Susie's musings

helping others!

Part of being a friend is doing the heavy work. Chuck and I have been carrying loads of household goods to Huntington Island for friends Peter and Karen who are leaving Miami. Chuck and I might be the last to leave Miami… And it might just be to our niches on Big Pine Key. That sounds gruesome but this lake house could be our final home. I hope I don’t ever have to go into a nursing home… Rather live out our last days here on the lake. We will be driving up to Hutchinson Island today with van and trailer full. Unload, take out some shelving units that I’ll be putting in the art room replacing 2 file cabinets. Hope to get a dip in the club house pool and head home tomorrow.

Today might be the last of our 10 day Shred. We have been doing 2 smoothies and keeping dairy, gluten, caffeine and alcohol free… Walking almost every day huffing and puffing!!! Lost 4 1/2 pounds. Will continue to keep a clean diet and will continue to help others. Last night at Emmaus meeting we prayed a beautiful Rosary. Each decade began with meditations of Mary speaking. Can you imagine the Annunciation, the visit to Elizabeth, the birth of Jesus, the presentation in the Temple and then losing Jesus at 12 years old? Back to the Temple to speak with his Father. Can you imagine seeing those events in a meditation with Mary speaking? Keep Mary close… She has been through all the events of Motherhood. She has kissed the face of God. God bless you.