Susie's musings

When you come to visit, bring your sneakers

Hi dear friends. The recovery from a brain injury is all "up in the air" and scary. Have I used this word "scary" before? It ranks right up there with uncommon and unique which describe Chuck’s injury. Every day, with friend Dave, Chuck walks a vigorous 1 1/2 mile swinging his cane "for exercise" (and me tagging along behind saying "OK boys, wiggle your fingers, stand up straight, long strides!"). Today they went off alone while I wait for a call on the neuro surgeon appointment and a neurology doctor’s appointment. We had visitors last night after rehab (we celebrated the sunset inside as it is a little chilly). "Winter is acomin’ in" at about 60 degrees and windy. I know this is a balmy summer’s day for some of you! But we are bundled in sweatshirts and socks! During the visit Chuck talked about things and I kept thinking, his memory is not impaired at all. Usually Debby and I look at each other and nod as if to say, "See he remembered that or that…" last night Debby was somewhat behind me, but I knew what she was thinking. His memory is good, just need to clear up the fog in his brain which might take a while. Slowly, with baby steps. OK my dears. Feel free to visit our balmy winter sunshine! Even with Susie not outside pulling weeds our back yard and lake is gorgeous in this pre-winter splendor. God bless you and keep you safe. Love Sue