, we just remember what they did, ask for them to pray for us, and thank God for their beautiful lives that we can emulate. In the Saints’ humanity we can see the brightness of Christ. So, on November 1, we read Saint John’s vision in Revelation 7: 2-14, "These are the ones who wear white robes… washed white in the blood of the lamb." and we celebrate All Saints. The next day we celebrate and pray for All Souls. These are the people who have "passed on" in the hope that they too will see God’s face. We read the Scripture that tell us, "The souls of the just are in the hands of God, and no torment shall touch them. They seemed in the view of the foolish to be dead, and their passing away was thought an affliction, and their going forth from us, utter destruction, But they are in peace…" Read Wisdom 3:1-9 for the whole of this peaceful, prayerful reading of God’s promises. Saint Paul writes: "Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit." ( Romans 5:5). As we weep for those who have passed on, our parents, our children, our friends, we must retain the hope that God would not let his beloved children suffer long. They are being purified if they need it, and we pray in faith that they will see the face of God. I think this is why mothers pray so much for their errant children! I know my mother prayed a lot for me to come back to the church. We have to want to see the face of God…. OK that is the amazing first three days of the last month of the Christian year which ends with the Feast of Jesus Christ King of Heaven and Earth, and then we go into Advent (and start the year all over again.) Let us pray hard this week for our hearts to be full of love, and for our country. God bless us and God bless America.

Susie's musings

Mail in or go to the poll?

I have done both mail in and gone to the poll to vote on election day… and I have to say, yesterday I did a happy medium! I did early voting at a local library. I was so impressed by the speed, efficiency and good humor of the people at the polling location and this includes the voters, the sign shakers outside, and the poll workers. As the short line snaked through the children’s section of the library, I thought how fitting it is to vote in a library. Books being the symbol of democracy (the pen being mightier than the sword).. and how calm it was. Good humor from people near me meant we weren’t stressed, no guns, no violence. Peace, calm. There were several issues, primary of course is the Presidency which I capitalize because I still hold on to the belief that the President and the office is to be respected. Let us pray that continues. I had such a good experience that I came home dancing and singing my exuberance that Chuck decided to forgo the mail in ballot and I just dropped him off at the library for early voting! There are 4 guys helping with parking, and some firefighters giving directions. It’s positively positive out here! We have an addendum on the ballot to give benefits "above and beyond" to first responders disabled on the job. Go for it is our vote. Go vote!!!! God bless America!

Susie's musings

Home sweet home!

We arrived home safe and sound around 130 pm with an additional 4093 miles on the little Mazda! We have the windows open as it is autumn, but oh my goodness… Where is autumn??? My phone tells me it is 83 degrees in Westwood Lake, Florida!!! Yikes it’s hot! So much complaining! I’m about to hang the first load of laundry "out" on the line so thank you Mother Nature for not raining. God bless you!

Susie's musings

in Orlando

We had a long day of driving, but finally arrived at Renee’s in Orlando! Going to eat a magnificent dinner of rib roast, baked potatoes, asparagus. Yum Renee! All is well and we are just some old friends catching up. God bless you.

Susie's musings

wedding at sunset…and sunset!

Pray today that the new married couple "invited Jesus to the wedding." Always when I see a wedding on the beach I think of myself, young, defiant, penniless, wanted to make my own short dress and marry on the beach. I might not, in my state of belligerence and young love, I might not have invited Jesus. But he came just the same. Today’s beach wedding was on Pensacola Beach. I was on a shell searching walk… And I saw sunset coming and a wedding group assembling. I walked back to get camera and then… Watched the wedding, prayed for the young couple and took photos of the cloudless red/orange sunset. Now it is evening time and all is peaceful. If only it could be this quiet and peaceful everywhere… At least so peaceful in our hearts. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Did you hear the wind?

I’m looking out at the Gulf of Mexico clear and quiet as a glass dish, sea oats blowing gently in the foreground. I remember in the night I thought it was blowing like a hurricane. I had made a painting and left it and the dish for paints out on a picnic table to dry and I thought they would be long gone… blown up against someone’s house a mile away, but this morning… there they are. Safe and sound. A painting of the Gulf all colors of blues and greens… safe with the paint spattered dish… No wind. I ask if anyone heard the wind? and they look at me, "nope." Does wind blow if no one hears it? The colors here are amazing. A very pale blue sky, a sea the color of peacock blue, white white sand, butterflies flutter against the still closed porch doors. Pensacola Beach is an amazing beautiful place to walk, wide and peaceful. It’s hard to imagine this house we are visiting was destroyed twice! I sip coffee and have nothing to do but read, walk on the beach, look for shells, watch football games. Hope your Saturday is absolutely lovely and you are safe and healthy. God bless you.

Susie's musings

College Football on Friday? or… celebrating heroes?

Tonight we are in Pensacola Beach with friends who live on Big Pine, but spend some time on a tiny sliver of land on the Florida Panhandle in Pensacola Beach… they have been wiped out by hurricanes twice… but have rebuilt. Tonight we celebrate college football with Steve and Dorothy: we talked about Marshall which was a story of fighting back after the entire football team was wiped out in a plane crash and they rebuilt their team and fought back … Tonight Temple plays and college football begins for a long weekend. We changed the subject to WWI and WWII as we had the submariner Chuck and I have just finished reading of the amazing developments made by the Navy since the 1939 rescue of men from the sunken submarine Squalus… We also shared our cell phone systems that show the skies and we watched the space station float by. Everyone should have the space station on an app. Americans are up there in the space station with the Russians. Find out and look up at the appropriate time when they fly by. I got to walk on the beach this afternoon… white sandy beach sand soft between my toes and lots of shells to pick up! I hope others have the same pleasure. Never take for advantage what we have… pray this night that we can save our country and maybe the only way we can save her is with prayer. Pray for the safety of life and peace. God bless you.

Susie's musings

just when i think there is nothing else…

Note to self: get recipe for Cajun corn at Court of Two sisters. So… After a long sweaty but rewarding walk through the cemeteries… A must do when visiting New Orleans, we had a beer at an outdoor jazz memorial pub… Then I said in my usual "I wanna" fashion… "I want lunch and another beer." Chuck just moved forward on Bourbon Street… He knew exactly where he wanted to take his whining spouse… Court of Two Sisters with outdoor tables, a Jazz trio called A Sharpe, and a great daily buffet. Hence the note to self… Get the recipe for the corn. Chuck chose a Clos du Bois and I’m melding into my seat to become one with the beautiful sisters. Come to our house and I’ll share my version of the Cajun Corn and play the A Sharpe Trio CD for you. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Wish you could hear this Jazz!

Today we walked all along the Mississippi! She is wide and working down here in New Orleans. She carries container ships, ferries, cruise ships, and the inevitable steamer full of conventioneers! We stopped at a beautiful Holocaust memorial with an amazing piece of art in 9 panels by Yaacov Agam. It is beautiful. If you walk all around it and concentrate you find a large yellow star of David. The pieces show the anguish and horror of the Holocaust in a beautiful piece of art. We also ate oysters at the bar served by Pam at the Acme Oyster House. Right now we’re listening to a Jazz band in 30 degrees/ 90 degrees. Dinner arrived! Be well. God bless America.

Susie's musings

Unplanned but typical Peabody choice!

We stopped this morning at the Louisiana visitors center way out west in Lake Charles. "How about Cajun with shrimp on every corner?" The little southern lady asked. "Yum" said Chuck… "Shrimp". Somehow NCIS New Orleans and beignets came up and we were on the road headed for an Inn that Chuck found 6 years ago called… Elysian Fields Inn. New Orleans called us away from a southern route that would have taken us into Cajun country… And it is history. We are sitting on an upper porch listening to the mournful sound of a train whistle, a calliope (which was the name of one of the muses and means "voice"), and looking at Orange tree tops, sipping wine. Later we will search for Rooster who played the horn downtown the last time we were here. Our party town! God bless you!

Susie's musings

The Grand Canyon – next time…

We were supposed to check into the Grand Canyon today… But I asked Chuck if we could change that plan due to it being about 6 days extra "windshield time on this trip," and I opted for a few hours less driving and the sunny beautiful east coast of Texas. Dear Chuck is willing to "turn right, turn left" and not ask too many questions. He has saved us a few times when I miss exits and entrances so I know he is paying attention. So today, after yesterday’s wonderful final tribute to the men who freed Texas for independence… at San Jacinto Sam Houston seemed to his men to be retreating and they were deserting…. but I think he just wanted to out fox Santa Anna and put the Mexicans’ backs to the water… When Sam Houston’s forces attacked, the Mexicans weren’t ready and the battle at San Jacinto was over quickly. Only 9 "Texicans" died there. In a final war with Mexico, the US gained about 7 of what are now the Western States. So with the Louisiana purchase, the war with Mexico, and the purchase of Alaska we became "big" – what we are today. Texans are proud to be Texans. I wish we could all be so proud and keep our individual states clean and well regulated.

After the visit to San Jacinto Chuck and I came back to the pool for pool play and reading. We are both reading submarine novels. Mine is the sinking of a sub in 1939 and the rescue of about half her crew. The sub was raised from the bottom and major changes were subsequently made to her systems and to future submarine design. It seems that someone left a valve open, or it opened accidentally as they dived filling her with sea water. I’m not to the rescue yet in the book, but I know she survived and was recommissioned under a new name. Chuck’s book is a 2000 incident with a nuclear sub. It’s really dangerous business. Go find and hug a submarine sailor. We are really blessed in our local submarine group to have some of the younger men who served on nuclear subs. They are successful, independent, proud men. Hug a veteran today!

Yesterday evening we met the widow of an old friend… "Jake" Charles Smiley was the son of Smiley… he and Cotton were Chuck’s dad’s best friends. Smiley drove me to our wedding. They were such good friends. Chuck visited Jake in Houston in 2010 and Jake succumbed to cancer in 2014. We had a good visit with Lorraine and shared many good old memories. God bless our friends whom we have lost. Take care of them Lord.

Off we go south today, to Galveston island, via ferry to Port Bolivar, and along the south Louisiana coast. I’ll let you know tonight where we land for we have not a plan! Just head east along the water of the Gulf of Mexico. I would like to give some business to the beleagured coast that took such a beating off the deep water Horizon. Until we land… God bless you.

Susie's musings

Houston, hello and goodbye

The first word spoken from the moon was "Houston… Eagle has landed." Did you know LBJ put Houston on the map by moving communications with space capsules to Houston and that is probably responsible for the spread of Houston across Interstate 10 for miles of complicated and FULL freeways. As we drove for about 50 miles on I10, I kept blinking my eyes in the rush hour traffic we just came through…. This is Sunday!!! But when we finally cleared Houston and got out on to Clear Lake that opens to Galveston Bay… I realized those were holiday travelers getting back "home" after a weekend "on the shore." We are now on the shore at Clear Lake, Seabrook and Kemah (resort towns east of Houston and on Galveston Bay). I booked two nights here at a complimentary rate of $0 because we stayed 4 nights at Choice hotels on the trip preceeding San Antonio! Tomorrow, we will go up to San Jacinto and celebrate the last battle of the war for Texas Independence where Sam Houston "got lucky". He defeated the forces of Santa Anna with his men yelling "Remember the Alamo." San Antonio was beautiful and the reunion was a lot of fun. We are now on a week long journey to visit the south coast of Louisiana and Pensacola and then begin the south bound road to "home." God bless you!

Susie's musings

On dignity and being presidential

I’ve been watching a little television and it really seems to me that the "news" people don’t really want to talk about how a President would effect change on the issues like the Supreme Court and what we want Congress to do, tax laws, health insurance, market prosperity, etc. Rather the talk is pretty volatile, mean spirited, and getting worse. Hope we all vote, hope our vote is counted, hope we get through this election to better times.

Today 2 busses full of submarine sailors and companions traveled north east out of San Antonio to visit the LBJ Texas White House and I got a better picture of LBJ. He was a big man 6′ 4" over 220 pounds. Big broad shoulders and I thought I remembered that Kennedy really didn’t like the big brash Texan but his home is Texas… Big. Bold. Proud. God bless Texas. God bless the USA.

Then we drove south to Fredericksburg TX to the museum of the Pacific (home of Admiral Nimitz). The museum is full of memorabilia: photos, guns, parts of ships and planes… From 1941 the end of the war. Also a peace garden contributed by Japan in honor of Nimitz’s gentlementally treatment of Japan after WWII. Enough war stuff so Chuck and I headed for Main Street and found an art gallery/wine bar that also sold draft craft beer. Beer in hand, we strolled through the gallery. I could breathe again, "Make art… Not war." One day ask to see my pictures taken within the gallery!! Sailors got onto the bus, and were counted. Back to hotel for more fun with sailors! Hotel full of high school students on a Year Book weekend. Out to a Riverwalk restaurant for steak. God bless you.

Susie's musings

City of Saints 2

Yesterday I meant to talk about the saints! We walk all around San Antonio, and the city and River walk are full of Saints and Missions. San Antonio of course is St Anthony of Padua, St Mary’s is the longest street and a beautiful big church, St Joseph is a German church with Sunday Mass in German, and I’ll be going over to the Cathedral of San Fernando today for noon daily Mass that I will attend with a Catholic friend I met in the pool. Bells ring all day long from the various churches!

The sailors are coming in today with hospitality room open at noon. I’ll miss that gathering by going out to the Cathedral. I am sure I will hear plenty of stories in the next 2 days! Last evening we walked to Paesano’s Italian restaurant on River walk. The entire walk from hotel to the big River walk restaurant area can be made below the streets on the River. The walk is punctuated by decorative murals, trees, flowering bushes, ducks, and the meandering river. Weather is beautiful. God bless the areas of our nation still flooding and help us to tone down angry political voices. One prayerful heart at a time. God bless you.

Susie's musings

City of Saints

I keep saying "I love Texas!" The weather is dry and warm, the streets are maintained, albeit confusing due to one way nightmares… We call driving here an adventure! Penny and I are boot shopping for her and we found a Jerry’s artarama! Buy only 3 tubes of paint get one free and a paint brush "on sale". We have spent the last two days walking down in River Walk. And I swam in the hotel pool in freezing water. How can the sun be SO HOT and the water SO COLD? Stayed in "moving around a lot" and will continue swimming daily if I can! We have been running into a lot of veterans on our walks and this morning talked with first Quillback veteran who was on with Chuck and Rick. Ok! Time for some Mexican or Texas barbeque! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Moving on an hour south

When we left Miami, I had done some research into what’s happening here in Texas and I originally settled on a town called Fredericksburg but later in the research game decided on Kerrville. They are small towns on the rivers of Texas.. Kerrvilled is situated on the Guadaloupe and has many beautiful parks where we have enjoyed hours of peaceful sitting. Kerrville has a small town center where they have the art festivals I’ve spoken of. Next weekend they will have chalk drawing on the street. They can block off two blocks and not cause a major artery blockage as Miami experiences. We do have a small community in Miami – it’s Pinecrest, and I intend to do more in that area. We went 6 miles away towards Ingram yesterday to the Celtic festival where Americans celebrate Scottish and Irish heritage with song, athletics, and food. The music was wonderful! We opted for music rather than story telling… and ate Scottish food (sausages and a meat pie). Today I’m going to do laundry while Chuck packs up the car and then…. off to San Antonio for the reunion. Rick Hartman and friend Penny arrive Tuesday and we will show them around. With submariners we will visit the War in the Pacific Museum in Fredericksburg, the Johnson Ranch and Library, and the Alamo among other things to do with the reunion. I’ve watched snippets of the debate last night. I like to see how they present themselves, I watch faces, and listen to words. Both candidates "looked" Presidential. I wonder about the mass quantity of white Hillary wore. I don’t know who helps her dress and I think it’s interesting to watch the "presentation" of the first woman candidate for the Presidency. I am deeply concerned about the rights of unborn children which neither candidate addresses. If we save the babies to birth, then we have to offer child care. If we are going to keep our country alive, we have to stop killing babies in the womb. Think and pray on this please. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Kerrville, great small town!

When we stop in a town, I always try to research all the stuff going on so I can see everything before we go. In Santa Fe a few years ago, I had a schedule for about 4 days where I noted events, opening hours, days closed etc… and as we went… I would cross things off or move things to different days. Get a town map and just go! Same here in Kerrville. Yesterday we did everything I planned and still had time to laze on the river eating barbeque sandwiches and beer…. From the Art gallery to a crafts show which was really a big flea market…. Good thing we don’t have the big van. As it is, we are a little bit heavier now. To the river and then to the Nature Center which is a glorified wild garden with a lot of wild butterflies! Back to town to get me to Mass while Chuck visited the American Legion. Back to the hotel to watch the UM v Florida State football game. Miami Lost… boo hoo. I was so ready to win 5 in a row. It is no fun to lose, but I guess when we play sometimes we lose. Better to play. Today is the Celtic festival and a mini Stonehenge in Ingram, Texas! Weather has been hot and beautiful. God bless you. Hope our east coast neighbors are unharmed.

Susie's musings

Art on the Street

In Miami, I seem to miss events like art walks as thousands go and parking is a night mare… excuses galore I know (shame on me). Yesterday we visited the Museum of Western Art and the American Legion where they gave us free beer for being from more than 100 miles away, and we took a leisurely stroll and picnic lunch on the Guadaloupe River with a bunch of fat geese as companions… Then at 4pm we picked up a friend we met at the homecoming parade the night before and then we found street parking and diagonal parked within a 1/2 block of the "art walk". The town of Kerrville blocked off 2 blocks in front of the Cultural Arts Center and artists were setting up to paint for 1 1/2 hour in a contest… We set up our 3 folding chairs on the sidewalk, poured glasses of wine, and began to stroll and visit artists set up along two blocks of the street in front of the Arts Center. Painting started with the ringing of the town clock and the bells over Notre Dame Catholic Church at 5pm. Wine sharing was going on at one end of the street. As we walked we chatted with the artists and "judged their work". I picked about 5 artists I liked including a friend I had made under the bridge the day before… Jesus Toro Martinez (with a gallery in San Antonio) paints giant canvases and true to his nature, he had a giant blank canvas (really just a sheet of canvas) spread out on the street. As I watched him for the next 1 1/2 hour he rolled and splotted that canvas and the end result was wonderful! Another wonderful artist gave me her card with palm trees painted on it! And I said, "I paint palm trees! I love the play of light and colors on the palm fronds." I wish we could be fast friends, but Emely McConkey lives in Tucson which is such a long way from Miami…. (I actually cut this trip short…. the driving time to the Grand Canyon for example…. 3 days west of San Antonio… it is too much for me. So I can only dream of Western art and sky!) The goal of last night’s art in the streets was to showcase the downtown area. Artists were painting the umbrellas over tables at Francisco’s restaurant, certain store fronts, little alleyways, pots of flowers, and Hallowe’en decorations. As we strolled, several "locals" said "I never looked down that alley before,"… so the show is a good idea for a small town. This could easily be done on Miracle Mile in Coral Gables… Do it near a parking garage so people could just "walk the street" and peer down the small never seen alleyways created by the spaces between buildings. It helps that drinking on the streets of Kerrville is allowed. I met one of the "wine share" ladies and shared my idea for painting a mural on the bridge we sat under the day before…. Maybe one day, "Put a brush in every hand," will catch on here in Kerrville and the bridge mural will be reality. We are off today to see the inside of the cultural Arts Center and the Riverside Nature Center which is a farm turned into gardens with butterflies and flowers… I will paint someplace and then go to what Chuck calls "cheater Mass" at 5pm. The University of Miami plays Florida State tonight at 8pm on ABC but we are in the heart of Texas…. might not get the game on TV… Hope so. God bless you!

Susie's musings

sitting beside a river

I always search for water and the Guadeloupe River is beautiful. Yesterday we picniced under the bridge in Tranquility Park in Kerrville. I watched an artist paint on a big at least 3 feet by 3 feet canvas… He is showing tonight in the art festival here in Kerrville. If you follow I10 out west over San Antonio you find Kerrville. They have one high school and last night we took our chairs and wine and sat and waited for the Homecoming Parade. The VFW float threw a tee shirt to Chuck who was wearing his cowboy-submarine hat! We ate great veal saltimboca last night at Bella Note restaurant and today, after a visit to the American west cowboy art museum, we visited the VFW For a few beers… … We are picnicing once again on the Guadeloupe. News of the horrible hurricane Matthew makes us sad and we turn our faces into the wind and ask God for peace. The Guadeloupe is calm, if ruffled a little by a front coming in. Thank heaven as this is lowering the Texas heat. So… We are waiting for a few more hours until we return to the town square for the art festival tonight. God bless our family on the east coast of Florida (Jacksonville) and then up the coast. Get thee gone storm. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Don’t Mess with Texas!

When we crossed over the state line into Texas, the scenery and road immediately changed. It is pretty obvious that Texas is a well managed state with money… and Arkansas … isn’t. We went to the information center and picked up a lot of paperwork on the hill country of Texas which is where we will spend 5 days before going to San Antonio. So we will have almost two weeks in hot weather in Texas! The pool was not open at our hotel here near Austin because they are painting it… I looked real sad and I asked if I could swim over at the Best Western (across the parking lot.) I continued to look sad so the desk girl upgraded us to a room with jaccuzi… The small jacuzzi pool calls and I must go. God protect the east coast of the US and let us pray for the Bahamas… they are taking a beating. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Cutting through middle America

Chuck and I are driving through middle America. Tennessee is long from east to west leading into Arkansas which leads into Oklahoma which has tornados. On I 40 (the old route 66) we discovered that Tennessee maintains the road, and Arkansas does not! You know sometimes when you go over a state line, the road changes, well this Arkansas part of I40 really is torn up. The speed limit was way under 70 and Chuck was pulled over as we bumped over the interstate… "You passed me," said the police officer… "Do you know how fast you were going?" he asked …. Both Chuck and I kind of shrugged… I would say, but didn’t say, "Interstate speed… " for Chuck about 80 miles per hour…. We don’t know how fast we were going… we were listening to a really exciting part of a Clive Custler novel on DVD… and I am sure police don’t want to hear that!!! The policeman took drivers license, insurance card, and registration back to his car and we sat waiting… feeling a little sad. I was thinking, "the ticket will be the cost of a few dinners on the road…" The police officer came back and said, "Drive slower, sir." and handed Chuck the license etc back. We hung our heads in shame… and drove off slowly. We don’t know why he let us go, but it went into the "Gratitude" book…. "Thank you dear Guardian angels"… We get off I40 here in North Little Rock and get onto I30 south to head into Texarcana and south past Dallas and into the Texas hill country. Tomorrow we will go to Luckenbach, Texas where Waylon, Willie and the boys sang!!!! The weather channel is full of Hurricane Michael and we hope our friends in Bahamas and on the east coast of the US especially my sister in Jacksonville are ready for the big blow… God bless you all and take care of you. Keep your powder dry.

Susie's musings

Cookeville, Tennessee

Pulled in without realizing time has changed. So we get an extra hour! Will take a nap and then get some real Tennessee barbeque with a friend Al who used to work with Chuck and Dave in Miami. Looking forward to some rest after lots of full time play on the mountain! Tomorrow on to Little Rock Arkansas and then into Texas! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Over the hills and dales

Today we will leave Boone and head on old mountain roads to catch Route 40 which will take us all the way into Texas. But first… Stops in Tennessee to have dinner with friends Al who moved to a quieter place than Miami, and several other western places with our goal a small area of Texas called the hill country. We will visit places like Luckenbach (Let’s go to Luckenbach Texas with Willie, Waylon and the boys) and Comfort Texas on our way to the submarine reunion in San Antonio. So darlings expect to hear about hills and jack rabbits. God bless you today, Sunday. Look up and Thank God!

Susie's musings

The woolie worm and the buckeye…

Today the church celebrates the Archangels Michael the Protector, Gabriel the Messenger, and Raphael the Healer. Revelation tells us that the angels were jealous of Jesus and jealous of "the new man" so they fought for dominance and Michael led the charge to throw the rioting angels out of heaven. Headed up by Lucifer… the fallen angels live on earth and try their darndest to fool and ruin mankind. We all have an angel who watches over us… believe it!

In the mountains… the woolie worm signals when and how long winter will be. We saw the woolie worm crossing the road and he has two black stripes near his neck and his "end" or "bottom" is dark… Karla interprets: "Winter will begin early and end messy." Meanwhile I woke up as buckeyes hit the deck outside our bedroom… Buckeye nuts are big, hard, and loud! That’s the beginning of autumn, Mark says. The sky has been cloudy over Grandfather mountain, and we have had chilly rain and this morning it is "lotsa chilly" so we are in jeans. As the south east watches tropical storm Matthew… Chuck and I will head out west in a few days and see how the desert regions "do autumn".

We talk of taking the dog for a walk in the park. Only the dog Jessie who lives here gets to go as the others can’t be trusted in a park with other dogs and people walking around. We talk of barbeque and sitting outside in restaurants where dogs are welcomed. It’s quiet here, "on the mountain." I wish a quiet autumn celebration of orange, yellow, red, and brown for all…. Look for little birdies storing up seeds or flapping their wings to head south… look for squirrels working busily… with my scant knowledge of winter, I don’t know what other activities precede winter.. But I do see a lot of pumpkins! God bless you!

Susie's musings

The traveling Red Pants Suit

When Hillary walked out onto the stage for the first Presidential debate, I breathed a "WOW" because it was always a "rule" not to wear red in business as it is aggressive and "not businesslike". Well I am sure times have changed, and red is now a power color… And red was Hillary’s color as she took on The Donald who looked a little quieted, drank a lot of water, and breathed hard. Cut to the end of the debate when the families came up and The Donald, surrounded by his beautiful family, disappeared. It might be that NBC cameras just focused on Hillary and the producer didn’t order them to also show Trump… He disappeared and Hillary and Bill were on camera for over 4 minutes with voice over from enthusiastic NBC announcers. Close the curtain. Two to go.

66 degrees in Boone under cloudy skies and walking dogs takes up some of our time. Karla is watching 3 of Brad’s dogs and her beautiful Jessie a sweet golden retriever lives here permanently. Jessie loves to be petted, so i have plenty of duties… petting dogs and walking exuberantly. Last night we cooked a lovely fettucine with mushrooms, garlic, wine and zucchini….. dinner with 4 dogs underfoot! Karla asked if I had ever worked in "this cafe" before, and I replied, "yeah, you learn quick how to not drop things and not step on the dogs." We have been eating beautiful food, drinking wonderful wine on the back deck, and walking up and down hill crunching on autumn leaves! I’m painting pictures inspired by the view of grandfather mountain from the deck using autumn colors, and all is beautiful. I ask the family what we are grateful for this morning…. dinner last night! the smell of garlic that lingers this morning, dogs curled up on our feet, birds nibbling at bird seed in the feeder. Lunch perhaps at Bella’s today… God bless you.

Susie's musings

Thankful for…

811 miles from home, on top of a little mountain in Boone, North Carolina, I am awakened by the laughter of my friend Karla and husband Chuck. They are sharing stories or perhaps memories of a 45 year old friendship. We take walks with 4 dogs (2 at a time) Karla is dog sitting for son Brad’s 3 dogs. Autumn leaves are falling already and it’s cool (in the 60s on the porch so we have a little fire at night on the porch). Thankful for always having a dog to pet… English muffins and the little crannies that grab the butter. Karla mused this morning that she is grateful that we live in a more enlightened time than the 1940s and 1950s… Grateful that people who are different, gay, other, are not arrested and given medicine to make them normal. We just watched a movie called The Imagination Game… A story about the man (Turing) who saw through the maze of millions of code possibilities and broke the German Enigma code with a new machine… British authorities tried to destroy the machine and fire Turing and his team just because the British authorities could not understand what the intellectual team was doing…. Turing brain stormed the code key and was able to guide the Allies with German information. It’s well worth watching and a little hard to grasp as it shifts from Turing in school as a young boy, Turing working the code, and Turing after the war is over. Stick with it and be grateful we aren’t so ignorant…. or are we? If we are then try to be tolerant and pray a lot for those who aren’t. Also on the same subject of the German code called Enigma and the machines that decode it is a movie starring Matthew McConaughey made in 2000. He captains an American submarine that captures the German decoder onboard a German submarine. Yesterday we went into Boone and ate at wonderful restaurant with the sun on our table (weather is delightful and sunny but not hot). We said goodbye to Sara, Mark’s beautiful daughter who spent a night with us… Today we go back out to a favorite restaurant called Bella where we can take "the dog" (but not 4 dogs…). Having a lovely early autumn. Hope the same for you! Some of us will be watching the debate tonight. Try not to let it worry you too much. God bless us. Thank God.

Susie's musings

Submarines again!

We are on the road again. Started today by driving from Miami to Savannah (I 95 all the way… easy peasy) and Chuck and I actually got a swim in. I like us to jump and move around a lot after sitting in the car for 6 hours 21 minutes with 2 stops for gas. I make sandwiches. Today was egg salad. YUM! we pretty much focused on driving as wanting to get to Boone tomorrow and have a week with friends Mark and Karla before beginning the big trek west! This year we skipped the National convention of submariners from all over the nation and all submarines as our Italian friends wanted to come visit Miami at the same time as the National Convention and go on a cruise and well….. if you know Susie like I know Susie…. Oh Oh Oh cruise!!! oh what a treat! But we are going to the reunion of the guys on Chuck and Rick Hartman’s boat The Quillback. and 2 other boats. So there will be fewer guys but the venue is river walk San Antonio! We are in a hotel on the river walk and I am sure we will do a lot of walking along the river. Been there. Done that. This year after the reunion we will head west to the Grand Canyon. I reserved a room for 2 nights on the south rim. I will write about the trip along Interstate route 40 which in many places is set on top of or right beside Route 66. Will also go to Alamogordo, New Mexico to visit friends Joe and Colleen who also have a house in Big Pine Key but they moved as Colleen got a great job offer on the other side of the world (New Mexico). She promises to show us White Sands and other desert delights. Will stop in Flagstaff to visit my grand niece Erika and her 3 little girls, also on heading home will probably go up to Santa Fe and take the Santa Fe trail and route 66/I40 back home. All this in 5 weeks as I like to be "home for Hallowe’en." I like to feed the little ghosties and goblins who come along our street in Miami. So… as Chuck and I begin our "Grand" Adventure we wish you a happy, safe autumn. Look up, count the clouds, birds, roses…. whatever, all made by God. And Thank God! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Waiting… for nature to take her course

Oh my dear. I am sure I have complained about Mother Nature before! With "colds" its a gamble whether it’s bacterial or viral…. the bacterial is probably responsible for pneumonia so we hack and cough our way into history like Hillary Clinton. Bacterial is hard to shake, and we need the help of modern medicine… and a lot of fluids and bed rest. bah! The second type of cold, viral, is just a wait and wait kind of cold. and hence the "let nature take its course" dictate. I think I have both. Through a miracle I was holding a place in church that our priest told me to hold. "Stand here and hold this marker," he said on September 11. "The children will sit here." "cough, cough, OK I said. Up walks our family doctor to hold the other end of the rope and unashamedly I said, "I was going to see you on Monday!" He evaluated me there in the aisle and said he would call in a prescription… Is that a God incidence? Thank you Jesus. So I’m fighting with a modern day drug called Z Pac. Let’s see if I can beat this "summer cold." Actually I got it by living too well! We entertained two families from Italy and England and 4 children and swimming and fun and then a big cruise with millions of children and boom! the germs I normally fight off or don’t encounter… got me. So… to all of us weaklings (oh? is that only me?) I say, get plenty of rest and drink a lot of fluids!

We are finally ready (or so the Mazda dealer says so) to plan our trip to San Antonio… the Mazda is supposed to be ready with new junkyard gas tank (can’t find a new one for Mazda built in 2009)… on Friday. Hope Mazda is ready and you will hear from me "from the road." I’ve got a few quirky places, things and events planned for Chuck who only gets… "turn right up there" or "turn left over there" directions and then, we have to turn around or search a little for the right place! Lots of blessings and happiness to you! From the lake house in Miami I wish you health! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Mother and ducklings come a running!

5 ducklings have made me their second Mum… their own Mum might be one I used to feed when she was part of the 21 duckling group who were watched over by 3 ladies (I called them the mama and the aunties…). I go out to hang laundry or even to sit in the chair nearest the door and there they are … looking at me! They open their little beaks in silence because these muskovy ducks that have bred here at the lake can’t quack (good thing as there are a lot of them). Beaks open they squeak at me if I am hanging laundry or ignoring them….. Squeak! I look down and there they are! "OK…. just a minute" as if they could understand me! and I go get bread or crackers! Rejoice in the beauties of the kingdom of God.

The lake is quiet and beautiful today and we sit in the "Florida Room" and try to think of someplace fun to take English friends… Miami Beach has been in the Miami Herald headlines as pools of Zika mosquitoes are found and new rounds of mosquito spraying is in effect. We can go get sprayed with deet… or we can go to Coconut Grove and eat at Monties and look at the ocean. Or float around on the pontoon boat… so many options for fun. Me? I’m still sick with the cold and I sound like maybe I should go to bed… or to the emergency room. I should research pneumonia symptoms, but I can breathe just fine… So I’ll say: God bless you! Have a blessed September 11 weekend and pray for victims and survivors alike. Rejoice, for God is with us.

Susie's musings

On feeling better!

We need to take our daily "temperature" and say "Thank you angel, or thank you Lord" for today I am "above ground and feeling better!" Yes! Thank God for the miracles of chicken soup and throat losenges from England. At Boots in England, we buy a wonder losenge called Strepsils that are loaded up with something that seems to put coughs to bed, and well, I feel better today. So time in front of the TV, reading quietly, and Strepsils, led me to say: "I’m better!" Now a day of quiet to top it all off and I’ll be "ready" again! Today in the church we celebrate the birth of Mary who with her "yes" to God became the Mother of God, and in turn, became our Mother from the Cross when Jesus said to John, "This is your Mother." Take her hand and let her guide you to the faith.

Well dears, get up! Get going. Pick up the piles and straighten things up a little. For today is the day to give thanks for gifts! Hope this is early autumn for many and that the rains and bad weather stop! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Giving in for a few days off

Well dear friends, a giant head cold has put me in the easy chair in front of the TV while Chuck and our English friends travelled to Orlando to visit with Renee, without me. I am sure that I "think" I’m the Everready bunny, but NOT! So someone sneezed and I got it. I don’t remember being around anyone with colds; Hillary is coughing her way through the campaign, but that is exhaustion!!!! Maybe we need to take some time off and be quiet!

This morning I wrote a prayer to my friend Karla who is battling breast cancer, and I pray for friend Mary who is battling cancer. I fully realize that God isn’t going to eliminate pain and suffering because mankind did that to ourselves with bad behavior… at this point, I imagine God wants us to add and love children and expand our lives, and he wants us to be the doers who, individually, add peace, healing and love. He wants us to put out our hands and touch others and pray. Many people know and understand the healing power of hands… and many people know the saint proclaimed by the church yesterday… Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta who took "at least warm milk" to the suffering, has been awarded the title of Saint. She knew pain and suffering won’t be eradicated, but she worked hard to do her part and smile and touch. But I asked anyway… Dear Lord let today be the last day for injustice and bring us peace. Let today be the last day for human pain and suffering on the great scale we are experiencing. But Lord only you know what we humans can take and only you know what we need. Your will be done Lord. At least I can ask for the total remission of the cancer that struck Karla and Mary. Let today be the first day of daily gratitude for the gifts you give us. Today let us begin to say thank you Lord for blessings. Let today be the first day. Let today be the day I offer my hand in love and joy. Thank you Lord. God bless you.

Susie's musings

whew the heat!

How can each summer seem hotter than the last? Is it as we age, each year seems to heat up? Should we consider whether we want to avoid heat for eternity? Just a thought on a Sunday afternoon.

The end of summer means more morning traffic, school zones slow us up, football games can be fantasized over by arm chair quarterbacks, a breeze at 6pm seems "cool" and makes us say…"Ah! Autumn is near." Our Italian friends arrived home in Mestre near Venice and we are taking our English friends out for barbeque. Tomorrow we head "north" but alas not for cool weather, but to play in Orlando with long time friend Renee. God bless everyone on the road tomorrow, Labor Day. God bless America.

Susie's musings

Waiting in queue

We are waiting in our room on the cruise ship MSC Davina…Waiting to be called that our bags are ready… Traveling with 2 families… Laughing over the way we pronounce certain words.. The English, Italians, and Americans all crammed into our room waiting patiently to be called. TV is on….World is still out there… Political problems abound, earthquake in Oklahoma, pray people are spared. Paparellis are on Christian mission in Uganda… Pray for the peace and health of our friends the Paparellis and for all our friends and family. God bless you!

Susie's musings

on cruising…what’s not to like?

On board the MSC Davina in port at Puerto Rico home of our Coral Gables friend Yolanda. It was really hot "out there" after we exited the ship… Chuck talked with a motorcycle policeman… And I said… I want to go back to the pool…Now sitting on the pool deck sipping draft beer on ice. We are traveling with 2 families from Italy and England. Along with 4000 travelers… We meet for drinking wine at 5pm and dinner at 6. Food is amazing. Cabin beautiful… I go to the pool at 10am and sit all my stuff and my husband at a poolside table. Move around the pool with a lot of other travelers. This morning I swam with 2 older ladies and 2 ladies named Jackie. Ah! One day I will be the older lady… For now… We move from the pool deck to the Luna lounge for piano bar but really all we have seen and heard there so far is 2 wonderful guitars. No complaints. Chuck has gotten to wear tux once and white dinner jacket last night. It was white night and cigars with the captain…took photos of Chuck with Captain and WWII vet. All is beautiful in the Caribbean sea. God bless you.

Susie's musings

The basis of civilization

My dear friends have asked why I haven’t written and I said that I felt I was too strong against the child who told me… "she wasn’t very religious"… I was so astounded that I felt useless against the wave of not caring for God our Creator. Not only by the words of a child, but by the words of many adult friends and family who… "do their own thing when it comes to religion." To ignore the existence of God is to ignore the Creator and Mover of the beauty that surrounds us. Today I was watching the Mass on television because I slept in and missed morning Mass at church…Today we celebrate St. Bartholomew, one of the twelve Apostles whom the pagan priests of Armenia beat, flayed, and beheaded for his faith… That means they peeled his skin off when he was alive. Michelangelo pictures him on the Sistine chapel ceiling holding up his skin. during the homily, Chuck said, "Turn to the news; there is an earthquake in Italy." We are currently hosting an Italian family from Mestre just west of Venice and their home is foremost on our minds. I said, "the Mass will be over in 20 minutes, then I will turn to the news." As I listened to the homily on EWTN on the TV set, I thought, "First we must turn and give homage to our God. We must thank him for the beauty and life he created, and we must ask for help like St Peter did in the big storm on the lake…" So I kept the Mass on and prayed for all of us. In this time…. when images of floods in Baton Rouge, fires in California, and now the destruction of the small mountain towns in central Italy are flooding our TV screens we must turn to our God and not only ask for Spiritual help… Divine help, but for the strength for the fire fighters, medical personnel, and after this, the care givers who will take care of the people who have lost everything. Fire, flood, earthquake eating everything in their wake. So how then are we supposed to turn to God and praise him when all we see is destruction? If we do not praise God then we risk at the final judgement that God will have to say, "I don’t know you; I don’t know where you are from" (see Luke 13:22-30). Grace pours out constantly from God, but we can reject it. The great saints suffered so much because they felt they weren’t doing enough to get close to God. What living examples those saints are. After the tribulation, after the suffering, after the total loss of physical and material things, then there is room for the Grace in our mind, heart and soul. A friend said he stopped reading a book because there was too much God in it; too much religion… Listen to what Blaise Pascal wagered: Either God exists or he doesn’t. If God exists then he would be unfathomable, unknowable, beyond our imagination. We can’t rationally assess the existence of God. With our reason, we are powerless to decide the existence or non existence of God. So… Imagine life is a game. We must choose a side; existence of God, or not. Which side will we be on? If we choose God, we risk losing a lifetime of meaningless pleasure, material things amassed that we can’t take with us. The gain is eternal life with God. If God does not exist, then we lose a lifetime of meaningless pleasure, material things that we can’t take with us. (No one ever saw a U Haul towed behind a hearse). If God does exist and you don’t believe in him, you gain an eternal lifetime in hell. Without God. Without hope. Pascal advised that we act as if we believe and belief will come. So what does this have to do with the death and destruction currently plaguing our world? Add cancer into the mix and it becomes way more personal…. If we sing God’s praise even as we are flayed and beheaded like St Bartholomew, even if we are grieving the personal losses that plague us daily, we must turn to God and praise him for the beauties he created, for creating us and our eternal soul, and for loving us. Look forward to the life of eternal joy, eternal life and love. God will know us by our joy as we turn our faces heavenward in thanksgiving. Now turn and help someone. Give from the depths. Pray for the people of Italy, California and Baton Rough. God bless us.

Susie's musings

About spring springing!

Poor me! Living in Miami we get no spring. What we get is dirt. The grass is dried up. I tried to have a veggie garden outside my art room window… I planted herbs and tomatoes… and then it rained for about a month in December and then I watched the plants dry up in the heat and sunshine of our Florida spring. It goes from 60 degrees to 80 degrees in a heartbeat in the morning. So I have some dried herbs and 2 hibiscus bushes that I try to hide from the marauding lizards and iguanas. I just pulled out the dried up tomato bushes this morning. Got 3 small tomatoes as a crop. One spring when I worked for Eastern Airlines, I traveled from Louisiana to New York and Connecticut over a few months time and saw for the first time real Iris, forsythia, tulips, daffodils, and crocus growing in the ground!!!! In Pittsburgh I asked my Mom what that big yellow bush was??? "Forsythia…" How splendid! I’ve been living in Miami since I was 3, so I don’t know spring flowers. We go barefoot all the time, and spring flowers are cut and wrapped in tissue.

Today, April 1, is my Mother’s birthday. She would be 100. And today, Mother Angelica, foundress of a Monastery and an order of Priests, and foundress of a Cable Network (EWTN Eternal Word Television Network) was buried. There have been several beautiful memorial ceremonies including a sung Vespers last night and two beautiful "homily/eulogies" said by 2 wonderful Franciscan Priests of Mother’s Priestly order. They used to say daily Mass that Mom watched faithfully at Noon every day. As the Mass of Christian Burial was concluding today with Communion and a singing of "Panis Angelicus" (Bread of Angels), I thought of how much Mom loved EWTN – she had it on all day long and often listened to and said 4 Rosaries as the day went on… As I listened to the beauty of the Mass of Christian Burial I thought it is as if this too is Mom’s celebration. Mother who loved Jesus and the Blessed Mother so much… that perhaps Mom is there at the "Gate of Paradise" standing where she can see Jesus to welcome Mother Angelica home. Let us pray that we too may be so blessed with the faith that we will be welcomed home and it will be all that we couldn’t possibly dream of… we can’t know how beautiful, because it is beyond our most inspired imaginings! God bless our parents and those who teach us. God bless you who inspire me, who pour out your love for me and for others. Be at Peace my dear friends and family. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Easter Joy

At an Easter afternoon party at my neighbor Mike’s house, an 11 year old, a beloved child of a beautiful mom and dad said; "I don’t know why this is such a special day… why is this day different?" I was a little shocked. "it’s Easter". "So?" she asked, and I was struck by how many in our world might ask "why is this day special? why are we so joyful?" Why is this day special? I remember walking into Little Flower (St Theresa) church in Coral Gables and dragging my fingers through the Holy Water font and having them come up dry. Then I noticed it was dark. No lights on in the church. Then as I looked for lights, I noticed no candles lit in front of the Saints’ statues, St Theresa, St Joseph… no candles. In fact the beloved saints were covered with purple cloth. Gulp. As I walked up the main aisle, the Crucifix, so large and beautiful over the main altar, was covered with a purple cloth, and the tabernacle door was open, the tabernacle empty. "He isn’t here," my Mom whispered. This is the stuff of movies. The 8 year old clutches her mother’s hand and wonders, what just happened here? Well to this day I remember that scene vividly as I drink in the scent of candles and incense except on the holiest days of the year between Palm Sunday and Holy Saturday in the evening. Those purple draped statues were scary to an 8 year old. Today I realize they symbolize along with the other services the reality of a world without God and Jesus Christ when "He isn’t here." On Wednesday of this last week I joined parishioners at St Augustine church near the University of Miami in a service called Tenebrae. A menorah of sorts with 7 candles is all lit up, and as the service proceeds, the candles are extinguished one by one. Normally the service is readings from the Lamentations of Jeremiah. This night it was readings from the Gospels. A woman pours our precious oils on the feet of Jesus, another woman cries on his feet and dries his feet with her tears… The women poured out all they had on his feet and then he poured out all he had (his life, his blood) to ransom us from death. "One of you will betray me" he says to his beloved (to us). He allows us to get to the point of betrayal. That’s what free will is all about. He leaves that last step to us…. Judas didn’t turn back; Peter did… Both betrayed and Judas killed himself out of despair; Peter cried his sorrow and repentance. "You have had 5 husbands," he said, "and the man you are living with is not your husband!" Gulp, the Samaritan woman at the well breathes, caught in another lie! "This son of mine was dead, but now he has returned… he is found!" And so the night proceeded, with stories of how far Jesus bends (to the ground) for us, and how joyous he is when we turn. And he commands: "Get into the boat!" he said to the 12… and "This I command you, ‘Love one another’" Only one candle remained lighted, and then, whoosh, it was blown out and we sat stunned, in darkness. Even the sanctuary light was dark as, "He isn’t there"… What would life be like without Jesus Christ? And so I praised God for my faith. Let us pray, and let us tell the little ones who Jesus Christ is. He is life. He is Promise. He is the beginning and the end. He is God who knew our names when we were in the womb. He is the light that fills the darkness, if we allow it! People hate the light and they do not talk about it because the light commands obedience and love. "I command you… Love one another." Why is this day special, little one? Today is special because our brother by Baptism, let himself be taken by the powers of death and then he destroyed the chains of death that draw me down… that if I wish, and he does will this, that I will rise after death and join him in Paradise. Believe in Him. Get to know Him. I will show you how: just ask. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Hard emotional day brings back memory

Poets wrote about memory often being cruel. Yesterday I read an article written by my cousin named Susie McCarthy who found her great grand father’s, my grandfather’s, signature on a document making him a member of the fighting forces of the 1916 rebellion in Ireland. Yesterday I watched Obama and Castro make nice before reporters, and today I watch as ISIS takes responsibility for a bombing in Brussels, a beautiful peaceful city. So… I spoke of pain with Chuck, I talked of my father who spoke so clearly about what his father and his mother went through as the children of people who directly fought the brutal treatment of Irish by the English. I told Chuck that I had been afraid to travel to England as an adult for the awful stories I had heard from my father whose own father told him first hand horror stories of the very personal war for Irish independence, and let us not forget what the English did to the Catholic church on those 2 islands. I also talked of the stories I hear at my church from ladies who barely speak English. 60 and 70 years old now, they were shuttled here by their parents who wanted to save their lives when Castro started jailing people who went to church or people who "rebelled" against the communist rebel Castro. The anger and sadness is palpable as I speak with the ladies who still talk about political prisoners, relatives, stuck in Cuban jails. The Miami Herald today printed a list of political prisoners that Raul Castro arrogantly asked for, and printed an equally poignant article about pain that cannot be forgotten, that chokes the old ladies and their children who "can’t go home again." Dan LeBatard writes, "She (my mother) had her phones tapped back home. She endured neighborhood spies coming into her home whenever they pleased. She attended services for students and intellectuals killed for fighting for elections and a Constitution. She was chased through the streets by police dragging chains for attending those services. Her brother was a political prisoner… he spent almost 10 years in prison…. Exiled from a land they didn’t want to leave and still miss, a land they will not visit until this regime is ousted or they see real change that can be trusted." Chuck, a white bread American, parents here for generations, said we who remember from the past and harbor sadness must realize that it is the Past. We need to look at what we have today. So I look at the television… "At least 31 killed, hundreds injured… claimed by ISIS…" Can I ever return to Europe? I don’t think so… Do I feel totally free in crowded places? Do I feel entirely safe in church? During this Holy Week, let us pray for the peace that comes in our hearts when we give up trouble to Christ who first took it all on so that we might live abundantly both now and in heaven. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Preparing for Easter

Two weeks left to make the changes we planned to make for Easter Sunday to receive the fulfillment of the promise of the Resurrection. What changes? Acceptance of the message of Jesus that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Belief in Jesus as Son of God. Brother. Acceptance of Obedience and Humility. Kindness. Service.

"But", you say, "I can’t see it." No, we can’t see it, feel it, smell it… …. another friend of mine near my age recently died in his sleep… that’s two men, dying "early" in their sleep in 3 months. What does this mean? Could we have known? No. Is the kingdom of God at hand in our hearts? Do we need to be ready for that time that we can’t know, but which is just a dream away?

Living with the Kingdom of Heaven in mind isn’t real easy right now if we watch television or read the papers! There is lots of negative news and lots of ugly yelling. We have attacks everywhere, even in our own small towns. One man tried to rush the podium and take it away from a man who some say is vitriolic, evil, inhuman. Need to read the Constitution! Even the mean and the evil have a right to a podium in America. Our defense is our vote. Lets hope the American people settle down and vote wisely. It seems there isn’t a wise vote right now, but there is. If we don’t vote then we give up a right and give it to others. So prayer is the only answer. Be kind. Help one another. Pray for one another. Believe in the Gospel. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Sad politics

Just when I think it’s OK to come out from under the covers, politics turns rough and I want to run and go hide! How has America sunk to political candidates who don’t have a chance telling voters to vote for other people who don’t have a chance to block some one who might win, but is considered undesirable? I’m not sure my history is good enough to know of a precedent… in America. Hope hope God is still blessing America as I think we really need blessing!

About 2pm today friend Dave and Chuck were up on the roof of the shed (the same shed friends helped repair after hurricane Katrina.) The boys were putting some cap sheeting on the roof, giving the shed a face lift on the roof. I was staying near by to be the gopher and every time I would get down and grab a weed I would hear my name called… Generally it was to hold something, tear something, get something… and so I did that! I’m usually the gopher on outside building jobs. This type of service builds muscle and humility! I’m also working very hard to get our gardens back into shape as they only got a lick and a promise when we returned from the Keys and then ran off on the extended cruising holiday. I’m sunburned and bent over a little from stooping and bending all day in the gardens!!! As I dug in our dirt I noticed how dry it is. This is typical of south Florida, dry and dusty this time of year. We need some of that rain that is pummeling Louisiana… I’m off to a ladies party being celebrated because…, well just because some ladies are happy! Let us be happy and celebrate life. God bless you.

Susie's musings

confession and absolution

No! This is not another religious treatise by Susie… Yesterday I confessed via phone message to my doctor’s secretary that he should not worry about the bad number on my blood work in the cholesterol column… As he prepared for my visit at 1pm to go over blood work… I didn’t want the doctor to try to figure out why my cholesterol number jumped about 60 points… I did it. I’m guilty. My bad! How refreshing it was to make that admission and beg… "mea culpa" forgive me and stay as my doctor despite the fact that I question your every order!!! Last Christmas I decided that my cholesterol number was fine in October, I’m dieting and exercising, surely I don’t need this statin drug. So I stopped taking it. I guess I forgot to pray like I did when I cut Chuck’s seizure medication in half on Thanksgiving day of 2010. So from Christmas to now, I dieted and exercised and went for the blood test feeling all good about myself and… the cholesterol number jumped about 60 points. My sister asked me, "So how did that work for you?" and we laughed, and I said, "not so good". For your information, there is a calcium scan that we can take to see if really we need a stain if our cholesterol is high, but my doctor answered me, "I want the LDL number below 100 or, with your family history, you will have a stroke. And you don’t want that." A pliant "Yes doctor" followed his gentle answer. I do have a maternal family history of heart disease. So. obedience is the catch word for this little researcher quasi drug expert. And a lesson well learned. Only make the big decisions after prayer and if you are sure there aren’t real reasons for the order. Chuck and I have been exercising for about 1 1/2 hour a day every day and eating healthy diets and we are dong a great job of taking care of ourselves! I say to you dear reader, Research everything before you put it in your mouth, but if you have vetted your doctor and you think he is true, give him the benefit of the doubt. Take good notes and re question him at the next visit! God bless you.

Susie's musings

simple and small

I’m not getting my inspiration from the news! So you have to hear where I do get my inspiration! Todays readings in church were from 2 Kings 5 and Luke 4: about the prophet Elisha who cured a Syrian and Jesus who couldn’t cure in his own home town…. If the people don’t believe – well there isn’t going to be many miracles… Meanwhile… The Syrian leper who went to Elisha the prophet thought it was darn rude of Elisha not to come out and give a big party and accept the gifts he brought to the prophet… Elisha only sent word: "Go wash in the Jordan 7 times". "That’s all? you won’t even give me a big greeting – you just tell me to step in and out of that dirty mud-filled river 7 times? I want more!" The leper’s expectations were high and he was full of himself. Sometimes we think we know best! And it isn’t the way the prophet is telling me…He’s just a regular ordinary prophet. Where is the guy in charge? I am so smart. So the Leper’s servants tell him… "you would do it if he told you something extraordinary! If it were big and loud… If there were some ceremony. So go do it. Test the prophet." What if I pretend I believe? So he went out to the Jordan and washed 7 times and lo he was clean of the leprosy! There isn’t going to be fire and smoke! There isn’t going to be big ceremony. Miracles can’t be done for the big, loud and proud… Just listen and move when that still small voice whispers. Put out your hand and take the dew drop and the small bit of light. Blaise Pascal said if we "act" we just might get to our death and find out the whole salvation by Jesus message was real. If we don’t act, and the message is real, we lose. Choose life! God bless you.

Susie's musings

I’ll take mine plain

How many times do we ask for "all the way," "the works," the most, the best? Do we then flaunt, make happy noises, grunts of enjoyment, patting our over stuffed tummies, and smile as we drive around in pretty boats and cars, and finally fall into our freshly made beds of soft linens and sweet smelling blankets (mmmmmmm)? This week in daily Mass we have been reading about the Pharisees who get rich things and lord their power over their "subjects." They get the best seats at table and the best seats in church. Everyone greets them! … and today, the reading was about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19). The message was getting what is good and comfortable now; but not in the next lifetime. The rich man who ignored the beggar at his door, got fire in "the next lifetime", and Lazarus, the poor man, got comforted in the bosom of Abraham. Hugs and cool water. (Luke 16:19) We get what we deserve. … I know we are all doing the best we can, but I wonder if I really am? We are offered a choice… Life or death in the next world: "stand in a lava waste, a salt and empty earth…" or be "like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream." We are rewarded according to our ways. I would like to be the tree by the waters! (see the Prophet Jeremiah 17: 5-10). Well dears. Be healthy and pray because sometimes, prayer is all we have. God bless you

Susie's musings

Not playing winter any more!

For about a week we "bundled up" to walk outside. Long sleeved tee shirt, for me another jacket on top of that, extra (dry) shirt to change into when leaving the gym to walk home. Chuck and I have both been working out, him for the month of February and me January and February. It’s the first time I ever worked with weights! and I can see improvement in strength and stamina! We’re talking girlie weights… I do exercises with 5 and 8 pound dumb bells and I lifted a 20 pound bar bell today!!! Today… I didn’t need the jacket to walk home. I guess winter is over. It wasn’t a good winter for tomatoes; very wet; rained a lot so leaves on all herbs and tomatoes look like they’ve been severely beaten. I think tomato crop is 4 and not counting any more. The big iguana has been leaving my 2 hibiscus bushes outside the art room alone so we have some spectacular blooms there We are working on the beaches, clearing all grass off in preparation for building up the sea wall and then pouring sand in for little kids who come to play. Big kids might enjoy sitting by the sandy beach and sipping a cocktail while little kids play! I have gotten involved at St Timothy and St Augustine and have meetings at least once a week in the evenings. I also volunteered to read at 7am Mass on Sunday and 6pm Mass on Wednesday evenings so I’m kept busy and out of the house. We watch the weather and politics and can’t figure out which is worse… Hope all family and friends continue healthy and staying warm. Me? I’m glistening in the South Florida heat! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Playing winter

No we’re not! It’s in the single digits for a great deal of the north and Chuck and I are chilly here in Miami. It was 53 degrees this morning but warmed up nicely to be able to take a boat ride at sunset. I’ve been praying a lot lately for Syria and the refugees especially in Aleppo. Can you imagine our home towns reduced to rubble? How awful. God bless the people. I have also been watching the candidates in the snow… All bundled up and arguing. I guess there isn’t much of a chance issues will be discussed instead of innuendos; and what about anyone discussing the issues and ideas? I am a little concerned about anything getting done and so I just pray a lot. Our morning Mass priest gave a very short homily this morning: "Scripture tells us how to walk in God’s way and what the truth is. Just do it." I had to look back at what we just read: From Isaiah 58: 9-14: If I may paraphrase: Do not oppress, do not falsely accuse, no malicious speech. "Bestow bread on the hungry, satisfy the afflicted… Then light shall rise for you in the darkness and the gloom shall become for you like midday; Then the Lord will guide you always and give you plenty….you shall be like a watered garden." So if you are feeling dry and angry, gloomy and broken, … then try saying nice things even when you feel evil and angry. Be silent and know that God is present; sometimes we are yelling so loud and moving so fast we can’t sense his presence. God bless you. Happy Valentines day!

Susie's musings

Rethinking "old"

A few days ago, as the Super Bowl began, as I prepared to watch the Denver Broncos play against the Carolina Panthers, I wrote about the Payton Manning vs Cam Newton quarterback challenge as the old guy vs the young guy. A 39 year old quarterback doesn’t have the agility, flexibility, or healing power that a 26 year old quarterback has. As we age, we lose the ability to jump high and land hard without breaking a hip! Great orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists can help us cover the great distance to health after an injury, but… I was worried about the match up. As it turns out… defense won the game and the quarterbacks were not great scorers on either side.

Half way through the game I realized I had used the word “old” for Manning and what I should have said was “experience and maturity.” In muscle power and flexibility, the young guy wins, but in wisdom and maturity it’s hands down “the old guy.” I realized that while looking at Cam Newton who lost his bravado and pride in the middle of the game. He didn’t have the maturity to “get over it.” He didn’t know how to fight to come back that we get as we age. He couldn’t ignore the mistakes that "first timers" make and he couldn’t get over the missed and dropped passes. It wasn’t his angst that passed along into his team so the penalties started mounting up, or was it? What’s with us these days? Bravado, a big mouth, taunting, name calling has become the norm. I listened to Donald Trump yesterday, and I thought the mothers of America must be shivering in their shoes, years of teaching against name calling and taunting lost in a single speech by a political candidate. No, Donald, it isn’t OK. Grow up! Talk to the issues. And it isn’t only Donald, folks, we all need to look to our tempers and our tongues. God bless us.

Susie's musings

Instead of Politics

I have been paying a lot of attention to politics, debates, town halls, interviews, and now, today I have settled in to watch the last football game until September. I’m for the "old guy" who could be my son! The other QB, Cam, could be a grand son! Good grief on getting old and thinking 39 year old Payton Manning is old!!! I don’t want anyone hurt. I want a good game and … we even ordered pizza delivery from Papa John’s. We’re suckers for commercials and are looking forward to 3 hours of bliss and good football. God bless the players and all of us.

Susie's musings


Good day after two days that started out stormy and ended up beautiful. Yesterday began so foggy we couldn’t see the lake and I couldn’t see the traffic light at 48th street as I drove to 8am Saturday daily Mass. The day that dawned foggy and chilly became gorgeous, sunny and warm. Go figure. After squalling rains and street flooding, Mother Nature tried to "make up" and we enjoyed a warm sunny afternoon and were able to get some outside cleanup done and drive to Fort Lauderdale for a submarine veterans meeting. This morning started the same. Heavy winds and rain all done by 830 am and warm enough to hang laundry at noon.

When making New Years resolutions, this year, inspired by the witness of our brother-friend Charlie Paparelli, I pledged not to make any "plans" like "I will serve here, I will do this for others," rather I will wait for God to put the needy in front of me. And when we make a pledge like that… we better be ready! Like not being worried that horrible weather will ruin our day… Just go on with being kind and joyful. God will arrange. In the last few days in church readings, we have read about two tax collectors whom Jesus called. Zacchaeus who was a tax collector was so short that he got up into a tree to see Jesus. I think he might have said he wanted to "see this guy who is going to restore the Kingdom of David and set things right. Anyway, he heals the sick and gives sight to the blind." But what does Jesus do? Jesus called Zacchaeus and said, "I must stay at your house." Yikes! can you imagine a call like that? And we haven’t planned for that! And the only thing Jesus did was sit and eat and BE a Presence in the tax collector’s house with a Presence both compelling and beautiful and full of love. No swords, no pension plans. Just, "Come." The other call, to Levi, was pretty much the same. Tax collectors earned a lot of money and Levi just got a finger pointed his way, "Come." Gulp. In the Saturday morning homily, our priest started with a question, "What if I asked you to give up your day job. Give up high salary and come serve here at the church. As you know, we can’t pay too much as we have debt and have to take care of the poor". "Come". Another Big Gulp. Well, I thought, I don’t have a job, but this applies to me too for when he calls he means, come now, give up all the old sin (now a days we don’t like to talk about sin….) OK give up the uncharitable ways. Give up the meanness. Give up the gossip. Open your heart to goodness, kind thoughts, to calling the Name of Jesus and believing he is the Son of God. Another unpopular thing to do today. Humble ourselves in a very material and "politically proper" world. A worldly world. The open heart of Jesus calls hearts. Once we follow, and it is often at great cost because we might get ridiculed and lose some worldly esteem, we can’t go back. Enjoy God’s beauty this amazing day. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Happy New Year, 3 Kings, Undecorating, Planning

How fast it all winds down! I felt the end coming as early as the day after Christmas. The day after Christmas, everything suddenly comes to a grinding halt and even the parties on the lake seemed to quiet down. Of course those parties got noisy again for New Years Eve. But there is a slowing down now… We are undecorating. We decorated and puts up tons of lights to celebrate the season of Christmas and we had a pre Christmas dinner party, house guest cousin Carol from Ohio, New Years Eve Party, and last night friends Peter and Karen who couldn’t come to any Christmas events as they were travelling to be with their kids. We did lots of pontooning at night as even the pontoon boat is decorated with Christmas lights that we might leave on the boat… NOW is the awful undecorating with me whining and complaining and the many empty bins being slowly filled with Santas, candles, trees, deer, toys, and many Nativities and lots of angels and animals. Carol is decorating boxes that they put things in as "memory boxes" for the ill and those who lost babies at the hospital. Chuck and I are packing away Christmas. He just realized he has to take down the lights. I know why old people get caregivers…. I could use a caregiver about now. Friend Charlie Paparelli asked what resolutions we are making? Are we changing focus? Are we in transition? Absent quiet time, I have tried to write answers to this perplexing year beginning planning… What is God’s will for me? Am I doing what God wants? Do I really know God? Who do I think Jesus is? I wrote that I am his servant, and like a child Eli, I say, "Here I am Lord, I come to do your will." But what is that? How does one serve? Saint John wrote in his first letter: "We receive from him whatever we ask, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him. And his commandment is this: We should believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another just as he commanded us." (3:22) Jesus said, "Love God and Love one another." That is paraphrasing I know… Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, American Saint, said, "Do what we are supposed to do, do it where we are; do the will of God, in the manner God wills, because he wills it." WOW. how easy this all is isn’t it? No? That’s because we’re not listening. Do not limit God’s desire for us and his mercy for us! In these days when the light shining from that star is still brightest, listen and sit still. Know you are doing God’s will when you sit still and listen…. that is what he desires. Doing God’s will gives peace. Peace be with you. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Balls of wrapping paper…

Good morning! Christmas was wonderful! Christmas started with Mass in the early morning where I read as a lector (Christmas Mass was 8am, better than normal 7am Sunday Mass! THAT is an eye opener and the only day I set an alarm is Sunday for 7am Mass!) It seems like we opened presents from Santa all day yesterday. And I had a few Hallmark movies to watch! and we went to a wonderful family dinner with friends Patty and Andy in the evening. Today I hope to get back to diet and exercise… It is unrelentingly hot in Miami and wintertime seems far off… I would like to turn off Air Conditioning and get fresh lake air as it IS wintertime, but it is over 80 degrees… so air stays on. Chuck and I walk daily; I try to walk for an hour… Chuck likes to have a destination so sometimes it is only to the Home Depot, Winn Dixie, or post office and back… If we need food, Chuck often has to haul bags of groceries home. So he gets weight lifting along with his walk back home from Winn Dixie! Santa Claus got me a You Fit gym membership that allows me one free guest when I visit. Chuck pledged to go daily with me as guest! It is a medium sizsed YouFit with no floor exercises, but one with Yoga and other classes is near by. I am going 3 times a week to rehab for my aching elbow that started aching last April… and still hasn’t stopped despite the ministrations of a very handsome physical therapist named Carlos…. My elbow and arm loves his massages, but still the aching. Might need to go back for an MRI… We lead a very quiet life of walking, dieting, prayer time (or Suduku/solitaire for Chuck) generally to bed by 9:30! Celebrating Christmas can be a let down on the day after when we have to clean up the clutter of ripped paper, wash the dishes used at the sumptuous banquets of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day… and put away the gifts… Don’t let that get to you! Instead I continue going to daily Mass, but today we celebrated the first martyr for Christ, St Stephen which reminds us… we aren’t loved for our faith. In our world as in St Stephen’s world, there is great gnashing of teeth against Christianity and against Love and Mercy (see Acts chapter 6 for St Stephen’s story) … Keep on keeping on dear friends. God bless you in this Christmas season and into the New Year.

Susie's musings

Daily Christmas Peace

I send to you today’s blessing in a book I received from my beloved Chuck:
"Do justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly. That is enough." John Adams….
May the peace of the Risen and Present Christ be with you in your heart, in your spirit, every day. God bless you.

Susie's musings


A friend titled her Christmas letter simply "Blessings"… We say we will pray for others and we pray for blessings on others. Some say "positive vibrations" and "light and love." What would Jesus say and do? I think he started teaching us at creation: be kind to one another, look at creation and see the good that God loves, and praise God, grasp your neighbor’s right hand, "I am the Lord who grasp your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’" (Isaiah 41:13) What can I do today to help another? Be kind. Be silent. Listen. How am I preparing for that quiet midnight hour when we celebrate and remember when heaven touched earth? May the God who has been with us since our birth, bless us abundantly and keep our hearts in peace. (Genesis 48:15-16). God bless you.

Susie's musings

Christmas lights

We went out on the lake last evening in the dark to see Christmas lights! Dark comes early now with the time change, and it was dark by 620 pm. By then about 6 houses on our lake were lighted. Now when you live on the lake you have a double obligation. Light the street side for the walking and driving public and light the lake for boaters! Sunrise also paints the lake with color. This morning it is pink and blue, sometimes it is gold. This season is special because despite the outright obvious commercialism that begins with Halloween, to encourage us to buy buy buy, many people still put up lights and angels and little Nativity scenes, and reindeer, and my neighbor George drags out the candy canes even though only half of them still light. Grumbling, the guys work to fix broken strands, and snow men, candy canes and little drummer boys come to light. Our little drummer boy is missing. Perhaps he’s on a shelf downstairs in the keys house… Walk around your neighborhood after dark and make new friends by hanging on the fence and looking at the reindeer filled mangers (I saw two of these on a walk yesterday!) It’s hard to find lighted donkeys and cows! Let’s get the lights up for it is getting to look a little bit like Christmas! God bless you.

Susie's musings


I’m thinking of my northern friends and relatives as we finish up the decorating! Chuck’s barroom is festive with lots of Santas. The entry way has the Nativity and angels galore! The kitchen is full of plates to fill – maybe I’ll make cookies… and cups to drink yuletide cider and coffee. The dining room table is beautiful with red and white and gold!!! We are using Aunt Trudy’s and Loretta’s decorations too! Ahhhhhhh! Christmas is coming! December is our planting time and I planted an herb garden yesterday mostly in pots and it has rained ever since…. I hear the little plants sputtering sppptt spppppttt…. I can hear them treading water from here! I look out the art room window at my garden and I am inspired to Thank God because despite the rain, my plants are doing OK although they might need wringing out. Chuck had to loosen the tie on the boat as the lake is rising. We are thinking of Noah… I keep watch for a giant iguana called Grandfather by my neighbor Kathie. He ate 1 1/2 of my giant beautiful hibiscus flowers the other day so I keep watch for him! "Get out old man!!!!" I shout hopelessly as he munches! I hope Christmas decorating is going nicely for you dear friends and family. We can’t put up outside lights yet… we might get electrocuted with all this rain! Weather is absolutely soggy and the weather map on the TV news shows a cloud with lots of rain all week!!!! More soup? probably. rain rain go away!!! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Making winter vegetable soup

I just put a pot of vegetables on to simmer. I’m playing winter, for if I step outside I’ll sweat to death in the heat and absolute humidity. It has been raining for two days and I am sure the wet atmosphere has contributed to our 100% humidity. Rain, rain go away. And then I think of Minnesota and Michigan…. and I imagine the brrrrrry snowy atmosphere so I am not complaining about our heat. In silence, listening to the rain drop, and the occasional sodden palm frond or coconut fall from the trees outside the kitchen window, while I chopped onions and garlic, carrots, celery and some veggies with winter squash that I roasted a few days ago, I thought about my northern friends doing the same thing. Put the chopped things into a soup pot with some left over turkey broth from Thanksgiving, a dollop of red wine, some black beans in juice, some water. Bring to a boil… While chopping those pesky onions (and weeping) and those carrots and garlic and celery and looking out at the rain, I realized this is the best way to celebrate Advent. This is the season when we must stop and just gather our harvest, and meditate. As we chop the vegetables, don’t DO anything else. Think about… the veggies and Thank God for his blessings. I go to daily Mass so I am "forced" to thank God, for I often forget to thank God and ask for help. I told my sister Sarah about a mistake I made that made me bounce the mortgage check! I got that 6:30 am message "insufficient funds" on my cell phone and freaked. OOPS! Wonder how much that will cost. So I said to Sarah, "Guess what I did at 6:30 in the morning when I saw that the bank tried to pay my mortgage, but got insufficient funds?" She said, "Well Susie I imagine that you prayed, for that is what you do." OOPS again. Nope, I didn’t. Instead I went to the safe, took some cash to the bank. I had to wait until 9am as I didn’t have a debit card at that bank (I do now) to make an ATM deposit… and I solved the problem myself. OOPS, I guess I forgot who I am. I’ve counceled others, "Pray first." and here I am solving my own problems thank you very much. It’s the old, independent "I can take care of myself" routine that we girls learned at our working mother’s knee… "Be able to take care of yourself," mother counceled as she stirred the oatmeal with the wooden spoon just before she went off to work. That’s another story. So what is this all about? This morning in Mass we read from Isaiah who quotes a lot of promises saying, "thus says the Lord God:"… this morning’s reading was especially to the point (pointing right at me), "Lebanon shall be changed into an orchard, and the orchard regarded as a forest…And out of the gloom and darkness, the eyes of the blind shall see… For the tyrant will be no more and the arrogant will have gone; All who are alert to do evil will be cut off, those whose mere word condemns a man… (those evil ones will be cut off)… Now Jacob (that’s us who believe in the Lord as God) shall have nothing to be ashamed of, nor shall his face grow pale… they shall reverence the Holy One of Jacob… Those who err in spirit shall aquire understanding, and those who find fault shall receive instruction." (Isaiah 29:17-24)… I’ll talk about that and what it means to me in a second. Then we read the Gospel according to Matthew 9:27:31. Two blind men followed Jesus and cried out, "’Son of David, have pity on us!’… Jesus said, ‘Do you believe that I can do this?’ ‘Yes, Lord.’" "Do you believe that I can do this?" When I "fixed" my money problem I did it on my own. I didn’t thank God for my astute wisdom in realizing I had cash in the safe that I could quickly deposit in the bank. I did not thank God that there is cash in the safe. I didn’t even think of God. And here is Isaiah saying, all those evil people, don’t you worry about them, in fact, Jesus asks us to pray for them… don’t worry about those who can’t see God or Jesus, don’t worry about those who "err in spirit" or "those who find fault" for "Says the Lord God" they shall aquire understanding and they will receive instruction! YEA! How liberating that is! Isaiah very carefully lays it out for us all over his very long book… but here, read chapters 7 and 9: First, in chapter 7:14 Isaiah describes the Virgin birth when he promises a the child named Emmanuel, and in chapter 9, Isaiah names the child for us… He is "the great light", he is "Wonderful Counselor", "God Hero", "Father Forever", "Prince of Peace." Today, I thanked God for reminding me that I believe, and I prayed, "Lord help my unbelief" that he can take care of things. The Lord can take care of the unbelievers that I worry about. He can take care of the blind who can’t see him. He can take care of me. So go, read the wonderful amazing promises. Then go make some vegetable soup and take a lot of time chopping those vegetables! Happy Advent. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Being Thankful

I’m trying to write three things a day that I am thankful for. I got the idea from a book written by Ann Voskamp called One Thousand Gifts. A friend challenged her to write 1000 things she loved and she ended up writing what she calls 1000 gifts, a thousand graces, what she was thankful for and it led to a book. The effort also changed her life. It’s hard to sit and read and write when many of us have TV on from waking to sleeping. I was getting into the habit of looking at the news upon rising but I realized, as I watched bombing and shooting, that I’m not able to change anything much except my own heart… So I try every morning to grab my Magnificat (daily prayer book) and get out to the lake and find 3 amazing gifts. Often chirping birds and turtles are my companions during sunrise , and I sit and experience the great outpouring of God’s Grace as light turns from pink to sunlight and the day does whatever the weather for the day is supposed to do. During the half hour of sunrise to day, I thank God for clouds that keep us south Floridians cool and bring rain that our parched winter grass needs, I thank God for the animals and birds that treat our yard as their dinner table. I even thank God, begrudgingly it’s true, for the giant iguana my neighbor Kathie calls grandpa who eats my beautiful hibiscus flowers. If I get lucky, I see the flowers in full bloom before he crawls in to nosh. I continue the daily list for the half hour of daily Mass when I pray for those I’ve promised to pray for and always for my Mom who gave me great forward thinking and generous genes! The list could be long, but write the best three every day! Begin a 1000 Gratitudes journal and write 3 thank yous to God every day! You might have a tough time at the start. You can only write "chirping white birds" so many times before you have to go deeper! I intend to read Voskamp’s book in 2016. Might be a life changer. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Walking for health part two. Continuing

As most women know… Men lose weight faster than women do. So women, when we diet with men, We must embrace the truth that we are doing the best we can and men just go faster! Chuck and I have both lost 10 pounds but his is in about one month and mine is in about two months! Last week he walked every day with me for over an hour at a time and he takes bigger steps and walks faster… I find myself falling behind and panting and sweating, but the good part is, he wants this weight loss to happen just as much as I do, and he carries the groceries as we walk home with the grocery store as our last stop. He will not carry mulch though so I have to drive to the Home Depot! We are enjoying our Miami sojourne and the pontoon boat is in the water. Neighbor dogs wait at the gate for us at about 4pm because that’s when we go out. So dears, let’s get going walking and pontooning for health. Happy Turkey shopping! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Walking for health

Good grief Chuck! I usually get what I ask for and today I got a double dose. Chuck has lost 7 pounds which is grand great and absolutely necessary. He says he isn’t hungry. That is amazing and I am glad! Now I have to concentrate on greatest nutrition. Another thing I wanted was exercise! I got that in spades today. I’ve been walking for one hour a day for a few weeks and as a result I’ve lost about 10 pounds. We are renewing passports and we need passport photos. So Chuck said we could walk to the AAA office and get photos taken. That was a 1 1/2 hour walk. I did not have walking socks so the bottom of my right foot is a little red and sore… I am resting in easy chair! He even jogged the last block home. Today is another beautiful day and all is well here in Miami. God bless you.

