Susie's musings

Old Birthday girl learns a new trick

Today, as I have stated to anyone within ear shot for the past 19 days… is my Birthday! Today the princess does pretty much what she wants (which is like… every day). What the Old Girl learned: In Yoga class, I did a pose and felt stress in my shoulders. "Heck", I thought, "ouch in my shoulders". I am already practicing lowering my shoulders which hunch up to my ears whenever I am concentrating or posing or lifting…. So today when I felt that old familiar tension in the shoulders, I stopped. I stood and breathed and rolled my shoulders around and said, "not the shoulders; use the thighs and butt." I went back into the pose not using the shoulders and, viola!, used my thighs and butt, and felt nothing in the shoulders. As I said: viola! Tummy tucked, butt ("sit bones") out, chest out, neck up but not chin up. WOW! Now, I still can’t stand on one foot and do a "tree" pose, and I can’t balance worth a darn on one foot and swing my leg back and forth… but I will. Still have the men here. George put up a LED light outside the front door and took down a rusty light fixture that I said… "I think I can paint on that!" And Rick L. put in a new A/C duct into the guest room, so prepare to come and be chilled. probably the guest room will get ALL the air now.

During meditation after Yoga I saw a butterfly land on a flower. I painted a flower yesterday so….Today I’ll paint butterflies. May you see butterflies! Love, God bless you! Sue