Susie's musings

Tortola BVI

So what’s this all about? A bunch of little tiny islands owned by big conglomerate countries…. US owns a few, Britain owns a few… Dutch have a handful (the ABC islands), and I still haven’t had time to research why the US purchased the USVI in 1917 from the Danes… . So Chuck has a theory…. He says, anything Great Britain does we have to have some too. Great Britain owns some islands so we purchased some too. It seems that the British Virgins are a lot richer than the US Virgins. Today in Tortola we saw the rich and the poor… marinas full of large expensive sail boats and a few streets inland very poor houses for the "natives". Go figure. It was hot today, but I stood around while an island lady made me a cross out of blown glass. She asked if she could pick my color and I said yes… it is teal just as I would have picked. Beautiful. We came onboard and swam in the pool (me for an hour, Chuck a little less)… and then we got some wonderful travel tips for our Scotland trip from the Mum (Carole) of our cruise entertainment manager (Grant). She lives in Aberdeen and she recommended we get a B&B on the shore near Aberdeen and tour from there.  I’ll get with our friend Margaret from Lanark Scotland and make plans. This is for our Scotland tour in May 2018. I am still blessed to have daily Mass with Father Connolly, and today… the message was…. Jesus said "you will betray me" and both Judas and Peter said…. "Not me!!!! I wouldn’t do that" and I wrote in my book "Don’t boast on what I think I can control in myself! ‘Cause I can’t control myself. I can’t keep Satan from entering me like he entered Judas (see John 13: 21-38). Lord keep me safe; keep me from my own weakness!"

I’ll be a lector at Easter Sunday Mass in the theater! Big theater, stage, microphone… I might get a practice session in a little before Mass. Tomorrow is Dominica. We have a tour planned and will walk around the town also. I’ll write more tomorrow… Be kind.  God bless you!!!