Susie's musings

War- we do not want to go there

"Expect more. We just have to live that way". This is the message from French leadership and repeated here in America. We Americans are asking: Do we take in refugees? Whom do we trust? How should we pray? What do we say in our prayers? Let us pray for peace in our hearts. The peace only our belief that God made us, created us in his own image can give us. God certainly wouldn’t do that work in vain. He certainly wouldn’t do that work without love. So, with faith, we remember the freedom we have to pray, to love, to believe as we feel we must. Have peace in your heart and pray that you are fulfilling your mission that God made you for. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Wedding bells in the park

When I was 18 to 23 years old, I wanted to get married in a park in a tiny white cotton dress. Back then, we wore sleeveless short mini dresses! We were young and slim. I made the dress myself, and I was going to marry my rebel boyfriend out side in a garden. But Mom intervened. "Must get married in church, must have a real reception" Just like Mom used to say "must have a college education and get a good job." My friend Karen told me yesterday that we can’t tell young people anything. Maybe I’m old… Yesterday France, "a secular nation" was attacked, from within by home grown angry young men. What makes us "go away"? What makes us so angry? And what calms our wild rebellion and brings us around? I married in the church and had a beautiful reception in an amazing dress. Mother and her friends and Chuck’s family pulled me, recalcitrant young rebel, back in. We need to speak to the young about values. About God, protecting angels, faith, care for others, humility. I went to a lovely wedding yesterday where the couple stood under a beautiful, breezy cloud laden sky and pledged to ask God to be the third member in their marriage. We prayed "in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." In the light of the rebellion and anger and outright hatred that caused angry young men to shoot up civilian parties in Paris, a young couple pledged to honor each other under the protection of a loving God. Let us say thank you to God every day for the blessings he pours out on those who will to see. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Our stuff to the charities

I’ve volunteered a few days to help put out donated stuff for the church flea market this weekend. I have handled a lot of stuff in a giant room. A lot of stuff. If we had to "run" like many Syrians and other refugees have to run, what would we grab? I have 3 5 drawer file cabinets full! A few of the drawers are empty ( well 2 or 3 drawers are empty). Closet and several dressers full, shelving in the closet full of clothes… I need not go on and on. I’ve just "handled" all my stuff. Took everything out, put it on the dining room table, handled each top, pant, short, shoe, night gown, panty. Do I love you? Do you fit? Any hesitation? OUT! It’s exhausting. And I still have too much. I’m working on a healthy life that includes lessening the stress of over crowding (as in not being able to close drawers or closet doors, or not being able to get into the closet!) Project also includes very clean eating and walking for an hour a day or 2 hours of yard work a day. This is working itself out in weight loss! How many times do I have to begin again? That is how many times do I have to reorganize and eat healthy because my weight and numbers crept up… How many times must I begin again? Every day! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Thanking Veterans

Today we thank and pray for veterans. Of course I have my favorite veteran submarine sailor, Chuck, but there are also my uncles who served in WW II, my friends and family who served in Korea, Vietnam, and all the wars and conflicts that as citizens of this great United States, we can’t seem to avoid. Last night on the Republican debate, candidates tossed around the huge and ponderous issue of do we belong, boots on the ground in the Middle East; what are we going to do about the "thug" Putin, the Chinese incursion in the South Chinese Sea, the North Koreans who have nuclear weapons. I wish today of all days, the world powers could take a look at what happened to young men of D-Day on Normandy’s beaches, and on the battlefields of France, Italy, Kuwait, Pakistan… The list goes on and on. We must pray for men to stop watering the ground with young men’s blood and to find peaceful solutions. If left without arrogant power hungry leaders, would we live in peace, or would we find mean spirited powerful people to "protect" us? I’m afraid mankind has a long history of "wanting Kings"… God bless you.

Susie's musings

worried about flying?

I am watching with great sadness and interest the news about the downed airplane in the Sinai. I arranged a 5 month trip that took us from Tampa, Florida to Saint Petersburg, Russia, all over England and back to Miami all without getting on an airplane. Last week I flew from Miami to Boston and home again without incident. We were carefully checked in both airports. I know folks in England have to travel a far piece south for sunshine, and many go to lovely resorts in northern Africa, hence the British warnings about flying. I carefully assess my spiritual state and thoughtfully consider "other means of travel" when I have to leave Miami. We could get wiped out on a highway by an 18 wheeler. Stop by a church and breathe in the beauty that is God our Creator, and be sure of where we want to land should an unplanned "stop" on our life journey occur. God bless us all.

Susie's musings

How will we prepare to be dearly departed?

Based on some experiences I’ve had, and many of you have had with cleaning out the homes and spaces where dearly departed (hereinafter known as dd) lived, let us consider today what WE will do to be pain free dds, that is pain free to those who are settling our estates. Karen and Peter’s Aunt had no children and only heirs are nephews. "No one is interested in our old stuff" is a litany Karen and I shared, and I have shared with many of you when we cleared out spaces. I remember the ickiest piece that I carried to the car to go to Salvation Army for the dear departed aunt (a stuffed squirrel in a box.) I could barely carry the box, and I’m wondering this month when the Catholic Church celebrates Saints and Commemorates Faithful Souls, don’t our heirs deserve for us to cast that "beloved stuff" out right now? And oh my gosh can we top a favorite stuffed squirrel? oh please. I’m cleaning off my desk, cleaning out files, and then hitting drawers. I’m getting rid of 10 copies of my resume that I might have needed in 2005, letters from Southern Bell commending me for service, contracts for the schools I taught at, lesson plans. You know what? Who cares. I am what I am. NOW. Get rid of it.

Save the photos. Put names on the back. We don’t want those poor darlings who are cleaning up our stuff to say, "Who IS that old lady?" also I have things my Mom wrote, and some things I wrote to her. Those are treasures…. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Autumn colors in Boston

I volunteered to help friend Karen Skipp go through the estate of her husband Peter’s aunt. What we woman won’t do for our husbands. We flew to Boston and had 2 beautiful, sunny but chilly days and 2 rainy days. I’m traveling homeward on a beautiful day. All the dear departed’s (hereinafter known as dd) stuff had been moved to a lawyer’s storeroom. She died without a will and all her stuff was packed and stored in this concrete block room with one light. Ooooo dreary and chilly. Yesterday, while sitting waiting for our paralegal contact, I determined that the space used to be a big concrete block garage. The space is now used for cold storage. We have been working on culling through all the stuff to dermine value and packed the van for 4 trips to salvation army. Finding the salvation army was hysterical! We had addresses plugged into Karen’s GPS but landed in places definitely NOT Salvation Army. Drove all around Harvard, Vassar, MIT, Tufts and near downtown Boston. Finally found Salvation Army and made them rich. Karen found some treasures and I have 2 Blessed Mother statues that I couldn’t leave behind. They are old and unusual. We also visited the dd’s husband at cemetery, but she is not to be buried there and Karen is carrying her ashes home for burial near her sister (Peter’s mom) in Biscayne. Bay. I’m on a bus headed for Logan airport hoping for a smooth flight like we had from Miami. Chuck will pick me up in Miami and we will go home to decorate for Halloween and to ruin more children’s teeth with candy! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Home is where the heart is

What does it mean: "Home is where the heart is?" The heart is just a big muscle that contracts at will, and we are only aware of it when it loses rhythm …. We ignore the heart most of the time until it flops around, or slows, or quickens. The heart must be carefully and consistently worked in order to function efficiently for 90 or more years. If we work the heart, it remains supple, healthy, and rhythmic. If we let fat grow on an unworked heart, it becomes sluggish, inefficient, sick. Saint James wrote (in his letter chapter 5) to the rich and priveleged, "you have fattened your hearts for the day of slaughter." Yikes… Like pigs or bulls, fattened for the slaughter, hardly able to move. I don’t want that. So what does that have to do with "home?" When I visited many of you, I spoke of "home" and how I was ready to go home. I moved from the Keys which was not "home" and I wanted to return to Miami which is almost a foreign city! I went to the post office the other day and as I stood in line for about 15 minutes, I realized that for that 15 minutes, I did not understand a single word that was spoken by the 20 or so people in line. Same with the Winn Dixie and the Home Depot. I find myself saying, "Whaaaat?" when people speak to me? Even at my church, announcements after Mass are not all that legible. So why want to be in this place? I was brought up here, educated here, married here, my roots are here, the lake is so lovely, and I put my heart down on this lake. I want to serve here on a regular basis. I want to exercise my heart muscle here. When we stayed with Chuck’s cousins in Connecticut, they talked of their church and serving at the food kitchen, and other activities, and I thought, by committing to a place, and being available and able to attend meetings and events; to work in our "home" community, we exercise our serving heart. We exercise love which is refreshed and strengthened. Chuck hasn’t settled yet. He wants to travel, but I pray he will come around, to love this lake home, and to serve in some small way like he used to do with Florida Highway Patrol. I am still cleaning up "piles!" I balanced 2 out of 3 neglected check books, I organized all the credit card files (will be changing addresses and then filing them away), I have been organizing the art room, and today we are getting cable so we can watch the Miami Hurricanes play Thursday night. Chuck and I have been out working in the back yard. We put up a swing (with the help of our friend Dave), and I have been pulling weeds and making the garden borders pretty again. I will plant two new hibiscus bushes which I bought yesterday. Indeed one has bloomed in its pot this morning with a huge single dark orange/coral bloom. Perfect. I will keep that one close by the art room window. One pile at a time! All this place is of Chuck’s and my design. Home is indeed where the heart is. May you find the peace of a place where you can relax and enjoy the beauty of this world. May that place be where you find your happily beating heart. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Beautiful arrival

The Pope’s arrival was beautiful! I liked the pageantry of a shining white plane with American and Vatican flags poking out the windows! Beautiful! I have been watching the Pope’s arrival and I pray we exuberant Americans only exercise love this week. We can return to our "normal" contentious behavior next week, but maybe the graces poured out on America this week will lighten and make more gracious our dialogue and actions. Today is Yom Kippur, a day of reparation, sorrow for sin, and promise to do better. Perhaps those of us who have been making unfriendly and downiight mean statements about anything (be it political or personal) could reconsider and try to do better to make our country a more peaceful place. I for one, am trying to do better. Chuck and I have been unpacking, cleaning house, moving furniture around, filling Goodwill bins, and generally focusing on "making a home in Miami". Chuck traveled down to Big Pine Key while I worked on filling bags with stuff that I have stored in file cabinets in my art room for way too long. Chuck returned with 5 months worth of mail that was delivered to us in Big Pine Key so I will be inundated for a while and paying a few neglected bills. … God bless you!

Susie's musings

The first fire causes me to reflect

Home at last, I have plugged in my PC and it works! thanks to my friend Mike who shares his service with me. Thanks Mike!!! Today was very busy. I woke up about 5:30am and waited until 6 to very quietly begin to unpack the car. Chuck drove all the entire trip, so I let him sleep whenever I could. After unpacking, I went to church (St Timothy has 8am Mass every day!), went to the Xfinity place to order cable and wifi (service guy asked if my husband’s name was Perry. "No…. OH he owned the house before us!" The last time this house had cable was 2003! So I am sure some recabling is in order. Leaving the Xfinity store, I shopped at the Winn Dixie in the same shopping center. WOW shopping for food. That was interesting. We have been gone, eating in restaurants, cruise ships and other people’s kitchens (thank you friends) for 5 months! I bought only fresh veggies and milk as I think I have a freezer full and our larder is full of canned goods. I wonder if ever we had a catastrophe and we needed to provide our own food how long we could eat out of our larder (pantry). A long time if one doesn’t mind a constant diet of garbanzo beans. I came home to empty a lot of suitcases and bags, eat and… then I collapsed. 4 hours later I wondered if this is depression? Am I hiding out in a cool dark bedroom? Covers pulled up? Better get up, shower, put clothes on, curl my too long hair and get back in the main stream. So then I thought what did I learn on the 5 month holiday? No more 5 month holidays! Oh well yes. But also I learned that I/we all need to take quiet time and stare at a fire we just built. Stare into the flame and wonder what it is doing, what it looks like, think about what Moses saw. That kind of thing. I told Mark and Karla I tried to paint a camp fire once. It is very difficult as it is constantly moving and changing, but that is what the artist does: The artist, like the bird, sits out on a branch, singing his heart out! The bird sings not because he has a message, but because he has a song. The artist paints not to depict, but because he has a song. So all of us. Gaze into the fire, the sun rise, the sunset. Look at the amazing wonder of creation and then turn and tell what you saw! (thank you Chuck for building the fire; thanks Mark for the bird image!) God bless you.

Susie's musings

things to thank God for

Driving homeward on interstate 75 at a safe high speed the tire indicator let out a loud beeping and a yellow light flashed on the dash. We were just short of Alligator Alley. Just shy of 5pm. 3 miles at 40 miles per hour in the right hand lane takes a century. We turned right at the exit. 50 50 chance. But I had seen a Mobile sign to the right. What do I see? A tire choice and total car care station. One tire coming apart in 3 places 2 other tires bad. They have tires to fit. Do it. Chuck asked me if I want to stop. No. I want to go home if he thinks he can do it. Home is 2 hours away. The guy just came in…. "Folks you are all set" magic words. Take out the credit card and we are on our way again. Thank God for indicator light that works. God bless you. Homeward bound.

Susie's musings

Winter is a comin’ in!

Good morning! We woke up in Brunswick, Georgia to turn on the TV: lots of rain (finally) in Florida where all summer has been drought (problem is we are about to drive home…), snow in Oregon! and talk on the debate last night. Suddenly the 15 Republican candidates are all before us in a debate where Donald Trump did not talk all through it. He was quiet at times, but he did speak out in some ways that make us wonder if he is presidential… He and Bush really got into it… I saw Carly Fiorina shine and I want to look up the Hewlett Packard/Tom Perkins history on Carly and look harder at the Christie bridge controversy in New Jersey…. There were a lot of Ronald Reagan references… Lindsey was good in the pre-debate and Carley seemed to rise to the occasion. They raised some good issues about the Federal government staying out of state law making… This is a constitutional issue. Please look at the candidates speak and do some research. Who has character? Who might be able to lead us away from the brink of terrorism and war in mid east? We will be on the road today, picking up 3 bags at cousins Laura and Dennis and heading home. I’m making lists of things to focus on… All in it’s own time will be accomplished. God bless you.

Susie's musings

A Cheap Joe’s visit

Artists who get catalogs get a Cheap Joe’s catalog full of neat artsy stuff and deals and sales. Cheap Joe’s is the Mecca of some artists. Joe owned a chain of about 8 pharmacies here in Boone and because he was an artist who couldn’t get art supplies in the area, he kept a pretty large selection of art materials in the pharmacy.  He soon saw the light, sold the drug store chain, and turned his business into full time art supplies. He is up on a hill here in Boone. He fills the summer with summer art classes and he does a lot of philanthropic activities like taking art supplies to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.  Mark and I will be visiting Cheap Joe’s even though neither of us needs A Thing! but there is always something on sale at the store. He generally sells things he has little bits of that he removes from the catalog. One year I got two large canvasses at a ridiculously cheap price, and other years I have picked up paints and brushes on sale. Today with our homage to Cheap Joe we will also eat at "Bella’s," an Italian restaurant that the dog can go to! It’s chilly on the mountain here in Boone; I feel that autumn is a comin’ in! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Heading home

We are on the road headed south. Drove from Pittsburgh to Wytheville, Virginia. I think we have been here before. It is a crossroads between I77 north south and I83 east west. We are on I77 south and might get home as early as Thursday after picking up 3 bags we left at cousin’s house in North Port Fla. We are going to go to Log cabin restaurant which if I am correct, has shops and a big garden out back. For the moment we are sipping wine and watching an NCIS rerun. Watch a movie tonight and onto the road tomorrow morning. Most restaurants closed for Sunday. Did manage to get barbeque ribs and prime rib…. Yum. Going to stop in Boone and Blowing Rock, North Carolina for a run at Cheap Joe’s for art supplies. As if I needed them! God bless you.

Susie's musings


With all the remembering and paying tribute we have done on this trip, and whenever we are with the men of the armed forces, I think more and more about our role as United States in the conflicts in the Middle East and Africa. I’ve read op ends that we can’t do anything in the middle east with arms and amunition, bombs and violence (it just makes them hate us more), and we only anger and separate more when we march into foreign countries to try to help. Except when we marched into Europe, but then we were asked. Last night at our banquet table we had a spirited discussion of the wisdom of admitting even 10,000 Syrian refugees as we can’t really identify them… The conversation was spirited and laden with questions of our role in the world and who is going to "pay for it." I’m homeward bound to my own little homestead on the lake. Homeward bound and praying for peace. Last night at the banquet as we always have, a table was set for one… no one sits there as the table represents the missing in action and prisoners of war. The table is small as the soldier is alone in a small place somewhere. A single candle is lighted as the only light he may see… representing the light we keep burning in memory. During the table setting ceremony, the word remember is repeated. We drink a silent toast with water as the missing cannot respond to us, and they have no wine. We drink and remember. What are we remembering? Christian values of "care for my brother" buck up against how are we going to be able to continue "caring for my brother"… Just what is it exactly that we are remembering? That war is hell and we don’t want to go there? At the end of the ceremony, turning from the silent little table in our midst, we pray for the meal we are about to eat, for those in service, and for those who have fallen or are lost. For our entertainment a troup of children called "the North Star Kids" (ranging in age from ages 8 to 15) perform for us a Broadway medley and patriotic songs. They are brilliant and beautiful. They sing: "Come young citizens of the world; we have one dream of peace, prosperity, and love for all mankind." They sing the Grand Old Flag and God bless America. God bless the kids and grant them the peace and prosperity we have fought for all our lives. God bless us travelers today as we head "home." God bless you.

Susie's musings

We remember

One of the patches on a submariner’s vest reads, 48,000 lives lost in Viet Nam. We Remember. I’m sitting in the chairs set up to watch the memorial service at the USS Requin, SS 481. The time marked today is in airplanes and souls lost September 11, 2001, but also today we will remember boats and souls lost from the inception of submarine service in the United States. The men are trying to get the Hunley added to the list as she is truely the first… Even though she was a Confederate States boat. We were brothers. I’m surrounded by hundreds of old sailors this morning, many WWII and many, like Chuck who can’t claim a "named war" but wear badges remembering the cold war. The flag is coming in… After the presentation of colors and the National Anthem, our speaker, a submarine captain who was in the Pacific on September 11,2001, said that day our lives changed and we are in a war longer than any war we have ever fought. Submarines are a small force, but are accountable for great enemy losses, and, as I have cited in previous blogs, have the highest % of losses of all services. As the Silent Service, we remember our losses with the tolling of a ship’s bell. We remember the lost beginning in 1915, and ending with SS593 April 10, 1963 the Thresher and SS589 May 27, 1968 the Scorpion. Cold War losses. Before closing with prayer, a poem was read: "Sailor on your final dive, do you wonder, ‘Am I dead?’ No. You made your stand at the bottom of the sea, and you are locked in the hearts of all sailors. Sailor rest your oars." The memorial ended with a 21 gun salute, Taps, and a prayer: " We pray for protection for all service members who are in harm’s way. We ask our Lord to let the healing begin." God bless you.

Susie's musings

what? more food

I cannot find words to say how awesome corned beef from a restaurant named Sammy’s is. Yum. I ate corned beef sandwich washed down with red wine and followed by a raspberry sweet that just leaves me rubbing my tummy… Yum. Tomorrow we have plans to return to the Strip for seafood at Rolands. I forgot to mention we stopped into a beautiful church today called "old St Patrick". Beautiful. How I’ll be able to sleep on this belly is a mystery. We have biscotti from the Strip district to dip in our coffee in the morning. Yum. Sleep well with sweet dreams. Sweet. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Pittsburgh Strip District Food Tour

What I missed not being brought up in Pittsburgh? Aunts, Mom and Grandmothers in the kitchen cooking. When my mother rushed us out of Pittsburgh before I even turned 3, I lost a great experience. I remember hot streets and beaches in Miami, but not FOOD. Today as I walked around I shared a few photos on text messages (I think my sisters think I am crazy) and now I’m offering some day to share photos with anyone who asks (as soon as we get home and I print them). Thanks for walking with me if I texted you today as I sniffed and ate my way along Penn Avenue from near the Point of the 3 rivers, down to 25th street in "the Strip District." Back in the day, food used to come in to food warehouses and distribution points (like it does to Seattle’s Pike Market, or New York’s markets), and restaurants grew up right there. So today we ate pirogis, mele, Italian sausage and pepperoni rolls with home made sauce, cinnamon bread, biscotti, and Chuck bought salami and parma ham…. WHAT is my blood work going to look like? Perhaps I better just give in and let the doctor call me a fatty and take the pills he keeps threatening me with. And, burp, I am thinking about a nap! Well it was hot out there. God bless you.

Susie's musings

God bless September 11 dead

I choose to use the word dead in my title rather than victims, because we are talking about heroes. Many people fought to live and fought against evil on September 11. So today at the submarine convention we remembered heroes. In case the Twin Towers and the Pentagon dominate our memory, a post script to the day is that a United Airlines flight 93 left Newark airport with 33 passengers, one unborn baby, 4 hijackers and 7 flight crew crashed at Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The plane was delayed in take off from Newark 25 minutes. That was enough time for people on that plane to hear from friends and relatives that airplanes had attacked at 3 sites. Headed for San Francisco, the plane was overtaken by 4 hijackers at 9:28am and she banked and turned over Cleveland to head on a SE course headed presumably for the White House or Camp David which is 85 miles SE of the crash site. No one knows exactly what the planned final destination was. I tried to imagine how I would have acted that day. 13 people placed 37 phone calls to report what was happening onboard. When it became clear that their plane was to be used as a weapon, the 33 passengers and crew took a vote and decided to counter attack. Probably locked into shock, fear, and grief, they prayed the Our Father (this was heard on cell phones) and then, presumably led by Todd Beamer, they rushed the cockpit using a flight attendant food cart and boiling water prepared for burning the highjackers by the flight attendants. At 9:57am the cock pit voice recorder recorded shouts, thumps, crashes, breaking glass and plates. Investigators speculate that the hijackers remained in control of the aircraft, but the plane pitched onto its back and at 10:03am drove into the ground at 563 miles per hour exploding with a huge fireball. First responders arrived within 15 minutes but there was nothing but a crater and a large debris field that today has been thoroughly investigated and covered with wild flowers and grasses. This debris field is surrounded by a black low wall. The plane was 18 minutes from Washington DC when it crashed coming to ground from the NW. The descent path is marked by a visitor center / museum on a hill, and a long white wall with the passenger and crew names carved on it. Not yet completed is a walk way out to the point of impact that today is a temporary walkway and a large boulder. We went first to the Memorial Plaza which is a slab of concrete that borders the debris field. From there you can view the descent path and a giant boulder that was the point of impact. We placed a wreath on the Memorial Plaza. When I read the names of the dead, one name Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas was followed by and unborn child. What a loss. We then went to a small chapel that was originally a Lutheran church sold and turned into a feed and seed barn and purchased by Father Al Mascherino to be a permanent memorial chapel for the tragedy. The tiny chapel stands in Shanksville, on the flight path of the doomed airliner, on a holy mountain, as our host suggested today, and is a beautiful testament to the faith of a people who saw the need for a place of refuge and prayer for peace. Father Al, passed away, wrote "Tread gently on our hills. Welcome visitor, tread gently." You are on ground hallowed by people who, in the final moments of their lives, demonstrated courage, strength, purpose and commitment. In the sanctuary is a lamp that is shaped like the crater, yet a perpetual light shines. Above it flies an airplane. There are beautiful stained glass windows in this little chapel. One is a gift from Congregation Emanu-El Israel signifying the grace and wisdom of God. There is a mural with rolling thunder clouds and 40 stars called "How Great Thou Art." As we left the church, Father asked each submariner to toll the giant steel bell built in 1860. One toll for each soul. 40 tolls. It is called thunder bell because the people of this peaceful place heard thunder one day and it changed our lives. We ate lunch and were entertained by a wonderful trio of actors who sang patriotic songs and celebrated American heroes starting with Patrick Henry’s speech. It was a wonderful 45 minute celebration of America with all the heroic songs including God Bless America and the National Anthem. The ride back to Pittsburgh was a long one but the host put in a John Wayne biography so we watched John Wayne for 2 hours from his first film to his last (the Shootist). Wayne died after receiving a medal from the White House "John Wayne American." Pray for America and for the world as refugees leave home in numbers that remind us of the Irish exodus and the Exodus of Jews to Israel. We still have the opening of the convention tonight with a Welcome Aboard Party. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Pittsburgh family!

Last evening after we unpacked at the convention hotel, we were picked up by Marion and Bob who took us up to the top of Mount Washington to a lovely seafood restaurant with a "to die for" view of 3 rivers, all of Pittsburgh, and most of Pennsylvania if you have an active imagination! We looked down on the submarine we will visit this week and on the baseball and football stadiums. My cousin Bob joined us with his friend Maureen so we had a table of 6 to share old stories about my Uncle Bob and my dad and their family growing up. This morning we started Labor Day with a 2 1/2 hour parade that was key noted by Joe Biden. When we realized the parade was going right by our window, we watched from the 17th floor. The sub vets walked in the parade with a car trailing a little submarine that is carried to all the conventions. Marion picked us up at 12:30 and we went to the church (St John the Baptist) where our grandparents (Michael and Sarah) were married July 1, 1908. But the church has been sold and purchased by a company that turned it into a brew pub. Oh dear. I took photos of the aisle and where the altar would have been (it is now the brew kegs)… we sat in pews and ate and drank brewery beer. Then Marion took us through the old neighborhood where my father and uncles and aunts grew up, but the houses are gone, razed and a hospital was built on the land. We drove on Winebiddle Avenue where Sarah went to Ursuline Academy which has been purchased but it looks like it is still used as a school. Drove then to the Calvary Cemetary where, under a Celtic cross with the name Mccarthy on it, our grandparents, my dad, and my sister Annette among other family members are buried. We dug the grass and dirt off Annette’s little stone and I have to call and ask the cemetary folks to put some base under it. That was a teary time… Marion’s parents are buried there too. We parted promising to find some more time this week to see some amazing place that Pittsburgh has to offer. Tomorrow we begin the convention with a trip to the flight 93 memorial site. God bless the people who died in the September 11 horror that will be memorialized this week. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Pittsburgh. Home again.

How odd it felt to see the first image of the Pittsburgh skyline from the Interstate 376 which dropped us into "down town" and when we reached our final destination at the Westin Convention hotel on Penn Avenue. All my life, I’ve heard of St Francis Hospital, Milvale Avenue, Calvary Cemetary and other places that this week will become familiar. I’ve actually been here twice with my Mom and one more time with Chuck but that was to drive in and visit Aunt Jean and cousins Henry and Lois, now gone to heaven. All my family comes from Pittsburgh, Mom and Dad’s parents came here from Ireland and Italy… And so I settle in to a hotel room and look out the window and try to imagine what my cousins Marion and Bob will be like "after all these years". I actually met them at a family reunion in California about 15 years ago… but that was hurried and, I hardly remember. On top of this exciting reunion is the submarine convention. The hotel is already hosting some submariners and the hospitality suite is open. So. Onward, into the week. This is what we left Miami May 1 to do. This is the final stop in a long journey that took us "while we are at it" all the way to St Petersburg, Russia, to England for a month, to the Queen Mary 2 special anniversary crossing. This is the final destination after dumping our car on willing cousins Laura and Dennis, the wedding in Atlanta, the visits to Al and Shannon, Karla and Mark, Katie and John, Andy and his brother, Moira and Dave, Linda and Joe, all the Larson cousins. On this vacation I celebrated my 68th birthday and Chuck and I celebrated 45 years of marriage. Time to go home! To hang laundry on the line, to sleep on my own sheets and pillows, cook in our kitchen, clean the oven, ride around in the pontoon boat. You name it. Home. I will write about what happens here, but sufficient to say. Thank God for a successful journey. No scares (beyond the big one in Talinn, Estonia where Chuck was pick pocketed and got his wallet back…) and no illnesses (except for the unholy nose blowing due to spring in England…). Thank God for a great journey and now dear Lord bless the rest of our journey and our meetings with more cousins and many submariners. God bless America, and God bless us all.

Susie's musings

Cousins on parade!

We arrived in Hartford to be celebrated at an old mill turned restaurant. Ate Sunday brunch with 10 cousins! Took photos and sent off to the cousins who aren’t here. We celebrate family this week as we remember "Old Uncle Horace" whose mustache tickled and who had a great old car. We sat in the back yard of the house in Waterford Uncle Horace built that has come down to Chuck’s sister Thelma and we remembered and told stories. We are spending a lot of time with cousins Bill and Barbara Keish/Poirot whose Mom Chuck’s Aunt Georgie was a beautiful happy woman who went to heaven too early. I never met Georgie but I’ve heard she sang and danced and loved life! Cousins Kenneth and Barbara have children Charles (who lives in Virginia) and Roberta and her husband Mark and 3 very accomplished children whom we are visiting. The grand parents (Barbara and Kenneth) have a downstairs wing of the house and the kids are at one end of upstairs with Mom and Dad on the other end of upstairs. We have a lovely corner bedroom of one son who has gone "off" to college. We have attended a soccer scrimmage and Chuck went to (a very boring) soccer game that finished after 2 overtimes a 0 tie. He is talking about going to a UConn football game. Today we drove out to visit cousin Barbara Poirot who just had surgery and she is doing fine. Thank God. Tomorrow we will go to Mark Twain home in Hartford. Busy busy. We cook large and varied meals as there are about 8 people at any given meal! I’m off to wash lettuce to use with the farm raised tomatoes and cucumbers that abound this time of year. It’s hot in CT, but the trees are already showing orange… God bless you!

Susie's musings

Connecticut beauty

I repeat a lot about how beautiful America is! We have been site seeing and eating our way back and forth along the south coast of Connecticut from the submarine memorials of Groton to Thelma’s summer home in Waterford where Chuck and Thelma remember coming for picnics in the big backyard… To Mystic, Stonongton, Hartford and other places in southern Connecticut. Visited with Tammy and Chuck helped drive her off to the Boston airport as she globe trots to Malta. We solved one air conditioning problem at one rental house by calling our neighbor Sparky who called for help and got that fixed and got a text from the other house that they have problems too. Back on the phone same neighbor Sparky helping… Being a landlord while traveling isn’t graceful. I hope all gets resolved. Meanwhile Keys are being hit by a storm (Erika) and we pray for only a slight hit… meanwhile we are riding as I type up to Hartford to have brunch with family. Beautiful America God bless you. And God bless us as we travel.

Susie's musings

lobster again? you bet!

I admit there is no better lobsta than Maine, but the south coast of Connecticut in towns called Mystic, New London, and other coastal beauties, lobster "shacks" abound. Yesterday we ate lobster at Abbots lobster in the rough with cousins Kenneth and Barbara, sister Thelma and golden girl niece Tammy who has touched down to visit family on her way to a vacation to the island of Malta where our Olympians have trained. Apparently Malta has many pools and with great Mediterranean weather, water polo and synchronized swimmers train there in the warmth. We traveled around the coastal towns yesterday, and today Thelma is taking us to Old Lyme and on a ferry and out to lunch. The family has a lot planned for the next week before we move on to Pittsburgh where my cousin Marion, daughter of my Father’s brother Robert, will show us "the best of" Pittsburgh. The submarine convention begins the day after Labor Day and we will once again celebrate America’s underwater heros. Off to tour the coastline. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Brattleboro again

We are crisscrossing the east. We stopped at Brattleboro on our way to Maine from Katie ‘s in Ossining, New York and now stopping here again coming south out of sugar hill New Hampshire. It is a great crossroads place with a marina on the swirling Connecticut river which has been our companion since we started this morning on interstate route 91. We stopped at the crossroads of I91 and I89 for a too big great breakfast at white river junction Vermont. Learned at the breakfast diner that New Hampshire and Vermont were one territory, but Vermont was French and they broke off. Vermont is green mountain in French. Little bit of history for us adventurous types. This past week Chuck and I were farmers’ assistants on friends’ 10 acre farm. Following instructions as to what was weeds and what was good stuff I helped Linda weed the gardens. Also helped harvest and dry chamomile and dill. Pulled tomato worms off her many (about 100) tomato plants. Painted the white mountains and a still life of picked tomatoes ripening before being turned into sauce. While I helped Linda, Chuck hauled rocks and drove the ride around "boy toys" tractor and lawn mowers. We had no internet service and actually in the midst of nature’s beauty, I avoided trying to get online. It is so green and beautiful in upstate New Hampshire this time of year. I found myself reciting lines from Keats (seasons of mists and yellow fruitfulness) and Robert. Frost… "After Apple picking…" so lush and fruitful. Also I kept singing "the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye, it looks like it’s growing clear up to the sky" all together now! "Oh what a beautiful morning!" OK all is well on this grand journey as we turn south. It looks like after a morning of fierce storm, the sun is out. May you be warm and creative today! God bless you.

Susie's musings

setting the agenda

While we are on the road, I grab TV in hotel rooms, or at Dave Larson’s the first thing in the morning… and how scary and interesting our world is… scary because of the bombings and plane crashes, interesting because of the political talk… why is it candidates talk about their plans and issues and then… when they are elected, supposedly by a majority of the nation, they can’t get their plans through? Almost makes me think our national "plan" isn’t working. A celebrity runs and he talks brashly, but people are listening… but it is far away from summer 2016… Weather is hot and muggy and still air dominates. The fires in the west need rain. Is it better not to watch TV? Maybe I should be watching HGTV and DIY network so I will be able to jump on "projects" when we get home. Before we left, I started a little garden with a really pretty hibiscus near the art room window, and I hope it survived and I can clean it up and develop it. Also need to paint the house and update the murals on the back. As for America, how is she doing? Well, let me say WOW! yesterday we left SW Harbor Maine (most people know Bar Harbor… well SW Harbor is on that island too) and we headed west past Bangor Maine on route 2. This is a winding road through little Maine towns. We were advised to stop at the Bankery in Skowhegan and we did! It is a bakery in an old bank in an old town. Actually not only a bakery, also make wedding cakes and rents tuxedos and wedding things! We asked about accommodations and got 2. Stopped at the first, the Towne Motel (same name as our hotel in Camden Maine) and they gave us a room with king sized bed at nice rate… and they recommended we go to the river which we did. And then we sat and I painted a little weir (slight damming of the water that makes ripples and fast current.) We watched kyakers take a string of what looked like little children in tubes down the current … Felt like Big Pine Key with the kyakers! Soon this morning it will be time to continue on route 2 towards Sugar Hill New Hampshire to visit our friends Linda and Joe Mccarthy (no relation)… and then on south into Connecticut to visit all kinds of Peabody family and friends. Good weather to you and God bless you.

Susie's musings

setting the agenda

While we are on the road, I grab TV in hotel rooms, or at Dave larson’s the first thing in the morning… and how scary and interesting our world is… scary because of the bombings and plane crashes, interesting because of the political talk… why is it candidates talk about their plans and issues and then… when they are elected, supposedly by a majority of the nation, they can’t get their plans through? Almost makes me think our national "plan" isn’t worki ng. Weather is hot and muggy and still air dominates. The fires in the west need rain. Is it better not to watch TV? Maybe I should be watching HGTV and DIY network so I will be able to jump on "projects" when we get home.

Susie's musings

Sitting pretty in Southwest Harbor

We drove up to SW Harbor, Maine via US1 along the rugged coast line of Maine. The weather is beautiful. Sunny and just cool enough in the shade. Went sailing with Moira and Dave Larson on the Virginia J. Sunset while pitching to the side in the slight wind. I don’t know what it’s called when a sailboat lays over while catching the wind in her sails… But it is very exciting. Eating chowda and tonight we will eat lobsta! Painting the beautiful flowers and a gazebo in the park at Bar Harbor. Absolutely a great vacay spot! Trying to avoid tourists… Oh wait, I are one! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Joan’s Ark

Sitting over the harbor at Camden Maine. Chuck and I just finished 2 1 1/2 pounds lobster… Burp. We are wondering who owns that 80 foot yacht in the harbor called Joan’s Ark. Did she write "the novel with enough violence and sex" so she could buy that cruiser or did she just marry a rich guy? Chuck finishes the bottle into our glasses, we rip off our lobster bibs; we wish we had crayons like the little girl at the next table, we wish… For more lobster? For Joan’s Ark? We wish the bib would come off… The tide is coming in and maybe tomorrow there will be enough sunshine to sit in the grass on our chairs and sip, paint, and read.

Susie's musings

Beautiful America

Once again I am astounded at the beauty of America! Today we headed north out of Ossining, bidding a fond, "See you soon," to Katie whom I have known since my first night at Barry University. My first night at the "honors house" I found Katie, Patty, Karla, Ellen, Claire, Barbara, Joanie… all lovely women and we have grown up together. We lost Patty and Joanie and we pay tribute to their beauty and their love of life and love of our God our Creator who welcomed them home too early in our eyes. So after leaving Ossining, we drove north through the "valley" left by a long gone glacier along the Hudson river on the Taconic Parkway and cut east at Hillsdale, ate a snack at a real diner with one counter waitress who also worked the cash register. I did not ask, but I think her name is Flo. I found a Revolutionary War monument dedicated to the men who died from Hillsdale. Then on through the Berkshires. Great Barrington, Adams, Pittsfield. So America! The going was slow, so by 2pm, I was begging for a nap, and here we are at Brattleboro on the Connecticut River. We found a Marina with a restaurant with tables on the marina, facing west… we might catch a sunset over the water. God bless America! Love Sue

Susie's musings

Gonna eat oysters

Not exactly the best grammar, but when one is planning to let loose, get sand in the shoes and butter to the elbows, well I guess grammar takes a back seat. we left the north end of the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel and turned north towards the ferry. Friend Francis called us and told us some things she hadn’t said… Francis is near 90 and does not want to "go into a home". We all know how hard life becomes with children trying to take care of aging parents. Say a prayer for Frances and her children. We spent the night at Tom’s River on the eastern shore north of Sea Isle City and north of Atlantic City. Went to walk on the beach and eat seafood. Drove through the spaghetti bowl around New York city, crossed the George Washington bridge, and got to Ossining home of Sing Sing prison and also a lovely little town. We had a wonderful issue filled talk with Katie, went out for beautiful Italian dinner and Saturday going to the farmer’s market. Going out tonight to celebrate 45 years of our marriage. We are aghast that we are old enough for that. God bless you.

Susie's musings

sitting by the bay…

I understand exactly what Otis Redding meant…"Sittin’ on a dock by the bay…" We ate our oysters on the western shore of the Chesapeake, dropped our friend Frances off back in Virginia Beach, and then headed over the longest bridge tunnel (in the world?) …. If you haven’t done it yet… You drive more than 7 miles and then enter the first of two tunnels and go down… It is eerie realizing we are under the largest Naval shipping channel (in the world?) I know Norfolk naval base is the largest base. Anyhow… It is a tad bit scary. And there are two tunnels which means 3 bridges! So we are on the Eastern shore looking west waiting for sunset, sipping, reading, thanking God we live in the great USA. Happy summer. God bless you.

Susie's musings

To the Eastern Shore

We thank our Hilton Head friends Karla Mark and dog Jessie for a wonderful visit! After many hours spent on the porch, reading, painting (I painted on two canvasses), petting the dog, long walks, eating out at Hilton Head eateries, talking with Mark’s son and family who live and work in Switzerland, did I say eating??? we finally left the family yesterday and drove up to near Virginia Beach which is FULL. Every Virginia Beach hotel I visited online was full!!! We are staying at Emporia Virginia at state road 58 which is the exit from I 95 when we begin the eastward drive into Virginia Beach at a good Best Western with a pool and hot tub, both of which I floated around in yesterday afternoon! We will drive over in about an hour and pick up Francis Skinner for lunch at an Oyster Bar on the north shore called Bubba’s. I think it is where Ray and Francis used to crab on the beach… Chuck met Ray and Francis back in about 1967 when he and Rick Hartman used to stay there when off on leave from the submarine… After the Navy, we visited many times, and Ray and Francis visited us in Miami with Herman. Many of you know them. Ray passed away a few years ago and Francis is very lonely. God bless them. We will then do our 35 minute "shortest drive" routine across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel and spend the night at the Sunset Beach Inn and Grille at the foot of the bridge on the Eastern Shore. Once before we did this shortest drive: We were looking for "Yuk Yuk and Joe’s" an Eastern shore bar that Al’s friend Ray told us about. We found the bar and sat there all afternoon entertained by the "local talent"…. Today we will repeat the trip back and stay in "the only hotel up thissaway" which is what they told us at Yuk Yuk and Joe’s that late afternoon when we needed a close by hotel (if you know what I mean…You don’t want to do the bridge tunnel drunk). It turned out to be a really cool property on the Chesapeake Bay. That afternoon we ate out at the bay-side bar, watched the sun set over the Chesapeake Bay, and had a great evening on the Bay. Repeating…. I’ll tune in later and continue this little journey. God bless you!

Susie's musings

That better not be my beer!

We are out on the porch at Hilton Head drinking wine and suddenly we hear, "slurp, slurp, slurp…" and I’m remembering the commercial with the dog who gets the master’s beer…. The barbeque is heating up and we are doing burgers tonight. We are so lazy! Karla and I went to church this morning and then Karla and Mark went to the eye doctor and Chuck and I read books and took Jessie the dog outside to sit in the sun. We are planning still to go to Virginia Beach to visit Francis Skinner next week.. Until then, lots of play and wine. Love. And God bless you.

Susie's musings

Sitting pretty in Hilton Head

We arrived at Karla and Mark’s beautiful house on Hilton head island at about 3pm on Friday. Got through the guard gate (who hadn’t been updated that an itinerant, homeless couple were coming to visit), but a call to Boone got us permission from Karla and Mark. We went on to find Mimi (Mark’s sister) out walking her dog with her arm all wrapped up. She broke wrist in a gardening fall. She gave us the house key, and we got in just fine, and proceeded to spread our stuff all over the house! Swept the driveway and back porch, shopped at Harris Teeter, and tried to go to outdoor market for fresh vegs, but market closes July 4. A kind farmer gave us 2 eggplants that I have earmarked for a pasta dish , if Karla approves… We cooked several meals, I went to Mass, we ate and cleaned up. Today Chuck and I are cleaning up our messes and preparing a big supper to greet Mark and Karla when they arrive from Boone late this afternoon. Mimi will join us too. We hope during this visit to see Karla’s son Brad, wife Becca and baby Saylor who live nearby in Charleston. Other than giant mosquito or other insect bites that we periodically go nuts over and apply more cream to, all is beautiful. There is a small pond out back and we got a magnificent photo of a great blue heron proudly standing and posing. Decks are ready for evenings of wine drinking, singing, and laughing. We called Frances Skinner who used to visit Miami with sweet husband Ray. He passed away and Frances misses him mightily. We will visit her and take her out for some Chesapeake Bay seafood when we leave here. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Staying Safe

I woke up this morning in Clinton, South Carolina, headed for Hilton Head Island to visit Karla. Actually we will open up Karla’s house and cook a meal for her and Mark who arrive on Sunday.  I came down to breakfast to find Chuck eating and reading peacefully, but on the wall the TV news had Bobby Jindal talking about yet another shooting this time in a quiet beautiful town where evil came from outside… Lafayette, Louisiana… I don’t think it is laws on gun control that we need. We live in a culture of violence. We accept the games and TV and movies with great noise and violence. We don’t recognize the face of evil. Who was that guy? In western movies he used to wear a black hat; he sneered from behind a big drooping mustache; he had big guns strapped to his hip.   We have met people whose very mien frightened us… the look, the words, the attitudes frighten us. But this man who shot up a movie theater in Layfayette is ordinary looking. He isn’t from "our town". He drove into a responsible town and he wrecked havoc. The pieces will be put together; we’ll state over and over that "there’s bad stuff in the world." I’m quoting a local congressman. So can we keep guns out of the wrong hands? No. We can only pray for our own peace.  Pray we could help others. Pray we could lower our head over a friend and protect the weaker one. Pray to see God’s face. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Tenessee heat

The wedding of Lisa and Allen Paparelli was breathtaking in simplicity and full of laughter and love. The minister called on the two young people to call on the strength of Jesus and on family when in trouble and actually in good times too!  We stayed in a beautiful hotel and just walked downstairs to the celebration which means a lot as driving in downtown Atlanta isn’t fun! We hugged everybody good bye and headed out on my birthday morning for Cookeville Tennessee where many Miami folks retire. We’re visiting friends from Miami (Al and Shannon) and Dave and Debby are here too. So… small pleasures taken far from home. I’m about to go outside and paint Shannon’s daiseys in amazing hot weather. Apparently they have had extremely cold winters and hot dry summers when the corn don’t grow. So… all is well. We head east slowly on Thursday to spend a few days on South Carolina lakes or rivers (I’ll reveal which lakes or rivers when I find out…) and end up in Hilton Head on Sunday for a nice long visit with friend from college Karla and Mark. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Ships, boats, taxis, and a train

Written after the fact from an Atlanta hotel room! I walked up the stairs from the 6th to the 7th floor to get coffee on our last day on the QM2, and as per usual procedure, I checked the weather by poking my  head outside.  WOW! Imagine how the immigrants felt, all my 4 grand parents, as they saw the Statue of Liberty for the first time.  She stands proudly in New York harbor today, green from weathering, holding her book and light, inspiring gulps of joy in my throat. I took some photos of the Statue and then I turned to my right and caught a first glimpse of the new World TradeCenter. Clouds were rolling in, and those are the best shots I got all day! We stood in a line of hundreds to get a taxi, so Chuck bought off a guy who hailed us a private cab (seems you can get anything with an extra $20). He took us through the tunnel from QM2’s perch in Brooklyn and pointed out the World Trade Center and memorial garden. We checked in at the hotel and immediately set out for a circle line cruise that goes all around Manhattan Island: 20 bridges, 19 tall and 1 rail road bridge that has to open for each boat. We could not see up the Hudson waterway for clouds and the tops of the tall buildings were shrouded in cloud as rain poured down. We went under the George Washington bridge that Sully Sullenberg "glided over" after he lost engine power and saw the spot on the Hudson where he "landed" near the aircraft carrier Intrepid. Rain continued to pour down scrapping any thoughts of going out to the World Trade Center site or the Battery Park to see the QM2 light show as she sailed away.  Instead we relaxed and then, noticing it had stopped raining, walked up to Broadway and Times Square and had an early dinner at an Irish pub. Morning came and we got the first taxi we hailed who dropped us at Penn Station. With all our 13 bags… I stood on the side walk as Chuck disappeared down into Penn Station to look for Amtrack and a porter. I waited bravely on the sidewalk and then they came! Chuck and a "red cap." The train ride was fun except that Amtrack has cut back with no dining car for sleeper cars… so we were reduced to hotdogs and beer. As we rolled and rocked along listening to the train blow her horn at every crossing I thought of all the country western songs I’ve heard about the lonesome whistle of the train, and I thought of all those little nameless towns we blew through. The train was a little late due to heavy freight traffic on the lines, but our dear loyal cousin Dennis picked us up and took us out for lunch (waterside in Tampa).  Greet the dogs waiting for us, throw the ball a million times, hug Laura and Dennis good bye and head for Atlanta on Friday morning. Arrived Atlanta at about 4pm on a Braves game afternoon and oh do not forget rush hour on I75/I85 in Atlanta. I was frazzled, but our little GPS girl got us to the front door of the beautiful Georgian Terrace hotel where we have a small suite with washer and dryer. I filled the suite with open suitcases, put up a clothes line and went to work on laundry! We went out for a walk with Charlie Paparelli to the restaurant for rehearsal dinner and tonight is Lisa’s wedding. So, just as I asked for prayer for my niece Jennie, so tonight I ask for prayer for Lisa. Two beautiful young ladies setting out to continue a happy and beautiful life. Heard last evening at the rehearsal dinner: "You can’t explain marriage to someone who hasn’t been married. Marriage is a challenge and only Love carries us through." And we aren’t strong enough to love on our own with poor puny human love… Ask God and his angels to come and be with.  God bless you!

Susie's musings

Disembark is such a scary word!

We have had a smashing time. The sailaways have been grand with fireworks and all kinds of sailing vessels escorting us out of Halifax and Boston. Last evening we sipped champagne, leaned on the 12th deck railing, and watched planes take off and land from the Boston airport as our Queen Mary 2 backed out of her slip and backed into Boston Harbor. We sat there for over an hour as we watched the lights on shore and finally fireworks! A grand show. Today is swimming, classical music, an art lecture. The luggage is packed and ready to go outside the cabin door. After the art lecture, I’ll pick up Chuck for our final evening with friends Margaret and Bill in the champagne lounge. We’re a bit sad to leave, and moving from ship to New York hotel to Amtrak will be a challenge. Then we will have our own car (kept for us by cousins Laura and Dennis…) and all will be relatively normal again!!! I might not write again until we get to Laura and Dennis’ house on Thursday. Have a wonderful week! Think of us and say a little prayer for our safety as we bravely go out to find food in a world not personed by white gloved waiters who wait on our every need. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Scone, jam and cream

Yesterday I had a little afternoon tea. Chuck went early to shave, shower, brush his teeth and lay out his formal wear for the last formal night, and I went for a cuppa tea… I couldn’t resist the scones and the cream was lovely! Jam is just an additional treat. Today we are in Boston and we just cleared immigration with a very cute immigration agent! I swear he had an Irish accent but it was just Boston! We will hop on hop off the red bus here in Boston with our Scottish friends Margaret and Bill. We will visit the Copley Square Marathon finish line memorial, do a little Freedom trail like I did with cousin Laura here in Boston a few years ago, and talk about Revolution with the Brits! Eat some lobster and clam chowder at Durgen’s market/seafood and (burp) back to the boat for champagne and maybe a romp in the pool as it will be 91 degrees today in Boston. The ship promises fireworks as we leave the harbor for our last and home port of New York. We arrive Tuesday morning and catch the Amtrak to Tampa on Wed. Arrive Tampa on Thursday I think… Paperwork is buried in a suitcase under the bed. I’m just going where I’m told to go at this point! No send off could equal the amazing send off at Halifax… I have about a million photos if anyone wants to watch. I need to download to a pc and just sit and watch it all float by! Happy Sunday. Jennie should be married by this time in Jacksonville. Say a little prayer of happiness for my lovely niece and her new husband! – God bless you!

Susie's musings

Pride and Prejudice at sea

Today Chuck and I split up a little bit… I went to a lecture on New York skyscrapers (the high end residences) and Chuck went to meet with Military service men and women. Then we met at the pool where I bounced with my friend Margaret for an hour, ate lunch (burp…), and then the fun part: we went to Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice acted out in unquestionably great accents! It was fun and very well done! Where else but on Cunard will you find such amazing English talent! I then went for tea… oh my gosh this includes a scone, cream and jam… and tea. burp. Followed by getting all prettied up for another formal night (4 nights in 12 days) champagne with friends, another amazing dinner, and here I am with a minute to spare before Apassionata (an extravaganza of exciting dance styles). I let Chuck go free tonight to go to a movie called Kingsman the Secret Service with Colin Firth and Samuel L Jackson. I wanted to go to the movie but I felt I need to watch the dancers… It all fits in with the cruise thing. Tomorrow is Terra Firma USA. Boston here we come, but we are still tourists! To disembark in America and walk all around and do stuff but then to go get back on the ship is really neat. We have to go through immigration tomorrow and then again in New York. When we get kicked off in New York and have to deal with the luggage – now that will be The End. Ick. but not yet! God bless you. Happy Sunday.

Susie's musings

Strollin’ west OR oh my goodness my pants still fit!

Barely buttoned, my favorite white pants fit… I’ve resisted the elegant desserts and only snagged a profiterole or petit four (sp?) occasionally. Last night I resisted hot chocolate and cookies at story reading time (a beautiful Welsh girl read from Dylan Thomas… I found myself lulled almost to sleep as I listened to Thomas read with the lilting Welsh voice!). Despite eating few cookies.. the pants are tightening. Pool today. I must do lots of kicking and moving. But I get ahead of myself. Must not neglect Halifax! We left the ship dutifully at 9am and met Brian our taxi driver. Hiring a private car for the first time was something Chuck and I don’t do… what if they have a flat tire? what if they leave us half way across the island, what’s the guarantee we’ll get back to the ship??? But our Scottish friend Margaret assured us Brian was polite in his correspondence with her, and she hired him and she felt confident. Indeed Brian was an ex police man so he and Chuck hit it off in the front seat while Margaret, Bill and I sat back and looked out at Nova Scotia. We drove out of the city and to Peggy’s Cove which is a lovely fishing – art community with rocks and a light house. There was a charity event this weekend so there is a big tent (a yert) full of art to look at and buy, and artists were perched all over painting the rocks and light house. I took photos of the artists and their paintings and then looked over their shoulders and photographed what they were painting! Lovely! We had cappucinos and moved on towards Lunenburg, but first stopped at a painted house! took a lot of photos with the artist book writer Ivan Fraser who has written the legend of Peggy who washed ashore and did not know her name… She was named Margaret and called Peggy hence the place names Margaret’s Cove and Peggy’s Cove. We walked through the artist’s antique strewn home, looked at his amazing paintings, and generally had a grand time! He even had the shed painted with his heroine Peggy! I left there very inspired to update my own house and shed paintings! As we drove, we passed the site of the Swiss Air flight that disappeared 5 miles off the coast. Fishing boats went out to save people, but there was nothing. Debris did wash up on the coast. We have made a new friend Tania who worked for Swiss Air and came to Halifax to work the arrivals of flights of families… but there were no bodies and no survivors. We passed the site of the convention center where people were housed and cared for when about 65 airplanes had to land on Halifax on September 11. Onward to Mahone and Lunenburg beautiful little villages the second is a port for a sailing vessel called the Blue Nose. We ate lobster sandwiches and drank Canadian beer. On again to the cemetery where some of the recovered Titanic bodies are buried. Just as Chuck and I visited the cemetery for the Pan Am flight that crashed into Lockerbie Scotland, we visited here and said a little prayer for those identified and those not identified. Margaret and I talked about the events recently passed when the British had to wait for days to identify their dead. It’s a hard world and we must carry on and have faith that God sorts it all out in the end. I remain steadfast wanting to see God’s face. From the morning announcements: Use each day’s time and live in the present only! Today is a gift and that is why it is called the present! God bless you!

Susie's musings

What a difference a day makes OR Sunshine in Halifax

How the Pilgrims and early immigrants must have felt as they trundled up against land here in Halifax or in other North eastern cities! Or I guess there weren’t cities yet were there? Anyhow. It was about 7:30 am when I went up for coffee and I saw "bright!" and then I stepped outside and saw "Green!!!!! grass and a light house!" The past few days on the north sea have been mother nature at her gloomy worst. Well I guess Mother Nature can be worse. She did not pour a storm on us. Yesterday at noon, I insisted on going swimming and kept looking up and begging for just a hint of sunshine to warm the conservatory or solarium whatever you would call it. Nope. She was just grumpy. So it has been cool and quite cloudy. One day and it is sunny. We will eat a little snack of breakfast and go ashore with friends from Scotland who go around sleeveless! Margaret swims with me! We will tour Halifax and beaches, islands and lighthouses together. Then another day at sea and back into the USA! Yesterday we listened to a talk on the building of the World Trade Center… a story of bravado, gumption, vision and grief. When the Empire State Building was erected midtown Manhattan was the center of commerce and the south seaport was almost a slum of little electronics shops… The rich men of vision planned to build A World Trade Center!!! and they planned on taking a large piece of land and exercising emminant domaine (sp) (they enlisted the NY and NJ Port Authority).. and the argument went all the way to the State supreme court who said, "OK build the building" and then the store keepers took it to the US Supreme Court who said it was not a Federal matter. So the shop owners were thrown off. Their property was purchased for about $3000 each.. yikes. That was mean. What was important for the builders was to build over a dirty grubby commuter rail terminal and they were right at the sea port. Actually when the towers went down there were many telephone and communications connections and several rail lines lost. To get Mayor John Lindsay’s approval to reroute streets the planners determined to use the refuse from destruction to build Battery Park City. And so the world Trade Center two towers went up in 1973. 50,000 people worked there and 200,000 people visited there every day. We looked longingly at pictures of Windows on the World where many of us dined at some time (the engagement scent from Sleepless in Seattle looked out on the Empire State Building from there) and Cellars in the Sky and the Greatest Bar on Earth… all gone now. The speaker showed the picture of the 2 lights shining up into the sky and then we moved on. The new one building opened November 2014 and that too will become an icon. I have to go, but first we saw the funniest interview with our on board commedian and a magic show… we are busy busy!!!!! I hope we get to swim this afternoon after Halifax. It might help me to continue to get into my pants! Have a wonderful day! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Busy busy at sea!

My dear we have something every hour!!! I actually snagged a few hours yesterday to sit in a wonderful little button or mushroom shaped chair with my feet up on the window sill looking out at sea and reading! Otherwise…. Pretend this is a movie! Days go by with white chocolate and pistachio pancakes with vanilla sauce. Talks on the sky scrapers of New York (Empire State building built especially to be the tallest building in the world by Al Smith (ran for president) and DuPont. Was indeed tallest for a long time.. In 1908 tallest building was 612 feet high. Empire passed the Chrysler building that was 1046 feet in 1930. Chrysler is actually more interesting look as it is Art Deco with gargoyles, tires, and wheels on it and the hood ornaments of 1929 Chrysler!!! Picasso, Matisse, Expressionism and Fauvism influenced Chrysler. Empire State building went up to be a rental and almost went bust until the movies showed it in the background… of course remember An Affair to remember and Sleepless in Seattle!!!! Ahhhhhh.) Planatarium shows where we watch the progression of the creation of the universe and galaxies and stars blow up and planets formed. Afternoon concerts from Puccini to the Beatles on Oboe, violin, guitar. AHHHHHHHH! Pool bouncing most every day. We’ve made friends with many people, but my special pool friend is Margaret. She does not mind the somewhat chilly atmosphere on the pool deck (she is from Scotland and has the most beautiful Scottish brogue!). Daily Mass to which I must go now.. Champagne, tuxedos, celebrations and today the talk will be on the World Trade Centers. Think sunshine for tomorrow (Halifax Nova Scotia (New Canada)… Swim today no matter what Mother nature says – she has been blustery and chilly with rain in the north atlantic where we ply the waters. God bless you dear readers.

Susie's musings

July 7 a day of memory

Good morning dear friends. Today is a day of memory and silence for the bombings in London. There will be a minute of memory at 11am, and at Mass we prayed for God’s mercy for both victims of terrorism and the terrorists. It seems we are doing this a lot lately… and it is a problem that we don’t have a state or a head of state to talk to and to prosecute. Pray for God’s mercy. Today I peeked outside as I went for early coffee and dear Mother Nature is having another temper tantrum. We need sunshine to heat up the solarium so Susie can swim today. I swam yesterday and it was nice and I plan to swim today too. I like it when my friends join me and we bounce around and gossip in the warm water! We have settled into a routine here on the sea. We awake around 7 to 8 and check our watches to see what time it is… It is constantly dark in our inside cabin, but we would not be able to even open our door in this weather! I get coffee and then go to daily Mass with a priest from Connecticut. Then we eat breakfast in the Kings Court (on RCCL this is called the Windjammer). I then fit in a lecture, a swim for me and an afternoon entertainment (busy busy). Yesterday we watched a very funny Midsummer Night’s Dream and today is 2 1/2 hours of Carmen the opera. I might miss that. We have books to read. The lectures are by a gentleman who has made the architecture of sky scrapers his life’s work… Yesterday he started with the Flat Iron Building and today is the Empire State Building. Very interesting! Sky Scrapers couldn’t be considered until the problems of plumbing that could get up to heights and elevators. We intersperse activities with pub lunch in the Red Lion Pub, Wimbledon (yesterday we watched Serena Williams pummel her sister Venus). Today is quarter finals. We dress for dinner every night (4 formal nights and all others are jacket for Chuck and dress for me. ) We have met several wonderful friends and expect to fill Miami with Scottish accents and some wonderful fun! We’ve met American and British submarine veterans, have dinner with a Korean Marine veteran, and I plan to spend some time with an American Anglican vicar to understand our mutual beliefs. All is well. Let us be peaceful today. Let us remember the mercy of God. God bless you.

Susie's musings

"right on time" or an hour late

Good Sunday morning to my dear readers! "Right on time" applies to yesterday: I was inputting my blog when at 3:30pm there was an announcement that the Red Arrows would fly over the Queen Mary 2 at 4:15 on their way to Belfast. I finished up, went to get Chuck and we went upstairs with glasses of wine to await the fly over. There were very few people on the upper decks as many were in the second concert at the Cathedral, and many were on shore. I had wanted to get back to the ship after the concert as I was so FULL of the grandeur and pomp, that I wanted to be quiet and savor it! We sat on loungers and chatted with an American couple and said, "I wonder if they are coming," suddenly an English lady shouted "There they are" and indeed, right on time at 4:15 the Red Arrows flew over us with red, white and blue streaming from their tails!!!! I was able to snap 4 pictures. How grand! "Right on time" the lady said, "they are English!" The amazing did not stop as we had a lovely sip of champagne in the Chart Room bar (we finished the anniversary bottle of Veuve Cliquot) and we listened to a harpist play music including Canon in D major… then we went to a grand dinner. Our table mates are American. A lovely couple from South Carolina, both French teachers who live 1/2 the year in Paris, and another from Springfield Missouri, a Korean veteran Marine who became a lawyer and his wife. They now live in Florida. It was Don’s (the Marine) birthday (the 4th of July: he said he always thought the fireworks were for him!) The waiters brought him cake and sang happy birthday, then a waiter with a fine tenor voice sang him an a capella happy birthday that was breath taking. Off we went upstairs to deck 12 to the party …. we leaned on the railing watching the pier fill with citizens who were there to watch the Queen Mary sail off just as the Brittania sailed off for Halifax 175 years ago. Below us on deck 8 were revellers and a band… The sun set about 10pm and the fireworks that followed, while they were for the 175 anniversary, were also for the 4th of July, as Hail Brittania was mixed with New Orleans Jazz and our National Anthem. We waved American flags and sang and celebrated. We met another couple from northern Scotland and we will tour Halifax with them. When we got to our cabin, the daily news said to turn our clocks back… so we did as dutiful little cruisers, but that was for tonight, so I got up to go to morning Mass this morning at 8:30, but it was already over! 8:30 is really 9:30 and I will now go get Chuck to tell him he just lost an hour and it is breakfast time. I haven’t been outside yet, but an American couple told me it is cold and windy and a British couple told me it is brisk. You choose. I’m going to try to go swimming in the pavillion pool with my new Scottish friend Margaret. I am sure she will love the temperature! Happy Sunday and God bless you.

Susie's musings

Pomp and Circumstance

Today is the fourth of July and we are spending the day celebrating the 175th anniversary of the first Cunard ship sailing out of Liverpool, and all the other Cunard ships that have sailed the seas. Samuel Cunard wanted a ship that could carry cargo to America and back in much less time than other ships so he commissioned the Brittania "a plain and simple boat," and he built the first steam ship for Cunard and bettered the previous 6 week crossing time from 6 weeks to 10 days! He was celebrated today in the Liverpool Cathedral along with the ships and men who sailed them. We were carried to the Cathedral on busses in very efficient fashion and we listened to an organ concert, chatting with new English friends while we waited for the Cathedral to fill. Some statistics and emotional details we learned today: Boston’s trade doubled in one year after the Britannia sailed so Boston gave Cunard the "Boston Cup." It was carried on with much ceremony. After singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic the history of Cunard ships at war was described. Cunard carried every horse of the light brigade and every soldier into the Crimea. During WWI, U boats plied the waters and Cunard lost 20 ships as she continued to ferry soldiers and supplies. Of course the Lusitania was the victim who finally brought the US into the war. But before that, the White Star Titanic sailed from England in 1912 on the same day as the Cunard Carpathia sailed from New York. Carpathia was a small slow ship but when she heard the distress call she shut down all essential services and poured on the steam to go to Titanic’s rescue. Carpathia rescued 705 survivors. 2000 perished. After that the Queen of England asked Cunard to buy White Star and Cunard claims to give Prime White Star Service and Cunard security and safety. The captain of the small Carpathia claimed that God guided him through the ice strewn waters to the rescue. We heard the story of the Lusitania who sailed and was sunk very quickly by a German U boat. After the remembrance of the losses of the wars, the ship’s bell tolled in the silent Cathedral for the 20 ships that were lost during the wars. During WWII Cunard carried whole divisions of Americans (15,000 in a division) on ships that were built to carry 3000. The men slept and ate on shifts. Over half the D Day troops and 5000 prisoners of war along with multitudes of wounded were transported by Cunard. Simon Weston, a Welsh Guardsman who was seriously wounded in the Falklands, and was carried home on the QE2, testified to the help he received to rebuild his life. The Welsh Guard marched, blew bagpipes and played fine music. Finally, to end the story, jet planes practically ended the need for fast ocean travel and Cunard settled in to a "gentle decline," but Mickey Arison had a dream, to build a new ocean liner, Carnival purchased Cunard and built the Queen Mary 2. She is luxury on a grand scale and Carnival is enabling Cunard to continue the grand tradition. The ceremony ended with a rousing and flag waving "Rule Britannia" along with a Welsh Guard Hymn. I admit I stood and waved the flag with the best of them! I’m a teary eyed girl and you know how I feel about our English cousins. Happy 4th of July. We are a better nation for our peace, for our love of God, for our laws, and for our hope in the American Dream. God bless us all.

Susie's musings

On the Queen

We left the hotel at 11am and were in our cabin at noon thanks to my saints and angels… thank you St Francis for I was praying. I had misplaced the piece of paper I wrote bank access codes on… but found it in my stack of greeting cards to paint. Whew. There was a lady at the terminal handing out boarding cards in a big crowd of people… so I just walked up to her and asked for a card. She said "A" "go there" … and in Chuck and I went leaving a large crowd behind us… Like I said. One hour from hotel to room. We ate a beautiful salad lunch, waited for the fly over of the special fly over group, but the weather turned rotten and they could not fly. We unpacked all our things, did the compulsory lifeboat drill, ate a fine meal with 2 other lovely couples who travel as much or more than we do. One lives in Paris for 6 months. We now have 3 bottles of wine at various bars. Traveling with Chuck can be very expansive. We are already celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary with Veuve Cliquot and 2 bottles of Merlot at two different places. Burp. All is well. God bless you.

Susie's musings

The next part of the journey

Today will be another ship boarding, and this time we can’t say, "been there done that" as today it is The Queen. I was thinking last evening about these trips to England and what I would say to why we keep returning. We like England! We’re lazy with languages, and they speak English here! We get teased for our accent and our ways. I’m loud and Chuck is a little quieter so sometimes I have to tone down my laughing out loud or my political views. I side completely with our English cousins on stopping the terrorism and I’m not sure this will happen in the air, but I sure do hate the idea of boots on the ground. Today on the news there was a UNESCO report on the destruction of antiquities. There is a desire by the terrorists to wipe us, our culture our religion and our whole history out. I felt like I was watching Oliver Cromwell and his anti Catholic henchmen with sledge hammers busting up the antiquities. I feel helpless against a nameless placeless foe who hates us and kills retired grandmothers who are taking a little break from baby sitting. Wow! How did I get here? We have spent a month soaking up old homes and gardens, visiting and sleeping in the guest rooms of English family, enjoying the comraderie of English pubs, watching the English take respectful care of their monuments to soldiers both English and American, and watching with tears the English bring home their dead from the last terror attack. Why do I love these people? Because they are cousins of my heart. Shakespeare, Chaucer, Lewis Carroll, the Rolling Stones (Keith Richards and Mick Jagger are opening an exhibition in London), Harry Potter, Monty Montgomery. I can go on and on. Yesterday as we walked back to the hotel at the end of the day, I crossed the street to get a look at one more monument… To pilgrims and to the men who left Southhampton on boats headed for Normandy. The war monument plaque is placed right on the Pilgrim monument. Let us cherish our history and teach to children love, to respect our freedom, and to cherish our religious beliefs and freedom. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Did I mention pubs?

This is our last day. The rental car has been returned within walking distance of the Holiday Inn where we had a good night’s sleep with window closed and air conditioning turned on (praise God). Yesterday when we checked in, one small window street side was open. We have had some sweaty nights this way as most buildings are not air conditioned for the five hot days England has. Most nights I am happy for the fluffy duvet pulled up to my chin. But I digress. This is about pubs. You can tell the old proper pubs as they are dark and they have a pub menu with meat potato peas and carrots. Most places now bow to vegetarians also. The proper pub cherishes social communication and there is not a TV. This one we just found in Southhampton has a TV tuned to Sky news. Britons are still awaiting the final count of names of dead from the beach shootings so we keep an eye on TV. Also it looks like Greece would like the EU to turn the other cheek and, what? Forget the debt? Meanwhile Wimbledon churns on in the heat. Pint almost finished and time to head for the Duke of (good grief what is his name?) pub for lunch and.maybe a nap? Last day before the brand new adventure. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Charity Shops

We love the villages in England. Chuck often talks about the 3 building town…the pub, the church and the everything else building. Usually the towns that are slightly larger than villages have a High street that is also called town center. Here you find the market place which is a little like the Big Pine Key swap meet on Saturday morning. Here at the market I got a new watch band for £3 (about $4.50), Chuck got an English made leather belt for about $10 and in the past we purchased the amazing cold weather jackets that clog our Miami closets. Also the market has home (farm) grown local vegetables, cheeses, and meats. The charity shops are out on high street also. A little like the Habitat shop again on big pine key. People donate their stuff there, and English "stuff" is likely to be amazing little antiques. Several times I have mused, "How much Kathie would love this shop." All sales go to various charities especially cancer and children. Today I will be going to the charity shop near our hotel to donate shoes and some pants. One pair is too big, one pair is too tight. Odd. I wonder if at the last minute I did not try stuff on. Actually I am also dropping off a pair of sneakers I wore for 2 months and are getting thin on bottom. Have a spare pair to wear today! Heat wave outside so I am in shorts and sleeveless shirt. Unheard of for Peabodys to be hot in England! Off now for a final pub lunch. Tomorrow lunch on the Queen Mary II while Red Arrows fly over. Pip pip. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Like the Pilgrims

We’re in Southhampton awaiting transport to America like the Mayflower pilgrims who took off from here. Had a pint and meal at the Duke of Wellington pub, and now will sort through mass quantities of luggage to get organized for transport to the Queen Mary II on Thursday at about noon. Watching BBC coverage of financial crisis (Greece), vacationing sun bather deaths (still trying to identify the dead), the heat wave (have one small window in hotel room. Air conditioning and king sized beds are not normal here like in America,) and Wimbledon has begun. So just relaxing and winding down. God bless you.

Susie's musings

blue ball inn

Sometimes a beach resort is just not the answer. Britain has 30 known dead and about 10 more missing. My heart isn’t into vacay any more but into getting to Southhampton and "home". For today it looks like there is a nice walk, a village church and this pub just to the north of Sidmouth on the river Sid. Finish with an evening meal here at the Blue Ball Pub… Chuck bought me a box of acrylic paints so there might be a painting in here too. Sun is shining, and weather people promise 100 degrees by Wednesday. Get out!!!! God bless you.

Susie's musings

half five

I heard a tourist say "I woke up at half five and couldn’t get back to sleep; too much light." first of all that’s 5:30, and my tourist litany of "couldn’t get back to sleep" started in the north sea a month ago… The sun is up here by 4:30… Today is sunny. So today we will drive to the beach at Sidmouth. The next day Tuesday to Southhampton. We have lost our umbrellas probably on the boat from Dartmouth to Totnes so we hope today’s sunniness will hold through the stops on the cruise ship and in Boston and New York. News papers headlines are asking where are the missing from the latest horrible shooting. I certainly hope they are found. Very tight security as Wimbledon begins. God bless us all with peace.

Susie's musings

Hallowed ground

We drove from Totnis through Dartmouth down to Stoke Fleming, checked into a very beautiful hotel room, and then started driving south down the coast to the small towns and beaches where the American army and navy trained for D Day. Apparently Monty Montgomery had the idea that the beaches at Slapton Sands were most like Normandy. As we drove on narrow cliff roads I tried to imagine our tanks and trucks converging here. And the generals plotting out the invasion. A lady told me Montgomery and Eisenhower met here in Stoke Fleming. We drove south from Stoke Fleming and walked to the beach from a car park. As we stood on the sand and looked up at the cliffs and rough terrain it does look like Normandy. There are memorials along the 5 to 6 mile stretch both to the village people who were evacuated with 2 weeks notice and to the Americans who died here. Landing craft loaded with men and Sherman tanks that had been fitted with floation devices left Plymouth and headed around the shore past Salcombe and made the run toward the beaches training for Normandy. German U boats and what are called torpedo boats lurking off the English coast hit 3 of our boats and bodies washed up on shore as tanks sank in about 85 feet of water. One tank was found and raised in the 1980s and it stands at Torbay along with plaques that tell the story from Montgomery’s idea to train the Americans there to Eisenhower’s decision to use live ammunition during the training exercises. Torbay also built a little friendship garden just like one in France. After lunch taken at a picnic table near the beach where I ate profiteroles (cream puffs) filled with cream, chocolate, and orange, (As I ate I thought of Debbie who reads the dessert side of the menu first. Well Debbie I certainly could use you here. Today I ate toast with lemon curd, nutella, and cream. Good grief. I need a beach walk.) anyway after lunch, we left Torbay and began the tortuous drive down the coast to south of Salcombe to an English National Trust gardens and house called Overbeck’s poised on the cliffs. We looked at flowers, palm trees and wonderful birds and inside the house an amazing collection of a scientist and inventor Otto Overbeck like the polyphone music box (we had a smaller Regina music box my father had that I played tin records on when I was about 5 years old. You can hear the tunes on U Tube. When I hear the music in old movies, I can see the box). Upstairs we found many unusual antiques and stuffed animals (ugh). We took a similar tortuous road back to Stoke Fleming, walked along a scary tiny overgrown coastal path to a wonderful "proper" pub, drank Guinness and a shandy, ate a small dinner and tumbled into bed. God bless you.

