Susie's musings

Sticky hot and barbeque

Today (Saturday) started cool in Orlando, damp with dew and maybe a hint of autumn? Or is it just my wish for autumn? I woke up early enough to get to both Rosary and Mass at a sweet little church near Renee’s and it was lovely. I sat right in front of a statue of the Blessed Mother and prayed for those many of us who need a little help, hugs, smiles, healing, and well, conversion. The Gospel was one we all must know from either school or hearing a preacher talk about "talents"… Before leaving town on a trip, a rich man gave one of his servants 5 talents, to the second, he gave 2 talents, and to the third he gave 1 talent. When he returned, the one to whom he gave 5 said, "I used the talents you gave me and have 10 talents to give back to you!" "Well done good and faithful servant; you are faithful; I will give you more; come share your master’s joy!" the master replied. The second servant said, "You gave me 2 talents and I used them and have 4 to return to you!" Again, another "Well done!" The third servant whimpered, "I knew you were a hard man, so I buried my talent and am now returning one talent to you…." And we all know what happened. That guy who buried his talent and did nothing with it was thrown out into the darkness gnashing his teeth. I always smile when I hear this gospel,. We know that talents are gifts (often people call talents "God-given gifts") We have the talent from birth and we can refuse to use it out of fear or laziness or stubbornness or greed (for example one could become a teacher or an artist and not earn a lot of money, or one could sell things and make hoards of money… squandering the talent he was born with.) After reading the gospel (Matthew 25:14-30), the deacon strode forward and started to talk and I started taking notes! As he began, I wrote, "Am I using my talents; doing what the Lord has called me to do? Am I afraid to do something?" and the deacon said, "Jesus is always willing to help, just ask him. All you have to do is ask and then start!" He talked about how he went to visit a sick person in the hospital and that person said, "That lady needs you more, she’s dying and she’s afraid…" He said, he gulped as he was a new deacon without a lot of experience but he went and took the dying lady’s hand and talked to her. She said she didn’t believe in religion or Jesus, but the deacon kept holding her hand and talking. Soon, the lady started crying and asked for help. The deacon rushed to find a priest who just happened to be nearby who anointed the lady. She died very soon after that. How hard it is to wade into a difficult situation where someone needs us…. I often say "Yikes, I don’t think I can do that; I don’t think I can find the right words…" And remember the prophets who told God, "I’m too young, I’m too small…" I think this is all about service. When we see a need, we must wade in and take a hand… sit with someone and the Lord will come. I can’t make someone happy, or joyful, or believe in the Lord, but I can be the Lord’s hands and feet.

(Sunday) Mass began with "Here I am Lord, I will go Lord… show me the way." (Is the Lord telling me something?) The first reading was from St Paul to the Romans 12:1&2… "renew your mind that you will discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect." And the gospel was the one where Peter stepped up and tried to make Jesus not go to Jerusalem to die…. and Jesus said in a way that would be quite scary… "get behind me Satan!" (Matthew 16:21-27). Satan is so real! He enters into us and he is our "human" thinking… choosing the easy way, the profitable way; creating obstacles to the "good, pleasing and perfect." We create obstacles to the grace God pours out on us and obstacles to believing in God’s promises. It isn’t easy to believe God’s promises when things are all going wrong! I can say yes or no to serving God with my faith… Let me say YES! Once we soften up and believe, then we can be sure that one day and maybe even in this life we will see his face! How can I be full of anything except Thanksgiving! Sow the seeds of peace and God bless you!

What does barbecue have to do with this? We have been eating very well at Renee’s barbecuing great steaks, ribs, and sausages…. and we ate a whole watermelon in two days! (burp) YUM. Happy end of summer.