Susie's musings

Arrived: Harwich port

Good day dear friends and family. Here’s an update: We are very happy with the cruise so far. Chuck got over-tired with staying up every night to after midnight in the King and Country Pub… and I am normal trying to run up and down the stairs but not getting any better with the exercise. So I just hump and huff along out of wind! I will be blogging all along but let me give you a snap shot of today. Cold and rainy… I got off the ship with my new sail and sign card and I checked out the terminal here at Harwich and found the rental car place which tells me I will be able to get a porter to carry our (many) bags of luggage to the car rental site…. Should be no problem (as the Italians say… "Normale") Back on the ship without troubles and at noon we get a fancy lunch in the Chops Grille. For now, it’s sit and read while we wait for the thundering hoardes to get on. So far Brilliance staff has been wonderful and food great. Love to you and God bless you.