Susie's musings

new places

We always try to do new unplanned things, and I always do a lot of research and make a list of places I want to go, how to get there, what to do there. I think I can safely say most of what we do is not on those lists! For example I told everyone we were going to Wales and we did Ledbury and Upton on Severn instead and we loved both. So I just do my best try to get us to places once we change and make a decision. This trip I was adamant I wanted to see "the girls" Charlotte, Emily and Harriet, husbands and babies. Since we missed Harriet’s wedding 5 years ago and since Sally, Mervyn, and Bill have been ill with pneumonia and worse it was very important to see all and we did! We usually leave Bude and spend a week getting to the airport or ship. This time we spent two days in Totnes which is in South Devon on the river Dart, and we took a boat down to Dartmouth (town at the mouth of the river Dart). I learned of a place called Slapton where many American soldiers training for Operation Overlord (D Day) were killed during training on Slapton Sands beach the site of Operation Tiger. Soldiers were ambushed by a German torpedo boat. We will visit Slapton and the Memorial to our soldiers tomorrow. All I have to do is navigate! We made a booking while we were in the tourist information center in Dartmouth as it will be a Saturday evening during the summer on an English beach. So after breakfast tomorrow morning, for those of you watching us on Google earth, we will travel from Totnes to the Stoke Lodge Hotel in Stoke Fleming to check in and then down to Slapton. Today was foggy and rainy we could use less rain. God bless you.

Susie's musings

pegging the sheets

When we stay with Sally and Bill in Harefield cottage, in Bude, we do as much as we can to help, but no one is as efficient as Bill and Sally. I rushed to do my laundry, but I was late getting back from the West Bay Inn pub after visiting Mervyn and Brenda. (Mervyn is recovering nicely, thank God) yesterday and our laundry was already pegged. Then Sally cooked a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings including Yorkshire pudding. Yum. Harefield will be sold in September and Sally and Bill might relocate closer to the children. This morning I will try to help Bill hang sheets but he plies me with croissants and coffee… Gotta go, there’s marmalade with those croissants. Off to Totnes as soon as Chuck finishes packing the car. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Tuesday already?

Oh my dear, Bude vacation almost over. We leave Bude on Thursday morning. Made our exit plan this morning just before we headed off for the Bay Inn to paint Widemouth Bay and cliffs and have lunch and drink shandies and Guinness. After Henry’s nap he played in 3 pools. A tiny one, a bigger one, and finally the hot tub. Stephen put tiny Oliver in the tiny pool and floated him like Moses while Emily and Henry splashed in the hot tub. Our friend Mervyn got a good doctor’s report and we celebrated with champagne here at Harefield. Had a great warm sunny afternoon. Sally made all kinds of fahita stuff for dinner! We then packed up children, grannies, aunties, Chuck, Susie and Bill into 2 cars and headed to the Bude breakwater for a walk. Ready for bed. God bless you.

Susie's musings

"Who pent up the sea?"

In Sunday Mass in Bude one of the readings was from Job 38. God asked Job to consider the Creator who made all and rules all. People continue to ask about Jesus "Who can this be?…even the sea obeys him." how often we forget God. The priest called our forgetfulness of God "practical atheism." We say "I am OK on my own. I can think what I want and do what I want. Say what I want." God doesn’t wield a big stick. His feet do not break reeds when he stands next to us. He speaks in a very low voice. Sometimes when I find myself saying "No" I thank God that he whispers "Yes." We spent a windy chilly few hours walking south along the tops of the cliffs from Upton Bude down to the beach at Widemouth Bay. This is an amazing stretch of cliffs only rivaled by the western most cliffs of Ireland. The wind and waves crash in on the surprisingly sandy beach and the rocks are beautiful. Mindful of the weight and quantity of our luggage, I did not pick up any rocks to bring home in luggage. Well, I did pick up rocks, caressed the sand off them, and then dropped them back for other walkers. This was little Oliver’s first beach walk. The 6 week old was well wrapped up and snug against Mummy’s warm chest. Chuck and I went to the Bay Inn for Guinness, Shandies, and snacks. I can find amazing cheeses brie and goat and I am hoping my cholesterol isn’t off the charts when we get home. We eat a lot of local farm produced cheese, lamb, and beef. Yum. Sally, Emily, and Barbara (Sally’s Mum) cooked a wonderful lamb dinner (from local farm baaaaaa). God bless you.

Susie's musings

A look at America from England

On June 17, without knowing what had happened in Charleston, South Carolina, I spoke of the kitten Bible and my reaction. Please stay with me as I work my way through this. Chuck and I walked through an English town me always looking for a church… And he said, "There is a church." I saw a church with no cross on top and broken towers, and little odd flag decorations all across the entrance. "I don’t think so." but we crossed the street and I walked up the path…I peered in the door and saw a lot of ladies as if in a meeting handing out brochures. I took a brochure thinking I would walk through the church yard as is my wont and remember the church as it was, "before Cromwell." "No I said," but I was drawn in and I saw what looked like a tea party with about 20 English ladies who drew me in, put a brochure in my hand and said, "Start there at book one." It took me a second to realize my eyes had deceived me and I saw insignificant because of my prejudice. "Knitted Bible!" Scenes from the Bible all around the church. I stopped at Zechariah in the tree and a lady next to me commented! "Even the tree is proper!" It was a traveling exhibition. The scenery and people were all knitted. From Genesis to the Resurrection. Finally a lady said, "Go up there for the Last Supper." I climbed up on the altar (communion table), and I had an engaging conversation with a lady who invited me to Catholic Mass and introduced me to the "old" Catholic priest who says Mass in two villages. Need more vocations. I had to leave and get back to the boat…I left the church wondering what made my eyes see insignificant "kitten bible"…what made me want to shun the experience, what drew me in to a truth I would have rejected if I went on my initial reaction?… I left that tiny church full of confidence that people can be wonderful and beautiful in faith. Thank God for the knitted bible! Now then, as I was standing outside a small church all concerned with our differences a wild young man was shooting people because he considered their "differences" irreconcilable. How horrible… I watched our president speak to the press saying, "…this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries." I felt like he slapped me. "We, most Americans, would not do that." I responded to the television screen from a room in England. But I am an American and I do carry a better than thou mentality. God forgive me and God bless us all. Family fills this English house full of love, and I ask God to continue to pour out his Grace. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Beautiful Bude

We drove south to the Cornish coast that I think is the most beautiful coastline I have seen. We started getting all our clothes organized and get ready to wash and peg tomorrow. We will also try to get a good long walk in tomorrow. Today is bittersweet because we always come to Bude usually turning south at the end of our English holiday. Bude means we see our English friends, but Mervyn is ill. I remember meeting everyone at the farm… Mervyn was building extra rooms for Sally’s B&B and he took us "hunting". Brenda worked with Sally getting rooms turned around. We used to go over to "Little Beck" for meals and to see Mervyn’s farm animals. I remember watching Sally standing on the cliff at Boscastle as she was showing us the amazing town and cliffs at Boscastle. I was freezing, and there Sally was so comfortable in the blowing wind! Of course Debbie and I would have to say our joint memory of Bill is his guided walks that nearly killed us. We joke about how many times we would stop, "huff puff huff puff look at this flower!" We now have lots of new memories with new babies. Emily will arrive tomorrow night with two babies. Hope the weather warms up a little so they can go to the beach. Tomorrow I’ll write about the kitten bible please come back. God bless you.

Susie's musings

on a river

Whenever I can find a place by water I move in that direction and the English make it easy…Upton upon Severn is on a lovely wide river that floods almost annually turning the town into an island and flooding the first floor (bar kitchen dining room reception). Last evening we sat outside with our host who showed us pictures before 2007 when the town was turned into an island and the river rose to fill the lower rooms to a level of 8 feet. Then a flood barrier was installed and he showed us a picture of a swan floating by and looking in at him through the glass top of the flood barrier! Funny and really wierd. We had 2 days in a bright room overlooking the river with a nice bath…tiny shower! …the key to the bedroom door is the old fashioned stick type. In fact I think most of the doors are original 600 years old (mind your head!) Anyhow…I tried to go out early yesterday for coffee as I am wont to do…and I couldn’t get the key to turn to unlock the door. I had to ask Chuck to let me out. So much for sneaking. We sit outside or inside the pub if it’s chilly and last evening a narrow canal boat pulled in. We talked with the folks. Keith is a 1 /12 th owner so he takes the boat out for a month a year. We went on board and I took pictures. Well today we are off with heavy hearts as our friend Mervyn is ill. We might not be able to see him, but will be nearby in Bude. I will be able to go to Mass in Bude. God bless Mervyn and all of us.

Susie's musings

The road less traveled

We traveled with an end goal in mind, but stopped as we drove through Upton on Severn, "just to have a look." Found the river Severn, boats playing in her waters, the Swan hotel, and table 10 outside on the river, parked the car directly outside on the river, booked room 3 for 2 days, and are planning a river cruise to Tewkesbury (a return ticket takes us by boat to and from with a few hours for wandering around the cathedral and market.) We spent yesterday wandering around Upton and hanging out where the canal boats tie up. Met a Mum with her little boy named Owen who first fed the ducks and then chased them. He asked to have his picture taken and I promised to email it in September! Sometimes the best surprises start at the bottom of the street! Saying for today: Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain. God bless you.

Susie's musings

what black and white town means

When we told Sally we were headed for the town of Ledbury, she called it black and white. When we enter the town center there is a building on stilts all black and white! Ledbury has preserved as many Tudor buildings as they can afford to. I imagine the upkeep on a 1000 year old building is pretty complicated. Tudor buildings are constructed from massive black beams and white washed. Imagine the pictures we have seen of Henry VIII. He seems to be 4 ft high and 4 ft wide. So do doorways seem here. And enter at your own risk! Bump… Rub your head. Bump. Stub a toe. The floors slope, and there are little steps. Whoever is first has to say, "Mind your step or head" so the one behind doesn’t bump too! We are out far from big cities today so we will follow a rather large scale map and have to depend on little signs at roundabouts to get to my final planned destination of Bretforton. We will travel from Ledbury to Little Malvern, Pershore, Evesham, to a pub that is a National Trust location and old inn with nightly music. We will see… Also plan to see several National Trust houses in next few days. Just go from town to town…seeking town centers and neat stuff. Onward we go. Might not find internet… Will write if we find work! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Finding family

This morning we left Charlotte ‘s lovely flat at Portishead and drove north to Ledbury. Spent the afternoon eating, exploring the parish church for Peter Skipp’s ancestors, drinking in local pubs, strolling main street, then eating dinner back at our home pub. We’re ready for bed. Spring blooming has us hacking and blowing our noses. Big hot shower and nice big bed. Have to get up by 8:30 as breakfast stops at 9 am. Onward a little bit north tomorrow for more English adventure. Ta ta for now. God bless you.

Susie's musings

End of a quiet day

Chuck took us over across the way for a light meal at H &W pub. Today Charlotte took us to Tyntesfield a Great house and gardens that started allergy attacks in me and Charlotte. After sniffing a lot of flowers, my nose started running and is still stuffed up. Charlotte advises that pollin counts are rising. Thanks for that mother nature. We are closing the evening quietly after a light meal and will head for Ledbury tomorrow. If I can’t find a WiFi hotspot, I will save info and write on Thursday when we get to Bude. Please pray for our friend who lives in Bude. Whom we have known and loved for many years. He is ill and we pray for his health and well being. God bless you Mervyn.

Susie's musings

It started out sunny…

When I wrote this we were in the H&W pub in bright sunshine… Now mother nature has taken a nose dive again. Anyway… Sunday morning at H&W with cappuccinos with well as Chuck says, "something something something on a shortbread." We are feeling old as we continuously ask, "what? Pardon me? What did you say? I didn’t hear you." we’re not hearing the lilting English accents. That range is gone from our old ears. So the other day the soup was something and tomato. OK. Mystery soup, mystery pastry with a layer of caramel sugar. My teeth hurt from the sugar and candy. Royal news is full of whether Tony Blair should have gone into Iraq and a 10 year old report that isn’t published yet… War cost too much…Blair didn’t have support of gov’t etc etc. My advice is"give it up dear British cousins. Forget the 10 year old report. You are going to repeat your mistakes. We all do that. Fortunately there is an excellent generation of English young people coming up. Charlotte is out running and swimming this morning, and many young people come and go outside in the sunshine with little ones. Chuck and I were walking along the pier and looking down into the water wondering if this is a good place to raise small children as there is no barrier to falling into the water. A father carrying a tiny child and bike came by and we asked him. "This is my 3 year old’s bike. He falls into the water, it’s cold, he cries, but he can swim." Chuck and I shuddered at the thought, but we see a lot of small blond children. These Britain’s are tough in tee shirts while I’m in two jackets and a scarf. Cunard sent an email that we are to board the QMII early as we will get a fly by. The RAF Red Arrows will fly over at 3 pm and the Irish Guard will play on the upper deck before we leave Southhampton. In Liverpool, we will be bussed to the Liverpool Cathedral for a 1 1/2 hour concert "triumph of a great tradition." On 4 July we will celebrate 175 years of transatlantic sailing by Cunard. What a great holiday this is. I have complained due to Chuck’s cough and my own sick head cold and lest we forget, mother nature’s snootiness, but watching people and being taken care of by such nice people is wonderful. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Mother nature 0. La Marina 100

We strolled through the marina, over the lock, and to the end of the pier to an excellent Italian restaurant called La Marina where we sat at a corner table on the window and I watched the moored sailboats drop into the mud. They are outside the lock at moorings and they settle into the mud when the tide goes out. We dined sumptuouslly and tomorrow Charlotte will swim and run before we go to Tyntesfield. I will sip cappuccino at what we now familiarly refer to as H&W pub. Sumptuously I bid you goodnight. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Did someone say spring?

Lest I seem grumbly let me say our visit to see our English friends has been heavensent. We are in portishead near Wales in a beautiful marina that has a lock to let boats in and out. The first day was sunny! Then mother nature took a nose dive. Meanwhile Chuck and I both have colds and unfortunately he hacks and coughs during the night and he says I snore. As I said…lest I seem grumbly. We go for cappuccinos in the morning and then do pub lunch and then I take a nap. But tomorrow we will be back out again to visit Tyntesfield near here. Charlotte will join us and we will have another authentic English guide. We will have dinner with Charlotte tonight. She has been exercising, running and swimming preparing for a half marathon. So she is surprised when I suggest a nap. God bless you.

Susie's musings

English spring

We are back in jackets and scarves as we wait for summer… On June 7 we had turned in our car so we rode with Bill and Sally down to Bristol to visit Harriet, Rob and Isaac age 18months. Rob is on business in Boston and Harriet has been working long hours but we had nice dinners with her. Chuck and I have been sleeping in the 3rd floor loft with is roof tops view! On this portion of our holiday we have visited old town Bristol and taken a cruise of the port and water front, looked at much new building since WWII except a few bombed out churches that are memorials. It continued cool and windy as we pegged laundry and read books on our day in while Sally and Bill took Isaac to the zoo. Today was fun with visits to two houses. One of the great houses called Dyrham Park is under a total renovation and a giant tent is over scaffolding that visitors are allowed to walk around on and look in. So it was like standing above the roof and looking down on the gargoyles! Then we walked through the deer park and took photos of the deer for Dave and Chuck. Mature deer are speckled here. I forgot to mention that these houses are built in about 1650s and are still standing and used. The second home was in disrepair so two gentlemen from Texas who fell in love with England in WWII got a repair lease and lived in the house for 30 years repairing and renovating. All in all the drive through the Cotswolds today was fun and narrow roads were interesting in Bill’s camper van. Tonight Harriet took us to Pie Minister and we ate pies such as steak and kidney or chicken with amazing vegetables. My pants are finally getting tight. I think that is because I just washed them. Tomorrow we are moving on to Portishead (the mouth of the river severn) to stay with Charlotte for two days and then on to Ledbury which is north and on the Welsh border. We are going to a look for a church that houses the bones of some of Pete Skipp’s ancestors and try to stay at the pub near the church. I might not have access so trace us on the map and I’ll write when I can! God bless you.

Susie's musings

D-Day and Birdies as a great alarm clock!

I’m greeting you on a sunny, breezy afternoon. We are sunburned and full of laughter and fun. Yesterday after visiting the Workhouse (substitute the word poor house where paupers can go to get a meal and a place to sleep… taken out of use in England in the 20th century) then we ate a great pub lunch in Southwell and visited the Minster. A beautiful cathedral that goes from Norman to Gothic as you walk down the aisle. On Saturday (today) I woke up about 4am to the most amazing chorus of happy birdies and daylight. I thought I will just wait until I hear the house stirring and then get up… So I lay there and waited and finally Chuck heaved a big sigh and rolled over. Is it about 8am? I asked. Closer to 5:20 he replied. Yikes… After a little while I realized those happy birdies are not shutting up and so I got up and warmed up the shower. We went to return the rental car and I left my glasses in the car so had to walk across the airport to get it. Got a good exercise. Off finally to picnic at a great house called Wollaton which has been turned into a natural history museum. It was windy and cool when the sun wasn’t shining. We reviewed our history with the Trewin family… They first came to America when Sally was celebrating her 30th birthday. Harriet was 6, Emily was 8, and Charlotte was 10. Now Emily is 34 with 2 little ones aged 19 months and 1 month. It seems we go through a lot of nappies… We then traveled to the Tollerton Village Event and got a big surprise – the commemoration of D-Day with a living history group that wears the gear and drives the jeeps etc all of the 82nd Air Borne in an absolutely amazing reinactment. Of course Bill and Chuck found them and I joined them to talk about the Americans and the Brits and D-Day. My camera battery quit so two of the gentlemen took our photos with the group and will email them to us. Today was another great day. The baby and the 18 month old have been absolutely grand in behavior and potty habits! As i said, we go through a lot of nappies!!! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Babies and bunnies

We arrived at Bunny, near Nottingham, and found our friends Bill and Sally in their RV next door.. Emily got home and we began the baby changing and feeding and playing! Slept well after a great lamb dinner ("baaaaaa… eat mor chicken" didn’t work for that lamb) Then we went to the pub named Radcliffe Arms and then… off to bed. This morning I met little Henry age 18 months in the hallway and he and I climbed back into bed to play with bunnies and teddies! Emily’s children are very cute. We are off to a National Trust Workhouse to visit how "the other side" lived and then we made plans to change the rental car … which makes Chuck real nervous but for some reason I got a refund of $100…. so with no questions I made the change (bigger car for the luggage, change the pick up and drop off date). On this weekend to Harriet’s in Bristol and her little one named Isaac. Busy busy!!!!! Off to the National Trust house and a pub on a river. Love and God bless you!

Susie's musings

From crags to slopes

Yesterday Liz took us to a pub called the Barrisford Arms pub for a drink then on to Wallington for a gentle walk to the formal gardens and the big house. We saw such amazing art, oddities and collections of beautiful things and indeed I have 2 plates like ones I saw there.  We drifted away from there to come home and find Nick and head out to steak dinner at a pub where the guys were playing Quirts outside. Steak was locally produced from farm to table here in rural North of England. Liz shops at a market where she knows the farm lady who produces the lamb… they can visit the farm and see the lambs.. "baaaaa… eat mor chicken."  and then we closed the night with the Red Lion Pub.  I think we are getting fat.  I’ve switched to lime with soda rather than pint shandys (not all the time, but it cuts back on my beer intake! Chuck has not cut back.)  Today we leave the Northumberland nest and head south for Bunny which is a little village or hamlet south of Nottingham.  Thank you Liz and Nick!  God bless you!

Susie's musings

Pegging laundry and Cragside

Today dawned bright, sunny and clear (well, dawned is a loose term since I get up at 9 ish).  The boys were sitting and chatting and Liz was at work.  Laundry was already in the washer…  After a cup of tea, Chuck and I pegged the laundry and I sat out side in the sunshine and painted Liz’s garden while the laundry dried.  We pegged a second load and headed out to the north to Cragside a stately home and gardens built high up on rocks and cliffs.  We climbed up and up steps and paths and saw the gardens and the house… ate soup and a cheese scone (oh and had a pint at a pub)… Arrived back home to find the laundry we left hanging still damp from rain…. oh dear. No problem we will just peg it again tomorrow morning.  We are off to dinner at a local pub/restaurant in Carts Bog Inn in the countryside outside Hexham.  I just told Liz it is like riding around with Hugh Grant as Nick is tall, thin, light haired with blue eyes and a funny way of joking like Hugh Grant does!  Sometimes when he says things I find myself smiling…  Time to go eat! God bless you!

Susie's musings

In Northumberland (Newcastle upon Tyne)

Actually we are west of Newcastle near Hadrian’s wall and driving well on what some call the wrong side of the road.  I rejected GPS and am using an AA map (In the US we call it triple A AAA) We haven’t gotten lost… made a few wrong turns at roundabouts but corrected easily. We had pretty good half sunny day on the day we landed in Harwich  and drove north.  I suggested we pull off the main road and do some side roads looking for a local pub for lunch and for two hours we drove on country roads…  found a restaurant that was nice, but Chuck was concerned we lost a lot of time.  We actually arrived at Nick and Liz house at 6:15 when I had planned 5pm arrival.  Nick came home from a cricket match and had planned to spend the day at local event next day (Sunday) playing cricket with village against another village… but oh the stinky weather gave us a black sky, wind and rain that cancelled the village festivities but ended up quite nice later in the day.  We walked to the hotel George and had a drink and then to the local pub for a drink and music (anyone is invited to play in a jam sort of situation and they sang American, English and Irish songs! )  Today, Monday Chuck and I drove to Hexham and Corbridge and walked through the towns and churchyards. Visited Hexham Abbey and shops. Later we returned to Hexham to a Waitrose (think Publix) and bought wine! Liz is feeding us too well and we are drinking too much beer and wine!!!!  Nick is taking us around tomorrow (Tuesday). We are really bundling on walks as it is cold… in the 50s and tonight is planning to go to 40s….  I painted today in the hotel garden and my fingers were freezing!!!  Friends are warm and hospitable so that’s all we need! God bless you.

Susie's musings

End of cruising for now…

3453 nautical miles from Harwich to Harwich round trip. St Petersburg was supposed to be the highlight, but I think the experience at Stockholm Sweden with cousins was amazing! And we saw a Palace and the changing of the guard, but on a much more personal level!!!! And missing Skagen was sad as I love the little sea fish villages… I wanted to walk Chuck out to the "edge" and see the North Sea meet the Baltic. Maybe someday one of you or your children can do that and take a photo we can see. My photos from the ship will be very foggy. We will be let off the ship about 8:45am and trundle all the luggage to the rental car place and begin the long trek north. Our friends Liz and Nick weren’t expecting us until Sunday.. Let’s see how flexible we all can be! Not only do I invite myself but I give the wrong date! Ah isn’t it wonderful knowing Susie Peabody! Sun is half shining and it is 50 degrees. Enjoy the beginning of summer! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Our bags are packed and… onward into England tomorrow

Today was busy with packing the 10 suitcases that get luggage tags and set outside the door. We will carry off 4 bags. Hope we give away a lot of presents and we can ditch bags as we go along the way. Friends we meet say a Ford Focus will NEVER do for this road show. I swam in the pool and then we visited the future bookings guy who gets us into so much trouble so we set up some (3) advanced bookings to celebrate Chuck’s big 70th birthday celebration. Join us in 2017? God bless you!

Susie's musings

Turning around again…

We were out to sea headed away from Denmark into the North Sea when the Captain advised we are turning around for another evacuation. It seems the Danish Coast Guard refused the mission so our boat came into a small port called Hitchalls (someone please look at the west coast of Denmark and find a town with a similar sound… this is the best I could do with the Captain’s announcements). We turned around at 5:15 pm and pulled to a stop near the beach as we could not get into the small port. We launched a life boat with the patient and the doctor and they bounced into the town. Seas are high and the little boat looked like a toy bouncing around. By the way the couple air lifted this morning was "an elderly lady" who had a stroke and her husband who "used canes." This report was from a fellow traveler. I imagine their baggage will be all packed and delivered to safe keeping in Harwich. Lesson learned? Travel now, and then later, settle in to our home near hospitals. As we waited, we dined on lamb chops and veal osso bucco at Giovannis, one of the Specialty restaurants on board compliments of our travel agent. And we talked about other cruises we have taken and the great Renaissance cruise we took with Dave and Debbie with about a 1 day notice… and how they also traveled with us to England. It’s fun to have compatible traveling partners. Finally we watched the little bucking bronco life boat bounce back and now (8:15 pm) we are underway again. A rainbow shone over the small town as if to say, "job well done and goodnight!" Tomorrow will be a day of weeping and gnashing of teeth as we try to pack all our stuff and we put the bags outside the door in the hallway before midnight. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Eye witness report from Skagen Denmark (at sea)

Skagen was declared a no-go at 10:15 am when pilot and Captain agreed that with winds of 45 knots directly out of the south and currents and high seas also too dangerous to land. At the same time a passenger was taken ill and required immediate treatment. The Danish Coast guard was called and arrived within 10 minutes. Meanwhile we watched on our room TV the crew trying to lower the 2 "masts" out on the bow. Radar and deck railing went down easily, but 2nd mast with flag blowing straight out would not lower. The helicopter hovered in high winds as the ship turned a full 360 degrees to try to come around with winds directly against the starboard. Meanwhile I tried to take photos outside, but it is grey and the land looks like a grey blob if we can see it at all. We watched the precarious maneuvering of the helicopter and ship as they tried to hover together in the wind and seas and hold still long enough to land 2 red uniformed rescue team and a stretcher on to the bow. With that mast up, it probably was very dangerous as a line might blow and snag. Even if the helicopter wanted to land, he couldn’t. The flag on the mast whipped straight out at 30 mph from starboard to port. The pilot boat hovered off the bow waiting for her pilot who stayed on board as we came close to the spit of land in Skagen that marks the joining of the North Sea to the Baltic. I had hoped to walk out and stand on that point of land, but will have to depend on a very grey photo for the experience. While we waited and the helicopter hovered, I thought back to two other rescues during this trip: In Norfolk, an ambulance picked up a stretcher and a person carrying two back packs (perhaps a father and son team going on an adventure), and in the Baltic we had another helicopter rescue by the Swedish Coast Guard, but not in such grave conditions. In 26 days at sea we have witnessed 3 rescues. I wonder what the statistics are. Our Big Pine Key renter works at the Lower Keys Medical Center, and she says they get ship mates for surgery sometime so I guess this is like a traveling small town with 3360 souls in total and 3 in a month need surgery. The rescue completed, the stretcher and a civilian hoisted up on to the helicopter, the Captain thanked the Danish Coast Guard for a professional job well done. It was a treacherous rescue, but all went well. God bless this crew, passengers, and God bless you! Onward to Harwich we go with a sea day tomorrow. Sipping a glass of wine, I salute you!

Susie's musings

Skagen, Denmark a new port

Good morning! We’re inside the ship, looking out the windows, watching the Baltic sea go by as we don’t dock for another 2 hours. There is a lot of freighter traffic in the Baltic and it seems that the ships pass very near to each other! I guess they are used to this. Today might be a bust as the forecast is 100% precipitation (we can see this from our windows) and barely 53 degrees with a low of 45 degrees. Chuck and I might take this as a rain day and read our books. Newcastle (our first English stop), doesn’t look much better with a forecast of 56 degrees and rain for Sunday. We will be able to visit with old friends so hopefully we’ll sit and sip and not get too wet! I hoped we could go out to the market in Hexham, but … we’re not hardy Englishmen so we’ll see how the day shakes out. Nottingham (our second English stop to visit Emily and Stephen and 2 babies) looks better at about 69 to 71 degrees and partly sunny! Yea! come on summer. We knew this early season visit might be wet and cold, but we always hope for sunshine! So my dears. If anything happens, I’ll let you know! Happy spring and early summer. God bless you!

Susie's musings

An "at sea" day

An "at sea" day means a sleep in day! At sea there is nothing to do… so what’s the first thing we do? wake up at 7am! So… we look at each other, "Oh well" and we roll out of the sweet covers, and we have a very important decision to make right off: Eat in the dining room or the Windjammer? We chose the dining room (very posh, table cloths and all that), get a daily soduku and trivia paper, but the dining room is not open! So. Windjammer it is! NEXT. Do laundry. Pack a small bag with all the underwear and sox and one tee shirt. Then I washed some of Chuck’s tee shirts (these are the long sleeved "warm" tee shirts we will need for the next few days and in England), and finally my little undies. Hang everything out on the balcony! Even the leopard undies… After all, those container ship crews need some excitement as they pass us by! Those of you who have passed through my yard have seen the laundry I hang out. Moving on… Very busy day. I went to passenger services to check on some credits we got, but that haven’t shown up yet on the bill. And finally, The Captain’s Corner. Here is where the Captain reveals all like the building of the ship (took 4 years and $500 million), Did you know they no longer "launch a ship? They fill the building with water and float her out. She has Azipod "screws" that turn 360 degrees and I have been up top when he has turned on a dime in ports. A 5 ton helicopter can land on her pad although we had a sea rescue and the Swedish coast guard did not land, rather dropped in a doctor and then attached a line to a stretcher and lifted off a staff member. In the food department we use 18,400 eggs and 3500 gallons of milk per week (we are a hungry bunch). When she is full the ship carries 3000 tons of fuel. Pretty amazing. In 2016 RCCL will not be using Harwich which was very convenient for us. Finally the ship’s front end is shaped like the submarine… the bulbous bow is a rounded bow that allows for increased speed at lower fuel consumption. I talked Chuck into going to the pool which was warm like a bathtub… OK he did it, but was like a cat in the water…. not moving too much and watching all the exits. I let him go after about 20 minutes. Nap, and now it is formal night… busy busy. We have dinner at 6 and a party at 7:45. Hope all are well. Tomorrow is our last port: Skagen, Denmark. God bless you!!!

Susie's musings

a single guitar

Good evening friends and family. A single guitar plays in the Centrum (which I have on occasion called the atrium.) The ship is sailing away from Stockholm and I took about a million pictures starting at about 8am. The day progressed from foggy, rainy, sunny, SUNNY! so some pictures will come out. We met Chuck’s cousins Ingela and Hakan (Ingela and Chuck are related by having the same great grandmother Anna from Sweden!) They were waiting for us at 8:50 am and we began our adventure. We toured and finally parked at a marine museum and I took us off the beaten path to the entrance because I thought I saw a memorial. Indeed it was a memorial cemetery to seamen (a lot of commanders, admirals etc) How beautiful. When we finally got to the museum there were about a million people waiting in line. Ah…. not this time we said… So we took off for more garden walking. We decided to take a boat tour and so climbed aboard a boat to tour the many bridges over the waters of Stockholm. How beautiful Stockholm is with lots of gardens and green spaces for walking and running. Then we saw horses at the Palace and hurried up to see the changing of the guard. The guard are so young!!! I took many photos. Then Ingela and I lost Chuck and Hakan but never fear… They were talking to horse policemen. I forwarded the photo via email; if I forgot you, please let me know and I’ll send to you! Ingela and I went into the Cathedral which was built I think in the 1600s. We read tomb stones and I think this was about the earliest date on the tombs… It was really beautiful and bright. Then we went out to find the boys… and wait!!! where do you think they were? A pub about 20 paces from the church door sipping beer! We ate lunch of herring, salmon, and Ingela had reindeer (is that legal? It tasted good, but what would Santa say?) Then Ingela had to go to a business meeting in Italy (you know these Europeans… off to Italy.) We walked in the old town and then met up with the boys (Oliver and Felix – beautiful nearly 14 year old twins all ready for summer vacation). By now it was warm enough to strip down to long sleeved tee shirt and by now (7pm) the sun is shining brightly! We came back to the ship and I put on bathing suit to swim for 1/2 hour then go drink wine with Chuck and the crowd we have met at Vintages. It’s almost bedtime and the sun won’t go down for another three hours! Tomorrow is a free day and I intend to do nothing! Be happy and look up! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Stockholm islands

I heard the fog horn, mournful, yet threatening, in the night. Long and low, from the throat, growling, "I’m here; I’m big! Move out of my way!" I woke again to watch the archipelago that makes up the opening to the port of Stockholm float by, well I guess we were floating by; it is granite. Sweden has thousands of granite islands. As we neared harbor, a big cruise boat passed. She is called Viking Grace, with Grace written on her side three times. She made me think of Mom who loved adventure. "Mom would love this!" I whispered to a few sea gulls sitting expectantly next to me. "Mom would be up for this!" "Perhaps she is," they cooed back. And so our Stockholm adventure begins. 8am and tying up to the pier which faces a big granite hill, I wave to a couple walking a big black dog, "Good morning!" but they don’t see me. I’m just another bit of white in my RCCL bathrobe with white coffee cup, leaning against one of hundreds of balconies. They don’t wave back, but I wave! "Good morning Stockholm! I bring Peace!" God bless you!

Susie's musings

Celebrating Spring in Helsinki

I think I was a little "down" from Russia. There was so much overpowering Palaces, Domed churches, gold, glorified empresses… Today was different. Our guide’s name was Maria. She almost sang about spring and flowers … We took a boat trip and the boat captain pointed out mating birds and talked about Spring! "Every year is a new spring! Summer will begin ‘soon’ and last ‘a while’…. and the birds return every year to mate!" I took photos of geese and ducks and tulips and daffodils. After a tour of Helsinki (very clean and artsy) we traveled to Porvoo (a small old fishing village), took a boat ride to a manor house turned spa and conference center, ate a lovely lunch and then toured back to Helsinki for a visit to 2 churches, including the rock church literally carved out of a giant rock, and an outdoor market. Did I mention I sampled home made Finnish chocolates, licorice and a beer? Yawn. I’m ready for bed. Tomorrow we are meeting cousins in Stockholm, Sweden. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Decoration Day and Memorial Day

Good morning dear friends. My second father, Jack Harlan always called this American day of memory Decoration Day for it was the day when women decorated the graves of fallen warriors … In the South the women decorated the graves of all soldiers. They showed compassion and love for mankind… not political fervor. So let us remember today and drop the swords and stop rattling the sabers. Our guide who was a patriotic Russian told us a new Convention Center wasn’t being used this year due to the "Crisis in Ukraine" and I nearly blurted out something about "you started it and it isn’t just a crisis!!!!" … but I was in Russia where saber rattling has always been a way of communicating and I’m just a guest with my American ways… I heard a lot of stories of who took what in war.. and the celebration of those victories and the glorification of the leaders. Let us put the swords down and go find a warrior and thank him and then go decorate a grave today. I remember Omaha Beach and I thank God we are free. May God surround soldiers with light and love. God bless America.

Today we are in Helsinki and I haven’t written about our last day in St Petersburg. Amazing museums and churches, but you know what? No really new stuff. They need to change their story and come away from the past and let us pray for that. Live, grow and develop a healthy future. Be safe and look up! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Pentecost Sunday in Russia

Good Sunday morning dear friends. As we drove around yesterday our guide pointed out great onion domed churches and said, "During the Soviet times, the domes were destroyed and … that church was a roller skating rink, that church was used to care for old people, that church was used for…." Churches are being restored and indeed today we will visit a grand church, St Issac… but I think I will miss Mass as we are on tour from 7am until probably like yesterday…. 6pm. So my dears, please offer a little prayer for Susie and Chuck as we pray today in thanksgiving to the Lord God for sending the Advocate as he promised! The coming of the Holy Spirit is celebrated today as we end the Easter Season: " The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Spirit of God dwelling within us… Alleluia" (Romans 5:5)

I was in this same place at this time yesterday, got Chuck a cup of coffee, told him, "hit the decks!" and then got hot chocolate for myself and headed off for blogging. Sun is shining but it reads 46 degrees on the TV. bbbbrrrrr. We got off the ship and queued up for Russian Immigration… Present passport and tour ticket and get a stamp for the day. … About 1 1/2 hours after meeting time in the Pacifica lounge we were on our tour bus, 30 bright eyed travelers with Galina, our excellent, perky, full of energy host and guide. She kept counting us because I’ll bet if she loses one of us… she will be roller skating in one of those closed churches (no! She says the Soviet regime is over and all the churches are back in service….) St Petersburg is celebrating what they call Victory over the Nazis (our VE day is their liberation from Nazi Germany) and they are celebrating the birthday of St Petersburg 350 years ago (?) when Peter the great decided he needed a warm water port and he built the port at St Petersburg. The city is clean and with lots of buildings, and with the occasional Palace and onion domed church. We went first to Peterhof, the summer Palace of Peter the Great. Cream color and gold and white. What a maintenance nightmare and very clean and well kept. We had to put on little booties to protect the amazing parquet floors. Every window is curtained with gold and white. Many rooms are covered with silk wall paper and the gold!!!!! One whole gold room, Chinese "lobbies" rooms that are for walking through only! Dancing rooms, and finally "The Throne Room". What great egos these Czars and Czarinas had! Apparently the Nazis did a lot of damage. The Nazis invaded through Poland and tried to get to Moscow but never made it. When they invaded the Palaces (and later the same with the Hermatage) they burned many of the panels and paintings for fuel. Even with that loss and damage, the palaces and art museums have been restored to great wonder. Miles and miles of gardens with fountains. Now our guide told us, the fountains at Peterhof are filled by underground springs that Peter found and he developed a system of locks to get the water "up" to the top garden with no pumping stations, all natural. The water then flows into the Gulf of Finland (and then the fertilizer polutes that gulf…) Oh well remember the grand egos. Let me tell you… It is Grand Gardens and it is called the Grand Cascade. We left Peterhof after looking at the great beautiful gardens and church there and headed for lunch in an "Americanized" restaurant (my evaluation. I wanted sausages and Russian black bread and we got soup, salad, and chicken). Oh well. Went to the Neva River and the Hermatage which is really 4 Palaces spliced together to form an amazing museum. I stood spell bound before Rembrandt’s Prodigal Son, and Leonardo, and many many Madonnas. I’m blank here on the artist who painted Christ being taken down from the Cross and while the background is almost black, the light in the painting comes from the body of Christ… Beautiful! Czars collected great works from France and Italy and then the works were stolen by the Nazis but recovered after liberation. The museums were full of people so at least the art is being seen. We finally left and walked along the Neva towards our tour bus. I think we were sleeping by 8:30 pm and here I am… I have to go get some more coffee and make sure Chuck did not crawl back into bed! Happy Happy Sunday dear friends. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Saturday in Russia

My dears! The sun "set" at 9:30 pm and was back up at 3:30am this morning! It was bright daylight at 5am so I poked my head out…… brrrrrr at 50 degrees but clear skies and sunny. We should be OK for touring today. We have Shore Excursions for 2 days. Cannot get off the boat without tour ticket and passport. Will go through passport control leaving and entering the ship every day. Will stick very close to tour guide. When I went for coffee two ladies were talking: "My mother said don’t go there … Stalin is horrible." The speaker said she grew up during the Cold War, but her mother vividly remembers Stalin and WWII… It is eerie entering the home of those who don’t like us. I can feel Debbie shaking her head… nope Debbie wouldn’t go here. We will stick very close to tour guide. I’m still remembering yesterday and as friend Andy said: "WOW we got it all back." Who ever thought we would be picked so easily? It was right out of Oliver Twist! Chuck’s wallet with driver’s license and credit cards is in the safe with my wallet, and Chuck is wearing his credit card on a bag around his neck today… It’s hard for him to give up that big back pocket bulge! OK that’s it for now. I delivered a book back to the library and I’m headed upstairs for more coffee. We are entering the port at St Petersburg now. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Thank you St. Catherine

Today we woke up to a sunny day. The window was warm when I leaned against it, but it’s still "jacket weather". Finally made it off the ship by 10:30! and caught a shuttle bus into the heart of Tallinn, Estonia. I intended to go directly to the Monastery of St Catherine, but our maps are in Estonia language which is a mix of Germanic, Dutch, etc. hard to compare to street signs so we missed Katerina Kaik and headed into town a block or so south… Saw a wonderful little cafe with lovely young people authentic Hansa clothed people inviting tourists to eat, so, determined to return we headed "up" the hill towards the St Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. We climbed up a windy cobblestone narrow road past artists displaying their paintings on the town walls and emerged at Cathedral square. I visited the magnificent Orthodox Cathedral. Walked around a bit and then decided to go down and find our little cafe. That’s not as easy as it sounds…. We’re up on the top of a walled hill and keep coming out at overlooks of different sides of the city! We finally found our way down and to the little cafe and had wonderful salads with herring and smoked salmon… yum. And snaps and beer. burp. After a while, with the sun still shining, it was time to go so I led us to Katerina Kaik which is on Vene 12. Found it! We entered St Catherine’s passage hoping to find the Monastery and the "Energy pillar" thought to be a source of physical and spiritual healing. I walked on Chuck’s left (his wallet side) and he was carrying a small bag with his jacket and some other small stuff like sunglasses on his right. I got joggled and a skinny tall guy was trying to give me some papers. Suddenly Chuck yelled "Sue" and I turned to see him with hand on his pocket, "They got my wallet!" I ran and took the bag from him and he ran back out the way we came in… It was absolutely calm on that street. No one around. It’s like we got hit by maybe three guys who made a distraction by bumping me away from him, picked the wallet pocket, and flew away. "They’re gone." Chuck said a guy grabbed his pants leg and another must have picked his pocket… "They got my badge and patrol ID, he said." I said, "They got the credit cards." We hesitated a few minutes scanning the street and then headed back into the alley… All I could think of is how sorry I was that this happened. What a violation of our privacy and rights. and how I would handle cancelling the cards. We gave up the search and headed back down Katerina to the ship but in front of us came running 2 boys with Chuck’s wallet! We were stunned. The boy with the wallet tried to talk to us. I thought he sounded like a deaf person speaking and Chuck said he just doesn’t speak English… Chuck gave him what looked like a few $20s maybe Euro bills, I’m not sure. I was near tears, when I said, "Look where we are! At the Monastery!" I took a photo, but we headed back to the ship without going in. I think this just took the stuffing out of us. And so I offer thanks to St. Catherine. She knew my intentions. What can I say. This was a surreal event! Try to explain getting the wallet back with everything in it? Were the robbers stopped when they saw the badge and there was no money, and two boys saw it all and brought the wallet back? … we will never know. Can you imagine losing Chuck’s driver’s license and we have rental cars booked for 30 days? YIKES. Bad things happen; good things restored us. Thank God.

Susie's musings

Yesterday was Copenhagen

It’s after dinner already and I haven’t written about Copenhagen which is about to be supplanted by Tallinn… How fast this goes. Like a herd of turtles, Chuck and I were off YESTERDAY at 8:27 am. Onto the bus that waited at the foot of the pier to whisk us off into downtown Copenhagen of which there is no "old city." Within 10 minutes within a concert of Danish, French, English, Spanish among other languages 2 young men collected money and tickets (Euro, pounds, dollars) with elan and laughter. The top came off the bus and we were off! Copenhagen is a clean, modern city with palaces, gardens, and tall modern buildings and squares. There is a living queen who has her own palace and her own little building that she waits in while her boat comes to take her to the Royal Yacht. … We jumped on a boat to tour the canals and our guide was (ladies … this is right out of Under the Tuscan Sun) the tall, thin, blond son of Danish gods… standing tall with his blond hair in a pony tail and speaking English and Danish … His name was Viktor (of course) and he advised us to "mind our heads" as we went under low bridges… The boat tour (I bought it with the hop on hop off ticket) took an hour and it was amazing. Like Venice … We got off and chose to spend some time in Tivoli Gardens. (You can’t do everything and rather than a church or museum I chose a place Chuck thought he remembered from 1967) … We went in and asked the young lady (could be our granddaughter) if the garden of life was still there… she said, "a long time ago there was a garden with statues…" and I knew we were lost. Not there anymore. So I asked where we could get good Danish beer and open faced sandwiches, "Ah! now that she can help us with!" So we enjoyed real Danish food and beer at Grafton … which has big heaters and blankets (we saw them everywhere) "in case the sun goes behind a cloud…" After an excellent snack of open faced herring sandwich, beet root and beer we went back to the bus and to the ship. You know with all this amazing splendor, my heart is full of home. My friends and family with whom I correspond daily about illness and needs, pray with and dream with, are so far away… I’d like the freedom of my own kitchen and bedroom… OK! I’m the one who plans all these trips, but then I get here and keep looking homeward. Today was a day at sea with some excitement in the middle…. On the Norfolk day 2 people were taken off for medical emergency and today the Swedish Coast Guard visited the ship and helicopter air lifted off a crew member to the hospital. The Captain told us he is Ok. But thanks to modern technology and communications. We went to shore talks and listened to a lecture about Russia… Then the Captain talked to us. Here’s some facts: We traveled 5200 nautical miles on the Atlantic crossing and will travel 3400 nautical miles on this Baltic crossing. Other facts included why waves are so much more powerful in the Atlantic (ask Chuck) and the fact that the propellers on this ship turn 360 degrees. There are 2166 guests on this Baltic trip. OK! Tomorrow is Tallinn named after a Norse goddess Linda! Poor Tallinn was taken over by the Swedish and the Russians so … who knows what we will see? Currency is the Euro. I’ll write more tomorrow as Chuck and I are doing an independent tour (self guided). God bless you!

Susie's musings

Copenhagen! Sunny day!

My dears! I hope your sunny day is as brilliant as this one. It’s warm too. Leaving England, we wondered if it would be misty and chilly all the way, but the warmth on our balcony suggests no need for jackets and scarves, although it could change and might be breezy, so bringing them. Heard while walking, 2 ladies walking too…. "I had a bit of bread with butter and a bit of cheese." I laughed and just kept walking… Our friend Sally says "bits of things" and I have to pause and wonder…. I guess we Yanks say "bits and pieces" and Jesus did say he did not leave out a "jot or tittle" of the Old Law. Aren’t we all different and funny! When I hear for example "A bit of cheese"… I think guiltily of the "hunks" of cheese I’m eating… "Real cheese" not the weak American stuff. Enough musing. I painted yesterday with a lady named Lisa I’ve seen drawing with colored pencils we sat together in the Solarium after my walk and swim with our water colors and painted … It was fun and even though mine look like 6 year old stuff, I’m capturing the joy of color that, for example, we see on Brugges, Belgium post cards. yes they really do paint their buildings those bright colors! OK! Off into Copenhagen and The Little Mermaid. I bought a Hop on Hop Off bus and canal boat tour like we have in Key West, Boston etc. Got room service and am full of hair curling coffee. Probably won’t sleep for a week. God bless you! Susie checking out at 7:20am.

Susie's musings

1:30pm already?????

At sea days can be awash with laziness or one could select activities. Unfortunately the activities I selected were before our wake up time of 1045am! well. so much for planning. I walked outside and discovered it is very brisk and windy, but the Captain advises it is calm and tomorrow in Copenhagen it will be warm and sunny! Yes! I drank coffee and a whiled away time with bit of standing at the balcony to watch the Explorer of the Seas pass by to port and then to the computer to write that we are doing… nothing. Actually yesterday the view of Harwich as we pulled away and all the wind farms in the water was interesting so I took a few pictures. Went to bed early and slept! I was having a hard time sleeping with all the energy on board the ship and Chuck just goes to sleep immediately. So… Hopefully I’ll be able to walk upstairs and then jump into the Solarium pool. The water in the Solarium pool was cold two days ago but I stayed in for 45 minutes. We both have books to read and I want to go over our maps of Wales as we met a lovely couple from Wales who recommended several places to "must see." If I see them again, I want to be able to pin point what they recommend. The upper coast of Wales including Conwy is recommended. I also met three ladies with a picture of a 4th who had to cancel… her husband had emergency surgery (so she stayed by his side). Chuck said he thought I would go on the cruise he would be OK – he would just call Dave. I thought I would miss him terribly. Jury is out on that one. Anyhow I took the ladies picture at the rail with Harwich behind and … wished them well. Off to do walking and pool bouncing. Love and God bless you!

Susie's musings

giving in to naughtiness….

Travel agent just sent an additional $75 credit. That’s more than 2 bottles of wine. I think I’m just going to give up on saving my brain. Love and God bless you! Time for life boat drill and… the sun is shining!

Susie's musings

Arrived: Harwich port

Good day dear friends and family. Here’s an update: We are very happy with the cruise so far. Chuck got over-tired with staying up every night to after midnight in the King and Country Pub… and I am normal trying to run up and down the stairs but not getting any better with the exercise. So I just hump and huff along out of wind! I will be blogging all along but let me give you a snap shot of today. Cold and rainy… I got off the ship with my new sail and sign card and I checked out the terminal here at Harwich and found the rental car place which tells me I will be able to get a porter to carry our (many) bags of luggage to the car rental site…. Should be no problem (as the Italians say… "Normale") Back on the ship without troubles and at noon we get a fancy lunch in the Chops Grille. For now, it’s sit and read while we wait for the thundering hoardes to get on. So far Brilliance staff has been wonderful and food great. Love to you and God bless you.

Susie's musings

in this place where so many people have given their lives…

A prayer in the church at Saint Mere Eglise begins … "Our Lady of Peace, in this place where so many people have given their lives for freedom and human dignity…" In the church where American soldiers died and one hung from the bell tower while his soldier companions were slaughtered below him… in this place of fighting and death, the French people have placed a mile marker. Zero. From this place… peace begins. Each mile from there is marked as this is the first place the Allies liberated. As we drove around Normandy the announcer kept referring to Saving Private Ryan and The Longest Day. So those two movies really paid homage truly to D Day and the events that ended the war in Europe. While we fight with politics and greed we must remember that these men fought for freedom and peace. I was very affected by seeing and walking on Omaha Beach and the American Cemetary and I hope all of us will go to visit our soldiers. I read some markers and found Walter Baker and other names that are so close to family that I felt the brotherhood… So many men from a generation and then we went and did it again in Viet Nam and now the middle east (Afganistan). Thank God I got to make this trip. I would definitely return. In Brugges, Belgium the weather was grand. The town is lovely and peaceful. Someone said, since weather has been recorded; this is the nicest day of weather recorded! Still need light scarf and jacket as I am a Miami flower… We headed out and towards Harwich, England at 9:30pm and woke up to a somewhat cloudy day… with a little headache. Perhaps 2 Belgium beers, chocolate and several glasses of wine at Vintages made that headache!!!! Saving Private Ryan might become Saving Susie’s brain if this Vintages thing continues…. My dears, as of last night we had covered 5132 nautical miles. This ship is now empty except for about 250 who are "continuing" on the Baltic cruise. I need to go get my sail and sign card updated. Paid the last bill and will start a new bill. need coffee and will take a little walk outside to see if the rental car is near by where the ship will dock again in twelve days. Eventually (in twelve days) we will have to pack up and get off for good… but for now we are looking forward to swimming every day, walking on the upper deck, visiting Baltic countries, and doing new things… We have been invited to lunch at the Chops Grille at noon so … moving on I salute you my friends and family and wish you blessings and beauty. God bless you.

Susie's musings

49 48 47 N headed for Normandy (Omaha Beach)

This is our Latitude/Longitude this Saturday morning… interesting, and we are headed for 0 degrees W. I remember studying latitude and longitude in school… So every day we look at the map and see our numbers and where we are. We will "land" at Cherbourg, France at 2pm and begin our tour to the beaches at Normandy at 2:15. We will travel through the first town that the allies liberated (we needed to take the road to keep the Germans from getting to the beaches when they found out they were being invaded). We have received our passports and passed through English immigration already and we still have France and Belgium on this leg of the tour. At 8:30 am there was little wind (8 mph), 55 degrees air temp. and 4796 nautical miles traveled so far. Blue sky! I’m off to the pool for bouncing exercise! Happy Saturday and God bless you and God bless our American soldiers.

Susie's musings

Cork, Ireland

We waited so long for land to come.. and yesterday was another day of high seas and waves. Gray and dismal. At 4:23am I woke up dreaming about finding the McCarthys of my family in Cork. It was dark, but still. No knocking and rolling. Thinking about the lovely Partick McCarthy with the blue-teal eyes whom I met this trip who told me McCarthys came from Cork, I thought… we are arrived in my family home! I peeked out the curtain and stepped outside! It was not windy, a little rainy, and in the dark I could see lights like shore lights. Chuck came out to make sure I hadn’t fallen in, and then we slept until 8am. We went outside again to an iffy sky. cloudy, air temp 57 degrees. The TV from the bridge announced we have traveled 4532 nautical miles. After breakfast we stepped outside and found it a little breezy. caught the train to Cork at 10:30 and walked up to the English Market and found The Mutton Inn and the mural I’ve been waiting to see on Prince Street. An Irish gentleman invited us into the pub and proceeded to buy us Guinness and bitter shandies…. at 2:30 I advised we have to go. I went into the English market and bought a foot long sausage in a bun for Chuck and two short bread sweetie wonders for me using my store of Euros. I wrote the young man’s name and email and will send him a photo and of course invited him to Miami. Full of sausage, sweet tarts, guinness, and bitter shandies… we came back to the ship and watched Irish dancers in the theater. It’s time to leave port… Tonight at 6pm we will do "face to face" with immigration authorities and get our passports back. Off to clean up and get ready for more fun and games (wine and dinner). From Cork with Love… God bless you!

Susie's musings

wearing green!

A young lady at our table wanted green to wear to the piano bar because tomorrow is Ireland so I lent her my favorite green jacket! Sarah it’s the one you found for me and I wear every day! Hope I get it back!!! Green tonight while we hope hope it will clear up for Cork, Ireland. It is currently 52 degrees and windy rough and foggy at sea. Giant waves have broken windows and actually done some damage to stacks of liquor, perfumes, and dishes… The pools are emptied and the decks are closed off for walking. The ship is creaking and making noises. A bit of claustrophobia abounds and the Thriller dance lessons are in the Centrum where angels used to sing… I’ll write how we did as we are planning to take a train into Cork from the port of Cobh where the Brilliance docks… Wish us luck using our Euros to buy train tickets and beer! Headed for the piano bar with Chuck where a red headed Irish lady will sing… God bless you.

Susie's musings

A little bit of sunshine!

Good morning! A puzzle has been under construction for 3 days in the Scooner walkway. No single person worked on it, rather various people at various times. At first it was a lot of colorful pieces all spread out and gradually it took form and I’m sure there were some changes as "I don’t think that piece fits there, but it goes over here…" Jesus said to his disciples, "I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth." (John 16:12) So we piece together the pieces begging for wisdom! Yesterday in Bible study, a lady started a debate over the humanity of Jesus when we read in Philippians that Jesus took on the form of man (2: 1-11), and I thought of the early church fathers discussions of "what are we to make of the pieces we have? what are we to believe?" and today we ask, "what is my faith?" Of course church councils decreed that Jesus is true (wholly) God and true (wholly) man. Not easily understood by us is it? Not an easy concept for me – human, grumpy, mean at times to realize God is in my heart! My heart is God’s heart! He really gets down and dirty with us!

So… After Mass this morning, while waiting for Chuck to wake up, I was out on the balcony writing this in my bathrobe and freezing! Looking out and trying to figure what direction I was looking trying to see if east is brighter… If we are driving Northeast, the sun would be "up front" (very nautical terminology) I think I’m slightly aft and looking north and celebrating "It’s not raining!" I think I can bundle enough to get in a 2 mile walk before the 1pm pool bouncing with the ladies in the Solarium. But first wake up Chuck for breakfast of eggs benedict and smoked salmon (burp). Captain is on and making a summary… 52 degrees…. 712 miles to Cork! in 2500 meters water depth… Tomorrow is the last sea day before we pull into Cork, Ireland, Cherbourg, France (Normandy invasion beaches), Bruges, Belgium and then…. on Monday, Harwich England where we will stay on board and go on to the Scandinavian countries. Chuck said we don’t need a balcony this trip as it is chilly and windy, but I think we need to hang out and watch docking in our pajamas!!! God bless you and keep you nice and warm.

Susie's musings

Zoomba and cousins

Well normally I sing of angels in the Centrum, but today I’m a little early at the pc and there is a Zoomba class downstairs in the Centrum. WOW! A very muscelled cute guy is leading the group and it makes me want to do Zoomba, but I’m all dressed for dinner and going to spend an hour in the wine bar in the company of Patrick and Leona McCarthy "cousins from Cork." Well maybe cousins. Patrick says all McCarthys come from the Cork area and not from Dublin where my father said our Grand Daddy Michael came from… I guess my story of "an Irishman on the run" doesn’t hold water any more. Today I did almost everything on the schedule I had circled. Mass, Bible study, and a talk on stress and how to avoid the killing nature of stress. (Stress pours adrenaline and cortisol into the blood which eventually kills us if we don’t run or fight which used to serve cave men but today only kills our heart and blood vessels..) and yes I know that, and I’ve been told not to worry so much and not to have so much angst. So we are supposed to do Yoga breathing and think… take the power away from our fear and out of our reaction to "attack"… rather than stress out, respond with reason: Say things like "I’m stressed: breathe; go walk; move the big muscles, drink water (to wash out the adrenaline and cortisol)." Tend to whoever is in trouble (that is what women do) and deal with life when it’s hard without killing ourselves. Try to write a list of the 5 most important things I want in life that I can use to evaluate my life at the moment of death… One lady said I will ask if I was a good person… I think I will ask Did I love you enough Mary and Jesus? My mother firmly believed Mary would meet her, so what did you say to Mary Mom?
Two final things on the list were an art lecture, but I missed that as the stress talk went long, and the pool which I went to and bounced. No outdoor walking today as it is a nasty weather day – grey and wet!" Off to meet cousins. Toodles. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Angels singing in the Centrum

My goodness what beautiful music emanates from 2 violins and a piano! I came here to the pc at 3pm and I thought… "I hear angels!" And so I caution everyone who says "the computers are slow!" to "listen to the music!!!! peace be with you." "Yeah lady what are you smokin’" they look back at me. Today is a 50% day. I planned to go to daily Mass, origami, a talk, a walk and then go into the solarioum pool at 1pm. I refuse to go less than 50%, but I did miss Mass and origami with sleeping in… yawn, I grabbed coffee and headed for the talk called Perception isn’t Reality… about how we form perceptions and how we can change how we perceive … Chuck and I say "Perception IS Reality." But what we need to know is that perception is MY reality. When we "go up against" another person who does not agree with us, we really need to realize their perspective, their focal point, what they automatically didn’t see, or what they saw into something, what story they made up from what they saw, what motive they attributed to the story they saw and realize I did all that too! I try so hard especially on a long cruise like this to be positive and not to read any negatives into people’s actions or events… If someone is angry or grumpy I have to wonder what has happened to them that makes them feel crowded, chilly, nauseated, sad… and there is a lot! I suggest just go take several Advils and maybe a nap!
Speaking of naps, our little English friend Emily had her baby named Oliver (no middle name yet) Hardstaff! Em: I vote for Charles or William – good strong names!) Emily and Oliver and big brother Henry were out in the garden in short sleeves in a photo in Facebook so Maybe it will be lovely weather when we finally get off the ship in England!! We are rocking and rolling here in the middle of the Atlantic and it’s chilly, but I’m holding out for sunshine!
Today after the talk on perception, I missed walking as I promised to meet 2 new lady friends at the Solarioum at 1pm. So realizing I have to kick a lot in the pool to make up for missing a 2 mile walk… I got into the pool and the ladies came and then more! We float and kick and talk as the waves batter us around. In the pool were folks from Augusta Georgia, Boot Hill Kansas, San Antonio Texas, Bridport England and … some others. What fun to share about our towns! After tea and a panini and a hot shower, here I am… I ask for prayer today for my friends Linda and Marj both of whom are undergoing testing for potential cancers. I pray for their peace of mind as doctors poke and prod… Both are wonderful sweet ladies and you all know others who need prayer for people who are besieged by life’s ills and inequities. As you read this, ask angels to hold the ladies and to hold your friends and you too against the cold of the unknown. Hold us towards the light of hope and faith. God bless you! Sue

Susie's musings

Rockin’ across the Atlantic

Chuck agrees the boat is rocking more today as the waves are hitting us sidesways. The "wave" pool has been emptied as it was flooding the deck… Darn. Yesterday was fun in the wave pool… The pool would nearly empty then fill in and we would be swept back and forth. I’m in turtle neck tee today and will put on a jacket to walk on the jogging path… It’s a little brrrry. and I think it will be burrrryier in Ireland (first stop: Cork, Ireland). Went to Sunday Mass then had breakfast in the dining room with 4 people from New York who shared their "where were you on Sept 11?" stories. While we were in front of televisions they talked of the smoke and friends lost… One man actually cried as he talked about his son who was shipped off to a school on Staten Island to protect the children and he couldn’t find his little son … I went to painting class where a group of ladies complained about disembarking ships. One needs to move away quickly from groups like that as they seem to wallow in misery. Just get up and get away. I’m always smiling and wishing people a great day! Travel can be uncomfortable and we just have to overlook the inconveniences (like favorite wave pool being emptied) and have a good time. Today the art show is "figures of women." Curvacious women decorate the walls of the gallery. Lovely! Have a wonderful Sunday and Mother’s Day. God bless you.

Susie's musings

sunshine, 2 violins, and a piano

What more could one expect of in a dream? We had a very wonderful breakfast in the dining room. I entered thinking, "I could have eggs benedict," but it’s not on the menu. So here comes Christian our waiter of the day with the special… eggs benedict with salmon… "Oh my!" our table mates said, laughing! "You wanted eggs benedict didn’t you?" Well yes, with grits please. Piggy that I am give me what I want with grits. OH boy was it good. Chuck and I regaled the table with stories of how we travel. We make an end city or a plan and call everyone on the route and say, "Will you be home this date, and can we come stay with you?" Most people say they would love to see us, but some try to duck out, and then I reschedule until I bully them into taking us in sometime!!!! Some of you reading this will laugh here. I really love visiting you all and it keeps us posted as it’s hard to pray for people we never see!!!! We were sitting with an English couple who live near Nottingham but wouldn’t give us their address (for fear we’ll write and want to visit?). We talked about visiting the New Forest and Sidmouth. I’ve talked with several English people who love the walks on the Sidmouth shore (it’s on the south coast where we will stay our last few days before sailing back to New York. ). Before breakfast I went to daily Mass and after breakfast I went to Bible study. This is like being at home! Then I walked 2 miles on the upper deck in the WIND! On one side of the ship I could see the big screen with a Kevin Kostner movie I think it is McClaren (or something like that) it is the name of a school in New Mexico. Look it up as it looked good. I passed the movie screen 12 times on my circling of the deck and every time Kevin Kostner looked good! I then went to get Chuck and we went up to the Solarium where I went into the pool which was like a wave ride at Disney!!! giant waves as the ship is moving up and down back and forth a little. Now, all showered, we will read and then I’ll go in search of a painting to copy and a glass of wine to drink before dinner. Ah!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Heading out into the middle

The sea today was calm as glass. Not a wave in sight which means very smooth sailing, but tomorrow is supposed to be gray and cloudy. It doesn’t really matter as there is art, painting, Bible study, jewelry making, and naps inside. I must get out and walk… and I write gym and walk on the daily compass. Chuck said he will think about it. We’ve settled into a routine of meeting up occasionally and then spending the evening together listening to the young Englishman sing Irish songs in the King and Country Pub. Today I was hungry about 4pm and rather than a nice piece of cheese which I would do at home, I had an English scone with cream and strawberries and I snagged a big chocolate chip cookie on the way to paint a Thomas Kincade painting. I need to work on my bridges.. and soon I’ll need to work on my waistline!!! If I don’t write, do not worry, the daily compass warned that we might have spotty satellite coverage for a few days as we are "in the middle of the Atlantic" on a northwest path from Norfolk to Cork Ireland. Have a wonderful weekend. God bless you! Sue

Susie's musings

Tell a story of hope

Good morning! I walked past this computer terminal 2 hours ago and I remarked to myself how quiet it is… people sprinkled about reading… and now there are dance lessons going on the deck below me in the "Centrum" .. Merengue music and dance and lots of laughter. Out the window, the sea is quiet and sunshine is beginning to break through as we head north west towards Cork Ireland. This is another busy day. I missed Mass as we slept in until 8:45, but I managed to "fit in" a Bible study at 10am with a really large group! We decided none of us put the notice in the Compass which lists all the things happening (it must have been the Holy Spirit) but we decided to meet every morning at 10am in the same place called the Stargazer lounge (look up always!). We will read Philippians which is nice and short and full of wisdom. Hurried off to meet Chuck for a Thomas Kincade seminar (hence the title of this piece). We will meet again for a nap about 1:30. Crossing the pond in beautiful style; nothing to do but walk around on the jogging track and be joyful. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Good morning Norfolk!

We are pulling into the largest Naval port in the world! We just crossed over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel which spans the boating channel into Norfolk. As we passed through the channel, I remembered driving over the bridge and sinking down into the tunnel fully aware that traffic, (giant ships), is passing over us.. and now I’m aware of the cars and trucks "under" us in that tunnel! Knowledge can be a scary thing! Weather is beautiful, about 75 degrees. From breakfast I walked up on deck to watch the Norfolk channel pass by, and then remembered book marker making in the King and Country Pub. Dash off for that! Busy busy. We ate breakfast with our friend Al who is a WWII veteran of the Battle of the Bulge. At 95 years old he is hale and hearty. He and Chuck exchanged sea stories… Also on this glorious day was daily Mass where I greeted my "cousins" Patrick and Leona McCarthy! Patrick is from Cork and was surprised that my grandfather Michael came from Dublin to the US. Oh probably had to leave Ireland in a hurry I always was told… We are meeting a lot of English and Irish who spend the summer in home country and return to the US on the repositioning cruise in October. Chuck would like to do that… He could live on a cruise ship all the time. Oh there is too much food!!!! Later, about noon, we will be walking into Norfolk to walk along the waterfront. Have a wonderful, warm and good weather day! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Two violins and a piano

This is turning out to be a most civilized afternoon. We are perched on bar stools in the Vintages bar with the most amazing music lifting from 2 decks below in the "atrium". This area of the atrium is all windows so we can watch the storm rage outside. All gray and cloudy/wavy outside. All warm and lovely within. I highly recommend letting everything go and Just settling with "nothing to do." So it goes. A glass of wine and nothing to do. Thank God!

Susie's musings

High waves, "high" seas!

Hi dear ones. No once can be squeemish. We had a meeting with the Captain and he is a very interesting man! He was born and spent most of his life above the artic circle in Norway! He said the gulf stream actually keeps ice off Norway. In 2009 the Captain sailed his own vessel, the Morning Song, a 43′ sail boat, from Antigua to his home in North Norway. He talked about catching the westerlies in weather like ours today. Photos taken on board looked cold. He has crossed the pond in 16 ton vessel and a 90 ton vessel. Some interesting facts from today’s talk: we are currently experiencing seas with waves of upwards to 6 1/2 meters, winds up to 40 to 60 knots. We are asked not to go out on deck so today is the first time I had a sense of how many passengers are on board. Explaining what we have done so far, the Captain explained: we passed under the Sunshine Skyway bridge at Tampa with an 18′ clearance. we made a wide berth around the Keys to protect marine sanctuaries. We caught the gulf stream to catapult us (my term) around the tip of Fla but now we are avoiding the center of the gulf stream due to high winds. We were supposed to go into Boston, but Captain said last year the northerly route out of Boston was very high winds and waves so he prefers the more southern route we’ll take from Norfolk to the Azores. interesting… Anyway, we are in the center of an intense low and it will clear for us when we pull into Norfolk tomorrow. I’m sitting at a window as I type and yes it is gray and wavy…. ship is moving around and some people are taking to their cabins looking a shade of green. I’m thinking of a cold beer, and there is a new painting in the gallery that I’d like to copy. I’ll see if Chuck wants to read while I paint in the gallery… It should be 79 degrees in Norfolk and Chuck and I plan to take a nice long walk. All in all… so far so good, and pretty quiet. God bless you! Sue

Susie's musings

Good music everywhere

Hi! It’s only 9:30 pm and I’m yawning and ready for bed, but I still have Irish music to listen to. busy busy. Today started with 8am Mass and then I had to rush around to do all the things I circled on the "Daily Compass". Chuck had things to do too, so we did not meet until lunch time. My stuff was arts and crafts, watercolor class, celebration of color in art… and I actually painted 2 small paintings in my art journal. Chuck is keeping what he’s doing while I’m arting a secret. Tomorrow we MUST hit the gym. After the specialty dinner last night we took it easy on breakfast but smoozed the smorgasbord of goodies at lunch. I think I had 3 meats to start. What happened to go to the gym and eat oatmeal? out the window into the sea. Tomorrow is another day to be good. I made a card for Lisa’s wedding in arts and crafts. and I painted with 2 nice ladies in water color class. I was inspired to sit before a painting in the art gallery and paint it. The artist, David Najar, wins the contest by a mile! I just haven’t gotten sailboats down yet, but my birds are OK. We might have found our wine bar called Vintages with big roses all over as decoration. We enjoyed wine and Karen Carpenter type music before dinner as we sailed past Miami… We’ve made the turn and are heading north tonight. No one is talking about "the storm." Bye home! Our dinner friends are a CeeBee (he told me what this means and I forgot… construction builder?) they build things and during Vietnam era he built quanset huts for marines. and a USS Forestal seaman who pushed jet fighters around. He and Chuck commiserated about why they are deaf (standing right next to engines). We are now "on break" in the King and Country Pub. Our singer is an Irishman with a good range from Beatles and Monkees to Carole King and James Taylor. Yawn. Good. I’m also enjoying watching an LA Dodgers baseball game with the sound turned off on the bar TV. Back to basics. Love and kisses. God bless you. Sue

Susie's musings

Full and floating

We boarded the ship with (gulp) 9 bags and two were delivered almost immediately to the room by a guy whom Chuck tipped. So the guy asked, "Is this all?" "Nope, 7 more," Chuck answered. "Oh let me go see…" The guy came back with all 7 bags. And got another tip. He was so grateful he said, "God bless you," as he tucked the tip into his sweaty pocket. Well. Then we spent about 3 hours putting all the stuff away. Stuff includes evening wear for a month, tee shirts and shorts for exercising, jackets and boots for hiking in England, baby gifts for the new little Trewin children, etc etc. Then we went ahead and booked into the Specialty dining room (have a free coupon from travel agent). YUM. We watched Tampa pull away and the sun set as we ate glorious chops. Now… full and happy, we’ll probably sleep all day tomorrow, except for Mass at 8am, arts and crafts at 9:30, water color art lessons at 10:30… lunch and then a nap. Tomorrow will go by very quickly, but I’m ahead of myself. We still have to move from bar to bar tonight to pick a good one. I’ve turned off my phone as we are in international roaming in the middle of Tampa bay. go figure. God bless you tonight!

Susie's musings

waiting to go

We have too many masses of stuff that we packed. I agonized over leaving one light jacket behind. I am sure I have plenty! Packing it all into the car now for drive to Tampa. Watching the east coast and developing weather… Supposed to stop in Norfolk but weather might be an issue. I am sure RCCL weather people have their antennas up and directed at the weather gurus. Sunny and 75 here on west coast of Fla! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Beginning the grand adventure

Monday is the beginning – well actually we’ve been "summering" in North Port, hanging out in the pool with 2 of Laura and Dennis’ (cousins) dogs, swimming and drinking. Tomorrow we board the RCCL Brilliance and head for a tropical storm that threatens the east coast of the US…  I guess the ship will go around that!  I’ll write and tell all once I know how they will route us.   Love and sleep well this last night on soil… God bless you! Sue

Susie's musings

Sunny and warm on day one

Hi dears.  We drove the first leg of the journey with the little car LOADED with the ship luggage and 5 bins labeled with the various cities we will visit in the US (including a 5 foot elephant plaque and wedding presents!).  For now we are sitting here by the pool at cousins Dennis and Laura enjoying beautiful weather and I’m getting all the scraps of paper organized and maybe I’ll balance the check book before we go for 5 months.  I was having a panic attack of "I don’t wanna go" as George stood in our drive way saying goodbye to us yesterday.  I guess I’ve finally started to make Miami home again… finally I got some furniture out of the way and was able to put a table cloth on the dining room table and the Miami house is beginning to look like less of a disaster, and I am a home body even though I am the one who planned this giant trip!!!  …  All the garage sale stuff is stacked in Chuck’s office.  If you need anything from the garage sale stuff including chairs, tables… contact Dave or George.  Sale will be in October…  For now, maybe I can convince Chuck to buy a truck to make our US journey a little more comfortable!!!   Happy early summer!  Love sue

Susie's musings

write what you know about

Hi dear readers! The writer’s chant is "write what you know about." Well I’m not so sure people want to read about midnight wanderings and anxiety! When I would visit my Mom and sister in LaGrange, I would wake in the night to find Mom gone and a light on in the hall. "3am", I would muse, "what is she up to?" I’d find Mom eating a piece of toast, or reading in the bathroom, or downstairs looking for Donna who was also up and wandering… Not me. Oh boy I can sleep in. But that changed. It is as if Mom’s spirit has entered my body. Now I wake up in full thought at 2am and have to get up to make lists, wash dishes, balance a check book, you name it. Chuck asked a friend today if we could find valium on the "black market" for Susie who is wandering the halls in the night. Last night I wandered and looked at the "too much luggage." and tried to clean up the dining room which I should be working on right now, but I wanted to stop here and say "Goodbye, we’re off on the northbound and eastbound journey today." We will sleep with cousins in North Port Fla and board the RCCL Brilliance in Tampa on Monday noonish. Anchors aweigh and all that! God bless America. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Directions and wine

Well it’s down to the priorities now. How do we get there and where can we buy wine? It is going to be an adventure in itself if the rental car has GPS as Chuck will want to use it, the girl in the box will have an English accent, and I’ll want to use my old fashioned maps. I generally turn on the GPS if we get lost. We have gotten lost several times in Georgia and Tennessee, but that was because the roads weren’t on the GPS. I am armed with maps and ready to go. It’s my job to tell Chuck which way to go at the roundabouts which sometimes we take several times, going round and round, trying to find our way!!! We must just LOOK like Americans as we careen around those circles! Meanwhile, we will be shopping in English grocery stores which I love to do. We always stop by the aluminum foil which the English spell with an extra syllable as in aluminium (AL U Min I UM) True. Chuck and I laughed out loud at that one and were practically tossed out of a grocery store in Bude for pointing and laughing. I guess Americans laughing at Brits isn’t acceptable. Oh boy are we ready. Today is a very big day in trip preparation: We will drive to Big Pine Key to pick up the last mail (hope Chuck’s new debit card is in there and the last bank statements that I will reconcile for 6 months… …), we’ll get a bunch of cash for tips, eat one last No Name Pub pizza… and then home to Miami for the celebration of the closing of the suitcases and application of the luggage tags. We are loaded with presents, books, and maps that hopefully we will dispense of and be lighter by the time we get to Southhampton on July 2. I’m looking out over the lake and it is a rainy day in Miami. Thank heaven for the rain as my yard is a crusty, hard scrabble mess of weeds and rocky dirt. In October we will try to put in a pump to get water from the lake and begin to water our lawn. We used to have a pump but filled it with cement during one of our many house projects. But that is an old story! Happy Spring and look out England!!! Susie and Chuck are coming. God bless us all.

Susie's musings

Packing half our stuff for The Grand Adventure

My dears! Has it been since February that I wrote? What a fierce snowy blowy winter for many of you! I wrote individually to people who were buried under snow drifts. We are now in the midst of sweaty summer here in Miami (and it is only April) and Chuck and I are preparing for The Grand Adventure. Based on having some credits for 2 RCCL cruises, we ordered a veritable bunch of cruises (3) and land jaunts that keep us on the high seas (Atlantic, North, and Baltic) or on the roads of England and America until late September. We will not be accessible for pontoon boat rides or dinner parties, but we will be answering emails and blogging. So please tune in occasionally to find out "Where are Sue and Chuck? With How Many Suitcases??? Again?????" God bless you!

