Susie's musings

Absolutely Amazing weather

October might be the best weather here on Big Pine Key, although October can also be the time of the great hurricanes. The weather man said yesterday that we now turn our eyes to the Caribbean for hurricane formation. It’s not over yet… November 1 is the "official end" of hurricane season. This month, October, has seen wind from the north, east and west. Every day is dramatically different! I sat outside on the dock last night and watched the high tide lap the sea wall (high tides from the Super moon activity). I have been witnessing amazing sunrises, and just glorying in the "cool" days. It’s not really cool, but the breeze chills one down. Well, not exactly chills, rather, the breeze dries the sweat! I love to hang laundry on the line and watch it take off and flap! Had to bring in the flag to keep it from self destructing. Happy autumn.