Susie's musings

From Canada with Love

Greetings dear readers! I have been dark for a few days as I bought internet on the ship but it did not work well for me…. I did not log off properly and it ate up all my minutes!!!! Anyhow, we have been so busy there has not been time to write!!! Highlights were meeting a Catholic group that celebrates daily Mass and took me and Chuck on a tour to Saint Ann du Beaupre in Quebec where we celebrated Mass and a healing service. I have been asking for health for me as I have had a cough since about June that has only gotten progressively worse,…. I am thinking my bronchials are very angry. Will contact doctor for a visit as soon as we get home Oct 10ish. We walked the streets of Quebec for two days and really enjoyed the beautiful city!!!! Yesterday was an antique car festival both on the lower level and up higher!!!! The streets of Quebec climb UP and UP to what I call a boardwalk and they call the Terrasse! Lovely views of the St Laurence Seaway. As the days have pâssed we have become more and more aware of the damage to our three houses!!!! The renter at the big house 2061 Coral Way moved out and so people we have hired have access to fix the ceiling in the living room that collapsed from wind blown rain. We do not know the extent of roof damage but will be there soon enough to hire a roofer to give us an estimate…. We seem to have power in both houses and the renters are moved into the smaller house where they needed a new water heater as the old one flooded! The porch walls are soggy and collapsing and we have friend Perry from Miami looking at that. As for Miami, there was a roof leak that people staying there discovered and they were able to collect the water in a bucket, put a temporary fix on and our roofer friend Karen Rodman sent a roofer out for the repair! All our dealings have been via text and phone when in port! We arrive New York Oct 6 and will be on I95 headed south on Oct 7. God bless our travels and God bless you!