Susie's musings

Winter blues

I wonder sometimes why there are winter blues… and watching the weather channel I see the big snows are colored blue… brrrrr. It’s even chilly on Big Pine Key. I’ll try to blog as we go through the move to Miami and then the great packing experience… Have to pack for a month and 1/2 on cruise ships, a month in England, and then definitely we will take the Amtrak train from Penn Station back to Tampa to pick up our car from most kind cousins Dennis and Laura… and then head north again to visit visit visit until submarine convention in Pittsburgh (Labor Day) where I hope to see Mccarthy cousins and visit McCarthy and DeNino cemetaries. October is still the date planned to start to unpack all the stuff we have literally stuffed in the Miami Lake house… Suffice it to say, we have practically emptied the big house (Loretta’s) into Miami. We seem to be throwing nothing away. About two years ago when Aunt Trudy died, we emptied her house and rented it… We took a lot of Trudy’s things into the Keys and Lake houses and now… we are doing the same thing with stuff from the big Keys house… So I’m not joking when I count a total of 17 spatulas, 3 kitchen’s worth of cooking pots, corning ware, 4 sets of dinner ware, hundreds of cooking knives… amazing volumes and varieties of sheets, dish towels, pillow cases, etc etc etc. And furniture!!! Can’t get rid of some of the antiques so literally have stacked Miami sometimes 3 deep… We will be driving up to Miami tomorrow with a van load and then the movers come to the Keys March 9. The Keys house will be empty of Peabody stuff and a renter will move in. She is lovely, a nurse from the Lower Keys Medical Center. We got a good rental rate and hope to pay taxes and insurance and make a little bit. We still have our friend Sparky watching over things. In a few years (hope the housing market heals a little more) sell the big house and keep Trudy’s house (which also has a renter) for a while until…. who knows the future? The sun is shining and I wish my dear northern family and friends a warm spring! Love and God bless you!

Susie's musings

Winter with a different face

My dear friends. Winter is freezing much of the nation from Maine to Jacksonville, Fla, and friends in the north of England tell about hurricane force winds in northern Scotland. And we are getting sun and wind burn here on Big Pine Key. We have a friend visiting from Buffalo and he is bronzed with riding the kyack across Bogie channel without a shirt on. The Keys house is half packed up and Miami house is full of stuff from the Keys. We will go through our duplicates in late October after we have had a chance to take a long and involved "summer" hoiiday. We are actually toying with the plan to get off the train that brings us back to Tampa to get our car after we get off the cruise ship that brings us back to the states and we will head north. To Atlanta to Lisa Paparelli’s wedding, to visit friends in North Carolina, to visit visit visit… until we land in Pittsburgh for the submarine convention labor day. So… October ought to be a time of unpacking. Literally. I hope my dear friends can find a nice warm spot to rest and play while Mother Nature whirls her snowy wrath around. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Safe and sound feet on the ground

Listening to CD audio books on long trips is wonderful! We ate sandwiches and the picnic goodies that Renee insisted we carry (actually I ate the 2 pieces of chocolate rum cake….) and we have unpacked into the very messy Miami house! Pontoon boat will be floating at 4pm on a beautiful sunny day! God bless you and fill you with the joy that is Christmas!

Susie's musings

Packing up…

Hi dear ones. It is a very quiet time… Between Christmas and New Years. I hear a lot of kids outside playing and harried Moms taking them in for much needed naps! We will be on the road again today going home to put the pontoon boat in the water and enjoy some Miami weather and maybe make some noise on the lake New Years Eve before heading south for Dr Hill’s big New Year’s Day luncheon! Chuck wishes we could be on the road all the time as he found a cowboy movie channel at Renees and we watched the Alamo twice. One Alamo was directed and produced by John Wayne with John Wayne as Davy Crockett…. that did not work for me. John Wayne is not Davy Crockett. Billy Bob Thornton is. We watched a wonderful movie called The Christmas Cottage about Thomas Kincade and why he fills his paintings with light. Renee and I enjoyed it, and Chuck watched quietly…. (no guns, no horses, sigh he said). This is the end of movie time. Chuck said it is rainy outside… We watched the weather report last night and apparently there is some cold weather up north and on the national weather map, Florida was green… So dear friends, once again, stay warm and safe. Hope you do not get "the winter cold" I’m feeling much better and am relieved I did not have to fight the bronchial coughing and take antibiotics. My white blood cells listened to me. We’re still in Christmas until the Wise Men come so… stay vigilent! God bless you! Love and Happy preparation for New Year.

Susie's musings

Celebrating the Holy Family, Mary, Joseph and Jesus

I sat outside after Mass this morning in Orlando; a wondrous circle of sunlight and high white clouds encircling me. The warm breeze filled me and I prayed that my cold would be healed! I’ve been snorting and coughing since we left the Paparellis and I hope I haven’t infected too many people! Today, Sunday of the Holy Family, we thanked God for showing us the beautiful Holy Family we will one day join when we will enjoy “the rewards of your house.” I pray today for those families who have been broken by death, by anger, by meanness of spirit, and I pray that we will know that we are destined for the arms of God. How do we know our destiny? Prophets, Apostles, and Jesus himself said so. Read psalm 98: “All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God”. So, all we have to do is look! One of the readings in Mass was from Saint Paul to the Colossians and it described us as if we were dressing in layers: “put on …compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also do. And over all these put on love, that is the bond of perfection.” Beautiful, yes? When Simeon saw the child Jesus, Simeon said: “Now Lord you can let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation…which you have prepared in sight of all the peoples” Let us today bear witness to what we have seen and what we know in our hearts. Dig around deep if you need to, and come up with the love and warmth that is there. Let the darkness go; let the light shine! Happy Christmas and happy hearts. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Family dinner

Tonight Mark’s sister Mimi is visiting for dinner! Dog is very exited and ham and sweet potatoes are on the menu.  I’m excited too for that is a fav food of mine!  It’s cold out there and we will be packing up to go visit Sarah at her gallery in Neptune Beach tomorrow. God bless our dear families!  Love Susie

Susie's musings

Cooking Chicken Stoup

Merry Christmas week to my dears from Hilton Head, South Carolina! Karla, Chuck and I were mentally going through the fridge and freezer and Chuck said we should make chicken soup with the chicken we took as left overs from the fried chicken at Dillard’s restaurant.  "Add a little onion," Chuck said "and that will do it!"  So Karla and I went out to the kitchen and poured a little wine and began to assemble "stoup".  I fried up some chopped onion and celery, defrosted a little bit of left over soup from the freezer, chopped mushrooms, added broth and the leftover little bit of macaroni and cheese from last night…  some spices… stir and drink the wine.  When I next opened the lid, Karla said, "This is what Rachel Ray calls ‘Stoup’".   It’s thick and smells wonderful.  There is a bald eagle in a tree right outside and 3 merganser ducks swimming in the rain.  We went out to lunch at a lovely french restaurant with a fire place and ate beautiful food!  Lucky me, I have jeans with elastic in the waist!    Happy Happy Christmas!

Susie's musings

Wedding Bells and spiders

We arrived at the "cabin" where the bride slept on the night before her wedding and we began to set out plates and things for the wedding and then there was some screaming and the able groom rushed into where the ladies were and he valiantly killed a spider. OUT! the women shouted and off he ran. He disappeared and then the bride disappeared to get into her amazing wedding dress at a room with a fire place. Pictures, pictures, pictures as Kerri made the grand entrance. Kerri was a vision in a flowing white dress with a red sash and a red bow with streamers down the back. And red heels! Abby was lovely as maid of honor in a red dress and the groom and his man Nathan were resplendent in beautiful tuxes with red vests and black converse sneakers. Aunt Susie read the "unity cross ceremony" and then I read a meditation based on a verse from the 1st letter of Saint John; "Beloved, let us love one another as love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." Chuck said I projected well and all the rest of the ceremony was beautiful. We ended the day with another "all you can eat" dinner… burp and then Chuck and I went our separate ways back to our room. God bless the new couple! today we drive down to Hilton Head to visit Karla and Mark until Christmas Eve. Stay warm my dears. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Baby it’s cold out there!!!

We’re in "a meadows room" at Dillard House on the North Carolina line. We look out over a fenced meadow, then pine trees and some other leafless, brown trees, and then mountains! very beautiful. We left the heat off and snuggled, but Chuck had freezing feet this morning so I put on the heat. My sister Donna is due to arrive soon and then we are going to "all you can eat" lunch….. brrrrrr and Yum!

Say a prayer for my step Brother Bill Harlan who passed away yesterday surrounded by his children; angels sang him to his rest. He had colon cancer and survived about 10 years. Bill was a very happy man and he loved his children very much. God bless you Bill.

Susie's musings

Is it cold?

When dressing in a high rise apartment building one doesn’t know if it’s cold. It LOOKS cold…I stepped out on the balcony, and IT IS cold! so I got some long sleeved Izod shirts and have one on with a tee shirt, and I’ll carry several other layers… I absolutely hate to put on coats and scarves inside a building. So then I get out into the wind on the ground level and "whoooooooosh!!! whoa!" it’s the wind that gets me! I then put on the coats and scarves! That’s the trouble with living in Miami all my life. I run around in a tee shirt period. When I hang out the laundry the hot wind dries it in seconds… my mother said she left Pittsburgh because she hung out laundry and it came in frozen and dirty. I guess if everyone felt the way I do, Florida would be full of people and break off and float away. We ate coffee cake and coffee and are doing a final wash of sheets and then…. heading north on 441 into the mountains. Dillard House and "all you can eat dinner" here we come. Need elastic pants. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Waiting for a wedding and Christmas

Waiting for Christmas! It’s cold and windy here (NW side of ATL). We have been playing all day with Julia’s little 10 month old baby Charles (so we have under one roof, Chuck, Charlie and Charles). Kathy and I took Charles to the Ace hardware which I think is owned by elves as it has lots of fun stuff to buy and we bought Christmas socks for the baby! He immediately set to trying to take them off but he’s a little too little yet. soon, Julia! I took Julia’s baby stroller downstairs to her car and I went "woooooooh!" As it felt like the several times I went to the car to get stuff in Mom’s parking lot in Cleveland. Good grief! I haven’t seen weather report, but will check as we are headed to the Georgia North Carolina line tomorrow. We have boots, jeans, gloves, scarves and jackets with fur! Party tonight at the Paparellis and then… off to my nephew Michael and Kerri’s wedding in Dillard. Love and God bless as we await the amazing beauty that is Christmas! Love Susie

Susie's musings

On the virtues of winter

I can’t think of any. South Florida flower that I am, accustomed to the dew of our 90% humidity and heat, I can feel my skin drying up from 50% humidity and 65 degree weather that our host and hostess heat against. Kathy and Charlie Paparelli’s new home is beautiful! The children have all left the nest, except for the final baby Nick who attends school at Alabama and is home now for Christmas break, but we haven’t seen him yet! Apparently young people sleep a lot in the morning. Here’s another thing I don’t really know about… teenagers and the quantities of sleep and food they consume! We are having a quiet morning, like on the cruise ship: fresh brewed coffee, sunny seats on deck 9 (Kathy’s condo is on the 9th floor), lovely deck chairs in Charlie’s den, plenty of good books to read. Can’t complain! Grandmother Kathy will be bringing her first grand baby here (Kathy is baby sitting until Julia retires to be a full time Mom this Thursday). We will then swing into full party mode playing with a 10 month old, then Kathy and I will have a Bible study this evening while the boys (Chuck and Charlie) go out. We’ve been playing with a new travel idea that has my mind reeling! Lisa (second Paparelli daughter) will be married here in Atlanta on July 18. We arrive in Tampa/Sarasota from our 2 ½ month vacation cruising and in England on July 16th. Our car will be at our cousins Laura and Dennis in North Port, Florida near Sarasota. Can you see what’s coming? Why not, while we’re at it, come straight to Atlanta for Lisa’s wedding and then… head north via Boone and New Hampshire to get to the submarine convention on Labor Day in Pittsburgh. Chuck actually hatched this idea when I told him we would have to miss Lisa’s wedding due to being on the trip… So dear readers, I’m not kidding, we are Peabody nuts. Someone should put out a product. Love and kisses! Susie

Susie's musings

Crusin’ and Snoozin’

When you cruise, someone wonderful comes in twice a day and makes the bed and cleans the bathroom, makes little towel animals, and leaves clean linens. Someone else wonderful makes too much food…. and well, for those of us who imbibe… someone else wonderful provides too much wine. Coffee, lemonade, and soft ice cream are self serve. When you get home and get hungry about noon, you look around for that special someone who is going to make amazing salads, salmon with cream cheese, chilius maximus hamburgers, pizza… oh and he’s not there. Someone else is sitting on my chair, chaise, bar stool, in my bed. OH sigh. As "warm ups" go, this was wonderful. it of course is a warm up for May. Will we be able to survive this over indulgence for 29 days as we travel to England and Scandinavia without changing cabins? We decided to take some elastic waist pants… I carried a sketching book, colored pencils and a third graders paint tin of water colors and one paint brush that shed all the time. I sat and drew and colored and shared the tablet with a lovely little three year old named Olyvia. She can’t speak yet but she just got cochlear implants and her Mom expects her to catch up with speech by the time she is 5. She had the biggest smile and loved drawing!!! Aside from the fact that my water coloring skills are on a third grade level (matching my tin water color box and shedding paint brush) I created a fun little diary!
Dec 6 we started the cruise and I drew from the TV screen. They run music and pretty scenes 24 hours. Light delicate music makes up for the roucous music of the bands in the bars…. Now: every day started with coffee and rolls on the balcony! you can put out a little "wake me up sign" and magic happens with a quiet little knock and "room service"
Dec 7 was a sea day with beautiful flat seas and sunshine and white clouds (we ate eggs benedict with salmon)
Dec 8 – The Feast of the immaculate Conception. We celebrate Mary on a feast day because it was her "Yes" that enables us to make Paradise a reality because Jesus, a man, ended sacrifice for us! Mary’s grace was received before she was born as she was chosen to be the tabernacle of God. Our grace is received all our lives! Maximillian Kolbe called Mary "the Immaculate" and he stressed that Jesus recognizes himself, human, in us. Isn’t it amazing and wonderful that God sees his own eyes, heart, and spirit in us? We walked all around Cozemel and then we found a cute little bar on the water and drank local beer and painted 2 sailboats. Pray for a lovely lady named Carol I met who is taking care of her husband who is fighting ALS. His name is David and he is cruising and working hard to live.
Dec 9: Belize. Found a cute little bar named the Rum Shack and drew some ships that mysteriously either crashed into rocks or just were only 1/2 there. I’m not real good with drawing yet…. "Soup of the Day: Rum" The ship had great art so I spent some time guessing the price of a peter max and just looking at art. Also went to a Thomas Kincade seminar and an auction.
Dec 10: Roatan… a wonderful little beach where I sat and got a wet bottom from the wet deck chair, and drew and painted and drank beer in a little bar that might have been called "the mushroom garden"… I’m not sure if Chuck was teasing and meant my little grass huts I was drawing looked like a mushroom farm…
Dec 11: The 50th anniversary of the day Chuck and I met! Wow and wow – great day. Grand Cayman. Met Guy Harvey who was painting at his studio. I stalked him and watched over over an hour! He uses the same paints as I do and he paints with a tin pie plate as his pallette! uses water as his wetter. he answered all my questions and wished me luck with my painting. Chuck bought a painting on canvas and a shirt! Here’s some notes I wrote in my little book: 7 day cruises are too short. don’t have 3 regular beers and 2 helpings of lunch at 2pm and expect to be hungry for dinner. (take Tums). Formal night is still observed, and Chuck is still cute! Go to all the comedy shows; they are much better than stage productions.
Dec 12: a day at sea. Packing is the worst part… I went to an art auction and to Bingo where they drew for a free cruise. I didn’t win. boo hoo. Inspired by the art and a bottle of wine on the balcony I painted a hibiscus and the sunset. Thanks to God for our health and the good time! Love Susie

Susie's musings

Dec 6 The Feast of Saint Nicholas

When you were little, did you put out your shoes and anticipate gifts in them in the morning? This was the way the Feast of Saint Nicholas was celebrated when I was little. Nicholas was a Greek Bishop in the 4th century so it is only legend that tells us that he saved a whole town from famine, he protected the wrongly accused, and he put coins into people’s shoes who trusted they would find his gifts. Today is a good day to start getting ready for Christmas when the biggest gift of all is given and that is Christ’s love. Do you remember when you were little, or have you seen a small child, shaking gifts under the Christmas tree, peaking under the scotch tape, anticipating what the gifts are, and after opening everything, the little one sits in the middle of all that tissue paper and weeps. "I didn’t get enough…" or "I didn’t get what I wanted." Have you felt the sadness of "not enough" or "not what I wanted," and you can’t say what it is that you want? When Christ walked on earth, it is written about him that he felt pity for the people who crowded in to see him. Why did he feel pity? Because they didn’t know what they were missing; they didn’t know what the "Kingdom" is. He told them to live in the present, giving, praying, loving, but they just couldn’t. Can we? Now those of you who know me intimately, know I keep a calendar that has very detailed plans out into October 2015 (and Chuck just reminded me that "after October 2015, you have to start planning Italy." YIKES!). I often have to remind myself to "live in the present." Enjoy today. Don’t be peering ahead to what I can’t see, and don’t be looking back at the disappointments and the sadness that dogs all our paths. Once I was dogged by a lady at church who didn’t like me. I was giving talks on Spirituality and Advent and Bible studies and she said, in front of people, "I won’t go to your talks, you don’t know anything because you are not a priest." She actively spurned me. I was hurt and puzzled by her mean spirit towards me. I was angry, but then after prayer, I tucked my pride in my back pocket, and I went to her and apologized. "I’m sorry for what I did to you that made you angry with me." That was very hard as I have to really pray hard to be humble! She quit being mean, and now greets me like an old friend. What did I do? Our prideful, "do right" selves might say, "I didn’t do anything; I’m too busy with my own things to try to fix that useless, broken relationship"…. but when we do go out and say "I’m sorry", we free ourselves to receive the gift of love. Harboring old angers is like harboring little boats of meanness, anxiety, hatred, anger, and distrust in our hearts. There is no room for love. So today, on Saint Nicholas day, give a gift of forgiveness even if you "didn’t do it", give a hug, give a kiss. Rebuild the bridge that is rotting between you and another soul. From my Advent meditation book: "It’s in giving that our demons are cast out. It’s in loving that we are healed." God bless you this week. Chuck and I are off on an adventure today, and I might check in to this blog, so look occasionally to see, "Where’s Susie?" Love and kisses. and God bless you.

Susie's musings

After Thanksgiving

We thank God for beauty he gives us! In Florida the sun shines and we stand outside in shirt sleeves gazing at a half moon and stars.  Cousins Laura and Dennis have moved from brrrrr Stfford Springs, Connecticut, and we look at the weather channel that shows mounds of northern snow with the windows open and a quiet breeze blowing in.  Laura and Dennis have 2 dogs and  cat and when I came out this morning after another good nights sleep, there was Chuck with the cat at his head, her tail wrapped around his forehead, and 2 dogs in his lap.  This is hard as the "big" dog is the size of a Key deer!  The Chuck got into trouble as he got a fresh cup of coffee and the dogs jumped up on him…  and then Chuck and the chair were covered with coffee, the dogs were escorted outside, and Chuck was shooed into the shower.  I should say here, "All is well" as normal as normal can get.  Last night we drove on the Tamiami Trail which goes all the way from my neighborhood to Tampa.  We ate great food in Venice Florida and congratulated Laura and Dennis on moving south.

Chuck and I will go home to Miami on Monday and try to organize a little as we moved a lot of stuff up from the Keys.  We decided to move back to Miami as I couldn’t find some files and I sighed really deeply and Chuck made the mistake of asking "what’s wrong?" and I recited the litany that I’ve really been reciting for 2 years…. "I can’t find my stuff, I don’t like living in 2 houses, etc etc… " So he, thinking, I’m sure, of how much he loves Miami and the pontoon boat in the water… "We could move back"…  I was finding bins and packing stuff 5 minutes later.    When we get home on Monday… we will try to pack for a 7 day Caribbean cruise that begins next Saturday.  I’ll try to correspond over the holiday when we will really be travelling a lot!  God bless you dears and remember…  God and his angels are near… Thank God.  Love Sue

Susie's musings

Able to help… all is well

For a mysterious reason that only the Holy Spirit really understands, Chuck and I moved our "to the Keys" date from yesterday to this coming Thursday. Tomorrow. Oh… I was making noises about staying in Miami because I needed to do yard work, and needed to begin Christmas and wedding prep with wrapping presents etc etc, but really? I didn’t get any yard work done as it rains intermittently with Mother Nature’s version of a south Florida autumn. So,whose decision was it that when the phone rang this morning and a friend needed help? Who shifted our schedule to put us in Miami to help friend Karen who fell while exercising and put a sizable large bump on the back of her head. Thinking, "Nah… it’s nothing", but seeing stars and feeling sick, Karen remembered Chuck who ignored a head bump, and almost died. So Karen did the right thing and went to the ER. Oh how foolish we think we are, taking our "little bumps and pains" to the ER. Brain scan revealed no real damage, but doctor was very cautious that she sustained a concussion and must not drive, or watch TV, or read, but only rest. So we left immediately for Miramar to pick up Karen, drove by her work to pick up her car (they have an exercise place at work), and then we placed her on the sofa at home and watched her… You know me…. watching, watching. So my dears. Remember to thank the Holy Spirit when things change and you think, "Oh darn, things changed" you might be needed! Meanwhile, how about this (quote found on a plaque at a Bealles Outlet): "What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"
God bless you! Sue

Susie's musings

Winter isn’t comin’ in… it’s here

To my chilly friends who live north of Flagler street… I bid a warm good morning! Hey! What happened to autumn? Hallowe’en was beautiful and brisk. The trees were all swaying and the ghosties hanging in them moved back and forth and the witch’s rags were swinging on her narrow waist. The witch cackled on her own schedule and little kids came for candy! It was pure bliss! We went to a friend’s (Perry who sold us this lovely lake house) 50th birthday party last night and it was outside… I had on 2 jackets. Then this morning. It’s here. 52 degrees. brrrrr. Winter. Of course the TV is reporting snow or heavy rain and mud in most of the nation. Even Big Pine Key Tie Dye Mickey reports 56 degrees. OH boy. Chuck and I have to go to north Georgia for my nephew’s Christmas wedding and I think I’ll need boots and a snow suit. Aside from the weather, Ads on TV shout of the evils of both guys running for governor so Florida is once again embroiled in the ugliness of an election, and today I heard the first ad on medical marijuana. "Pill mills will be selling pot without a prescription" the ad says. Well maybe Florida drivers could stand a little calming down. In the last few days of driving in Miami I’ve been out to save my life. I know I drive slow due to being a 25 mile per hour Big Pine Key resident, but I was doing the speed limit (40 mph) and cars were "on my butt" and racing around me…. where do I go? Yikes. The Turnpike is worse. Let me out of here and back to our island…. it’s true I chafe at going 25 mph when I need to get to church on time, but I also have to be careful of our Key deer and the turtles on the road. No! real turtles! My sister Sarah is showing her art in a gallery in Neptune Beach and she is inspiring me from a distance. Her work in amazing and her fire to create tells me "we all can do this!" I "found" 2 canvases at Goodwill and I’m working on preparing the first one… The canvas is 34 inches by 22 inches and I’m not even worrying about "how can I fill this thing with something meaningful?" My sister would advise… "Just pick up a brush, get in the zone, and let her rip!" A final note. I indicated to some friends that I have been sleeping in lately as sleep doesn’t come easy to me lately (another friend advised, that’s the plague of "old age"…) Oh boy so my eyes and knees have gone and now I can’t sleep. What am I 104 years old? Any way, I debated going to church at 8am for All Saints Day… well, I intended to sleep in, but my Guardian Angel had other ideas. "Get up!" she said at 7:15am on Saturday morning. And so I rolled out of bed and went to church. You know what? We need to listen to those little promptings. Our angels know what we need to be doing. So plaster a smile on your face and move on with chin up and well, a positive attitude. That attitude says "I’ll try." I might not be able to do this on my own, but I got this angel pushing me from behind. So, get creative, and smile. Love and kisses this chilly autumn morning. God bless you!

Susie's musings


My sister has given me an assignment and it isn’t palm trees! Sarah gave me a large cardboard box that I deconstructed during the Dolphins football game. I then used two pieces in a "flower" painting… you will see it in the Keys. She paints with a lot of found stuff including cardboard collaged on… So this morning Sarah gave me a picture of a beach with an old wooden walkway (looks like the panels off pallets we get at Home Depot and throw away) (oh how many of those I have thrown away!!!!!). So my assignment is to paint the beach walk with sand and footprints (circles) and the dune we are walking towards. It’s cool in Jacksonville. We have the sliding door open and I can hear the cars woosh by on the road a few blocks away. The beach is about 5 blocks to the east and…. I hope to take my nieces there today. God bless us today! Love Sue

Susie's musings

Saturday morning at the gallery!

I drove up to Jacksonville yesterday after 2 ½ hours of Yoga and after a quick shower, and I arrived in time to share a glass of wine with my sister “the artist” and then we were off with niece Jennie and friend Fred who helped build Sarah’s space at the gallery. Last night was a black light party at the gallery and people were painted, and the gallery was in full party! It felt like “Artist’s in Paradise” on Big Pine Key. I am very excited about joining the local Big Pine key gallery and getting ready for a show. This morning Sarah had to work at the gallery and we moved her paintings all around on the “wall” that Jennie and Fred built where Sarah shows her art. After rearranging her space, I’m playing starving artist and “copying” a painting or two that I love. Later today we will paint at home. I’m staying close to Sarah as she does cool things like paint on old torn blue jeans … OH my gosh the things we have thrown out, for example old vegetable bags that Jennie says we can hang ornaments off… I say, paint over them on canvas. I’m afraid I will become a “tinker” or a “twanger” one who picks up bits of iron and copper from the streets as I see so much of it incorporated in Sarah’s paintings! I am having a wonderful time on an artist’s retreat!!!!! God bless us all!

Susie's musings

Ducks and little brown birds

We are in Miami on the lake and I’m not seeing all the exotic things my friends Kathy and Mickey photograph here. Ducks, little brown birds, water, grass. The Bentley and the Grady White wait wistfully to be put back in the water. For now they provide shade near the water for little creatures. When we left Big Pine Key a few deer peered at us waiting for apple cores, but they’ll have to wait. Here, I save my apple cores for the Big Pine deer as these ducks, whom my friend Leigh feeds and mothers, poop all over our walkways and are a bit of a plague. There is a new breed of big snails that the ducks can eat… and lots of grass and flowers so Leigh’s ducks will be OK.

All is well here, blood pressures should be normal as we had a scare free ride from Big Pine. I only huffed twice as it seemed we were about to be crushed. I try not to squeal so I just go puff ooooohhhhhh…. as we squeeze between two trucks or other larger vehicles. I now need to unpack and set up my desk, paints, laundry, etc etc and live here for a few weeks. God bless you island and northern friends! Happy autumn!

Susie's musings

Off to the north

While snow birds pack to make the journey south to this little amazing weather island of Big Pine Key, we pack to go to Miami to launch Chuck into Georgia for 2 weeks of hunting. He will take chamo clothes and guns and go hunt very smart deer who know his every move! The weather here in Big Pine Key has been amazing and windy and rainy. I expect more of the same in Miami in the lake house where I will try to paint daily as I want to get a show together. Why not? Grandma Moses and Georgia O Keeffe did it in their older days! No comparison I know. They were GREAT. Oh well here comes "Palm Tree Susie!" Look out small world!

We have enjoyed meeting new neighbors on our street and our friend "the mayor" Michele came back from Michigan. Michele is the "broker" on the island. Need a rental house or trying to buy? Michele rides her bike every day and talks to everyone. She knows everything that is for sale or rent including houses, clothes and furniture. I got my living room furniture from her and we spend good times laughing together. Michele and I with several others paint every Friday. They are all water colorists. I am the acrylic oddy! After a 65th Medicare Birthday party for Michele last night, full of sugar and potato chips, I stepped onto the scale and vowed minus five pounds so I can slide into a slithery dress for cruising … My belly and butt need some disciplining! I will also try a Yoga Ashram in Miami for almost every day yoga to discipline muscles! Having a wonderful month and I hope you are also! I have encouraged Chuck to stay hunting if it is fun and I’ll man the Miami house yard on Hallowe’en and feed the hoards of ghosties and goblins candy, then we (or I if he is still in Georgia) will be back in Big Pine Key November 2 to 4. Not ever sure on the return date. Have a wonderful autumn. Enjoy God’s beauty and get into the joy of "the season!" God bless you dear friends and family! Love and kisses and again! Realize that God loves us very much. Be not afraid.

Susie's musings

Absolutely Amazing weather

October might be the best weather here on Big Pine Key, although October can also be the time of the great hurricanes. The weather man said yesterday that we now turn our eyes to the Caribbean for hurricane formation. It’s not over yet… November 1 is the "official end" of hurricane season. This month, October, has seen wind from the north, east and west. Every day is dramatically different! I sat outside on the dock last night and watched the high tide lap the sea wall (high tides from the Super moon activity). I have been witnessing amazing sunrises, and just glorying in the "cool" days. It’s not really cool, but the breeze chills one down. Well, not exactly chills, rather, the breeze dries the sweat! I love to hang laundry on the line and watch it take off and flap! Had to bring in the flag to keep it from self destructing. Happy autumn.

Susie's musings

Saturday morning all the same

Good morning from sunny Big Pine Key. Chuck and I were up and out on the porch at 7am to watch "Mr Sun" rise. A big nasty cloud formation coming in from the north looked like it was on the attack, and a smaller cloud formation on the south looked like it was on the retreat and then in the middle, right over Marathon was a clear space for Mr Sun. I thought of the Son of God coming in glory to vanquish sin and darkness… He’s being attacked on one side while many are retreating from the whole battle … Chuck said something brilliant about the skirmish that I would love to share, but I forgot it and he forgot it too. You had to be there I guess. What a splendiferous morning! Why is the horizon always covered with clouds at sunrise? And why is there usually a clear space for us to watch? Other Saturday morning tasks are take out the garbage and chat with the garbage man … drink coffee and plan the day which stretches out in a day full of possibilities such as painting and doing cruise research and check in information for 3 cruises in May through July 2015. No burgers at the Moose today as they are having some special group in and the tiki bar won’t be making burgers…. Busy busy. Hope you too are busy. Love and God bless! Sue

Susie's musings

Life in the Keys

I have not written since Sept 22! My days are full, yet all the same. I am out of bed by 7am. I start the coffee and look out at the sunrise and usually praise the amazing glory of sunrise. Even with heavy clouds, the colors appear, rose, salmon, red occasionally, finally out from that cloud cover comes "Mr. Sun" blazing and glorious and banishing all but white, grey, blue. By 8:30am, I wonder if I really saw all that dawning pageantry in the pure blue and white of the mid morning sky. I have been hurrying off to church every morning by 7:30am as all the Sacristans are out and I’ve been setting up the altar for daily Mass. One day I led the Communion service as our priest had to go on an emergency trip to Marathon. It felt a little like a Protestant service, a woman greeting, preaching, and distributing Communion! But no, the priest has to consecrate the hosts which we keep in the tabernacle and a Eucharistic Minister can only "distribute".

I’m under full sail with planning for 3 cruises in May and July of 2015 (Tampa to England, a Scandinavian cruise and the return to the states on the Queen Mary 2.) We are planning for 33 days on the ground in England visiting friends we have had for about 25 years! The children now have children of their own. I spend a lot of time planning routes, cities and towns to visit, National Heritage sites, gardens, B&Bs, and where we will meet our friends. Usually I plan and gather a lot of information and we change everything when we get to the local information centers!

I am going to Yoga again and am enjoying the feeling of all my joints and tendons stretching and getting limber again! It is amazing to actually feel the body resisting and then settling into the stretch. I’m also going to enter a juried art show in February here on Big Pine Key at the Artists in Paradise and have to come up with a wonderful, imaginative, and original idea that fits into the "Keys atmosphere". I have a plan…. and I will reveal as it shapes up. God bless you with a beautiful autumn!

Susie's musings

In the trenches!

My friend Peter Skipp looked at the 3 5-drawer file cabinets in the art room and commented what in the world we needed that many…. Well try owning 4 houses plus land, multi vehicles incl motorcycle, scooter, van, car, 4 wheeler, 2 boats…. all the paper that covers all that and the trips and conventions and organizations and insurances – just multiply it… … Brother do we sound like the Asterbilts. No… just people who accumulate and don’t sell anything. Meanwhile the dust bunny wars have gone into high gear only today it’s the paper wars!!!!! I have pretty baskets full of papers I’ve collected over the years. There are 2 bins full of the cast offs and files for the stuff I really will use one day… things like articles on drawing birds and butterflies, sun and light, inspiration, bridges, stairs and paths etc etc etc. I’d also like to try some practice with Wabi Sabi which is attaching stuff (metal, material, paper) to the paintings! I am now crazed with picking up bits of metal from the ground. My sister Sarah gave me that illness! Need boxes for the bits of metal, and buttons, bits, and old coins! Whoever ends up cleaning this up when I go to heaven… Well know that at least I tried to be artful. Today is breezy almost cool. I have the windows open and there are plenty of birds and boats on the lake. Chuck is on his way home a day early from Georgia and I screamed: "NO! this place is a mess! You won’t see the progress I’ve made!" I think I’ll finish a movie; I’m half way through Life of Pi. interesting…. he just got ship wrecked and he and the tiger are together with a dead zebra in the boat. whew! Life goes on and God blesses us! Thank God. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Continuing the battle for the art room (Sue 94, Dust Bunnies 237, stuff 299)

Good day dear friends and family! When I began to write this particular blog about "cleaning up" it was September 15. Heaven forbid that I get in an auto accident and the fire rescue people ask me what day it is. Let me go check the calendar…. OK it’s (first find the calendar, then see what’s crossed off and what’s supposed to happen and what hasn’t happened yet and then zero in on TODAY!) Ah! today is Friday September 19, and, as scheduled, after much maintenance work done by our dear neighbor George on the van and the 4 wheeler, Chuck has left the building, and he is off to Georgia to plant corn for unsuspecting deer. Hunting season begins October 18 and it’s off to the races to see what deer are dumb enough to "come to the garden."

Back to the dust bunny/stuff wars! On September 15, I wrote the current score on what was supposed to be my next blog, but which I never got to due to not being able to find the computer in the stuff)… At that time I opined the "score" was Sue 1, Dust Bunnies 452, stuff 357. I gave myself a 1 because well I’m smart and I have a broom and dust pan. As I carried a basket full of holy cards and letters to the dining room table, a dust bunny the size of my hand scuttled out from under my feet and made a break for the TV room. "Gotcha!" I yelled, hitting the bunny with the broom, and Chuck came flying out of his study (which is also a perilous place)… I had to explain, "WOW! Where does the stuff and dust come from?" My neighbor Cindy swears by her swiffer and I guess that would help me too. Any how… I finally emptied ALL the stuff into the dining room, and gave the art room a good sweep which continued around the house, bathroom, TV room… gathering escaping bunnies everywhere. Then Chuck yelped and started to cry. "What?" I yelled, as I ran for the kitchen, "What is that SMELL???" Our friend Mickey who stayed here for about 6 weeks, would probably weep with Chuck. While looking for mustard, a bottle of Cayenne Hot Sauce leaped out of the pantry and fell on the tile floor. Chuck said a dust bunny pushed it out. Yuck – the smell of that cayenne… I think the only person who wouldn’t weep but rejoice with the loss of a bottle of HOT sauce is me. I found some interesting "stuff and dust" as I carefully cleaned up the sauce and glass. Onion peels, apple cores, plastic bag parts litter the spaces hidden by kitchen cabinets. Once the kitchen was clean and sprayed liberally with both Clorox and 409, I removed my talents back to the art room. When we built the room, Chuck built me 2 closets. They are not empty yet; all I did was liberate some blank canvasses with a promise to get back to the stuff… and bunnies. The closets are the last stronghold (I actually can’t get into the second closet, 2 statues of the Blessed Mother needing painting, 2 cans of outdoor house paint (need to paint the house), and a hallowe’en witch, amongst some other to be determined stuff, bar that closet door from being opened. I don’t have the time right now to see what’s in there… (maybe I’m afraid). I don’t think this war can ever be won. Besides I have painting to do!!! I arranged the "shelf" under the window, spread out all the paints I have in Miami (a bunch are still in the Keys), arranged the canvasses by size, got out some greeting cards to paint and set to work! For two days now, I’ve been painting and it is bliss! I’m covered in paint… blue, red, orange, white… I have a big red stripe of paint spread just above my knee where I must have been hugging a canvas. On my facebook page is several photos by Mickey Foster, my 6 week guest. He inspired me with his photo of palm trees that I turned into "Barbara’s Oasis" and now his photo of a beautiful white flower he named "First Love" (right under a photo of a psychedelic crab he put on facebook) inspired me. Lots of things inspire me but these Mickey and Barbara things are special because Barbara is sick and we are praying so intensely for her that she is constantly on my mind… so this morning, fueled by high test coffee, (I made straight caffeine coffee for Chuck this morning (he’s driving to Georgia)… and he left me 1/2 a pot. I mixed it 1/2 and 1/2 with boiling water, milk, and a little chocolate so I’m not flying off the ceiling after drinking the other half pot of high test. But I think I’ll never sleep again). So fueled, I painted First Love and a butterfly on Barbara’s card. I finished the first "Barbara’s Oasis" yesterday and finished the second this morning while waiting for First Love to dry. I’ve offered copies of my paintings of "Barbara’s Oasis" for donation to Barbara’s bills to fight cancer at Boondocks, just south of Big Pine Key) Sept 29. You can see Mickey’s photo of palm trees taken from our dock and my first rendering of those trees (which have become "Barbara’s Oasis") in a paper format that I framed and gave to Barbara. Both are on my facebook page. I tend to paint thick and in layers so I have to wait…. waiting waiting for paint to dry so I can paint over it often leads to painting several paintings at the same time. Need more room…… The dining room table is still covered with stuff from the art room, but I just can’t stop for stuff right now. God bless you and please believe He loves us and keeps us close! Sue

Susie's musings

Thanks for the inspiration

Our cousins from the north sent some amazing photos of the ocean, waves, beaches, and sand and said, "Sue might want to paint these." How well you know me!!! and thanks for the inspiration… But First: I am settled into Miami for a week… to clean up my art room…. As of this moment you can’t really walk into the art room as you worry that something is going to jump out and grab your leg! … So. Chuck is leaving on Wednesday morning with his buddy Dave for Georgia and I already have 1/2 the contents of the art room (many piles of "stuff") spread out on our bed and the dining room table (table is still without its leaves because we had the hospice bed there…leaves are under the guest room bed so table is a little puny) Table and bed covered and closets still full… It’s a challenge. …. I’m not quite sure if Chuck is going to be able to sleep with all the canvasses, tablets, paints, and frames I have piled on the bed. Details details. For storage in the art room, I envision a long shelf from wall to wall under the windows that face the lake for canvasses, drawing pads, water color tablets and frames…. I envision a place for an easel and a place for paints. Need a big garage which I’m not going to get… Chuck built me a shed but the 4 wheeler is in it; at least there’s a little space for gardening tools. my stuff is all over the place and in closets and piles and it’s hard to get peaceful to paint. So here goes!!!!! Me vs the stuff and the dust bunnies. Score so far 0-0-0.

OH! In case you like Kevin Costner and football. I rented a great Redbox movie last night called Draft Day. He’s so cute and it’s a good movie. Also rented The Other Woman which I hear is good too….I like Redbox because I get BOGOs and $1 off a lot…. Good viewing Keep you posted! Wish me well. God bless you!!! Love Sue

Susie's musings

Moving on…

Tomorrow we will move on back to Miami, but today is a "packing" day, it is also the day our dear friend Terry Bradshaw is coming to visit Renee…. No he is not the "old" Terry Bradshaw, but a friend we met who walked into a System One training class in the late ’80s and all the ladies in the room turned and swooned. What a lovely man, both in face and spirit! He is a true southern gentleman and he will visit with Renee until her next lovely friend comes, for Renee needs people with her as she recovers. Meanwhile… Knowing how hectic the last day is… I prayed before Mass for concentration. "Please let me pay attention." and I did for the most part, but after a period of silent meditation and prayer, the priest said, "Let us pray" and I found myself planning how many easy to wash and dry dress shirts and casual shirts and light brown and black shoes Chuck will need for the big cruise…. I looked up and whispered, "Sorry Lord, you keep me straight (and sane)"..! We have put together the major puzzle parts for a long trip starting May 4 2015 with a transatlantic cruise to the east of England on the Brilliance by RCCL, then staying on board that ship, we’ll cruise Scandinavia and return to England May 30 and spend 2 weeks visiting English friends before boarding the Queen Mary 2 in Southhampton to return to New York. I still have to get an English rental car and a trip from NY to Tampa Fl where our car will be at cousins Laura and Dennis’ new house. Needless to say, planning this trip, finding out all our Home Depot charges put our credit cards at risk, ISIS killing Americans, remaking dentist and other appointments for the slabs of time we will be in Miami…. I NEED to concentrate for that little bit of time that daily Mass gives to focus the soul. People ask why I go to daily Mass. It is a time of joy, of silence, of prayer… Yesterday was a celebration of the Mother of God. Remember when you were little and you ran to Mom, or some lady who was a Mom substitute, a teacher or a nanny? did you realize she takes her lead from the Mother of God as our "anchor, port, support, comfort," and as my Mother told me, when she knew death was near, "Mary will hug me, take me by the hand, and lead me to Jesus." In Mass, I remember to thank and praise God for his love… for the moon, the stars and the sunlight, for the flowers and the rivers, for life… God bless you! Love Sue

Susie's musings

Sticky hot and barbeque

Today (Saturday) started cool in Orlando, damp with dew and maybe a hint of autumn? Or is it just my wish for autumn? I woke up early enough to get to both Rosary and Mass at a sweet little church near Renee’s and it was lovely. I sat right in front of a statue of the Blessed Mother and prayed for those many of us who need a little help, hugs, smiles, healing, and well, conversion. The Gospel was one we all must know from either school or hearing a preacher talk about "talents"… Before leaving town on a trip, a rich man gave one of his servants 5 talents, to the second, he gave 2 talents, and to the third he gave 1 talent. When he returned, the one to whom he gave 5 said, "I used the talents you gave me and have 10 talents to give back to you!" "Well done good and faithful servant; you are faithful; I will give you more; come share your master’s joy!" the master replied. The second servant said, "You gave me 2 talents and I used them and have 4 to return to you!" Again, another "Well done!" The third servant whimpered, "I knew you were a hard man, so I buried my talent and am now returning one talent to you…." And we all know what happened. That guy who buried his talent and did nothing with it was thrown out into the darkness gnashing his teeth. I always smile when I hear this gospel,. We know that talents are gifts (often people call talents "God-given gifts") We have the talent from birth and we can refuse to use it out of fear or laziness or stubbornness or greed (for example one could become a teacher or an artist and not earn a lot of money, or one could sell things and make hoards of money… squandering the talent he was born with.) After reading the gospel (Matthew 25:14-30), the deacon strode forward and started to talk and I started taking notes! As he began, I wrote, "Am I using my talents; doing what the Lord has called me to do? Am I afraid to do something?" and the deacon said, "Jesus is always willing to help, just ask him. All you have to do is ask and then start!" He talked about how he went to visit a sick person in the hospital and that person said, "That lady needs you more, she’s dying and she’s afraid…" He said, he gulped as he was a new deacon without a lot of experience but he went and took the dying lady’s hand and talked to her. She said she didn’t believe in religion or Jesus, but the deacon kept holding her hand and talking. Soon, the lady started crying and asked for help. The deacon rushed to find a priest who just happened to be nearby who anointed the lady. She died very soon after that. How hard it is to wade into a difficult situation where someone needs us…. I often say "Yikes, I don’t think I can do that; I don’t think I can find the right words…" And remember the prophets who told God, "I’m too young, I’m too small…" I think this is all about service. When we see a need, we must wade in and take a hand… sit with someone and the Lord will come. I can’t make someone happy, or joyful, or believe in the Lord, but I can be the Lord’s hands and feet.

(Sunday) Mass began with "Here I am Lord, I will go Lord… show me the way." (Is the Lord telling me something?) The first reading was from St Paul to the Romans 12:1&2… "renew your mind that you will discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect." And the gospel was the one where Peter stepped up and tried to make Jesus not go to Jerusalem to die…. and Jesus said in a way that would be quite scary… "get behind me Satan!" (Matthew 16:21-27). Satan is so real! He enters into us and he is our "human" thinking… choosing the easy way, the profitable way; creating obstacles to the "good, pleasing and perfect." We create obstacles to the grace God pours out on us and obstacles to believing in God’s promises. It isn’t easy to believe God’s promises when things are all going wrong! I can say yes or no to serving God with my faith… Let me say YES! Once we soften up and believe, then we can be sure that one day and maybe even in this life we will see his face! How can I be full of anything except Thanksgiving! Sow the seeds of peace and God bless you!

What does barbecue have to do with this? We have been eating very well at Renee’s barbecuing great steaks, ribs, and sausages…. and we ate a whole watermelon in two days! (burp) YUM. Happy end of summer.

Susie's musings

Yeeeehow it’s hot!

I have been in side doing computer lookups in bare feet and Chuck needed to be let into the garage. So while out there I helped him move a piece of wood out of the car after a Home Depot run, and then I went to get the recycle cans and "suddenly" I realized how hot the pavement is under my feet. "Move out of my way!!!! I’m coming through" I yelled as I danced back into the garage. Where are the gentle breezes of late summer as she wends into autumn? Oh wait! We don’t get them here. Chuck and I arrived in Orlando yesterday and today was errands… and maybe a nap. Chuck is measuring for shelves and I think I’ll just disappear. Love from Orlando! Sue

Susie's musings

Out weeds, In boat

In case anyone caught the error in my last blog….. I was honoring Robin Williams with watching Marathon Man, but that was Dustin Hoffman…. whom I also love. So, sorry Robin, creator of Mrs. Doubtfire, Hook, Patch Adams, Dead Poet’s Society and many more wonderful roles (including Mork)… with whom we grew to maturity. Lord accept Robin…. He was a good man. OK> so what’s influencing me today? Lee will ask… "has Susie been drinking?" and well, yes Lee I did share a beer and 1/2 with the boys in the back yard. Dave was mowing and edging and I was in the garden menacing weeds… and laying mulch when Chuck and Mickey appeared all groomed from a visit to the barber. Lawn done and weeds dispatched to the garbage, I asked, "Beer anyone?" and soon 4 lawn chairs were pulled up under the palm trees and there was talk of the hunting camps and laying out the feed plot. Soon I asked Dave "Split a beer with me?" and Dave, ever polite, said "yes"! He doesn’t mind splitting with me. So Now I’m watching Mickey and Chuck put the pontoon boat in the water, and our house guest Barbara is preparing for an afternoon nap. All is well at the Lake House and we are loving where we live. Chuck and I have appointments Tuesday and Wednesday and head back to Orlando on Thursday. From South Florida with sweat and love… God bless you! Susie

Susie's musings

Remembering Elvis

The incurable romantics Renee and Sue are watching an Elvis biography. and remembering where we were when…. I remember when the Beatles hit and I think I was in the 11th grade at our lockers at Southwest high school and all the kids debating who was "the best" Elvis or the Beatles and I loved both Elvis and the Beatles and at that time of course all our young boy bands from New Jersey…. I especially remember Chad and Jeremy, the Monkees! Johnny Mathis, the Beach Boys, Roy Orbison, the Everly Brothers, and many more. We had good music as we grew up…. WQAM; our local rock station; used to sign off with.. "Goodnight my love; pleasant dreams; sleep tight my love…" Ahhhhh! well after a cable glitch; the Elvis show is back on and I gotta go!!!!! Off to Graceland. Love and sweet dreams! I think next we’ll watch Marathon Man in honor of Robin Williams. Good night sweet princes! Entertain heaven!

Susie's musings

Orlando hot and sweaty

What is with this weather? it’s flooding in parts of the west and north east… Orlando gets storms like clock work every afternoon at 2pm. Weathermen do not show Miami or the Keys on the map…. So I assume it’s hot there too. Renee and I have driven to the cardiologist where she got a great big OK! and today we are gong to the hair dresser. I think it’s hard for anyone to consider retirement so this is a quiet time while paperwork is finished and planning is completed. In Miami, I have file drawers full of old retirement paperwork which I need to get to and shred…. Pensions come like clockwork and retirement is wonderful. I’m working on a painting and it is the second one that is divided in half as if I’m schitzophrenic…. I think it’s funny how my right and left sides are so different! Remembering Robin Williams and Lauren Bacal today. God bless the wonderful people who influenced our lives and entertained us…. God bless the little family at my house and God grant traveling mercies to me and Chuck as we reunite in Miami on Sunday! Love from Orlando. Sue

Susie's musings

beautiful gardens – indication of God’s love

Hi dear friends. For the second time in one week I’ve been to Fairchild Tropical Gardens! Friend Patty called to invite, so Lindy and I set out this morning to return to the gardens that Mickey loved and took so many pictures of. We 4 women walked around (with Patty’s mother in law) and talked about family and friends, angels and flowers and had a grand time in the Butterfly Conservatory. I met an (old) friend from Eastern Airlines who is volunteering and we talked about "the good old days at Eastern…" Heat is an issue, so all wet with (can’t call it anything else…) sweat, we left the gardens and did some chores at the library, Winn Dixie and the post office (mailed Happy Birthday present to Brother in law Lee!!!). And then home, and for Susie a long nap. No wonder I don’t sleep well at night. I have become a nap taker. Out cold. Tomorrow I do blood work and I hope the doctor will find me slim and alert as I’ve been very well fed by my little family here at my house. Saturday I’ll travel with Karen Skipp to Orlando to visit friend Renee so look for stories from the far north of Orlando. Chuck will be joining us in Miami after Key West jury duty by August 17. Have a wonderful summer week! Love Sue

Susie's musings

Amazing Grace!!!!!

Mickey and I worked very hard in the front yard for 2 days and I mulched late in the day yesterday. And then it rained!!!!! Everything is so lush. Mickey and I walked down the front walk and looked at the gardens out front and the little grasses that my neighbor Luanne gave me a few years ago are covered with pink flowers. I have not seen them bloom and they usually die out by the time I get here. I cut the little flowers and put them in a tiny vase for Barbara. Luanne, thank you for those little grasses! Mickey made the most wonderful chicken soup and we ate it while watching "Love Actually" with Hugh Grant. Family loved it! Thank you Mark and Karla for the movie that we love!!! This morning after Mass I said, "I must work on the check book"….. always a stressful time that requires many additions and #s checking. I did it and it balanced on the first try. Bump. Balanced. whooooo!!! time to thank all the angels that are surrounding this house! Dave was out in the yard mowing and edging as I hung laundry on the line and we had a companionable beer with him… Thank you Dave. Kathy came over with Sparky the little dog who settled down in Barbara’s lap to be petted and then Kathy took him through several "tricks." He prays, he sneezes, he rolls over. So cute!!!! "pet therapy for Barbara." Kathy also brought little muffins. Yum. Thank you Kathy. I just can’t thank enough all the angels who are surrounding this holy house. The family is able to concentrate on Barbara and her way to health without having to worry about a place to stay. Lindy (Barb’s sister) finds baskets and other things for stuff like the meds and instruments like tweezers and scissors… The dining room is covered with notebooks, the calendar, bandages, just the stuff that is needed and I have the abundant space. I see my stuff being used and I am so grateful! Let us all be thankful for the opportunities that we are given and let us be thankful that God gives us the resources and courage to respond with YES! Then God showers us with the Graces. Pray for this little family from Big Pine Key. Love Sue

Susie's musings

Weeds 27 Sue and Mickey 8

Many of my neighbors are familiar with the image of Sue sitting on a big rug in the front yard with gloves, digger, hat, and dirty tee shirt clearing out the weeds with a cat named Sue sitting on the rug right behind me. Occasionally when I try to scoot forward the rug won’t move, and that means I have to stop and pet the cat. She absolutely does not mind my dirty grubby gloved hand petting her. Then she shakes her head to get all the dirt off and we move the rug further on. The cat settles on the rug again right up against my back. Today she smelled like she had rolled in garbage so I told her, but she didn’t seem to mind, "Just pet me," she offered. Meanwhile, I had a buddy out there, my new friend Mickey whose wife Barbara is inside recovering from nasty surgery. So Mickey and I worked and did what would have taken me twice as long…. After under three hours, Mickey was begging for lunch, and he said "are we finished?" I thought, with the front yard? Almost…. wait til we begin the back yard!!!! For the front, we just have to clean up the Areca palms and sweep the Harley walkway… I was out there digging the same weeds a few years ago in the same place when Mike came running around the house saying, "You get towels, I’ll get peroxide; Chuck’s in the back yard." That was the day Mike dropped a big beam on Chuck’s head!!!! It was actually on his ear and so began the saying that "the job isn’t done until Chuck bleeds." Mickey will be helping me this week cleaning up the back yard gardens and then he and I will clean the back of the house and wash windows. I do love the lake house, but it has been without Susie for a few months and it needs a little womanly tweaking. Mickey and I visited Fairchild Tropical Gardens yesterday and I’ll take Barbara’s sister Lindy next week. All is well, God is taking very good of the little family who is living in my lake house. God bless you.

Susie's musings

Life changes…

There’s been some changes…. My friend Linda on Big Pine Key sent me a message telling me about the sudden collapse of her neighbor whom she loves… Barbara was carried to Marathon hospital and then air lifted to Miami as there is no neuro surgeon in the Keys (air lifting is free from Monroe County to Miami if there is no adequate medical service). Joe McCarthy, Linda’s husband, suggested maybe Sue could put the family up as they were in a hotel. Of course I answered…. The Miami house is just the gift to give away as God’s goodness so I contacted Mickey (Barbara’s husband….) and finally as they began to realize this isn’t going to be "in and out" as Barbara had 3 cancerous vertebrae removed and the doctors see a lot of cancer in the lungs …. This will be a long haul. I am grateful to be able to "pay it forward" as many people helped me when Chuck was sick….

So…. I opened my house and I am in Miami until August 9 (leaving to go to Orlando to help our friend Renee on Aug 9). Chuck stayed in Keys to host a mini season party (Andy Bate and his son and friends) and Chuck has doctor’s appt to draw blood in Big Pine Key and jury duty in next two weeks on Big Pine… I have given my home to Mickey and Barbara, her sister and daughter. Barbara is healing under hospice care and she will have radiation under hospice. She will receive 10 days of radiation in Miami, when the incision heals, and then if she can move (which she wants to) she will return to Big Pine Key. With a neck brace supporting the incision (I think 4, 5, and 6 vertebraes were removed) Barbara spends most of her awake time on the sofa and looks out the windows.. She walks with help to the bathroom and she just had her first shower!!!!! I just heard cheering and laughing. The family loves the rockers, and we pretty much all sit in a circle around Barbara and talk…. She is beautiful and joyful and probably a little bit (lot) scared… but she is very well taken care of and loved so much by her family. Mickey shares with me and I keep him busy and I am kind to everyone.

Hospice covers radiation as palliative so the family is fortunate. There is a hospital bed, a potty chair, a wheel chair, and other patient comforts where the dining room table used to be. We took leaves out of the dining room table and stowed them under the guest room bed which is now my bed. I looked around today and quivered a little as they have thoroughly taken over as I told them to do… Pillows, blankets, pills, equipment, supports all over the place! I’ve given the ladies (sister and daughter) the master bedroom with the walk in shower and the master bathroom is convenient to the living room that has now become patient room! … I’m in the guest room with the guest bathroom and Mickey is on the sofa bed in the library with the middle bathroom! Dave Johnson came over and moved the big exercise bike, air conditioning friends Steve and Norm Larrabee came to fix broken hall air conditioner, and Kathy and George from next door came over with puppies and put them on Barbara’s bed while George fixed my broken guest room toilet. Thank God for friends Dave, Larrabees, Kathy and George.

During this time before I go to Orlando, I am going to work very hard to clean up the art room which is beleaguered with piles of paper and stuff!!! and I’ll do some paperwork… and I started a painting using a little wabi sabi. I took Mickey to Fairchild Gardens today and to Target because the ladies gave us a list! The family has purchased food and toiletries and insists on paying water and electric bills. Daughter Leigh was a police officer and now works in insurance investigations in a small town in North Carolina and her husband is a canine officer. She is a lovely very strong girl! Barbara’s sister Lindy is a very strong and loving sister to the patient. Husband Mickey speaks great Spanish and taught Spanish and special ed among other colorful careers!!!! I go to church every day!!!!! I have asked people to pray for me so I don’t get in anyone’s way…. they are in charge and I only show them things like how to unlock the back door, where to find gardening tools, screw drivers etc etc. Mickey is going to wash the windows and help me weed all the flower beds. Pray for Barbara’s healing… I’m off to church; the vigil Mass. Love and kisses and God bless you! Sue

Susie's musings

Old Birthday girl learns a new trick

Today, as I have stated to anyone within ear shot for the past 19 days… is my Birthday! Today the princess does pretty much what she wants (which is like… every day). What the Old Girl learned: In Yoga class, I did a pose and felt stress in my shoulders. "Heck", I thought, "ouch in my shoulders". I am already practicing lowering my shoulders which hunch up to my ears whenever I am concentrating or posing or lifting…. So today when I felt that old familiar tension in the shoulders, I stopped. I stood and breathed and rolled my shoulders around and said, "not the shoulders; use the thighs and butt." I went back into the pose not using the shoulders and, viola!, used my thighs and butt, and felt nothing in the shoulders. As I said: viola! Tummy tucked, butt ("sit bones") out, chest out, neck up but not chin up. WOW! Now, I still can’t stand on one foot and do a "tree" pose, and I can’t balance worth a darn on one foot and swing my leg back and forth… but I will. Still have the men here. George put up a LED light outside the front door and took down a rusty light fixture that I said… "I think I can paint on that!" And Rick L. put in a new A/C duct into the guest room, so prepare to come and be chilled. probably the guest room will get ALL the air now.

During meditation after Yoga I saw a butterfly land on a flower. I painted a flower yesterday so….Today I’ll paint butterflies. May you see butterflies! Love, God bless you! Sue

Susie's musings

Pay back for making lists…..

Did you ever make a honey do list? I’m sure we’ve all done it. But the honeys need to be fed, and they make giant piles of trash and dust and broken boards and nails and screws strewn about… As pay back for making the lists, I’m the chief cook, bottle washer, sweeper, dish washer, sheet washer, and now … as they pop a beer and say something close to, "We’re done," I’m facing the painting after the clean up. Whenever a man does a repair the clean up is better left to a woman or we’ll be stepping on little bits of wood and nails for weeks. Why can’t I paint the railing, base board, door frame, door, etc etc, before you hang it or install it???? While I am the maker and remaker of lists and, as above chief cook and bottle washer, Chuck is the driver in this operation. Dear George is the brains and brawn and he is needy. Chuck makes about 50 trips a day to the hardware or lumber store and thank heaven we have those on Big Pine Key. Just the thought of the 20 mile ride over the 7 mile bridge to the Home Despot makes me quiver. And indeed I am going to need to make that trip to buy a few gallons of paint to "touch up" our turquoise house trim after it’s been abused for five years. One thing that abuses trim in the keys is wind and rain and salt. Another is my constant painting of the wooden porch railings (white of course). I always manage to dribble some white trim paint onto the beautiful turquoise trim paint. So I am off to Marathon probably this weekend with an old paint can to beg Sherwin Williams to sell me the same color. I guess I’m too stupid to quiver over the 14 feet that trim is off the ground….

A new list has been started as George and I walked around the rental house (Aunt Trudy’s) and we decided her trim needs some repair and then, you guessed it, painting. Fortunately that will be white and is only about 12 feet off the ground. On the new list also is some window work to be done, and Trudy’s old front door was replaced today courtesy of hard working George.

I’ve got three additional house guests tonight. They are here to install a bigger piece of ductwork into our guest room which has never properly cooled down. I think we’ll be drinking beer and eating pizza at the No Name Pub for dinner unless they catch some fish….. I am prepared to wash dishes after someone cooks the bountiful catch they bring in as I understand they brought a boat that they launched while I was at a painting group today.

UHHHHHH let’s see… Birthday pampering. Tomorrow is my birthday. I had a Mass said today for my Mom. I always called her on my birthday to thank her for having me and taking care of me…. She would always laugh. For birthday pampering I have been painting railings and sweating. so much it just drips off me! along with painting railings, I put rust remover on the big rocking chairs upstairs on the deck and started to paint some faded butterfly stepping stones. And…. went to painting group today and painted a flower. If I go near the boys (Chuck and George) I find something else to add to the list like over at Aunt Trudy’s repair and paint soffets and at the big house repaint the trim. Otherwise, I’m languishing with wine! Love! Sue

Susie's musings

The cost of a truck

"Everything is relative" … My friend George had to buy a new truck because his truck finked out on him at a little over 104,000 miles. He said, "My truck costs as much as when you two take a vacation…" He’s not too far off! Everyone laughs about the vacation where I got a transatlantic cruise all the way from Miami to Rome for about $4000 and we ended up spending upwards to $30,000 on the extensions from that trip called "while we’re at it." That was the year we travelled to Rome, took a cruise out of Venice to the Greek Isles, stayed several days in Venice, flew into England, went up to Scotland, and down to Bude, and then across the south of England to fly back to Miami. At that time we bought a round trip ticket from and to England so we had to return! We flew back to England on that round trip, played some more with our English friends and then did a transatlantic cruise back to Miami. One would think we would be finished right? Well on one of our adventures we got an RCCL credit card for Chuck that got us onboard credits on our next RCCL cruise. So began the hunt for an RCCL cruise and …. a few days ago, I found it. On May 4, 2015 we will take a transatlantic cruise to Harwich England and not get off the ship, but take the next cruise through the Scandinavian countries. When we get back to Harwich we are thinking of taking a narrow boat on the canals and waterways of England. We drive ourselves on the waterways.. We might do it, but when I tried to make a reservation they would not let me fill in the 55 and over block…. I wasn’t going to lie about age as I am sure they take some kind of ID. So I wrote to them that even though we are "old" and will be 67 and 68 at cruise time… Chuck has been on boats all his life. Again, it’s relative …. we aren’t like all old folks. If anyone wants to go on a grand adventure in May 2015, let me know…. Time to go to Yoga while Chuck begins to pre cook ribs. God bless you.

Susie's musings

mid summer heat and Yoga

Hi dear friends. I’m not complaining about the mid summer heat! Yesterday it rained very hard just after I put laundry into the clothes washer…. George (visiting us from Miami) said the rain actually cooled things down as it was 96 degrees in the morning. When he told me that, I remembered how hot I was as I biked to the post office and back; I was really feeling all of those 96 degrees. Well, not one to worry about rain too much, I bundled the freshly spun laundry into a bin and carried it outside. There was a patch of blue sky midst all the dark clouds so I "pegged" the laundry (that’s English for hanging the laundry up with clothespins) I’m reading a very English novel by Rosamunde Pilcher about Cornwall my favorite English place… and they "peg" the laundry. Sure enough it rained again and again, but by 8pm the laundry was dry because of the warmth of the day and it smelled divine!

All is still going well with Yoga. I attended class Tuesday evening and road the bicycle for a long time on Wednesday. Then this morning (Thursday) I went off bravely to more grunting and stretching. What can I say? I grunt. And sometimes I discover I’m not breathing! Breathe. relax, stretch, open the hips, open the chest, breathe. Our teacher has one of those soothing and calming voices…… By the time class is over we are like little wet noodles all stretched out on our backs. Finished for another day with downward dog and warrior stance! Today is another beauty in the Keys, and I am doing another load of laundry to peg. Please pray again for Renee who has had another "episode"… Doctors are wondering about seizures. It’s retirement time for our dear friend. For hobbies, I talk a lot about how much I enjoy painting and at this moment I’m working on a painting that might not work…. but it’s like an ugly duckling. It might bloom yet. God bless our wonderful country with Peace.

Susie's musings

Yoga and creativity

Good day to you on the 5th of July. Many are bleary eyed and with a little headache from the noise of the fireworks last night. Some strong and practical parties are lean and vigorous and feeling fine because they did not drink too much wine last night, or stay up late, or sit under the booming firework barge. Well I’m guilty of the first two. I sat out on the back deck on Big Pine Key with some neighbors who brought their own libations, and we watched the fireworks across No Name Bridge at a county park. We also walked around on the deck and watched a pretty good show put on by our neighbors across the street. And so, paying for my indescretion this morning, I was late to Yoga class and could not do some stuff, and could not get my balance. I don’t know if you remember, but do you remember standing on one leg with the other leg tucked up against your knee (in a stork position?) My sister Donna was an expert at this, and I think I could do it too…. Well not this morning. And the other one that I did all the time (when I was younger) (oh how bittersweet those words are) sitting with feet brought up, bottoms of feet together, grab your toes, bend over…. yes! Get your head all the way down to your toes. Oh well…. I will be able to do this one day. Oh limberness where are you? Meanwhile I’ve copied below an article that came from my Artist’s Magazine called "Only Human". I find it extremely evocative and I hope we will all be inspired to take a pen or brush in hand and apply it to paper, wood, canvas, a wall, a dresser… creativity is in our genetic make up. We need creativity. Just do it! And like me, trying to stand on one leg or stretch into impossible positions… We will be able to do this (one day). God bless you.

Last night, as I began teaching another painting workshop, I wondered again what motivates people to put up hard earned cash and move their bodies across town (sometimes across the country) to take a painting workshop. For the most part, these are not aspiring professionals wanting to hone their skills, but folks with careers in other lines of work. I used to think that painting was just a hobby for them and a group class was a safe bet for some entertainment and relaxation. Now I’m not so sure. I have given it some thought and I believe that there is a deeper, more fundamental motivation that drives us to want to learn how to paint.

We have written before about creativity and the new scientific studies investigating the human impulse to create. It is a fascinating subject precisely because it isn’t well understood, and because in some ways artistic creativity has no practical advantage (that we can see) for our immediate survival. For instance, it takes time and resources to make an object such as an essential tool. To then devote additional time to decorate that tool instead of using it immediately for hunting or preparing food, doesn’t make much sense when food is the priority. In a tribal context, everyone must contribute to the welfare of the whole for the tribe to prosper. So why do we find elaborate and extensive cave paintings made by Neolithic hunters from 40,000 years ago? These tribes would have had to support those early artists – feed them – while they worked perhaps hundreds of hours to make these large, extensive paintings. Recently, archaeologists have found carved and decorated tools made by our primitive ancestors which are over 300,000 years old. The impulse to express something from within seems to be a very ancient need.

When I think about what motivates my students to be present, I now believe that it is related to that ancient need to create, apart from the other activities in their lives. There is something essential in the act of creation, or in simply learning to create, that answers this need. I can teach them all sorts of useful and necessary techniques which are helpful in the long run. But in the moment, which is all we really have, I try to keep in mind that if I fail to connect to the real reason they are present, then I probably have failed to connect with them at the most universal, fundamental level. It is love of creation that brings us together at these moments, and in that, we are all one big tribe.

Join us on The Artist’s Road for more informative articles and interesting discussions. The Artist’s Road Store also features unique tools for the artist.

–John and Ann

Susie's musings

Yoga on the 4th of July!

Here we are again celebrating our freedom and my Yoga instructor is bowing to the ocean and the energy!!!! I went to Yoga again today (my second ever time) I grunted a lot and fell off the big ball but it was all laughs and giggles. I will go again tomorrow when I’ll be able to lift that back leg and take my hand off the floor (did not do too well today with balancing on one leg… but I will be able to do it one day!!!!). And listen: check your shoulders: are they hunched up against your ears? "relax relax; feel like wax melting…." and your knees? are they locked? "relax a little but don’t bend your knees…. it all about posture and being aware of all our parts." About that big ball! falling off is fun. Have a great day today celebrating our freedoms and remember the soldiers, sailors, and fly persons who got this freedom for us. Thank God!

Susie's musings

Yoga anyone? (no Chuck, that’s not yogurt…)

Today was the first time I tried Yoga. Now many of my sisters and friends have done "all" the exercises, but I never did Pilates, or any of the other fancy exercises. My excuse has always been, "I’d like to do that, but I’m too busy." I believe there’s a word for that… "disinclined". My manicurist said the massage therapist in the salon (A Caribbean Dream) leads Yoga behind the swap meet area, and I said, "I always wanted to try Yoga, I even bought pants and a top"…. So she met me on the eastern end of the swap meet here on Big Pine… and in we went after taking off our shoes. Off the US1 main road there are all kinds of neat places here on the rock known as Big Pine… My salon friend got me a mat and a block and for the next hour and 1/2 I tried … and, grunting occasionally, I succeeded in staying upward, or downward, and not falling on my bum. Grunting and breathing and my buddy giggling… the hour and 1/2 went by rather quickly. WOW I am not that limber, but I will be, and that is the way to go at this. "Put your hand on your back, touch your foot, grab your toe," the leader says… and I’m looking at the object to be touched or grabbed about a foot away from my grasping fingers! "I’ll get there," I grunt, and that is the proper attitude. I might become a Yoga junkie. Now I need a mat and blocks. A little stiff, I bid you a very Happy 4th of July! Thank God for our Freedoms. Wave the flag and enjoy a hot dog!

Susie's musings

Our lives – mundane or joy filled?

Sometimes I feel I would like to tell all that happens and then it seems … boring, mundane, not exciting, ordinary. Well how much of life is ordinary? About 99% interrupted by 1% sheer joy or sheer terror. Here on Big Pine Key the sky is an amazing shifting creature; blue with amazing white clouds and suddenly black with fierce winds. My friend said her chairs were all messed up; did I go over and move her furniture? No, but I have all my furniture laying down, and I found one of my chairs in the neighbor’s yard. I have to bring my door mat upstairs every day as the winds pick it up and shake it like a hungry dog shakes his prey and then drops it over the railing – not interested in the flavor of an army green door mat. So is our life… My friend Linda is being tested by an onerous burden of pokes and prods. Nodules in her belly and lung are being aspirated and tested. That is awful, but it has brought us all together in church praying for our beloved. How many times are we hit by the disorders of nature? A lost pregnancy, a cancer warning, a badly broken bone that leads to discovery of brittle bones and a blood disorder? All of these are the jarring 1% of life that call up sheer terror. The other side of terror is Joy. Joy is the smile of a baby. Joy is the first flowers of spring poking up through the snow. Joy is the sign of God’s presence. Joy is seeing someone smiling at me, and me happily accepting this homage to my humanity. In our chapel at church we have a wonderful icon wherein the Blessed Mother holds the child Jesus close. One of her hands cradles his little bumpy and her other hand holds his hand. One of his sandal straps is broken and hanging off his foot. We look at that little broken sandal, and then we look up at 2 angels who are holding the cross, nails, a whip… and we realize that Jesus didn’t want to go to the Passion… so he runs to his Mother and she sweeps him into her arms, and she quiets his fears. I run so hard and so fast, so frightened am I, that I break my little sandal. You sweep me up, you hold me and you wipe away my tears and my fears. … …

We have a new priest at St. Peter Church on Big Pine Key. After 26 years as Pastor, Fr Tony retired and left us in the competent hands of Fr Randy, a convert from the Baptist faith. He came to the priesthood as a widower with 2 children and several grands. How exciting this new phase of our lives will be! Already we women have advised him: ditch the black shirts, get some sandals, wear sunscreen, remember to drive only 25 miles per hour, and watch for turtles, deer, chickens, and iguanas crossing the road!!!! God bless our priests and ministers.

Susie's musings

Why did the chickens cross the road?

I leave the house here on Big Pine Key at about 20 to 8 AM to make it the few short miles to 8AM daily Mass and, well, honestly I could leave the house earlier for the trip, as one never knows what obstacles will be on the road. Travelling at 20 miles an hour… A big doe walked out, glanced at my windshield and then sauntered forward. "OK," I said to her, "go ahead…" But, wait one, here comes a fawn! The little one, all covered with spots, stopped in front of me, looked, and decided to go back to the nest. But wait, Mom has already crossed the street. Stand a moment in the middle of the street to think… "Return to the nest, or head forward into the unknown where Mom is?" Better go to Mom. After several 380 degree turns, the little one finally made it off the pavement and I was on my way again. "Bye sweetie," I waved! Woops … a few hundred feet further, it’s another Mom. and indeed here comes another fawn. "Yep, it’s OK, take your time sweetie." I wave my fingers. But don’t lose focus… I actually made it past the turtle crossing , oooohhhhed and ahhhhhed at a passing cardinal, and past the Moose before, yep, you guessed it, another Mama. But this Mama is the feathery kind with about 30 tiny chicks. So… what are they doing in the street? Why silly you! They are crossing the street to get to the Winn Dixie parking lot. Even I have opened a box of crackers for the chickens.

I went on to church and to the bank, and why not stop at the Winn Dixie too? Leaving the parking lot with the windows open, hair blowing, feeling the wonderful island heat, I was banging along to 60s music, and woah! I was actually doing 40 miles per hour! Island life takes place at 25 miles per hour… The summer heat is warm and humid on our faces, our flip flops break, and air conditioning in the Winn Dixie feels "too cold." come for a visit, but beware the birds, deer, and turtles!

Susie's musings

Renee update! all is well

Our friend Renee is all right. She is on a well deserved health and wellness vacation in Myrtle Beach and promises to rest, relax, eat well, and garden until all follow-up doctor visits are done! We are relieved that our friend is OK!

It has become "normal Miami weather" with sunny mornings, angry sky stormy noons, and hot sunshine in the late afternoon. We have taken the pontoon boat out every evening and enjoyed all the waterways off the 2 Westwood Lakes. I will leave for Big Pine Key tomorrow (Wednesday) to return the books on CD we enjoyed on the trip, to pick up the mail the post office has been holding, and to see when rehab starts. I was supposed to start rehab about 5 weeks ago for "old knees" but I said, "Hey I have to go party, can it wait?" Chuck will follow after he pulls the boat out and secures her for 6 weeks until we return.

We have many many baby ducks on the lake this year and something odd is happening. Swarms of as many as 30 ducklings (from newborns to teenagers) are being escorted across the lawns or through the waters of the lake by as many as 4 to 5 Mamas… It’s odd; I don’t remember the armies of protective Mamas. Usually one Mama goes first and a few guard the flanks with one Mama bringing up the rear keeping the stragglers in line. This is good as sometimes in the past we would find a baby duckling peeping in the yard… lost… or large birds or other creatures grab the stragglers. (gulp). These Mamas are quite smart about protecting the youngins. So it is a good time to thank our Mamas for protecting the chickens. Turn to your Mom whether she’s near or in heaven, and give her a rousing "Thanks Mom for shepherding me through baby hood and staying with me through teen ager hood!" God bless us.

