Susie's musings

Apple Picking

Today we talked of Robert Frost as we drove over beautiful tree lined country roads to the apple orchards.  We did not pick apples as it was raining and it rained even harder after we bought bags of apples and ran to the cafe for cinnamon-apple pancakes with real maple syrup. Voted the best apple orchard in New Hampshire, the little apple farm offers self-pick apples or buy the bags, and buy jams and jellys and other lovely gifts. We will make a pie later making the crust and filling here at Linda and Joe’s farm "Gate Bella" The Beautiful Gate.  There is a soft rain falling, but later, I will pick swiss chard from the "upper garden" and we’ll have it with meat loaf covered with Linda’s tomatoes and other goodies from the gardens.  Linda grows her own herbs, garlic and onions so we could just stay here and eat out of the garden… which we do except for example… the little trip to the apple orchard. I painted yesterday and I have 3 books stacked up to read. God is good and this is a little slice of Paradise here in New Hampshire.  God bless you!