Susie's musings

Crusin’ days 1 and 2

Always getting on the ship for us is stressful especially when we have to carry our "jewels" and the tuxedo. I’ll never forget a lady who complained on a back to back cruise where she had to change cabins… "oh! but I have to empty the safe and carry my jewels!"… Chuck and I looked at each other with great mirth. It’s become a catch phrase when I want to claim laziness… "Oh but I have to carry my jewels!" So after the lifeboat drill, I was looking tired and grumpy and Chuck said "Lets go get you some champagne"… There was a BOGO 1/2 of so we ordered 2 bottles of Veuve Cliquot… then moved on to the Safari club for Diamond Club drinking. Watched the sunset from aft sitting on barstools and chatting with new friends… Too much wine and champagne for Susie… We missed dinner and ate in the windjammer. It was good. Then we went to a great comedy show. It was good. Bed. End Day 1.

Cruise Day 2 opened sunny and sleepy for a hung over Susie. I didn’t get my appetite back until 3pm when I snacked on cookies from the Solarium. I did not swim for a full hour as I was feeling very sleepy!!! A 2 hour nap restored me. So in summary: Day 2 was eat, Thomas Kincade, Dali and Disney lecture, swim & hot tub, nap…. Ah!!!! cookies, dress for formal night. drink champagne. Oh!!! While I slept, Chuck met with some veterans and they had a good meeting full of service talk. Finally made it to dinner on time and our dinner partners are from a town near the Mississippi River in Geneseo, Illinois… I’m trying to talk Chuck into going back to Miami, after we see all the monuments, via the Mississippi River Road… We will see. I AM the navigator. But that’s the far distant future… early April. Finally… the show last night was Beatle Maniacs!!!! They sang an hour of Beatles songs with a tribute to the great George Harrison. How sweet and nostalgic. End. Day 2. God bless you!