Susie's musings

Prayers for Renee

Hi dear friends. Our Renee is OK, but what a mystery. She does not remember leaving her house on Thursday and left the garage door open…. OH my goodness she drove across Orlando to "Celebration" down near Kissimmee and then passed out and lay for 2 days in near coma and could not be awakened… She is OK now but doctors don’t have explanation. No stroke, thank God, and she reached for her cell phone to text about work when she woke up. Her boss took her cell phone away. We visited Renee in the hospital and promised when her family leaves in a few weeks we will visit again. Thank God for a full recovery. Miami is hot, steamy and buggy. We sat outside last evening but bugs and heat drove us inside. Now I am fighting the dust bunny wars and will do all the usual "getting home things" Like unpacking, checking the bank accounts, washing clothes etc etc. Pontoon boat into the water tonight if rain stops. Love and kisses.

Susie's musings

Homeward bound

This has been the shortest long vacation we’ve ever taken! We left Al and Shannon this morning and drove via Milton Florida to Tallahassee where we just ate a wonderful Italian meal at Buca di Peppo. Yum! Veal Saltimboca and a wonderful Mozzarella Caprese. Like we haven’t been eating well for three weeks… diet tomorrow. We spoke to Renee our dear friend from Orlando who lived with us for 9 years… she is in the hospital. We will visit her tomorrow … God bless our dear friends and family and please say a little prayer for Renee. Love Sue and Chuck

Susie's musings

more painting with kids

What fun it is to watch kids paint. We’re visiting with Al and Shannon in the mountains of Tennessee and I’ve painted with two 5 year olds…Yoel and a little guy named Zac. The boys painted a giant yellow duck, a gray whale with a big red tummy and brown skin… never mind how Zac described what he painted! Shannon and I were making faces over Zac’s description of what the whale ate that made his tummy red etc etc. Meanwhile Yoel is crazy about police and firemen so he painted a very furry looking police guy with red ears. I love their freedom! I painted gardens because the flowers are in bloom. Mostly lilies and blooming trees. Chuck had a bad cold that I think was aggravated by allergies and it seems to have quieted down. Knock on wood, I haven’t got the allergy attacks I usually get in spring time, but Atlanta awaits… We drive around on beautiful mountain roads and enjoy the "hollows". On Saturday morning we’ll head south towards Atlanta and see Julia’s new baby. Love and kisses as we celebrate a beautiful and warm spring.

Susie's musings

Painting with kids

Our little cousin Jennie, Carol’s daughter, brought her two kids over after Carol and I went to the Columbus Zoo. One kid wanted to go into the hot tub and the other wanted to watch TV… So we adults just talked and watched the kids. Then I hauled out my paint bag and started coloring a sketch I made of Carol’s back yard. Sure enough… here comes the kids! We all played in the palette I was using and then the kids wanted the primary colors, red, yellow and blue. I got two amazing paintings from them that I’ll cut and put on cards for their Mom in October. Believe it or not, I got more paint on me than they did which was none…. How is that? Carol and I have been going to Bible studies at her church and tonight Chuck is taking us out to dinner at an Italian restaurant!!! Yum. And then tomorrow morning we’ll be on the road again for Tennessee. It’s been raining at night and beautiful during the day. All is well. Off to study Malachi. Love Susie

Susie's musings

in Dublin Ohio

Chuck and I drove past big farms planted with tiny plants, corn, wheat soybeans… we will be eating asparagus and corn fresh from Ohio farms at cousin Carol’s. Arrived about 4:30 and are enjoying Ohio warmth. All is well and we have moved in our many bags and bags of stuff. Carol and Chuck have talked about the days when family was all well… CP, Georgie, Loretta, John Horace and many more. God bless the loved ones who have gone on to heaven. Carol is now cooking Asparagus and corn from Ohio farms and homemade meatloaf. She is trying to keep asparagus from rolling off a George Foreman grill!!! God bless you. Sue

Susie's musings

Friday already????

Hi dear friends!  The day after Memorial day (Tuesday) Chuck and I arrived in Fremont, Michigan with all our "stuff" in the car. George Carlin would be proud of us!  We have stuff, buy more stuff, and carry everything on holiday!!!  Michele had lists of things for Chuck to do, and she and I set out to clean out some wall units and kitchen closets.  She is listing her house for sale, and I am being the Aunty Susie making her get rid of stuff, like my sister Sarah once did to me when she made me pare down my wardrobe that included sizes 6 to 16…  "Do you really need that?"  "Does that fit?"  "Will you EVER wear that???"  and about the kitchen cupboards:  "Do you really need 55 coffee mugs?" (ask me and I’ll look sheepish).  "This cracked dish, can you imagine eating soup out of that without the soup pouring out the crack?"  We filled one of those giant trash cans like we have in Miami and Chuck carried out the rugs that Michele had on the basement porch floor which overflowed the cans.  True to our ways, this morning when we heard the trash man truck, Chuck leaped out of bed with money in hand to bribe the trash man, but the guy had emptied the can and taken the damp rugs before Chuck got out there!  Mission accomplished, Michele and I headed for Grand Rapids where she had a doctor appt and we brought the car in for repairs.  We are now waiting for the car at the internet cafe (Mercedes dealers have cookies, tea, and PCs).  Chuck is on his way down to South Haven, Terry’s marina, with the dog Salty, and Michele and I will get there when the car is ready.   It is sunny and beautiful in Fremont, Michigan.  We plan to arrive at cousin Carol Huddleston’s in Dublin Ohio on Saturday late afternoon.   More to follow as soon as I see internet again!  Happy summer!  Love Susie

Susie's musings

Memorial Day in small town America

On Sunday, we started the ceremonies with breakfast with the sailors and then a riotous trolley ride down to the beach and the Silversides. We were greeted by a large ensemble who played all the Armed services hymns, the Star Spangled Banner, a lovely Pearl Harbor melody, and God Bless America. After a greeting to the ladies, "Thanks to the ladies who waited for their guys to come home." Muskegon fliers performed a 4 plane fly by and then returned with the lost airman peeling off with no lights on. As he slowly peel away we were reminded these guys didn’t want to leave just yet, but it was time to go "north" towards heaven and the stars. We were reminded that British fliers started the tradition of the fly by and the lost man formation to honor the Red Baron. These WWI men honored fellow fliers even though they were the enemy. Taps for the fallen, military hymns, and an Invocation: "Lord, You make us one family, and these men, veterans, serve us. Send forth your Spirit to help us. Thank you Lord for our American rights and freedom." US Senator Carl Levin spoke about Submarines: Responsible for sinking 1150 merchant vessels carrying supplies to Japan and 276 warships including 8 air craft carriers. 55% of Japan’s shipping was sunk by submarines. Success did not come cheap: 52 subs were lost and 3505 men went down with the boats. Contending with faulty torpedoes that either didn’t detonate or turned back around and sunk the sub; the men were not afraid. There is a "touch of the pirate" in every submariner. The submariners last are now on eternal patrol. We named each boat, tolled the ship’s bell, and ladies dropped flowers into the water. We ended the day at the pub in the hotel; one submariner and I went to Sunday Mass, and 3 Quillback men and wives had dinner together.

Monday, Memorial Day, I started with a Memorial Day Mass and Chuck went to the park for speeches and tributes. In the Mass the priest asked us to pray for all fallen veterans some of whom died without the benefit of the grace of the final Sacrament called Last Rites. Later when we watched the movie Pearl Harbor I saw a priest wading in the water putting oil on any forehead he could find. I remember the priests who responded to 911 also… it’s a last blessing… I always call Last Rites "being well oiled." God bless our fallen patriots. During the Mass I remembered Mom and Jack who called Memorial Day Decoration Day when the graves of soldiers were decorated with flowers and flags. Chuck and I once found a cemetery deep in the south where the ladies of the town decorated only Southern soldiers but then relented and decorated graves of Union soldiers too. We went on to Monet’s garden where I drew the Iris flowers that are ready to burst open. Four were open already. Spring is springing in the far north! On to the LST 393 A giant delivery ship (like the big car ferries we see on the big lakes). She carried tanks on her lower deck and trucks and jeeps and cargo on the upper deck. After very elaborate planning and practice the LST is "beached" into the sand and the giant doors and ramps open and the tanks lumber off. Then the trucks and jeeps drive onto an elevator platform, lowered to the first deck and drive off. Pretty amazing! The rain began and we spent a few hours at the pub in the Holiday Inn watching baseball… We watched movies We were Soldiers… and we were young (an amazing movies with Mel Gibson) and of course finished the evening with Pearl Harbor. God bless America. Love Susie

Susie's musings

In Monet’s garden

Saturday morning I sent Chuck upstairs to the hospitality room to commune and tell sea stories and I walked over to Monet’s garden. The Muskegon garden society is very proud of this little town and has turned a whole corner plot into a lovely garden with benches, pond and walkway over the pond. I painted in the sunshine and have come away with an image of "the pink house" and the pond with a lovely pink tree overshadowing the scene. The iris flowers will bloom next week. There are many budding flowers and a few tulips left. I then went to the art museum again and visited the "interference pool" which is created with lasers. As I moved around the room, the pool moved and sang a humming lyric. It is pretty amazing. Then I walked all around and enjoyed a good art show. Later we dressed up for the banquet which was very well attended. The speaker was from the Silversides museum, Maryly Skallos from Muskegon Community College, and she spoke about the year long history course the Silversides Museum sponsors. "Making History come alive" is taught by speakers who sailed and fought and were survivors of prison camps in World War II. Among the course speakers was Chuck’s chief of the boat on the Quillback, Chief Kidd who spoke about the 1942-44 campaign for the Pacific and about his brother who won among other honors the Croix de Guerre, the French Cross the equivalent of our Medal of Honor. Dr Katherina von Skallos Kellenbach, author of The Mark of Cain, spoke about research she did on her uncle who was responsible for killing 30,000 Jews in Minsk. That was a courageous deed for her to admit this was her heritage. Martin Lowenberg spoke about being saved from prison camp by a gentleman who wanted to save Swedish women but sneaked out many men. As a Holocaust survivor, Lowenberg now dedicates his time to telling the story. Speaking about these teachers of history, Skallos reminded us that as we get older, we won’t be able to talk about WWII… she urged the sailors before her to tell the story now! The courses can be seen on playlist 2014 WWII. We stayed talking until the band stopped and the lights were dimmed….. then we came back to our waterside room, looked out at the quiet night over Lake Muskegon and fell into bed. Blessings on this Sunday morning.

Susie's musings

Michigan’s beauty

We traveled north 29 miles from Muskegon into farming communities that have Amish wagons drawn by horses! Our host, Terry, asked if we saw the little public boat ramp where the Amish families put little boats in with the horse and buggy. They travel with the kids in the boat that is hitched to the wagon! Can you imagine? We visited Michele and Terry (neighbors on Big Pine Key) and helped fix a mail box that was unceremoniously kicked over by the snow plow… and other little fix ups a house needs after being closed up for the winter. Terry said the porch we had so nicely fit with swinging chair, chairs, table, and cushions had about 3 feet of leaves on it when he and Michele got there from Big Pine key…. The leaf blower got a constant workout with Terry and Chuck at the helm. Opening a winterized house is something Chuck and I do not know about… Sure we close up for a hurricane and get lizards in the house, … OK I guess it’s somewhat the same.

I’m seeing pink and white trees, and Michele’s yard is full of violets and other wild spring flowers like sweet little bells and yellow puffs. I have no idea of the names of spring flowers. I took a walk in a field near the hotel and the grass was soft. I walked toward a stand of trees that looked barren and found them covered with tiny green leaves and little buds! They will probably break into flower as soon as we leave!

Today I will go to the art museum and the Monet garden and hope to do some plein air painting in the Monet garden. Chuck will hang with his submarine buddies and trade "sea stories." Tomorrow is the Memorial celebration when we "toll the boats" that have been lost. We will have a fly over and a lost man formation and a memorial band to play taps (with echo). This is a very moving ceremony. Remember to thank a veteran this weekend. Love and kisses. Sue

Susie's musings

USS Silversides SS236

Parked in the opening of Muskegon Lake to Lake Michigan stands the Submarine USS Silversides who proudly bears 44 Japanese flags (for 44 known "kills" of Japan’s fleet), 2 saved airmen, and many military decorations. We boarded the sub and climbed down into the smelly interior and crawled through hatches much too small for our bellies! To get from one end to the other, you have to crawl through several of these hatches; and to get "below decks" you have to go through a hatch about the size of a lobster pot (Chuck said he went up and down that hatch 20 times a day). To qualify to stay on a submarine you have to study and train to be able to run every department, to turn every crank, and to maintain the engines, batteries, electrical systems etc etc. One of the qualifying maneuvers is to run from one end of the sub to the other in one minute (Chuck knows the exact time… it’s like one minute). It took me about 2 minutes per hatch to duck down and grab a pants leg to lift my leg up and through the hatch and then to grab the other pants leg and drag the other leg through the hatch. And then don’t stand up too soon!!!! The sailors proudly showed me their "battle stations." One guy squeezed into a tiny space housing about one hundred dials and said "here’s my battle station." That guy was responsible for keeping the boat from disaster as well as all the other guys who said, "here’s my battle station…" They talked about diesels (the Silversides has 4 giant diesel engines that are roughly equivalent to rail road engines.) When they fired up the engines the men just started shouting… I was overwhelmed with the noise! And don’t forget the pervasive smell of diesel fumes (like riding behind an old fashioned school bus or metro bus). The Quillback had only 3 diesels but it had a still for making water so the Quillback cook could take daily showers and the men could get two bowls of water for washing teeth, face and underwear. The Picuda men said they got no water as they didn’t have a still. Yikes. On this Memorial Day, remember the men who rushed out of Pearl Harbor after we were so brutally wounded and took out after the Japanese Navy. On Sunday we will remember the dead in the "Tolling of the lost boats" ceremony.

We are riding north today to help a friend who drove up from Big Pine Key and is going to try to sell her Michigan house. We’ll help her clean up the yard and inside of the house to make ready for the realtor visit. We might also go to see the big dunes of sand that Lake Michigan spews up on her shore. I understand it’s quite spectacular. As we drove towards the Silversides I saw a lot of sand on the roads and piles of sand that had been moved off the road by road clearing equipment. Apparently the snows make the lake spew up sand. Have a wonderful Saturday and may it be sunny and bright as it is here on the shores of Lake Muskegon. God bless you! Sue

Susie's musings

Making wonderful memories

I hope all of us realize that every day is "the present" where we do stuff and just sometimes "go along with the flow", but every day is also a day to make wonderful memories. Chuck and I are on another adventure where we get into the car and hurtle over America’s highways, and cross big bridges over America’s rivers. Take yesterday for example: who knew that to get from West Virginia to Ohio there are only about 2 bridges? There might be more, but I had a little trouble finding them! We had stopped in Charleston West Virginia after 6 full fun days at Hilton Head visiting college and life long friend Karla McGinnis and her husband Mark. The first day of hurtling through America (from Hilton Head to Charleston West Virginia) was uneventful and easy… The second day involved crossing the big Ohio River…. as we left Charleston the GPS and I were in disagreement so we took my way. Wrong! We eventually drove around a big point of land and crossed the Ohio river where the GPS wanted us to cross. So there. Then I assumed traveling through Columbus Ohio would be like traveling through Atlanta so rather than taking the round about expressway as the GPS lady suggested, we plunged on into the center of Columbus. It’s not so bad, but it’s not an expressway like through Atlanta either… We enjoyed the "Main street" feel of what Columbus calls "High Street" and we passed Ohio State University and finally emerged on the other side of town and continued north. There isn’t a graceful way to get to Muskegon which is on Lake Michigan… The expressways are a little crooked, but we made it in 9 hours. I made sandwiches and crackers and cheese and crackers and peanut butter… and we drank lots of water. Now we are in a lovely hotel (the Shoreline Inn) that I found on the internet. Our room overlooks Lake Muskegon (which feeds into Lake Michigan), and a marina with very fancy boats. There is a waterside restaurant that I suggested we go to watch the sunset. We sat under trees that are covered with tiny delicate light green leaves and buds. It’s "just spring" here on the lake. The sun was shining brightly in a beautiful blue sky. As we finished our meal, I commented that the sky was changing color over to the west… getting a little gray against the bright blue sky and bright sunlight…. "Oh that’s fog," said our server. Then the temperature dropped about 10 degrees and by the time we got to our room and looked out, we couldn’t see the water below! About the sunset? I guess it happened!

How beautiful it is today! We’re wearing jackets though as we are Florida flowers in the cool breezes of Lake Michigan. Today at noon we’ll walk over to the Holiday Inn across Shoreline Drive and start our reunion with the men who ruled the waves from under the waves. The men of the Quillback, the Truta and the Picuda. I look forward to hearing great stories from "long ago" when I was not aware of our submarine heroes. God bless you dear readers, friends and family. Enjoy today and store up some wonderful memories!

Susie's musings

Questions asked during the Christmas Season

The Gospels and Epistles are loaded with questions during Advent and Christmas. Isn’t it wonderful that the church has established "seasons" like Advent and Christmas to give us lots of blessed time to think about: "Who are you? Where is He? What will I do now?"

"Who are you?" The Jews from Jerusalem, priests and Levites, asked John the Baptist, "Who are you?" John answered who he is NOT: "I am not the Christ" and who he IS: "I am the voice of one crying out in the desert" (in a desert place; in a dry, thirsty world in desperate need of water… my heart whispers, "am I in need of grace?"). The voice in the desert cries out, "Make straight the way of the Lord." (see John 1: 19-28) Take the question to heart and try to answer it. "Who am I?" I am a child of God. Jesus became human and made me his brother in Baptism. With Jesus, the heir to God, as my brother, I am a coheir. "Gentiles are coheirs." (Ephesians 3:5-6; 1 John 2:29 – 3:6; Romans 8:14.) God adopted me; he sent his Spirit into me. (Galatians 4:4-7). As the coheir with Jesus, I have a responsibility (with all my brothers and sisters), I am the one who makes the Incarnation (the reality of God) visible through my actions, through my love, through my joy, through my stooping to bow before him whose sandal strap I am unworthy to touch.

Where is He? Herod asked, "Where is the newborn king?" "Where should I go to offer him homage?" As king of the Jews, Herod should have known this from Scripture, but he was unwilling to believe Scripture. What kind of stupid king was he? Kings are supposed to take care of their people (didn’t God in the OT and Jesus say this many times!!!) The good news was written in many places in Scripture: "The King will be born in Bethlehem …" But Herod wouldn’t believe and he certainly wasn’t going to put himself out to go see. He sent others to find the upstart who dared think he could be king. Enter the wise men!!! Wise outsiders (Gentiles, searchers) trusted their hearts to help them find what they were searching for. They were overjoyed at finding the child. Seeing the child, and believing Scriptures and the angels, the wise men changed their course to ensure that Herod would NOT find the child. Does this signify a change in the pathway of life? Is this what I should do now that I have found the manger?

What will I do now that I have found Christ? Now that I have seen Christ? I will go a different way. I will change. What course will I take? I will take the course that my heart sets as my thirsty heart runs toward the living water. I will run towards the heart of God. (See Psalm 41 and John 4 for the amazing water images!) God bless us this Christmas season.

Susie's musings

Fast Forward to the end…

Hello dear friends. Just a day or two ago… I was writing and singing merrily "on the first day of Christmas" and now… Christmas is packed away, and hats, noise makers, cups, and plates have replaced green and red stuff in the keys house. A visit to Miami yields lots of party dishes, deviled egg trays, warmer trays, etc etc which I pack into bins while Chuck takes down the Miami Christmas lights and so we go happily and merrily packing more bins to take to the Keys house. Tomorrow I’ll visit the Cardiologist for a final report. When I had a stress test he reported my heart is fine… "being well lubricated and pumping nicely with no extra beats"… and so I will look at him tomorrow and ask him if he can rule out a broken heart… All of us have suffered a great loss at one or many times and we know about "broken heart syndrome" but why don’t doctors take this into account? of course when my weight and b/p, cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose levels are all too high with accompanying chest pain…. I guess the doctor isn’t just going to go "sniff" and say, "Yes, take an aspirin and get over the broken heart." He’s going to demand exercise, weight loss, and cutting out sugar and fat. I told my sister Donna I had chest pain and I cried a lot when I was with her… She too had the same pain, but we knew Mom was going to heaven which is a wonderful "knowing" that the Lord gives to us. Death still hurts. For example, when I do things I know Mom would love to hear about, like when I go to church to be a Eucharistic Minister, but move to lector because the lector doesn’t show up, and then move to the choir when the lector arrives huffing and puffing, when I am singing with all my heart, I think, "Mom would love to hear about this!!!" So I whisper a prayer, "Thanks Mom for sending me out and encouraging me. Thanks for life and for talent." God bless our families. Chuck and I will be celebrating New Year’s Eve with about 20 neighbors and one couple driving from Miami! You too, be safe, and have a very Happy and prosperous New Year. God bless. Say thanks.

Susie's musings

On the First Day of Christmas we…..

Begin to celebrate the martyrs. Isn’t that interesting? Jesus gets a wonderful 24 hours and then we turn our faces to Saint Stephen who was the first martyr after the death of Jesus. Stephen was just too passionate and truthful about who Jesus was and what we do to reject Jesus. Stephen angered some pretty prestigious people including a man named Saul who nodded, "Yes" as men threw their cloaks at his feet. "Yes, go ahead, be angry, be petulant, be vindictive against a man who speaks against you. Yes, pick up the first stone. Throw it at his head. Get him in his brilliant mind; get him in his loving heart. Kill him for he is not with us." How bitter that death must have been for the first disciples who had just chosen Stephen as a Deacon, full of righteousness, to care for the poor among the new Christians. On Saturday of this ending year, we celebrate the Holy Innocents, the children whom Herod killed trying to kill the Babe whom the wise men looked for. "If I can only get rid of the noisy little kid, he won’t grow up and take my throne," thought a vengeful, very sick, Herod. Actually, Herod killed his own son because the man thought the kid would take his throne. Makes me wonder what I’m clinging to and who I would kill to keep it. What or whom have I shoved away as I strove to get what I thought I needed? Jesus threw Saul off his horse when Jesus had enough of Saul’s ruthless ignorance. "Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?" a merciful Jesus asked. "Now man get up and learn something from those who know Me, and then get out there and teach!" So let us get up today and go out there and teach of the mercy that we know is our God. Have you had a bad time lately? Are you blaming God? Get off that horse and start praising him for the abundant blessings he has given to us, his people. God bless us all and Merry Christmas.

Susie's musings

Overdoing Christmas…?

I certainly hope that we can’t overdo Christmas if the beauty of the mystery of God’s gift in the Incarnation is on our heart. Last year I covered the Keys house that we winter in with Christmas decorations culled from Loretta’s and Trudy’s treasures. Chuck hung up as many lights as the little Keys house can stand, and we used Loretta’s small illuminated tree, and it was just fine. This year, we have decorated the Miami house with outside lights and some inside decorations, and we are leaving Miami December 5 planning to begin our winter stay in the Keys. I have just put 4 bins of Christmas decorations and 2 bins of lights in the van. As I pulled out nativity characters, cups, table coverings, a shower curtain with Santa and his reindeer, ducks, bears, little seats for the bears to sit on, and etc …, I began to wonder where I am going to PUT all this stuff, and is it too much? If you hear of a house on Big Pine Key sinking into the waters of the Caribbean… it’s mine, but I’m not overdoing it! God bless you this season of Advent. May your heart ponder the mystery of God tearing off the best part of himself, making it human, and coming here to "pitch his tent among us." May you be filled with joy and WANT to decorate and get ready. God bless our families.

Susie's musings

Mom is with angels and Jesus

Our faith tells us to believe the words of Jesus who promised that he is preparing a place for those of us who believe he is the Son of God sent to redeem us. So while Mom and I waited and prayed, and after I left her November 1, I was anticipating the wonderful new home Mom will have with angels and rocking chairs for Mom to rock babies, right up front in the Light of God.

Mom went to heaven in the early morning of November 25 and I imagine the dancing in heaven as angels sang: "Come Grace, let us go. Your work is done here. You have taught your girls and sons and grands to pray and to go to church. Your children will be fine because they have an abiding faith because they saw you believing, praying, and serving your church. Come! and see our Blessed Mother who will hug you and take you to Jesus. Glory! Glory! Grace is home in heaven! Praise God in his angels and his saints. Thank God for bringing his daughter Grace home!"

I thank Mom for giving me birth in a time when so many Moms choose not to give birth. I used to call Mom every year on my birthday to thank her. Mom inspired me and she was my biggest cheerleader. She loved what I wrote, and she was always asking "what are you writing? and where are you speaking next?"

If you are a Mom or grand mom or if you teach little children, take the example of the great woman who was my Mother, and give thanks to God for blessings, and then turn and teach the little ones.

My favorite memories of my mom stretch over the years from watching her polish her nursing shoes with the bottle of white shoe polish with the nurse on the label and starching her nursing hat… I used to starch my school uniform skirts with spray starch and polish my shiny Mary Jane shoes with Vaseline! !!! Mom taught me to be particular with how I look. She worked very hard and expected her nurses to work hard too and look the part. She used to study at the dining room table so as a little girl I spread out my books with her, and do it today. The dining room table is the study spot of choice. Mother prayed constantly. There are about 10 Rosaries in her room and often one under her hand in the morning! She wanted us to go to church and to pray… Mother loved her food served HOT!!! and so do I. Mother told me when the colors in my paintings were dark and muddy so now I am very conscious of dark and muddy. Memory goes on and on. She taught us how to mother others and how to hug. God bless Mom and God let Mom see his face.

Susie's musings

Still sleeping and waiting

My dear Mom has been pretty much sleeping since I left Lagrange November 1. I have been praying for angels to take care of my Mom and my sister who cares for her, and all my family, and I believe we are taken care of. I ask for prayers for myself often too… I think I’ve finally succumbed to the ravages of "worrying for others" and had an occular migraine after some dental work. If you ever get light flashes or a geometric light show in your eye you MUST pay attention to it! My light show only lasted for about 4-5 minutes and it ended as I was on the phone to my favorite Emmaus sister eye doctor, Saba (she shares my grandmother’s name). Saba saw a thickening artery in the eye and recommended I see a cardiologist (arteries don’t thicken unless there is a reason – so I’ll have my carotid poked and prodded in the next 2 weeks)… and so I have begun the round of preventative visits and will probably (hopefully) get a clean bill of health, but will probably be taking cholesterol meds before the end of the year… I’ve been ignoring "stress related" chest pains and a climbing cholesterol number for several years. I think old time he caught up with me!!! So my dears if you have been ignoring "symptoms" get them checked out. Winter, when things quiet down, is a good time to make the visits and give a little blood to the Quest Diagnostics people. I wish you hope and health!!! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Home at the end of a long trip!

I visited with my Mom, sister Donna and Brother in law Lee for a good visit, and finally, I had to go home. I kissed Mom goodbye and told her I love her, "love you too" sleepy Mom answered. "Pray for me" I asked. Mom prays a lot!!! Chuck picked me up on Friday, November 1, and we drove straight through to Miami. It’s a long haul… For Chuck it was a 12 hour drive (he had to drive over to LaGrange to pick me up.) But once the van was headed south, we both felt the urge to "get home." Or was it me tugging the van south? Whatever. We arrived safe in Miami at the lake house and have unloaded the van, done all the laundry (I think – unless a bag of dirties shows up), gone grocery shopping, and gone to Home Depot for fertilizer and weed killer, and generally I am putting things away indoors, and Chuck is putting things away in sheds and hunting gear into the storage that only he can manage. The weather is not autumn. Today was a record hot day at 89 degrees. I felt it, having been in autumn since we left Canada (2 months ago?). We’re back on our Miami schedule including watching UM football (2 undefeated teams, UM v Fla State are playing tonight) and in just one half (I’m writing during half time) in just one half, one team will go home with a defeat. God bless us all.

Susie's musings

Sunday morning!

I’ll always remember a song called Sunday mornin’ comin’ down… Originally by Johnny Cash and then picked up by Kris Kristofferson (maybe written by Kris???) anyhow… Sunday has always been special for so many ways. It’s a day when you wake up from Saturday night and realize God is waiting…. and so you slouch or drag off to church and there find? a singing priest? yes at Donna’s church in LaGrange, Father Patrick (grandfather from the shores of Ireland)…Singing from Fiddler on the Roof, "If I were a rich man"… it’s tithing Sunday (the final in a three week request for time, talent and treasure.) Fortunately Donna’s church here in Lagrange has no building debt as many churches do, and the roof was replaced courtesy of the insurance company for hail damage… of course, as Father was quick to remind the parishioners, we paid the insurance premiums.) So I sat there, 11am Sunday and drank in the smell of candles and listened to the too slow organ and the somewhat cranky guitar and thanked God for giving us Sunday morning. Then I had to stop and pick up a chicken. Was your Sunday one that you expected a roasted chicken? I seem to remember that ours was. Always a roasted chicken for Sunday dinner. I’m making a boiled chicken soup. I still smell of cut up vegetables (the scraps of carrot and celery went to the bunny who resides in the front yard…. escaped from some neighbor’s pen? we feed the bunny). Meatloaf was reserved for Tuesday or Wednesday. And Football … my dears, Sunday afternoon this time of year is reserved for football. I was naughty this morning and greeted one of the ushers with "Ah! your’re wearing an Auburn sweatshirt? do you want to go there? yes! He answered, I advised him I think Auburn is a fine school, but "I’m a Hurricane," I said flashing him the "U"… As I said, naughty. So, with a chicken in the pot (I’m making chicken soup as Mom might enjoy that… with lots of vegetables.) And I’m off to watch Sunday afternoon football with Tom Brady and his pals and other teams too. God bless you.

Susie's musings

sarah, donna, susie…

Remember when a relative visited and got confused over who’s who; or your Mom got angry at you and when she called you were "sarah, donna, susie"… And the guilty party tried to hide behind the other sisters and give Mom the old, "Not me… she did it" in hopes Mom will make a mistake and get the wrong wrong-doer. Well it’s happening here. I’ve been "Donna-Susie" since I arrived, but this morning, Donna is Sarah. Mom wants something she says, "Donna-Susie" (that’s me) or "Sarah" (that’s Donna). Donna and I laugh and just say "yes Mom!" So I’ve now started calling Donna Sarah too. I’m not sure Mom has to call me anything, and I always answer, "I’m here, Mom" and I’m pretty certain that I’m Susie. I once read a story by a New York Madison Avenue business woman who took a leave to take care of her elderly Mom and she said that she was able to sleep next to her Mom’s bed, and care for her, and within a week she was shuffling all around the nursing home in pajamas, robe, and slippers. Mom has not been sleeping at all between midnight and 6am so I’ve been grabbing 3 hours of sleep say between 6am and 9am then I wake up. Mom and I are getting a bit zombie-like from lack of sleep, but I am able to shake off the brain fluff and function. When I wake up I quickly shower and put on clothes, underwear, shorts, tee shirt, socks, slippers before 11:30 when I turn on Mother Angelica’s Rosary and start Mom’s breakfast. By noon, Mom is in her chair eating breakfast and we are watching the Mass on TV. I have my notebook open with pen in hand to catch a bit of wisdom from the homily about the Saint of the day or a point about the Gospel, like when Jesus commissioned the 72 and he wanted no one to carry purse, things, or anything, and the point is that Jesus wants us to know that it is not by our good looks, the clothes we wear, the things and money we have, or what we do that gets the word out. It is the Word itself that moves people. The things we carry are just distractions. Leave everything. Keep focus on the gospel. So today (Friday) after a full night’s sleep (praise God) interrupted only several times by Mom’s need to go to the toilet, (we pause as we walk to the toilet a lot to remember what we are doing in the middle of the night, to catch breath, and sometimes to put her hand on her chest and just stand thee) ("yawn," said Susie) anyhow… on this day, I discovered I was watching Mass still in my night shirt and bear feet. I can’t find my slippers let alone socks. I need a shower and it’s 12:30 in the afternoon! The cat sleeps up against my thigh, Father Anthony Mary prays on the TV, Mom is eating oatmeal with cooked apple that I made for her, and as best as we can do it, all is well. God bless you

Susie's musings

sleeping well thank you… now how about Susie???

Mom sleeps very well … during the day. For instance today she woke up starving for breakfast and wanted "an egg, potatoes, 2 pieces of toast… and make sure it’s hot." "Yes Ma’mmm," I said, and so I delivered. Within an hour she had an amazing belly ache that lasted all day and between her alternately groaning and sleeping… we had an interesting day. I have asked Mom not to groan as it makes me worry, and in the past I have tried to enforce a "no groaning ordinance" with Chuck and me… it can become a habit. I have encouraged my sister and her husband to go out and "play" while I’m here… yesterday they went sailing and had a good wind, and today was shopping in Columbus Ga (about 1 hour south with … "oh my gosh!" malls.) LaGrange is a sleepy college town with a Belks and a JC Penney. That’s it. So anyhow… I finally woke mom up for dinner and she ate but has another tummy ache. I’m praying she will sleep tonight as she did not do a great job last night. Nor do I sleep well as Mom is up and down all night… "wandering" and I’m like half awake listening and watching for when she gets up to take a walk… My sister has to be exhausted, but that’s what we do while we protect, defend, and care for the very old and the very young. Mom and I listen to EWTN television and pray a lot and I have been reading all day. So… SALPF (Say a little prayer for) a good night’s sleep! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Full Circle

On June 26 I flew into Atlanta and Lee, Donna, their grandkids Abby and Nathan, and my Mom picked me up at the Atlanta airport and brought me "home" to their home in LaGrange.  Chuck picked me up July 25 and the "trip" began.  It’s all in the blog and believe me, we’re going to have to go back and read it again and look at all the photos to really believe it.  This morning we had planned to help Mark and Karla one more day by taking Mark to the doctor, but the very busy doc had to cancel the appointment… so we packed and left a very sad golden retriever herein previously called "dog."  Her real name is Jessie and I looked into her very sad eyes and told her I loved her and "we’ll see you again" and we left.  At 6pm we arrived in La Grange at "our" best Western hotel where we get pancakes for breakfast at the I Hop… then tomorrow morning Chuck will drop me off at Donna’s about 9am so I can go with them to visit with Mom’s heart doctor down in Columbus.  And my trip with Mom and family will begin.  Chuck will head south to Tampa and then hunting, etc etc.  Life goes on and we thank God for taking care of us and bringing us safely to the end of this great circle… where we will begin again tomorrow!!!   God bless you. Susie

Susie's musings

Orange, yellow and red and a deer

Monday morning after a heavy rain (the remnants of storm Karen), we are still in Boone. Jessie (the dog) and I are in the office which has sliding glass doors to the porch. We can look out at trees turning yellow and red, and Jessie started to do a low growl…. There was a deer looking in the window!  She saw Jessie and maybe saw me get up to get Chuck… she ran off and her fawn followed after her. Jessie was thanked for guarding the house..  Karla teaches every day so we will be taking Mark to a "follow up" doctor’s appointment in Boone on Tuesday and then packing the van to go "home."  I’ll be dropped in LaGrange where I’ll visit with my Mom and Chuck will be heading home to Miami (with a stop to visit Peter Skipp who is trying to sell the Tampa home). Chuck will unload and then load the van with hunting gear and head north again.  I’ll visit my Mom and family and Lee might have to have surgery to repair a mitral valve.  Life goes on, and sometimes we have to work at Peace!  I’ll pray that I bring Peace to my sister’s home. Meanwhile, we had some wonderful sunny days with Mark’s daughter Sarah visiting and lunches at cafes where we can bring "dog Jessie" culminating in a visit to Valle Crusis park yesterday where Mark and I sat side by side and painted… Well, Mark drew and I painted.  Karla and Mark planted an anniversary tree that was dug up by beavers and carried away… Trees were replanted twice.  This little tree is now strong and will be turning yellow in a week or two.  Sometimes life is like that little tree isn’t it?!  So my darlings… don’t let the beavers get you down, and if they do and they crunch up your bones and carry you off to make a dam… don’t worry, your memory or even another tree will be planted!  May our memories be good ones, and may others’ memories of us be brilliant!  God bless you.

Susie's musings

Saints and Guardian Angels

I am blessed to be able to go to church for daily Mass almost daily…  Monday was the feast day of St Therese "The Little Flower."  She was a peaceful, gentle woman who loved Jesus. She humbled herself to be very small so she would fit securely into Jesus’ heart. She believed Jesus would take her into his heart.  (blessed are the poor in spirit… the small… for they are children of God).  I ask St Therese to hold on to my sister Annette whom I firmly believe our Lord took into heaven when she died (she was 7, Sarah 12, Donna was 5 and I was 3). Is the little Annette a saint? I don’t know, but she is a tiny child of God, and she is with us in the Christ who is in our hearts. Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels.  We read from Exodus where God told the wandering Israel that he would send an angel to guide them and protect them… "Just listen to him and follow him." I still try to listen to my guardian angel… Sometimes we say "My conscience spoke…" Why can’t that be God’s angel who is sent to protect us?  Yesterday I painted sunsets and sail boats… Karla commented, "You miss the Keys, don’t you?" Here at Mass the dog attends and sits watching the priest with a lot of love…. Yes I miss St Peters church where we might have a dog or 2 at Mass…  But here in the mountains we are at Peace and Chuck lights fires every night.  In fact I think I hear the crackle of fire right now. Why not?  Have a wonderful autumn! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Winter is a comin’ in

Hello dear autumn family.  We’re in Boone North Carolina.  Chuck and I drove (Chuck drove and I changed CDs) for about 9 hours yesterday and got me to St. Elizabeth church on time to meet Mark and Karla for vigil Mass.  Chuck came to the house to play with the dog until we got here.  Dog is a Golden Retriever with long fluffy fur and tufts on her toes. She is so gentle!!!!!  The trees have not yet begun to really turn in the Blue Ridge yet but it is cool with sunny days.  Last night we ate corned beef and cabbage in honor of St Patrick and then today we sat outside for lunch at Bella’s Italian restaurant.  Went to the flea market where I picked up a little bench to paint…   I guess I better get busy with the paints.  Karla teaches the next 5 days so there will be plenty of time to paint during the day.  We are cooking a big pot of soup as if it is winter time. We always fall back into comradery (Karla and I have known each other since her senior year and my first graduate school year at Barry). Loosen us up with a red wine and talk turns to "the old days, Robin Williams, taking care of each other, books we have read, and movies we need to see."  Believe it or not, Mark has not seen Mrs. Doubtfire so I think that is a necessity. All is well here on the mountain. Be healthy.  God bless you.

Susie's musings

To the home of my birth

We left Connecticut yesterday after visiting cousins (missed a few… there are many cousins in CT). But we had a great time on mostly sunny days where we boated on Laura and Dennis’ lake and played with the BIG dog…   Then we moved on to a tiny stream and a tiny dog in Eastford to have lunch with Barbara Keish with whom Chuck used to play with Carol when they were little…  Talked of old and new times and then we were off!  Crossed the Tappan Zee bridge on route 84 and turned south through NJ and NY into Pennsylvania.  I remembered crossing that bridge with Chuck’s Mom – it was their chosen method for leaving CT after their summers in Ct and heading to Miami – avoiding I95 and NYC … also to visit Katie… on the motorcycle that bridge is scary.  I looked north as we crossed the bridge and thought of visiting Sleepy Hollow and Katie and John on the motorcycle! Hope you are all healed Katie….  This morning when Chuck said we should stay in Pa for a few days because we really enjoyed it when we took Harley back to the Harley Davidson plant where he was probably made in York and Gettysburg and the little town where we stayed while on the motorcycle when they had a big storm with tornados (the guy at the welcome center sent us there, and we returned to that welcome center yesterday)… … When Chuck said that, I remembered we were all over Michigan and I missed visiting our friends Michele and Terry at a boat Marina in Michigan… I am sure we could have gotten a boat ride or two out of that visit!  Please give us a rain check Michele and let us go out on Big Pine Key "skinny waters".   It is amazing that this trip has been so long and we have covered so much ground… and now…  I am rushing. My nose is headed south heading towards Mom who is waiting for me!    I was born in Pittsurgh, Pa, and every time we stop in Pennsylvania, I feel like I am home.  The people we run into are nice and hospitable. Wait! Everyone  we have run into has been nice and hospitable – America is like that!  We have had a great trip.  I have managed to go to Mass every Sunday in many strange towns (and Mass is always the same…) and some churches I have repeated like in Hartford near Dennis and Laura’s and this afternoon I head for St Elizabeth’s in Boone where I have worshipped with Karla and Mark.  Tomorrow there is a festival at St Elizabeth’s so we’ll get Chuck onto church grounds at least!!! I have to find some long pants as I have mostly been in capri pants as it has been warm enough although I have worn jeans occasionally. I think it will be cooler in Boone in the Blue Ridge. Then we will emerge and rush to visit the Paparellis where I hope to catch a glimpse of Julia who is with child… and then on to LaGrange to give Mom a big hug!  One week with Karla on the porch first. Love and God bless you! Sue

Susie's musings

They way our ancestors lived…

Life in New England:  Yesterday Dennis drove us up to Old Sturbridge, Mass. Old Sturbridge is a small village: a bunch of donated land and old houses trucked in from around New England and you have an old town as it might have looked right before the Civil War (the 1830s). We went to the sawmill and watched old machines make planks. A water wheel turns wheels and the saw goes up and down …  It was fascinating to see it done without fuel or motors. At Sturbridge they sheer the sheep and then card the wool to make it ready for the spinning wheel. We went to an old house where a lady was cooking… I think the flies freaked us out… but that was the way it used to be with no screens. Dirt, flies and barn smells none of us is used to… Finally… the beautiful trees are changing to reds and oranges. We’re off today for Eastford, Ct to visit another cousin!  We’re going to try to go to Washington DC to visit Rebecca Skipp. and then head south to Boone.  God bless you!

Susie's musings

autumn and apple pie

I made an apple pie using up all the New Hampshire apples…. YUM.  Dennis made a pumpkin pie.  It was wonderful too. Now we are plump(er). Yesterday we spent the whole day at "The Big E" the Fair!  We dropped the van off at a garage friend of Dennis’s on the way to the Fair in West Springfield, Mass.  Since it is a New England Fair they have buildings that each state in New England has their stuff in.  Oh my gosh the smells of the foods and candies that each state makes made me hungry so…  we went to a lovely restaurant called Storrowton… "Real American Food."  Chuck and I bought chairs for the porch in the Keys and a giant flag pole for the Keys with an American flag and a Navy flag. I guess the Fair guys could see us coming with our credit cards! There were crafts and lots of "October Fest beers." (I drank and liked Sam Adams pumpkin ale).  There was a long parade in the afternoon with 2 teams of Clydesdales and tiny ponies. During the parade, the garage guy called and he said he looked the van all over, checked fluids and bands etc and didn’t find anything wrong. The van just didn’t want to accelerate on a hill to pass a car. The van is polite… and she got cranky. This morning the boys will pick up the van and we will go someplace fun. OK. Cousins and Chuck are moving around so I need another cuppa Joe and need to finish getting ready to go out into Connecticut.  God bless you!

Susie's musings

Sunshine and colored leaves

It doesn’t get much better than the beauty of autumn.  A little bit of rain falls during the night and the lawns are green and trees are green, red, and yellow.  I’m sorry for the people of Boulder Co. who are suffering with the floods as this time of year "autumn’s mist and fruitfulness" is the richest.  We’re off to the fair to celebrate harvest and let us pray for those who don’t "have" and those who are suffering need and pain.  My Mom had an episode of breathlessness and spent a night in the hospital but I understand she is out and about again.  Thank God.  God bless us.

Susie's musings

On the lake in Connecticut

We arrived at Chuck’s cousin Laura and Dennis’ home in Stafford Springs, CT yesterday (Saturday) afternoon.  It only took about 5 1/2 hours with 2 stops to drive from SW Harbor, Maine to church in downtown Stafford Springs.  The church (St Edward the Confessor) was built by Franciscan fathers in the "early times."  This town was incorporated in about 1790 which is so amazing to us Floridians who are accustomed to being established after the Great Depression when they drained the swamps in south Florida.  After Mass, we went to a small family restaurant called Basils and then home to play with the giant dog who can "fetch" a tennis ball all night if you wish to throw it…   I like little dogs… but we have seen some giant ones on this trip.  We are now sitting outside looking at the clouds clear off the lake.  There are birds (chickadees and little red birds and other birds flying about… They don’t seem to be too interested in flying south.  The hummingbirds have not left Maine yet so we southerners will not get our birdies until later than we normally do.  Migrations seem to be later as autumns are warmer lately.)   The trees are turning… we have seen full red trees and full yellow trees and some half way turned… It will be fun to sit with a brush and paper to paint the lake.  Tomorrow we are going to a New England Fair called "The Big E" in Springfield, Mass. It is a huge multi state fair… It has buildings for each state and a "better living building" etc. etc.   Have a wonderful Sunday and God bless you!

Susie's musings

We talk of Lobster and Sailing

What is this? The Keys? No! It is Maine and we have had 4 days of sunshine!  Yesterday we packed up some stuff and headed out for a day of sailing on the Virginia J. She is 35 feet long, a lovely blue color, and she sails beautifully. We slathered with sunscreen, but I still got my lips sunburned. When we got home Dave made Scallops wrapped in bacon on the grill, and Moira made us lobster macaroni and cheese. I asked for the lobster mac because it is a new Maine specialty and I had it in Camden Maine.  Talk about mixing 2 favorite food groups.  Yesterday I made an apple pie and it was wonderful. At my friend Linda’s I added Baileys Irish Cream to the recipe and did it again here.  YUM. Later today, I’ll go out with Moira again to the peaceful retreat of the poet Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and the sculpter Richard Tuttle. Moira is closing up their house for the winter, and I volunteered to help. Just being there where beautiful art has been created is such a blessing. I am painting every day (or I try to set aside time to do that) and I will take paints to paint while the washer and dryer are doing their thing. Fattened up, we will be leaving tomorrow for Connecticut and then south to Boone, North Carolina. God bless you.

Susie's musings

SW Harbor and Acadia

As we drive from SW Harbor through Seal Harbor to Bar Harbor, it’s like we’re in a giant forest and indeed the Acadia national park was established before WWI by men who wanted to preserve the wilderness on the island that attracted the rich to build huge homes on the water.  If they hadn’t, we wouldn’t have anything left; just big houses. Rockefeller and Vanderbilt led the charge and a gentleman named Doer petitioned Congress for years to create the National Park.  Yesterday we took a trolley ride and went up to the top of the forest and down to the rocks that the sea batters. We visited Thunder Hole where the water rushes in and creates a giant air pocket that booms as the water rushes out.  Boom!  On the TV is bad news … The Naval Yard killings and the Boulder floods brought on partly by the fires last year that destroyed all the trees that would have protected the land.  We prepare beautiful dinners while the news tells of the suffering.  I pray that God bless us… Moira and I drove to a place on a protected area and only a few homes back there… Moira calls it the Spirit House because the owners (an artist and a poet) say there are mostly good spirits and only one bad spirit there. Moira maintains the house for the couple, opening and closing the house and providing help with small maintenance tasks.  She loves the couple who come up for a few months in the summer and create their art.  I helped Moira and I felt the creativity in the air of this eccentric "camp" of many small buildings… a living area, an art creation house, a boat house for sleeping. WOW!  The land is on a cove; the sleeping/boat house is on the beach that is really a beach, but at high tide will fill up all the way to the house. Two days of sunshine and we are going to test Maine’s generosity… tomorrow we plan to sail!  God bless you.

Susie's musings

Settled in – Re-Maine

Today we woke up in Camden, Maine which I highly recommend to first time Mainers. Plan to stay in one of the B&Bs near town and eat on Main, Atlantic or Bay Street. All 3 streets face the harbor and the view is delightful with old and new yachts and fishing boats. Water runs into the harbor from a river and you can sit in several restaurants right on the river above the harbor. As we are on our last story on CD, and it is a sleeper… We shopped for books on CDs and found 2 bags full… We visited the public library where we found paperbacks for 50 cents each, a really neat bookstore with a bargain table that yielded about 8 books on CD, and finally visited the Stone (I can’t remember the name of the store… stone something) you go through a door and then you face steep stairs, climb to the 2nd story and meet an eccentric gentleman (whom Chuck said reminded him of Dr. Skipp) who has assembled an amazing collection of books and CDs. I felt like I was in my library at home and fell to reading Yeats and ee cummings poetry. I looked through his extensive collection of books on CD and bought 2, and Chuck bought an old John Wayne film from 1930 that we had never seen… Can’t wait to find a DVD player. (the book seller said it was from his personal collection, but he’d sell it … of course he would. The shop was hardly busy and we were his only customers perhaps for the week (it being Monday perhaps I exaggerate).  We drove at a leisurely pace north on US1, stopped to eat some lobster chowder (Chuck) and clam chowder (me) and shrimp that was amazing (I only had one bite due to my shrimp allergy – I am being careful), we then turned into the group of islands that make up Bar Harbor and SW Harbor. We arrived at Dave and Moira’s lovely home and Chuck and Dave drove off to shop for lobster (excuse me… lobstah) and wine. First, I can’t believe we drank all the wine Chuck brought from Miami and the 2 bottles of Four Daughters we bought in Minnesota and the wine from the winery we visited in Ontario called The Good Earth. Second, we need lobstah to eat with the wine so off with you boys and come back with many bags. I contentedly agreed to stay home and unpacked my suitcase and several of my bags into a drawer and put my night gown and robe on the bed. Put on slippers and baggy sweat pants and tried to settle on the back porch, but the wispy mist of rain sent me indoors.  Now I’m on the soft green sofa in the front room, feet up, I’m settled. They might have to use a screw driver and pliers to pry me out of here, but I know we will have to move on, south, eventually. Time to rest and read while I await the return of the boys from shopping and Moira from work. (Boys came back, Moira returned, dog is being walked, and all is well).  God bless you.

Susie's musings

From Aspen to the Atlantic…

We did not get to the Pacific this trip so I can’t say… "from the Pacific to the Atlantic", but we did hit the Atlantic yesterday!  We left Sugar Hill, New Hampshire under beautiful clear blue skies… Chuck tore me away from the gardens and the green house, and smelling redolently of basil and thyme (Linda was gracious with her gifts of herbs, apples, corn and a big squash …) we headed east.  There is no graceful way to drive east from New Hampshire to Maine…. It is a bunch of small roads or you drive south to Boston on I93 and then go up on I95. We drove through lovely little towns and suddenly, like a clear bump! Hit the water!  It’s the Atlantic! Maine has a rugged, raggedy coast that we just drove north along and on the familiar old US1 which stretches from the Keys to Maine… We stopped yesterday in Camden, Maine which has a lovely harbor and visited for dinner with cousins who were spending a week here from Hartford.  We realized we had been to Camden on that wonderful motorcycle trip 5 years ago when Kenneth and Barbara celebrated their 50th and we drove up from Miami to celebrate it with them.  At that time, on a whim… "while we’re at it… while we’re here"  we drove up to Maine. Hard to believe that was 5 years ago.  Chuck has been talking to bikers all the way up, and now this morning, while the rain gently falls, he said, "I remember what it was like to ride the bike in the rain" (not pretty, dangerous, not romantic). "Wait a few days and it will clear", the Mainies say. Folks from Maine (I call them Mainies) have lived independent and tough for a long time. Look at the state on the map. They have fought off the British and the French and Indians… The state pokes up into Canada and it fights constantly the Atlantic which made its coast so craggy.  There, look, the rain stopped. We will walk around Camden and then head north into SW Harbor to stay with "old" friends Dave and Moira who have visited us on Big Pine Key. Tre trip is winding down, but not yet. We still might catch some "leaves" in Boone, NC.  God bless you.

Susie's musings

Big Blue Squash?

Still in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, after Apple Pie making (my first crust and pie making from scratch) and eating yesterday, today Linda picked tomatoes, and Joe and I went to the "upper garden" and picked swiss chard, a giant zucchini, and and a big blue squash and we plan to bake the squash and make fried zucchini like Mom loves, and I guess a salad with lettuce and tomatoes.  That’s a run on sentence… but you have to move quickly as it is wet from the rain yesterday and 50 degrees!  The big squash looks like a giant round watermelon but it IS bluish. Linda says it is a Blue Hubbard winter squash. After 2 rainy days, it’s crisp today in New Hampshire. Our friends just took a walk and I will try to do a big painting after I trim the swiss chard which I learned how to cook from my sister who grows it in pots in Jacksonville. Yum.  God bless you.

Susie's musings

Apple Picking

Today we talked of Robert Frost as we drove over beautiful tree lined country roads to the apple orchards.  We did not pick apples as it was raining and it rained even harder after we bought bags of apples and ran to the cafe for cinnamon-apple pancakes with real maple syrup. Voted the best apple orchard in New Hampshire, the little apple farm offers self-pick apples or buy the bags, and buy jams and jellys and other lovely gifts. We will make a pie later making the crust and filling here at Linda and Joe’s farm "Gate Bella" The Beautiful Gate.  There is a soft rain falling, but later, I will pick swiss chard from the "upper garden" and we’ll have it with meat loaf covered with Linda’s tomatoes and other goodies from the gardens.  Linda grows her own herbs, garlic and onions so we could just stay here and eat out of the garden… which we do except for example… the little trip to the apple orchard. I painted yesterday and I have 3 books stacked up to read. God is good and this is a little slice of Paradise here in New Hampshire.  God bless you!

Susie's musings

New Hampshire and auto parts

I promised my sister I would probably ruminate on auto parts because I remember the days when my father would lean half into the motor of our old Ford (I guess it was a Ford). He would tinker and tinker and come up with a greasy part that he would soak in gasoline to get the grease off and then tinker some more to fix that part, or go buy a new part, and then put it all back together and make the old car run again.  Remember? … We were coming back to the hotel in Saratoga Springs when Chuck said "remind me to check the oil." That isn’t good news, because he usually checks it every thousand or so miles and it’s fine.  We’ve travelled 6000 miles already in that dear old van and she has 106,000 miles on her "new Michelins." The oil pressure was dropping to 0 and the check engine light was coming on at that point.  So check the oil and it was fine, but I knew we had a day of "semi mountain" driving to get to Sugar Hill, New Hampshire ahead of us the next day.  So I prayed a lot, and woke up and asked Chuck to take it to a dealer, and he said yes.  So off we went and good thing too, it was drooping to 0 and asking us to check the engine.  So there we were on I87 south, me praying for September 11 victims, and Chuck praying for that oil pressure and we got lost at the correct exit (you usually can see those big car lots from the expressway) (wrong).  So we called them twice (Chuck sweating that light…) and finally pulled in and Chuck pulled right into the repair bay. Let them drive it out of there. He got a really nice service writer who showed us the Mall across the street and said she would call us about 3pm. So that means lunch and a movie which we never do on an afternoon….  Lunch at Olive Garden and a wild car racing movie called Getaway (if you like car chases with the Shelby race car – go see it!) It was a good, "wait for the car dealer to call" movie… and the phone rang. It’s fixed and not for an arm and a leg either.  It was a "sender"… Chuck had said it might be the oil pump, but apparently technology depends on computers and that is the end of guys like my dad cleaning up greasy parts and "fixing" the cars themselves.  I am possibly the last of the old fashioned people as I turn my cell phone off when I’m busy and I don’t text.  I do use a computer though…   Well, we are on a beautiful farm on the top of a hill in Sugar Hill New Hampshire. Home of Linda and Joe McCarthy (they are of Irish and Italian descent!).  Chuck is cleaning out the van… the laundry and bills and check book await and I guess I better get to "work" so I can get outside and paint.  God bless you.

Susie's musings

Back in the USA and heading East!

It was bittersweet to bid the mighty and powerful Niagara Falls goodbye as I don’t think we’ll return because we still have so much to see and I still want to retun to Ireland and the Holy Land…  busy busy – so many places to go.  It was a little disconcerting going through the border (it really always is) No "Welcome Home!!!"  But questions: "Where do you live? What country were you born? Where have you visited? Why did you go there?"  Then he told us to take off sunglasses and asked if he could look in the van…. "Sure" There’s nothing there but bags of dirty laundry, a half eaten loaf of bread, couple bags of crackers, plastic glasses strewn about, a cooler full of cheese, mustard, mayo, hard boiled eggs, meat from last night’s dinner to be made into sandwiches… etc and just stuff travelers carry in a cooler, and a cooler of what remains of the wine Chuck packed 6 weeks ago, and bags and bags of "Stuff going through to Miami" and bags of books we have purchased at book stores with 70% off sales… did I mention the dirty laundry?  And miscellaneous jackets and the rain gear we wore on the Maid of the Mist.  The van is pretty much a junk bin at this point.  "What’s in the cooler?"  Gulp… Wine we brought with us and 2 bottles we bought in Niagara on the Lake (and a pair of shorts, and some tonic water…) He looked through that and looked around at the piles of bags of stuff. I guess we don’t fit the profile. Then he came back around and said to Chuck "What state do you live in?" By this time I’ve forgotten my name… "OK, go ahead" he said.  I can’t blame the US for worrying about people coming in, it is the day before Sept 11 and that is one reason I said, "Let’s go home…"   Then with the dismissal we headed into Buffalo which isn’t the best place to go. Got out on I 90 and headed east towards friends’ farm in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire.  I picked Saratoga Springs to stop for the night because it is the Alma Mater of Julia Paparelli.  How charming the town is! They have painted ballet slippers and painted horses in the streets as an art exhibit. And the campus is beautiful.  While walking around campus, I picked up some leaves that have already turned color… and I noticed the fire hydrants with the flags on top so firefighters can find them in the snow.  I felt like we were parents looking for school possibilities for our child. We took photos (of course we took photos). And we send our love and prayers to kids who are starting school.  God bless you.

Susie's musings

Back to the USA

Tuesday morning. The Falls are still falling….  Huge and amazing as always. Thank God!  We slept well after dinner at the Secret garden and watching a little NFL.  I was asleep by 2nd quarter…I have window open and I’ll bet it’s no lower than 65 degrees.  Crossing the border here in Niagara by 8-8:30 am today (Tuesday)….. Going "home"  Will cross over northern New York headed for New Hampshire.  God bless you.

Susie's musings

Niagara: did I say amazing?

We are astounded at Niagara Falls.  This morning we took the Maid of the Mist ride into the clutches of the Horseshoe falls… and we snapped a million pictures! Some photos I am sure we won’t see a thing but fog as these falls make their own rain.  After that ride we headed up the Niagara river to take photos at the rapids and then the Royal Botanical Gardens and Butterfly Conservatory where a butterfly settled on Chuck’s finger as he was taking a photo and sat there for about 15 minutes.  We viewed lots of flowers and roses and then picnicked in the gardens (sandwiches made from last night’s lamb dinner up in the Skylon)… Then Chuck dropped me at the Falls while he took the van back to the hotel.  I just stood in one place and gazed (and took more photos).  What a memory we have.  We then walked the entire mile or so towards our hotel stopping for a "domestic beer" Molsen Canadian beer and then to the Secret Garden for dinner.  It was a really beautiful garden with a restaurant in the middle. Sat outside and just absorbed. Time to watch NFL TV with RGIII back in the saddle playing Michael Vick. and then… tomorrow morning (Tuesday) heading back into the USA! God bless you.

Susie's musings

Niagara Falls – a wonder of the world

I just wrote to my sister Donna that I haven’t spent any time on this trip working on the book idea which involves studying and writing about the Psalms…   I spend my quiet time studying roads, things to see, landmarks and how to get places, and as you can see from the blog… we have seen a lot!  Even with all the studying of materials… I have had a near miss or two… For example, near St Catherine I thought we would be just traveling through and get there late so I had Chuck pull into a Super 8 that AAA said was 2 stars… I thought "save a few bucks; it’s only to sleep in"… I had misgivings almost immediately, the lobby piled on more misgivings, and I asked the girl at the counter if I could see the room… it was such a definite no!!!  she had already run Chuck’s credit card so I got a refund and we went out of there.  We got a Comfort Inn in St Catherines and that is where I went to Mass this morning.  I just couldn’t even think of sleeping at that Super 8.  So like today I picked about 6 wineries and only one was brilliant… the first one. How do you top the best if you get it first?  When Tammy was competing in the Olympics this was the problem if the best team went first… the coaches would give them a low score because there were 7 teams to go… well today the first vineyard, called "The Good Earth," was beautiful, had good tasting wine at a affordable price, had a great chef-cooked lunch, in the garden with the owner a wonderful creative lady.  Can’t top it.  We went across the top of the wine region. If you look at your map it is across the bottom of Lake Ontario to Niagara on the Lake and then you come south on the Niagara River to Niagara Falls.  Our hotel might not be the greatest (like the big high rise Embassy Suites overlooking Horse shoe Falls), but I do have a balcony room with a King sized bed on the river.  You can’t see the river because the Niagara river is in the bottom of a giant crevasse (where the puma reside)… but it’s nice.  We walked to the Falls which are like a wonder of the world.  Took a million pictures, got into the mist which is like rain as you walk on the street. It’s about 65 degrees so it was not a welcome mist!  Then Chuck said, "let’s take the incline," so up we went.  We went up on the Skylon Tower and had dinner in the revolving restaurant (our second bottle of wine in the day)… absolutely amazing.  And who is going to look at all these pictures I took as we revolved over the Falls?  I guess I started this with… I make decisions to do stuff and who knows how it will turn out.  I smelled a lot of lovely roses today and sipped some good wine and saw the wonders of the world (and took their picture).  Thank God. I cannot believe it was just this morning that I was lost looking for that little Catholic church for Sunday Mass.  Amazing and wonderful.  Now I’m looking out at Bridal Veil Falls which the USA colors red white and blue at night.  When you get above them, like in the Skylon Tower, they fall from a normal looking river down a cliff about 170 feet (I googled that – it seems like a lot more!!!) Engineers have stopped the erosion a great deal.    Amazing – Thank you God. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Keeping close to the water…

We left Tobermory this morning and headed south intending to stop someplace but continued on to St Catherine on Lake Ontario and ate dinner at a port called Port Dalhousie. I have marked off 4 wineries to visit before going on to Niagara Falls tomorrow, and if it isn’t raining tomorrow (today was chilly and damp…) we’ll visit and picnic at the wineries and head to Michael’s Inn on River Road Niagara Falls.   Plan to stay 3 nights. Hope for a little change to warmth in the weather.  Peace on earth.  God bless you!

Susie's musings

Tobermory (where?)

Hi my dear blog friends… Yesterday we drove to Sault Ste Marie from Mackinaw City and took the "Soo locks tour." When explorers decided it would be a good thing to get boats into Lake Superior from Lake Huron… they couldn’t get boats through the rapids between the 2 rivers; Superior is 21 feet higher than Huron… so they built locks.  Been there done that.  Then we crossed the border into Canada, ate lunch in a park looking back on the Soo locks boat terminal and then went to the "I" (the information center.)  The really nice lady at the "I" suggested that rather than going to Sudbury and turning south, we turn south sooner and go through an island to the ferry and over to Tobermory.  She must have recognized our love for harbors and anything to do with water… so off we went.  The ferry was scheduled to go at 8:15 and the GPS was saying 7:15 eta.  The "I" had said we would be there by 5:30.  Well as it turns out, our GPS must not recognize that the mileage # is in kilometers which is about 50% less than miles.  So I sweated missing the ferry a little… and we arrived at 5:30.  We can use the GPS for directions only.  The ferry was huge and we arrived on time at 8:30pm in Tobermory.  Checked into the Princess a little hotel overlooking the harbor and awoke to a drizzly cool day… Will walk through the harbor, look into art galleries etc and then meander towards Saint Catherine north of Niagara Falls.  All is well but, like Dorothy…   "There’s no place like home…"  Love and God bless our friends at Saint Peters church on Big Pine Key who are sick.  Pray my dears for an end of suffering and war.  Today Pope Francis has asked us to pray.  Love Sue

Susie's musings

Whitefish and Trout

Fish is the name of the game here on Lake Huron.  We’re moving through so much country that I have trouble remembering what state we’re in and what Lake we’re on…  Today is the shore of Lake Huron in Mackinaw City, Michigan. Last night we tried to go on a sunset cruise on the Ugly Anne, but the waves were too high under the bridge so we’re going to try again tonight. The weather is amazing. Sunny and warm, but need a light jacket.   Lots of sea birds (mostly sea gulls and geese). We stopped in at the American Legion last night before going to the Irish pub… and today stopped in again at the Legion to see if the same guys were there… different guys and they suggested we should go over the top through Sault St Marie ("the Soo") because the border crossing is so much easier and the ride south past the Georgian Bay is so much prettier than going on I75 through the peninsula.  It is the same I75 we drive in Florida!  So….. tomorrow morning we will go north back over that 5 mile suspension bridge (yikes… my edgeophobia will be in full gear) to turn south at the "Soo" and then come south along the Canadian Lake (Georgian Lake) and cross into Niagara Falls from the north.  Eating our way in fish through Michigan… burp. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Art and submarines in Manitowoc

Sitting on the western shore of Lake Michigan, on a bench dedicated to a lady who passed away a year ago (born in my year, 1947), with artist paint on my fingers, I take up the computer as pen to try to project this amazing beauty that Miami and Key West mimic, and sometimes best. The besting part is that one can sit by southern waters 365/24/7 and never need more than a light coat.  Several Wisconsinites have stopped by my bench to comment on my painting and to say, “That light coat you’re wearing… multiply it by 3 for our winters!" With a gesture towards the harbor, they finish with, "This will be ice.” The thought of ice from my cozy bench all the way to the 2 light houses makes me shiver in anticipation.  It will be cold tomorrow I think as we search for a place to sit outside in St. Ignace at the top of the Michigan peninsula where Lake Michigan meets Lake Huron.  As a self taught artist, I look at my painting of the lighthouse and think “the perspective is wrong… it’s really not that color… etc” but what counts is trying to receive the beauty and save it.  Everywhere we go (museums, stores, restaurants) we try to support local work.  Like today supporting the Ice Cream Parlor that has been active since the early 1900s as a family business and the Maritime Museum where we visited the submarine Cobia who sank 13 Japanese ships worth about 20,000 tons of enemy shipping. She was restored for the waterfront here.  She is faithfully restored and beautiful and we thank the people of Manitowoc who love her.  When the Cobia stories are told, included is a story about a sailor named Ralph Clark Huston who was killed on the Cobia by Japanese gunfire in a "running gun battle" and buried at sea.  The Cobia was driven into the mud by depth charges by the Japanese ship that sank the USS Losarto, but the Cobia survived. Also celebrated in Manitowoc is the USS Losarto who was built in Manitowoc and sunk by a Japanese ship in 1945. There is a day of remembrance here in Manitowoc, and the USSVI (the convention we just attended) was formed by WWII vets to "remember."  As congressmen men and women debate marching into Syria with our bombs, I wish we would "remember" and stop going to war. … In our tolling of the boats ceremony, we celebrate the lost submariners and say they are “On eternal patrol.”  Well the young man supposedly stayed with the Cobia for lost things are returned, and other mysterious events occur… Let us say thank you young soldiers and sailors. I’m looking up at 2 lighthouses… this is the western end of Lake Michigan and I guess she blows here sometimes to need 2 lighthouses! I tried to paint them… (This was written at sunset on Tuesday evening) … I also watched sunrise and we’re packing to head north around the peninsula on Wednesday morning!  God bless you.

Susie's musings

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi bye…

Today (Labor Day, Monday) we say goodbye to the Mississippi and seriously head east to Manitowoc, Wisconsin.  Actually yesterday when we arrived from Rochester into Winona, we took the bridge next to our hotel into Wisconsin for lunch.  We are in a small motel called AmericInn (I feel a little funny about them not spelling out America).  We have a tiny balcony that holds 2 chairs overlooking the Mississippi river.  We sat out there and talked to the many motorcyclists parking below and touring the roads… You can drive a long way up and down the Mississippi on small roads which is nice.  Today we head east to a town on another body of water… Lake Michigan. We met two ladies from the Maritime Museum there who offered to show us their submarine the USS Cobia. Looking back… yesterday we visited the Minnesota Marine Art Museum here in Winona. A small museum with a brilliant exibition that is here from August 6 to October 20 of this year. Illuminating the Word: The Saint John’s Gospel. The Benedictine Monks at the St John’s University in Minnesota decided to produce an illustrated Bible and chose a brilliant calligrapher and artist out of Wales (Donald Jackson.) If you get the chance… look on the web and even purchase parts of the Bible (it is reproduced in smaller forms than its original and you can purchase for example, Gospels and Acts, Letters, Revelation, ect.) The original is 3 feet by 2 feet when open and it is amazing colors enhanced by much Gold. Images of God and angels are gold… UknowWho is in darkest ebony and purple colors…   Ended the day with a stroll along the Mississippi and will begin today with a short jaunt along the banks of the river before crossing her for the last time this trip headed east.  Love to you and God bless you.

Susie's musings

Saying "shipping out" and "gaoooga gaoooga"

Saturday August 31, was an amazing day. The best! I thought I would stay in the room and "clean up" as the room and every crevice is full of "stuff".  We have collected Navy memories and information paperwork on the next 3 conventions (SFO, Pittsburgh, Reno)… For now, let’s talk about yesterday… We heard music in our room (we overlook Peace Plaza) and Chuck looked out and said, "they’re putting up tents" I looked out and said, "there’s a Jamison tent." Suddenly we realized there are leprechauns and fairies down there, and a band on the stage. Grab a cuppa coffee and out we go. We started listening to music and Chuck said "you need a tee shirt" and it was down hill from there. We listened to a wonderful band, a trio, a couple (all very Irish and with amazing beautiful voices). I had committed to go with several ladies on a trolly that was running especially for us to the Convent at Assissi on the heights.  The founding sister is the one who told Dr. Mayo if he staffed it she would build a hospital in Rochester. He did and she did. St Mary’s is the first of many Mayo buildings. The sisters are committed to working for Peace. I came back and went into a quiet room to watch a DVD on County Cork and ended up buying the DVD.  It is wonderful (did I say wonderful already?). Then I went to Mass for the last time and said goodbye to the big angel in the garden, and back to dress for the banquet.  Rear Admiral Mark Kenny (submarine commander and now in Naval support of counterterrorism and special ops) was our speaker. He gave a few statistics that I still haven’t got completely right… After Pearl Harbor the submarine force represented under 2% of the entire Navy. We headed out into the Pacific and destroyed about 60% of Japanese shipping at great loss; submarine deaths represented 20% of Naval deaths.  We celebrated the WWII veterans and then moved forward through cold war and into the nuclear age… I thought, "these guys here are pioneers and we are still out there…"  Several quotes from the dinner:  "Fortune favors the bold"  Submarines are "lurking where there is trouble… prowling the deep… pride runs deep… operating in denied areas… alone and unafraid."  He said, don’t listen to the stuff coming out of Washington… "don’t lose hope."  To close… in May a Submarine memorial will be dedicated in Washington DC, so don’t be surprised if we disappear North to celebrate that.   In a moment we’ll say goodbye to this convention and Rochester and head east to Winona and the Maritime museum there.  Mississippi River, here we come!  Heading East… God bless you.

Susie's musings


Hi dear friends. What a great few days we have had in Rochester Minnesota. We had a tour to Lanesboro (a small art community) and 4 Daughters Winery with lunch.  The vineyard broke up the corn plots.  With the miracle of modern science, farmers are able to grow vines that withstand winters of 20 to 40 degrees below zero.  Next day we went on a tour of a nearby Amish community and a farm. I am so spoiled!  The farmer drew us into the barn to talk about livestock, and it was all I could do to listen and look interested as I dodged cowpies and flies and tried to breathe! Life lived simply is hard. … The Amish youngsters and women live bare footed, with hats and long sleeved blouses, they don’t seem to notice the smell of manure or the flies. The children seem small to me… we talked to two 14 year old boys who are finished with school and already working the fields and work shops. They seemed so small, but the men are bigger.  The farm wife cooked a meal for us and fed about 60 sailors and brides lunch in her front yard under trees. She fed us full and then brought out 5 kinds of dessert and home made ice cream!  Some of the women and I noticed her feet and ankles (we would have our mothers in the emergency room due to the purple veins standing out on her lower legs)… then my cohort reminded me she had probably had 14 children and maybe was in her late 50s…  yikes are we spoiled. We visited a wheelwright and buggy maker, and all I can say is God bless them for trying to live a simple life so as to be closer to God.  It got hot and we were overcome (96 degrees).  That evening Chuck and I walked through a street festival where he bought me two hand made ceramic angels and a beautiful cross. With a cold beer (ice in mine) we walked over to Soldiers Field Veterans Memorial for the Tolling of the Boats. We looked at the Honor Bell that Rochester women have refitted and carry around Minnesota to memorial and patriotic celebrations and then settled in to remember 65 lost boats that are considered to be on eternal patrol. Submarines represent about 1 1/2 percent of the total Naval force, but percentage wise they lost more boats while sinking great quantities of enemy vessels. A young lady from the National Eagle Center in Wabasha, Minnesota on the Mississippi led the flags in carrying a large bald eagle on her arm. The ceremony was prayer, the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance and the naming of the boats and bell tolling with each name and the number of men lost. We closed with prayer and Taps. Today (Friday) I was able to get to Mass again and then we jumped on a bus and went to the National Eagle Center and then to a paddle boat ride on a big lake in the middle of the Mississippi River. Dave called to say the Univeristy of Miami played a football game while we were out, and … well I hope they won. Tomorrow I might get up to the Franciscan sisters retreat center with some ladies. I slipped into the ladies luncheon after Mass and listened to a sister of 60 years in the convent talk about "Family." Basically her message to us is try to create a space in life in which we live the Gospel. Accept one another in gladness (conscious of our own weakness and need for healing – welcome others). Give praise to God by being conscious of the gifts of the earth (she tends bees and gardens and helps with causes such as defense of women against sexual and labor slavery). Strive to bring about change for the good. How do we do good things? Every day, receive the day and bring about good. Keep faith growing and love flowing.  So what better way to close this night?  God bless you dear readers.

Susie's musings

Rochester, Mayo Clinics

When we pulled into Rochester, I felt like it was the Jackson Memorial Hospital, Univ of Miami, Bascom Palmer hospital complex in Miami, but ever so much cleaner and with well thought out "subways" that connect parking to buildings and gardens. This morning (Tuesday) I took up a map and walked all over the underground system, coming out occasionally to visit gardens. Found St John the Evangelist church which has a beautiful garden with a big statue of an angel (I think it is Michael) holding a baby.  We ate breakfast with old friends and we have tours on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  The weather will be hot with heat warnings but I can stay underground except when on tours.  We have a big peace garden right next to the hotel that I have to go out and explore yet… God bless you!

