Susie's musings

Friday already????

Hi dear friends!  The day after Memorial day (Tuesday) Chuck and I arrived in Fremont, Michigan with all our "stuff" in the car. George Carlin would be proud of us!  We have stuff, buy more stuff, and carry everything on holiday!!!  Michele had lists of things for Chuck to do, and she and I set out to clean out some wall units and kitchen closets.  She is listing her house for sale, and I am being the Aunty Susie making her get rid of stuff, like my sister Sarah once did to me when she made me pare down my wardrobe that included sizes 6 to 16…  "Do you really need that?"  "Does that fit?"  "Will you EVER wear that???"  and about the kitchen cupboards:  "Do you really need 55 coffee mugs?" (ask me and I’ll look sheepish).  "This cracked dish, can you imagine eating soup out of that without the soup pouring out the crack?"  We filled one of those giant trash cans like we have in Miami and Chuck carried out the rugs that Michele had on the basement porch floor which overflowed the cans.  True to our ways, this morning when we heard the trash man truck, Chuck leaped out of bed with money in hand to bribe the trash man, but the guy had emptied the can and taken the damp rugs before Chuck got out there!  Mission accomplished, Michele and I headed for Grand Rapids where she had a doctor appt and we brought the car in for repairs.  We are now waiting for the car at the internet cafe (Mercedes dealers have cookies, tea, and PCs).  Chuck is on his way down to South Haven, Terry’s marina, with the dog Salty, and Michele and I will get there when the car is ready.   It is sunny and beautiful in Fremont, Michigan.  We plan to arrive at cousin Carol Huddleston’s in Dublin Ohio on Saturday late afternoon.   More to follow as soon as I see internet again!  Happy summer!  Love Susie