Susie's musings

Miracle of Mother Nature

We had quite a drama this weekend, but all has turned out beautifully! On Friday afternoon, our cousins Laura and Dennis came to visit with their sweet, albeit large, white shepherd, and cute, albeit active, blond cocker spaniel. We put up a light fence around the walkway area to keep the curious dogs away from the nesting area, and we put up a doggie fence between our house and Mike’s to keep the curious dogs IN. All went well for about 35 seconds after we settled down when the duck, creeped out by a sniffing cocker spaniel, took off for regions unknown. She hung out under Mike’s big tree and occasionally went swimming, for the whole weekend. This morning, Monday, when family and dogs left, Chuck and I took down the fences and started praying. A mama duck with small teenagers was near by, and our displaced Mama was hanging out with them so I went out into Mike’s yard with bread crumbs and drew them 1/2 way across Mike’s yard toward our house. Then I left them for about 15 minutes and went back out again casting the crumbs into my yard. Sure enough the hungry little teenagers came a’running, and the 2 females with them. Our mama duck hung back, but sat for a long time watching the teenagers eat. Chuck and i then left for morning walks and when I got home, I peaked out the window and…. she is on the nest!!!!!!! Now if nature works right, those eggs should hatch this week, as it takes about 28 to 30 days for hatching. We found them on April 17. Today is 28 days…. I don’t know if a nest can be un-sat on for 3 days. All we can do is wait. As if this is all that consumes us!!! We will be going to Northport Florida on June 7 to eat a last meal with Dennis. Chuck says not to call it a last meal. Sounds too ominous. I mean… He has to be on liquids only after that meal until prostate surgery on Friday. Chuck and I will baby sit the 2 dogs allowing Laura to take her hubby to the hospital and feel free to stay there until surgery is finished and Dennis is settled into recovery. One overnight is planned and he will be back home Saturday the 10th. Dennis is a big teddy bear of a man. I can’t say "big" any more. He has lost 100 pounds he says in 10 years…. but it sure is a good thing to be entering our 70s at a good fighting weight!!! Hope you aren’t too hot as this spring has been hot in South Florida. God bless you.