Susie's musings

pegging the sheets

When we stay with Sally and Bill in Harefield cottage, in Bude, we do as much as we can to help, but no one is as efficient as Bill and Sally. I rushed to do my laundry, but I was late getting back from the West Bay Inn pub after visiting Mervyn and Brenda. (Mervyn is recovering nicely, thank God) yesterday and our laundry was already pegged. Then Sally cooked a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings including Yorkshire pudding. Yum. Harefield will be sold in September and Sally and Bill might relocate closer to the children. This morning I will try to help Bill hang sheets but he plies me with croissants and coffee… Gotta go, there’s marmalade with those croissants. Off to Totnes as soon as Chuck finishes packing the car. God bless you.