Susie's musings

Clear Lake to Rochester (Mn)

A glance back at the week past:  We took the boat out every lunch time and had a meal at one of the local places on the lake. We would sit just like we do in Key West and people/ duck/ bird watch and eat. I packed most of the food up for a 7pm snack. I noted the following:  "Mother Nature is having a great day. The lake is calm and serene. I watched a large gaggle of birds (geese?) fly in formation. The leaders dropped back, others took their place and the entire herd changed formation and reemerged as the V they are supposed to fly in."  We had lazy days in Clear Lake… When our friends Tim and Kyla were with us I walked the dog who is very cute and loves Chuck who gave the dog too many treats!!!!   I went to Mass at 8:30 am every day and on Friday, Mass was at a care center where I met some lovely people. One lady said she wasn’t sick, just old. She looked wonderful!  After Mass, routine was drink coffee and paint, work on a puzzle (we completed 500 and 1000 piece puzzles), read, whatever. The hot water heater misbehaved and our friend Tim called the building manager and a plumber so we hosted them and they worked very efficiently.  In Miami and the Keys, our friend Dave showed Chuck how to reboot the hot water heater, but this one had been rebooted a lot and it was ready to be replaced.  It was replaced because it was old.  Made me think of what we do in our throw away society… throw away the old… never mind; don’t go there!   My knees have been hurting with a lot of walking so I had to give up long walks, I hope temporarily. Several people have told me about people who have had knees replaced in their early 60s and even sooner.  I am NOT looking forward to that even though the orthopedic surgeon I saw in January is cute… I’m just not looking forward to the big cut and the pain. I loosened up leg muscles with Kyla who was going for a run, and then I took a long walk, and my knees didn’t hurt afterwards.  I will try to keep exercising, but  I might have to trust the wisdom of the surgeon who told me my knees are bad. Like the hot water heater, old knees that get cranky get thrown out because they’re old. On Monday morning (August 26th) we packed up and loaded the van for the less than 2 hour drive to Rochester.  Driving into the hotel was like driving into Jackson Memorial hospital…  The convention hotel is directly across the street from Mayo treatment center. There are many hospitals and 2 churches in walking distance (St John Evangelist and St Francis of Assisi). I will be able to go to daily Mass tomorrow and get a bulletin and schedule.  Also there will be street market and festival on Thursday.  We brought our chairs.  We are taking 2 guys out for dinner whom we made friends with at past conventions and we look forward to sharing old stories!  Have a wonderful week. God bless you!

Susie's musings

Beer’s good. Boat starts!

Beer’s good. Boat starts. Mother Nature seems a little iffy…. she would like to rain, but I think she’s holding out.  Chuck and I are sitting in a quiet corner of PM Park where we can get a burger and a beer in air conditioned comfort with WiFi… and I was watching the children playing outside… then the food arrived at the outside table where their Moms were sitting and the children ran in from many corners to eat. 2 Moms and about 6 children.  Then it apparently started sprinkling and in they came. How cute.  Little children on vacation. Chuck reminded me of the story telling we heard in Santa Fe where the giant said: "I think I want to eat little children!"  Naughtiness abounds. I think Chuck and I need adult supervision.  We have somewhat planned our trip east after our week in Rochester… will reveal more later.  God bless you!

Susie's musings

Center of America… Beef and corn!

Thursday we left our haven with Christy in Denver where the 10+ pound cat jumped up on our bed with a big woomp and if it was unlucky enough to get near Susie’s feet, was unceremoniously kicked off to a loud lummmmpf. Mostly the cat slept on the floor or in our suitcases, but it did spend some time at our feet which was fun.  We packed after a week at Christy’s and the cat was inconsolable, slipping into every open suitcase, hiding under piles of dirty laundry, watching very closely if the garage door got opened… OK so we said “we’ll take you with us.” Christy said we couldn’t take the cat… We drove to Lincoln,  Nebraska, and I was really impressed (as I usually am when we drive across America)… As we left Denver behind us, the mountains disappeared and the plains began.  Corn fields and cows abound and not much else.  When we stopped for gas, there was nothing but the gas station… It felt a little odd. 7 hours of corn fields and nothing else.  We drove into Lincoln which is the home of the big red “N”… The Nebraska Cornhuskers.  We drove through town and saw the University and several concert halls, ate dinner, and then off to bed.  We continued to drive on route 80 which is an interstate that takes the course of the old pony express riders’ trails… a straight line across the plains into Des Moines. Route 80 continues east, but we turned north and headed up to Clear Lake where we are right now (Friday evening)!  Basking in middle America sunlight and looking out over the big lake in the town where the music died (Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper performed their last concert here at the Surf Ballroom and then crashed).  We will launch the boat and go to dinner when Tim arrives. All is well. Saturday passed with eating sweet corn and beef and boating… and a vigil Mass at St Patrick church. …. Sunday meanders to a close as people leave the lake to go back home wherever that is.  I can drive easily to the small Catholic Church in town where I can go when they have daily Mass (Tuesday, Wed, Thursday).  We take the boat across the lake to town and the VFW (where I will send this message via Wi Fi next time we go) and we ear sweet corn and burgers or go to one of the several lake side eateries… like pubs where we can catch a picnic table and watch sunset.  Last night sunset was spectacular. The moon is half full and a giant planet hangs in the west after sunset. I’m thinking Saturn, Kyla thought it was Mars…    We’re also working on a puzzle of Key West that Tim and Kyla graciously provided. I don’t have internet access here at the lake and we might have to go across the lake into town to find a wi fi spot … look for me to emerge every once in a while with tales of the lake. God bless you.   Ps: Monday morning, Tim and Kyla are back in Des Moines (with Tim working to pay our social security) and we woke up to a little cloudy and 60 degrees.  Chuck chose to lounge and read and drink coffee while I took off to the north around the lake… I only walked for about a mile (21 minutes) before turning back, and it was all wonderful… It’s like Big Pine Key’s cousin… walk along the lake and the shore across the way looks like an island. Houses look over the lake and it’s like we’re home on Big Pine / Doctor’s Arm /Coral Way.  The “only difference” is this place will be covered with 5 feet of snow come November. They melt out around May and start really boating in June, and close up the sidewalks in September. One of many good parts about visiting at this time of year is the sales in the small shops that will close for the winter in Sept.  It warmed up and we launched the boat and came over to town to hang out in the VFW for the beer and WI FI.  It’s windy and they don’t have cleats on the town dock, so Chuck was a little concerned about leaving the boat… …. But we’ll leave here and go back on the lake to an outdoor restaurant to eat, read and paint..   Love to you, God bless you.

Susie's musings

Painting running water in dry creek

We’re staying in a beautiful home in Denver that has a little creek running behind the house. So far on walks we’ve found 2 water falls over rocks… the name of the creek is Little Dry Creek. It is neither little nor dry!  There are bunnies in the yard, but I don’t try to paint them (here one minute… gone the next).  Today I let Chuck off the hook and I went to the Denver Botanical Gardens with my hostess Christy’s Mom Sue.  Chuck got a hair cut and did a little shopping. The Botanical Gardens were wonderful (and free due to my Fairchild Tropical Gardens membership). I ate a wonderful meal with Sue that will last me until tomorrow! Great weather, beautiful sunshine with the Rocky Mountains in the background.  Can’t complain.  Mike asked if I really didn’t like Independence pass!  No Mike I didn’t.  If there is a fear of edges… "edgerophobia" … Fear of falling off edges, then I have it. Today when Sue showed me her condo on the 15th floor we went to the balcony edge and I could feel the floor moving…. a little vertigo anyone? I don’t think we’ll see any more mountains as we head east on Thursday morning. We’ll sleep in Lincoln Nebraska and arrive at our next vacation spot in Clear Lake Iowa on Friday (Clear Lake is a big lake in the middle of northern Iowa and is the home of the big Bopper’s and Buddy Holly’s last concert).  We’ll boat and walk until we go off to the convention in Rochester Minnesota. Having a wonderful summer.  Hope you are well. Love! Sue

Susie's musings

Dinner prep…

Back in Denver! We tried to get me to "cheater Mass" and roared into All Souls Catholic church here near Christy’s at 2 minutes to 5.  Would have been good except Mass started at 4:30… So came on to Christy’s to be embraced by the smells of a wonderful Sesame Chicken with bok choy and other wonders being prepared for us. Christy’s Mom and sister Linda will be joining us and we dearly miss Kathy, the third sister. We have now delivered and helped hang as much Denver/Aspen art as possible and next Wednesday will turn eastward again to deliver art at Clear Lake, Iowa.  I will take Chuck for walks in Denver parks and maybe leave him to read while I visit the botanical gardens.. or maybe drag him along!  For now dear friends and family. I lift a glass and say, "Thanks be to God we made it safe from the mountains!" I welcome the plains!  Well amazing amazing! Kathy’s child Julia just walked in with her grandmother, and Julia is pregnant!  So we will have a wonderful celebration dinner.  Love Susie

Susie's musings

Independence Pass to Aspen

Christy gave us directions from Denver to Aspen and then we turned on the GPS. Both started out the same… then the GPS turned us off the expressway and onto the road that takes us near the highest peak in Colorado (14433 ft).  I have nightmares about rides like that.  Independence Pass is closed during the winter, and is a narrow two lane road with no guardrails.  Once you’re on it, you don’t really have a way off especially if you’re in a big van like we have.  At a certain point I was crying because if you have ever gone down into a pit, or over a super narrow road with your side pressed to the mountain, you realize that you have to climb back out or come back on that road with your side to the … edge.  I was leaning toward the mountain (as if that would help) and whimpering thinking of helicopter or airplane from Aspen back to Denver. The road to the Monastery was bad, but I felt I was on a pilgrimage and therefore protected from falling over the edge…   I finally had the presence of mind to blow my nose and find the map of Colorado.  I found Denver and found where the GPS directed us over a tiny thin black squiggly line to Aspen and discovered that there is a nice easy way out that I am sure Christy intended for us to come in on.  That actually made me feel better, but when we finally descended into Aspen and took a walk, I couldn’t enjoy it.  Dinner was lovely and then we had lots of talk with Glenn to whom we delivered the last of the art. He has walked the Camino through the Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela in Spain and will be spending 2 months there in a few weeks. Bed was nice in a cool dark room.  They don’t need air conditioning here with 60 degree nights. This morning Chuck and I walked into town (about 4 blocks over a little creek) and I drank mocha lattes and strolled through the roadside market, purchased wine, salmon, tomatoes, bread, mountain honey, and came back to help Glenn hang the art. While the boys hang giant paintings (and tried to hang a big heavy mirror over the fire place) I walked about outside taking photos of the green and lush ski runs, flowers, rocks, and trees. We are done now so I think we are going to head back to Denver…  God bless you!

Susie's musings

Arrived in Denver

The first stage of our trip is over. We left Taos this morning and spent some harrowing time in the mountains… then caught the interstate to Denver. Unloaded the van with some paintings into Kathy Paparelli’s sister Christy’s house and settled in with cat in lap to check the bank books, pay bills, drink wine, and watch bunnies in the back yard. All is well. I expect to be writing all the time I am here as I proposed a book on the Psalms to my current publisher (23rd Publications).  If they don’t take the proposal (they are reviewing tomorrow on our 43rd wedding anniversary)… I’ll write it anyway and propose elsewhere.  I’d like them to take it as they did a great job on my first book.  Chuck will be driving to Aspen with Christy with some paintings on Friday. I’ll keep you posted! God bless you!

Susie's musings

What are the Odds?

What are the odds that at a small outdoor café (6 tables) in Santa Fe, New Mexico three adjacent tables would have submarine sailors?  I have been wearing my ball cap that I got two conventions ago. It reads USS Quillback, SS424. One guy sat down and said "I was on the Trout before I went nuc." Immediately the guy at the next table chimed in with the names of his subs and the banter began. Chuck’s reply was "I was on a real sub, not a floating hotel" (which is what diesel boat men call nuclear subs.) We shared stories over good café food and amongst beautiful flowers for an hour before everyone peeled off one to Denver, one to Taos, and Chuck and me to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadaloupe. Let me return to the morning… Chuck dropped me off at the Georgia O’Keeffe museum at 10am where I broused the exhibit and gift store while waiting for my docent tour at 10:30.  Our tour guide was a retired lawyer who loves art…  He talked all about O’Keeffe and her work. She lived 97 years and painted until 2 years before her death.  He then took me around to show me some paintings. In all I was there for 2 hours of bliss. Then I went with Chuck to the Monk’s store (we’ve been drinking Monk’s ale and we’ll go up to the Monastery tomorrow). and then I went to find the oldest church San Miguel (Saint Michael the Archangel) where I enjoyed a nice talk with the volunteer on duty about the church and Catholicism (no matter where I am in the world, a Catholic church is always the same!).  I found Chuck seated at the cafe when I exited!  the rest is history… After a full day of visiting museums and churches we went to the Town Plaza and sat in our chairs with wine to listen to 3 hours of country music and watch the 2 stepping dancers. What fun. Our "next chair neighbors" had a wonderful sweet dog who kept looking for popcorn scraps that kids dropped.  He was mostly sleeping but when the crowd would give a rousing applause, he would bark!  To bed to sleep to get ready for the morrow’s road trip.    Tuesday morning we headed for Abiquiu, the home of Georgia O’Keeffe. We began to see the amazing colored hills and flat tops and just amazing beauty that made O’Keeffe love the Abiquiu area of New Mexico.  "Just up the road" is the monastery. We found the sign for the Monastery and turned left… 13 miles ahead. Chuck said, "are you sure you want to go there" He doesn’t like to go "off path" for 13 miles in and then 13 miles back out. "Yes."  OK. Suddenly, within 100 yards, the paved road stopped. Do you know the terms washboard and ruts? My tummy sank, 13 miles of this. It got worse. As we climbed into the desert the dirt road narrowed and narrowed some more. The edge became a cliff and Chuck kept driving on. "It’s like a pilgrimage," I said. Later Chuck told me that if a tire went into the rut at the side of the road, or off the road as the van occasionally skittered, we couldn’t get out. Driving a big 2 wheel drive van loaded with art over that road wasn’t the safest (or smartest). At each mile marker I’d say, "5; only 8 to go." Going in was the slowest longest ride I’ve ever taken. At one point when we got to a gorge and looked down at the flowing water – at the 7 mile marker "only 6 miles to go" I was sure we might not make it. "This is worse than the road to Hana." Chuck said "Croage Patrick where pilgrims crawl up a mountain but not in a big van loaded with art." Or it’s like the ungraded road he and Dick used to use to get to the hunting site. After an hour of that, I saw the out buildings and a parking site. "All cars park here" the sign said.  Meanwhile I wanted to get to a 1pm service called Sext when the Monks chant the liturgy of the hours.  It was 12:40 and I have a bum knee that hasn’t been very happy with all the walking we’ve been doing. Chuck said "I’ll drop you off." We climbed on now gravel and rock and Chuck said, "Get out, we’re sinking!" I left him to get back down to the parking lot… I went into a beautiful silent chapel with about 15 "civilians" and then the Monks started coming in. We chanted the prayers and the monk master took the civilians off and so I went into the meditation garden and the little shop. With a silent Monk praying nearby, I found some books like I always do. You write down what you want and put credit card #s on a sheet of paper and put it in a basket…   I’ve been trying to cut back on buying books, but I just can’t resist the books here in New Mexico. Back down to the van and I found Chuck happy and reading. Only 13 miles to get out of there.  With approximately 10 miles to go, we stopped on the way out to talk to a Park Ranger (it is the Sierra National Forest) he said, "OH you shouldn’t have any trouble, unless it rains…" We were looking at the darkest sky and the wind was rising. I took about a million pictures and we did stop to look at the running water in the gorge. With only 5 miles to go it rained, but Chuck was able to go a little faster after we crowded over to the side to let a road grader go through. On to Taos and a beautiful steak dinner with table cloths and wine!  On to Denver this morning.  God bless you

Susie's musings

The Cayote and the Skunk

Our mission in Santa Fe: see, taste, absorb. Sunday was a beautiful day. There was a good breeze and clouds by noon that broke the heat spell (100 degrees).  I visited the Loretto church with the spiral staircase that couldn’t be built the way it is… and lasts 100 years later, beautiful and strong. We took a tram tour and visited Canyon Road (all the galleries) and museum hill (Native American museums), then we went to the Loretto Mission and Spa for lunch.  I expected exhorbitant prices, but we drank Monk’s Ale made up in the Monastery and had $15 brunches. Not too bad.  I then went on to The Museum of Indian Women in the Arts and an exhibit of the paintings of Helen Hardin, the middle woman in a family of women artists. Helen’s mother is Pablita Velarde, the first Indian woman to professionally paint for a living. Helen received her mother’s talent and took it to the moon and Helen’s daughter is now preserving the legacy with a gallery and painting career of her own.  They are blessed, beautiful, accomplished women who had to sacrifice to use their talents, but OH how amazing is their work.  We are so conscious of using the term Native American and in Santa Fe, they are called Indian.  We see a lot of wonderful colorful art and dress and jewelry here. I have visited museums, galleries and churches and will do 3 more today (Monday) but again, I’m ahead of myself! After the museum, Chuck and I strolled once again through the Plaza and the last day of the Arts and Crafts Fair then drove up Canyon road to stop occasionally and photograph painted doors and adobe walls and amazing galleries! I saw a sign for Fine Judaic Art and we pulled "down" a hill to a beautiful little museum. The artist is Sara M. Novenson and she has written and illustrated Women of the Bible and the Psalms.  She showed me her work. For example she illustrates the Song of Songs, or Bible story or Psalm and surrounds the painting with script (in Hebrew).  I took her card and information and told her I would like to keep in touch as I too am working on the Psalms and would love to incorporate her work  somehow (vision, illustrations).  I always try to be aware of "angels" who guide me… You never know – her sign was really small and I totally missed it when we drove by on the tour… I was supposed to spot her sign at 5pm as she was closing up. I was supposed to find her. We then climbed back up out of that tiny parking lot (we are in a very big van and it can be cumbersome but gets us around…) We then continued up to find Museum hill to find the Storytelling at the Wheelwright Museum. Well the museum was closed at 5pm but I knew I saw the Storytelling information someplace. So I said, "Let’s just go sit on that bench and you read and I’ll draw for a while" (we had about 1 1/2 hour to "kill"). There are 4 museums up there on the top of a hill – all closed at 5pm.  We sat, and I drew while Chuck read, and then 2 cars pulled in!  A family who came to picnic before the story telling!  Great! Then the wind started blowing and giant black clouds threatened … actually the black clouds and lightening stayed over the mountains. Cars began to arrive and we became a part of America as little children played ball, families settled on blankets, and the Peabodys pulled out chairs and shared wine with a veteran. Chat chat chat and then the story teller started with a story about the Cayote and the Skunk. He went on to tell the legend of an Indian boy whose mother lost him, but the cayote carried him to the deer to be raised.  All the stories had obedient children and the changing of hearts to the good.  Wonderful stories! We then realized we couldn’t find our way back down to the hotel and so used our trusty GPS to get us there. Arrived safe. Today is cool out due to the storms. We’ll visit the Georgia O’Keeffe museum near the Plaza, 2 churches (Guadaloupe and San Miguel – both about 400 years old), and maybe a small Italian restaurant, or some small restaurant about 3pm.  Then at 6pm Music on the Plaza in the bandstand begins. Repeat last night: get out the chairs, jackets and blanket, wine. Ummmmmm. Santa Fe: have I told you lately that I love you?

Susie's musings

Bats on the mountain!

Dear readers! What a lovely two days we have had here in the West.  First let me tell you about Carlsbad Caverns.  If you haven’t been, or if you are grandparents (Donna and Lee) take the kids, grandkids and head west. I strongly recommend the caverns in Sonora and then Carlsbad Caverns, both a far distance from most of my east coast friends and family, but so impressive.  And to top off a visit to Carlsbad’s King’s Palace and "The Big Room" among others, you get Bats!  During the summer about 1/2 million bats live at Carlsbad in one cave.  So after an impressive cave tour and then an educational talk by the park ranger, 300 people trooped into an outdoor amphitheater and everyone turned off all electrical devices and we became really quiet. Even the babies and small children waited….. and then! out came bats. Now we have done this on our lake with friends Ron and Cindy. So when the bats were coming out in groups of 20s and I was squealing (silently!) Chuck whispered,"Cindy’s is better." I think it’s because we get wine at Cindy’s while we wait…. And there aren’t 300 people all around. And we don’t have to drive 1/2 hour down the mountain at 9pm… that night we drove on to Artesia, New Mexico and then this morning drove into Santa Fe over desert mesas. Wow is that drive boring!!!! I guess tumbleweed isn’t for me. We got a hotel for 3 nights in Santa Fe for a very reasonable rate and went to the Downtown Plaza where we visited an Arts and Crafts festival and I went to Mass in the San Francisco Cathedral on the plaza. The Cathedral is named for Saint Francis of Assissi.  After Mass we had drinks and snacks and then came back to the room to blog and drink wine and snack.  Tomorrow is a busy day of churches and museums. Chuck loves that!!!!!  Be well dear friends and have a wonderful weekend!  God bless you!

Susie's musings

Are we thankful for unsought gifts? Are we aware of them?

It’s a long story that generated the title of this piece… I’ll start with when I packed to go to my Mom’s I left a giant pile of stuff on the dining room table for Chuck to pack in the van. Clothes and shoes for northern climates, paints, brushes, books. I only took a small bag to my Mom’s.  The paints are for afternoons spent gazing at skies and mountains, flowers and sunsets, trying to “capture God’s Grandeur” with color. Chuck found a wonderful hard sided “brief case” that I put many selected and beloved paints in so when I open it, I can see all the browns and greens, yellows and pinks, reds, tans, Paine’s gray etc… many rich and varied paint colors collected over the years, gifts from Sarah, Debby’s gift cards to Michael’s, trips with Karla and Mark to “Cheap Joes…” Rich and wonderful colors packed with a few brushes and some note stock paper for painting greeting cards.  Wednesday morning we went to the Observatory and then I settled down on the porch at the Hotel Limpia to paint the mountain view with the Old Texas Inn and some flowering trees in the foreground.  Chuck settled in next to me with a book. Then someone said, “I’m hungry” and I packed the brief case, a bag of waters, cups and paper towels, my phone and drinking water, the easel and watercolor pad and other stuff carried out there. Put it all down to unlock the room door, washed the paint brush, and went to lunch.  Returned to take all the stuff back out to the porch, brush, pad, easel, bag of waters…. Brief case with paint? No… not there.  I haunted the corridors of the little hotel, the porch, the tables and stacks of antique suit cases stacked in corners. Gone. In someone’s trunk headed for Albuquerque or Columbus I guess. Housekeeping didn’t see it and no one turned it in at the desk.  It’s hard to paint with a brush and water.  Mark carries a box the size of a chewing gum wrapper and three colors and he tried to get me to do the same. “Mix your colors,” Mark sagely said.  … I was really sad, but realized I’m supposed to be writing the book I proposed last July 19. So I got out one of the two Bibles I have with me and read and wrote that evening. The next morning (yesterday – Thursday) we drove 4 miles to a Nature preserve and gardens and as Chuck paid our admission, I browsed the 50% off table and found a lovely hand painted journal called Drawn to Nature Through the Journals of Clare Walker Leslie. She is a teacher, artist, and journalist. I was drawn to the cover filled with water color drawings of a bird singing and skies over a farm, a city, and mountains.  Can’t lose for 50% off.  We walked through the desert gardens, chatted with a couple with 2 big lab/other fluffy dog mixes and arrived back at the visitor center needing to sit in the rockers in the breeze and read.  I whipped out my new book and read… “My greatest wish is that your eyes may always be watching nature… ‘Mother Earth, Protect Her, She is Us.’ See. You might say you have no nature around you where you live… Take five minutes. Look up, and enjoy!”   I was a little freaked out as I just wrote something very similar to that when talking about singing the Psalms about God’s glory – “look up and sing!”  Is this lady whose book just fell into my hands from the bottom of a stack of books in a nature center in Fort Davis Texas a soul sister??? Chuck meanwhile looked over and saw me gazing raptly at the mountain in the distance, flowering bush in the foreground, lots of scrub in between, he said, “You need to be painting.” “I have no paints.” “We’ll get some.” A Dollar Store just opened in town. Grand Opening yesterday. We moved from the garden center to the Dollar Store and purchased water colors. Well, if water colors are good enough for 3 people (Mark, Sarah and Janet) who have been trying to get me to use them, and for my new soul sister, Clare Walker Leslie, then I guess they’re good enough for me.  My first painting looks like a 3 year old did it, but I’m going to read the book and occasionally “copy” my new friend to try to learn a wonderful technique, water color painting.   See? Long story!  And once again my brain is all wrinkled up trying to understand if my loss of all that stuff is God’s gift as he tries to get me to try something less burdensome? Something new?  Look up! And enjoy.   We’re up this morning, having moved to the Harvard Hotel just to try the competition (and loved it) and we’re off for Carlsbad Caverns. It’s Friday and we’re on the road again.  Love to you and God bless you and help you to see the gifts he is giving us!

Susie's musings

"Put out my hand and touched the face of God"

Still in Fort Davis, Texas. We returned to the McDonald Observatory and this time our focus was stars and the sun. We learned that our sun isn’t all that big, only about half as big as some of our planets and not even at the center of our galaxy (the Milky Way) but still… millions of miles away from us, and billions of miles from other “stars” and it will be over 5 billion years before our sun dies.  So… then we visited the telescopes. First the original one built in 1939, and then the last one built to observe the spectrography of the stars. Telescopes measure light and break it into spectrums. They can tell us what the distant object is made of and what stage it is in (brand new, growing, mature, falling apart, etc), measuring distances, and how stars develop and dance with each other… etc. The last telescope (over 40 years old) is still state of the art, and sees 7 times further than the one built in approx 1939. The next one to come on line within a year in Chile has a mirrored surface measuring area 7x larger than that.  So I wrinkled up my brain and tried to formulate a question… so if the second one sees 7x further than the first one, the new one coming on line will see 7x further than that and we’re talking billions of miles each leap, how many billions of miles (light years) will we be able to "see"? and… What are we trying to see or find?  I could only think of a poem called “First Flight” written by a 19 year old American Spitfire test pilot named John Gillespie McGee, Jr. who joined the RAF before the US got into WWII.  He died in an air crash 3 months after the Spitfire test flight, but he left behind this poem for us…  He flew the highest we had been – 30,000 feet and he thought there is the face of God. Please google the poem and read it.  And then go outside and look up! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Gazing at The Old Texas Inn

It’s not Tuxedo…

I’ve got myself a perch on the Hotel Limpia verandah overlooking a craggy sided mountain and The Old Texas Inn. Desk clerk said to use password “Tuxedo” for the cat who lies sleeping in a basket. We saw him last night as we sneaked in after midnight… He’s huge, but all rolled up in that cat ball, he looks more like a regular cat! Password doesn’t work, so, I’ll use good old Word and copy it over to the blog later.  I’m sure everyone is OK and I don’t need to check emails until I can find out what the password to the ‘net really is…  Sip of coffee and remember yesterday… Chuck complained as I made a reservation for 11 this morning at the Observatory, “I haven’t opened my book since we started.” It’s true. If we thought we would sit and veg out we made a mistake.  We got up yesterday in Sonora, ate eggs fried to order, and drove into Main street. Chuck dropped me at the nature preserve while he went off in search of Friends of Sonora Bill who was in his office on Main Street.  I walked up to the top of the preserve and looked over the town.  A family donated that land for the preserve so we have some very generous families donating land in Sonora. Found a little camp with a teepee-hut, a place to dry skins and meat, and a bonfire, like it might have been 100 years ago.  Walked back down a different way than I entered and walked over to the Prayer Garden. Took some more pictures… How beautiful. Maybe Kathy and I can get George and Chuck and Dave to help us build a little garden like that in the back yards… … I talked some with Bill who was drinking coffee with Chuck and then we headed west to Alpine. It is low in the desert and wasn’t appealing to me. Has a lot of galleries, but in that hot deserty valley without any inspiring mountains I breathed a sigh that I didn’t pick Alpine to stay. Drove on to Fort Davis:  “YES!” hills surround the town. The sides of the hills look like raggedy lady fingers standing on end. And the tops are flat. Checked in at the Hotel Limpia built in 1912 but remodeled to our modern standards with bathrooms…  but didn’t sit on the front porch as it was pretty sunny. Then we drove past the real Fort Davis up to the Observatory to make reservations for star party and for today to see the telescope. Wow and wow on the Observatory. It has 4 big telescopes that are owned in cahoots between the Univ. of Texas at Austin and several other universities in Germany and other countries. Back to town and walked across the street to the Old Texas Inn. It was so cool with pictures of John Wayne all over the place and established back in the old days by the same family that owns it today and a ranch with accommodations. Made a reservation for Thursday night. This is “the town” for now and they will have to kick the Peabodys out. Went next door to The Fort Davis Drug Store Hotel and Restaurant with a real soda fountain and lots of art on the walls. I left Chuck at the soda fountain and I walked upstairs to the hotel and art museum and found an artist at work. Chatted with Patricia and got inspired. She is painting lovely desert cactus flowers right now. Went back to the Limpia to open wine and perch on the porch in white rocking chairs. I drew some trees and the big courthouse with 4 clocks that don’t work. It seems the birds got in there and ate the clock works and the town hasn’t been able to get the clocks working again.  We got this information because if you sit on a porch for long enough, people come along to chat and sure enough, the gentleman we met at the Old Texas Inn came to perch and share a glass. He told us about the clock and the town and actually the town and fort are named after Jefferson Davis who was Secretary of War before the Civil War, before he ran off to be the President of the Confederacy.  He is the one who had the idea for the soldiers to ride camels out here in the heat, but the ground is too rocky for camels. A townie came by and the boys talked about motorcycling over to California – it’s a long way west to California. As a matter of fact, Sonora is half way between east and west coasts. Chuck wants to ride the motorcycle next year to the submarine convention in San Diego… I’m thinking of the heat (please remind me of 100 degree heat if I sound like I’m thinking of riding ‘cross country next year.) We went back up the hill to the Observatory for a Star Party, but it was totally clouded over. Darn. Today is bright and clear. They showed us a lot of amazing pictures in an auditorium and classroom. Our galaxy is falling into the Andromeda galaxy and they will dance and merge (fall into each other) in billions of years. Our sun will die in billions of years. Other galaxies exist – you got it… billions of light years away…. With all the talk of billions of light years in distance and billions of years until our sun dies… I felt rather insignificant.  We drove back down at midnight in pitch darkness as the town and surrounding ranches keep night lights to a minimum in agreement with the Observatory. Greeted by the cat who waited up for us on the porch, we climbed up the stairs over an old carpet, and slept and dreamed of Butch Cassidy and Sundance. Finally got on the ‘net in the lobby and picked up a news item about salad mix causing illness. I really try not to use those bagged mixes… be careful and wash everything or try to use fresh lettuce heads.  All is well. Love Sue    

Susie's musings

Angels Everywhere!

We had a beautiful day today.  I always look for "small town America." If you were reading the blog 2 years ago when we went to the submarine convention in Springfield Missouri, when we got to Hannibal Missouri after working our way "up" the Mississippi I went all crazy over small town America.  Today we left San Antonio and drove to Sonora, Texas and found "small town America – main street." I had researched and was looking for "Friends of Sonora" and the Veteran’s Museum on Main Street.  Found a wonderful guy named Bill who manages the friends of Sonora and he not only showed us the veteran’s museum (tributes to townspeople who have served in the military and some who gave their lives, along with a September 11 tribute) he had tributes to the women of the west also.  Then he took us on a town tour. showed us where one of Butch and Sundance’s men Will Carver met his maker… listened to an old restored house give us the town history and stayed with us for over an hour and then we sat and drank wine and talked for another hour.  He is a rancher so we talked about raising goats and cattle and the Texas drought… he is excited about the restoration of main street.  We then went to the Caverns of Sonora. My goodness how beautiful!!!!  The caverns are alive with lots of stalagmites, stalagtites and electites (these are curly horizontal growths), and water ponds and milky rocks with crystals – very beautiful. It was an amazing 1 1/2 mile cave tour.  I kept seeing angels’ wings in the "growths". I took plenty of pictures. We came back to town where by the way many houses are stone covered in a lovely light stone… went to rest in a Prayer Garden, an amazing little public effort. Imagine a family donated a building lot and then someone wonderful designed a little garden with a stone (concrete) cross all inlayed with stones and neat wood and shells… Little stones had Bible quotes and the many names for Jesus are carved into the stone ground around the cross. Just a wonderful small town secret.  I took plenty of photos there too!  Finally we went to the town ampitheater where Bill thought we might hear music, but no one came to play.  Did hear the local school at band practice. That’s pretty much it for today. We might explore a nature garden called Sonora’s Eaton Hill Wildlife Sanctuary tomorrow, but honestly, Chuck might have had enough garden walking in the heat…  So we might head for the higher elevations. We are booked into the Fort Davis Historic Hotel Limpia a restored 1912 Inn in Fort Davis. We will see the McDonald Observatory and the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Preserve, but I’m getting ahead of myself!!!  God bless you and have a wonderful summer evening.

Susie's musings

Basking in the heat

I dove into the pool… ahhh like bath water. But now, I need to dive back in. We’re just a little north of downtown San Antonio near some wonderful gardens.  Chuck and I drove the Mission Trail; we started at the Cathedral of San Fernando where I got all misty at the beautiful tomb containing the remains of Davy Crockett, Bowie and some others who died at the Alamo. At the Cathedral is a beautiful tribute to Saint Anthony of Padua who is the patron Saint and after whom the city is named.  We then drove south along the mission trail and I stood for the Gospel and homily in Queen of the Missions "San Jose". 4 of the 5 original 300 year old Spanish missions are active parishes.  Chuck had a book to read. (Mom will ask… so yes Mom I went to 8am Mass at St Joseph church downtown – built by German immigrants bunches of years ago).   After a proper tribute to the Missions, we traveled north to an amazing Japanese Garden created out of an abandoned quarry by city of San Antonio and had "Tea",  then on to another Botanical Garden that we got into for free due to Fairchild Tropical Gardens membership. Have used that card to enter gardens in LaGrange and SanAntonio for free!   On then to the hotel and am now sitting with Chuck outside at the pool.  We are the only sojourners today.  Drinking a bottle of wine given to us by friends Rick and Marilyn. Thanks folks very nice.  At this point bro in law Lee will say, "Is Susie drinking again?" Well what can I say.  We ditched Del Rio as the next stop as I went online to check out one of the places I wanted to go and it is closed… The only other thing left is a winery. Got wine.  Decided to go on to Sonora. They can’t close Caverns can they?  Chuck said it’s time to take out my paints and get busy painting so tomorrow we’re on to Sonora and the caverns and painting … I’ll look for a horse for Chuck to ride. We are moving across Texas in 100 degree oven temperature but loving the journey!!! God bless you!

Susie's musings

Don’t Mess With Texas

Chuck and I really blew through Galveston. Well we only spent one overnight there.  We arrived via car ferry which is always fun! (a free car ferry by the way).  Checked into a hotel that Chuck had stayed in 5 years ago… The name changed, but he remembered the place right across from Galveston seawall and beach. Then we visited the Seawolf Park where there is a complete and very well restored submarine called the Cavalla SS 242.  We were escorted by a guy who had been a sub sailor Master Chief who now manages the park and who had served during the Vietnam conflict like Chuck did.  They pointed out things like, "there’s where I slept, and they had more bunks in here." etc. The Master Chief explained that finding the old beds and authentic hardware is getting hard but he did a brilliant job of restoring.  He has also acquired the sail of a nuclear sub and along side the Cavalla is a destroyer.  It is worth a visit! We had lunch at a cute cafe, but then I needed to cool off. I have been sitting in my Mom’s air conditioned room for a month, and this Texas heat got to me. After a nap and cooling off, I was ready for a walk and sweated up again walking the beach for an hour.  After breakfast this morning we headed for San Antonio and secured a hotel near the Riverwalk and then proceeded to spend all day on the Riverwalk and at the Alamo.  I recommend highly, but what are we going to do about this heat?  My cheeks are bright red.  We drank a lot of water and not a lot of alcohol. Heavens, are we getting old?  We now ask for the senior discount. Dinner at Pat O’Briens ( a nod to an old friend of a restaurant in New Orleans that we bypassed this trip).  Tomorrow after Mass we’ll go to 2 gardens and possibly Fort Sam Houston and then…. some sleep and off the next day (Monday) to the Mission Trail to see some Spanish Missions and then west to Del Rio in search of artifacts and a winery on the Rio Grande. Hope to find some horse back riding for Chuck.  Will be meandering west from Del Rio through Sonora, Ozona, Fort Davis, Alpine, Van Horn and ElPaso and then turning north through Carlsbad Caverns.  Have a wonderful weekend and stay cool!!!

Susie's musings

Look out 18 wheelers here come the Peabodys

Chuck and I drove from Auburn, Alabama to Beaumont, Tx and he thought he had been in Beaumont before, so I was all ready for this cute sea food restaurant on the water… and as we drove through Lake Charles, Louisiana, he said "There is where the little restaurant is, and there is the hotel!"  OOPs. We have reservations 50 miles down the road in a different state!  We watched the cute little restautrant go by and we drove on. Actually Beaumont isn’t anything special unless the "old town" is hidden someplace.  Our hotel is on a little river… but where is old town?   Now Auburn was special – it has a real small town feeling. I am thinking of the University of Miami being a "campus" but I never got the "small town feel."  I think first of all U of M being smack in the middle of very exclusive Coral Gables was an issue, and second we don’t have that all important stadium in the middle of the campus. Auburn is ALL AU… tiger paws everywhere and everyone talks sports.  Two really big guys poured out of a car at an Auburn gas station wearing Tuskeegee football shirts and all I could think of is "Yes" you do play football don’t you?  My gosh, what it must take to feed those tanks!  Football and sports abound, but Auburn also has a beautiful Art Gallery/Museum.  So….. onward into Texas.  Tomorrow we head south to Port Bolivar and take a car ferry over to Galveston Island.  I haven’t been there and they were wiped out two years ago by one of those hurricanes that we wished west from the Keys…. (sorry Galveston)… so we’re planning to camp there for a few days and catch some beach breezes.  It’s hot today and I hope the Gulf will be cool (wish on). We planned the rest of our Texas trip when we got a bunch of materials at the welcome center … oh boy oh boy Sedona, El Paso, Fort Davis, Alpine, Big Bend, etc.  I just have to get us to those places and out again and headed north to get to Denver on time to deliver art in Aspen (we have a tough life).  So my dears. Have a wonderful end of the week! Hope you are dry and cool!!!

Susie's musings

Chuck is on the road

Hi dear friends.  Chuck left Peter and Karen Skipp’s in Tampa and he is headed to collect me at my sister, brother in law, and Mom’s at about 4pm today.  I cooked Mom a bowl of oatmeal with raisins, will do a last laundry, and give mom a great big wet shower!!! and then will try to pack my suitcase. Somehow it’s much harder to pack after a long holiday… nothing fits in that one bag!   Our first stop will be in Auburn, Alabama because my southern family tells me it is a lovely college town, so we’ll see and report.   I’ve written about 17 Psalms with 133 to go for book.  Say a little prayer for inspiration, for a good, safe journey and you too have a wonderful summer day!

Susie's musings

Beginning another adventure and thinking of my friends

Dear friends who live "all over".  I’m sitting upstairs at my sister’s house in LaGrange, Georgia watching the new Pope Francis land in Rio de Janiero, Brazil for World Youth Day, and I’m running downstairs to watch news on the birth of a Royal heir to the throne of England on the downstairs TV.  I’ve been on baby watch with my English friends for a few weeks, and I’m so reminded of times we have shared with English friends in their home where they took care of my need to "see it all" when I watched a Papal funeral, when Diana died, and when Prince William married. I remember so well being at my friend Sally’s father’s funeral and lighting candles for him and praying in a small English church. We are united in so many ways. We share our heritage and I am grateful for many friendships.  I thought as Mother and I watched, and the new baby was heralded on the TV downstairs, I’ll write to my "many" friends and they can read if they want to.   You might be thinking, Sue writes a lot, do we really have to read it all? So you might be thinking; then edit it!  I’ve been with my mother for a month, and I’ve submitted a book proposal to my publisher, so I am emotional and yearning, sad to be away from Chuck, and glad to be so close to my mother who is 97 years old.  So my dears, Chuck will be picking me up on about July 24 and we’ll be travelling for about 2 months, and for the next few months I’ll be journaling of the sights and events.  We’ll visit Galveston which was almost wiped out 2 years ago by hurricane, the Alamo, Carlsbad Caverns, Denver, Clear Lake Iowa, Rochester Minnesota for a submarine convention with my favorite WWII veterans, Niagara Falls on the Canadian side… maybe Maine, and then on south to definitely Connecticut cousins… and, eventually home again and to visit Mom again.  So, stick with me and I won’t intrude on you with emails. Dial in to see "where are they now???" And let me say to my friends far and wide, in the US, in England, in Italy, God bless you and let us see each other soon. and while we are away from one another, let God bless you!

Susie's musings

Happy Crisp Day

"I think I need to find a pair of jeans," Chuck mumbled. "It’s not THAT cold!" I countered. "Mosquitoes! They haven’t gone away yet! They’ll eat me alive!" he advised as he dug through shorts and tee shirts looking for long pants. Today is the first day in the year that we go gleefully diving for sweatshirts and long pants because … it’s cool! For a little while in the morning, before the sun bakes the fog off, we have a hint of autumn. Keats described autumn as "Season of Mists and mellow fruitfulness." I wrote a poem about autumn once and actually won a prize. We’re supposed to write about what we know, but I don’t have colorful leaves, or mists, or mellow fruitfulness… you see, we south Florida flowers have no autumn, no leaves falling (orange falling inspire poets to talk about the end of life as in "Margaret are you grieving over golden grove unleaving?" (Hopkins) or "It was my thirtieth Year to heaven / stood there then in the summer noon / Though the town below lay leaved with October blood. / O may my heart’s truth / Still be sung / On this high hill in a year’s turning." In "Poem in October" Dylan Thomas mused over the view of his "unleaving" town that reminded him of the "autumn" of life. This is one day in the year when a northern cold front pushes in and actually gets here… this is one day when a morning begins crisp and cool. My neighbor mows the too long grass in shorts, and I champ at the bit to get out to pull weeds and mow too, and Chuck is sent to his shed that needs clean up after two years of neglect. Here we come mosquitoes! We’ll be wearing deet. Look elsewhere for someone to chomp on! Happy autumn dear friends and family!

Susie's musings

A Day to Remember

Today dear friends and family is the day before September 11, ten years later. The news is going over what was happening that day before… the news that no longer matters. Economic, innocent, secure…  We’re in an alert status because I guess the enemy doesn’t think he has changed our lives that much. New York mayor Bloomberg is trying to explain why clergy is excluded from the September 11 celebration due to separation of church and state…. Oops on his forgetting that this country was established "under God…" The colonists felt God was on their side, and we talk about our "God-given rights." No prayer, no religion will be at Ground Zero. Michael Brown, former Bush adminstration FEMA director, stated "we are not free from religion, we are free for religion." I remember on that day 10 years ago, I went to our church at that time, Little Flower in Coral Gables and I prayed endlessly to Saint Michael the Archangel who in the book of Jude at the end of the New Testament… was fighting Satan (Jude 1: 6&9). Even Michael could not kill or put the stake in the enemy’s heart, but it is for us to expect God to chain Satan in the depths of the earth. On a better note… yesterday the sub vets spent an hour in memory… They prayed a benediction and sang the "Navy Hymn" as they tolled a bell for men lost and boats lost. "Lest we forget." Submarines are still out there today guarding and protecting us.  The ceremony was beautiful and solumn.  We expect to close up the convention tonight and start on our last journey tomorrow (September 11) as I’m going to visit my Mom and Chuck will go to buddy Dave’s hunting camp for a week. God bless America. Have a blessed weekend. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Hot, Straight, and Normal

Hi dear friends and family. The title is a phrase used for torpedos…  I see the phrase on the vests of many of the guys here in Springfield.  There are many guys with about 10 submarine names on their vests and I tease them that they couldn’t make up their minds…  Apparently there were many submarines and when one went "in the yards" you just moved to another.  There are many "old guys" as the World War II submarine vets are here too. We took a wonderful guy named Jack Higgins who is 85 and fought in the Pacific to the Fantastic caverns yesterday. He was full of wonderful stories. Together Jack and I read the map and guided Chuck to the Caverns!  These guys were "at Pearl" and in Hong Kong as well as the Atlantic and the "Med."  Chuck and I have been busy walking all around the University of Missouri area of Springfield, and I am going to St Agnes church with a wonderful priest named Mike. They sing a lot at Mass and I like that. The weather is chilly in the morning (low 50s and up to 70s during the day.) Everyone prays for rain. We watched the U of M v. Maryland football game last night that was played in the pouring rain in Maryland… I guess we all wonder why we can’t siphon some of that rain west…  today we’re going to Springfield’s botanical gardens and then to the VFW for a ceremony in thier gardens where they have the sail (the top) of a submarine  the USS Lapon one of whose missions was highlighted in the book Blind Man’s Bluff. These sails are memorials, "lest we forget" the men who fought and died for our freedom. On a sunny, albeit chilly day, I pray for our freedom, that we remember and work hard to protect the rights of the weak and those who can’t protect themselves. God bless America! Love Susie    

Susie's musings

Coming East and South

Hi dear friends and family! We left Breckenridge at about 8:30 mountain time, crossed the Continental Drive at Hoosier Pass, elevation over 11,000 feet, passed many miles of grazing land, and imagined Bonanza and the wagon trains headed west… miles and miles of just grazing land with mountains and rivers. Then we began a steady drop "down" to 7000 feet. We then passed through Fairplay, Colorado (I imagine poker players must not cheat in this town…) and crossed over the South Platte which has its headwaters near Fairplay. This is our third crossing of the South Platte (we crossed over it twice when it merged with the North Platte in – you guessed it, North Platte, Nebraska). … Passed Pike’s Peak and entered "the city" of Colorado Springs. Before we could shake a lamb’s tail, we were on the flat, great plains of Kansas. As broad as a Kansas corn field; corn as far as the eye can see… yep – that’s Kansas. We changed our clocks forward an hour and stopped in Colby, Kansas "The Oasis of Kansas" and the trading and service center for the wheat and corn producers in Kansas.  Time for a nap and a steak and some sweet corn. Yum. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Leaving Breck

Good morning dear friends and family. I’m so sorry if some of you got spam emails as I used the computer in hotels along the way and a friend (Katie) in New York said she got one of those spam emails from me… Was I hacked while looking up mapquests?  I don’t know, but I hope you weren’t bothered.  Speaking of Katie… we heard from Katie, Barbara and Laura in New York and Connecticut and they are well with power out only less than 2 days. Northerners are tough and they survive!   The sun has risen over Breckenridge and the sky is a baby blue with white clouds. Almost like clockwork black clouds will roll in around 1 to 2 pm and the rain threatens, but some say the rains can’t get over the mountains. Every day I go down town and sit on a beautiful "Blue River" where miners dug for gold and minerals. The river has been all restored and park benches and art work decorate the river now. I sit and watch the mountains and utter "WOW!" and try to paint the mountains, but they change minutely. Just like when I try to paint a sunset. But we must pay attention to nature and watch her for she is magnificent and God-inspired like we are.  The Continental Divide is visible from the top of the big mountain, but we have not climbed that far.  Actually we took the Gondola up, but only went half way as I was starving and wanting to eat at one of the mountain cafes.   We walk every day and Chuck has taken to going to the gym as he isn’t going to rehab anymore.  He bikes and lifts heavy things to strengthen shoulders and arms. Good for him!  I walk and walk. This town is beautiful!  We drove over to Keystone which is not a town, just a bunch of condos and ski lifts. Breckenridge is a quaint town that has wonderful stores and art galleries on Main Street, Ridge Street, and a church (St Mary’s) on French Street. I walk about 10 blocks up and down and the three blocks wide. (Like Anchorage – long and slim on streets). Today we will go out for a last lunch and then laundry and packing. We will take 3 days to get to Springfield, Mo and the Submarine convention. After that week we will drive down to La Grange to visit my Mom and Chuck will go for a week in Thomaston (the hunting camp with Dave). Then we will go home to "face the music."  I left the house all covered with much of Aunt Trudy’s furniture and boxes of her things.  We have lots of work to do, but our great country calls. I highly recommend getting into the car, gritting your teeth and forgetting $3.50 gas, and seeing America.  America is alive and well, and each individual community has real wonderful people, beautiful lakes and streams, all (people and waters) threatened by destruction and pollution, threatened by beatles eating the trees, kudzu, greed, over development, lest I overdo… threatened by politics, yet we must hope for America… Go out and thank God we live here and save a tree, hug a baby, and wade in the water. Vote responsibly and talk about God.  My dears. God bless you and God bless America. I’m off to church and then I will try to paint the mountain again. Love from Susie and Chuck on the road!!! 

Susie's musings

Passing over the Rabbit and the Des Moines

Hi dear family and friends. We’ve passed over so many rivers in this cross country trip!  The Rabbit River here in downtown Des Moines looks a little low but the Des Moines looks good. Downtown Des Moines is beautiful with many condos and restaurants (downtown development).   We left Clear Lake on Sunday after a lovely boat ride and breakfast at the marina. It is so hard for me to imagine that frost will begin in a month (that is calculated on the crickets being so loud), snow fall by Hallowe’en, and ice fishing and driving on the lake by late December. We plan to be "on the water" too but it will be in a boat. I’ll be nudging Chuck along towards getting a boat in the water on Big Pine Key in Mid November as we prepare for a sunny hot Thanksgiving. No "Season of Mists and mellow fruitfulness" for this Miami/Big Pine couple. We are visiting friends Tim and Kyla who have stayed with us in Big Pine and love it down there, but Tim has to work and Des Moines is home. We are eating very well; last night we ate at an old Italian restaurant near the baseball stadium in downtown. All is well and we are watching the tropics for weather and hope the east coast of the US stays safe. Love to family and friends. Susie  

Susie's musings

Clear Lake and Sunshine

Hi dear family and friends. On holiday at Clear Lake! I’m overlooking a little harbor full of recreation boats. The sun is shining and the lake beckons. We arrived here Friday evening and boated over to an outdoor cafe and ate dinner, and then yesterday we boated over to the town of Clear Lake which was having a "Best of North Iowa" feast of ribs and other delicacies. Yum. Lots of antique shops and just fun places to explore. The sun is warm and there is a gentle breeze on the lake.  This morning so far I’ve walked and Chuck is porch sitting. We’ll boat on the lake every day and do mostly nothing. It will be grand. I went online and paid the water bill for the Miami house and all my work is done. Oh and I’m working on the first painting of the trip. We’re already "taking reservations" for Thanksgiving and expect cousin Carol from Ohio, Tim and Kyla from Des Moines, and …. we have room will accommodate, but I like to see you on the calendar. I expect to hear many Thanksgiving prayers this year.  Give thanks to our God and Father for our lives and our joy. Susie   

Susie's musings

Looking at America

Hi dear friends and family from Hannibal, Missouri! While we were in Cookeville, Tn, we were looking at a map of Tennessee to try to route our way to Hannibal, and Yoel, 2 1/2 years old, pointed at the map and said, "That’s America!"  "Yes, Yoel, that is America!" I said. I was proud he was able to identify a map, and that he knows "America".  Maybe we all need to re-know America. So, I recommend a trip "up the Mississippi." On route 79 out of St. Louis, you will go through Louisiana (I discovered on this trip that the Louisiana purchase was really a 2-parter. The lower part, "Orleans," took the name of Louisiana, and left the real Louisiana to be just a town name in Missouri. They have local artists’ shops and great views of the river!America is the little town of Hannibal, population of 16,000, in folding chairs in a small town square, listening to country, Gospel, and Bluegrass music celebrating Music Under the Stars. Hannibal celebrates trains and boats (we saw many trains and hear them all night long at our B&B called LulaBelle’s). Grain and coal carried down the Mississippi costs half what carrying it on roads does… uhhh duh folks, let’s use our waterways and trains more. Our flag flies high and proud in Hannibal. We sat in chairs lent to us, and applauded 2 youths who wrote and sang songs about America in a town that is struggling like many American towns to stay alive when so many towns boast way too many "for sale" signs. The featured group in Music Under the Stars celebrated and sang America and I quote: "This is America; it’s awesome." We all need to get into the car and refind America. Try route 79 north out of St. Louis. Sing the "Highway 40 Blues", open the car windows, and buy local sweet corn. At Hannibal you will love the local charm and great food at The Abby Rose restaurant and the wine and warmth at The Wine Stoppe. Hannibal celebrates the 4th of July for 5 days! We’re off for Clear Lake Iowa tomorrow. God bless Ameirca! Good night and sweet dreams. Susie 

Susie's musings

Got lost and crossed the Ohio?

Hi dear family and friends. We are testing the great healing that you all prayed into Chuck and I’m the one who got us lost today… We left Cookeville, Tennessee after great visits with Renee in Orlando, the Paparellis in Atlanta and Al and Shannon in Cookeville. Headed for "The Land between the Lakes"… looked pretty easy on the map.  Can’t get there from here. Left interstate 24 and looked and looked for route 79 to take us to "The Trace" that will go from south to north in this land between the lakes to actually the headwaters of the Tennessee river. Very exciting stuff. (This magical dream land called "the land between the lakes" is just west of Nashville, Tn in case anyone wants to try to find it.)  Anyhow when we circled back to I 24 north I knew enough to say, "fagettabout it, just keep going north to Paducah, Kentucky and we’ll head for the place where we might sleep tonight, Mount Vernon". "Washington?  she’s going to Mt. Vernon, Washington?" you might ask. No. Apparently the middle of our nation just renamed places for places that already have names. Hence crossing the Ohio river from Kentucky into Illinois. Go figure. Tomorrow we will go through St Louis (crossing from Illinois to Missouri over the Mississippi river several times) and we’ll go north on route 79 to Louisiana which is a town on route 79 that is on the way to Hannibal, Missouri.  (Chuck is all afraid of being eaten by Hannibal the cannibal in that movie called Silence of the Lambs {yuck} and I assure him it is a different Hannibal).  So for tonight we are safe and secure in a Comfort Suites that gave us a nice rate for being AAA and then topped it with a 10% discount for Chuck being a retired FHP trooper for 32 years. How nice!  Yesterday we got free cake for being married 41 years.  Life is good. We’re off to a free cocktail party and then early bed as we have to enjoy the free breakfast and then possibly pancakes in Louisiana, Missouri on our way to Hannibal.  This is a great journey of "who knows where we’re going? and how in heaven’s name are we going to get there?"  Pray for Dee a lady who sweetly checked us in today, her husband is very sick. I know prayer works. Warmly to you,   Love Susie   

Susie's musings

Birds leaving the nest

We have a pretty sizable Martin house in the back yard near the lake with 12 "apartments" that stay vacant over half the year while our Martin family travels across the hemisphere to Brazil. They come "home" to the lake house in February and chirp and sing, clean house, lay eggs, have babies, feed, feed, feed hungry mouths, and then…. the mothers wait patiently for the babies to learn to fly so the whole clan can fly back to Brazil. Chuck and I were away in the Keys for 10 days during this process of family growing and our neighbor Dave told us several babies jumped out to the edge of the "balcony" and …. gulp…. fell off. I considered for a moment trying to help them, but can you see me feeding hungry birds in a shoe box and doing all the stuff I have to do with the houses and to assist our dear Chuck? I couldn’t do it and anyway Dave said he couldn’t find the babies after they fell out of the nest… perhaps a hungry neighborhood cat found the babies and dispatched them in nature’s way.

So is this a blog about birds? In a sense yes, but the bigger picture is one I’ve written about before. I will never forget the first time I left Chuck "alone" in the hospital, or the evening I left him in the capable hands of Heather as he took his first flight from the nest to go to the Keys without me. …. I stood there alone in the driveway barely able to resist calling Heather on my cell every five minutes… "Is he OK? has he swooned?" He didn’t swoon and he’s fine. Last November, Chuck took a big hit to his brain that rattled him, and we all need to be aware of the horrors and dangers of simple head bumps. But the human is a remarkable machine and the brain, silent and hidden, repairs itself. So we hope. Neuro surgeons (the prima donnas of medicine)… will tell you, as ours has, they don’t know why the brain jiggled in Chuck’s case, jiggled and frazzled, swelled and was angry, but he’ll heal; so they say, "Just wait." So I stood in the driveway yesterday and waved goodbye again. This time… it was Chuck himself driving himself off to take care of some construction and renovation items, to "pay the man" who is doing the work at Trudy’s, to mow the lots and spray the weeds, and generally to get out of the nest. Chuck doesn’t know about the nest. He’s very happy to sit here at home, "perched on the balcony," waiting for his dinner. I think it was me who encouraged the solo flight. My friend Michele said he got chicken wings and I know he bought ice cream… buy one get one free… so he got two. And so I wonder, do the darlings ever think about broccoli as part of a balanced diet? If I don’t make it, it doesn’t go into that mouth. So mother birdies of my world… keep making the broccoli and let the birdies rest a while on the balcony. They’ll go, they won’t swoon, and they’ll have a good time. I’m off to do some long needed spring cleaning, clean the art room, clear some piles, and put some stuff away!!!!! Love to my family and friends from hot sunny south Florida.

Susie's musings

After the holiday is over

Dear family and friends. Memorial Day stirs up memories. That is what it is supposed to do. I am sure Chuck was mentally out on the submarine this weekend, and I hope some of you were remembering glorious days, and some were remembering awful-glorious days at war. This last weekend Chuck and I watched "The Longest Day" about the D-Day landing at Omaha beach, and "Midway" about the sea battle when the American Navy with 3 aircraft carriers (including the Pearl-Harbor damaged Yorktown) defeated the Japanese Navy at Midway island in the Pacific. The battles, and the movies made about them, bring to mind the awful-glorious experiences of war. All war is awful and there must be a way that the "little people" – that’s us – can stop war. The movies depicted old rough and ready generals and admirals who sent men in to do dangerous duties and watched the young men die, and watched other young men take their places and go on. The victory went to the survivors… Who are the toughest, smartest, luckiest? What is luck?

About an hour ago, my neighbor interrupted my musings with her energy and she reminded me things to do. I am working on Aunt Trudy’s estate things – Trudy kept stock accounts that I am trying to move into her "trust" for distribution and also I have a room full of old pots and pans, linens, clothes and other cracked and gently used stuff from Trudy’s house that I’m trying to dispose of gently. My neighbor has been helping me with all the boxes and things. That’s what neighbors and friends do… they gently nudge us when we are stalled! I loved the words Charlotte Bronte had Catherine use in Wuthering Heights! "Heathcliff, I’m stalled!!!" Always think of our stall as a box we get put into, or a box we put ourselves into…. Ask someone to release you or to shove you out of that stall. Thank God for our energetic friends!!! Love sue

Susie's musings

Decoration Day

In the old days today was called Decoration Day. The women of small towns went to the city cemetaries and honored the Civil War dead. No one had a notion of the United States ever being involved in another war. Yet we were drawn into the "Last Great War" and then, much against our desires, we were drawn into a 2 front war in Europe and the Pacific. This weekend, Chuck and I are watching movies "Patton," "MacArthur," "The Longest Day," "Midway," and "12 O’Clock High" among other old war movies. Old generals direct thousands of young soldiers who fight other brave young soldiers who are directed by old generals. With these movies, we are reminded of the great awful battles of WWII. When the old generals retired they talked sadly of the horror of war, yet here we are with troops spread across Europe and the near East. I am sure that every mother today cringes when we talk of not being out of Afganistan soon. Every mother’s son or daughter is fodder for the wars we fight. Does it seem as we sing "God Bless America" that he isn’t blessing us and standing beside us? Our faith tells us he is here and he is spreading out his great wings inviting us to love our neighbor.  Let’s at least try to make a plan: what can each of us do today to avoid war and bitterness?  Go into a quiet place, look into your heart, find your spirit there. Let your spirit commune with our Great God who has seen it all, and who embraces our fallen soldiers and wants to embrace us too. God bless America  

Susie's musings

Ruefully looking "back"

You just don’t want to be rueful very often for it means to regret, to feel penitent, or to feel remorse. I’m the last person to ever regret things. Remorse just doesn’t pay. Except for yesterday; I was rueful. Remember those "salad" days when we were young and slim, and here’s a neat word… lithe (meaning flexible). You might wonder if Sue is feeling old today, inflexible, and remorseful? Well, a little, yes; as yesterday I was face down on the dermatologist’s couch as he burned, yes I said "burned," about 17 spots of sun damage off my back. With every "sissssst" I regretted and felt remorse over those old days of cute, little, 2 piece bathing suits worn in the sun in Miami. Covered with oil, reading a big thick book for hours, we baked a golden brown color. Now, spotted and stiff, I ask Chuck to put little gobs of soothing cream on each of my 17 burn marks. Ouch… I have to find a bright side… it isn’t freezer burn from northern winters. You should see Chuck’s face. He too felt the remorse of the dermatologist’s couch; only Chuck’s badges of courage are on his face. It’s cloudy now so I guess I can go outside and sweep my beaches. Come to sunny Miami if you dare and enjoy our back yard beach. We’re fine and hoping you are too. Remember: no regrets! Life is to be lived and loved.

Susie's musings

Mother Nature’s nightmares

My dear friends and family.  It is hard to rejoice in the face of the rising Mississippi, tornados in Alabama, and general spring havoc that Mother Nature is dumping on the United States… … but rejoice we must with the knowledge that we learned from our mothers who sang to us, "Jesus loves me this I know.. for the Bible tells me so."  Do you remember that song from when you were little?  I was discussing this today with someone… We just have to rejoice for we are blessed to be loved by God, to be Americans, to be protected by Navy Seals… and you fill in what else we have to be thankful for.  Chuck and I are on Big Pine Key for the week. We have to keep "the big house" clean in case a prospective buyer wants to look at it, and we are working on Aunt Trudy’s house to make it our own.  Today, we donated a great deal of Aunt Trudy’s furniture to a wonderful family who needs help in an empty home. They helped Trudy a lot in life, and we are returning the gift. Actually, they came today and carried out a lot of very heavy stuff (we’re on the second floor of a raised home) and they will also take the kitchen cupboards and some other heavy stuff that we were going to have to dispose of as we will be renovating and bringing Trudy’s home into the 21st century.  I am responsible for keeping Loretta’s driveway clear of weeds (this is the big house that is for sale), I’m supposed to be painting the railings a bright clean white and painting some spots inside the big house.   I am also clearing Trudy’s area along the water so we can build a dock. It is a lot of work in very hot weather. We have hired a team of men to fix the crumbling tie beam that holds up Trudy’s house (in the Keys… concrete used to be mixed with salt water which eventually rusted the rebar and swelled the concrete – hense the crumbling).  When the house is strengthened, we will renovate the upstairs.  I enjoy being here in the keys; I go to daily Mass at St Peters and today I was a lector. It was the very important reading in Acts of the Apostles where Saul is headed to Damascus all full of evil to kill some Christians.  Jesus knocks him off his (high) horse and asks him "Why are you persecuting me?" I was reading and here comes Father Tony’s dog with the morning newspaper. The dog (named Scratch) walked up to the visiting priest and looked at him and then took off to find someone in the pews whom he knew. I meanwhile am reading and trying not to be distracted, and not to laugh.  This is a big yellow lab named "Scratch" (as in golf) marching up in the middle of the epistle reading with a newspaper …  So I said later to the visiting priest…  "Scratch brought the good news."  Have to laugh.    I know I haven’t mentioned Chuck too much… He’s still tired a lot but his mind is good while mine seems to be going to the farm. He sleeps very well, but gets up at 6:30am disturbing me something fierce as who in heaven’s name gets up at 6:30am??  Life is interesting…  and I invite you to come to Big Pine, go for a walk with Chuck, and enjoy the constant sunshine and the amazing life we have here. God bless you. Sue

Susie's musings

Party’s not over yet…

It was wonderful seeing Mom who is very engaged and happy. We read a book called Dilemma by Father Albert Cutie (accent over the e) that sparked a lot of discussion…  together. Have you ever read a book with someone…?  Mom headed home today with my sister and brother-in-law, mom’s care givers, but we await my niece Erin who is coming from St Petersburg. Jenny (my niece) and I will cook dinner for Erin and sister Sarah. Jenny and I are black and white, yin and yang. Opposites. She’s a good girl who doesn’t get riled when I move quickly or act bossy…. We took her car to be fixed and I found her upstairs and I said, "come ON Jen, let’s get going"… "I’m going to see a boy, I have to put on makeup" was the reply. "Oh, I guess I better get out of my rags then," I thought as I changed out of paint spattered tee and paint spattered shorts. How is it everything I own has paint on it?  Jenny and I painted a big painting for over her daughter’s couch. We painted fishes on the bottom of the ocean with lots of bubbles. I think it was rather nice.   And our interaction was hysterical!!!  Little grand niece Lilly and sister Sarah joined in so I hope the owner of the gift (Erika) loves it!  We’re off to the beach (Sarah lives 6 blocks from the Atlantic!) Love to all and please pray for travellers tomorrow (Wednesday) Love susie

Susie's musings

Amazing Grace

Dear friends and family. Today is my mother’s birthday and I am with her in Jacksonville. My sister and brother-in-law (Mom’s full time care givers) drove mom to sister Sarah’s last evening and we had a big reunion here in Jax. Then mom and I slept a long beautiful sleep in Sarah’s big bed upstairs. Mom is still sleeping (which is why she can stay up late at night…). Today we plan a celebration with lots of Sarah’s kids and grandkids and of course, us, the 3 sisters. I am so blessed and can only offer thanks to our God for giving me this beautiful day.  I spoke to Chuck yesterday when I arrived safely in Jax (he is "all alone" at the lakehouse this weekend…) he had taken a nap and was preparing to go to Physical Therapy.  It is time for him to be in the nest alone and to leave the nest on his own, but he does have 3 neighbors watching out for him!  If he knew the mothering I order up for him he would freak! I have let him out of the nest alone and you have shared my angst in this blog in the past, but always there are beautiful loving "mothers" nearby.  Thank God for healthy husband and good friends. Happy birthday and love to you all. Susie

Susie's musings

Lunch and memories

Today Chuck, Thelma, and I went to the Big Pine Cemetary to "inter" Aunt Trudy next to Loretta, her twin sister. Loretta and Trudy are both in green boxes within their niches next to each other with CP beside them. Trudy’s green box honors the fact that she died on St. Patrick’s day. We are remembering Aunt Trudy over lunch as she loved to go out for lunch.  Chuck is now meeting with people to do some structural repairs on Aunt Trudy’s house and we will move in there and put the "big house" for sale on the market. You will probably be able to see it if you google water front properties for sale in Big Pine Key. We want to build a nice guest retreat in the downstairs that will open to the yard and the open water.  We have some work to do on the house and I am preparing for a book talk in Miami on April 9 on the new book by Pope Benedict called Jesus of Nazareth part two. … Well dears, it is sunny and beautiful on Big Pine Key and all is quiet. God bless you and thank you for continuing prayer.

Susie's musings

Turning another corner

Our English friend Sally provided the opening words for this blog: "no sooner than you turn one corner you bump into another
wall. We are glad Chuck is coming back strong for you all but it will take time. Remember to rest your self.
We presume you are in the Keys with Aunt Trudie; remember us to her and we hope she sleeps peacefully and deeply watching the view over Bogie Channel. Many a sunrises bring back such good memories of Christmas Past and the childrens’ laughter by the water on bikes and in boats."
And isn’t this what Aunt Trudy wanted? good memories on Bogie Channel. Aunt Trudy passed away quietly in her own home, in her living room that overlooks Bogie Channel, at about 5AM on St. Patrick’s Day March 17, 2011. Niece Thelma Ann and friend Dorothy were with her. (One of St. Patrick’s symbols is a boat.) May Trudy be carried to the face of God by angels, in a boat over Bogie channel. Although, Aunt Trudy didn’t like riding too much in boats…. angels will be gentle. God bless Aunt Trudy.
Chuck is very well. He is walking right now with friend Dave from Maine who is still with us. Chuck’s fog has lifted and he seems so much more the same with only lapses in short term memory that he doesn’t even recognize… Probably only the wife recognizes the lapses. He will continue PT and OT and walking. We will go to Big Pine this morning and meet up with Chuck’s cousin Dennis from Connecticut and friends who arrive tomorrow from Iowa. Life is a circle. Live and thank God for sun rises. Amen.

Susie's musings

The mantle of the Blessed Mother

My dear friends and family. I am so blessed to have been able to learn about the comfort faith in our Creator God brings.  I am sitting right now with Aunt Trudy. Holding her hand and comforting her as she is very sick in the hospital. She had pneumonia and lost the ability to walk and now she is very frightened and anxious. We are preparing to take her home to Big Pine Key with Hospice and a full time caregiver. She never wanted to go to the hospital and definitely not to a nursing home and we are respecting that wish and treating her with respect. She might recover at home, and if not then what a most beautiful setting to spend one’s last days as looking out over Bogie channel where we often see porpoises.  What I learned, and what I tell Chuck that I did with him when he couldn’t sleep and he was so anxious in the hospital, was that I put my hand on his chest and I called upon the Blessed Mother to wrap him up just like she does with the baby Jesus in so many statues and pictures we see. Any of us can ask for the Blessed Mother to help us… Just cover us and hold us. Try it with a small restless child. Try it with an anxious old folk….  I am relieving Thelma for the day. I left her at home on Big Pine Key to do her taxes. I wanted to visit Trudy for a while. When I got to the hospital at noon Trudy was crying and twisting and the nurses said she has been like that all morning saying, “I can’t do this..” “Well yeah, who can do this?  Hospitals are awful places especially when you can’t walk or think straight.” So I asked for a relaxant and indeed Atavan is prescribed so we got fixed up with a little relaxer and then the techs did some hygienic things with Trudy and now I am just holding her hand and when she gets agitated, I put my hand on her chest and tell her… “It’s alright, sleep, sleep…” While I was doing that a nurse came in and asked if she could pray… sure. So she called on Jesus and she prayed for Trudy and Trudy moved her lips as if she were praying too. I told Thelma Ann (Chuck’s sister) that their mother couldn’t talk and was so confused, but she could say the Our Father when I asked her if she wanted to pray.  My dears. If you are not a person of faith, please know first that you are not alone. I would say more, but that is enough for now.

Yesterday Chuck was so “on.” We couldn’t understand why Trudy had lost so much ground going from talking and knowing people to confused, agitated, screaming, crying and not knowing Thelma or Chuck. Meanwhile, Thelma could not get the nurses to give her a doctor’s phone number… “What happened?” is a normal question when anyone goes downhill so quickly….  I used to bother the nurses minutely when Chuck had bad things going on and the doctors had to speak to me, but these doctors are too busy and they sneak in and out of the hospital in the dark of the night…. So, everyone got marching orders.  Thelma went to the billing office to be sure they had all the proper information on Trudy’s supplemental insurance. (It is absolutely necessary for us to purchase a policy to cover “the 20% medicare won’t cover”. And we sent Chuck to get medical records with his power of attorney for Trudy. (It is absolutely necessary for us to have power of attorney for each other.) Well… he made a stop at the Risk Manager’s office and talked lawyers and names she knew. Just chatting like Chuck can do… When he came back we began to get nurses coming in and but we did not get to see the doctor… he had “emergencies.” This same thing happened to me with Chuck and it was infuriating. We finally left the hospital as Chuck needed to get out of there. He’s still recovering and he still needs rest. On the drive home from Key West to Big Pine, the doctor called and spoke to Thelma, Karen Skipp called to advise us, and Chuck called Hospice of the Florida Keys. Before we got to the Fish shop where we purchased stone crabs, we had things worked out for Trudy to transfer her to Hospice at home (probably this coming Wednesday). Thelma is really being a trooper as the full time family on site. We need a few days to get a hospital bed and arrange for care. I feel very strongly and feel very proud that “Chuck is back!”   I meanwhile have two books to read. One for my St. Augustine’s book club by Tuesday night (about 20 pages to go), and one called Jesus of Nazareth From the Entry into Jerusalem to the Resurrection (volume 2 by Pope Benedict – he is an excellent writer) that the sisters at Paulinas book store have asked me to read and give a book talk on April 9.  I will alert you as to the exact date and time so maybe some of my family and friends can attend, cheer, and buy my book too. (I’ll even sign it!) God bless you my dear friends and family. Keep praying for us as we’re going through a lot here, but we are not alone.

Susie's musings

coming around the mountain…

Hi dear friends and family. Sometimes we can’t see the other side of the mountain until we round the bend… and there it is! "our goal." I can’t say reaching the goal will be easy, but we can see the final path. Dr. H, our highly recommended neurologist, called and I told him how lousy Chuck feels when he takes the Kepra… Chuck wakes up, feels great, walks with Dave and does shoulder exercises feeling good, eat breakfast and take pill…. feel lousy (oh I hope it’s not my cooking….) so go for a 3 hour nap. And repeat in the evening. Watching Chuck try to counter the nausea and odd feelings is painful… You can see the drug working. Cousin Carol pointed this out when she was here. He gets lethargic in the morning about 1 hour after taking the pill. So I just told the doctor what I just wrote. Can we start to reduce the meds with a goal to stopping the meds? yes. Starting today Chuck takes no more Kepra except at night and stops totally in 2 weeks. So… we have to watch him. watching…… Poor dear still can’t drive for a month and has to take it easy for a while longer until we get clearance to do whatever it was he did before. We will see Dr H April 1 (really – no fooling.) The rest is up to the angels to clear his head and move forward. Meanwhile I’m hacking and choking because all the mango trees in the neighborhood are in full bloom. Time to turn on the air conditioning. (oh? is it still winter out there?) Love Susie

Susie's musings

When we get on our knees

Hi dear friends. When we get on our knees we are so low that we don’t see that we are giving all to our Creator who reaches out to touch us all the time. As I said in the Baptism class I teach… He’s always pouring out his spirit, it’s just that I am too busy looking at me and my troubles to notice. But I remember my friend Peter who saw me so desperate and scared that he put his hand over mine and stopped my blubbering with, "Susie you need to pray." It’s almost like, "give it up kiddo, you can’t do anything much except keep going along… so pray." Is it just pray and ask for help? I’m not sure what it is, but things go on. We have an appointment with the neurologist we had at Baptist (Dr H) this coming Thursday and I think Chuck is so good without the meds that I’m going to ask if there is any good in the meds – do we really need them? If not, then….. let Chuck fly without them. We’ll watch Chuck. He’s not running or jumping. He’s napping daily and being good. I’m fighting the battles gently and he seems to be recovering physically. I will get back to my watching and not worry when he notices "you’re watching me…" ! Also yesterday the silent workers comp people called. It’s been like water torture working with the worker’s comp people. If they approve the claim all bills will be paid. If they don’t approve the claim (and they have until April to notify us) then we owe a lot of money. Well?????? I’ve done everything they said except I chose to stay with the neurologist we had in the hospital (highly recommended Dr H.) Workers comp came up with an alternative in Broward county but never made an appointment (well they did but I never got the notice of appointment) – which is a good thing because driving to Broward county is NOT something you want me to do too often all distracted and anxious as I was (am). Anyhow. They called and they will be sending a private car to pick us up and take us to their Broward county specialist on March 1. I figure if Chuck needs ongoing help, let the worker’s comp doctor prescribe it and I can give up the expensive out of my pocket specialist… God works for those who love him.
This is a very special time when Miami is the only place in the states that has temperatures of 70-80 and indeed on the weather map: it is so! As I was reading this morning my thoughts were broken into…. with song. I listened and sang out! "the Martins are back!" We have a little special bird house out in the back by the lake. Every year a little brown/black bird flies up from Brazil to live in our Martin house from about this time (when it starts to be warm again) to mid June. They sing and sing!!! They have little singing parties and chirp and fly around and have babies. Every year we love them when they are here and it’s sad when they leave. Their return is like someone makes a promise and it’s kept. Life goes on and all is well. Chuck and Dave are out walking and Chuck will be OK. I’ve been a little down lately and now I have a drippy head cold, but I thank you and want you to know… all’s well. Our yards are lovely because Dave and I have been tending for a lake wedding. Life is good – Thank God. Love sue

Susie's musings

Need some prayer

Hi dear friends and family. I’ve been thinking we need to pray more. That will buttress me up… I guess even though I know this recovery thing will take a long while and we might get a little different Chuck back … even though I KNOW that… I’m not acting so. So I pray for patience and gentleness in the face of our Chuck who says he doesn’t want any fussing, but then says I don’t take care of him. Who says he doesn’t want ice or ibuprophen but then says I never ice his shoulder… yikes!!! I come at him swooping in with ice and he grumbles like a son of a gun and says I make it hurt. Oh boy am I growsing today!!!! That’s why we need prayer. I’m praying that Chuck is just foggy from the seizure medication which he still takes 250 mg morning and night and then gets foggy and "feel lousy" … I hope that the 250mg Kepra is what is making him foggy anyway…. I have considered just stopping the med but I’m also thinking I crossed the doctor line before and maybe just this once I need to ask the neurologist and then listen to him… …. I’ve been asking for another meeting with neurologist to reduce even further the med and consider stopping it so Chuck can be without drugs to let his brain start working at 100% and also to see if thyroid number comes down. Chuck is at 5.7 which is considered hypo thyroid, but some studies say brain trauma can affect thyroid. I think we need to see what the unmedicated person can do and then move from there. And then we can see what we’ve lost and work on that. Send advice and pray – I’ll accept both. Love Sue

Susie's musings

Moving right along with Susie

Hi dear friends. I jumped the gun a little bit and our friends advise Chuck shouldn’t be driving without express consent of doctor… Since we forgot to ask the doctor for permission during our visit, he is grounded for a while and I’m still mistress of the auto. He’s feeling lots better; he says the fog has lifted somewhat with meds halved. Chuck and Dave are still walking almost every morning and Chuck is doing shoulder stretches and PT and OT 5 days a week. He has done everything the OT people have to offer, his handwriting is neater than it has been in years, and now today he is going to teach the OT doctor how to do Suduku (Chuck is still having trouble with Suduku so the doctor thinks he can break through the fog with teaching.) We’ll visit Thelma and Aunt Trudy in the Keys this weekend where the clothes washer at our house just broke. It’s always something…. Today is a beautiful sunny day – has been a beauty all week. God is good with flowers on my little lake. God bless you dear friends and help us to pray. Love Susie

Susie's musings

I now will need rehabbing

We met with the neurologist in his den and he did what I wanted… the neurologist has cut Chuck’s seizure meds in half… how’s that for getting exactly what I wanted? … What fun it will be to have Chuck not so sleepy or anxious. He drove the last two days and he is driving a little fast. "Oh," you say, "why doesn’t Sue do something about that?" Have you ever seen a 100 pound woman holding a full grown Saint Bernard on a leash? You know darn well when he wants to go, he’s going. Chuck has driven to rehab and back. It’s about 2 miles on 107 Avenue to Kendall drive. Straight shot, but this is Miami where aggression is top of the line, and the speed limit is only 40. So more prayer please for our boy who is off to OT while I stay home and wait for someone who is coming by to get paid for a job he did for us. Chuck really likes OT. He doesn’t have his handwriting back yet, and they are playing mental agility games with him. Keeping it light. meanwhile… the shoulder hurts like… well think of your worst hurt. He was really groaning with pain so I managed to get 600mg Ibuprophen into him at great protest (It’s what the doctor ordered and neurologist says OK). Chuck is the man who doesn’t take medicine. The shoulder doctor said 800mg three times a day… I barely got 600mg in once. Actually the next time I asked, and I don’t ask often, the shoulder felt better.

