Susie's musings

Day 13. A Whale of a Day!

I did not purchase a whaling tour, but we saw whales!!! A mama and a baby! rolling, diving, wonderful!!!!! We were out for about 4 hours looking at he shoreline and the pretty houses, hotels, mountains, and in the distance spotted what some thought were porpoise! Watched the whales for almost 1/2 hour as mama brought baby in close… ! My first up close and personal whale watching! We are tired and Chuck is still coughing. He talked the entire cruise tour with two gentlemen; one is from a sister submarine, the Picuda. Chuck invited him to the submarine reunion this coming May!!! I chatted nostalgically about Eastern Airlines, System One, EDS, etc etc with a lady who worked for American/Sabre/EDS. Small Small world. God bless you tonight. Happy Sunday.