Susie's musings

Mail in or go to the poll?

I have done both mail in and gone to the poll to vote on election day… and I have to say, yesterday I did a happy medium! I did early voting at a local library. I was so impressed by the speed, efficiency and good humor of the people at the polling location and this includes the voters, the sign shakers outside, and the poll workers. As the short line snaked through the children’s section of the library, I thought how fitting it is to vote in a library. Books being the symbol of democracy (the pen being mightier than the sword).. and how calm it was. Good humor from people near me meant we weren’t stressed, no guns, no violence. Peace, calm. There were several issues, primary of course is the Presidency which I capitalize because I still hold on to the belief that the President and the office is to be respected. Let us pray that continues. I had such a good experience that I came home dancing and singing my exuberance that Chuck decided to forgo the mail in ballot and I just dropped him off at the library for early voting! There are 4 guys helping with parking, and some firefighters giving directions. It’s positively positive out here! We have an addendum on the ballot to give benefits "above and beyond" to first responders disabled on the job. Go for it is our vote. Go vote!!!! God bless America!