OK so what about me? I have changed roles from Mother dog protecting her man in the hospital system… and I have become the PT (Physical Therapy) mother dog. He has to work that shoulder twice a day at least… and I feel bad when it hurts, but the alternative is manipulation by the doctor under anesthesia… NO WAY. When do I get rehabbed? Soon, I know. Happy hopefully warm day, Love Sue

Susie's musings

normal again thank God we are normal

I can’t sing enough today…. "Thank God! Chuck’s shoulder is normal! Thank God." The shoulder pain has been awful and still is… and when he groans I come running…. "Are you OK?" I swear I am so glad men don’t have babies as their shouting and groaning would be heard around the world….
Chuck had an MRI for a possible tear in the tendons or rotator cuff etc etc. I use such non-clinical words. The MRI report is loaded up with "need to look these words up in the dictionary…" but the bottom line is the shoulder is normal for a man his age…. mild bursitis, mild arthritis, a bump on the top of the shoulder … I got a sheet full of indications, findings and impressions and there is one sentence the neuro surgeon circled: Prominent capsulitis particularly along the anterior and posterior inferior capsule of glenohumeral ligament…. could be adhesive." Go figure! At least two big words to look up in that sentence. It happens often after neck, back, and head surgery. I think the Operating room people tie the patient down to hold him still and then Chuck might have jerked or had a seizure and the shoulder didn’t move…. The MRI uses the words "moderate" and "mild" for all the 63 year old man things going on with the shoulder. The bottom line is it can be rehabbed. The doctor, a big, nice guy, did promise if Chuck doesn’t rehab the shoulder and fight through the pain to rehab the shoulder, the doctor can go in and manipulate it in surgery and break through the scar tissue. No!!!!! if we never see the inside of an ER, OR, and Recovery room again that will be the best. I personally will stand on his back and pull at that shoulder – I hope I don’t have to do that. Chuck is out walking with Dave and swinging his arm. I am making blueberry pancakes. All is well. Tomorrow we see the neurosurgeon and work to get the Kepra (seizure medicine) decreased so Chuck can take motrin to lower shoulder pain. That’s OK we can deal with that. Have a wonderful day and stay warm my northern friends.

Susie's musings


Dear Saturday sunny day friends. I cannot believe I failed to give you the news on Chuck’s normal CT scan. We were so elated when we left the neurosurgeon’s office and I didn’t write!!! On Jan 10 we had a CT scan that was reviewed with us at neurosurgeon’s office January 18. How do these words sound? "No intra or extra axial fluid… no intra parenchymal hemorrhage… no mass effect or midline shift… ventricles are age appropriate… basilar cisterns are normal in appearance… posterior fossa normal… old bilateral small lacunar infarcts of bilateral thalami less than 1.0 cm in size… "

I had to look up half the words on the report but the one that jumps off the page is normal. The physician’s assistant gave Chuck some tests and said he is "more than 4 out of 5" on the testing. The PT guy is working him hard and it seems the shoulder is the main concern (we had an MRI of the shoulder and await result on the rotator cuff injury). We will meet with neurologist on Wednesday morning to make a plan to "wean" Chuck off the seizure meds. I’ve spoken to many people on seizure medication who say they are sleepy and foggy and they wish they could just stop the meds, but the alternative is not good either. I will be obedient but pray and "lobby" for removal. Our Chuck is ready to be done with this. God bless him and God bless you for praying for him! Love and have a wonderful weekend. Susie

Susie's musings

It’s not just about letting go…

Dear friends. I’m thinking of a second book, and I’m doing some free writing whenever it comes to me and here are two pieces written after I waved goodbye to Chuck in the car headed for the Keys with Perry and Heather:

There is going to come a time when the patient suddenly "pops" and tells you to "get off his case," "give him some space," "quit grilling him," "_____" you will fill in the blank when he says it to you. You have heard of the straw that broke the camel’s back; well, you’ll be the one to catch it when you ask too many times, "how are you feeling?" "What would you like to drink, milk or water?" "Do you feel dizzy?" He’s at the point where he wants to run, drive, go back to work, cook, "______" you fill in the blank when you hear it because you will know it when you hear it. You will know when you have to let go. He doesn’t really know it when he says it that it hurts. He doesn’t realize what you have done for him. All he knows is you are his full time keeper; watching, listening, doling out pills, making appointments, screening phone calls, and, as is the case in my husband’s recovery, messing up the check book.

He doesn’t understand that you almost lost your mind too with worry and fear and with sleep deprivation. He can’t thank you for your worry, your fear, your prayers, and your patience. He doesn’t understand that you’ve given all and almost lost everything. He doesn’t know his own fear (he being the fearless one and the protector); he is grieving the loss of skills that he hasn’t even identified yet. He doesn’t know that he’s drained and that he needs space to heal, reflect, and to reconnect with his new self.

After Chuck said to stop grilling him, and after one more sleepless night for both of us, I was driving Chuck to a 9AM PT and I was actively wondering who is more impaired and should not be driving, him or me? His brain on 1000mg Kepra is probably working better than mine on weak coffee with milk. I’m trying to cut back on morning caffeine so I can nap. To no avail. I can’t nap and I’m still having trouble falling asleep at all. I call this condition, "the fruit of the beast."

Our PT place is loaded with people Chuck knows. Friday at PT, I watched Chuck as he bounced on a trampoline talking to an old associate. For those from the law firm, remember Dr. Fogarty an accident reconstruction expert? He and Chuck were both rehabbing and they were talking about old cases. Chuck once drove a truck on the Keys highway with lug nuts unscrewed to see if the tire would come off. Dr Fogarty sat in the cab with Chuck waiting to see what speed the truck might have been traveling when the tire came off. Dr Fogarty was also in on the great caper to see how soon they would see a giant boulder in the middle of a berm in Plantation that a guy drove into claiming he couldn’t see it. What fearless young men they used to be. I sat there musing and watching two somewhat stiff older men exchanging lively "remember whens" and I realized, "he’s coming back." After relating his brain injury "event," Chuck told Fogarty, "I just have a little rotator cuff injury." Chuck also chatted with an FHP trooper who is rehabbing too. Chuck updated him on a death of the troopers’ friend that occurred while Chuck was in rehab. I wasn’t sure Chuck would remember that, but he does. They exchanged old fond memories as if this were an exercise class; two paunchy men being iced down for injuries after rehab.

I think he’s back. We have an appointment with a specialist for the rotator cuff injury and then an appointment with the neurologist where I will start campaigning to reduce the seizure medication. He’s certainly ready. This weekend will tell the tale: I pushed Chuck out of the nest last night with Perry driving and Heather and the kids in the back seat, Chuck headed for a weekend in the Keys without me. He called from Duck Key and they were all singing and laughing. I could hear the tiredness in his voice. I pray he slept. I pray he remembers to take his pills that I assembled in two daily pill containers (morning and evening) and I handed him into the hands of God, our Blessed mother, and the angels. Extra angels please. For just a little while more. Love Susie

ps: Draft piece: From Grieving to Recovery:
Today I will take two ribbons and hang them on a cork board. I choose red and pink ribbons. These ribbons hang on the cork board and they remind me to see color today. I will see the colors red and pink. Tomorrow is another day, and yesterday is past. Today I will see red and pink. I won’t try to do more. Choose two colors. Red, pink, orange, blue, green, yellow, black, brown. It doesn’t have to be ribbons. Rip colors out of magazine ads you find in doctors’ waiting rooms. Tack those two colors up and look for them. See the color today. That’s all. That’s enough for one day.

Susie's musings

Under the palms

Dear friends and family.  While it is snowing in 49 states (even Hawaii has snow) I am sitting under palms on a breezy morning. A sweatshirt protects me and the palms keep the sun out of my eyes.  Chuck ran a little this morning over a 3.2 mile course.  I think it is time to let the reins I have on him loosen up.  Next doctor visit I will take the latest CT scan, pray it is normal normal and ask for the Kepra to be reduced.  Of all the books I read, the seizure meds are the one thing that seem to hold back the patient from recovery.  I bought a new blood pressure kit with about 6 parts, and he put it together.  B/P is 120 over 80…   He’s only on two meds, seizure and a low dose of cholesterol med (like Zocor). Had a blood test and we await the results for the doctor to cut out the zocor.  We have to rehab the shoulder. As you know those of you who have had any kind of surgery that requires rehab, I’ll bet some could recite damages to unaffiliated limbs. Like hip surgery and you get a shoulder injury. The rehab people are trying to strengthen all the areas of the body.  If I went into rehab, my shouders and knees would be in such agony!  Couch potato personified.  One day I’ll start exercising. First I have to beat up the dust bunnies and the weeds.  My lovely yard has not been mowed or weeded since early November.   The weeds have flowers, but that is not good!!!   Thank you for your prayers. I am sleeping at night, and Chuck is feeling pretty good. All seems to be on the upturn.  Love Susie

Susie's musings

Too much noise?

I am celebrating today and telling everyone! Chuck balanced the check book this morning. It all started when he went into the hospital and I "checked" 2 bank statements. Checked off everything on the statement and matched the checkmarks with the check book. "OK," I said when my final number was about $600 lower than the bank said we had, "What is ‘balancing’ and how do we do it?" I didn’t address this with Chuck until yesterday afternoon and he looked at my check marks and all the checks and papers, and he said, "I can’t do this, too much noise." You know how you take a remark like this "in" and you feel your belly squirm and your mouth make a funny smudge, and you think, "he can’t balance the check book. Yikes." So feeling it was too soon (9 weeks) after surgery, I left the papers and we moved on to dinner. My friend Karen suggested gently that the "noise" is me: "in his face with the rehab and care giving" and well, maybe, just a little! The books I’m reading show that some things don’t come back for years…. and maybe never. But every time, I worry, but I realize I can’t push him. This morning, when I finally rolled out of bed at 8:30, Chuck said, "I balanced the check book, let me show you what you missed." Sure enough there was a deposit in the exact amount of the unbalance. Add in the deposit and whammo! balance. The finer points, I don’t know because this has always been Chuck’s job. Like yard work and the Christmas letter and cards are my job. Decorating the inside of the house, my job. Decorating the outside of the house, keeping the sheds in order, car maintenance, his job. etc etc. So I guess dear readers, my advice for today is two-fold. Don’t worry! There will be small victories coming when you are care giving. Just wait. And learn now how to do those things that are his job or her job. Just in case. Happy Baptism of Jesus day and … God bless you. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Chuck and George

 Do you remember Tool Time with Tim Allen? You never saw the neighbor, Wilson, just his forehead… Anyhow (see below) Chuck and neighbor George talk over the fence except Chuck has to stand on a ladder leaned against our side of the fence…. George will be helping us to build our dock and I’ll probably rope him in to some other projects like fixing our back door that really has never worked. Happy weekend to all, and may your home projects be fun! Love Susie

Westwood Lake

Chuck and George at the fence

Susie's musings

Papers aren’t filed yet!

Hi dear friends and family. We have accomplished many things this week! Chuck walks every day, he receives physical therapy on his shoulder, he went to the dentist and got a good report (with not flossing – I was concerned), and he gave blood this morning for our blood thirsty trusty general practice doctor who wants to be sure all systems are "go." I’m telling you the Peabody/Goethe genes are hardy! I I don’t floss I bleed and then the dentist yells at me. Chuck is amazing. FYI if you know anyone who has trouble with the little flossing thread, use the stick with built in floss…

On the weekend we have nothing but walking and resting. He has passed all my little tests (I write questions and have him answer them in writing, and I also have him connect numbers that I’ve written all over the page). His handwriting is a little off, and his signature looks like it did in the Navy! He knows everything and all he has to get back is the high level cerebral things like decision making, organizing, taking notes… maybe these are things I’m good at and he never did…. Last night when I asked him if he wanted a glass of water or milk, he snarled, and I said, "Honey you should answer, ‘yes sweetie I would like a glass of milk,’ and he said, "I never said that before!!!" and I just laughed. I think the brain shoves the high level analytical and social stuff to the back burner in order to use all resources to survive and then recover physically. Scary as all get out isn’t it? but the good part is most brain injury patients are able to recover. I remember I went crashing out of ICU and into the arms of a "social worker" who makes people sign in and gives out pillows and blankets to families… and she just gave me kleenex and told me "most people recover, and he’s strong." She probably says that to everyone, and so I turned and said it to God. Thank you for staying in touch. You can talk with Chuck on his cell. He’s good. Love Sue

Susie's musings

Singing and dancing…

Because the Lord is good to us!!! Yesterday I was working on organizing a pile of papers in the art room. I pay bills on the computer and drop the completed bill with notes that I paid on the floor behind me to wait for filing. There is also a stack of papers that I accumulated since the entrance into the ER… So there I was on the floor organizing and this came into my mind, "The Lord is my Shepherd and there is nothing I shall want." I was overwhelmed by that whisper. What does the Lord want me to do? Imagine the shepherd lad guiding his flock of sheep: He finds a sweet spot of soft grass and he curls up to sleep while his trusty sheep dog guards the sheep. He is content and happy because he knows he and his sheep are protected. He hums a tune praising his God. We too have sheep to watch, but when we get anxious and tired (me), why not turn them over to an angel and trust God to guard everything. If bad things happen, trust in the Lord to work his plan. Trust, do not worry… Let the Lord lead you beside still waters and restore your soul… Fear no evil for God has promised to take care of us. Anointed with oil, full of blessings, dwell in the house of the Lord with goodness and mercy. WOW! I never really FELT the 23rd Psalm. Now I am feeling it. It is my shield and my mantra.

Chuck is getting better! Today he finished a free cell (card game on the computer) that he started 2 weeks ago and couldn’t finish. He got up this morning and made coffee and came to wake me up with coffee in hand and told me I had 18 minutes to get to church. He was watching his watch and giving me time updates… "Time to put clothes on and get out". He started the car and handed me my purse with a book to read and my "schedule of activities I had planned for this morning". I’d say the old Chuck is very near…

Sleep deprivation is devastating. It is the gift given to the care giver that as often as we are weary and sleepy and wanting to "smack" our sick one, we don’t smack them and we don’t have a bad accident…. (recite the Psalm or other prayer here). I shepherd us off to bed before 9pm and I give strict orders to stay in bed until 7am. And then he’s restless because his shoulder is aching ( I go get an ibuprophen). Then some time in the night I have to go find him (usually sitting watching TV and sipping coffee he makes at all hours) and I put him back in bed…. he wakes up and then is so sleepy but needs to be told to go to bed…) I think when he is tired is the hardest time. Although during the day he’ll take himself in for a nap and often sleeps 1 1/2 to 2 hours. But he’s able to do some things like he’s starting to conduct business and he makes Dave walk every day!!! Even took himself out to walk alone in the Keys. Well darlings I have to go file those papers. God bless us all and receive our thanks!!! Love Sue

Susie's musings


Happy New Year to all our friends and family. First let me tell you that this sunset-loving, backyard sage has been thinking a lot about angels. I thank the angels who have lifted me up. I am sure we’ve talked about angels lately… God sends them to announce (Gabriel), to fight for us (Michael), and to guide us (Raphael). These are the big guys, the Archangels, but there are minions of small ones who stand by and blow on us a warm breath (these are manifested in the hugs, kisses, and prayers we get as we struggle with our troubles.)

I’ve been struggling with what I considered to be loss, but it’s not loss, it’s just change, and God’s hand is on our Chuck. I have said to God, "You made Chuck, you have plans for him, and I trust you."  But I’m human, and I try to take the reins in my hands. Imagine wanting what we want, and pushing to get it. That only tires us out, gives us a headache, causes us not to focus on what’s really important –  love and trust. Trudy said she wouldn’t take the antibiotic she needs because it makes her sick, so I got all bothered thinking the infection would set in… but I also told her, she’s in charge and I can’t force her. So the untaken pills sat. Today the doctor said Trudy’s toe is fine and she doesn’t have to take the antibiotic any more.    For a second I was … and I can’t put a name on what I felt (useless, wrong???) Now wait! Where did my belief in the angels and God’s taking care of his child go?  OK so enough said. We can’t control anything much. We can’t make healing happen. We do our best and we can love. And we can let go and let God. That sounds like a New Year’s Resolution dear friends and family.

About Chuck:  He’s walking alone now… imagine my"fear" at letting him go off alone. He put sneakers on when I was going over to bandage "the toe" and he walked 2 1/2 miles. Imagine how nervous I’ll be when he first drives?  I expect his friend Dave to take him out for the first time… partners in the car for 20 years ought to count for something. He gave me a big smile this morning. Believe it or not… he’s been a little stiff and expressionless (comes with brain injury)… that big smile was a big gift. God bless you. Sue  

Susie's musings

It’s still Christmas!

Dear friends and family.  In Mass this morning, we celebrated the Presentation of Jesus when Simeon and Anna thanked God for delivering us with the baby who will save us.  We celebrate the wise men coming next Sunday and many celebrate 3 Kings on Jan 6.  I hope you are still celebrating.  Chuck and I are still here on Big Pine Key taking care of Chuck and Aunt Trudy.  She is very perky and healing nicely.  Chuck and I are leaving Monday morning for a PT session in the afternoon.  We leave Aunt Trudy’s care over to Thelma as second care giver.  We are walking 2 to 3 miles in the sunshine. The temperature has dipped into the 40s, but mostly in 60s and 70s.  I ask you to continue to offer prayers for Chuck as the recovery of cognitive power will take a while. We wish you a wonderful New Year. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Signs and Christmas

Signs… We ask for them all the time: “Lord if you want me to do this, give me a sign… if this is the right life partner; give me a sign.”  Etc. Well I didn’t ask for a sign. A giant bird pooped on my car door, windshield, and on me through my open window!  This happened in the middle of a rather stressful day in the Publix parking lot in Key West. If I may back up to tell you "the whole story"…… Chuck and I came down to Big Pine Key to take Aunt Trudy to a routine doctor’s appointment and to a nice Christmas Eve meal. The doctor said to Trudy rather loud and fast, “How did you let this get this bad???”  I was out in the waiting room and I heard that and sent Chuck in to see what’s going on. She has an infection in her big toe and the doctor said he has to take off the nail and it will need dressing and a prescription and come back in a week for another procedure, more care, and more instructions. Poor Trudy… shots of Novocain always hurt, and then the (yikes) process of taking off a nail… and all the rubbing with red stuff and bandaging… She was a trooper. I was the white-faced care giver carrying her purse, glasses, hat, and sweater. We went to lunch at Fridays where Princess Trudy put her foot up and then to Publix for the prescription where the bird POOPED on me and I yelled, “that bird pooped on me!” Chuck and Trudy looked at me like I was the one with the brain injury… “why is she shouting?”  Later that day, I told Colleen (neighbor) the story as we watched sunset and Colleen said, “It’s a sign!!!”    In “Under the Tuscan Sun” with Diane Lane, an old lady must sell her house but she doesn’t want to… when a big bird poops on Diane Lane’s head, the old lady says (in Italian) “It is a sign!!! Sell her the house!”  Apparently it is also a sign in the Keys if you step into dog poop – it is a sign.  But I didn’t ask for a sign!!!  So I have to just wash my car and pants where the bird got me and I have to say I was in the wrong place at the wrong time… Or maybe I could attribute it to Christmas. God sent a sign of his incredible love! We celebrate his Love sign this day as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. We eat, drink, make merry, and take care of others in celebration of our gratitude for God’s gift.  Give a gift of your love today or this week in honor of God’s sign and gift to us.  

This is supposed to be a blog about Chuck’s progress. I think this is one of those slow weeks (when the loved one doesn’t seem to progressing as fast as the caregiver wants him to) that people write about in the books I’m reading. There is so much going on that I don’t think he is getting restful sleep. (I certainly am not well slept!!! I am exhibiting signs of anxiety, impatience and I need prayer). We took Aunt Trudy to Key Colony Inn for a Christmas lunch and the restaurant was so noisy, and the food was not great… and with Chuck in the back seat watching me drive over the 7 mile bridge, I think he was brain drained by the time we got home…so he took to bed for a long winter’s nap. Pray for our Chuck and for a restful and complete recovery.  He looks good and he is healthy, he just needs some time to straighten out the cognitive knots and he needs a patient nurse. Pray for patience!  Love and kisses, Merry Christmas.  Susie

Susie's musings

Tuesday morning – sunny

Good morning dear friends. After not too much sleep we are up and cheery. We are stuck on the TV series 24 on DVDs that Charlie sent, and it is so active and intense that we are finding it hard to settle down to sleep. I got up at midnight to make lists of things I have to do and Chuck was awake too. He still needs to get plenty of sleep for brain rebooting, so we might have to move watching the 24 DVDs to the afternoon so we can settle down to go to sleep!!!! It is amazing what coffee will do "the morning after". Chuck, Dave, and Charlie just started out for a walk while I work on some piles of paperwork. The hospital and doctors’ bills are starting to come in and I have to copy them and send them on to worker’s comp AND call the individual billing doctor’s offices to give them worker’s comp information. YIKES! I’m still excited about Chuck’s eye exam with my friend from the St. Augustine Emmaus and book club. She increased his prescription, and she said his eyes are healthy and not affected by his brain injury. Thank God! He ordered 2 pairs of new glasses (bifocals for improved reading, and wrap around sunglasses). He’s anticipating using the wrap arounds when he rides the motorcycle, but that is a long way off. He probably won’t be cleared for driving for months; and the motorcycle… well that requires much more coordination than we have right now. … Chuck seems much clearer since the doctor dropped the second seizure medicine (dilantin). We have 2 PT sessions this week and then we’ll be off for the Keys and Christmas with Aunt Trudy. We might stay for a week and take Trudy to a New Years Day party on our Big Pine Key block. Speaking of PT: We will be looking at exercise bands to continue the exercises he is doing in PT. If anyone has had success with these, please recommend what you bought and how you used them. We looked at Bow Flex machines, but believe it or not, I don’t have room for a giant home gym…. Exercise bands we can handle. Life is a series of ups and downs. Thank God for both, for he gave us adequate faith, hope and charity on Christmas day. God bless you! Love Susie

Susie's musings

What day is today?

Dear gentle readers! Happy last week of Advent. Prepare ye the Way of the Lord!!! Because doctors ask, "What day is it? What month is it?" We try to look at the calendar every day. If I forget to look then I don’t know what day it is. The neurologist actually told Chuck that Chuck forgot the date the last time he was in the office…. "yeah, yeah, yeah, OK so we’ll learn the date," I thought begrudgingly. Knowing the date as a retired person is important because it helps us get the garbage and recycling to the curb, and it helps get to doctor’s appointments. What else??? Oh well beauty and hair appointments. I’ve missed 2 since Chuck was in the hospital…
So…. it is Monday before Christmas!!! We’re on the exit ramp of Advent and going to slide in for a "Home Run" at Midnight on Friday night! Chuck and I will be driving to Big Pine Key on Thursday after rehab to take Aunt Trudy for a lunch in Key West on Friday and for Christmas dinner on Saturday. Charlie Paparelli’s visit has been stimulating and exciting. Charlie, Dave, and Chuck have walked every day. They are up to 2 miles. Chuck is much more his old self, but still needs naps for brain recovery. So if you come to visit… look for the note pasted to the doorbell and be ready for nap time after breakfast (or in the afternoon if we have a morning appointment) and a somewhat early evening as we’re in bed by 8:30pm. Chuck has stopped wandering in the night and sleeps through, "like a baby." Charlie gave us 5 years worth of the TV show 24 so I am all fired up when we finally get to bed. Chuck just sleeps with that tiny purr that I still thank God for. . Thanks Charlie for interrupting my sleep!!!
We’re looking at buying a Bow Flex machine because Chuck is working very hard in PT and that will end one day. I hope hope we will continue to exercise after PT. The new (Craig’s list) Bow Flex will reside in the TV room, so be prepared for a "gymnasium look" when you look towards the lake! All right dear ones, have a wonderful week and stay warm (25 degrees in Palm Coast, Florida and freezing!) Miami is a balmy and sunny 65. Love and kisses, God bless you. Susie

Susie's musings

To the Sunset

Dear gentle readers.  As we drove to PT (physical therapy) today, Christmas music playing on the radio, and me mindlessly singing to the music, I thought for a second, "Christmas?" This Christmas, the only Christmas that I will be celebrating is thanking God for gifting us with faith, hope, and charity. There will be presents for relatives as I try never to forget our dear relatives, but the real Christmas present, as everyone knows, is the miracle sitting right next to me in his seat.  We are dealing with physical therapy for brain surgery and tiny infarcts in the thalamus, whatever they are – except uncommon and unique, I don’t know much about them. But we are dealing with them.

Chuck works very hard in PT, and on Wednesday Chuck had some right hand tremors while biking vigorously. The PT leader and the doctor we saw on Thursday could not explain the tremors that stopped as soon as Chuck stopped biking. The neurologist cut out one seizure medication increasing Kepra to 500mg twice a day. I feel better about being on only one seizure med, and the neurologist said he prefers not to "mix" similar meds. OK. We see him again in 2 months. We can live with this.

After PT today we scarfed down hamburgers and chocolate shakes (OK it’s not brain food, but he does get plenty of fruits and veggies too), took a shower, and dressed to meet my Emmaus sister Dr. Millares to get an eye exam. She hugged him and told him how good he looks and how everyone is praying for him…. About a millennium ago (in October) Chuck said he was having trouble reading, well it HAS been 3 years since his last eye exam. Stuck in traffic for an hour, I arrived at the eye doctor’s office with much higher blood pressure than Chuck did and he got an A+ for healthy eyes. (Thank God). I was concerned about the brain trauma affecting his eyes, but once again we got the old familiar "OK" "he’s in great shape" … except for a little tiredness and slowness in motor and cognitive, and the occasional slurring of words when he gets tired he’s on his way to recovery. Funny thing, I do that too, and I often don’t know the date … and I didn’t have my brain stomped on ……
Chuck and Charlie Paparelli are talking now as Charlie came for a visit from Atlanta. We look forward to many visits with old friends and we continually thank you for your prayers. Christmas will be very special this year. God bless you! Sue

OH ps: about the title. When things seem too overwhelming… we can "go to the mattresses" ("The Godfather" and "You’ve Got Mail"). For me it’s "Go to the sunset." Who can ever be overwhelmed or sad looking at a sunset? Amen.

Susie's musings

Italian Risotto

Our English friend Sally asked what she could make us for dinner and I thought for a second and went to the ‘fridge and pulled out an Italian risotto with the directions in Italian. Well she IS a European; surely she can read Italian! Oh she said, I make this all the time, and she headed off to the Winn Dixie for mushrooms and fresh spinach. I provided beef juice from the freezer, and Sally is now singing and stirring. Bill put up our Christmas lights and then proceeded to clean up my beaches (pull weeds). Then he and Chuck made a big bonfire for all those weedys and some big trunks of trees that have been lying around on the beaches. I meanwhile just rolled myself up in a soft blanket and watched. I am now hurrying as Sally is quickly stirring in cheese and spinach. I smell good food coming!!!! All is well in chilly south Florida. Tomorrow we might get a freeze. brrrr… All you lovely friends out there keep praying for Chuck. He had an EEG today which might enable him to get off the Dilantin (seizure med). We meet again with the neurologist on Thursday… Chuck will stay on the Kepra for at least 3 months per the neurologist. …. God bless you this wintery night. Love Sue and Chuck and friends in our warm house.

Susie's musings

Our English family

Sally and Bill sailed from Cornwall to Houston and spent 2 weeks in our American West eating Mexican food and looking out at our very skinny border (the Rio Grande) which they said was very carefully guarded by our border patrol…. We had set up great plans to pick up Renee and meet Sally and Bill near Waveland, Mississippi and visit sites along the coast down to gardens in Florida. Well Chuck certainly does have a way of being dramatic and so… Sally, Bill and Renee changed the plans we had made to visit Florida sites and Orlando area. Sally and Bill are flying out of Miami, so they came to visit us here in Miami last evening about 5pm. We also entertained Chuck’s cousin Stacy and Alice for breakfast with a nice nap between breakfast and Dinner. Peter and Karen came from a short vacation on Naples and we had a little dinner party to welcome our English family, to wish Peter and Karen a happy birthday, and to thank Dave and Debbie for taking very good care of us in the past month!!! We had a wonderful dinner and then Chuck took himself to bed. The injured, insulted brain needs sleep, and Chuck is taking advantage of sleep to heal. Chuck has shown Bill the Christmas lights, and Sally will shop and make dinner for us tonight. Chuck, Bill, and Dave went out walking (1 1/2 mile), Sally and I made breakfast which we ate with dates and bread (thank Renee for the goodies)… Chuck will take a nap and then we have an EEG at 12:30 and a PT at 3:00…. God bless you my dears as we prepare for Christmas, and everyone keep warm. Love Susie

Susie's musings

God’s touches

Today is a double exercise day! Chuck had PT, negotiated for new boat trailer tires, and walked 1 1/2 mile…. and all with the blood pressure of a young athlete. He goes for naps when he is tired, and indeed he’s still recovering from 3 hours of brain surgery, and almost 2 days of seizures. We are grateful that so many people come and tell him how much they pray for him! I received an email from my niece and I want to share it (below). Along with brain surgery recovery books, I am reading a book on "God-incidences" which the book calls God-winks with the premise: God lets us know we are his immediate concern: "…Your God has chosen you from all the peoples on earth to be a people particularly his own… he set his heart on you and he owns you." (Deut 7:6-7) God touches us and moves us, and I thank God that many of us don’t ignore the little shoves God gives and we do good things and we recognize his hand and praise him. Thank God! I have talked often this month to people about the miracles that happened during Chuck’s trouble. Our friend Aurora got us in to a very crowded Doctor’s day, Doctor saw something he didn’t like and he sent Chuck "immediately" for an MRI. The MRI tech saw a lot of something he didn’t like and with the hand of God (through Aurora and Claudia) we connected the radiologist and general practice doctors after 5pm on a very busy day so that the ER was waiting for Chuck and whisked him away saying they were "waiting for him." Debby was available to hold me when I needed holding, to feed me, and to drive me to the hospital for the next 7 days because she wasn’t working any more for a while….. Now who stops working on a Thursday afternoon for the next 10 days and then your friend needs you? Who but God put three specialists in the same room looking at Chuck’s CT scan because it was "interesting?" Indeed WHO? My friends and I have looked at each other a lot during the past month and just shook our heads asking silently, "did you see that?????" I have been afraid through this journey, and when I was most afraid, a friend reminded me to pray. Thanks friends. Love Susie

Here’s a little "God-incidence story"… Next time it looks like something bad is happening to you consider being an angel …

I was driving home from a meeting about 5pm, stuck in traffic, and the car started to choke and splutter – I barely managed to coast, cursing, into a gas station, glad only that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck. Before I could make the call for a tow truck, I saw a woman walking out of the quickie mart building, and it looked like she slipped on some ice and fell into a gas pump, so I got out to see if she was okay. When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had fallen; she was a young woman who looked really haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up to give it to her. It was a nickel.

At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban crammed full of stuff with 3 kids in the back (1 in a car seat), and the gas pump reading $4.95.

I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying "I don’t want my kids to see me crying!" So we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was driving to California and that things were very hard for her right now. So I asked, ‘And you were praying?’ That made her back away from me a little, but I assured her I was not a crazy person and said, ‘He heard you, and He sent me.’

I took out my card and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could fill up her car completely, and while it was fueling, walked to the next door McDonald’s and bought 2 big bags of food, some gift certificates for more, and a big cup of coffee. She gave the food to the kids in the car, who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little.

She told me her name, and that she lived in Kansas City. Her boyfriend left 2 months ago and she had not been able to make ends meet. She knew she wouldn’t have money to pay rent Jan. 1, and finally, in desperation, had called her parents, with whom she had not spoken in about 5 years. They lived in California and said she could come live with them and try to get on her feet there. So she packed up everything she owned in the car. She told the kids they were going to California for Christmas, but not that they were going to live there. I gave her my gloves, a little hug and said a quick prayer with her for safety on the road. As I was walking over to my car, she said, ‘So, are you like an angel or something?’

This definitely made me cry. I said, ‘Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people.’

It was so incredible to be a part of someone else’s miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem. I’ll put it in the shop tomorrow to check, but I suspect the mechanic won’t find anything wrong.

Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter of their wings…

Psalm 55:22(23) ‘Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous fall.’

Susie's musings

Awaiting more visitors!

Hi dear friends. I just drove Carol to the airport. We trained on blood pressure. I need another nurse please as that little knob you let the pressure out on is tricky. I have to take his pressure for 3 weeks… Chuck maintains the low low pressure despite all the women leaning over him and praying! Sally and Bill from England and hopefully Renee from Orlando will arrive Sunday and we’ll treat them to a "country dinner" of venison stew and biscuits courtesy of Debby. Chuck and I are off to PT and then a nap. Isn’t life grand? The sun is shining and God’s angels are dancing all around us. FYI: Chuck and I met 46 years ago tomorrow at Junior Achievement. Love to you, Sue

Susie's musings


Hi dear friends. We played dominoes tonight! We were visited by friends in the middle of two separate games and talked and then played on! Carol won two and Chuck and I won one each. Chuck plays like Mom. I line mine all up, all planned out, organized, and Mom and Chuck seem to just play from the pack. Mom’s friend Helen used to say "Grace! you need to organize!" and Mom went on to win….. Carol and I decorated the inside with all my Christmas toys and Nativity angels and figures and I’ll enlist Dave to help tomorrow to light up the outside if it stops raining and warms up. Today was a make soup day, but instead I made salmon and snow peas. Brrrrr on the cold wave from the north. Tomorrow our dear helper cousin Carol leaves and Chuck goes to PT. All is moving forward thanks be to God. Have a wonderful Friday! Love Susie

Susie's musings

The brain’s a funny thing…

Hello dear friends. Today of course America remembers Pearl Harbor. As we sat on interminable wait-hold in the surgeon’s waiting room today we played 20 questions (or so it seems to Chuck.. Carol on one side, me on the other asking questions…). me: "What happened today in history?" Chuck: "Pearl Harbor" me: "and when was that?" Chuck: "December 7, 1941." When the neurologist asked the date, Chuck fumbled. (psst… famous day in history). We were "out on the town" visiting doctors from 9:30 to 2:30. Yes a brain gets tired, and if an injured brain gets tired, it gets jumbled. And so that is what we are dealing with. Of course many of us don’t know what day it is until we look at the paper. I keep the calendar on prominent display so we can check the day and date because doctors seem to think it’s important. Chuck got all the other questions right and he absolutely stood up and strode to the door and back when the neurologist told him to. Both doctors say Chuck’s rapid healing is remarkable. We have an EEG on Monday and if it is good (all the other EEGs have been clear) we can stop one of the seizure medications. The other has to be with us a little longer until we are sure there are no more seizures. Carol takes blood pressure and it’s that of a young athlete. Tomorrow is PT at 9 and hope a 1 1/2 mile walk after. Dave walks with Chuck upon request! Most days he and Chuck go at 9am. It’s cold here!!!! We were freezing today in the doctor’s buildings and offices. Something about "you could hang meat in here." We have on our flannel jammies and are watching on demand movies. Then it will be off to bed to remember God’s wonderful angels that he sends, and to thank God for the blessings he sends. "Only Goodness and Mercy will pursue me all the days of my life." Thank God! Love Susie

Susie's musings

There’s no place like home!

Knock the heals of your ruby slippers together to change them into sneakers and come to our "home." Cousin Carol arrived from Ohio as the snows started in the north. She took Chuck to PT at 8:30 am on Friday (Dec 3). Between Carol and TWO PT guys, Chuck worked very hard, and then we whisked him off to the Keys where he absolutely wore himself out playing with buddies Steve and Perry. Perry was wonderful working on the boat, mowing the lawn, weed eating, and other clean up items while Chuck either tried to help or sank into a chair very tired… Moose burgers and socializing at the Moose lodge did him in. I think Chuck learned a lesson (I hope so…). When you are only a month out of surgery, with a traumatic head wound, you just can’t do every single thing you want to in the high gear that Chuck is accustomed to. You need to nap, and rest, and … well just let the healing take place. On Sunday morning, Chuck said, "I can’t rest here." Interesting … is it because you don’t have ogre Dave taking you for long walks and not doing what you want to do??? So we packed up and came on home. All rested up, Chuck is back at PT today with nurse Carol. His blood pressure and pulse are "those of an athlete," says Carol. No sick man here… unless you count the stunned brain.

I appreciate if you would recommend books or web sites for me to read so I become knowledgeable on head injuries. I bought a book Tammy recommended called My Stroke of Insight by Jill B. Taylor, PhD. She is "a brain scientist" who had a massive stroke in the left hemisphere at age 37. The book records her journey through the stroke and back. I’ve read for example the last pages "forty things I needed most" like "I’m not stupid. I’m wounded. Please respect me." I like that term "wounded." I’ve also read something interesting that I need to turn to when I ask "how long?": "I thought I had lost forever the ability to understand anything mathematical. To my amazement, however, by the fourth post-stroke year, my brain was ready to takle addition again. Subtraction and multiplication came online around post stroke year four and a half, but division eluded me until well into year five!" She offers all kinds of ways she "got things back" like using flash cards. Isn’t that interesting! Chuck did not have a stroke and his injury is "bi lateral". Carol says it is mostly surface which is why he seems to be recovering so quickly. We still have to understand the effect of the bilateral thalamic infarcts. What we are dealing with is the coming back online of the brain… some cognitive deficits that most doctors said he would probably recover. We meet with neuro surgeon and neurologist tomorrow. I will pepper them with questions while I am understanding this is "wait and see; go slowly; no one knows." Today is a beautiful day and we look forward to so many more beautiful days. May God bless you on this "Saint Nicolas Day"… Do you remember when we were little and we put shoes out at night on the feast of Saint Nicolas and we got presents! Love and God bless you. Susie

Susie's musings

When you come to visit, bring your sneakers

Hi dear friends. The recovery from a brain injury is all "up in the air" and scary. Have I used this word "scary" before? It ranks right up there with uncommon and unique which describe Chuck’s injury. Every day, with friend Dave, Chuck walks a vigorous 1 1/2 mile swinging his cane "for exercise" (and me tagging along behind saying "OK boys, wiggle your fingers, stand up straight, long strides!"). Today they went off alone while I wait for a call on the neuro surgeon appointment and a neurology doctor’s appointment. We had visitors last night after rehab (we celebrated the sunset inside as it is a little chilly). "Winter is acomin’ in" at about 60 degrees and windy. I know this is a balmy summer’s day for some of you! But we are bundled in sweatshirts and socks! During the visit Chuck talked about things and I kept thinking, his memory is not impaired at all. Usually Debby and I look at each other and nod as if to say, "See he remembered that or that…" last night Debby was somewhat behind me, but I knew what she was thinking. His memory is good, just need to clear up the fog in his brain which might take a while. Slowly, with baby steps. OK my dears. Feel free to visit our balmy winter sunshine! Even with Susie not outside pulling weeds our back yard and lake is gorgeous in this pre-winter splendor. God bless you and keep you safe. Love Sue

Susie's musings

April 2006

Good morning dear readers. I am looking out at sunrise and thanking God for yet another beautiful day, and for some reason I clicked on April 2006 (over on the right is a list of months. See April 2006? click on it – just for fun…) I saw first, a photo of the house next door (Mike’s house) and the first "mural" I ever painted. Mike is the posting expert, so Mike when you come at Christmas, please help me to attach photos of my "latest" murals. Then I saw what looks like a Good Friday meditation (come back to this in Lent – or now is OK too), but scroll on down and find "The Battle of the Nightgowns." My sister Sarah and Mom witnessed this "event." Some times I can’t believe the gifts God has given to me, like writing. I hope you will read the battle of the nightgowns (now that many of you are engaged in winter) ("what’s that?" my "little Susie side" asks, "don’t know kiddo," I answer, "I’ve been bare foot in Miami all my life…") Anyhow. Enjoy my little battle story and try today to "use your God-given talents" to brighten up someone’s day! For that is our role as talented children of God. Enough for today. I have piles of papers to clean up. God bless you! Love Susie

Susie's musings

Traipsing through the Unknown

I know there are many books and papers on the brain, and lots of doctors who have "neuro" as a specialty, but many parts are uncharted and unknown territory. I did some reading on "bilateral thalamic infarctions" and I ran into the words "uncommon and unique" words which Chuck’s neuro surgeon used in the hospital. … Just what we needed to hear. And now I’m reading it. We will work our way through this by reading and asking questions. As if he knew I have 50 questions, Chuck’s neurosurgeon cancelled our first appointment today to do an emergency surgery (Do they "plan" emergency surgeries?) Shame on him; avoiding me like that… We had the CT scan on Monday and the doctor will have it when we visit him… I pray for the words, "back to normal, now work hard!"
Chuck worked on the computer for the first time this morning. I’m the one who woke up at 4am, not Chuck… But he started moving and then I felt like I could get up. Yikes it is dark out at 4:30am…. He logged his FHP time for November, sent it off via email, responded to emails, and read a lot of emails. After about an hour, he was flagging, and I moved him away from the computer. He is taking a little nap before Dave comes to walk at 9 (we are up to walking about 1 1/4 mile and doing it vigorously.) PT guy said that was OK. We have PT this afternoon. Therapists said he has to work to relearn cognitive skills, and not to push (use baby steps, go slowly – words Chuck never understood; me either…) … Chuck and I both have to be confident and willing to work hard to relearn skills that his "stunned brain" has temporarily forgotten, like touch typing: I needed to say, "use both hands" and he picked it right up. Reminders of how to do things is the way the therapists do it. Knowledge is not gone… the brain just has to find it. Healing is an awesome thing and we continue to pray for total healing. We look forward to a visit from Chuck’s cousin Carol tomorrow until the 10th. Carol, I, and any other beautiful women of the neighborhood will engage Chuck in lively conversations as he’s supposed to be working on ability to listen to three or more women talk at once and figure it all out. Remind you of a little joke? "Doctor will I be able to play the piano?"… "yes" … "oh good because I couldn’t before!" Imagine if Chuck learns to listen to three women talking at once and figure it out… that will be fun! God be with you this December as we prepare to celebrate God coming to earth, and as we remember "God is with us" Emanuel. Love Susie

Susie's musings

An open letter to Mom

Dear Mom. Everyone says to me, "don’t wear yourself out; take care of yourself," and I think of you, making your way through 2 1/2 years taking care of Jack after his stroke and hospitalization, after your own breast cancer surgery, on the awful Tamoxifin drug, tired, and sad. And I can only answer, "Thank you Mom for teaching me Love." I did not understand when you were buying pre-mashed potatoes, and now I often eat "only cereal." I didn’t understand how Jack just sat and waited for you to come, not interested in television and books as he used to be, only waiting for you, until I saw Chuck waiting for me. I’m blessed to be out of the hospital, and I am blessed that he waits for me to come. God bless you Mom; you are one of God’s angels, and you have taught me to Love.

Our leisurely day began today with 8AM Mass where I read as a lector from the book of Isaiah, a mile walk with Chuck, a shower and shave given to Chuck by his geisha Susie, a visit from Mike and Lois as Chuck ate steak, potatoes, and eggs. A nap for Chuck to get him well rested up for a 4:30 PT session. Then the phone rang. Chuck is scheduled for a CT scan that the neuro surgeon needs for Chuck’s 11:30 Wednesday appointment. "OK", I said, "where?" When I mapquested the directions I knew we were in a ballgame. Travel north on the Palmetto Expressway about a million miles into Hialeah where all the street numbers mean nothing (like Coral Gables). The Palmetto has been under construction by a drunken rabble of men who didn’t pass 2nd grade. Many people fall into the Palmetto and are never seen again. With mapquest directions clutched in hand, I woke the sleeping Chuck, and we hurtled North into hell. Actually found the place and didn’t get killed doing it. After the CT scan, fortified with a chocolate shake, we headed south to Kendall drive for PT. Sat in a freezing waiting room (note to self, bring coats next time) counting my blessings that the PT location, 107 Ave and Kendall, is a straight shot home. Chuck went off into the bowells of the place with Edgar who came out all proud of where Chuck is and fired up about getting Chuck better, "walking a mile! keep it up!" This is going to be good for both of us. I haven’t walked a mile in years. If you come to visit bring sneakers. God bless us, everyone. Love Susie

Susie's musings

My midnight walker

My dears… Have you ever wakened "in the middle of the night", cracked one eye open towards the clock, "2 AM," and heard water running? My next glance is toward’s Chuck’s side which is empty. Find my glasses and go into the bathroom on a stealth mission… He’s there in the shower. Now what do you do to a man who loves his own way, his privacy, is stubborn as a big oak tree, and who does things when HE wants. Well you gently advise him, "It’s the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!! Finish the shower and come back to bed! No coffee, no movies, BED, SLEEP!" Indeed, he reluctantly, with grumbling, climbed back into bed, and I lay there thanking God for those gentle breathing snores! This morning we watched a John Wayne movie called "On the Wings of Eagles" that had John Wayne overcoming a broken back and paralysis to walk again. He played a Navy guy who helped develop air craft carrier planes. Oh I love the patriotic movies. I went out to the grocery store in the middle of the movie and came back to find Chuck eating a bowl of cereal he made for himself. He’s OK! We then started an On Demand movie with Paul Newman, and friend Rob came over. The boys are sitting down by the lake now… All is well. Tomorrow we begin out patient rehab and Chuck will obediently do what rehab people say. He’s actually using the walker as rehab people taught him to, getting up slowly and carefully, etc. Chuck will be triple teamed next week with rehab, me, and cousin Carol cracking the whip. Have a wonderful sunny Sunday. God bless you. Love Sue

Susie's musings

Troopers in the house!!!

Chuck is presently sitting and talking with 3 troopers (Dave and Al are retired) and Andy, Chuck’s "new partner", plus our beloved neighbor Mike. WOW! I sneak off when people visit to pay bills, to write about drugs, and to negotiate getting drugs and rehab. I am so blessed to have help! Chuck took a nap yesterday and it was too long. He went to bed at 6pm and slept until midnight when he got up to make coffee. Made the coffee fine, but when I found him… I said "It’s midnight!!!!" He wasn’t allowed to get up in the hospital so here he says, "there’s no hospital rules here." So after a mile walk this morning I let him sleep one hour and got him up when Andy came with burger and shake. I warned him he had to get up to see Andy with burger, also he will sleep at night. If I don’t kill him with wakefulness, walks and messing up his drugs, he will survive and come out stronger. Cousin Carol is coming to crack the rehab whip, and friend Karen cracks the whip too. I actually made it out to shop some sales while Dave was here this morning. One more ride out to pick up drugs and then we’ll watch an Audie Murphy movie… and of course…. John Wayne. Happy Thanksgiving weekend!!! Thank you thank you for prayers! Love Sue

Susie's musings

Home Sweet Home!!!

Chuck was released today from rehab (will return on an out patient basis). He just finished a burger and beans and is sleepy. We are home at the lake house all weekend and next week. He should take an afternoon nap, but we would love to see visitors in the afternoon and definitely for sunset. Please come and "do" sunsets ! I understand many of you are visiting relatives for Thanksgiving – Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Next week is a good time to visit too. Love and thanks so much for prayers. Now, we’ve got him back and we start work on the cognitive "deficits…" (planning, problem solving, dee stuff). He already did a suduku… Thank God for many blessings. Love Sue

Susie's musings

Anticipation! How sweet the anticipation of freedom!

Today at the 3:00 meeting actually held at 3:45, the rehab team said Chuck has got a few deficits…. but there’s no reason for him to sleep at the rehab hospital any more, he can walk and talk, eat and eliminate, shower and live at home!!!! he can come to outpatient rehab to continue to tweak the recovery. I had my hand on the suitcase, but believe it or not… there’s paperwork to be done. Of the most importance is the doctor’s orders and other "sign offs." Chuck himself is excited to go home and I am very excited. I have to move slow and be quiet because he is still recovering! He said, "good thing we built that bathroom with a walk in shower and a bench." He showered himself tonight "in anticipation." This Thanksgiving we can say "thanks be to God for blessings" and we know a true miracle. I will keep you posted and I thank so many of our friends who were with us through this and have pledged to be with us until "the man is back" grumbling because he has lists of things to do, grumbling because he has to jog, etc… what else? Love to you this time of Thanksgiving. I’ll continue to blog especially tomorrow. God’s Angels have cleared many boulders out of the way, and I am sure tomorrow will go smoothly. Until tomorrow evening…. say a little prayer for Karen Skipp’s Mom who went into the hospital with pneumonia in Orlando. Karen is worried. God bless Karen, her Mom, and her family. Love to you all my readers, Sue

Susie's musings

The good, the bad, and the wonderful

Chuck loves an early Clint Eastwood movie "The good, the bad, and the ugly"… well with all the blessings poured out on us, I can’t think of anything ugly. Today was, like Chuck’s injury, interesting. I made a special carry-in meal for Chuck today and as he ate, I asked about rehab. He answered: "The rehab girl walked me all over the place and she doesn’t make me use a wheelchair. We walked out side all around the gazebo." He went on and on about this walk outside, and I thought "He’s hallucinating. About what he wants, or what I do with him. He wants to go out, but they won’t let him." (The nurses on his ward make him stay in a wheelchair "for his own protection.") A few minutes after lunch, Chuck was wheeled away by rehab; I called Karen, and out of the corner of my eye, there goes Chuck with a PT girl, strolling all around the gazebo, walking a maze, waving to say "Hi" to people, doing leg stretches and all kinds of upper body coordination tricks the PT people do. "Oh I feel so guilty for doubting him!!!" He’s all up in arms because the nurses make him stay in a wheelchair and call when he needs to toilet. Protect him like wrapping him in cotton, and even gave him a full time assistant to protect him. I swear! Her name is Veronica; she’s at his beck and call. He will be so spoiled. We meet with the staff tomorrow and with the managing doctor who is making him stay in a wheelchair (anyone here heard of liability?) to protect him…. Chuck will say, "Let me have a walker! PT lets me walk!!!" My dog is in a fight. My first instinct is to fight for him, to say, "stop waking him up 4 times a night, let him sleep…. let him walk!" But my first reality is "rehab him." Friend Karen will try to come to the meeting and I’ll bow to hers and the doctor’s wills.

My own adventure for the morning was cooking a chicken dish for Chuck, packing 3 bags (Chuck’s clean laundry, my big bag, 2 sweaters, and the food) into the car and getting to the corner and having the tire light flash and ding. "Oh you sissy," I said to car, "it’s not winter yet." Car hates cold weather. But I’m not foolish either so I turned around to head back home and give the problem to Chuck. Realized he isn’t home, and turned around into Dick’s driveway…. Some of you have already heard my plaintive, "I need your help" and responded with much love. Dick walked around the car and we spotted a screw stuck in the tire. I then handed Dick my car key and asked to borrow their car and had all my stuff moved to their car when I said, "Wait! I have the van!" My brain only works on one thing at a time lately as you can probably tell from this rambling narrative. What used to be my competent brain is reduced to one cylinder and that one works slowly. Diane and I drove her car to my house and unloaded all the stuff into the van and off I went to give Chuck the special lunch. He then also ate from the tray they give him at the hospital. If Chuck lost any weight being on IVs and a stomach tube… he’s eating like a truck driver now.

So what’s the good, the bad, and the wonderful?
The good? Chuck’s progress; he’s alive… I thought he would die in post op, my prayer as I walked the surgery halls was his name. "Chuck… fight… Chuck fight." Today he took a 10 minute cat nap after lunch and then PT came – like clockwork. He woke up and moved off the bed, albeit grudgingly… and went off to rehab.
The bad? The screws that get into our tires (and our life?) when we least expect or need them. Not being able to sleep at night… I am finally sleeping well at night. Chuck has to deal with nurses taking his blood pressure at 2am and then getting back to sleep…
The wonderful? Friends that I can wake up at 5am and who will drive me to the hospital and stay with me there bringing me milk to drink, friends I can hand my keys to, friends who are praying for Chuck and me. Chuck is lookin’ good! Our God is an awesome God. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Yikes ! No rehab today

Our boy Chuck was ready for a jog when I got to the rehab today. The nurses had him in the secretarial position with a tablet I had given to him… he was writing and I noticed his writing has improved. But bored. On Tuesday I get to meet with all the rehab people and I’m going to ask them to consider giving him a walker to walk the halls and work off some energy. Sitting in a wheelchair is just frustrating him. I think he needs a good workout morning and afternoon. If there is no rehab, I will need to entertain him on Thanksgiving so will welcome visits all day. I am torn between "overdoing it" with too many visitors (which I think contributed to his relapse back to the ER – something I hope I never have to do again) and letting him nap vs him chomping and jerking at the bit. Yikes this is delicate business. I will write to tell you all if he has rehab on Thursday and if not… we would love a short visit any time. If there is rehab then he’ll need that rest from 3-4. I certainly hope there are some football games on. Today he watched the NASCAR race and then… there was no football on (the TV in his room has odd stations… there might have been football, but not on the channels the hospital gets). Well dears, please continue to pray for Chuck to regain decision making and patience. He’s having trouble with patience and what is called the executive function which helps him to make the right "conscious" decisions. I know you pray for us, and believe me, your prayers are heard in heaven. And thank you for the beautiful dinners. If I lost a few pound in the beginning you are helping me find them!!!! Love Susie

Susie's musings

learning to knit

Well my dears, Chuck had a good day of rehab, visitors from Coral Gables old neighborhood, speech therapy which involves moving stuff around in mazes, very complicated stuff… and only a one hour nap.. so I assume he is deep in dreams right now. I left him in mid dinner which is very hard for me to leave him at all, but it was dark and I am not a great driver at night and very tired so I ask forgiveness… He is fine as he has a nurse and a nurse’s aid on a floor that has only about 10 patients. Karen and Peter Skipp invited me for dinner and I ate great food! We are now watching a replay of the Gershwin award given to Paul McCartney in the White House…. beautiful music that makes me proud of the USA. Karen is teaching me to knit and Chuck will get a "rehab scarf" for Christmas. I will sleep here tonight amidst people who love me and have known Chuck since he was 14 (Peter). So my dears, I continue to ask for your prayers for Chuck. I want him back 100%. I am thanking you for the beautiful cards you are sending, and I have every hope of complete recovery so Chuck and I can continue to visit you and entertain you and love you. God bless you. Susie

Susie's musings

leaping and bounding and napping

Hi dear friends and family. I’ve observed two full days of rehab and Chuck is settling into a routine that I hope will be a full 2 weeks. We might hate being in an institution (being awakened, given food that is good, but not "Susie cooked", being taken to the toilet and then someone hovering outside the door waiting for you, being showered by someone…. although I think he enjoys being shaved… ) yikes not like home, but he gets rehab 9 to 11:30, lunch, back to rehab 1 to 3:30 and then he falls into bed! Today he had his glasses off and his head hit the pillow and I heard soft snoring noises! He’s up again about 4:30 to 5pm and I take him for a ride all around the grounds in his wheelchair for about an hour and then we wait for food!!!! he’s hungry. He has to work hard and he has to heal. The brain was stunned, and damage at this point is an unknown factor. He’s walking and talking and his sense of humor is intact. All systems seem to be go. He thinks he’s OK so he’s impulsive and trying to go faster than rehab folks want him to … some cognition and planning issues to deal with. Just need to heal. Friends have brought burgers and chocolate shakes i think twice or three times – probably need to think about cholesterol, but a couple of burgers is like manna when you are on salt free hospital food… and tonight I found the mother load! He sucked down his milk so I went to the desk and asked if he could have another milk. "Take what you want" she said, showing me where the refrigerator is…. OH boy! applesauce, milk, and ice cream!!!! He ate all 3. It’s the simple pleasures that make icky OK. Thanking God for many blessings. Love Sue

Susie's musings

Rehab 201 (19 out of 20)

Hi dear friends and family. Chuck had a full day of rehab. This morning he took 2 tests on a computer: they flash different colored boxes and you have to push a button when you see a yellow box. He got 19 out of 20. Then they played tones and you had to push the button when you heard the right tone. 19 out of 20. They are exercizing his legs and walking, but they make him stay in the wheel chair during rest times which drives him nuts. They know there were seizures and a day of dizziness at Baptist so they are all over Chuck to be careful. So he learned to drive the wheel chair. When I took him for a walk today to the gazebo in the gardens outside his bedroom window at the back of the hospital; we were talking and he drove out down the walk. "What are you doing?" I asked, and he answered, "I wanted to be sure it is raining". I guess he saw the rain and wanted to go out and feel it – and indeed it was sprinkling. Then we road to the front of the hospital and I saw parking spots and said I wanted to go to his room and get the car key to move my car from a back lot. I parked him in front of a lovely water garden and when I came back he was gone. I thought….. "Oh we are going to get in so much trouble." He was headed across the driveway to another garden. "You stay here in the garden!" I fiercely said and went to get my car and indeed he stayed, driving up into the garden and was waiting for me. He is rehabbing quickly and not having any dizziness, but he is ready for a nap after the 2nd rehab. Today he got to the room at 2:30 and was snoring at 2:45. I love to hear him sleeping as I know the brain is down and healing. He wakes very slowly so let’s say he rests between 2:30 and 4:30. … He is eating well. Tonight he ate dinner and then Peter came with burger and shake and he ate that too. I hope he won’t have discomfort from all that food, but I don’t think he got a lot for lunch in rehab. … He’s being pretty good and behaving and the staff is very good at taking care of him. He liked the male nurse who washed and shaved him this morning, and he likes "Julie" who drives him to rehab and brings him back! Thank you Lord for 19 out of 20! Love Susie

Susie's musings

Rehab day 1

Hi dear friends. I think we better brush up on our math skills! Yesterday a Doctor Pi (pronounced pee) came to test Chuck. I stood outside the door while she quizzed him. Name, dob, age, studies (he answered U of M Finance), year, season (he answered fall), month (I’ve kind of taught him it is November as he’s really lost November), day of week (she laughed because checked the board; well I check the newspaper to see what day it is sometimes), state, country (the United States of America), city, what type of building are you in? (he said "what type of building?" as if to say what an open ended question that is… he then said, hospital), 3 things repeat them and i’ll ask you again later… now the math: 100-7 he said 93. OK 93-7 ……… she said, "you’re writing that down" (I’ve given him a tablet to "take notes" and he uses it, although we can’t read what he wrote!) and I thought standing there using my 10 fingers, "I can’t figure it out myself" …. then she asked OK 95 – 7 = same response. I don’t think he got the arithmetic questions right… . … Repeat the 3 words. he did. she did some identification: what is that, what is that (no problem)…. instructions. I love these: before you touch your nose, look at the door. poor Chuck is constantly touching his nose for doctors and he even does things in advance before they ask him (this is the impulsiveness that comes with brain injury. It is Chcuk saying "I’m OK". Instruction: take this paper and read this. OK write a sentence. … He’s lost his writing – it’s just chicken scratch which I am sure OT will work on. He’s also a little paranoid "they’re watching me and won’t let me do things alone…" Rob and I both answered "Well yes Chuck you have had a brain injury and they are protecting you and themselves. Let them help ou. it’s their job." Our old Chuck is very much with us. In control, impulsive, moving quickly, but doctors are keeping him under wraps and moving slowly. When you come to visit, listen to his tales of woe, and then be positive and firm. We expect full recovery, it will just take time. Did anyone ever see Chuck ask for help, move slowly, or let anyone do anything for him? i am always so grateful for your help like when Chuck and I were up on the roof laying giant sheets of plywood and Dave and George came up and finished the job…. Chuck was so concerned about whether they were doing it "right". Enuf said. Please continue to pray for Chuck. His is a mighty injury, and his will be a mighty mission because he is one who helps people and I pray he will be able to use this experience to help others. Thank you for your prayers. God bless Chuck and praise God for keeping Chuck with us. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Ready to go. Let’s call this rehab day 1!

My dear friends and family. The sun is shining, and after I do a few errands at the bank and insurance company I will go with crossword puzzles and magazines and "meet the rehab folks." Today is evaluation again and tomorrow starts rehab in earnest. Please you keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming. When Chuck was in the ER this last time I put my hand on his chest and asked our Blessed Mother to cover him with her mantle. If you look at a statue or image of the Blessed Mother Mary, she wraps up the baby Jesus in her cloak. Well, why not ask her to wrap up our "babies"? If you have my book, please read what I wrote about Mary…. Our God and the angels and Mary have a lot to do with this recovery. Again, my role with Chuck is not the one who will teach him stuff (like how to be careful when he gets out of bed – although I am there to remind him!) so much as it is to love. You all do the rest. My teams are in place and people are helping!!! When we got the diagnosis from the MRI and they said to rush to the ER … I thought oh good it’s not cancer. Because we’re all scared of that – especially in the brain… Many have been through the scary disease times and have came out on the other side with brains intact… What we’re dealing with here is physical and mental and it seems all we have at this point is faith, hope, and charity. Doctors are technicians and probably too overworked to do "emotional stuff" like explain things to relatives…. I will continue to search for the "what next" and all the details I need to know to return life to normal for Chuck! My friends keep helping me! For example: Karen (Skipp) a very old friend who works with the elderly at a rehab and nursing home came by last night and will help me and Chuck greatly to get through rehab. All his old friends will help him to get the scrambled past back into shape: for example; he had a little trouble last night getting time frames and the sequence of when he went into the navy, to the university of Miami, and FHP, but he can quote our wedding date and that we just had a 40th Anniversary party! he remembers the right stuff! Cheers and blessings to you. …. My continuing prayer is… God bless Chuck and bring him home. Love Sue

Susie's musings

Chuck’s second (hiccup) day in rehab

Hi dear friends and family. The second day in rehab finally came after a hiccup: Sunday night in the ER and a day and 1/2 in tests that revealed "nothing." I am calling what Chuck had on Sunday evening an "event." In the last day and 1/2 I’ve spoken to at least 6 doctors and indeed another "McDreamy." When I got to the hospital today, the neurologist and neuro surgeon were at the desk and this McDreamy was kneeling by Chuck’s chair and talking with him. Later McDreamy handed me his card. Are you ready for this girls? Damian Chaupin, M. D. I do not recommend hanging around a neuro science step ICU unit, but oh my gosh what "catches" hang out there. He is the cardiologist who was called to consult on the "event." He too found nothing wrong with our sweet Chuck. Doctors said he’s fine and they don’t know what caused him to "go away" for almost 1/2 hour on Sunday evening….Maybe a little TIA, maybe a seizure, in my opinion pure exhaustion, but doctors don’t think that. This was a very active morning while he was visited by neuro surgeon, had stitches removed, visited by the neurologist and the cardiologist; took a last walk with Sabrina the rehab girl (cute blond pony tail), and was finally dismissed from Baptist. As Chuck told me… "The doctor said, ‘Get out.’" Dave helped Chuck out of the hospital gown and into "sweats," and a van picked Chuck up and swooped him away from Baptist (We’re really trying to close this part of his adventure) and back to rehab about 1pm today. I immediately played Mama and got him into bed. (I might have to monitor him, make sure he gets naps for a few days, and keep him quiet until he stabilizes and heals some more. He ate a very good dinner and his eyes started closing again so We (Karen and I) . 0 tucked him in and left him ready for sleep at 7:30 pm. Karen will be able to advise and help me with rehab. So many people have helped already, and will help more later, and I’m eating well from the food neighbors are bringing. The rehab place is nice, clean, and people are competent. People check on him at least every 2 hours and they are very kind. God has blessed me with the best of the best, including Chuck and you my dear readers.

Susie's musings

Chuck’s first day of rehab

Was exhausting! he had an "event" and the rehab doctor wanted him checked out so back to Baptist. A day of tests revealed… nothing. I talked with the neurologist today who said Chuck is healing nicely…. Again what caused the seizures and the "event" doctors don’t know. it is the neurology is an art and not a science thing…. one more test today and he goes back to rehab – today if we can move the test taking and the review along. Dave is with him and I am home to nap. …. Ah! Sleep that knits the ravelled sleeve of care! (Shakespeare Macbeth) All systems are healthy, and we need to continue the work of rehab and prayer. Thank you so much for caring. Please wait to see him if you were considering visit as he needs rest for a few days. Love Sue

Susie's musings

November 14, 2010

We have been blessed with all the love of our family and friends. Chuck’s first day of rehab was very busy and exhausting. Please no visitors today we are trying to focus on his rehabilitation. Thank you all for your love and support.

Susie's musings

Rehab 101.5

It’s Saturday afternoon and Chuck and I spent our first night together in a week. He was in his hospital bed at the rehab center, and I was across the room in my little cot. (George, think Mother Teresa cot…. but it will do for now.) I thanked God for every breath or snort he made as he slept from 9pm to 4am (take a little break for a potty stop) and then from 4 to 6. How amazing it is to have a partner that we begin to take advantage of (I think there is another way to say this but I’m not firing on all cylinders myself!) …. wanting him to be quiet when he sleeps and then almost losing him. I feel sad for those who have lost this partner; I understand your sadness and I send you a loving hug. Chuck ate breakfast and the rehab people started evaluating. I don’t have their report, but he saw OT, PT and speech therapist. He has been surrounded with Dave and Debby and Charlie and Kathy while I was sent home for a nap…. haven’t wanted to sleep yet. I took a photo of Charlie and Dave on my sofa sipping a beer watching the University of Miami football game. Hey! who’s with "the kid?" Chuck is in good hands and I’ll be back there with him tonight and Sunday night when he should be oriented and ready for full day of rehab on Monday! maybe even rehab on Sunday. If you visit go slow as he has a little cognitive confusion… Brain has to get firing again. It’s a little like getting hit up the side of the head by a 2 x 4. His brain is stunned and trying to get his bearings. God bless you for continuing prayer, and God bless our Chuck.

Susie's musings

Rehab 101

Chuck moved today at 6:30 pm to West Gables Rehabilitation Hospital Room 109! We are very close to home on Coral Way and 75 avenue. Sue will be spending the first night there before real rehab begins. Tonight is just orientation. Tomorrow a rehab doctor will come and plan the next week. Friends Kathy and Charlie just helped us celebrate Chuck’s release from Baptist with Wendy’s burgers and chocolate frostys. Before we end here please Continue your prayers: Our God is an awesome God… praise him for the miracle of life Chuck has received and now let us pray for Chuck’s complete recovery. God bless you Love Susie

Susie's musings

Leaping and bounding right out of the hospital!

Chuck has been poked and prodded, kicked in the head and pummeled, stuck and beaten, sleep deprived, and subjected to a million tests, but he has won the first round. Today I came home early to take a nap (ha!) and Charlie Paparelli called to patiently tell me (amidst my frantic squeals of concern) that the doctors met and say Chuck is medically stable; he is ready for intensive and aggressive rehab. "Got a pencil? Call this place." I was stunned – pencil? write?" Like a deer stalled in the headlights of an oncoming car. So Charlie called the place to say I was on my way (With Debby my loyal support sister driving). The Admissions Director is a friend and ministry sister of mine at St Timothy church!!! It was one of those "Sue!" … "Zely!" (big hug) moments. She took me around the facility – oh my gosh you can see yourself in the shiny floors. He gets a nice room with a window view and there is another bed for someone to stay there (Little does Charlie Paparelli know but I’m thinking he should stay with Chuck the first night!) Kathy and I can stay home and watch a movie and eat pop corn while Charlie gets Chuck settled in. Rehab will be about 6 hours per day. The brain is an amazing creature. It’s like being hit hard on the head. he’s dazed… and he has to work back the brain function, let the swelling go down. But doctors think he will make a full recovery. Praise God in all his wonders my dears because no mortal could ever have orchestrated this storm in any finer manner. Stay with us as we walk this road. keep praying. Love Sue

Susie's musings

Not leaping and bounding but strong

Hi my dear friends. Chuck was visited by many experts today who all tested him… poor Chuck. He just falls asleep and the door opens… "Hi Chuck I’m Tiffany, lift your right arm!!! Good, now the left…" etc etc. Physical therapy got him out of bed, stand, walked him to the chair and proceeded to test his arms and legs. Will take him for a walk down the hall tomorrow!!!! Occupational therapy had him drink, chew up a baby aspirin and brush his teeth. All OK. Dr from physical therapy examined him and said he is strong… will need speech therapy. And how many times did I tell him to shoosh because he is so loud! OK OK I will be so happy to hear him postulating again! Neurologist thinks he is progressing nicely for someone who had his brain beaten up – asked Chuck a question that scared me: "Chuck who is in the room?" You know you can fake a lot and I gulped and held my breath… "Debby, Dave,,(he hesitated as if he knew I was holding my breath),, and Sue" big whoof of air from me. Neurologist also had him repeat "it is a sunny day." which he did. Today he did not sleep through these sessions, but I’m validating every person who ever said you can’t get any sleep in the hospital!!! I left him sitting in a chair like a king. Peter Skipp is coming in to help him eat his dinner. Tomorrow is another big day. Our God is an awesome God! Happy Veteran’s Day to all our vets. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Chuck: in leaps and bounds

When Debby and I arrived at 9:30 occupational therapy (OT) was here – Chuck is lifting his arms, moving arms, speaking (answering questions with a low slow voice) and he washed his hands with a towelette. The temporary feeding tube came out (by accident) last night (hand of God?) and the RN was talking about putting in another feeding tube, but first they would try to schedule a swallow test. The neurologist came and asked Chuck the date… he answered "2 thousand seven…or 9". Well, I thought, he’s missed the financial downturn and the presidential and mid term elections which is not a bad thing!!!  He dutifully squeezed the neurologist’s hand and I gave a report on how the OT went. I asked the neurologist to please help me escalate getting the swallow test done, and indeed I heard him talking to the nurse about it. And indeed the technician came an hour later when Chuck was very drowsy. We all (me, Kathy, Dick and Diane) left the room to allow Chuck to concentrate, and true to his nature, he passed the test. The neuro surgeon visited also and he thinks we’re going for a pretty full recovery: the Ct scan is clear, no bleeding and the brain is back in place (isn’t that nice – poor brain has been abused!). Finally on the physical plain the echo cardiogram shows no disease in his arteries (they are trying to find out why the thalamic infarcs). Cousin Carol advised that the thalamus where he had the three bilateral infarcs is responsible for hot and cold registration which might help to account for Chuck’s hot and cold and sweaty hands. Oh well Chuck join the ranks of we women who are hot one minute and cold the next. Then the social worker came by (she interfaces with the insurance company.) She also was very nice and recommended I go for massage therapy at a wonderful sounding place called Body Mind and Spirit Natural Health Care. Doesn’t that sound nice? For physical therapy he sat on on the side of the bed and did some exercises and then he stood up and moved to a chair (of course with the help of the therapist). He did a bunch of exercises and his range of motion looks good. He’s in a very fancy new room above the emergency center and will receive "aggressive" physical and occupational therapy. Room 2407. God continue to bless our Chuck. Love Susie

Susie's musings

neurosurgery – an art not a science – November 8

Our friend Karen wisely advised me why the neurosurgeons don’t know why Chuck is having seizures and why his case is unusual, unique and well just uncommon… neurology is an art. Today was an amazing day where baby steps seemed like leaps. Chuck saw me across a 30 foot space, I waved at him and he waved back. He blew an air kiss at Diane. He reached out for Rick’s hand and held it. He kind of grinned at Rob and reached out his hand for a University of Miami pin Rob gave to him. He nods "no" his wife’s name is not Pam, "yes" his wife’s name is Sue. He’s coming along. Now of course our contrary Chuck slept through Physical Therapy (who wants to run and jog when he can take a nap instead???? Chuck!) He slept through the neurosurgeon’s 6PM visit, utterly unconcerned that the high priest of surgery was evaluating him. Shake your head here and say "that’s Chuck." His brain must be healing because he’s himself more and more. He sleeps because they are medicating him trying to get his brain to quiet down after being abused by being squeezed under the hematoma. His heart beat, blood pressure, pulse, all vital signs are normal and he has always breathed on his own… The bilateral thalamic infarcs are confusing the neurologists. unusual, unique and well just uncommon…. I guess that’s it. We wait and we pray.

