Susie's musings

49 48 47 N headed for Normandy (Omaha Beach)

This is our Latitude/Longitude this Saturday morning… interesting, and we are headed for 0 degrees W. I remember studying latitude and longitude in school… So every day we look at the map and see our numbers and where we are. We will "land" at Cherbourg, France at 2pm and begin our tour to the beaches at Normandy at 2:15. We will travel through the first town that the allies liberated (we needed to take the road to keep the Germans from getting to the beaches when they found out they were being invaded). We have received our passports and passed through English immigration already and we still have France and Belgium on this leg of the tour. At 8:30 am there was little wind (8 mph), 55 degrees air temp. and 4796 nautical miles traveled so far. Blue sky! I’m off to the pool for bouncing exercise! Happy Saturday and God bless you and God bless our American soldiers.