Susie's musings

Chuck’s journey November 4 thru 7

For a few days after I took Chuck to the doctor to see what was wrong with him, I have been running on adrenaline and tears – not great brain food so I forgot about this blog.  But I remembered it about 3:30 this morning and I decided to use it. Friend Mike helped me remember how to write… and so I’ll write here "what happened" as Chuck will want to know "what in the heck happened…"  and so he can read it here…

Let me summarize the past few days… Please see the dates from the bottom up.

Chuck post op day 2  (November 7 written at 9:30 PM)
Hi dear ones. Today is Sunday. I went to 8am Mass that was said by a priest who is praying for Chuck "Father, mi esposo esta infermo," I said, pointing at my head. He took me into his arms.  During Mass which was in Spanish, I prayed a big long prayer for Chuck’s recovery. Please you too pray for Chuck. 

What a roller coaster our Chuck has taken us on. Today Debby and I arrived at the hospital and there seemed to be little change. Chuck had a seizure at 2am and he was sleeping it off. His neurosurgeon came in about 10am while I was on the phone with Jon Lynn getting advice on a second opinion consult.  We assembled a neuro team of the best of the best with Chuck’s neuro surgeon, Dr. McDreamy, and the "best of the best" neurosurgeon at Baptist. The story of how we found Dr McDreamy is a story in itself. Bear with me a moment…. Debby spotted him standing out in the central area. he was dressed in a leather jacket and blue jeans. I looked at him and swooned and called Penny over to look…   We stared at him for a while and then I pulled myself back together to go tell the RN in charge of Chuck that I wanted the consult with the "best neuro at Baptist."  "Well he’s sitting right over there," he said. …   "Yikes, what do I do?" I asked Rick who said, "go get him! bring him in here!"    I did and he did.  This new neuro team consulted over Chuck’s CT scan and then over Chuck himself.  The neuro team says we will take small steps and an ICU nurse I know from St Timothy church says with neuro it’s wait and wait. He’s had several CT scans and his neuro surgeon says "this is the most unique and interesting case he’s seen in 20 years."  Chuck we could stand you to be a little less "unique and interesting."   (the RN watched me assemble this dream team and asked me ‘who I know" and I sagely pointed up…. (thank God! and Lyn/Klein)

Chuck grew in awareness as the day progressed. His old friends Rick (navy), Dave (FHP partner), Jon Lynn and Rob Klein (law firm partners where Chuck worked) all stimulated him and drew responses from him. Rick got him to wiggle his toes and Rob drew a smile.  We ask for prayer for Chuck’s recovery and walking out of this place. More if you don’t mind… tomorrow. God bless you, Sue   

from our friend Danilo from Venice Italy:  Dio lo benedica (God bless him).
From St Augustine women’s Emmaus: "Chuck Peabody – has some complications… Doctors are treating post 
surgery seizures and evaluating some tiny infarcs in the brain.  Had 
subdural hematoma.  Divine intervention…..for this we pray that 
neurologists can heal everything about this."

November 7 (6:12 AM)  The Emmaus family
Please convery our thoughts and prayers to Chuck and may God’s mighty and protecting arms be on both of you and may each day bring you peace as you await a Chuck’s recovery.  Prayer for Trust in Jesus 
O Christ Jesus, when all is darkness and we feel our weakness and helplessness, give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, and Your strength.  Help us to have perfect trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power, so that nothing may frighten or worry us, for, living close to You, we shall see Your hand, Your purpose, Your will through all things. AMEN…  Iris, Laura and Joy. It is so comforting knowing 3 churches and many Emmaus family members, men and women, are praying for Chuck. We’ll need prayers. This is very scary, but people are praying who never prayed before, people see me leaning on the Lord, praying the Rosary, praying, and they too are influenced. Chuck has so much talent. I am asking the Lord to save him and put him on an Emmaus team. So strong, so self willed, so … so much clay for God to work with!!!!   let us pray… Please forward as you see fit (to Emmaus sisters – I’m thinking of Ana Cairo and others) Love Susie 

Chuck post op day 1  (November 6 9:30 PM)

As you see there are many people on this list!  I call as many as I can but this is traumatic and I can’t often talk about it. I’m supported by, two friends (Debby Johnson and Pete Skipp) here to hug and help me to pray, and believe me, you all have helped me so much. Again, the role we all play here is prayer. I’d like to try to update you every day and ask you to continue to ask God for healing for our Chuck. Each of us has a special connection to Chuck even if it is only through your knowing me (some St Timothy friends have not yet met "the man Chuck," but you will one day! )   I can’t speak too much about this or I start crying so I hope these emails help and one day… Chuck will hear of how many loved him and prayed for him over these hard days. Your prayers keep me strong. Pete reminded me today at lunch when I saw the RN who put in Chuck’s feeding tube and I started to cry…… "stop going down that road, stop, and say a prayer," he said.. And that settled me down. 
To summarize. Chuck probably bumped his head on the car while he was loading equipment during a 3 day shooting range with FHP. He was under great stress to master a new weapon and indeed he shot a Master level in the course (I think 39 out of 40). But it exhausted him and sometime during the weekend he bumped his head.  Thinking the exhaustion and stiff neck he got were from the exertion we missed the bumped head. He began to lose functions, balance, signature and putting on socks and I made him an appointment with our family doctor who pretty much judged correctly that Chuck needed an MRI. That same afternoon we got heavy news that Chuck had bleeding on the brain and needed to get to the ER immediately. He was admitted to the ER on Thursday afternoon (11/4) about 6pm and lay in the ER until 3pm Friday. Surgery for a sub dural hemotoma on Friday (11/5) at 6pm followed by a rough recovery. He was finally moved to ICU Saturday morning (11/6) at 5:30am. When I saw him this morning (Saturday) at 7 I was frightened at the enormity of his suffering. He is basically non responsive and he is rigid and trembling at times. Other times he is fast asleep.  .. At about 10:30 am the surgeon reported that the surgery went well, the hemotoma has drained and there appears to be no more bleeding, but something else is going on inhibiting recovery that a neuro surgeon has to deal with. he ordered an EEG, MRI and MRA. These are scans of the brain looking for seizures.  The physician on duty said Chuck should be awake but the brain issue is causing the sleeping and tremors… so wait for the neuro surgeon.  At about noon they put in a feeding tube, which I know he needs, but it freaked me out. All I could see was long term this condition continuing. Peter’s advice to pray and give it to God helped me focus on the short term. he needs nutrition today and tomorrow…   We stalked the halls and made the Nurse Practitioner make 3 calls to the neurosurgeon who finally came at 8pm. The physical assessment indicated he responds to pain on fingers and toes (shades of prison torture in my eyes), his pupils respond correctly to light, his toes curled with the Babinsky test, but the clenched hands and tremors when he is stimulated might be seizures keeping him from communicating. Treat that first. …  he will be medicated with 3 new medications hopefully tonight… and we will see him in the morning.  I want you to keep praying and realize there is nothing else you can do at this time. Debby and I summarized and concluded in the car on the way home that this will take time (and that is what the neurologist said although I don’t know why we couldn’t see him at 10am this morning… we waited a day just watching Chuck twitch and sleep. It was awful. Please continue to pray and let us pray for Chuck’s recovery and health. I will send again tomorrow night. God bless you. Love Susie 

November 4 (10:43 PM)
Hi my dears. Today has been the hardest day for me as I had to be the strong one… Since he went to an extreme FHP training a few weeks ago,  Chuck has been feeling bad, headaches, exhausted, and finally when he had trouble getting his socks on, I put my foot down and got him to the doctor today at 10:30am (a very blessed find of a doctor from my church came to me by church friends). Doctor’s very able assistant got us scheduled for an MRI. The MRI tech alerted the Radiologist who moved very quickly to write up a preliminary report and by 6pm we were at the Baptist Hospital emergency room…. they were waiting for us. They covered Chuck with tubes and had a stroke kit ready and 2 people getting his history. Fortunately I know him well and was able to provide much information. The bottom line is he is having a sub dural hemotoma (hemorrhage) on the brain.  This is the reason everyone moved so quickly. They took him for a CT scan and confirmed what showed as bleeding on the MRI, but got some good news. It is veins bleeding and it is unlikely it is an aneurysm or embolism. I left him well cared for, ordered not to move and to relax, and reading a book. He is being moved from ER to neurological ICU and will see neurosurgeon tomorrow who will monitor him for a few days to see if bleeding stops…. It should stop and recede…  We know no more until tomorrow. This is day to day.  I’ll go back to the hospital after Mass and stay with him tomorrow. 

My role, you ask?  To carry his stuff, to document and give information, to give him his book when he needed it, and to pray. And that my dear is your role!  Say a little prayer for our Chuck. He will have to change his wild man lifestyle…. But he is alive and will live a long good life.  I will email you again tomorrow evening and keep you posted. I expect a full recovery and we will follow all orders and directions of neurosurgeon. I promise!  God bless you and God bless our Chuck. Love Sue 



Susie's musings

On the Road Again

Some people say I don’t write about Chuck enough… I know everyone loves Chuck better than they love me because Chuck will stay up late watching movies and drinking Scotch, and I’m usually yawning and trailing off to bed at 9:30. What amazes me is how some of you are then up again and perky at 7am with Chuck … What is this? I’ve always been the one hiding up in the tree with a book. So… I packed my paints and too many books, and I’m jumping into the van to "travel America" with Chuck.

If we ever get out of here…… Chuck is still packing. Can anyone ever imagine us actually thinking we could take the motorcycle????? We did take the motorcycle on a trip once, and we will again. Next year. This year I guess our excuse is we have to take some gifts and communications gear to Tennessee… So! Say a little prayer for our overloaded van tootling along the turnpikes of America. I will try to write on the web site…. God bless America! Susie.

Susie's musings

November musings

This will be our first late autumn visit to England and although we have been this cold in June, we haven’t witnessed the harvest festivities of autumn yet. Witches decorate the stores, and the "kids" carved pumpkins this morning. The oldest "kid" is almost 30, and the youngest is near 25, but joy fills all hearts at harvest-time.  This visit to the West country of Cornwell it has been a real pleasure as I tried to pet a wild pony on Bodmin moor, and as we ferried to Padstow to eat fish and chips from a box while enjoying sunshine on our faces; watching Sally’s three girls and their good friends laugh and enjoy youth, and worshipping once again at the small Catholic church called Saint Peter in Bude.  A magazine I read called Catholic Digest (November 2008 issue) explains that November is a dreary month that begins the dark quarter of the year beginning November 1 (All Saints Day) and ending February 2 (The Presentation of Jesus). To challenge the darkness and something like the fear ancient peoples felt in the dark, we escape into fantasy dressing up in funny/scary costumes and visiting the lighted houses in our neighborhoods. At this time of year, we light fires and candles to dispel the darkness, we have parties, we tell tall tales, and we escape the darkness.  The pantries are full. We have harvested the fields and killed the pigs, geese and other animals we bought early in June to "fatten up."  Our friends Mervyn and Brenda showed us their little pen with 2 pigs who will dress holiday tables in late November. Brenda’s geese will probably be saved for Christmas dinner. Families gather and the feasting "provides a foretaste of the everlasting banquet of saints," and reminds us that eventually we will be "gathered" into a hospitable heaven. Chuck and I look forward to celebrating festival days on the south coast of England in Dorset in Kingsbridge, Lyme Regis, and Abbotsbury before heading for the cruise ship that will leave Southhampton on November 6. The school children will all be off on holiday for a week called "half-term" and the party week will be in high gear until November 2 when England will pull up the covers and face another chilly winter. Many thanks to our English hosts!  Cheers and God bless us all! 

Susie's musings

England again! The Grand Adventure Part II

On October 16, 2008 a flight attendant woke me up asking "omlet or cereal"? I actually slept on a trans atlantic flight!  I wisely chose cereal and so began my first English day on a healthy note. The view from my window seat was of sunrise over thick clouds that blew away as we passed over Ireland and turned South over Scotland towards London. This is the reverse of the route the Pan Am flight was on when it was blown out of the sky over Lockerbie. Visiting Lockerbie is like a chapter in our lives that we all have to open. Many people died for a useless cause.  The sky cleared over England and the sun shown. We lost 40 degrees since Miami as the pilot advised it is 50 degrees (was 90 in Miami). Last night on the plane I watched "swing vote" a light Kevin Costner piece with heavy places about an important election question for Presidential candidates… "If America is so rich, why can’t I feed my children?"  Flying over the Thames we saw a new stadium perhaps for the 2012 Olympics. a fine round domed stadium, perhaps for the opening ceremonies. Houses of Parliament look good, Westminster Abbey.  All seems well. The adventure begins!  We picked up the rental car and headed out on the great M25 and M23 south towards our first stop in Sussex. We are visiting friends in a small village. They took us to a Brewery in Lewes. a small quaint town with shops and pubs!  We made plans for them to come to Miami and bask in our sunshine. As well we invite all friends to come to our sunshine!  We are already eating too much and drinking the local ales. Our hosts have a sweet old home (1600s built) and 2 sweet dogs Molly and Suki. We’re off to Battle Abbey in East Sussex. It is the sight of the 1066 battle of William the Conquerer a Norman who became king. God bless us all!

Susie's musings

What can we do with America?

What can we do with America? America’s in trouble and the rest of the world seems to be falling down with us! That tells us one good thing… that people of this world look to us for leadership even if we have let them down recently. I’m not sure that as an individual American, I can do too much for the economy, but with our vote, we can change the leadership of this country. And with prayer we can change things too. I don’t think we can do anything else. I already voted by absentee as I’ll be away for the election, and I for one intend to pray a lot and try to be a little nicer and help someone out who needs help. That’s all we can do isn’t it? The Gospel reading this Monday was The Good Samaritan. You remember the story don’t you? A guy got beat up and robbed and left for dead. The ones who were supposed to help (because they were the ones in power) walked around him, probably casting their eyes away and saying it wasn’t their job. But do you know what the Samaritan showed them? A single person and a little kindness goes a long way to fixing things up. Kindness and justice can defeat greed and the downslide our world seems to be going in. God bless us as we try to fix our country.

Susie's musings

Politics and such for America

I never write about politics, but now seems to be high time. First, everyone within sound of my voice must vote. You must select a side and vote for the person who best upholds what you desire. No one is perfect, but this democracy cannot work if we let a small cadre of (rich? elite? old guys?) you define them, if we let a small group of contentious people rule our country. Vote with a focus on repairing the infrastructure of the United States. We all have witnessed the crashing bridges, flooding cities, high crime rate, poor education, high prescription prices, and other negative changes in our lifetime. We see our country involved in the expensive war in Iraq, and we ask, “Why are we fighting in Iraq?” and we can’t answer that. Before we continue to focus on the world, we must heal our country. You’ve heard that a caregiver can’t take care of anyone until she takes care of herself. Well, if our bridges fail, and our cities drown in crime, and our railroads can’t function, then what good can we be to anybody? The plight of our neighbors (Haiti and Cuba for example) is very bad, and we are trying to help starving people everywhere, but if we don’t focus on our own country, we will fail and end up unable to help anyone. Get strong at home first, then go out and help others. Please speak up and vote this year. This is a republic (government by the people). Your vote counts. God bless America.

Susie's musings

Politics and such for America

I never write about politics, but now seems to be high time. First, everyone within sound of my voice must vote. You must select a side and vote for the person who best upholds what you desire. No one is perfect, but this democracy cannot work if we let a small cadre of (rich? elite? old guys?) you define them, if we let a small group of contentious people rule our country. Vote with a focus on repairing the infrastructure of the United States. We all have witnessed the crashing bridges, flooding cities, high crime rate, poor education, high prescription prices, and other negative changes in our lifetime. We see our country involved in the expensive war in Iraq, and we ask, “Why are we fighting in Iraq?” and we can’t answer that. Before we continue to focus on the world, we must heal our country. You’ve heard that a caregiver can’t take care of anyone until she takes care of herself. Well, if our bridges fail, and our cities drown in crime, and our railroads can’t function, then what good can we be to anybody? The plight of our neighbors (Haiti and Cuba for example) is very bad, and we are trying to help starving people everywhere, but if we don’t focus on our own country, we will fail and end up unable to help anyone. Get strong at home first, then go out and help others. Please speak up and vote this year. This is a republic (government by the people). Your vote counts. God bless America.

Susie's musings

Cliffs and Such

What’s the best thing about England?  I have to shout first "cliffs!" I just came back from being buffeted and torn by the Atlantic winds blowing in from the ocean while I sat on the edge of a cliff trying to paint the jagged and wild cliff face across a rocky beach 1000 feet below me. I have taken hundreds of pictures of the Cornish cliffs between Bude and Widemouth Bay, but nothing can prepare one for the sheer magnificance of them until one is led to the edge. Sally’s Mum, Barbara, was horrified that I went to the edge to paint ("for the edge can fall off"). It’s not really the "edge," it’s more like a little piece of cliff and I sit in the grass and put my feet on the rock about a foot below. The piece I use for a foot stool has fallen about a foot below the rest of the cliff! Edges of the cliffs are sagging and falling down and in some places parts of the cliff path is roped off to keep one from going any second down with dramatic sagging parts. It is as if part of your living room started to sink… It might take 500 years for it to fall the 1000 or so feet into the sea, or it might happen while you are standing there!  When I sit and look at the cliff edges and the beaches below, I just can’t get it "set in my mind" as it is constantly changing. First there are the clouds that blow over from the Atlantic to change the cliff face colors from light golden siena to black, and then there is the tide coming in to fill the beaches or leave the beaches dry to reveal black rock that looks like dinosaur back bones..  "It’s not Jurassic, it’s magestic," Sally tells me. We search for words to describe the sheer magnificance, but words fail. In the same way, my paint brush fails me.  As I try to paint the picture before me, my eye is constantly moving across the amazing intricacy of rock and grass. Cliff follows cliff back into misty sky… It’s like looking into a mirror, but each tiny piece is different from the last!  Suddenly, I hear footsteps that intrigue me as I am really alone out on the cliff edge, but it is a tiny person walking below me across the beach made up of rocks about the size of a large person’s hand. The sound wafting up to me is like someone walking across pebbles. Birds fly past below me and that is unbalancing as I look "down" at the birds in flight. I take a breath and quell my fear of the sudden realization of my precarious perch. I look at what I have painted despite the wind that tried to suck the brushes and papers from my fingers. "Rubbish," is my analysis. It is way beyond my feeble efforts to capture this Grandeur! I put everything into a plastic bag and walk back to Sally’s house across the cliff path. My face is red from the wind and my eyes are wild with the dreamy-amazing view I’ve just tried to capture. I move from lofty perch to humble realization, "I can’t capture Mother Nature in a painting."  I bow my head to God who created it and offer a small prayer… "Blessed be the Most Amazing God Who made such wonders. Thank God!" Love Susie

Susie's musings

Americans finding connections in England

In a small "freehouse" called The Brandy Cask Pub in Pershore (near Evesham) along the banks of the River Avon in the northern Costwolds we were acosted as we have been so many times with the query, "Are you American?" We wonder if it is our accents, our "way about us," or maybe it’s Chuck’s jacket that reads Miami, Florida… A young Englishman has been fascinated by our American flag "the stars and stripes" and its resemblance to the decoration on the tomb of Penelope Washington who is buried nearby in Wickhamford. History does not know what exactly influenced the design of our American flag, but history conjectures it was the family crest or coat of arms of George Washington’s family. A distant cousin, Penelope, is buried in Wickhamford and her grave is decorated with the resemblance to the stars and stripes. Inspired by the interest of "our English cousin," Chuck and I headed off the next morning for Wickhamford to find the tomb. Unfortunately the small church is closed due to flooding and repairs, and although we rang the "warden," there was no answer and we could not get in. This will have to remain a mystery and will go on the list for "the next time" we visit.  Another exciting "connection" we met is an American history professor who lives 6 months in the English countryside in Warwickshire. Jeremy Scanlon plies his narrowboat along the English canals and he has written a fascinating book called Innocents Afloat. "A Yank discovers the cut"…  We met Jeremy along the shores of the Avon and we listened with growing interest as Jeremy described "life on the canals." I have since noticed the tiny blue lines on the map that indicate the over 2000 miles of canals in England. Chuck and I have always thought this must be a wonderful way to "see" England, and reading Jeremy’s book is a wonderful experience. Maybe on the next trip we will book a week "cruise"…  There is so much to see and do here in our distant ancestor England. We have arrived at our "other" connection, the Trewin house, Harefield Cottage, in Bude, where Sally and Bill reside and conduct a very busy B&B business. To call Sally and Bill American is silly, because they are true Glostershire and Cornish people, but they are so extensively travelled that they and Sally’s Mum Barbara have seen much more of America than we have! Sally’s "girls" are currently off travelling, Emily in Canada, and Charlotte and Harriet in the Far East. We hope to see the girls when we spend a week in the Lake District in October. Yesterday, as we approached Cornwall the sky cleared and I remarked that the blue sky here is lighter than I am accostomed to. Light blue, clear blue, even a delicate blue as if "washed" with a warm sun shining through. We even shed our jackets! Finally, as for the perpetual sunlight we are experiencing, the longest day is close at hand and last evening, as we waited for sunset at 9:30 pm, our friends laughed and said, "It won’t be for at least another hour." I gazed at the full moon and once again pledged to England and her craggy Cornish coast… You are a good old girl, dear old cousin. Broad daylight beckons me out for an after supper walk in the "fresh" wind blowing from the Atlantic… Goodnight dear American cousins.

Susie's musings

A Northern Dream

Chuck and I have visited the British Isles many times, but this trip is special… Even the sign "You are now crossing the border into the UK" seemed special.  We checked into a hotel close to the Bristol airport and the next morning, bleeding profusely from the wound to our $800 converted into "only" £356.26, driving on the "other" side of the road, and entering round abouts from the left, we headed north towards Scotland. Stopping for lunch we ate great platters of lamb shank with potatoes, peas, and corn in Uttoexeter. I have to ask "How do you pronounce that name?" and then I have to ask, "Please spell that." Either I’m getting deaf or accents are getting thicker. We are two countries separated by a common language. (Say U tox iter).  In Kirkby Lonsdale we encountered a biker ralley at Devil’s Bridge. Bikers here in the UK strip off leather clothes to "take the sun" and drink coffee and eat ice cream. The roads and hedgerows along the roads are unforgiving so the bikers stay sober. Continuing north, we stopped at a "boot" sale (people drive into a pasture and sell things out of their car trunks). We bought a big 2008 road atlas and took advice from Steve Heaton from Yorkshire: "Go to Oban and see the best scenery in Scotland." OK! go around the round about a few times and head for Scotland. The sheep along the way behind  stone walls are newly shorn and look chilly to me. I interpret their bleats as "baaaaaa, don’t take my wooly coat!" and I playfully reply, "No problem, Susie just wants your lamb shanks!"  We visited Lockerbie Scotland where Pan Am flight 103 was felled by a bomb killing everyone on board and 11 on the ground. People from miles around brought in parts of the plane to the reconstruction crew. The memorial, a remembrance garden, is beautiful and very sad. We drove on with heavy hearts. We did not sleep well that night as the sun does not set until midnight and raises at 4am. In Scotland, we started to stay up too late (can’t go to sleep while the sun’s up), eating dinner at 10pm, and then pubbing until "wee" hours. The birds start to sing at 4am. I started swearing at them, which I NEVER do in the morning! In Scotland Chuck started "tasting" Scotches. Every pub you go into has a variety of Scotches and local beers and the publicans are very willing to give a taste. In a wonderful coincidence we found a wonderful B&B called The Old Manse in Oban.  At breakfast in a B&B conversations often break out that keep us at table long after the coffee is cold. Here we met Carlene and Frank. Found out he was a submarine man and he and Chuck stayed up (in the daylight) until way past midnight smoking cigars talking about "the old days." As Carlene and I talked we found more and more in common. Spirituality, labyrinths, caregiving, hospice, and healing. We talked about "the healing of memory" and understanding our spiritual pain so we can be present for others. We talked about "listening for the heartbeat of God." We decided to stay another night in Oban to see more and visit with our new friends and ended up staying three nights visiting Seil island, the tiniest bridge over the Atlantic, the Tigh an Truish pub and the John Taylor Exhibition twice! As we left Oban, I remembered the closed and reused churches I have seen and I wrote in my journal: "I talked of Cathedrals today. My hands tracing lines to the sky. Where the high peaks built by master builders rise to God dedicated to create God’s dwelling place on earth. High parapets symbolize man’s dreams. My voice wistful. I can’t comprehend the reuse of churches for electrical offices and information centers. The sacred sancts now ceilings lowered are commercial buildings. The Spirit shoved into the corners…." 

In St. Abbs we sat in the sunshine in what had to be 40 degree weather and found some friends among "redundant" fishermen. I wandered in the ruins of a priory and tried to paint the priory church. I said a prayer of thanks to the monks who kept God’s name alive for us when people couldn’t read or write. In the pub, we spent some time talking and drinking (and playing poker) with men who used to own large trawlers and ply the fisherman trade, but a living can’t be made from the sea here anymore. We visited Holy Island attached to land by a causeway that floods twice a day! The flooding time was good quiet time for the Monks. We drove back into England through country side filled with sheep and cows and had some hilarious times watching sheep being dipped and a small calf being herded who did not want to go into the pasture where his mother bawled "come in here you little twit" or something like that! We’ve visited the market at Hexham and purchased lamb, potatoes, swiss chard, cheese, bread, and beer and eaten it all!!!!  We’ve visited Hadrian’s wall which is a pretty astounding piece of brickwork stretching over 80 miles of hillside. Those on the north of the wall were outside the Roman Empire (savages)…  The wall was over 10 feet thick and 15 feet high! My friend Liz grows Columbine in her beautiful garden (the flower is called here in England Aquilegia or Granny’s Bonnet). Looks like a 5 pointed star with 4 rounded  petals and golden stamen. I disturbed a fat bublebee this morning as I picked a dark lavender columbine. Liz’s garden is what I call "northern". Many of the plants won’t grow in our southern clime. Liz and Nick (her very handsome British husband who teaches American politics) built strong defenses around the garden but Liz found a rabbit nibbling on the flowers and sent in the cat called Pinot Noir who scared the rabbit off. Pinot Noir had a mate called Merlot who has gone off to cat heaven. Pinot sleeps on her back with all 4 paws up – she is not a "proper" English cat! Liz paints lovely watercolors putting my "rubbish" to shame, but I shall continue to paint and try. For isn’t trying the best thing to do? Silence and the ticking of a clock and the sound of Pinot’s snoring at my feet cause me to stop now. It’s finally dark outside and it’s time to get some shut eye as the birdies will be at it at 4am! As Christopher Robin would say: Ta ta for now. Love Susie

Susie's musings

Moniga – an unspoiled Italian resort

Chuck and I found a dream come true on Lago de Garda. From our little Hotel du Lac we took many walks (passagiata) and I was struck by the old time quality of the town called Moniga. Walking to the beach, I felt what our parents might have found on the beaches of Sea Isle City or Brighton Beach or other shore beaches. Fresh cold lake water and rock beaches seemed uncomfortable to us… but I said to Chuck that the tourists left cold rainy northern towns to come here to the beach. This feels good to them. Several small cafes serve snacks and ice cream, wine, coffees and food. We strolled a waterfront walk and watched babies stick tentative toes in the water and two swans with 4 babies who call Moniga home. At night, where bigger towns sport garish advertising displays we found two dim neon signs proclaiming BAR and we sat to sip a glass of wine and watch evening close. Then we returned to our small hotel Du Lac, where our hostess Grazia teaches me Italian words like tranquillo. Buona Notte to Italy for tonight after a farewell dinner with new friends Danielo, Elisa, and Giada we fly to Bristol England tomorrow. Arrivederci!

Susie's musings

John, Luke, and Lemoncello

On our Grand Adventure, Chuck and I have visited many tiny hilltop towns whose ancient inhabitants built sturdy walls to protect themselves on the high places. On Lago di Garda (Lake Garda) it appears that the ancients put up little defense against hordes, rather the warm and friendly townspeople just offered strangers Lemoncello and Bardolino wine and peace won every time. As we walked the streets of old Bardolino I felt a peace of the old times. No cars or trucks mar the silence that is filled with the sounds of happy people, church bells, and music. We searched for the perfect cafe and found it at the intersection of two pedestrian walkways. The owner, Gianluca, a Venetian born entrepreneur, provides comfortable couch and chairs for his wine drinking clientel. While he mixes incredible antipasti he chats and takes our photo. He has a chef who creates wonderful mixes with eel, muscles, eggplant, cheeses, and other delectibles that Gianluca arranges artfully on a platter for our delight, accompanied by a medium body, full aroma Bardolino. The antipasto is a meal for us, but Gianluca says trust me and we follow the antipasti with a plate of eel, crispy and perfectly prepared… We demur and refuse a dulce (sweet) having recently finished Venetian pastries given to us when we left Mira. But we watched with interest as Gianluca decorated two strawberry tiramisus. We finished the whole splendid repast with tall glasses of lemoncello and took the Italian standard passagiata back to the hotel. As we strolled, a little lost, through misty midnight still street we blessed the little town who greeted two strangers with smiles, Bardolino and lemoncello.    

Susie's musings

The Blessed Mother of the Yellow Flowers

On every wall and every corner in Italy there are little niches and even little houses for the Blessed Mother (Italy calls her Madonna and Bambino!).  I have photographed about half of them!  From every corner you can hear lots of church bells. For Sunday Mass I mapped out about 3 churches that had Sunday morning services  and I set out for one of the three but got lost as one easily can even with 2 maps….   I was wandering down a very narrow street after takiing two wrong bridges and suddenly there she was on a wall in front of me! The Madonna of the Yellow Flowers. In a church in Jerusalem I saw a statue that said over it Total Beauty is Maria (of course this was in Latin and I got it translated)….. Well… I said to Madonna, …OK take me to church… and I landed in a square called Saint Margarita. … A little old Italian lady walked by all dressed black from hat to shoes and I thought… follow her. Indeed she went into a church that had a crazily tilted look. Actually I think half the facade slipped…. I went to Mass and the next evening I went to Mass and the Rosary.  I say a hearty thanks to the Madonna of the Yellow Flowers who helped me find my way.  Yesterday Chuck and I took a ride on a gondola across the Grand Canal and found a another beautiful Madonna !!!! She is everywhere in Italy!    I will write more when I have more computer time! Love Susie

Susie's musings

The Grand Adventure goes ashore!

Today Chuck and I went ashore at Livorno, Italy. It is a port town. Very busy and too big for our tastes, but I did find a few churches. I decided I would let Mary guide me this trip and go into churches, first look for the Blessed Sacrament usually well-lighted with red candles, then find Mary in her many roles. My friend Fiora promised to take me on a little pilgrimage in Panzano. In the month of May, Mary’s month, the priest takes women down the hill to a local shrine built in thanks for ending the great plague that wracked Italy many years ago. When I go there, I’ll write about it. I’m looking forward to many "personal" tributes to Mary. Meanwhile… I’ve watched Under the Tuscan Sun at least 3 times and finished the book on this cruise. Both the movie and the book refer many times to Mary, sister, mother, aunt. Gentle mother, tower of strength. So, I’ll do little pilgrimages of course Assisi (tomorrow!) and Padua for the Saints, and Mary, in every little church. God bless us all! Love Susie

Susie's musings

Mary, Mother’s Day, and Stone

Three things inspired this musing… Ken Follet’s Pillars of the Earth, Michelangelo’s love of Florence, and my visit to the Cathedral in Milaga, Spain. I visited several churches in Malaga where Mary is highlighted in silver robes as the Madre Dolorosa (Mother of Sorrows). I touched the walls of the great Cathedral and I remembered Michelangelo loved to touch the stone walls of the Cathedral (Duomo) in Florence. Walls made of hand-carved and hand-placed stone. Looking at the beautiful paintings and statues of Mary, and touching the 1200 year old stone used to build Medieval and Renaissance churches leads me to musings… and Mother’s Day is coming so I must pay tribute to my Mom! Not to say that Mary and Mother’s Day should be thought of in the same way as 1200 year old stone, but… close your eyes for a moment and think about this:  A mother has to be tough doesn’t she? A woman is invaded by a life giving force. She is literally "taken" as it were to be a vessel as no man can be taken. She is made to be a slave to give life. But God has given a mother a special grace. For he gives her the strength to accept the load that will indeed load her down for 9 months and then that will remain with her, a load on her heart for all the years of her life. Her child, God’s child, is given to her to carry first in her womb, then at her breast and on her knee, and finally when the child grows the wings he needs to go "out," Mother carries him in her heart. As Mary did, and as our Mothers did and do! They carry our lives in their hearts. God chooses each mother for the work she will do just as the builder chooses the stone he will use to build a great church. First he carefully designs the foundation he will dig to be the "foot" for the temple. Then he begins to select from the stone he has selected from the quarry. One by one, carefully ensuring balance, he lays the stone. "Make it right… make it right." If he misplaces any stone he will cause the great ediface to fall. Our lives are like this — God carefully chooses our traits, our talents, our being, and he chooses our mother, the foundation. I am sure God watches with great love as we take the first tentative steps. "Take the right way," He whispers. "Your mother knows – I built her, your mother. She is strong and full of wisdom and love. Follow your mother! Follow Mary, my mother."

Susie's musings

Amazing distance facts

I’m not sure I ever paid much attention to the Straits of Gibraltar. In fact, I wonder just how many of us know exactly where they are. If you look at a map of the Atlantic, notice how BIG the Atlantic Ocean is. I tried to get some numbers from the Purser last night, but he said the bridge was very busy last night. We passed through the Straits of Gibraltar between midnight and 2am in high waves, winds, mist and darkness. The sea had been perfectly calm the entire 11 days of our crossing… But it really kicked up as we entered the straits. The distance we "drove" to get from Miami to "inside the Mediterranean" is 4400 nautical miles [it’s 4450 miles from Susie’s house on Westwood Lake (25° 43′ 43" N; 80° 22′ 16" W) to Málaga, Spain (36° 44′ 34" N; 4° 25′ 33" W) mp]. Chuck says that a nautical mile is a little more than a "land" or statute mile. It took 11 days to make the sail to "steam" from Miami to Malaga Spain (with a stop in Saint Maarten and Funchal Portugal)… Suppose you make it across the Atlantic. Take a look at the map. If you run due east or maybe north east you will run full tilt into Africa or Spain or other land mass…. and you have a very tiny chance of hitting the 20 mile wide opening into the Mediterranean!!!!! It is no wonder so many ships have been lost in the past. As we passed into the straits, I went up to the 10th deck in my jammies and robe (Chuck was just coming in from the piano bar so he was in tux) I could see very clearly despite the dark and fog last night both sides (Africa and Spain.) The English controlled the opening to the Mediterranean (the Strait of Gibraltar) during WWII to keep German U boats out. I know the American subs were in the Med patrolling in case a German U boat slipped through. What amazing history this body of water (the Med) has. Our room steward knocked at 9am this morning and we roused ourselves to go ashore at Malaga. Great churches!!!!! Chuck lost his sail and sign card but they let him on board the ship with his passport. All is well and we look forward to beginning our "Tuscan Adventure" on Saturday morning. Cheers!!! Love Susie

Susie's musings

Transatlantic – it’s all the same!

Good day My dear readers. We’re on a transatlantic crossing with plans to stay for a while in Italy (Tuscany), Croatia (Istria), Venice, Greece (just the highlights) and then to England. I recommend this kind of travel only for the hardy as one can easily eat too much, drink too much, sleep too much. Excess is never good!  We are learning Italian. For example… "Dove il trattoria… Ho fame!" "Where is the restaurant… I’m hungry!" One should not ever get hungry on a cruise like this!  We scan the buffets and find amazing appetisers: calimari, oysters, salads, lamb, and salmon…. I’m trying to skip dessert. For breakfast there are eggs over easy, grits and bacon. … Just like home. I remember to write a journal for it is easy to lose track of days. We awake at 6am, watch the sun rise and think of home. What day is it? Does it really matter? The Atlantic looks the same from both sides and the sun always rises in the East.  We are headed out of the Atlantic, through the straits of Gibraltar, into the Mediterranean tonight and my thoughts go to Ulysses who first thought he might try to sail out of the pond that is the Mediterranean, but wondered if he would then fall off the earth for the earth at that time was thought to be flat. … May God bless my friends and family. Please think kindly of us, the wandering travelers. Health and peace. Susie

Susie's musings

Alphabet Soup Book Talks and Signings

This is an update on the invitation to nourishing talks and readings from Alphabet Soup for Christian Living.  I’ll be at the Little Flower Women’s Emmaus meeting on November 14 at 7:30 PM. The discussion topic will be Mother Teresa’s Letters, Come Be My Light. I’ll be back at Paulinas Book and Media Center on January 12 for a discussion of Pope Benedict’s work on Jesus of Nazareth.  Both books are available at Paulinas Books and Media Center at 107 Ave and Flagler. I will be selling and signing Alphabet Soup and it is a great Christmas present! iAlso mark February 16 for another talk at Paulinas. The Emmaus talk is reserved for those who have been to an Emmaus retreat, but the Paulina’s talks are an open buffet!  

Susie's musings

Arriving at Obedience

Mom rolled over this morning and asked, "what time is it?" "I don’t know," I replied somewhat impishly. It’s true, I can’t see the clock without my glasses, but also, my answer had a somewhat naughty insouciance as I really meant, "who cares? … You go back to sleep; I’m going to read for a while." And so our day began. This day is much like previous days after my step father’s death as I share my mother’s quiet grieving and her nights. I certainly do not need "quiet time" here with Mom to read! The hush of falling snow is broken only by the swish of a DVD slipped into the player at the television, the quick trip to church, the market, and the video store, or the swoosh of the treadmill in the guest room. It’s been really cold this my first "real winter" with temperatures ranging from -16 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Mother pointed today to the bushes and trees covered with snow. Lovely and best viewed from under a blanket! The squirrels here are fat with winter coats. I lounge in one of Mom’s twin recliner chairs to read and I look up occasionally at the double picture of my sister Annette, my sister in heaven. The clock ticks, but time does not matter here. Annette is a beautiful child of seven. I cannot imagine a woman of 65 years of age that she would be if she were not in heaven. I am Mother’s child, and I’m learning to do her will. Slowly I’ve swung around, like the inexorable, slow hands on a clock, slowly moving, I’ve arrived at obedience. Rarely do I argue with Mom. Yesterday I tried to convince Mom to come South to Florida for a few good years, but Mom has cast her own insouciance at time, arrogantly turning time around. Bed time is in what many call the wee small hours around 2am. Long after the sun is past mid day, Mom emerges from the bedrooom like a small ruffled chicken, her hair all on end, eyes blinking against the light of day! She will get her chance to shake her fist at time when I leave here to return home. My sisters and I pray that soon Mother will shake off this winter coat and come to live with us in the land of shorts and tee shirts rather than stay in this quiet place. Alone, in the quiet.

Susie's musings

What is Bittersweet?

Bittersweet is good and bad mixed together. It is chili that makes us say "mmmmmmm….. oh!" when the "kick" of the hot peppers hits. It is creamy chocolate that makes us wrinkle our lips with its bitterness and soothes us with the mellow softness of its milk. Bittersweet was listening to my step-dad Jack, as he declined in his 90s, come down the hallway of his apartment, and listening for a loud thump and the loud yell for my mom, "Grace!" Bitter were the calls to 911 to ask the Euclid fire department to come help pick him up. Sweet was the sight of the strong young men and women of the fire department and their assurances that "they didn’t mind!" as they leaned over Jack with gentle hands. After a lingering illness, my step-dad Jack Harlan died on February 1, 2007 at 4:20 am at the age of 96 years. Bitter was a series of strokes that led him to hospitals and finally nursing homes. Bitter was watching Jack lay in a bed with the indiginity of all his bodily fluids draining into bags to be emptied by a series of young aids. But sweet was the two years Jack’s grand children and great-grand children gained as they grew to know the wonderful stories and jokes of a man who was born in and loved one of the greatest of old American cities, Cleveland, Ohio. Bitter was the pain and anguish of watching him suffer, but sweet was the knowledge that we all were accepting "God’s time." Sweet was the knowledge I gained from watching my Mother love and care for a man unconditionally. Sweet was the big family I gained from the union of this big bear of a man and my little Mom. Bittersweet is a snow fall that covers a multitude of evils like rocks, dirt, trash, and a coffin with shining white softness. Bittersweet are the faces of the young soldiers who fold flags over coffins while honoring those who served America. Serious military faces, fresh, young, and dying too soon. Sweet is the blaze of glory of a sunset signalling the coming of darkness and the sunrise that returns every morning as if to fulfill a promise. Sweet is the face of God that we will see when we finally shed the pain of the bitter darkness and accept the sweet promise, "I will be with you always."

Susie's musings

Swords and Spears

Before I plant a crop, first I dig in the dirt of my garden and then I water the little plot and give it over to the birds for a day or two. The birds like to eat all the grubs and beatles I unearthed with my digging. Once the birds think they have eaten everything there is to eat in my little plot, I plant tiny seeds and sit back to wait. Sometimes it takes two weeks or more for anything to come up, but soon I get green sprigs that grow into tomatoes, onions, carrots, parsley, lettuce, flowers, and weeds. We don’t get enough to survive out of this garden but it does make a salad for us. I think of the people of ancient days who learned that seeds planted in the ground yield food, and enough cultivated ground can support a family or a clan. The clan could then stop wandering to find fields of grain and wild animals to eat. Eventually clans settled and built permanent houses and cultivated the ground permanently. But then man’s greed took over, didn’t it? This is where the swords and spears were used. No longer were crops planted, but weapons were forged instead. Big powerful people took the land of little weak people and either killed the weak with swords or enslaved them to cultivate the land and feed the powerful ones who bacame "rich". The rich could then lie back on luxurious couches and be fed. But then other powerful people saw the lands and wanted them. The powerful peoples wanted each others’ lands and crops. In the dark of the night, plans were made and swords and spears were forged. In the daylight the armies met and fought wars. The weak people, the "spoils of war," were passed with the ownership of the property to the victors. The prophet Micah wrote about this as he looked out over the enslaved people of Israel. He promised them that the faithful few would be saved and eventually would own their land again. It might be in another time, but freedom would come. Then in that better, future time, Micah wrote, the "strong and distant nations… shall beat their swords into plow shares, and their spears into pruning hooks…Every man shall sit under his own vine or under his own fig tree, undisturbed" (Micah 4: 3-4). To have land and a fig tree meant prosperity to the people of Israel. The promise of land and a fig tree meant once again the people could protect themselves, set up boundaries, and grow food for themselves. Greed and darkness have not been overcome yet. We forge bigger swords and spears every day when what each man should be doing is planting his own field.

Susie's musings

Grapefruit and a humble tradition…

My sister Donna sent my Mom a basket of fresh Florida fruit (grapefruits and naval oranges). Actually the gift didn’t come in a basket but a humble box. We put the fruit out on the porch and it comes in cold as if we had put it in the ‘fridge. So this morning Mom got this distant look on her face and she said, "I remember how Aunt Louise used to cut the grapefruit and separate all the sections then broil it for us." "Oh I can do that for you!" I chortled gleefully, and set off to relive a distant memory. First you find the little crooked serated knife in the back of the knife drawer, then and you begin to dig down on every side of the little "units" of the fruit… cutting on each side of the membrane. By the beginning of the second half, I began to remember … "I remember when I learned how to do this… being cautioned by my Mom, ‘be sure to get on each side of the membrane or it won’t come out right,’" and indeed when attacked with a spoon, if it wasn’t "done right" the grapefruit section didn’t come out… So then I began to wonder if mothers today are teaching their children this humble art of "sectioning a grapefruit." Into the broiler went the halves. But Mom said, "Not the broiler, use the microwave!" … What? we didn’t have microwaves when I was little…. dissonance… dissonance… Enter the twenty-first century to jar my memory. When the grapefruit halves were warm I sprinkled sugar on the halves. My first bite made me shiver – whew! My puckering lips quivered! "Not enough sugar," I sputtered. So maybe today’s juice boxes full of sugary liquids have spoiled me… Is this another tradition that will fall victim to progress? Do you have a little crooked serated knife in your knife drawer?

Susie's musings

Advent in Ohio -1-

I am at my Mom’s in Cleveland and what an unusual Advent this is. I advised the women I talked to in Miami to try to light candles, go to Mass, and pray in "waiting" and instead of following my own advice, I’ve 7-day cruised and not gone to Mass yet! Nor do we have an Advent wreath here at Mom’s. Well that box hasn’t been unpacked yet… What I’ve done so far is read Mom to sleep (the galleys from my book arrived here in Cleveland and I have to read, correct, and return them within a week). I’ve emptied the contents of Mom’s kitchen on to the counter tops and redistributed stuff to make it friendlier. Like I took plant food, lightbulbs, electric cords, tape and string, and batteries out of the kitchen pantry and replaced them with flour and sugar. Every surface was cluttered and there were lots of duplicates… We are still tossing some "old stuff" that Jack loved… Don’t tell him but we threw away the cream of wheat and barley… The rusty cookie tins were thrown out and some empty bottles went into the closet "for Donna." Now we need to collect all the tupperware into one place and pare it down as well as find all the pots and pans that are sprinkled around the kitchen. Meanwhile…. I’ve got Mom busy at the dining room table writing Christmas cards (she said she wanted to do it…) I put the address, return address, stamp on and we’re doing a good thing. Christmas music plays on the CD player. Now if we can find the flour next time we bake bread all will really be well! Love to all and a happy, peaceful, and productive Advent!

Susie's musings

Two lost souls

Two lost souls crying for a friend. I can’t help them though for one is a red-winged black bird who lost her mate (my neighbor’s dog ate him). A single mom, she is trying to teach her lone baby to fly on her own. Tonight I heard her calling, but there was no reply. The other lost soul is a lone mallard in a lake full of Southern "junk ducks." This mallard must have been flying south for the winter and he landed for a brief time on Westwood Lake where he knows no one. He’s just not of the breed that lives here. He’s faster, lighter, and he quacks. Our regulars just mumble as if they’ve forgotten what ducks are supposed to do, fed so long with bread and crackers by the lake side mothers and children. The sun sets, and I too sit alone on the lake. But I know where my family is and I know that they are safe tonight. Whisper a prayer for the lone souls out there who don’t know where their family is. God bless them.

Susie's musings

Mission Pack Mom -8-

August 10. The Blessed Mother and the angels are waiting in the closet. They’ll be there for a day or two because mom caught me preparing to wrap the treasures in blankets in anticipation of their move to the new apartment… "Wait! you have to wash the blankets!" I froze. Mom had sneaked up on me and found me with (oh awful thought) "unwashed blankets" in my hands. Mother insists that all linens must be washed in the big washers downstairs in the laundry room (the laundry process is a sweaty story best not told) and THEN I can pack the clean things. Caught so guilty, I left the Blessed Mother (a precious stature that our Aunt Rose bought in Lourdes when she and Mom visited a few years before Aunt Rose died) and the angels (hand made by our brother) in the closet until I can get to the laundry room to wash the packing blankets. With Mary and the angels dressed in clean blankets, I will lovingly settle them into a box marked "very delicate" and send them on their way to places of honor in "the new apartment."

Susie's musings

Mission Pack Mom -7-

August 4. What’s today’s date?… I’m accustomed to checking the calendar. Woops. All the calendars have been taken down along with everything else on the walls! All nails removed and just holes left! Take a look at your walls and try to decide what it will be like with everything off and just paint. For one thing… noises echo! And paintings! Whoever decided they should be so big? I wrapped and boxed the little stuff, but now I’m dealing with the big pictures. My brothers are going to be balancing some big open boxes with delicate glass covered beauties. I do have a solution though. Rather than try to bag the blankets; I’ll wrap the paintings in blankets. All cozy and warm in August heat, Mom’s beauties will get to the new apartment for my brother to hang them back on the new walls. Yesterday was tough. Mom has assumed Jack’s desk to do all her bills and paperwork, but the desk and file cabinet are "going out." So I sat at the rejected desk and began to open drawers. We did a lot of "what’s this?" and "I don’t knows." Index cards, rubber bands, paper clips, discarded glasses. "What did you do with the glasses from the filing cabinet?" Mom asked. I stared at the filing cabinet, emptied a week ago… "I don’t know?" my stock answer. "Well you have to find those old glasses, I give them to the church." Visions of plowing through the garbage shute dance in my head and I duck my head and continue to separate pens that work from pens that don’t work… Mom found me laughing in the kitchen last night. I was looking for the big lid for the frying pan!

Susie's musings

Mission Pack Mom -6-

July 31. You know the old saying…. "You’re d…mned if you do and you’re d..mned if you don’t!" If I don’t pack it…. I will not have done my duty…. If I do pack it… we’ll need it. Every day we make decisions… Will you need this before September 10? or ever? … Well I packed boxes of gift wrap and we have had a slew of birthdays and now a wedding…. and of course I packed the "good clothes" because "who’s going any where anyway?" and … we have had 3 birthdays and now a wedding invitation. Since Mom will be "the Grandmama" (I put the accent on the last ma) we have to go shopping for a proper wedding outfit! At least we have shoes and a bag still unpacked. The bag was hidden under the luxurious nightgowns in the second drawer of the dresser that I haven’t gotten to yet… This is hysterical! We are giving the bride and groom Grandpa’s fine china turkey platter and 8 of grandpa’s wine glasses. I found something else antique in the curio cabinet to put into the mix. Now all I need is wedding gift wrap which is in a box only two from the top near the ceiling…. Today started out at a leisurly pace and then we started on the closet… Mom kept escaping and finally she lay down on the bed… She said "I hate going through Jack’s things…" and I realized we’re packing Jack’s things to go to the Paralyzed Vets… because Jack will never wear them again. We kept out one last suit for the "final ceremony." Wow! that Mom lasted through that is a testimony to her strength. We moved quickly to shoes and crafts things and she then started getting energy again so we attacked the kitchen! Everyone of us should go to the kitchen and take stock!!!! How many pots have we thrown away but kept the lids for some reason? I threw away 15 lids that had no pots!!! We found 3 sets of mixer bowls and 2 extra coffee pots! We actually found some stuff that mom said… "I don’t know what this is." Of course my duty is to say, "If you don’t know what it is, it’s time to pitch it." And now I have the final duty of packing the glasses and china. That is my least favorite task because it takes such care and I am a broad stroke kind of girl!

Susie's musings

Mission Pack Mom -5-

July 29. Beware of questions like "Where’s my bread basket?" I stop and cock my head and think… pursing my lips… and I ask, "Does it move?" This is from a joke of Chuck’s whenever I’m about to set out on house beautification…. "If it doesn’t move, paint it, and if it moves, kiss it and then paint it." Mom says, "Whaaaaatttt? does it move? it’s a bread basket !!" I answer with finality, "Well Mom, if it doesn’t move; it gets packed." … So the packing continues. We now have no bread basket that we can find. Two little girls had a birthday last week and Mom went looking for some coloring books she had purchased. "I want to wrap those coloring books," she murmured… "Wrap?" I demured, "The gift wrap is packed. There is Christmas gift wrap in that box and occasional gift wrap in that box and I think the coloring books are in there…." I point to boxes in a tall pile of boxes poised periously close to the ceiling in the guest room. No guest is going to sleep in the guest bed as it is covered with video tapes, ice buckets, blankets, pillows, and boxes at this time. We’re taking the day off today as Mom’s blood pressure peaked when I made her go through her nursing books and papers. We deep-sixed notes and grading reports from classes she taught in the early ’80s and she almost wept. I emptied a 4 drawer filing cabinet down to one drawer. We all have file drawers full of string and old phone cords don’t we? Tomorrow we hit the Corning Ware cabinet in the kitchen.

Susie's musings

Mission Pack Mom -4-

July 24. Abe Lincoln is in the box. Remember I said to beware the back of the closet? Well I found 2 Abe Lincoln imitation brass book ends back there and I put them out on the dining room table dutifully asking should I toss them and got a yes along with yes on a somewhat shabby used shower curtain liner, 15 empty spaghetti sauce jars, and a tarnished silver chip and dip set. Meanwhile I hauled out all the food containers I found and dumped them in the pile too… You’ve all done the litany on the food containers: "Container, no lid – toss." "Lid – no container – toss." "Container with matching lid… if gooey and stinky – toss. Otherwise hold for decision." Well the table was so cluttered that when I wisked away the tarnished chip and dip set, the 15 empty spaghetti sauce jars and the shower curtain liner… I missed Abe Lincoln.

Mom’s eagle eye spotted the Abe Lincoln book ends in the clutter of morning newspaper and cereal bowls… "Oh! The book ends! Better pack them. Jack loves those." My head aches from the whip lash. "Abe Lincoln book ends? I tossed those… OOPS." When my brothers go to move Mom they are going to wonder how come I packed so much stuff. Well…. You gotta move fast when Mom says, "toss’ em," because she’s going to change her mind! So… Abe Linclon is in the box. And whoever unpacks him, be generous… I tried. Oh how I tried!

Susie's musings

Mission Pack Mom -3-

July 23. Beware of the back of the closet…. This morning while Mom still slept I opened the linen closet and started on “the ground floor.” In my opinion… boxes at the back of the closet that have dust on them are to go into the “rummage sale/toss” pile. Except for treasured photos and letters. They get kept and moved… “for later.” I soon filled the hallway with items of interest – some I couldn’t identify what they are. I had started on a little storage cabinet in the kitchen when I heard a gasp from the hallway! “Oh my! oh dear! what is this junk???!!!! Ohhhhhh I have a lot of junk!” Mom exclaimed and sank into a chair and wimpered… “What are we going to do with all this stuff?” “Good Morning! Mom!” I cheerily countered as I rushed at her with a cup of coffee! “It’s not junk, it’s just stuff you don’t use any more!” (“Do we need artificial respiration here?” I secretly wondered!!!!) Mom said, “I need my pills.” Mom always takes her pills first thing in the morning before she drinks her coffee. No problem! As she doled out the tiny pink, yellow and purple life-savers, Mom said, “It’s over whelming… what am I gong to do with all this stuff?” “You are going to read the paper and we will make decisions later,” I murmured. So continues the saga of “Moving Mom…” How do you pack a lifetime into boxes? I think it is a gift to be able to do this, but to some it might be something else…

Susie's musings

Mission Pack Mom -2-

July 22. The word serenity came to my mind two nights ago as I listened to mom breathe quietly while she slept. I watch her with my step-dad Jack. She is quiet and at peace. That is what serenity is. She is doing her duty and actually fulfilling the role she accepted when she said "yes" to be his wife over 25 years ago. She dresses up every day, wearing earings and Shalimar to visit him. She bends her head towards him and she smiles. She gives him her full attention. She is quiet and accepting. She is waiting, but not giving up. I know I can learn from this very strong little woman!

Little sounds issue from Mom’s mouth as she goes through a pile of books and papers I place before her. She murmurs a name. She stops to read cards. This is an interesting lesson for all of us. How much do we "store in a safe place," but never look at? What will strangers do with this "stuff" if we suddenly pass on? Mom reads and smiles and sticks the perused item in a pile… take to the new apartment, give to the rummage sale, toss. Each item was valuable once and some items are just out of time now. We puzzle over pictures… "Who’s that?" there’s nothing written on the back of a faded Christmas picture. "God bless ’em, toss it."

Susie's musings

Mission Pack Mom

July 20: Mom is finally moving out of her apartment on the East side of Cleveland. This is after living alone for over 1 1/2 years while dad is in a nursing home. My mission, and I accepted it gladly, was to pack Mom, hence the name of the mission! Brother Tom has stacked up about 100 sturdy boxes in Mom’s guest room so I promised Mom we’ll go through shelf by shelf, drawer by drawer and get everything into boxes before I leave. We touch everything. I fold and Mom looks through and I see her refolding…. Things must be washed before packing… Damp clothes fill the apartment… There are piles with labels…"winter clothes," "summer clothes," "Salvation Army," "garage sale," etc etc. I label every box carefully so nothing will be lost. Today was hot and then it rained like a son of a gun with hail! I managed to get the first load of clothes to the Salvation Army before being pelted with Cleveland’s finest! Hail and rain. I really love Cleveland! Packing Mom’s things is a delicate and decidedly chancy unmarked mine field. Whatever is missing will be my fault! If Mom gets nervous… I feel guilty! So I move through this mission gently, quietly, slowly in a an orderly and stealthy fashion! Anyone who knows me is thinking Susie can’t do this! Orderly? quietly? without screaming??? our Susie? Yep! I will emerge on the other side of this a new woman! Tomorrow… the closet shelf!!!! Love Susie!

Susie's musings

I finally saw the manatees!

We have at least two manatees who frequent our lake and the neighbors tell stories of spotting the manatees. One friend says she was lounging in the back of a boat lazily dangling a fishing line in the water and watching her husband cast his line when when she “felt” the presence of a third person at her back. “Blffffft” it made a noise and got her all wet! She leaped to the front of the boat and saw a mountain of flesh rolling behind the boat. I, meanwhile, had never seen the mountain of flesh that people describe rolling around in our waters. I didn’t doubt the presence of manatees, I just never saw them until one day I was sitting outside meditating on ducks and fish and clouds and I heard the neighbors yelling and laughing and I heard a big splash. “Manatees!” I shouted and sat up to take notice. Nothing…. I watched circles of water and eddies for about fifteen minutes and finally there it was, a black spot emerged from the water and a giant stream of water accompanied by a loud “Blfffffft” noise and I knew a manatee had blown me a kiss! I alerted the neighbors on the other side to come out and watch. We all hung on the fence and watched rolling masses that looked like swimming elephants. The neighbors were entertaining a small boy (he does not call it “babysitting” as he’s too grown up for that) and he kept saying, “where? I can’t see them! oh I missed them!” Finally as the manatees swam away to another part of the lake, I assured Tommy as others have assured me, “They’ll be back and you will see them one day. I promise.”

How could I make this promise that Tommy will one day see the manatees? Jesus often talked about curing the blind and he said some harsh words to the Pharisees and Saducees (the ruling class of Jewish priests) about being blind when really they should have been able to see him for what he is. Jesus said, “Woe to those who can see, but don’t see, and those who are blind will see.” Sometimes I wonder what Jesus meant by saying those who cannot see will see and those who can see are blind. The Jewish priests whom Jesus accused of being blind didn’t want to see what Jesus is, the Messiah, the Savior, the Son of God. The one who will die for us to redeem us from sin and death. And then come back to life as he promised. Their whole religious structure would be ruined with Jesus’ new teaching and his promise of eternal life. Many of their rules and regulations would be smashed by Jesus’ only rule, “believe in me and love one another.” The Jewish priests controlled the Jewish people with many rules and regulations. There were more restrictions on the faithful than there were loving promises despite the loving promises God made in the Old Testament. Jesus and God the Father both said, “I want mercy and love, not sacrifice.” The Pharisees and Saducees knew the Temple would lose a lot of money if there were no sacrificial offerings! Jesus promised us if we would try to see him and believe in him, one day we will see. Think of this “seeing” as “understanding.” If at this time we don’t understand a lot about Jesus and his miracles, teachings, and healings, just keep praying for “sight.” Suddenly one day, you will be sitting quietly, praying, looking at ducks and fish and clouds and Jesus will blow you a kiss and you will feel it on your cheek. Know that he is with you always, for that is what he promised, “I will be with you always until the end of time.” And know that one day you will see him. He promised.

Susie's musings

The Sacred Passion

This is a meditation based on The Way of the Cross… Peter, James, and John who walked with Jesus up the mountain of the Transfiguration must have wondered what Jesus meant when he said, “My soul is sad, even unto death…watch with me.” Read what Jesus might have been thinking on The Way of the Cross….

I’m sad about being alone when I go into the horror of pain and death. Much later, not now, not today, you will see me “sitting at the right hand of the power and coming with the clouds of heaven.” At the right hand of the Ancient of Days, the Holy One, the Holy Immortal One. But not now, not yet. Today I am called a blasphemer. I have no inheritance, no possessions, and no friends. They who hate me hand me over. Those who receive me hate me. I who was a strong tall sapling born out of parched earth am rejected today, avoided, held in no esteem. No one feels my need. I trip and in the dust, the blood, mud-like paste, sticks to my wounds as I struggle to stand, for I must go on though he tramples on my very spirit. Blood and mud, like the color of wine, stain my garment that clings to my legs, holding me down. There is no one who weeps for me. She first wrapped me in clean linens called swaddling. Warm and secure. Now my legs are bound and wrapped in this blood-red rag and I cannot move. But I feel the weight coming off my shoulders a little. Let me see who that is. A stranger lifts my pain a little. He doesn’t want to. He’s like I was last night. Not wanting to. Don’t be afraid, gentle stranger. Look at me. No! Look here, at me! Look at me! Even he would avoid me if he could. If only I could tell him whom he helps. But one day he will know. You who tred on my spirit, allowing this pain to afflict me. You! Listen to me! I look for you! I beseech you! I can’t see the path! Blood blurs my vision and I stumble again. I lie in the dust. I can’t breathe. My mouth tastes my blood. A cool dampness touches my fevered face. For a moment I am transported to a place beside a river where he promised he loved me. A woman wipes my face and touches my lips but I can’t speak. Thank you my friend. You don’t know me, but you risked death at the hands of these rabid dogs who pursue me and tear at me. You sacrificed your safety for me. Father, bless her. I must move on. I leave the cool comfort of that damp cloth. I leave one who helps me. A gift for you Veronica. A gift. Knowledge of who I am. I must move on. A sheep to be sacrificed for many. They wander, lost, without any guidance and I will go take their pain so they can be filled. Father, I am cut off and alone so that my friends may be healed. Heal them and send a guide so they no longer wander, poor, lost, and scattered sheep. Weeping, I move forward. Do you think I am weeping for myself as you weep for me? I do look a sorry sight don’t I? The lost and beaten Son of One who is gone away. But weep not for me as I do not weep for myself. “Weep for yourselves and for your children” who can’t see me or hear me. Or is it that they won’t? They do what they will, not what the Father wills. “My eyes run with tears.” Why has the Lord afflicted me with his blazing anger? Father forgive them for they cannot console me. They don’t know me. Give your word again, Father. Give life again. Give commands again. I lie in the dust so that they may have life. Father! I can’t bear this! I can’t see. I can’t speak. I can hear the roar of their jeers. They would devour me. I am weak and ravaged, yet you are my strength. It is in my weakness that I am strong for then I lean on you. They strip my clothes. The mud-dried garment sticking to my skin rips my skin off. Naked I came and you held me. Naked and alone I lie here while nails pierce my flesh. They steal my bloody clothes and turn their backs on me to play at dice. Then they raise me up. With a fearsome noise the beam they have nailed me to falls into a hole. The jolt of that setting in place shocks my every nerve. That wild animal scream; is that me? Reduced to this? A beaten, skinless beast, raw and screaming? Bind me, Father. Heal me, Lord. Let your waters pour out on me. Hatred and bitterness continue to beat at me. The hands that reached out to comfort the afflicted and rejected are smashed against a tree and nailed there. Father forgive them, for they know not what they do not know.

Father? Where are you? I was beloved. I was held against your chest. They have pierced me. But I ask you, Father to forgive them. Give them life. I know you are near for you have been at my side since the beginning. I accept your will. It isn’t easy Father. Sometimes your will is the hardest, most painful thing for me to do because I am selfish. Self-preservation is foremost in my mind. Die for them? Never would have crossed my mind. Like asking me to live with pigs — but you asked me to. You asked me to be love. And I am love because you asked me to be love. So I love them whether they act like animals or angels. They are your children Father, your creation and I love them as you asked me to. I accept crucifixion for them. Now Father, you show them the road through the cross to Resurrection. I will be life and you will help me to defy and to overcome the powers of death. In the silence I hear you Father and I move toward your chest again. Father! take my spirit into your hands and once again I put my head on your chest. Look Father. Some know me. They fall to their knees. The soldier knows. He will not let them hurt me any more although I’m already gone from them. The ones who know are sorry for having offended you, for answering you with the Cross. Look Father. They wrap my body in fine linen. Let us send forth our spirit to them. And then they too will experience the Resurrection. “With dawn comes rejoicing!” (Meditation based on “The Way of the Cross” 1965, Barton-Cotton, Inc, Baltimore, Md)

Susie's musings

The Battle of the Nightgowns!

When I pack a suitcase to visit Mom in Cleveland I don’t have to pack sweatshirts or nightgowns as Mom always promises, "I have plenty for you to wear!" Every night before I get into bed, there is a neatly folded flannel nightgown for me and in the morning, another sweatshirt Mom has decorated. Well, it’s cold this year in Cleveland, and I keep looking at the daffodils with their heads bent to the ground by the wind off Lake Erie, shivering….. The wind blows from Lake Erie right into Mom’s bedroom and I feel like one of those daffodils sometimes. I climb into my Dad’s side of the bed (he’s in a nursing home) and I muse off to sleep very cosy in one of Mom’s flannel nightgowns that she has placed on my side of the bed.

Last night I got bold and decided to challenge this "it’s Spring" thing Clevelanders keep touting. "Ha!" I chortled, "It’s Spring, the Indians won the home opener and it’s time for the fancy nightgowns!" I took a bath and put on Mom’s favorite Shalimar scented body lotion. Then I approached the treasure trove. You really can’t approach the treasure trove of fancy nightgowns without the ritual of wonderful body lotions. I opened the big dresser drawer like I was 5 years old again and I viewed the neatly folded satin nightgowns in white, pastel pink and cream colors. Real lace on the necklines and sleeves, Peignoirs, and on the left, aside from the spendor, the flannel nightgowns all neatly folded. "It’s Spring!" I told the flannels, "And I’m wearing this one!" I lifted out a nightgown that looked like a wedding dress! V neck studded with little pink satin ribbons that ladies tie in bows, one by one. Sleeves edged in creamy lace and little rose colored flowers. I slipped this wonder over my head and I was transported back to an image of my Mother gliding out of her bedroom. A tall, regal woman in a nightgown of pink, purple and green. She wore slippers with little tuffs on them. To the five year old me, she was tall and queen-like. I grinned when I saw the sleeves on this gown barely fall below my elbows and the hem of the gown falling mid calf. Mom is 5 feet tall and I am a good 8 inches taller! No matter; I slid on a little peignoir and try to figure out how to tie it. I felt like a ragged urchin girl who was transported into the Queen’s bedroom. "I don’t know how to tie this thing!" I mumbled. I made an awkward bow. Mom’s size tiny-petite slippers won’t fit, so I complete the ensemble with a pair of white athletic tube socks (Did I tell you it’s freezing here in Spring-time Cleveland?) I glided out into the living room to show off my treasure and my sister gasped with joy! "You look like a Princess! You need a tiara!" Mom laughed, "Where did you get that?" she smiled too with old memories. I glanced with distain on my subjects and I glided over to look out at Lake Erie, waves crashing against the shoreline. "It’s Springtime and I’m a daffodil, standing up straight." I grandly strolled to my seat on the couch in the wake of my spendor.

Later that night, I woke up several times and thought, "It’s cold in here. I haven’t been cold before this. What’s up? Did Mom take away a blanket? … No they’re all here. This is the same pile of fluffy blankets I’ve been sleeping in all week. Brrrrrr…." I rolled out of bed and went to the linen closet to get another blanket. I thought of the plains women who came across the wilds of America in wagons and who slept in flannel nightgowns in drafty log cabins. Well ladies! You were right weren’t you? Flannel nightgowns one and Fancy nightgowns zero.

Susie's musings

Under the Influence of Robert Frost


“WOW! A path with an island!” Mike yelled enthusiastically, “You can get through the yard two different ways!” I gazed at my little rock island with one half-dead rose bush and contemplated the work I had done in the last two weeks to create a pathway through the “rockeries” in the front yard. I left that little island in the middle of a path because it has some large coral rocks a builder left there years ago. I planted a rose bush there a while back near the rocks and I made feeble attempts to garden in the rocks, but a lack of sunlight and a northern exposure rendered my efforts to grow flowers useless. I was left with those big rocks and one half-dead rose bush. The rest of the front yard is small plantings surrounded with a maze of grass to maneuver if you want to get from one side to the other. What Mike commented on was my work as I systematically and manually laid pavers to redefine an old pathway I found when we dug up the yard to fix the plumbing. “You should write about how to build pathways!” Chuck added helpfully and turned to Mike to discuss the latest yard sprinkler project. The two neighbors wandered off to discuss water pressure and sprinkler heads as I stood rummaging through my memory as lines from an old poem played in my head. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”
What was I thinking when I began this project of building pathways? Kneeling on my gardening rug, digging up the front yard with garden trowel and sometimes pick and shovel, smoothing the soil, picking out rocks, fitting and laying each stone paver by hand…”How to build pathways?” I snorted, “No one does this kind of work manually any more!” I turned, but the boys were gone, leaving me to think about pathways diverging, making choices, accomplishing grand things and a quality hand-made job well done.

Susie's musings

Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

This is the sixth station of the Cross. If you look at the picture, you see a woman wiping the face of Jesus. Legend tells us that the image of Jesus’ face stayed on the cloth. He left Veronica a gift. Who is Veronica? We don’t hear about her in Scripture. The four Evangelists do not mention her in the Passion of Christ, but she is real to us nevertheless. The name Veronica comes from the Latin and means “true image.” She is one who is filled with compassion at seeing a suffering man. She sees through the dirt and sweat to His true image, to His pain. She steps forward through columns of armed soldiers to wipe the blood and sweat off the face of the suffering man. She puts her safety on the line for the sake of giving comfort to one not as “lucky” as she is. You see, she is a sinner; He is not, but He is taking on her sin. Step out there today and wipe the face of one who is less fortunate. He might be Jesus and you will “see” His face.

Westwood Lake

Sue’s first tomato

Sue loves dirt. She’s happy moving wheelbarrows full of soil back and forth for Chuck’s purposes, weeding and mulching around small trees, digging for a conch shell garden, but perhaps her favorite dirt is found in her garden.

Her garden is a tiny patch of The Peabody Estate, nestled behind the shed and new beach right next to the Hutson’s gate (through which their dogs enjoy the view). Her garden may be tiny, but it contains a huge variety of flowers and vegetables.

A few days ago Susie gave me the tiniest tomato. Apparently it fell off its vine and wasn’t quite ripe – but after a few days sitting on a windowsill, it brought joy to my salad with bright colors and great flavor. God bless Sue and her garden! Mike

Susie's musings

Four Good Friends

How Much We Need Four Good Friends…

Have you ever stood or sat paralyzed when someone asked you to do something or it was your turn to say something and you couldn’t move or speak? For me the paralysis is accompanied with a sudden sweat and a pounding in my head!!! I find it amazing how I can attend Mass daily and love Jesus, but when asked to “do” something, I turn to ice water, my feet frozen to the floor in terror! I remember the first time Father signaled to me when there were not enough Eucharistic ministers! Only two people stood up at the altar to perform Eucharistic Minister duties and Father looked straight into my eyes and nodded, “Susan, come here.” Like a poor frightened child, I ducked my head and my eyes replied, “Not me! I’m not ready! I’m not worthy!” A woman stood up in the back and walked to the altar and I realized I was sweating… with fear? Of what? (“Oh Lord I am not worthy.”)

What if the four men carrying a paralyzed friend to Jesus had suddenly frozen up in fear of approaching the Lord, of breaking into someone’s house by tearing a hole in their roof or of lowering their paralyzed friend through the roof into the midst of a bunch of people maybe above the four friends’ social status? The great Teacher and the scribes from the Temple were in that house…. What if the four friends had said, “We can’t DO THAT!” The paralyzed man would have remained on his bed, alone and unsaved. Instead his four friends took advantage of the presence of God and grabbed their friend to take him to Jesus. When the way was blocked by obstructions, they found another way! Illegal? Maybe. Hard? Very. But get to Jesus they must. The motivation, “Our friend needs the Lord!!!” had to be foremost on their minds. For the full story, see the Gospel of Mark 2: 1-12.

I’m not suggesting that anyone “break and enter.” And fortunately our churches and rectories are open most of the time. Many churches are blessed to have Perpetual Adoration chapels open 24 hours a day so we can go to the Lord most anytime. But if we can’t work up the nerve to stand up and approach the Lord or we don’t know how to approach the Lord (“Oh Lord I am not worthy…”), then just wait! I remember vividly at an Emmaus retreat a woman taking me in her arms and leading me, saying “don’t be afraid, just trust me…” She led me to a chair and said “wait here.” I thought at that time, “This must be what sitting at the gate of heaven feels like!” I was so grateful that someone came to get me as I stood paralyzed and unable to walk to the Lord myself. She walked with me and sang to me and said, “Be not afraid.” Was she the hand of God? Yes she was; a good friend. I believe to this day, she brought me to Jesus when I couldn’t go on my own. Friends… if you have a friend who needs help, first pray for guidance and then… bring your friend into the presence of the Lord. Gently whisper “Be not afraid, for I am with you.” Even our prayer can move someone. Don’t be afraid… Be one of the four good friends and don’t be defeated by the obstacles keeping you from bringing your friend to the Lord… You might not “fit” into the gathering either by your social status or your education, but the Lord wants you to come. My pastor writes, “The men that carry the sick man and that lower him through the roof symbolize a community that takes the suffering to the feet of Jesus. We, as a community, can be the instrument by which the sick and distant are taken to God with our prayers, faith, service and example. Upon seeing the faith of the brothers of the community, Jesus approaches the paralytic man and forgives his sins.

What if we don’t take a friend to the Lord? We might ignore opportunities the Lord places before us all the days of our friend’s life. Then we might just one day be carrying our friend when it is too late. Do it now. God bless you good friend.

Susie's musings

Men in my backyard

Chuck and I are blessed to have lots of friends. Surely Mike is to be considered a best bud as he filled in his eroded beach and I have taken half that dirt OUT to fill various needs in my yard. Mike provides the hoses and water, the expertise on wierd stuff and the photos. Mike provides topics for my books when I’m blank. As for the other men in my yard, they are dolls too. I noticed new muscles on Chuck’s arms from work, work and work with shovel and hammer. Thanks to the guys who stood on Chuck’s rikkety ladders and helped put the martin house back up after hurricane season… the martins are back today singing and dancing in their slightly cock-eyed home (in case you didn’t know… coming back to the same "house" every year is a thing martins do… Mike and I think it’s a genetic thing like the swallows coming back to Capistrano…) Today is a beautiful sunny day with blue sky. Thank God! Have a great day my friends!

Westwood Lake

who’s got a hot tub?

Not me!!! Dear dears. The hot tub just drove out the drive way. We gave it away to a nice family who will actually go in it! I have to admit. It sat on my patio for 2 years…. I went in it once when Heather and Perry owned the house.. Then with the rebuild after the hurricanes it was "what are we gonna do with the hot tub????" Today we rolled it out to the driveway and voted (the neighbors were a quorum and we voted "get rid of it…. Chuck and Sue don’t know the meaning of the word maintenance") and Chuck and I went out to dinner and the neighbors were loading it on to a trailer when we came home from dinner…. Bye bye a way of life… imagine floating in the hot tub while looking out at the lake. Never did it so .. well you know the rest. We also have a canoe I’ve never been in…. Sometimes I feel guilty!!!!! Love and kisses from a lady who has it all! Susie

Westwood Lake

Another day digging

Oh how I love digging. My hands are blistered. My ears are full of dirt. My back hurts. But I can see we’re making progress and my entire body is reminding me that I’m alive! Mike